Caral - Supe: The oldest civilization in the Americas - HQ

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from its beginnings archaeology has sought to answer one fundamental question when did human civilization begin where is the origin of our current way of life and for a long time the archaeological community agreed that there were only six societies in the entire world that were capable of generating civilizations in antiquity Mesopotamia Egypt India China Mesoamerica and Peru and believed that the youngest settlements located in the Americas however one discovery made on the Peruvian coast in 1994 would change this theory for all time got out souping the oldest civilization in the Americas the city of corral capital of one of the world's oldest civilizations lies in the soup a River Valley located between the north central Andes and the Pacific Ocean and only a hundred and eighty-two kilometers from the city of Lima Ruth shadi a Peruvian archeologist came to this place in 1994 and there she made one of the most important archaeological discoveries in history the city was previously designed its construction was planned and this shows us that there was a social hierarchy and a government as well as an organized labor force this is something that is demonstrated throughout the entire work and is so well highlighted that visitors can actually see it Calo vc10 bequeathing Abra Thea 5000 years ago when the Sumerian cities in Mesopotamia for the pyramids in Giza in Egypt were being built here urban centers like this one at Kadam which would have been one of the most important were being constructed in this valley and others in the north-central region of Peru or Easter Egg are algae uno de los más importantes this changes all our known history because Corral now becomes the main culture which Julio cirqueo had already identified some decades before in shoving the wonderful wonder now we know that ravine dayuan turn was a continuation of a much older cultural tradition that would have begun 5000 years ago it is enough to visit Corral to have an idea of what the cultural process was the 4,400 years later gave rise to the Inca Empire Olympian Keiko the city of Koran was the main administrative center of a collection of 19 populated villages which made up the corrals soup a civilization and even today continues to provide us with new information about South America's oldest civilization chorale appeared around the year 2900 BC and was the home of a pre ceramic civilization that based its existence on trade initially it exchanged the cotton who cultivated for products from the sea that came from coastal villages little by little it's area of commercial influence grew to include what is today part of Ecuador and even the Highland jungle evidence of this is the different marine Andean and Amazonian products that have been found during the excavation fish and shellfish from the coast Ecuadorian shellfish like the spondylus mollusks and natural plants from the jungle like annatto and gourds and vegetable remains from the highlands like cacti and the yucca tree as well as birds like the red-billed parakeets and condors the canal supe civilization based its organization on religion the authorities were high priests and they performed rituals and celebrations to organize the specialized labors of the inhabitants and to maintain social order something that permitted them a high degree of development fire and music were employed in their massive religious ceremonies there are many special chambers within this city itself designed for keeping fires lit and archeologists have also discovered musical instruments made of animal bones that were used in the various rituals the corral soup a civilization also stands out for the scientific knowledge that they developed and applied to agricultural techniques building irrigation canals and agricultural terraces genetics textiles they created clothing and tools for the industry natural medicine they used plants to treat aches and pains measurement of time and climactic prediction through astronomical observations religious rituals they controlled fire and engineering they built large buildings the main constructions in corral are large pyramid shaped buildings and public plazas where they performed the grand religious ceremonies the buildings were made of stone and accentuated with decorative paints besides the public buildings there were two distinct types of very large residential districts discovered in corral those which are part of the public buildings that were used by higher status social groups such as public officials and those that are much simpler and located on the edge of the city probably used by the common citizens who made their living from production currently archaeological work is not finished and researchers continue excavations at full strength and other archaeological sites found in the superior Valley where the secrets of corral soupy and other valleys of north central Peru continue to be revealed to the world the majesty and the importance of kadal soupy and other findings in the area make it one of the world's tourist destinations par excellence particular due to its proximity to the city of Lima transportation facilities and access to the region Corral is unique because of its age there's nothing remotely like it in all the Americas until 1500 years later that is the importance of corral it must become a symbol so that we can consolidate our cultural identity improve our society's self-esteem and bring every one of us closer together as participants of just one cultural process which apart from the cultures and livelihoods was unique in Peru this means for us then that we should consider ourselves members of one nation in this case the Peruvian nation in chorale the magic of the past looks us straight in the eye and challenges us to imagine the genius and spirit of the ancient Peruvians they base themselves on the peaceful activities of trade and religion in order to rule over the rugged peruvian coast and wield influence over a vast geographical area thus leaving behind a legacy that we have been lucky enough to rediscover come to chorale relive the magic you
Channel: Visit Peru
Views: 582,450
Rating: 4.6047215 out of 5
Keywords: CARAL, ING
Id: k68CVL8LCXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2011
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