Candid Camera Classic: Menu Substitutions

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[Music] this is our cheese grill in Reno and that's where we set up and here are some folks ready to be served by Chris who's playing the waiter today but perhaps they didn't read the fine print that we put on each menu you see right there it says we reserve the right to make substitutions let's watch set up your teeth I'm sorry is that a bacon lettuce and tomato no that's a turkey sandwich okay ordered a BLT yeah I know you did BLT on sourdoughs what you ordered right right I substituted it with the turkey sandwich oh okay all right okay you don't have BLT well we do but you know the chef said that we really need to get rid of the turkey okay um so I just said okay okay yeah all right yeah it is a turkey change you know to be honest with you I really like Turkey could I have something else um well well what else would you want a BLT our menu clearly states here only reserve the right to make substitutions okay and so we do that okay I substituted el turkey for a BLT that's the time okay okay it's but otherwise houses like Russia chiliburger well I didn't order chili burger did I no no you ordered the Western burger with cheese yeah and chili burger isn't what I ordered I'd won the chili burger I wouldn't worry one have it I substituted it I realize what you did oh I'm not too terribly pleased about that you should just say we're gonna substitute tuna for the turkey if you want that that's fine do you mind yeah see what I mean yeah yes my mine I do mine I don't want a garden burger is the only problem oh you don't want it huh no ordered your cheeseburger yeah no yeah you order a cheeseburger and fries well you should have mentioned to me you're gonna switch it I mean I can I'll get it down but you know I just expected to be getting a burger there I'm sorry oh it looks like you're already started on that we are I just talked to the chef and he he was asking me if we could substitute your garden burger with a chicken sandwich oh wow this would be up there well I think he kind of wants that back he's already started you've already started out yeah let me just take it the way it isn't I'll bring you a chicken sandwich instead okay all right the chef just notified me again we're gonna have to substitute the chicken sandwich with a Denver omelet you know we had some extra eggs left over from breakfast and he kinda wants to get rid of those bring on whatever you feel like sir funny thing is he actually said that we need to substitute bags with cheeseburgers so I'm bringing the cheeseburger that you originally ordered you can put it on so what's working and the other thing I want from you is a smile you look right over there you're on candid camera I've been smiling you
Channel: Candid Camera Classics
Views: 363,015
Rating: 4.8885217 out of 5
Keywords: Candid Camera, Candid Classic, Peter Funt, Restaurant jokes
Id: q3JCmE6aa5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2016
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