Artists Forced To Tattoo Themselves 😰 Ink Master

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- You really have two options. You can tattoo yourself, or you can grab someone in this room and then tattoo them. - What other canvas do I know better than my own body? - Hey, I'm takin' one for the team, yo. Let's just do this. Let's show these people what's popping. Whoo (beep) - This week, we're testing contrast. - Contrast in a tattoo is extremely important because if you have no really deep shadows, and no really nice highlights, you really lose a lot of life in your piece. - Today, you must tattoo a Neo Traditional lady or gentlemen. - Yes. Neo Traditional is what I do and what I love. It's my passion. Finally something I know I can destroy. This is my day to shine. - These tattoos feature elegant aristocrats with monocles, pipes, pearls, top hats and bowlers. However, here is the twist, your canvases want a lady and a gentleman. So you must tattoo as a team, on the same canvas at the same time. - Come on. - (beep) That sucks. Tattooing is not a team sport. - It's the worst. - That changes everything. Now I just hope I don't get one of the weak artists. - You'll be judged separately, but it's up to you and your partner to make sure your designs work together. - I think it'd be cooler if you did like a jawbone exposed. - [Canvas] No. Here's the deal, side profile, not portrait style. Throw in a hint of romance. - This kid's a know it all. - No, no. No hats. - I'm pissed. I don't like this dude's idea. This is gonna be a (beep)show, I can tell, right from the gate. Instead of keeping it all inside- - Wait. Are you talking about him or are you talking about me? I'm not sure. I'm feeling very annoyed. If it doesn't come out the way I want it to look, we're gonna have problems. (suspenseful music) (upbeat music) - There he is Keith and I's canvas, it's bad already. What are you thinking? - I'm not into it at all. - No? - No. - I want to punch this dude in his face. He's a sucker and he's burning me out. What, is it the face? You don't like the face? What are you... - That's not even, at all. You know what I'm saying? - [Ruck] What are you talking about, man? - This is not- - [Ruck] You mean these lines? - It's like like two different frames, is my concern. - I don't want to play with this dude. All these shenanigans. It's just not working for me. You just want this to be the same? - Yeah. I want them the same. - You have six hours to tattoo a lady or a gentleman. And your time starts now. - Let's get it on. - You good with this too? - Yeah. - In order to create a great traditional tattoo, you have to have contrast. Contrast in tattooing really makes a tattoo come to life. Using light and dark, it's something that's gonna make that tattoo jump up off the skin. (upbeat music) - How'd that go? - Good. - Everyone else tattooing, while I'm over here playing with this guy. I'm like a little concerned. Like, it's like half an hour and we haven't even started. Are we gonna be all right? - [Ruck] Don't worry about it, man. - Dude, chill out, man. Put your head on that pillow. Ruck's pissed, I'm pissed. This kid is breaking my balls. - You need to handle some of these canvases with baby gloves. You don't tell a customer to shut up. You just lost the battle right there, dude. - I'm starting. (tattoo machine buzzing) (upbeat music) (tattoo machine buzzing) - [Canvas] I'm gonna pass out, bro. - [Keith] Don't, don't say that. - I'm not even joking though. Yeah, I'm seeing colors. - Medic. Medic. - This is really bad. Oh (beep) me. - Feeling dizzy or anything like that? - Yes. - I've accomplished nothing with this tattoo. My outline's not even finished. - [James] Sit first before you stand, okay? - Because this kid can't handle the pain, I can't do my damn job. (intense music) - Keith and King Ruck are tattooing way to rough. My guess is they were just shredding the (beep) out of his legs. That's what's causing this guy to tap out. - Hang in there, you know? You're doing great. If that's the case, one or both of these guys are going home today. - Two hours remain, everyone. - All right, buddy. Come on, back up. - All right. - Let's try this again. (tattoo machines buzzing) - Hey man, are you all right? Buddy, buddy, you all right dude? You're starting to shake a lot here, bro. - The shakes I'm having right now are super uncontrollable, you know what I mean? - Time is not on my side and this situation is only getting worse. You might be sending me home. You a sucker man. - I'm gonna use the bathroom. Can you show me where the bathroom is? - Okay. Come on, man. (intense music) You okay? You all right? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Come here (beep). He just passed out can you get James here, please. Immediately. Damn it. (intense music) - [James] Look straight at me. - My head... - [James] I need you to stop talking and just look straight at me. - This is the worst possible scenario. This kid's tapping out unfinished. Yo Ruck, (indistinct) went psht. - [Ruck] He just passed out out there? - [Keith] Yeah. - [James] Just tell me if you're gonna fall over and say it loud, okay? - He's not gonna come back at all. He's done. - Naw, he's (beep) done. I'm going home. - Naw, I don't know about that. How about tattooing yourself? - One hour to go every one. One hour remaining. - I'm not going home off of a chump tapping out. I don't get down like that. What the (beep), man. I guess Ruck got to tattoo himself. You know what? I'm not scared to tattoo myself. Let's get it cracking. I'm gonna tattoo a traditional style rose. I just need to show the judges I can saturate some black and I can show contrast. - This (beep)'s real. - Right now. (tattoo machine buzzing) The fact that Ruck's is willing to tattoo himself shows that he still wants to compete. Keith doesn't want to compete. Keith wants to cry. He's a bitch. Pack his (beep) bags and let him go home. (intense music) - 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. That's it machines down, no more ink. - How'd you do Ruck? - Okay, tattooed a rose. - Can I see it? - Yeah. I know that I can still be going home, but I also know that I did everything that I could do to stay in this competition. I'm here to compete. - Good for you man. Good for you. - Today you had to use contrast to make a Neo Traditional lady or gentleman, that pops. King Ruck and Keith. Tell me what happened. - It was a bad canvas from the beginning. - But you turned in outlines. - Yes. - And King Ruck, you've also tattooed yourself. - I still wanted to show you guys that I still want to compete. - Well we appreciate that. So let's start with you, King. - [Oliver] You have a lot of really rough outlines here. - [Ruck] As we started hitting him with the lines, he would freak out, he would jump, he would move around. - If that leg's moving and push on him, man. Hold it down. You have this huge oval line that's going around the side and it really shows a lot of imperfections. - All right, King, let's take a look at the tattoo you did on yourself. - [Oliver] It's a very small, very simple tattoo, but you do show contrast. And really, it's probably the cleanest tattoo you've done since you've been here. - Thank you. - [Dave] So, let's move on to Keith. - [Oliver] This is a tough call. You gave us very little to look at. The most that I have the judge on is what area you colored solid black. This area is very rough, and it's just not there. - It's not there because I wasn't able to (beep) go into it and do (beep). I mean, it's easy for you to say up here, "Like yeah, you know, you're gonna..." - [Oliver] I'm mean we're saying the black area that you have, is not solid. - I heard ya. - [Oliver] Yeah. - I hear you bro. - Listen, man, you're crazy on edge. You're just stewing, and mad, and you're not confident in you. If you can't be confident in you, then how can we? - Today, you had to tattoo one of the most popular styles of tattooing, Neo Traditional. Keith, you're here because Sausage put you up for elimination. Sausage, why Keith? - It's nothing against you, but ultimately, there's people here that are hungry to stay here. Ruck (beep) tattooed himself. - I definitely have what it takes to be here. And every time you guys judge me, I'm judging myself. I'm punching myself in the throat. - Keith, you're also here because the human canvases determined that you have the worst tattoo of the day. - (beep) man. It's been one thing after the other, it's been like a domino effect. And the dominoes have been falling over and over and over again. It's just so hard for me to focus. King, you're here because the judges felt that you had one of the worst tattoos of the day. - [Oliver] You have a lot of really rough outlines here. - I don't want to make excuses, but I still wanted to compete. I still wanted to show the essentials of the challenge. - [Oliver] You tattooing yourself, that to me, says a lot about what your dedication is to be in this competition. If every line you did was this smooth, all the past tattoos you've done would have been better. - The judges have decided, (intense music) Keith, you do not have what it takes to be Ink Master. - [Oliver] Under any circumstance, a professional tattooer should be able to do cleaner lines in this. - Please pack your machines and close shop. - This week, we're testing detail. - Detail is all the little textures, all the little fine lines and shading that brings a tattoo to life. - You must all create a biomechanical tattoo. - Man. - (beep) - Having the godfather Bio-Mec judge my tattoos, it puts so much pressure on you. - I don't do biomechanical. I'm absolutely terrified right now - This is not gonna be fun. - Biomechanical tattoos, are free flowing forms that either grow or come together in a mechanical, organic way. - Detail is really important in biomechanical tattoos because it enhances all the little tiny crevices and gives it that pop to make it that much more exciting. - I want a metal plate that bolts, like a PCB circuit board. - Some of the stuff you want will not work for this challenge. If I give my canvas the tattoo that he wants, I'm going home today. - I definitely want the machine screws. You know, like a real robot. - [Julia] That's not considered biomechanical. - Sure it is. Of course it is. - It's considered mechanical- - [Canvas] Right, biomechanical. - But not Biomechanical. I'm not going to risk my livelihood for your stupid tattoo idea that has nothing to do with the challenge. If we do not follow the challenge, it'll send me home. Robots are not biomechanical, what I showed you originally- - Are robots mechanical or not? Yes. - [Julia] If you don't meet the challenge... - It meets the challenge. - Can you let me finish? My canvas is as straight up ass(beep). You need to have some respect right now. - I'm trying to be respectful, but you're not compromising. - You're just telling me what to do. - I'm willing to move a little bit, but you've got to come and move with me too. - I'm getting so frustrated. - You're getting frustrated? - This guy is not receptive at all. He's stressing me out so bad. - You could do that style, some... - The challenge is this style. So how can I do it some, if the challenge is this style? Give me some direction, or go. - Punch in some- - (mocking) Don't be like punching some, uh, uh... My children are depending on me right now. And his things he wants in this tattoo are going to send me home. And I can't let that happen. You need to go so I can get to work. - Right, but I want to see what you're... - Go. - [Canvas] How you doing? - All right. So this is what I've come up with. I got the cables coming around, and then we have the vial part, which is what they're looking for. If you don't like it, I'm just gonna tattoo it on myself. - Yeah, I'm not really feeling it. - All right, go on. - I mean, it's just nothing... - [Julia] Peace. Bye. - It's my tattoo. It's on my body. So I want ideas that I had too. I'm trying to work with her, and she's not willing to work with me, not one bit. Are you willing to compromise a little bit? - Nope. - 'Cause you really didn't put anything that I wanted. - [Julia] I put cables of metal in there. Don't worry about it. - You don't want to compromise? - I'm tattooing myself. - I compromised a lot on this. - [Julia] You didn't compromise. - And I really (beep) you'd do a great tattoo. - [Julia] No you don't. You kept saying all kinds of stupid (beep). I'm not putting pistons (indistinct) - I didn't want (beep) pistons. - (indistinct) and cables. - No, no, no. I didn't say that. I said some metal- - Good bye. Have a nice life. Go (beep) yourself. (door opening) (intense music) I don't want to tattoo myself, but at this point I have no choice. I'm not going to let some ass(beep) be responsible for me going home today. - See what ya doing here. Is this the design that the guy didn't want? - He didn't want any of the biomechanical in it. He just wanted only mechanical. - Okay. - So it wouldn't have met that challenge. I know I have to do this for my children. I have everything on the line right now. (intense music) (tattoo machines buzzing) - So what's your take? Did you hear any of that? - She was just going off on the guy, you know? - Would you have bounced that guy? - No. I woulda gave him exactly what he wanted. Julia is a dumb ass. She should've just tattooed her canvas. But I think her art abilities caught up to her and she couldn't provide what he wanted. - My tattoo is so awesome. I really showed today that I deserve to be here. - What are you thinking, Julia? You sent your canvas home. You told this giant-ass dude to F off. Plus it looks like you did a coverup on your own leg, girl. You're going home. - Hey guys, - What's up? - [Emily] What's up squeaks? - Not much. I'm super tired. - I think you coulda came up with something to tattoo the guy. I would have drawn exactly what the guy wanted. - He just wanted metal and cables. - I was listening. I heard exactly what he wanted. - But this guy would not budge. - No, I think you were just trying to give him a style that he totally didn't want. - No, I was trying to compromise with him the whole time. And he's a disrespectful dick, who was unwilling to compromise. - Well, after he found out you weren't going to give him what he wanted. - I did everything I could. - I don't know. What do you think? Think she copped out? - If you can say I copped out after just tattooing myself for six hours. I didn't want to tattoo myself. I really did not want to do that. That was the last thing I wanted to do. - Today, all of you went head-to-head creating biomechanical tattoos. Julia. There were some unusual circumstances with you and your canvas. Before we get into that, let's discuss the work that you have presented for us. - [Chris] This is probably the strongest thing, as a judge, I've seen you do. It has a lot of contrast. It has a lot of depth. - So Julia, now let's talk about what happened in your consult. - The guy just kept cutting me off, and I was just like, "I'm trying to work with you. I'm trying to do what you want." And then at one point he shushed me. So I was just like, "Look, this is the design. And if you don't want to do it I'm just going to tattoo it on myself, at this point." - There are two sides to every story, maybe we should hear from your canvas. - (beep) (intense music) - I bet you're not happy to see me. Should I F-off now? - [Dave] Hey buddy, thanks for joining us. - [Canvas] No problem. - What is your side of the story? - She hated every idea that I had. She said they were all crap. She said, they're all so outdated. She just said, I have to do her tattoo or I wasn't getting a tattoo. And I said, "Well, can't you just change anything?" She's like, "I will not change nothing." - I was on the computer the whole time, just like, "Well, let me show you this. Let me show you this." And I was like, "Just tell me the components you want then." - Yeah, but you were super rude about it. - You have to always work with that client or starve and not feed your family, okay? - Exactly. Because that is how we make our money, is working with our clients. - Everyone that know me- - [Chris] At this point- - As an artist knows how I am- - [Chris] Listen. Just stop. Stop. Don't dig it deeper. - Mark, Thank you very much. - Okay. - [Dave] Good luck, buddy. - That's (beep) (beep) - Earl, Chris, Kito, Brian, Duffy, Matt, Miami, Ryan, Marissa, you lost your head-to-head competitions. You must now prove that you deserve to be here. - (beep) - Woo. - This is your first elimination tattoo. This week, you're being judged on overall ability. - Overall ability is showing that you have the bones of tattooing, solid line work and saturated color. How to make it look good on the body. - To survive the first elimination, you must tattoo, whatever your canvas wants. - (beep) - But that is not all. - What? - Your canvases are very familiar with this competition, because they have all been tattooed on past seasons of "Ink Master." - Wow. - God damn. - That sucks. - That means they know exactly what they want and what they don't want. - (beep) - Crazy man. - Let's bring out the canvases. (intense music) - Traditional pharaoh's horses on my back. - What? - Flag on my left ass cheek. - What are the odds of me talking you out of getting it on your ass? - Do you have any other open areas that you'd want? - Um, no. - You're just covered completely. - Yep. - Okay artists, you will have six hours to tattoo whatever your canvas wants. If your tattoo is the worst, you will be the first artist to pack your machines. Good luck. - How'd the last time turned out? - Not as it should have. I'm really nervous, because I don't have a lot of spaces left and I don't want to burn them. - [Kito] Here's my portfolio, you can take a look at some stuff. And the idea you were looking for is Traditional, right? - Yes. Very traditional. - If I lose this challenge, I'm blaming Big Ceeze. He taught me. I'm pretty confident about this, man. - Here's the problem, I hate to do this to you, but the more I thought about it, I gotta go. - Don't, don't. - Because on the chance that you can't pull it off, I can't deal with that. - Yeah, but it's traditional though, man - I don't think you can do it, the stuff that I was looking at. There's like no hard black in there. That's the key thing. - I feel like whooping his ass. Ain't no changing your mind then? - Nah, man. - That's bull(beep) to the highest level of bull(beep). - I'm sorry. - This dude just cost me a hundred thousand dollars just because he's some old sissy. All odds are against me right now. - You really have two options, you can tattoo yourself, or you can grab someone in this room and then tattoo them. - What other canvas do I know better than my own body? Hey man, I'm taking one for the team, yo. - Let's just do this. - Let's show these people what's popping. - Woo. (beep) - Looks like your boy's tattooing himself. - Oh no. That would suck. - Today, nine of you needed to prove your overall ability tattooing your canvases with the subject and style they chose. Kito, you're up first. Tell us what happened with your original canvas. - Looking at my portfolio, he said he didn't see enough American Traditional, and became risky. - [Dave] And you were left with an option of tattooing yourself. - [Oliver] You did turn in the tattoo, and it is very smooth. Clean lines, solid black, smooth shading. - Overall, I know for a fact, you can do a nice rose. You've convinced me now. Now what do you got? (upbeat music)
Channel: Ink Master
Views: 1,970,856
Rating: 4.9348359 out of 5
Keywords: tattooing yourself, self tattoo, rose, rose tattoo, ink master, ink, tattoo artist, artist, master, scar coverup tattoo, every single, every single ink master, every single tattoo, every single tatu baby tattoo, every single tatu baby, Master canvas, flash challenge, flash, challenge, canvas, inked, paramount, paramount network, elimination, finale, winner, finals, episode, full episode, episodes, full, clip, moment, compilation, cut, best, best of, tatoo, tattoos
Id: l1u3WAfwlec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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