How to use Canva Tutorial | Canva Tutorial for beginners

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Looking for a Canva tutorial to show you step-by-step how to create beautiful graphics with ease in this video I'm going to show you how to use canva so you can quickly and easily design your own social media images presentations flyers invitations and more stay tuned hi I'm Sara Nguyen your online marketing strategist helping you grow your business using social media with ease if you're new to this channel consider subscribing for all of the latest product reviews social media marketing tips and training and at any time during this video make sure you check out the description for links to all of the resources mentioned in this video canva is a remarkable design tool that allows you to create stunning images with ease. Even if you don't have any graphic design experience at all. I'm going to walk you through how to navigate canva the free version to start designing your own beautiful images if you're looking for a training on how to use the paid version of canva canva for work I've created a video for that too check out the description for the link and to jump to the specific training sections let's go over to my computer now to start using canva you'll need a canva account so from canva com you can sign up using your Facebook account your Google account or you can sign up using your email address once you've done that and followed the prompt you can come back to canva and login in the top right hand corner here using your username and email and password or login clicking on the green button with your Facebook or your Google account I'm going to log in with my Facebook account and this then takes me to canva in the top section where it says create a design you'll see all of these templates for different graphics that you can create and underneath these are the images that I've created in the past yours will be empty in two you have some design saved so let's start with creating a social media graphic we're going to start by clicking on the more button or you can also click on the create a design button this takes you to the section in canva where you can choose the different design types you can see here there's social media posts and we have twitter social graphics Pinterest graphics Facebook's Tumblr Instagram these are different templates that can be have created and sized for you for these specific social media platforms if you keep scrolling you'll see documents so we have the us letter size as well as the International a4 size if you wanted to create different documents and presentations we have ebook templates and book covers as well as posters flyers brochures social media covers invitations for events and ads as well so there really is a large array of templates and already sized designs for you the other alternative that you can do is you can use custom dimensions on the top right hand corner here and with this you can type in the width and the high in pixels or in millimeters or inches of an image that you want to design and this is something that you would use if you don't want to go ahead and use canvas templates but I'm going to show you how to start using their templates to create quick beautiful designs so let's have a look at creating a Facebook post and you really can apply this to any of the social media graphics in canvas section here so I'm going to click on Facebook posts and this opens up the editor section where I can start to make the magic happen now if we have a look at the left-hand side here there are some tabs we have layouts elements text background and uploads I'm going to go through what all of these are and how you can use them with layouts we have designs Kemba have provided all designers in canvas marketplace have provided and you can see as I hover over some of these designs it has a little dollar sign on it and this means that it has a paid element on the actual design so I've clicked on this design and you can see that there's this image and it has can buy watermarks on it and this means that this component is a paid feature so if I wanted to use this design and this particular image I would have to pay for it and this happens when I go to download the image I'm going to choose it's a JPEG when I click download canva will then ask me to put in my credit card details because there's this paid component on it if I didn't want to pay for it there are two options I could choose a free design or I can delete this paid element so to delete this paid element I would click on it go on the right-hand side click delete image and now you can see that that in that paid image is no longer there and I can upload my own image and I'll show you how to do that in a moment but you'll see now when I go to download this particular image design canva don't ask me to put my credit card details in anymore because I've removed the component of the design that's a paid version and they will just start automatically downloading like you see there so that is a paid design and all of the paid designs have the little dollar sign icon in the bottom right hand corner of the design and this is relevant whether you're doing a social media pose or whether you're creating an invitation all of the canva layouts will be marked as either paid with paid elements on them or if we keep scrolling we'll be able to find some free versions like here it says free so this means that the design doesn't have any paid elements on it so you can choose the paid versions and remove the paid elements on them in order for them to be free or you can just use a free layout it's really up to you so to choose a layout it's extremely easy it's a matter of clicking on the design and as you saw before I have this design here you can choose to replace current designs that you have by clicking on replace or if you're playing around with different layouts in the bottom you'll see it says at a new page and this group will create another blank template so you can add another design and you can play between the different layouts and see which one you like best and then you can either keep over them or in the right-hand side here you can delete it so it gives you options when you're designing to play with different layouts and you don't have to necessarily commit to one or the other I've added two free designs I'm going to add a another page and this will be a paid design and I'm going to show you how to change this image and I'm going to add one more and this will be a blank one and I'll show you how to freestyle a design and create something without having to use canvas layouts if you really didn't want to so when we go back to the design and we want to change a component whether it's the text or the colors in this back section you simply click on the section that you want to edit so let's say I want to change the text I would click on this I would write some text and that will replace the text I can highlight this text and on the top section here I can change the font type to a different style there are lots of fonts for you to choose within the free range and there should be something here that will work for what you need so you just simply select the font that you like and on the right hand side as you see in the design it will automatically change you can change the font size you can change the font color you can use the document colors or you can click on this plus button and this gives you access to change the color to be whatever color in the color wheel that you desire you have other options such as whether you want to Center a line lift the line or right align the text at bullet points or you can change the spacing and the spacing allows you to increase or decrease the text I guess horizontally or the line height if there's text above or below it so changing the text really is as easy as clicking on the text that you want to change and then typing the text that you want to replace it with and then highlighting the text and clicking on any of the menu items here to change the font the size the color and some of the styling things that you can do here to change the background elements when I click on it you'll see in the top left-hand corner changes once again depending on the element that I'm changing and I can choose different colors for this based on what I want once again I'm able to choose from the document colors or if I click on the plus sign it gives me access to the entire color wheel and I can then go ahead and replace these particular colors with colors that work better for what I'm looking to do and it's as easy as that it's literally clicking on the element and then choosing the color from the color wheel so let's go over to another one now this is another free one so let's have a look here as you can see there are different elements that can be have added on this design let's say I don't really want this to be the bottles here so I'm going to click on the element that I don't want to be included in the design I'm going to go to the top right hand corner and as you saw that happened really quickly I click on the little bin button and it deletes that particular element from the actual design so you're not stuck with components that you don't like now I'm going to go and add something else here because I've taken out an element of it so in the left hand side I click on elements and here's a bunch of stuff that canva have that is really really cool you can choose to add shapes and you click on the shape icon there are all of these components that you add to the actual image once again there are free ones and there are paid ones if you want to use the paid one you can add it and then you will need to enter in your credit card details in order to be able to use the paid feature however there are so many elements that are free I don't necessarily think that you will need it there's definitely going to be something here that will work for what you need so it's a matter of either scrolling or you can start typing what you want so let's say I'm going to add another bottle so I search for bottle in that search bar there and I click enter and all of the elements that have the keyword bottle in it will appear and once again they're labeled free or if it's a paid one you'll see that it has the price and the dollar sign there so I'm going to add this free icon I clicked on it and then canva added it to my active canvas and then I can drag it to be where I want it to be if I pull on the right-hand corner or any of the corners it will resize it keeping that aspect ratio in place so that's another cool feature so it's not all out of whack and then I can move it wherever on the canvas that I want to as you see here these are the specific colors that it came with in the top corner here I can change it to be whatever colors that I like so there's lots of flexibility in being able to remove the elements if you don't like them add new ones and there are so many elements to choose from and then to customize them as well so this was adding different shapes I can also add lines if they're relevant to what I need to do I click on the lines button and there are all these different line designs that I can also add to my design by just clicking on them and locating them somewhere on the design the other thing that I like to add from time to time is illustration so this is pretty cool I like illustrations because they just add a little bit of jazz so there are free ones and paid ones and it just spices up the image a little bit more you simply click on it resize it you can Road hate them and then just place them somewhere on your actual design and if you've added something and you think mmm that looks a bit weird and you don't like it that's okay too you simply click on it once again and that little bin button delete button here takes it away as if it never even happened so adding elements and design components is as easy as clicking on the elements section here and choosing what component you want to add whether it's shapes lines illustrations icons charts candle has a massive library of things that you can use they've also got a really amazing stock image library as well if you click on free photos you'll see all of these beautiful images that you can use for free to help you create these beautiful images now I'm going to show you how to upload your own images so I've scrolled to the next design here and as you can see this is a paid image because it has the canva watermarks on it so I'm going to go ahead and delete this one because one I don't really think that this is the right image for what I want to use and I want to use something else I'm going to click delete to the image and that's gone and now to upload my own image I can choose from in the elements section let's get rid of this bottle in the elements section I can click on the free photos and I can choose to look for people images here that are relevant let's have a look-see so I can either choose something here and place it into the section here and then I click tick to accept it so that's one option choosing the free options here if I don't like that as always I can delete the image otherwise I can upload my own images so I'm going to go to uploads here then upload your own images and let's go to my desktop and I'm going to add this image of pandas because I can and canva will upload images and it will keep the images in your upload section so you can use them again you don't need to upload the image every time you use it you kind of have this library of images that you can come back ups and use just by clicking on them like that so let's have a look at how you're going it's almost there you can see here it's uploading and now it's done so once it's done I click on it then I drag it into the section and like that I have uploaded and placed my own image other things that you can do with your own images is if I click on this just once you'll see in the top corner here I can add filters to edit the image so either choosing from canvas own filters I can scroll across the top here that's made a different color or I can click on the scales here and change the image filters according to the color scheme that I like I can crop the image if I wanted it to be bigger or a different size I have a crop option I can flip it if I wanted to horizontally and vertically and with the space seen what does the spacing one do that just brings the image in or out depending on the layout of the image the other thing that you can do with your image if you click on it and if you have a look on the right-hand side is that you can arrange it so this is the option that allows you to move it forward or back allowing you to move things around on your canvas putting them before or behind certain elements and you can also add a link on the image to an external URL by putting the link here and clicking apply and that will create a hyperlink on your design now I'm going to show you how to freestyle your own canva design so here's a blank canvas and I'm going to show you how to add images add text add images starting from a blank slate so I've already uploaded a bunch of images here so I'm going to start by adding this background so this is an image that I've uploaded earlier and I'm going to use this as my entire backgrounds uploaded it clicked it to add it and I'm going to resize it by just dragging it and that builds my entire canvas now I'd like to add some text so I'm going to click on the text section here and I have options of either adding text and then choosing a font or I can select some of canvas pre designs here so I am going to click on this one here so I'm going to change the text so replace that and delete this other text that I don't want or need to up here I'm going to add some extra text just to show you how to do it so I'm going to click on add a subheading it's placed it there I'm going to drag it underneath it then I'm going to stretch it just so that it's all on one line and I move it there it's a little bit hard to read so I'm going to go to the elements section and I'm going to have a look at different shapes that I can add so that I can have it stand out a little bit more so I think I may do a circle keep it a little bit easy and I'm going to arrange it to send it back so I can have the font appear in the front and now I'm going to change the color because it's nice and it's easy to read now but it's a little bit black so I'm going to click on the element click on the color section and I think it's going to be a blue no mm still not feeling it so I'm going to click on the plus button and now we're talking now this is exciting now I'm liking that so I've just chosen a color there and I click off it and I quite like that now how do you get the design off canvas so that you can upload it to Facebook or to whichever social media platform you click on the download button here and you can choose to download the image as a JPEG a PNG or a PDF in standard or print version I'm going to go with JPEG for the purposes of this demonstration you can choose to download all the images as you see here because there are multiple images on this canvas it will save all of them as a zip file or I can just choose the certain canvas that I want so I just want this last one which is number 4 and I'll click download and canvas doing its thing and in a couple of seconds it will enable me to download it if it doesn't automatically download and now that's downloaded when I click on it here's my beautiful image that I just created with this design if I click on the title here I can name it something so I'm going to call it Facebook post demo and this will name the image so that when you see it in your save image section it has a meaningful name I'm going to click on the canva icon this takes me back to my dashboard which has all of the images that I've created so I can go back to the image and edit it and pretty much use them as a template anytime I want so for example this Pinterest analytics one is a YouTube thumbnail so I use this as a thumbnail for my Pinterest tutorials and if I click on this particular image I can go back to it and I can update it and use the same design four different videos if it's relevant so let's say this is one on how to pin I've got the same layout I just changed the text it saves me a lot of time I don't have to build everything from scratch again and then I simply save it and then I can download it once again so that's a really cool feature of doing designs in canvas that you can set it up essentially as a template so you can go in quickly change the text to make that same image relevant for the next piece of work that you're doing another thing that I really love about canva which is a new addition that they've just added recently is that if you're creating designs or posters or business cards or or anything print related if you click on the order prints option here you can have the design that you created in canva arrange to be printed and delivered to you or from the one place so you don't need to download the design go send it to your printer and then get them to send it to you you can do it all from here and can but give you the options and the pricing which is really really cool it's just this one-stop solution to do your designs and arrange your print jobs all in the one place so there you have it a step-by-step guide of how to use canva to create beautiful images for your business if you found this video useful give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and if you're looking for more ways to grow your business using social media make sure you grab a copy of my social media checklist it's a super simple guide to help you get up and running on the major social media networks so you can start leveraging the power of social to get more customers and generate more sales with ease to get your hands on it simply click on the link in the description below and thanks for
Channel: Sara Nguyen
Views: 185,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use canva tutorial, canva tutorial for beginners, how to use canva,, canva, canva for work, canva tutorial, tutorial canva, canva app, how to canva, free graphic design software, what is canva, canva for beginners, tutorial, canva review, how to use canva for facebook, canva tutorial 2017, canva tutorial video, easy canva tutorial, online graphic design tool, canva design tutorial, how to use, how to use canva like a pro
Id: hPhN5UXmry0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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