Canva Tutorial: How to use Canva 2.0

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in this Canva tutorial I'm going to show you step-by-step how to use Canva 2.0 to create your own social media images printables presentations websites and more stay tuned hi ,I'm Sara Nguyen and on this channel I make social media and tech easier for awesome entrepreneurs like yourself if you're new to this channel consider subscribing for all of the latest product reviews tips and tutorials and at any time during this video check out the description for links to all of the resources mentioned in this video I'm going to walk you through how to navigate canva to design your own beautiful graphics here are the timestamps to all of the things that I'm going to cover in this video so you can jump to the specific area if you'd like I've also link to them in the description below so let's go over to my computer now to get started with canva you need to sign up for an account and login to sign up for an account select which of these following are most relevant to you it doesn't really matter so go ahead and click on a section and then sign up with Google or you can sign up with your email account canva will send you an email to confirm that your email address is actually correct and once you've clicked on the link from that email you'll be able to then sign in on the top right hand corner here with the same credentials that you set up your account with so once you've done that go ahead and sign in to your canberra account when you sign in to canva if you can see on the left hand side explore canva 2.0 this is the one you want to click on it means that you're currently using canva 1.0 and you're not on 2.0 I highly recommend that you use 2.0 2.0 is the version that they will be rolling out in the future that everyone will have and this tutorial is all about 2.0 so if you you see it on the left hand side go ahead and click on it go to canva 2.0 and this is what you should see from the canva homepage there are three ways to start creating your design firstly under this recommended section you can scroll and what you can see here is some popular canva template so we've got social media we've got presentations we've got posters and when we keep scrolling you'll see more pop up so we've got Facebook posts Instagram pose banners a whole heap of design templates that you can pick from this recommended section where you can scroll so you can either select one of the designs here and this will open up the design in a new window for you the second way to start looking for a design is in this search bar at the top of the page so as you saw from when I clicked on the search bar it will drop down and show you a whole heap of options that you can once again design you can also try typing in things that you're looking to create a design for so let's just say I want to design infographic as I type the options will come up below so I can choose that or I can keep searching for all of the different options that they have so I typed in Facebook and I can see that there are design templates for Facebook ads a facebook cover photo and then cover a Facebook post so you get the gist you can use the search bar to look for design options in canva and the third way to start creating a design is to select these custom dimensions and what this will do is this will allow you to create a canvas a blank canvas in the dimensions that you wish so you can also choose to have it in pixels inches millimeters or centimeters and you simply type in the dimensions of the canvas that you want to work with and create a design and this creates the blank canvas just like that so I'm going to go ahead and I am going to actually pick a Facebook post from this recommended section here so I click on that and this opens up the Facebook post templates that canva has for me the thing that makes canvas stand out from any other design software is the templates and the templates are what will help you create designs extremely quickly extremely easily even if you have no design experience at all you simply choose a template change the images and text to suit you so I can select a design template from the categories that I see here I just scroll and pick whatever I like or I can search for a template so let's say I'm specifically interested in inspiration or Facebook posts so I searched for inspirational and all of the designs that are kind of inspirational I guess tagged will come up and I can choose that or I can keep searching so let's say that I want a sales post I start typing and then it will come up with suggested templates relevant to what I just typed in so I'm going to select another one and I'm going to go add a new page so I can work with multiple designs at the same time and I'm going to pick a template let's just have a quick look let's see which one I like let's pick this one so I've selected the two templates that I want to play with and this just allows me to play with a couple of designs at the same time if I decide that I no longer want to work with a particular page I'm able to delete it I can also make a copy of the page so I can work with the design on two different pages so I can add different images and different texts and colors and just compare them as I'm working on them you may notice with the templates that some of them have free in the bottom right-hand corner and some of them don't and what that means is that if you're selecting a template that doesn't have free on it it means that that has an element on it which is a premium or paid element so I chose this cupcake like post and as you can see there's an image here that has a canva watermark on and this is a premium element if I wanted to use this particular image I would have to pay for it when you go to download the image you can see that there's one premium image you select the use that you want to have one-time use multiple use or extended use and then you pay and you download if you haven't put your credit card into canvas before it will prompt you to put your credit card details in before you can actually download and pay for the image and then you'll be able to see your design without the watermark on it now let's go ahead and actually start playing around in canva so you may notice on the left hand side that we've got templates which was just selected but we've also got elements so these are all sorts of different things so we've got photos we've got shapes we've got charts and illustrations so all different things that you can add to your design to personalize it and make it completely how you want it to appear you can either select once again from the categories or you can search for particular elements so let's just say that I want to search for dress elements so things that will have a dress or things that include the dress tag in it will come up once again you can see that there's free and there's ones that have prices on them obviously the free ones are no charge where you see free with the crown this means that it's included as part of canva for work so cambers paid service and where it has a dollar sign it means that you need to pay to be able to use this particular element so you can search for elements by the search bar or you can search for it in the categories that you see on the left hand side and once you see something that you like you can it click on it and that will add it to the current active page that you're working on and then you can start playing around with it you can also add text there are so many different text layouts that canva provides for you so you can select a layout and then you can customize it and change the text change the colors or what you can do is you can add a text box and then what that will do is it will allow it will allow you to then add your own text text test text to test and then you can change it to be whatever font that you like that you can select in this top left hand corner here in terms of adding your own font you can only add your own font under the canva for work membership so you can't do that under the free membership I highly recommend canva for work for many reasons but one of the reasons that I recommend it is that it gives you the ability to upload your own font so if you're working for an organization and they use a very specific font you can upload it as part of kantha for work or you can choose the many many many many many fonts available to you for free you can also resize the fonts to be whichever size you choose whether it's choosing the drop down or you can type the specific font size that you want and you can change the color of the fonts by selecting the color a with the color option it's got made a purple there you can do all the basic editing things make it bold make it italics Center align it left align it you can also make up all upper case or sentence case and you can also create a list from it as well you can play around with the spacing which is pretty cool so you can change the line height and this and the letter spacing as well if you're playing around with the canva pre-made templates you just select the text area change the text you can also change the font even if you are using a template to be whatever you want just by selecting it and selecting the top left once again changing the colors exactly the same way so it really is extremely versatile in terms of the text that you can add whether you're choosing a template or you're choosing to add your own text box in terms of your own images this is also extremely easy so let's go to the template and I can delete the image that I don't want to use I can either choose from the elements so I can look for an image let's say I want to look for a sunset and then all of the images will come up so I can filter them by photos and I can also filter them by graphics and then I can choose whichever design suit me click on it and then add it to the page alternatively I can upload my own images if you go down to the upload section on the left hand side here you can see down here these are all images that I've uploaded in the past so that's pretty cool because it means I don't have to upload it every single time I want to use it I can just pull it out from the upload section and I can click on upload an image and then once I do that I'm able to select the image that I want to upload and put into my design so I've selected that it's just adding it right now and once it's ready I'll see that it is completely loaded there it is I select it and I can add it to the page so with the image I can click on the corner to stretch it out and you will see that it kept it to aspect ratio so it didn't make it go all wonky and then I can just move it a little bit there I can double click on it if I want to change it a little bit I'm in terms of the cropping and I can move that to the left a little bit I can do lots of other things with images so I can play with the filter with the filters these are all pre done filters that I can add so if I wanted to add them I just click on them if I wanted to go back to the original one I would click on none if I wanted to change the position of the image so right now it's sitting in front of all of these elements so let's say I wanted to move it back so that it's slightly behind these two greeny elements here I would select the image click on position and select back words and this as you can see it's put the image behind this one I also want it to be behind this element as well so click on the image position once again and this put it behind it there so if I wanted to do the opposite and move it forward I can play with that as well so it really is as simple as clicking on it and just playing with forwards and backwards in terms of the position of the actual image the thing I also really love about canva is that you don't need to remember what's where so if you're able to adjust a certain thing in an element so let's say we want to edit the text when I click on this element you can see the menu at the top it changes so that all of the things that you can do to this section are visible if I wanted to edit the image I click on the image the menu change is there so you don't have to go hunting for it in the menu like you would in Photoshop or any other Adobe applications so the last thing I'm going to show you is how to add an image or an element and make it transparent so once you've added the element or the image and you want to make it a little bit translucent you click on the element or the image select the top right hand corner here where there's this checker box and then drag the transparency backwards and this will make it a bit more translucent and it will mesh it with the color of the background so this is how you can create a nice little filter which then you can add a text or some other element on once we've finished designing and I'm happy with the image and I'm ready to download it what you do then is you click on the little down arrow here and this allows you to get the image in either a PNG file a jpg file or PDF depending on what you actually want to do so I'm going to go for a jpg and then I'm going to select the particular page that I want if I click on all pages it will choose them all if I don't I can just select on the particular page that I want and then I click download and can valve will prepare the image and it will generate the file for me as you can see there it is click on it and there we go there we have our image right there with your canva designs you can also name them so let's just say this is say or Facebook post dress I'll see very lightly here it says all changes saved so to saved everything that I've created I can also save the pages by going to design and hitting the Save button here and don't forget to do that during your design work because saving regardless of which application that you're working on can save your actual life so if I go back to home I can then see the design that I've just worked on in my your design section so there it is so if I wanted to go back to the image and edits hurt it at a later date or I wanted to copy the same design and modify it I can do that as well so if I wanted to create a print design so let's talk about whether it's a poster or an invitation or a flyer or a business card what would I do so I would select the design and once again it would open up the canva editor you would edit it exactly the same way as how I showed you to edit the social media post choose the design select the elements that you want to change so in this case the text to be whatever you need it to be upload your own images I'm going to delete this image and I'm going to add this image everything is drag and drop from camera that's why one of the reasons why I love it so much I'm going to change that position to bring it back and then I'm going to change the transparency of it so that you can see it a little bit better there there you go and once you're happy with it here's where it's a little bit different when you go to download the image so this download button here you can see that you have the option to order a print with canva if you choose this option it will ask you what size you want it it will ask you to select your print option so how many copies you want and it will show you the price in your local currency you can choose the shipping and if you continue then it will give you the total price to print it so you can design it all in canva and get them to print it for you and have it shipped to wherever you need it to go if you don't want to use canvas printing option that's okay you want to send it to your own printer or you want to take it to a print shop yourself you can select PDF print and there are other options here so you can choose like a standard PDF say this is if you're printing it on a home printer or a JPEG or PNG if you are taking it to a print shop or a printer select the PDF print and then you can also choose to put in the crop marks and bleed as well and this will help the printer don't know what to do with that select download and then canva will prepare the print-ready PDF for you so there it is and I click on it there and there is the print ready file and the printer will be able to take care of the rest for you there so it's slightly different to downloading an image it's just about choosing the right print settings if you're using canva to create a presentation now no longer do you have to download all of the presentation slides as images and then insert them into a keynote or PowerPoint you can actually present straight from canvas so after you created your presentation select the publish button select present you can then choose the transitions so if you select none then when you click it will just go to the next slide otherwise you can have things like the circle transition it's just slight styling on the actual transition so pick which one you like and then you can also select to have the presentation as standard so standard is when you present and then you click and it will go on to the next slide or you can select autoplay so it will automatically move when you configure it to be a certain amount of seconds per slide so after let's say thirty seconds on the slight move and this is really good if you're at an event and you want the slideshow to continually run in the background this is what you can do otherwise if you're happy to just go with click motions select standard select present of View presenter view is handy if you have two screens so I'll show you what it looks like you select presenter view and then you're able to have a view of the presentation in one window and then you can see the upcoming slides and there's also a timer as well so kind of like what you get in Microsoft PowerPoint if you don't feel that this is necessary and you're happy to just present from one screen without seeing all of this additional business you can just choose the publish option where it's just standard so you don't select the presenter view and once you click on that very present it will open up your presentation and then you can present your presentation as you would any normal keynote or presentation and just click on the arrows at the bottom to move the slides along so the last but definitely not the least important thing that I'm going to show you is how to create a website from canva mm-hmm you heard me right create a website so this is when you need to get some information up a couple of pages and you don't have time to get the web team to put something together but you need to get this information and you need to be able to share the link to all of these content in one place so what you can do is I'm going to pretend that these are all the pages of a website I'm going to click publish I'm going to select website and what this allows me to do is to publish these pages as a website so once I give people the link they're able to access all of these pages without having to be a canva user they can just see it so this is great if you are holding an event and you need to get some information out to the attendees or you are suddenly stuck and need to get some infamous up and really really quickly this is a great tool so you can choose between having a classic navigation so the pages and the pages will appear and at the top you'll have a navigation bar or you can select to have the pages as one long scrolling page so I'm going to show you how it looks like in both so if we click classic navigation what you'll see here is the website now at the top here we've got little navigation happening so if I click Y now it goes to that particular section and all of the pages that I've created appear at the top here and that's very useful it's just a quick way of creating the actual page don't know what else to say but this is really really awesome the second option that you can do is to do it as a scrolling page so I've selected that and this means that I've got the entire page no navigation but they can quickly scroll and get all of the information from the pages right in white all in one space so you would just give them this link here and then they will be able to see all the details right there so there you have a step by step walkthrough of how to use canva 2.0 to create your own stunning graphics if you found this video useful give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and if you're looking for more ways to grow your business online and using social media having stunning graphics using canva is just one part of the equation you also need to figure out how to bring it all together in a cohesive strategy so I've put together a social media checklist it's a super simple guide to get you up and running on all the major social media networks so you can start leveraging the power of social to generate more leads and sales with ease to get your hands on it simply click on the link in the description below and thanks for watching
Channel: Sara Nguyen
Views: 35,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva tutorial, canva tutorials, canva tutorials for beginners, how to use canva, how to use canva poster, how to use canva 2.0, canva tutorial 2018, canva, tutorial canva, canva tutorial video, canva design tutorial, easy canva tutorial, how to use, canva tutorial for beginners 2018, canva tutorial for facebook, canva website tutorial, canva presentation tutorial, canva printables, tutorial canva 2018, how to use canva tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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