Candid Camera Classic: Recycled Pizza Boxes!

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[Music] [Applause] and this is one of the round Table Pizza restaurants where today chris is behind the counter handling the takeout orders let's watch did you bring here to go box over there or something or no you reuse it from the last time you came to we didn't yeah I think we had it delivered didn't come last oh they didn't give you about not one that I thought we should keep so you threw it away yeah oh boy okay yeah you supposed to reuse those yeah the first time I ever heard of that oh really yeah yeah we're asking you to reuse your boxes now that's our new thing okay I'm gonna give you a box okay if you can bring it back the next time in the next time and the next time after that good we're reusing recycling or boxes it's saving us a lot of money and it's great for the environment you know yeah yeah you know yeah okay [Music] great for our business and how much money to save I do not have an eye boxes over life so here's a box that's in that here we'll be able to put this right in it's no big deal you can reuse it okay this one was a onion and so I really do - I mean yeah okay you want me to take out the onions and artichoke hearts this kind of Dawson you know it's got a new learning experience this is good it's good it's just an excellent chance there's some stuff here we don't want to know about a real problem we use in food containers I think somebody better better do you a favor and say don't do this it's wonderful to conserve and do not waste stuff in a recycle we don't recycle the stuff that's like that's like reusing plates without washing them hey you got your buffalo wings and you got your smile turning sauce with these at all I said you got your smile right over there because you're on candid camera what were you thinking taking the spots with garlic look right over there because you're on the candid camera television show no way no way I was thinking come on guys Gabby they're bad Oh good idea all right true this is true this is camera let me give you a piece [Music]
Channel: Candid Camera Classics
Views: 205,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r9DgdyZZAAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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