Cape York tricks, tips and cost $$$$$$$

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] g'day guys welcome back well it's we're in the heart of Cape York season so I thought I'd make a quick little video of a few tips and just the cost of the trip itself and we'll get stuck into it okay well the first sort of big expense is going to be fuel no matter where you're coming from we traveled from the bottom of Melbourne in the Mornington Peninsula so we did about nine and a half thousand K's in total over four weeks at the time diesel at home was around the dollar thirty five mark and as we sort of got further and further up it slowly started to increase Paz cans was up around the dollar seventy-five and then as we got to sort of around the top it was around the $2 mark so over the whole trip it sort of averaged out to about the dollar about the dollar 75 mark over the entire trip so wherever you're traveling from you've almost got a budget that X amount of kilometers times a dollar 75 over the entire trip will be your total fuel bill hours came to one thousand three hundred and fifty four dollars and that was for the nine and a half thousand case which was pretty reasonable my rodeo uses around the ten liters per hundred but we had a bit more weight so we're up around the ten to eleven litres per hundred which wasn't too bad we did spend a little bit of money on souvenirs you don't have to but I took my daughter with me and she was six years old at the time so we got a couple of t-shirts and a couple of stickers every time we went to cattle station and stayed the night and stickers and magnets it's all up we spent around the two hundred and sixty dollar mark which you don't have to do but it is nice to bring something home to remind you of the trip accommodation we almost budgeted that we were going to free camp the entire time but when we turned up to some of the stations to camp for $15 a night you've got a hot shower a toilet somewhere to buy food drink you can't really compete with camping on the side of the road for nothing we're for $15 per person everything's there for you and you don't have to do anything a lot of the places will have live music wood fire pizza oven so you can get a pizza any time of the day usually that's pretty good Tara Pez we were quite lucky the the development road sort of did the most damage to my car just the pure corrugations repairs on the road I broke a UHF aerial on the way to weeper so we stopped in at weep and I was able to revive a replacement aerial before I got into Bromwell my whole tray had shifted across so we had to go back into weeper again and just went to the local hardware and bought a few new bolts a few new washers and undid everything shifted the whole tray back and bolted it all back and that was fine for the entire trip my head lights Globes blew out I had water inside the lenses from doing all the water crossings that there's nothing much I could do with that then turn the headlights are on the water splashes on the hot globes they blew out same thing was able to get a replacement Globes in vinegar at the are a CV another ten dollars or so and I didn't notice till after I got home every single one of my rims was bent all on the inside of every rim I would assume that was just from the corrugations so when I got home at to replace all the rims food food is another big cost we did a lot of food planning we had a meal plan so we knew every day what we were going to eat so you just sort of not wasting food then you know what you're carrying how many days you've got food for before you have to buy more food again obviously you're going to we bought dinner at Lions Den we bought dinner at Bramwell we bought dinner at the tip so there is additional food costs and also there we bought some topped up some food drinks at Leeper at the Woolworths and I bought a few groceries in Bamberger and a few groceries in facia so the additional food costs came in at around the $400 mark that's not including the money we used to buy food and have everything stopped on the way up another costs which is it's just you just have to pay it there's nothing to do with it it allows you access to all the good camping spots up at the tip and which are great and that is $100 for the Jardine ferry which allows you access to the tip suddenly a short 3 minute ferry ride and it gives you access to all the camps what's up there again so it's not a not a bad price to pay and also we had the ferry from entering the Daintree and that was $14 so that was not really that much at all and again another three minute ferry ride once we're up the top we had an island tour of horn island Thursday Island and Friday and and that was $300 for the two of us which was great it just sort of took the whole day and that included lunch I think in Thursday Island at one of the pubs there and they give you a bit of a historical tour around the islands and that was that was pretty good fun boat ride of course from facia to all the islands so which is good so the sort of the total of the the whole trip was two thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight dollars and 35 cents we sort of budgeted for around the around the five thousand dollar mark we sort of allowed for a thousand dollars per week plus a thousand dollars spare just for repairs anything that might have been done to the vehicle if we were had to stay somewhere for a while so that was sort of the total cost the troop which is for the two of us that was a very very cheap holiday obviously this budget costs isn't gonna suit everyone people have different different vehicles different fuel usages five six kids camper trailers this is just sort of what it cost for us so give you a rough guideline on what to expect on the trip as far as sleeping went me and my daughter shared a we've got an ARB SkyDome double swag and we used that on top of a double stretcher because we sort of didn't know what to expect where we're going to care from saw the road truck stops rocky sand anything so we took the double stretcher which was good just to get up off the ground and we can camp anywhere the other people I were traveling with had a rooftop tent and the other people had a troop carrier and they were sleeping inside of it so it is fine to take whatever you want care betrayal of caravan swag tent whatever you've got he's fine if I was to do it again I would probably take just a cheap Kmart morresy tent just to sleep in on the hot nights just see protected from all the bugs and critters but you still keep nice and cool overnight the the things that I didn't need on the whole trip was probably a lot of the stuff I took I probably just overloaded the vehicle I probably just took too much stuff it took too much food I took too much water it took too much gear too much tools too much everything too much clothes everything we just took too much of we sort of didn't know what to expect so we just thought would throw everything in but our cars were probably a bit overloaded I took a portable shower I took a portable toilet but we didn't end up needing it the station's all that so we had a hot shower pretty much every night toilets we never had a problem with the ranges between the two stations most of time was plenty enough we did have to do some remote camping where we did use the portable toilet a couple of times but it wasn't really needed things I probably should have taken was the water crossings we probably should have all taken car bras we did sort of stuff things in front of the radiator but a car bra sort of would have sort of kept most the damage away we had problems with my mates car with sensors so the engine light came on we had to go back into Bamberger I blow out my headlights I scraped my fan from the inside from the the force of the water hitting the fan and making hit the radio it didn't puncture another mightier electrical stuff go wrong so I think the car bra probably would have saved all of us from doing so that's probably one thing I'd recommend you take if you're gonna do the old telly track is to bring yourself car bra because that makes that make a big difference the must dues I would recommend the Lions Den driving through the Daintree Bramwell station get the banquet dinner and the the music live music and he sort of goes through all the details about the station it's a really great night they're probably one of the best nights we had on the tip all the free camping up at the tip moody head we stayed there that was a great night but yeah just go and do it the tele track of course if you're gonna go out there you might as well do it cuz it is a great great thing we spent roughly about three nights on the on the tele track and all the river crossings and all the sand maude everything I mean we only had 31 inch tires on all of our cars then we made it through no worries we only had to winch up Palm Creek we got down palm Creek oh right and then we just all three of us had to winch out so other than that we didn't use the winches for the whole trip and yeah we only had 31 31 inch tires and no big lift kits or anything like that so you don't really need top-of-the-range vehicle to do it long as your car's reliable well serviced I'd be happy to take any car up there another one is if you're going to go for the photo at the tip get up nice and early go before seven o'clock we got up at around 6:00 and drove all the way to the tip from puns and bay and we were the only ones there we had the whole tip to ourselves for pretty much close to an hour as we were coming back which was around about the 7:30 mark probably close to 16 cars and two buses turned up so it was probably close to about sixty people that we're going to the tip after weird left so if you want to have some time with the tip for yourself and get some good photos go first thing in the morning for everyone else is up and about next one is food we made a food plan of course which made a big difference sort of we didn't waste any money on food and we had all the meal set out so you know when you rock up to camp you know what you're having for dinner you have it already out you get all the stuff out in the morning so you know when you turn up to camp at dark or in the middle of day you know what you're eating for dinner and it's all ready for you to go what I did was I cry back to all the meals so this is chicken wings but we did pass the sauces taco means we did everything and just sort of cryovac to it nice and flat and then we sort of stacked them together like a filing cabinet and then around four o'clock every day whether you're driving or you pull up to campsite all you do is you just sit that on your dash or and within a couple of hours that that's ready to go for that meal so we didn't have to buy that much food which is sort of a good thing this the supermarkets they are dearer we got a little bit of food from Woolworths Eden weeper and they was sort of around I would say twenty to thirty percent more than what your your local supermarket is so if you bought something for two dollars at your local supermarket up there it's probably around the $3.00 mark so you don't want to spend too much money there but and then as you get up to the top in Tuba me go and say sure it's more expensive again sort of around the the double to triple the price it could be like six or seven dollars for a packet of Pringles or something like that say if you do want to save a bit of money on on food I'd recommend you sort of stock up before you go and have yourself a meal plan and yeah that's about it if you if you have any questions just leave them down below in the comments I hope this was helpful to some people oh one final thing is is the mapping we sort of gave ourselves a rough guideline of how long it would take us we sort of allowed two weeks from home to the tip and then two weeks back so we sort of spaced it all out to give us an even amount of time and a good break in between and but I recommend getting the the Hema book on Cape York it's got all the the trips and tips and tricks all the maps are all in the back all drive to is every all information is in this book that's really good book to have and tell me thirty or forty dollars at your local bookshop also we took the just the paper map again you can't fail with that everything's there super detailed can't go wrong with that and also we've got an iPad and we run just the basic Hamer Explorer so we've just got the basic Hema Explorer I think it's $29 on iTunes which was perfect it just gave us a dot we always knew where we were then we could refer back to to the paper maps and we always knew where we were we never got lost so it is a really good tool to have even if you just want to put it on your phone for $30 it's it's pretty cheap insurance and also one final thing is if you don't already go get yourself are a CV total care I think it's it's just over two hundred thirty dollars depending on where you live and it's just cheap insurance it's we had a breakdown at the Jardine ferry and sort of within two or three hours we were on our way and we didn't they didn't have to pay for any labor or anything he had to mate had to put a new battery and he's true P he's so we have to do was pay for the battery but got on the phone so one came out checked it got a new battery put it in and off we were so if you are for $230 that's it's pretty cheap insurance so make sure yeah you get that alright guys thanks for watching I hope it helps someone out and stay tuned for the next video okay [Music]
Channel: 4x4 Touring Views & Reviews
Views: 35,769
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Cape york, far north queensland, 4x4, travel, daintree, rainforest
Id: AuWM0eL--uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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