How to Create Printables in Canva to Sell on Etsy for FREE: Sell Digital Downloads on Etsy

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Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel  Jennifer Marie VO where I teach you different ways   that you can make money online working from home.  In my last two tutorials, I talked to you about   how I have made over $11,000 selling printables on  my Etsy shop. And if you aren't already familiar   with Etsy, it is basically a platform where you  can sell handmade items. Now previously, I thought   that you had to physically create these items and  go to your post office and mail them off to your   different customers. But this is not true, you  can actually make digital downloads or PDF files   like calendars, agendas, wall art, and so much  more and sell these downloads on your Etsy shop.   So I have made over 19 different printables that  I put on my Etsy shop in 2016. And to this day,   I am making between 103 100 extra dollars a  month selling these printables in my shop.   So in my last tutorial I taught you how  to create printables using Microsoft Word.   And in today's tutorial I'm going to show you how  to create printables using Canva. Now it is free   to sign up to Canva and on Canva you can create  printables and graphics completely for free on   their website. Now there are 1000s of different  types of printables that you can sell on Etsy.   And in this tutorial, I'm going to focus on  a really popular niche on Etsy which is the   wedding niche. So today I'm going to show you how  to replicate some really popular items on Etsy in   the wedding niche. And I'm also going to show you  a free website that you can use to get royalty   free graphics, illustrations and photos that you  can use in your designs. I'll show you how to   design something within Canva how to upload your  own photos or graphics, how to customize the text   and font and how to save this as a printable file  that you can later on sell on Etsy. And before we   get started if you haven't already, make sure to  subscribe to my channel where I will be releasing   more videos on how to set up your own shop on  Etsy. And you can also check out dozens of my   other videos on how to make money online as a  freelancer as a transcriptionist and much more.   So let's get started. Okay, so before I get into  showing you how exactly to create printables in   Etsy, I just want to show you an example of what  kind of principles we are going to be creating.   As I said before the wedding Nish is extremely  popular on Etsy you will find there are so   many different women buying things on Etsy  for their weddings. And it's a great niche   to get into because think about how much money  people spend on their weddings in North America   $20,000 $15,000. So if you're spending that  much money on your wedding, buying a $10 or   a $5 Etsy pack is going to be like nothing.  So what I'm going to show you as an example,   this table numbers for weddings. And basically,  when someone has a wedding in North America,   they'll put these little signs on each table  showing which table the guests are supposed to sit   on. And they're just very simple designs, you can  see these people are selling them for $5 $10. And   you can see these shops have hundreds of different  sales and all of them are pretty simple. And I'm   going to show you how to create something like  this. And then with our own little twist on it.   Because you might say well, how are people going  to find mine and want to buy my printable when   there are so many available? Well, all of these  look pretty simple. So if you offer something a   little bit different, like this one, they have  a little plant design, or this one, they offer   your own photograph in the printable that  makes it a bit more custom. And people will   be more likely to choose yours printable if  you're offering something a little different.   So I'm going to show you how to create something  like this in Canva. And again, all the skills   you're going to learn today about how to create  printables in Canva can be applied to any type of   printable, you don't have to just make these kinds  of principles. This is just going to show you how   to use Canva and how to get inspired. And you can  use these strategies to create wall art to create   cards, invitations, any sort of printable that you  want to create to sell on your Etsy shop. But look   at some of the this woman here 35,000 sales on her  wedding shop, this woman almost 2000 sales, almost   20,000 sales. I mean, this woman has probably  made over $100,000 on her shop. It's amazing   how much money you can make on Etsy. So let's  get into how to create printables using Canva.   So I'm going to show you how to create this and  this is the free version of Canva. If you want   to sign up and create an account on Canva, you can  go to the description below and click on the link.   And once you get into Canva you can see there's  all sorts of different things. You can look at all   of these different templates, logos, posters, and  these are all things you could create cards flyers   and sell on Etsy. But we're going to create  something starting from scratch. So we want   a blank template. And all of these products this  size is four by six which is your standard photo   size or five by seven. You're going to click  Create a design and then go to custom size and then here the pixels. We want Put in our  1200 by 1800, which is four by six. And if you   want five by 715 100 by 2100, click Create new  design. And right here we have a blank slate for   creating our printable. So I'm going to name this  wedding table design one. Okay, so the first thing   we want to do is add some text, you're going to  click here on text. And you can use choose any   of these, I'm going to click the top one, add  a heading. And then I'm going to put in table.   This right now we're just going to add  the text and then later we're going to   change the size and the font. So I'm going to  put table at the top, then add another one,   put table one, and then at the bottom, then I'm  going to add a subheading. And what we're going   to do like they do in all of these is put the name  of the bride and the groom, let's say Jennifer,   and Sawyer, and then the date so may 1 2021,  for example. Okay, so now we want to make this   beautiful, we're gonna click on the first one, and  then you can go up here and click on any font that   you want. Now, there's so many nice types of fonts  that you can use, the ones that have the crown are   premium. So we can't use those unless you have  Canva Pro, but we can use all of the other ones.   So the one I saw before that I liked was  called Daydream. So I'm going to click on that.   And then we can change the font size, I'm going  to change the font size to 280. Click enter.   To change the positioning, just click on it,  and then you can just move it how you like   it. And Canva has this nice built in grid. So  you can see here that it's telling me that it's   nice and centered with the long pink line.  Then I'm going to click on number one,   I'm going to change this as well to daydream. And  let's make the font size 700. Press Enter. Then   at the bottom here, I'm going to change this  font, just to see, or however you say this,   and you can adjust the font size however you like  it as well. So you can see that what we have just   created here on Canva is very similar to what  you can see here on Etsy. But let's say we want   to make our stand out a little bit, we're going  to add some elements, some nice design elements.   So you can go to And these are  free images and royalty free stock images that   you can use in your commercial works that you can  sell and there's no copyright issues whatsoever.   So here I'm going to type in a plant, for example,  plants or flowers. And you can organize this by   you can search by illustrations, or  you can search by vector graphics,   as well. Okay, so let's say this one, for example,  I want to use, you can see here it has the pixabay   license, it's free for commercial use, and you  don't have to give any credit to the author,   we're going to click free download, and  then download it and whatever size you want.   And then you can click, I'm not a robot, click  download. And here we have the image that we're   going to use. So to add this image into this  template here, we're going to click on uploads,   then click Upload Media. Go to device or  wherever you have downloaded the image,   and click on the image and click Open. So now  you'll have access to add this image into your   design. So be careful when you're adding it  because if you click it to the side here,   it will make it the background and we don't  want to make it the background, we want it to   be a separate little element. So let's just  once you see that it's not filling the full   image, it's just like this, drop it, release your  mouse and then we can play around and move it. So   what we want to do first is we want to make sure  it's behind the text, we don't want it to be   on top of the text. So for example, if it is on  top of the text, you're going to right click and   choose Send to Back and now it will be behind  the text. Now I don't want it to be this red.   I want it to be in black and white, I think it  will look nicer. So what you can do is click on   it go to effects. And you can play with any of  these effects if you want to choose it and make   it a different color. Or you can go to Filter. And  then you can choose any of you know these filters   that you want if you wanted to make it look you  know, whimsical, and you can change the intensity,   drama. I just want it to be grayscale or  straight. I want it to be in black and white.   And then you can choose the intensity  of it as well. So I'm just going to put it up 70 for example. And then what I want to  do is make it transparent. So, up here, click on   transparency. And then we can move this down a  little bit. So it's a bit more of like a faded   flower, it's not so dark. And then you can click  on it and adjust it and drag it however, however   you like, we can even move it a little bit if we  want it just to be peeking out at the side. And   you can just sort of have fun playing around with  this design element. And then once you have it how   you like it, we can even add another one at the  bottom here. So click on the element, right click,   go copy, then right click, paste, and then we can  click on it, and click flip, and then choose Flip   Horizontal, and now it's on the other  side. And then we can bring this down here,   and then rotate it however you like it until  you're happy with the design. And just like that,   we've created a really minimalistic but stylish  table number printable that you could sell in a   wedding themed Etsy shop or any sort of design  Etsy shop. And what you could also do is offer   people the customization of whatever color they  want. So let's say, you know, all of these people   are just offering it in black and white or  that you have to actually, if you download   and purchase their printable, you can edit  it yourself in an online editor. But again,   not a lot of people are comfortable with editing  their own work, they'd rather you do it for them.   So you could charge the same amount and say you'll  do all the editing for them. So if they pay you   $5, you'll put in, you know the name of the bride  and the groom, or the two people getting married,   and put in their wedding date, and then also  change it to whatever color that they want, let's   say their wedding color, you know, is a is red or  as gold or silver or something like this and they   have you know, a certain color that they want, you  can offer that for them and offer to change these   elements as well to whatever color that they want.  Now, I want to show you how you can quickly add   in the other table numbers because this one you  would be selling table 123. You know, it could be   10 tables or more to duplicate this design at the  top click Duplicate page. And then you would just   put in table to duplicate page, table three, deep  duplicate page table for and you would just keep   doing that all the way up to 10 or 12, or however  many tables there are. And then to save this   printable and download it. So you could give it to  your client or to your customer, you go download.   And here you can choose whatever you want, I  recommend saving it as a PNG file, so it'll   be high quality. And then the customer can go  ahead and use this file to print off in their   home computer or give it to a printer. And then  you just click download and it will download all   four pages. So it'll open up in a zip file here.  And then your client or your customer will have   all of the designs ready for them to print  out or give to their printer to print off   in separate individual files. And you can just  send them this wedding table design zip file that   they can go ahead and export themselves. Now let's  say you want to offer an option like this and add   the option that your current client or customer  can add their own custom photo, what you can do.   Let's, for example, bring this over here,  bring this over here, resize the table,   make this a little bit bigger. And then you can go  over to elements. And under frames. Click see all   and you can choose any of these frames to place  over this and then add any photograph you want.   So let's say they wanted to have a different photo  for each table number. Let's go down here to this   square, click on it and it will add it to your  image. And you can resize it however you like.   And then right click and go Send to Back so the  numbers on top and also these two design elements.   And then to add a photo to this, go to uploads,  choose Upload Media and upload whatever photo   that the customer sends you then drag and drop  the photo into place. And then to reposition it,   you'll double click on the photo and then drag it  over and you can even resize it like this. So it's   exactly how you want it inside the image. Just  like that double click and drag it however you   like it so it's nice and nicely inside the image.  And then there you have it a really beautiful   here I can click click on this to zoom it up. And  just like that you have a really beautiful table   printable that you can sell to your client  and you can do these custom and charge more because you're going to custom do it for Have  them and they don't have to worry about it   themselves. You could also change this to  black and white can click on the picture,   go to Filter, and you can change it,  you know, to any filter that you want.   I'm going to change it to black and white or  grayscale. And you could even have fun changing or   adding effects to the text by clicking on effects.  And you could add a lift, or shadow if you wanted   to add a shadow and play around with that as well  give it a little splash of color. And then again,   for this one, you would just click Duplicate  page. And you can again, change this to table two,   you can press Delete on the photo, and then  add in whatever other photo you want to add.   And just like that, we've created some really  beautiful printables that you can sell on Etsy.   And especially think it's a great  idea to offer these custom options,   because so many of these different shops on Etsy  are selling people editable templates, basically   saying you have to make the template yourself. Me  personally, if I was in buying a template on Etsy,   I don't want to make it myself, I'm paying them  to do the work. So you can offer someone Listen,   I'll create all of these for you. I'll add in your  own pictures, I'll do the colors that you want.   And I'm going to charge you this much to do it.  And that is one way that you can set your shop   and make your shop different from the others is  that you're offering to do all the work for them.   And once you are finished creating your designs  Canva will save your designs every time you log   in, just click on all your designs. And then these  are all the ones that you have worked on. So you   can just go ahead click on it. And then you can go  ahead and put in whatever new information you want   to put in for your next client. For example,  you can also go File, Save or Save to folder,   and then create a folder if you want to put all of  your wedding designs in one folder, for example,   these sorts of printables would be a bit more  active, because you would be offering them to   do the work for them. So you would be working with  each customer differently. But you can use these   same tactics or these same strategies to create  printables that aren't necessarily customizable.   For example, if you're creating wall art or  something that you can hang on a wall of a   baby's in a nursery for a baby, or birthday  gift, or a Mother's Day present, you know,   these are all different things that you can create  on Etsy that you don't necessarily have to offer   customization options. But these are just some  ideas of how you can create really beautiful   printables that you can sell in your  own shop. I recommend you go on Etsy,   browse through all these different printables  these ones that are really popular.   So if you're able to offer someone something  that's different from the other printables that   are on Etsy, you're going to set yourself apart  from the rest of the other sellers and people   will be more likely to want to buy from you. So  you guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If   you're interested in any other tutorials or you  want me to teach you how to create other sorts of   media or principles using Canva using Microsoft  Word or any other sort of graphic design software,   feel free to leave a comment in the comment  section below. If you liked this video,   please click like it really helps me out. Make  sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos   just like this one. And thank you guys once again  for watching. I'll see you in my next tutorial.
Channel: Jennifer Marie
Views: 27,408
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Keywords: etsy printables tutorial, how to create printables for etsy, canva tutorial, how to create printables in canva to sell on etsy, canva free tutorial, create printables in canva, how to make printables for etsy, sell on etsy, sell printables on etsy, etsy printable ideas, digital downloads etsy, printables etsy, jennifermarievo, jennifer marie vo, make money online, work from home, passive income etsy, passive income selling printables, Etsy, etsy sellers, etsy success
Id: -5uz0ExKV70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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