Candy Over Chrome

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so this video I'm going to be spraying candy over chrome this is the DNA custom pants range it's virtual chrome kit and I'm going to be using the sunrise yellow candy I'll take you guys right through the entire process prep work is pretty important you don't want any sanding scratches that's going to show through into your virtual chrome so I've had this panel out here it's been baking for a few days in my solar oven I would say it's pretty important to get your primer nice and dry too because it is very solvent sensitive the virtual chrome works done the next thing I'm going to be doing is giving it a prep soil wax and grease remover so your prep work is pretty important probably a little bit more important than a standard job because the virtual chrome will show up a lot more imperfections and standard base coat and clear coat obviously make sure your booth is as clean as possible because this is just the first step and we will be leaving it for a couple of days but how clean you get this the first time will make a big difference to the end result so the first half of this video actually is the exact same process as what I did on that virtual chrome grill however when it gets to the key clear stage I'll be putting the candy in that so if you wanted to skip out the virtual chrome stage and go straight to the candy over the chrome skip up to the 14-minute mark and that's where we'll be mixing the candy with the key clip as you've probably already noticed I have doubled up the speed of this base coat stage because I guess it's not really what you're here to watch me putting some base coat on just to speed that process up we're a double speed so all you should need usually a black base coat is just your two coats however if you get two coats on and you're not 100% sure that's covered just whack an extra one on just to be sure but yeah usually your axe we got coverage after your first coat second coats just to be sure it's not really that coming that you do need to put three coats of black solvent based base coat on anyway and as you may have noticed I'm using my new favorite gun which is their developers GPI and that's got a 1.4 mil fluid tip on it base coat stage I was just running that fan fully open 20 psi at the regulator and four turns out with the fluid which that takes us up to our next stage which is our diamond clear in between putting that base coat on and this clear coat obviously I've given that gonna clean out because I'm using the same gun gave a really good strip down and flush through to make sure there's no black base coat left in there mixed up my diamond clear I'm by the time that was done that black base coat had flashed off enough for me to be right to go straight over with the diamond clip now I didn't end up Chuck ragging or anything I've actually found sometimes if you don't a craggy base coat you can end up getting more bits of dust in there because there may be one little metallic particle off your tack rag from the previous job and then that goes and lands in your fresh base coat and then you actually creating a worth job as long as that black base coat that you have got on is nice and clean that in my experience you are usually pretty right to go straight over it with the clear coat without tak ragging but obviously take a job by job inspector if there's any big chunks in there that you can say hey maybe just give it a couple of minutes give it a quick scuff dammit maybe some 800 grit and then put a little bit more base coat over the top of it so this is step one now we play the waiting game obviously we've got to try and get these as clean as possible because we're not doing any sanding prior to putting our virtual Chrome on I do have a couple of pieces in there but I'm just going to have to live with them at the end of the day this is just a test panel anyway this will be going on a car but you really want to get as little as orange-peel as possible and I'm happy with that that's not really a big chunky thick orange peel and you really want to try and get that in just the one coat because one coats going to gas it out a lot quicker than putting two coats of that on I guess you would have the option if you had lots and lots of dust in there maybe to leave that for 20 minutes or so until it's flashed off and then put another coat over it and that could hopefully fill up a bit of the dust for you but then you do put more paint on there and you probably don't want too much on there because you want it to dry right out before we put out virtual chrome Oh so I've left these overnight I ended up getting my infrared curing lights onto this panel here just to make sure we've got as much of those solvents out of that diamond clear as possible it's still looking pretty nice and clean however I will be giving it a dust off just for any dust that might have settled on top of that diamond clip so I'm just using the mini gun that I'm actually going to be using to apply the crown with I mean there's nothing to stop you from getting one of those air duster guns that have got like a regulator on it and use maybe around 20 or so psi to make sure that there has been no dust settle on your clear coat so we're going to be putting our virtual chrome directly over that cured diamond clear I know you're probably sitting at home thinking but you're not going to have adhesion if you don't go over something that you've already sanded well that's what the next day does I did mention in the previous video the virtual chrome video that is what the key clear is for now you may be sitting there thinking or but you've got one or two bits of dust in that black couldn't you just do it out and polish it absolutely no it is very important that you do not touch that diamond clear like don't touch it with a tack rag don't touch it with anything as you notice me before all I did was just get the air out of this mini spray gun and just dust it off if you touch it with anything if you get fingerprints on there even if you touch it probably with your gloves you may even get some sort of contamination on there that you will actually see because this virtual chrome is extremely sensitive it is very thin you may have noticed when I was pouring into the gun it's basically just like these metallic particles floated up in a bit of thinner I don't know I'm the chemist I don't exactly know what they do to make this stuff work but yeah it is very sensitive to just about anything from my experience this stuff is a lot easier being applied on smaller surfaces as you will start to notice Here I am doing my best to get this honors even as I possibly can with all my experience in the industry but it is still going on a little bit patchy and if you hang around for a little bit longer you'll also realize the importance of the microfiber cloth which is the step that you do after putting the virtual Chrome on and then leaving it for a couple of hours so that's four coats down and it's a little patch in some spots but it's still got a really awesome finish on it and a really nice bright shine to it so basically the virtual chrome is what they tell me is a leaf metallic so rather than your normal metallics where they'll sit on all these different angles in the binders every single one of these particles is designed to lay flat and they're tiny so they give you more of a reflection so there are still aluminum particles from what I'm told but I'm when doing the candy over chrome they tell me it can't hurt to put a little bit more of the chrome on just to give the a brighter base for the candy to UM really jump out so when applying this virtual chrome the guys from then I do recommend using a point eight Millard tip on a mini gun I'm using the one that these guys actually sells branded as a PTW on the box but I think it's just a cheap Chinese little mini gun I'm sure you can find them globally quite easily gun settings that they recommend is just a quarter of a turn on the fluid so it's like really nothing at all and then your full fan and then just twenty psi at the regulator I decided just to put one on just so I could gauge exactly that I'm keeping those settings how they recommend it from DNA you can see now that I'm starting to get a little bit more on some of that model is going away from I think what it was is that you could sort of see through to some of the black spots but then not some of the others again I really personally wouldn't really want to be doing this on a respray a motorbike helmet motorbike anything you know just get inventive anything that's not too big I mean maybe even the bottom of a surfboard you do some cool design I mean you wouldn't necessarily do the whole thing or a skateboard or something like that yeah you are limited by your imagination when it comes to custom paint nobody said it was easy but I guess that's what makes it a bit more fun than using your boring everyday automotive paint even though the end result on this test panel here wasn't absolutely perfect I've had a bit of fun and I've definitely learnt a thing or two I find that you've actually got more to learn off a mistake than what you have when everything goes absolutely a hundred percent perfect and there's no problems at all I mean yeah you do feel a little bit better when everything just goes perfect and you get it totally off the gun it all comes out exactly how it went to plan feels a bit better but you got more to learn and hey next time I go to do this same thing there's a good 5 or 10 things that I would probably do different and that's what these kind of stuff is all about I guess and look at the end of the day it's just a test panel only I was doing it was the sake of making a video to share with you guys so if you guys can pick up a thing or two and it saves you a little bit of stuffing around in the future well then that's a success in my mind so that's six coats of the virtual chroming I only put two coats on these edges just to see the difference partly and I just thought also it is only a test panel it probably didn't need the extra material in there but what you can see is that you're getting that reflection from the from the black and it's giving you that chrome effect so being that we're going to put the candy over this probably a bit better to have more of the chrome on and and once the candies on will get more reflection out of it will get their reflection that way but uh there's one or two bits of dust I did know they were there and in the clear coat prior to putting this on if I wanted an absolute Anderson perfect finish I would have had the option to even just locate that to give that a sound back Danny of those bits of dust flow coat it and hopefully the next time I would not get any of those dust it's a dustin up and then obviously fake that out leave it for a couple of days and then go on again with the chrome but the next step now wait until hours play the waiting game again and then I will get my micro flying cloth which I've got here not a tack club not a tack cloth you will probably ruin that metallic those metallic particles using a tack cloth so this is what I did one of these panels these parts here with the tack rag and you can not sure how well it's showing up on this video but you can just see these like scratch marks draw up and no matter how many coats of the virtual Chrome you put on I would doubt that you'd be able to remove them but um this one here's got three coats of the Chrome and this one has got five it's like just an idea of the different effects you can get out of different amounts and the next stage is going to be our key clear so you might think well you just painted your chrome over shiny diamon clear but that's where the cake really comes in I'm no chemist I don't know how it works but it does work it's been put through the cross touch test which I'm told all paint manufacturers how AM finishes must go through and this passes that test so I think they just do like noughts and crosses Clybourn and then get tape and peel it back and make sure you've got good adhesion and this passes that test so next up i'm mixing up the key Claire I'm going to be putting 15% of the candy concentrate I'm using the sunrise yellow because I think it's a pretty cool color now they recommend 10 to 15% of the concentrate mixed in with the key clear and that is by weight and that's also prior to putting your hardener in so I'm just going to go 150 mils I think that should be enough and then we'll go 15 percent of but which will be around 20 grams just to touch over 22 or 3 grams and then the hardener goes in on top that is at five to one ratio and then another one part of the reducer so this is the part that I was telling you guys about before that actually kind of stuffed up and I'm looking back on myself now and I'm like oh this is what I've done round it's a little bit hard for me to watch but just take note of exactly what I'm doing I'm probably not pushing enough pressure on I think I was just being a little bit too gentle and I actually also didn't realize the amount of overspray that was on there in hindsight I probably should have grabbed my spray gun like that little luma 3 thing that I've got or a tram some gum I've already sold that that was why I wouldn't have grabbed that but yeah just something to actually inspect over it before I go and put this candy on which as you can see I've already mixed up and then strained it into the gun so when I was doing this job I decided to do these little shapes just to give me an idea of my application and if I was getting it right if I am painted these and they just totally didn't look right well then maybe you did let me adjust those gun settings or even technique just to suit by the gun settings that I did have when I was spraying the candy was to wind the fluid right in and then come out 3 full turns have the fan wound right out and then come back in one full turn and then the pressure was set at 22 psi I seem to remember when we're doing the DNA course they were using 1.2 mil our spray guns but I'm using the 1.4 and it's getting totally fine atomizer and application now any of the model that you do see in this is actually not the candy it was the chrome underneath and yeah a little bit annoying for me to see such an effort and such a process look a little bit under par but as I say before as long as you guys can learn a couple of things out of line mistakes at the end of the day it's just a test panel it ended up getting painted over the top anyway and one of the future videos that I've also done is how to just spray candy and that was actually a lot better I did learn from this it looked much better and the main thing that I did learn out of this process here was that putting the candy in the 2-pack clear so key clear in this instance actually made it disperse a lot nicer so the next video I ended up putting the candy in my 2-pack clear and I don't know if it's just the way it dries down or the amount of time it takes to dry down compared to having it in the inter coat it just seems to go a lot less mottling and as far as this candy stage goes if you were happy with how the effect looked after that first coat well then there's nothing to stop you from leaving it at one coat of candy and if you weren't still happy with how dark it was then there's nothing to stop you from going 3 or even 4 coats until you get the depth out of that candy and the exact shade that you want to get out of it but maybe do what I did get some of those shapes as test panels put a couple on and see exactly what kind of finishes that you can get all in all four tests how I'm quite happy with it and I learn a couple of things now with that polishing cloth it's not showing up very well at this point but when I put my light onto it there must have been a little spot or two that I messed with the polishing cloths they may be a bit of advice just to keep an eye out for that is this one part you can see just there that on I must have not quite gone over it so that's a dusty misty overspray and it's yeah changed the effect but all in all it's looking awesome got to leave that for 15 maybe 20 minutes and then put some diamond clear over it so in hindsight the next stage probably wasn't really even worth doing because it was simply just a test panel but hey at least shows you guys the correct procedure for doing candy / chrome so the key clear I mixed that up at the two-to-one ratio that is by volume not weight and then you will put an extra 15 percent reducer on top of that again that may vary sometimes in the middle of winter you might want to put a touch more in and in the middle of some you might not need quite as much because the paint naturally goes a little bit thinner in the heat which goes back to actually some of those videos that you've probably seen me doing in the colder months where actually warm white clear coat up and that thins it down without even having to put any reducer in it so it's a good idea if you are spraying in a cooler environment maybe even get some warmth into that clear but obviously doing that you will not need so much reducer in there and the gun settings are left exactly the same as when I was using the candy look you could play around with them a little bit if you like you could open it up to full fan and want your Florida out-of-touch and change that pressure around it is really no need so yeah look the settings are there for a reason obviously if there was one perfect setting that these guns were meant to be used at well then now obviously just set them there from the factory or from the spray gun manufacturer all you'd have to do is plug the gun in and start spraying but there is loads of things that will change the settings that you want to have on your gun again like temperature environment the materials that you're using and also the desired finish so if you're looking for an absolute showcar finish well then I'll probably be turning that pressure up I'll say you know throw caution to the wind I'm going to go through a little bit more pain but I'm going to get the best quality finish possible I'm not going for a you know a refinishing job on a he and I get where they come with totally appalling orange peel from factory and they barely even put any paint on you just be back get that finish with a half coat of clear and the Mazdas are probably the worst of that actually I've cut through on blends just with a piece of scotch brite so not even actually dammit even sandpaper lightly going over it with a scotch-brite knowing that they barely put any paint on and you're already cutting through that clear coat but anyway that's another story for another video this job's just about wrapped up as we put our last coat of diamond and clear on a product that I've been extremely happy with it seems to hold a very nice gloss it's got a nice amount of fill to it so if you do need to use it for anything like flakes then you do get a nice amount of build maybe leave a little bit of that reducer out just to get that build and then you'll be able to stand it back and flow coat it that actually reminds me I've got some footage of doing some spraying some metal flakes so that'll be in a coming video to make sure you do check out my website I've been flat out working on that and giving it a real big upgrade so ya go across and check out the gunman dotnet dot a you all my videos and blogs are over there so that's our candy over chrome demo done you can see this little shape here that I painted that's got only three coats of the virtual chrome over the top and it's got a bit of a duller look to it so as the guys recommended you put that a couple of extra coats when you are using the candy and you'll get a bit more reflection but even this one as is still does look pretty cool it's custom paint at the end of the day so it's up to you what you want to do that the kind of finishes that you're going to get with us but yeah really happy with it hope you guys have learnt a couple of things and make sure you get out there and paint some with some awesome tomatoes and this one here was the just standard virtual crime
Channel: The Gunman
Views: 608,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paint, painting, spray, gun, refinish, gunman, SATAjet, DeVilbiss, Iwata, Sagola, dna custom paints, custom paint, chrome paint, candy paint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2015
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