Capture and Create your own Custom 3D Materials | FULL WORKFLOW

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[Music] guys we have a problem i scoured the internet for concrete textures large scale concrete textures not the like close-up concrete that you get you know on every texture site i'm looking for large like dams or large drainage ditches you know that kind of stuff so what we're gonna do in this video is head to three different locations and capture a bunch of different large-scale concrete textures i'm going to show you guys all the different things you need to watch out for if you want to do this yourself we're going to stitch them together on site using wacom's new mobile workstation and then we're going to head back to the house and process everything in photoshop and i just dropped my concrete material pack it comes with 10 huge two massive scale seamless concrete materials all pbr all handmade ready to make your 3d scenes look super awesome 50 off for this week only link in the description so we're right under the middle of this giant beam right here i'm choosing this one because there's not any bunch of sticks or leaves on this one it's just pure concrete i'm going to throw this tripod down right in the middle of this thing and take a series of images across the whole top of this we can't capture all this in one image i'm gonna have to capture this in a bunch of individual images that'll be later stitched together in photoshop so i'm just trying to make sure that like i got like 40 to 70 percent overlap within that range another thing i'm doing is using the two second timer so that my micro movements in my hands don't add any motion blur all right so we just shot the whole underside of this bridge i'm going to bust out the wacom mobile studio then we'll hit our next two locations knowing that we're all set wacom's mobile studio is my go-to for any on-site work like this it's basically a laptop and a tablet in one it's great it's got a quadro p1000 gpu and a bunch of shortcut buttons to make things super easy and it's 4k resolution makes for these high-res screen caps so i'll go to file automate photo merge and we'll select the jpegs we just shot and hope for the best sweet yeah this looks good i think everything is stitched pretty nicely everything's working and we'll clean things up later on to the next spot look at this wall [Music] how though this wall is it's got like the pock marks it's got a bunch of cracks in it it's got a bunch of swipes and scrapes and it's got spray paint on it but then it's covered up by the city and then re-spray painted we got grunge marks leakage everything you could ask for built into this wall and we're gonna shoot shot by shot by shot down the length of this thing make it as long as you want so we're gonna go off the tripod on this one again make sure your guys's settings are all manualed out you want manual white balance you want manual shutter speed you want manual iso don't change your focal length keep it the same throughout so i'm just counting my steps [Music] i take five steps and that's the 40 to 70 overlap between each shot i'm making sure to not get too close to the wall and not to get too far away i'm keeping it consistent so basically between these two lines i'm just keeping that steady rate the whole time you want to avoid this kind of stuff these shadows any texture you're going to shoot you want to make sure it's like unlit there are no shadows that are determining its lighting condition this is flat enough that we can change it to however you want you know we can make it overcast when you bring it into your 3d program you can add a sunlight you'll get some cool shadows and stuff so this is perfect [Music] what are you gonna do about that keep going all right [Music] so we have officially shot out all of our concrete images we're gonna go back to the place stitch them together in photoshop and then we're going to process them all and turn them into usable textures for your 3d programs i'm going to show you guys how to make normal maps roughness and specular maps in photoshop and clean it up make it look nice let's do it now we shot two different types of panorama styles today traditional panoramas and linear panoramas for a traditional pano the series of images are taken from one fixed point like the underbridge series we did or the damn wall series for a linear pano the images are taken as you move from one spot to the next like in the case of our super long concrete wall or concrete ceilings a traditional pano is stitched pretty simply but a linear pano is much more involved and we'll go over both in this video starting with the full process on a traditional panorama stitch let's drag our 16-bit raw damn images into photoshop now since we shot raw it's going to open up adobe camera raw and that's exactly what we want because we want to remove any sort of lens distortion caused by our you know 24 millimeter lens on all of these images before we stitch them together it's gonna give you the best results so we have all of our images down below and hold shift select them all and under the optics tab i'm going to check the use profile corrections box and you can see when i turn this on and off it's just applying a very small correction to compensate for lens distortion and we can select our camera and the lens we used very specifically from a massive list here to get the right distortion correction the last thing we'll do is make a batch exposure adjustment so i'm just gonna hover over the histogram right in the middle and drag this up so that that mountain in this data is right in the center of the histogram and that'll give us a really nice exposure to work with so let's go ahead and open these up to stitch these images together let's go to file automate photo merge and we'll add open files yep this is fine these are all the files that we need and usually auto stitch with vignette removal checked is the way to go so let's just hit okay and that's a pretty flawless stitch just to give you an example this is with geometric distortion checked and this is with it unchecked so sometimes it can screw up your stitch but sometimes it works out so you just need to experiment with it now this looks like a pretty solid stitch right here so the next thing we'll want to do is align this image so all of our horizontal lines are truly horizontal and all the vertical lines are truly vertical without any sort of bending or stretching effects so i'll select all these images hit ctrl j to make copy ctrl e to merge them into one image and i'll just select the rest of these hit ctrl g to group them just in case we screw this up i'm going to hop back into adobe camera raw control shift a with that image selected and there's a really cool effect under the geometry tab so i'll open that up and on the far right you'll see this little uh hashtag looking sign and that's going to allow us to draw some reference lines that photoshop can use to straighten out this image we can figure that you know this line here along this edge is straight and probably this one here up the wall right about there so that's going to straighten things out left and right but we need to do top and bottom as well so probably this line looks pretty straight to me and to be honest i don't know if this bridge is curved or not but i'm just going to go for it and say that's a straight line and that looks pretty square to me you know we're not going to use this whole image we're just going to use about the center 60 percent of this thing so let's hit okay and take a look at the difference you see that things are a little bit more straight now so like i mentioned we don't want to use this entire image so we're going to have to crop it but i would urge you to be very conservative with the crop here because we can content aware fill things out very easily like this grass patch or these bars and stuff so i'm just gonna bring the top of this crop down to the first usable bits of concrete here this looks pretty good to me all right almost there let's just take care of all this stuff that we don't need for our texture like this grass and these bars and whatnot so i'll use a few tools to get rid of the grass the pipes and this concrete cylinder it's going to be the patch tool content aware fill the healing brush and the clone stamp tool so let's start with the patch tool set to source and let's just drag this to another spot that looks about right i'm just lining up with these lines here and it looks pretty natural to me that feels good now to fill this gap we can select this transparent space hit shift backspace make sure contents is set to content aware and hit ok and photoshop is going to reference the entire image to fill in these transparent areas pretty well next let's try and get rid of this cylinder i'm just going to do a selection around this keeping it pretty tight and let's grab this bush too and we'll do the same thing to get rid of that piece that looks pretty good let's grab the polygon lasso tool make a pretty tight selection around this water pipe here again shift backspace to content aware fill this water pipe out of existence and finally for this pipe here it's actually giving me trouble with the content aware fill tool so i'm going to try the spot healing brush on this one i'll click once at the bottom hold shift and click once at the top and that'll draw a straight line from point a to point b and completely get rid of that thing now you can get rid of this paint patch as well if you want this feels really good to me this is a really nice diffuse texture i'm digging this a lot now before we make this texture seamless i want to do a couple color correction edits on this thing let's make a levels adjustment i'll drag the gamma up just a bit and if you select the white box here next to the levels adjustment and hit control i for invert it's going to turn off the effect but if we grab a large soft brush at a low opacity and we set it to white we can actually paint on in this little box it's tiny but i'm sure you guys can see it and i just want to paint in a little bit of the areas that are feeling a little dark and on top of that i feel like there's a little bit of color balance issues between the concrete here so i'm going to make a photo filter effect crank it up just a little bit to warm things up we're going to do the same thing ctrl i to invert that adjustment and with that soft large white brush i'm just going to paint in the areas that i'm feeling like are a little cool that need to be warmed up just a bit and just like that this is feeling a little bit better to me so let's take all three of these layers hit ctrl j to duplicate control e to merge let's group these again just in case we screw this up so now it's time to make things seamless so when you tile this material in your 3d program you don't see the seams and this concrete wall will appear endless and the way to do that is essentially to go to filter other offset and type in half the value of your resolution in our case it's 60 59 by 60 59 roughly 30 30 by 30 30 and this will give you a tiled view of your image if we can make this image look like it's one image versus four quadrants then our texture will truly be seamless so i'm going to utilize the clone stamp tool to make this seamless you can have a large soft brush with a low opacity to build up your texture over time i found this is the best way to go when trying to maintain as much detail as possible content aware fill just kind of makes things look a little bit muddy and you can see that the sides are made seamless pretty easily but the top and bottom is a bit more difficult because there's this real nice layer of leaky grunge up at the top that you just don't have at the bottom so what i'm doing is copying a few of these cracks making them pretty dark and putting them right in the midline so it makes for a bit more of a natural loop than just leaving it as it is because mainly this texture will be used to tile left to right as opposed to up and down so this is looking like a really nice diffuse texture that tiles pretty well i'm just holding alt to test things out to see how it works generally this looks pretty nice so we have our first complete texture you can add some contrast with some levels here and maybe take down the saturation just a bit but this is a 6000 by 6000 image with plenty of resolution to get into and zoom up in for 3d i can't wait to use these on some large renders very excited but before we get into creating normal maps specular maps roughness maps and all that good stuff i want to talk to you guys about stitching a linear panorama so i'm in adobe lightroom i've imported my raw images and there's three things that we need to do to ensure that this can be stitched together properly so here's what i'm doing for every single image first i'm gonna apply the lens corrections i'm going to account for lens distortion so i'll check this on and off you can see it's taking care of vignetting and it's taking care of our lens distortion what you can do is go to develop settings we'll copy it and just make sure lens correction is checked uncheck everything else we'll copy and we could apply this to everything else in one swoop by shift clicking everything right clicking and pasting those settings that way we don't do it one by one but for the rest of these adjustments we need to do it one by one so i'll just show you on one image and then we'll hop over into photoshop and stitch it together so under the develop tab you can scroll down and find the transform option here's that same little hashtag we used earlier let's click that and we're going to manually align each one of these images so one for the top one for the bottom and i want to find some vertical points here that we can use so let's grab this that's great and this one here [Music] that's perfect and we just make sure that this is as clean as possible i'm going to make an exposure adjustment so if we hover over the histogram right in the middle you can see exposure is written on the bottom left i'm just going to click and drag and get that mountain right in the middle and finally i'm going to crop this down so we'll click the crop overlay here we'll make sure the lock is unlocked so we can change the aspect ratio get right up to the ground there right up to the top of this thing and that is exactly what we need to do for every single one of these images so that we can stitch it together in photoshop once again let's go to file automate photo merge and let's browse for our images this time grab all of these hit okay we're going to check vignette removal as well as geometric distortion correction on this one auto is fine and let's hit okay and would you look at that it's perfect minus this little piece on the end but we can just manually stitch that on it is very very close and i'm going to show you guys how we can warp this image to truly straighten it out and look how big this image is 0.85 we go up to 100 and we have resolution for days the the size of this thing is 181 000 pixels by almost 9 000 pixels so this is what we're gonna make our master texture from so let me show you how to account for this slight warping on just a chunk of this image with everything selected you know it's just one layer breakdown with control e i'm gonna hit ctrl t for transform and if we right click we can select warp and we can essentially move these bezier points around until everything feels just about right now if for whatever reason you need to chop this up into a bit more detail for the warp tool you can come up to the top and you'll have some of these warp options so you can add different little slices here so if you want to just work on the left side of this you can add a slice there and just work on the left side and have it not affect the rest of the image you know what i mean and the same goes for horizontal slices you can make a horizontal slice and just work on the top chunks generally you want to work as non-intrusively as possible so the fewer adjustments you can make on this thing overall the better and now it's time to make the rest of our texture maps that will go along with these textures to really make them shine and be completely usable in 3d alright so let's make the rest of these texture maps here the difference between just this and the combination of the other ones we're going to create right now is huge so your diffused texture or your color texture it needs a specular or reflection texture to tell your 3d program which parts of the image are reflective which aren't and everywhere in between the roughness texture determines how spread out your reflections are over specific areas of your image and the normal map tells which parts of your texture are raised or recessed creating the illusion of depth so let's start with creating a normal map here and i had no idea you can create one in photoshop but shout outs to windbush for filling us all in you gotta go check out his channel so the first thing i'll do is just duplicate my diffuse texture i'm going to right click it and convert it to a smart object that way if we make any mistakes or we want to change our normal map we can and we simply just need to go to filter 3d and right here you have generate normal map you can do a bump or height map as well but i find that normal map is probably the best in this situation awesome so we have this dialog box that pops up and we have a couple settings that we can tweak to you know change the results so from the top we have invert height if we want to check that we can see what it does basically what photoshop is doing is anything that's black is being pushed up anything that's white is being pushed down or reverse if you invert your normals and i think for this image this orientation works best for us now you have your detail scale slider we can crank that up if you really want to go hot and heavy on it but i like right in the middle and these sliders here low medium and high basically the low slider if i crank this up to 50 you can see that it's going to take like a large area of the image and give it more peaks and valleys over a larger distance but i like that personally down to five percent the medium detail is basically any medium scale detail and the high detail are your small finite details and that's where we're getting the most out of this thing so you can see if i take this to five it's really going to cut down and kind of make it look a little blurry but i like this up at around 80 to get that real nice crispy detail out of this entire image and that's a normal map you'll notice that specifically like this area here this white chalk all these little i don't know that's bird poop or what but basically the normal map is saying oh those are recessed pretty heavily into the image what you can do is actually take your diffuse material and tweak it so that those white streaks go away you can also take down these black streaks too and say you know maybe they're not pushed up as much or maybe it's just you know scaling down the intensity of your normal map but just know that you can tweak your diffuse texture to set it up for that normal map so that it is as accurate as possible next up we have our specular and roughness materials so both of these are similar in the sense that they are black and white texture maps so the first thing i'll do is make a little adjustment here let's do black and white and we can check this little box right down here this is going to only affect the image below it so it's just going to affect the specular bam i'll hit that and generally with specular and roughness maps black is off and white is on so for specular black means it's not shiny at all white means it's super shiny and this is just going to determine how shiny different parts of this image are so with that i'm going to create a curves adjustment and even things out just a little bit i'm gonna drop the contrast and i'll probably lower this just a bit and it's gonna be about as simple as that so we're saying that this image here is reflective but it's not super reflective because it is concrete and these black areas here are less reflective now technically since these are like watery streaks we probably want to invert this these bits are probably going to be a bit more reflective than just the dry old concrete so we can take our specular image hit ctrl i and it'll invert that entire selection and finally we have the roughness channel so the roughness map once again it's a black and white one so let's add that black and white adjustment and let's also check this box so it only affects the image below it doesn't affect all the other stuff let's create a curves adjustment and again if we know that white is completely rough meaning this is going to be more of like a matte look like if you see the matte wraps on certain cars that's what this is doing it's spreading out the reflection but if everything is black that means it's going to be your reflection is going to be super mirror-like like your iphone screen you're going to see those crisp reflections in the black screen essentially right so knowing that we probably want a little bit of roughness on our concrete we want to spread out that reflection just a bit somewhere around here i think is probably good so with that we have a roughness texture a specular texture they look very very similar a normal texture and a diffuse texture and combining all four of these together will get you a really nice look in any 3d program that you want okay so one last bonus tip and this one is huge it allows you to organize your custom materials inside of qixel bridge qixel bridge is free and they offer a bunch of textures materials and all that good stuff i found out about this from winbush once again he's letting us know and he does a full-on detailed version of what i'm about to show you on his channel so definitely go check that out the dude's awesome so we'll just go to file import assets and i'll navigate to the folder that has the assets needed and automatically it pulled it up you know we can name it you can you know select surface yep it's a surface and it knows it's an ak resolution file so we can choose all the different image textures here so diffuse all right we can choose our ak and normal specular roughness right it has all the stuff and it gives us this preview file here so we can import this and export out the 8k 4k or 2k resolution versions of our material it's amazing so imma definitely be plugging all the rest of my custom textures and surface imperfections into qixel bridge and that just about wraps it up if you want to get your hands on this endless concrete material pack then this week is the week to do it i'm running a 50 off deal for the next seven days only it comes with 10 unique large to massive scale seamless concrete materials all ready to go and use in any 3d program you want and amp up your 3d experience the link is in the description check it out but my goodness what a tutorial we talked about the best practices for shooting textures outside and the difference between a traditional panorama and a linear panorama we brought those images into photoshop we corrected the lens distortion we aligned them we stitched them together and we made them seamless then we created normal maps specular maps and roughness maps and then finally we learned how to package it all together in quixote bridge to get them out into your 3d programs as fast as possible so get out there and start making your own textures i promise 3d is a lot more fun when you start doing so leave your tips and findings in the comments below and if you haven't already join my discord server it's full of a bunch of like-minded artists just like yourself looking to learn and grow together and amp up their game in 3d and tomorrow is the last day to get your submission in for the dynamic machines community render challenge august 1st 11 59 pm pst is the deadline so get your submission in the link to submit is in the description as well so don't miss out the incredible community montage montages coming a little later in august so be sure to subscribe to see that and for a very big announcement next weekend so i'll see you guys then peace [Music] you
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 159,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pwnisher, 3d, render, challenge, vfx, tutorial, cg, cinema 4d, blender, unreal engine, ue5, photoshop, material, pbr, texture, photogrametry
Id: rGBet4SZaXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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