New CoQ10 200mg

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hi there Andrew Lessman here talking about our coenzyme q-10 I'm proud to say that my company was likely the first company to bring coenzyme q-10 to America from Japan where it was originally made back in 1984 I know I'm kind of dating myself when I say that but that's about 34 years ago when we introduced coenzyme q10 and since that time the only thing that has occurred is coenzyme q10 went from being something that no one thought about no one was really all that interested in to being perhaps one of the most important and popular supplemented and I would almost say quasi vitamins it truly is almost a vitamin in your body it functions exactly like a vitamin and if your body couldn't make a little bit of coq10 it would technically be the most important vitamin imaginable because your body can't make energy without it it's it's such a critical nutrient in terms of the optimum functioning of our most important organs in our body our heart our brain our liver our kidneys because none of those systems none of those organs those systems all depend on those organs functioning optimally and energy is what determines how well they can function and as we get older our coq10 levels drop significantly in our heart for instance about 50% the levels of coq10 at age 80 as we had it say H 35 so coq10 is something that if we wonder about or worry about energy availability in our body it's central to that process and it doesn't just affect the tissues in our vital organs like our brain or our heart but also things like our skin because the cells of our skin require energy and unlike a say out in the world here energy is brought to us we have lights here in the studio the energy comes from a power plant elsewhere in our body every single cell all the trillions of cells in your body are responsible for though they're independent energy production they can't rely on their neighbor so all of your skin cells in order to be healthy and vibrant and vital and whether it's the cells that grow your your nails or grow your hair they all require their own independent energy supply and coq10 is central to that production of energy on a cellular level unlike typical coq10 products we also make sure that all of the ancillary all of the partners that coq10 requires in terms of energy production in terms of other nutrients we deliver those as well full be complex including our special b12 we also because coq10 can recycle itself with vitamin C we also give you a full vitamin C with the product many folks would argue that this is just as important as a foundational nutritional supplement as my essential-1 multivitamin because when you get this you get a full be complex and vitamin C and you get Co Q 10 and Co Q 10 you merely just can read the reviews to get a sense of how essential it is and even if you just go online and do the research on coq10 ubiquinone and we deliver the best form the most affordable way to enjoy the benefits of this product spending five times more on ubiquinol the science the research the clinical studies does not indicate that that's a wise investment so this way you spend far less and you get far more benefits and of course our product is more comprehensive than any other product likely the most positively and well reviewed kakouton mark product you're going to find anywhere in the marketplace certainly anywhere online it's an opportunity to make a difference you could feel because energy is at the core of who we are everything we do everything we experience our body's ability to maintain itself our body's ability to heal itself to repair itself it all centers around having adequate energy in every single cell of our body many folks think that the the secret to energy is going to be one of those quick energy drinks or a hit of caffeine yeah that will provide energy it provides energy in the short term and there's always a long-term consequence to that energy to me what's far more common sense than simply stimulating our nervous system or our bodies with caffeine is to give the tools that we start lacking at a relatively early age and if we're under stress if we have a less than ideal diet if we take certain medications like cholesterol-lowering drugs or antidepressants or antihypertensives or drugs for that's fry blood pressure or drugs for us your per osis these all lower our internal coq10 levels so it almost goes without saying that as we age we need supplemented Co Q 10 and it's something that makes a profound difference and it's something that when you enjoy the benefits of this product you get a sense of how well your body can function when you actually listen to it and give it what it needs so again like all my products comes with a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee enjoy
Channel: HSNtv
Views: 19,078
Rating: 4.8156681 out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Lessman, New CoQ10 200mg
Id: jo-aMtKAMGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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