Candace Owens ~ The Liberty Forum ~ 10-15-2019

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thank you guys so much for having me I'm so excited to be here I met a few of you guys earlier today and I always say it's such a blessing to be here I think you guys are the real fighters in California I tell people all the time California is essentially a communist country within the United States of America if you've been there if you've been to downtown LA you have been to a communist country and it's getting crazier I mean I've never seen especially San Francisco I've never seen so many articles written about poop I mean it's just is this real life every time you scroll there's an article said we've got a real poop problem there's poop on the streets there's there's a poop patrol in in San Francisco which is quite remarkable that the people that are running these cities think that they have the audacity to tell us that they are well equipped to run the country right they get to have a poop control they tell us that we can't have a Border Patrol I don't think that's how it works right by the way thank you guys for being here tonight I know that you sacrificed watching the Democrat debates tonight right I haven't looked at the news but I can probably guess there's a lot of craziness going on we've probably got bado and Cory Booker speaking Spanish because they have no idea they're running for president of the United States we probably got Joe Biden on the offense about hunter in which he really botched that GMA interview I mean he's got no excuses I think Biden's out of the out of the race completely in my opinion after this I think Trump played it brilliantly make him fight early and make him fight hard he doesn't have the stamina to keep up with Trump and it's it's it's really telling that their front-runner right now is Elizabeth Warren right and this is a woman all she wants is to be oppressed in life I mean she's she really wants to be oppressed we have a woman who pretended her whole life to be Native American because it sounded good and it was she went with oppression and now since we've already figured out that she has nothing to do with Native Americans she actually is not Pocahontas now she's going around saying that she got fired for being pregnant and that also didn't happen and that is that is the Democrat front-runner right now so I think we're in a really good position I know that Trump is so excited and you guys should be too get really fired up it's going to be a very fun election cycle so I love California California is very close to my heart actually I heard some students screaming Stanford do we have some Stanford students here where are they that is amazing I always say I'm one of the few conservatives that has spoken at Stanford UCLA Berkley and lived to tell about it so I'm alive do you have anybody from UCLA yeah amazing yeah UCLA was actually one of my craziest experiences ever so I owe a lot to California because that was one of my early viral moments I went to go speak at a college campus and I was ill-prepared I had um I was with Charlie Kirk and Charlie was warning me it was really bad and I was like what's wrong with you I wasn't in school that long ago it can't be that bad it's not going to be that crazy for me to show up and have a conversation and I mean it was like visiting a different planet it was there were we had an T for protesters we had black lives matter protesters we were in a room that was about this size and because people didn't want us to speak we had a group of students that were playing Beyonce music through speakers loud so they could drown out the sound of us talking on stage so just imagine that scenario and we started the event just just so you're aware of what's really happening on these college campuses we started the events and I do this now often I'll ask a very simple question just to figure out how crazy the room is and I'll say I'm gonna ask a very simple question by a show of hands how many people think America is a more racist country today than it was 60 years ago and about half of the hands went up to astonishing like this is actually how brainwashed these kids are they actually believe that America is a worse off country and I'll never forget the black lives matter protester said to me well it's just a different kind of racism but it's worse today than it was back when we had segregation and Jim Crow law so that is the lunacy that I have to fight and that's really what I do somebody earlier asked me you know what do you want what do you consider yourself to author talk-show host really just sort of a glorified babysitter I have to explain very simple concepts I'm not really I'm not really an Einstein when I go around not really like teaching them things that it's so hard and complicated to understand I'm like hey guys so there's two genders and the whole room falls apart right that's I'm like let me explain what I mean here and the gender is a concept I can be a boy today in a girl tomorrow you actually can't and the whole room falls apart I mean and this is really what is going on in their households even you know my mom says I can pick my gender okay well your mom's a little crazy you can't pick your gender this is the back and forth in the fight that we're fighting on college campuses every single day and and the fight really is it's it's alarming to me because I know I met someone earlier who said to me yeah I actually have a niece or a nephew and and they're going through the same thing where the four-year-old the mom is saying they can pick their gender and all this stuff this did not exist when I was in school and I'm not old this never happened this was not a debate a conversation everybody got along I never grew up feeling this sense of oh I'm so oppressed because of the color of my skin you know it just it was not the way America was and I grew up in the 90s I consider that to be the golden decade and to see it seems to me that people genuinely just got along and everything was okay and now we're in an entirely different place you know you've got kids now running around thinking the world's gonna end in ten years and and they're they're using kids a lot to the left is really starting to put kids in front of them it's a very simple strategy well if I put a kid in front of me you can't attack the idea is that if you attack the idea you're attacking children that's the strategy that they're playing so they put Greta Thornburg who's by the way 16 I thought she was aged he's 16 so two more years until I crush her in a tweet not bad not too long of a wait a but you see them play that game how dare you and then they say oh you can't say anything she's a young woman and she's scared and I look around these adults and I'm like if you've convinced a bunch of children they're gonna die in ten years and you think you're on the good side right like I mean it's really alarming and they really believe this stuff and I get it this this sort of sleepy brainwashing did happen for me as well and when I was in high school I tell people that now and they're really scared about the environment I tell them we were already supposed to be dead I I and when I was in school it was Al Gore and the polar bears and the melting IceCaps and we all had to watch Inconvenient Truth we were already supposed to be dead I survived it prior to it was global cooling that they were afraid of the decade prior before that somebody told me it was acid rain I think that's actually the worst one they said the kids were scared to go outside when it was raining and I said imagine if you lived in like Seattle I mean like that's that's a if you're in Arizona as a kid you were okay but like these kids were afraid to go outside so every single ten years they update how you're going to die and I said this on Twitter and and one of the people you know one of my trolls and attacks me he sort of came out and said well it's because you know they can't predict exactly what it's gonna happen but something's going to happen and I'm like so you're kind of refinancing doomsday like it just like doomsday refi every ten years and the kids are freaking out but these are the mechanisms of control and and so much of it is happening through the youth and it's so important for parents to pay attention to this to really look at the syllabus to understand what they are telling the students and and it gets harder and harder for parents like in the way that I grew up you know my parents we didn't have a lot of money so my mom was working all day she wasn't paying attention to what we were reading or what we were learning so really gives the government the opportunity to brainwash your children and to and I don't I don't know many people that come out of high school conservative I I'd certainly didn't and if you have a child that did Pat yourselves on the back you are doing a phenomenal job seriously so a lot of what I like to speak to people about in general is just what I think is the most important thing and I think the most important thing in terms of if we are really going to win if we are really going to turn this thing around the most important thing for us to understand is that we lost culture to the left that's how the left has been able to do this I mean everything they're saying is so ridiculous up is down down is up men are women women are men and you say how is it possible that all of this happens and the education system is one part but the other part is culture and I and I got a question a few nights ago where someone asked me what was what is the most frustrating part of your job you get so much hate you get hate mail you get hate tweets all that stuff doesn't bother me but when I started off early on I actually received a lot of friendly fire when I first started you guys know this who were following me I was making videos on YouTube and I was making them light-hearted and funny and easy and attainable and quick and I think one of the first hit pieces that was written about me was written by the National Review and they said this and I'll never forget it and I talked about it a lot it's really important they said this is a sort of conservatism that we need to reject right this this this humor this having fun and I said to myself do you think people are going to listen to us if we're writing these these species what you think this is what the kids want you're gonna write them a long essay about why they should be conservative this is why the left one because they were doing humor because they are having fun because they took SNL and turned it into political propaganda and that's just the way the world is going this is this is the generation that has never not had a smartphone now right dick and everything has to be fast they're on Twitter they're on Facebook I go around all the time I speak at so many Lincoln Reagan dinners and I get people that say to me ah you know Candace I love the president I just wish he would stop tweeting and I say guys that's why he won he should never stop tweeting people don't understand the brilliance of our president when he does these things when he's posting memes when he's giving people nicknames when he's saying hashtag lock her up when he's going where's Biden where's Biden and I need a t-shirt where's Biden that's that is culture that's culture that's the stuff that he knows is gonna stick in the back of people's minds that's the stuff that helps us win that's what makes a conservative message more attainable you know people asked ask me all the time also what do you see what are we gonna do where is this all going how is this all going to stop it seems like you've gotten really really far right it's scary especially radicalize feminism which I'm always speaking out about the me2 movement the idea that we should just hashtag believe women because I guess we've never done anything wrong ladies we've never told a lie we'd never do anything wrong right and and where is it all going and how do we stop it and when I asked myself that question it seemed to me at the easy the easiest way to stop all of this madness was through the minority community was through an awakening through the black community because I said to myself the one thing that the left can't stand up to is a bunch of black Americans that are standing up and saying no more no more victim narrative we don't buy this anymore we want opportunities and not handouts and I said it's it's true [Applause] I can't imagine a world where you you go in to go into any projects or into the hood and try to explain to a black mom that you've been calling her her son you know by a female name all day which is what they're literally doing in the education system they're allowed to in certain counties they're allowed to call your child by a different gender all day in school and they are not required to tell the parent that anymore that is scary scary stuff yes if you're shocked by that I recommend you watch an episode of my show that I did with Abigail Schreyer where she really lays out what's happening in the school systems that people are not aware of that's become policy and it's been accepted and I said this is something that would never be okay if people knew about it people were just aware that this was going on in any household this wouldn't be okay but this goes back again to winning culture we have to fight back and we have to make really not so much a plea to my lord the minority community I don't go around begging black Americans to listen to me I actually have the easiest job in the world I step onstage and I go around and I simply tell them the truth that's it there is no community that has been more lied to more abused or and used by the Democrat Party than black America so I launched as many of you know I launched blex it's the the black exit from a Democrat Party thank you at the end of last year because it seemed really simple to me how how it was how it could be possible for conservatives to win back the minority community with a very simple messaging and it was easy for me to understand it because I understood how I had gotten diluted by progressivism because don't forget just a few short years ago I was on their side I actually grew up believing that Republicans were racist that conservatives were racist that all Republicans wanted to do was send us back to a time when it was white versus black I believed that and I didn't get that idea from nowhere I got that idea from the school system that idea was massaged into my head from the school system and it's very simple to understand how they were able to do this so quickly in black America first they broke down the family right that was the most important thing and that is what they are actively doing every single day watch everything the left is doing today goes back to destroying the nuclear family really they want to turn women into men men into women and confuse everyone because it destroys the family and so much happens once you destroy the family look no further than the black community to see that experiment played out you know in the 1960s the single motherhood rate was considered really really high in the black community it was at it was at 23% and they were writing papers freaking out saying we have a real problem here we have so many black children are growing up without a father in the home well fast forward to today and the single motherhood rate in the black community is 74 percents that's astonishing it was Barack Obama who gave us the statistics and told us what happens when you remove a father from the home you're 20 times more likely to end up in prison 9 times more likely to lead a life of crime and six times more likely to end up in poverty and yet nobody is talking about that on any Democrat debate stage no one is talking about the biggest issue facing black America which is father absence instead they're focusing on things that if they exist are so fringe and so minimal that if we stomped it out it wouldn't make a difference the amount of times that I have heard them talking about white supremacy as being the biggest threat to black America when the the statistics show that 95% of black Americans that are killed are killed by other black people why aren't we talking about gang violence why aren't we talking about the inner cities simple because they don't actually want to fix the issues they just want to stump on our issues that is the Democrat game and that's what I go around waking up the minority community about when they ask for open borders they're not asking because they love diversity you guys know that in this room they love votes they love boats what better way when they look at the community the black community and they say wow that population has stagnated right now thanks to abortion we actually have more black babies being aborted than born alive in major cities like New York City right so they're saying where are we going to get more votes from where are we gonna mine more votes well let's open the borders and flood them all in and offer them handouts in the same way that we did in the 1960s through LBJ and the Great Society act and create victim voters create people that are dependent on the government that break down of family is just so crucial and I talked about it the entire time because once you remove that father from the home that strong pillar that person that people look towards and say okay this is how it's got to be then it allows government to come in to raise your kids right those kids they will still look for that paternity elsewhere they're still going to look for that mom and dad in that structure elsewhere and what tends to happen is they flood the streets this is how Beyonce and jay-z become mom and dad right because you're not sitting down having dinner every single night like you're supposed to with your family and learning real values so instead you're turning on the TV you're watching social media you're paying attention to the Kardashians Beyonce and jay-z and this is why people like Hillary Clinton throw a jay-z and a Beyonce concert a couple of days before the before election night because she says I don't even have to speak to these people about their problems I'm just gonna give them culture because we have them so focused on culture they don't even understand problems how insulting is that I mean it's it's it's really incredible to understand what they've done but once you understand it it becomes so easy to reverse it it really does I think the biggest fight the biggest fight that we have on our hands is is a cultural one and it was Andrew Breitbart that said that that politics is downstream from culture and it's so so true it's okay for us to be funny guys it's alright we don't have to take ourselves so seriously all the time why is it there a conservative Saturday Night Live they're the ones giving us all the content I mean think about it we really think about how pointedly hilarious they are all the time and we're not making fun of them we should be doing that somebody had asked me yeah absolutely I want to play a Oh see if anybody puts it together please she blocked me on Twitter guys it's been really sad I can't see any more of her tweets I know thank you any of that all I really did but this is how we win this is this is literally how we win and that's the message that I always give people is feel positive I know sometimes it must be hard living in California you think you're the only one but you're not look around this room look how many people are in this room tonight at max capacity don't be discouraged you have to get up and you have to organize and and I tell people I I was always a conservative I just didn't know it right that was it and I say this about all minority Americans especially the black community we are all conservative we just don't know it we're just waiting for somebody to turn the lights on and show us that we need to vote our values you cannot untether the black community from God from faith from family right so why don't we go into those communities and give them that message and show them what true conservatism is I speak often about my grandfather you may have seen him sitting behind me in Congress which was a fun time if you guys watch that and I will tell you the only place more ridiculous than a college campus is Congress absolutely I mean my last hearing you you really can't make that up a hearing on white supremacy they've brought their three white people to testify but they all have a PhD they have a PhD in white supremacist they're all doctors in understanding the problem and they're shouting me down saying that I shouldn't be allowed to talk and I was the only black person that was there to testify you really you cannot make that stuff up and I mean Jim Jordan was just thinking it was just the most rich thing in the entire world I mean he's such a fighter I was so grateful to him for yielding his time to me you I mean he really is and then ted Lieu that's another California and Californian problem that we have going on yeah I yeah boo is exactly right but moments like that I really cherish I never get down when stuff like that happens I I really do cherish it because when we create that viral moment and people go and they're able to watch it and they're really able to understand how insane it is that you have all these people they have no numbers no statistics right they have no intention of ever fixing the black community they've never done any hearings on school choice they don't do hearings on illiteracy which is a major problem especially in California where 75% of black boys cannot pass a basic literacy exam really think about how staggering that is I mean that is crazy stuff that's going on in these inner cities and nobody's talking about it at all so we have to be the people that talk about it that's what it is we have to be the people that talk about it and going back to my grandfather and and and and the conservative values that he instilled in me my grandfather does not do politics he would not you know he if I gave him a mag a hat he would probably think it meant like my amazing granddad always or something and then he'd Waring he'd be super proud but he you know he grew up in a segregated south and and I I do what I do because it's so important for us to bring people back to reality because there were people who lived through real things and we're making a mockery we really are making a mockery of the things that people have lived through when you call people literally Hitler right and you and we have people that fought World War two that live in this country that are still breathing you make such an insult for what they were willing to sacrifice their lives for right these young this generation is still alive my grandfather grew up in a segregated south picking cotton laying out tobacco to dry when he was five years old imagine being five years old and having a job and your job is is to wake up before the Sun comes out to lay out tobacco to dry because otherwise it's too hot in North Carolina this was his job one of twelve brothers and sisters he didn't have the opportunity to go to school he grew up with the real KKK not the term that we throw around when we agree with a conservative right and he would tell us those stories about the Ku Klux Klan shooting into his home at night and him scurrying to the back of the house and then he'd say but my daddy would grab the shotgun and shoot back at them boys you know he he's such pride such pride and my grandfather moved up went up north to Connecticut when he was 17 years old and he met my grandmother and he stayed married to her until her dying day in 2013 and we were all blessed all of all of us grandchildren were blessed to have spent formative years in their household and growing up and waking up every morning with my grandfather and he fix us a big southern breakfast and we had to get down early and he always had we had to have the Bible we pick out a scripture he'd go around the table and ask us questions about the scripture one of the things that he used to do to me that was traumatizing was that any time we did something wrong he would incorporate us into the prayer so it's really bad so and this one instance and I mean I turned the heat up I did do it okay I was eight I turned the heat up in the middle of the night but I turned it up too high so it was boiling and I went down in the morning and my grandfather said in dear God please help Candace to realize she shouldn't turn the heat on in the middle of the night and I burst into tears ran upstairs and I said to him why would you tell God on me we we thought my granddad had a direct line I mean just a direct line like god I have mr. Owens on the line for you and we cry we cry and these things it was so funny looking back on it because when you those now I think about that is those are those were the good times and you're not aware that you're you're in the good times when you're living in them don't you wish you knew those were the good old times when you're in the good old times at that time I was so I was so embarrassed cuz my grandfather was so religious and everything was about God and family and and now I think back and I think thank goodness for those moments that I was able to recall upon when I became too liberal and I realized something was wrong right that my values were being shaken to the core thank goodness I reflected and I said the the greatest example I ever had in my life was my grandfather and my grandparents the way that they raised us believing first and foremost think God believing second in the family and believing third in hard work never ever in my grandfather's household did I ever hear him utter a bad word about a white person ever not once did didn't happen he never raised us to believe that we couldn't do something because of the color of our skin so I actually just didn't learn victims I didn't learn how to be a victim in his household I learned but I had to get up out of bed and I and I had to work hard and I had to be careful not to make mistakes or he was gonna phone God you know my grandfather now he lives back down in Fayetteville North Carolina he retired and when he retired he went back and he bought the sharecropping farm that he grew up on he's now the owner of it so so my job my job's easy compared to my grandfather's life my life my life is so incredibly easy I am so spoiled I am so blessed people ask me how do I deal with all the hate I say I have to deal with mean tweets guys really I have to deal with antifa Ninja Turtle looking guys when I show up when I show up on a college campus this is this is really this isn't scary stuff what we're struggling with right now is how to how to operate in times of tremendous peace people don't know how to just be okay and be peaceful really and I think in particular when I think of my generation and what really went wrong is that we're struggling with with this piece because so many amazing things happened in this country so many great things happen in this country before us you know you have a generation that ended a World War two Vietnam War World War one so many great strongmen and I think that my generation we haven't really done anything the Millennials and we're itching for something so we're like let's end bathroom signs and make it say everyone can go here and I'm like I don't think this is it guys I really don't think this is making us heroic maybe we should just be maybe we should just accept the fact that we live in the greatest country on the face of the planet and we are blessed to be here so the challenge for everybody in this room is to figure out how you can help because right now we are in a weird time it's it is a very strange time I think you know back back in the day Republicans and Democrats used to agree the left and the right used to agree on some basic things like America is a good country right I like America three words now that's not the case anymore now we have people that actively hate this country and are doing everything they can who are saying this country is rotten and this country needs a radical reversal from everything that we've built a straying away towards socialism who would ever think that we'd be talking about that in America so it's important that we wake up every day we wake up optimistic we realize that we are blessed be happy every single day but also contribute and fight to make sure that this vision of America this happy peaceful America that we live in will be the same America over the next 10 years and Beyond it so figure out what you can do not everybody in times of war which by the way at this current moment we are in the midst of an ideological war right and in times of war people play different parts not everybody's gonna be on the front line like me throwing bombs and and and yelling at people I'm having a good time though by the way guys don't ever feel bad for me but there's also in times of war there are the writers I mean people that share the videos I wouldn't be here people weren't sharing my videos people that write the articles people that go door-to-door and spread the word about what's going on people that have the financial resources to support the war figure out what your role is and plug in because what we have to fight to protect is the American Dream and the American Dream really is a philosophy we believe we are United based on an idea and that idea is that if you work you can come to this country with anything come this country with nothing if you work hard and you stay out of trouble this country will award you thank you guys so much for having me to optimistic about California physics just basic physics so the pendulum has swung so far or left that's just got to kind of come the other way really fast and this next question is talks about your previous life does per turning-point have tools to measure conversions it says here among minorities but that's almost immaterial since how left college students are that's very interesting to me as well how do you know are you getting through yeah so I turning-point in terms of measuring minorities no because they focus on just growing you know just the student movement in general which is so necessary as I said seeing these college campuses it's ridiculous but I will tell you it's getting a lot better so much better and and the audiences are getting bigger so I think it's because it's it's kind of punk rock like kids college kids basically want to do whatever their parents helping they can't do right so right now you're not allowed to be a conservative so they're all like hey maybe I'll be a conservative in front of megawhatts and that that's working for us it really is it's counter its counterculture but in terms of you know the minority movement that I do with blacks it we measure that every blacks at rally has been sold out we took this as our test here flex it has a start up if you will and just did you know really I mean small crowds of from 500 to 1500 we started at 500 and now we're at 1500 they've all been sold out so next year we're really kind of taking the training wheels off of this thing and we're just gonna make it as big as possible especially in the cities that are are really ripe for new messaging and with the the flip states different 2016 so we're really excited about that [Applause] this is just a question of my own I'm going to use the prerogative of the emcee did you have a defining moment you said you started from the left and was a gradual or was there one thing that happened um so it it wasn't gradual I would say my interest in politics happened when Donald Trump came down the escalator I think if you were a person that like me just wasn't paying attention to politics I hadn't even voted prior to that which i think is true of a lot of blue collared communities especially I know the black community are so burdened by problems of a last thing you're paying attention to his politics but then when Trump came down everyone was paying attention to politics suddenly and I got interested in watching the media because I wasn't crazy about him when he came down the escalator I thought oh no he's he's way too he's the guy that says you're fired like America will be considered a joke you know it's fine he I'm friend to them now he knows it's fine but then watching the media I I thought that he he wasn't the right person but then I watched the media turned him into like a racist a sexist and misogynist they called him incestuous and I was like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this is like this is a guy that you guys loved for the last three decades he was everywhere and I grew up listening to hip-hop at all the hip-hop artists loved him and I just wasn't really that foolish so the media kind of overplayed their hand with me and I bet they regret it [Applause] you mentioned and obviously correctly that you need to talk to young people about the logics and reasoning but had the questioners how do you communicate your point of view to young people who are unfamiliar with logical reasoning to my mind well that's that's a little funny and a little sad but the because so much is in our society is how do you feel about it you have to be happy all the time so this is one of the really this is why I always say the minority community is the key so just me existing as a black conservatives they have to fall out of their emotional arguments because their emotional arguments are usually name-calling racists white supremacist they've called me a white supremacist once or twice but it doesn't stick right like wait a second and then they are forced to do this thing called thinking right like why is she saying these things and so where I'm actually able to make a lot of progress in changing minds because they'll at least listen just because they've been they've also been been told that they have to listen every time minority speaks right so I create an interesting dynamic for them and I think that the more minorities that we can empower to go across the country and speak and show up to these uh I guess islands of totalitarianism that we call college campuses the the more progress that will see very soon these two will be good one after the other first what is your take on the Frederick Douglass Society any comments on them um well I love Frederick Douglass hahaha so there's that I don't know what other take they want me to have on that well I miss the one that came right after it it's could you comment on people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton oh yes I can so Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are race hustlers it's now a business race has become a business that's just the truth so has gender and sex and gay and lesbian it's all just a business now so the people that are able to fundraise when there's a problem don't ever want the problems to go away it's really kind of common sense economics right so if they if they can show up with cameras the n-double a-c-p every time something bad happens to a black person they want to make sure that there's always something bad happening to black people the same with glad we're here for gay rights gay rights gay rights oh wait we just passed gay marriage Oh what are we gonna do trans trans trans the trans people are suffering so they fall into that category and and beyond that beyond the fact that they are the ones they call us the race traders they actually are the race traders but they they also just do a tremendous disservice to themselves and I've made it a personal goal that to to watch the black vote be cracked while they're still breathing and I'm gonna hit that goal pretty soon [Applause] he's fought lovingly and glowingly about your grandfather and that was wonderful but in addition to it to him who else inspires you my grandfather first and foremost I think intellectually definitely dr. Thomas so I always say that he is someone that I am doing everything I can in the background to try to meet with him and you know I think I think I try to be very careful when people say you know who inspires you or who are your idols I always want to be very careful because I I've learned the lesson what can happen when you're over invested in certain people I grew up believing all of these hip-hop artists and these artists or you know out to try to influence me to do the right thing so I think beyond the the intellectuals like Walter Williams and Thomas Sol and I'm inspired by just their intellect their pure intellect and Trump obviously because he's just such a fighter this question is somewhat amusing of apparently your grandfather had a direct line to God yes and you're the correct someone wants to know if you have a direct line to president from and if you do they want you to discuss nuclear power that's not an but I thought whoever wrote that I got the Julia power is clean energy it is but I do not yet have a direct line to trump not yet yeah I've got to go through like one person ridiculous what is the best part of your job oh I love that what is the best part of my job so I'm obviously I love the blacks at rallies I the best part of my job is getting the emails and the messages from people saying I woke up I mean that's they always say the same thing I woke up and thank you so much because I now I feel like I got my life back because there that's that thing we actually as conservatives we have the better product right so the left is your life is a horrible because you're a woman because you're black because of this you're never going to get ahead and people are buying that somehow it's weird we say you can do it you're in the driver's seat of your life you can do whatever you want you can get ahead and I'm here to help you right and when they actually accept that better product that better product it feels like oxygen to their lives so getting that feedback from those people who have woken up thanks to watching my videos watching my shows I think that's that's the greatest blessing of my life you may have to think really hard on this one have you ever been welcomed on a college campus it's too tough yes Liberty University so obviously you're making some progress in black communities I know that's what Lexus is all about and sure there'll be more but is there one thing that really rang true to a black audience one conservatism what's the one thing where you think really resonates so I think the thing that I think I get the biggest reaction and I would really hit home on it that would be my advice for all conservatives is the the abortion rates they just don't know them and when they realize that you know our population growth in the black community has completely stagnated and 60 percent of all new votes are Latino and then you repurpose that so you really are against the wall they're sort of astonished by it and taking them through the history of eugenics and Margaret Sanger with her own words I really use her own words they're they're really shocked and it really just takes one thing for them to wake up about and then everything else becomes clear right so it's and and I find that abortion and taking them through this sort of a legal argument is something that they're they're always very shocked by did you feel that there's a distinction when you talk to black audiences of different economic levels for example middle-class blacks versus the lower or are they is it the same is there one pot it was a great great question I don't I don't get that what do you mean are they is the reactions the same or do you get different reactions no I mean listen I think the obviously the the common sense thing is just that if you come from a lower economic background you tend to be less educated and and not to have as many resources available to you like one of the biggest problems which I when I went to turning-point I started the black Leadership Summit and I basically explained to them that the majority of these kids have never been on planes right so where do you expect them to hear a conservative different so I went around to donors and I raised the money to sponsor getting all of these kids from the hood to the White House right and their parents we had to get on the phone with them the parents were like I just can't believe anybody's bringing my child wants to do this for my child the girls I mean we had one little girl who went to Goodwill to buy a dress she didn't know what to wear to me you know to go to the White House we had one girl who borrowed her grandma's dress so that economic burden becomes an intellectual one because all they see is what's around them so if their moms playing CNN all day they're going to a really crappy public school system and they've never left wherever they live every single day they're just not hearing a conservative perspective so I always say it's not that they're opposed to it they're just not exposed to it [Applause] and this is not a question you could possibly answer in a few moments but maybe just touch on it person writes a sizable portion of Millennials and younger people support socialism that's like guess the polls are that that question is maybe at least half depending on which which part of the Millennials are young people you're talking to what's the best way to communicate the dangers of socialism to them and how to really reach them yes so ISIL ISM I tend to go with we're all going to die right Sock'em its killed 100 million people in the last 100 years but sure let's try it here what could possibly go wrong right and and the thing that's interesting about the socialism stuff is not that you have to understand history to understand how horrible it is you can just try understanding present like Venezuela right and and this is the burden like and I think this is actually a huge issue speaking of travel because you get so much smarter every time you travel every state that I go to I'm smarter than I was but then when I had never seen that state before right and I was lucky that in my 20s I was able to fly all around the world because I worked in private equity and I had a better understanding of the world these kids have never left the USA right so they're remarkably privileged they're just a bunch of spoiled brats as I tend to call them on college campuses and they have no they have no concept of what it means to live in a social in a social society and in by the way socialism sounds amazing everything's gonna be free that sounds great like that I mean really they're coming from a place of heart where it's like that sounds really great like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory guy would be great if everything was made out of chocolate and we could bite things and there were cute little Oompa Loompas everywhere it's just not realistic and that's what you have to tell them it sounds great it the application of it is not realistic and it goes against the human spirit right capitalism is natural because it's defined by the human spirit some people are go-getters some people are not go getters the idea that you're gonna convince a bunch of wealthy people who have the means to leave to stay here while they you take 75 percent of their income who's going to work if everybody else is gonna pay for it so it's a common-sense argument and then kind of telling them but you can also really to research this like just name one country where this has worked in and they can't do it if they try with the Nordic countries and they're just they're not socialist countries so okay you know we have some college students here tonight and so college students like to get involved in the college activities and there's a much more of a bias on the liberal side I know we mentioned a turning point and maybe the College Republicans are there other outlets for conservatives and right-leaning college students how can they get involved yes so yeah those are those are the two ones that are on their campuses but I always say you don't you're not limited to your college campuses like you can organize and do your own things get involved with the local GOP and do different events and make them super fun obviously blex is not as biggest turning point right now but we we do do the rallies all over so figure out how to plug in and also create content I mean the kids are so absolutely brilliant online especially this generation with the memes so I think that part of the war is getting them involved in it and having them create content share the videos and do things of that nature there's I'm telling you there's a way bigger network of conservatives and Generation Z I'm very hopeful because they seem to be tremendously tremendously conservative compared to my generation we're the ones that ruined it the Millennials I take full responsibility haha but um yeah there's tons of ways to get involved this question goes back to your soon to be direct line to President Trump the question is many California Republicans believe the California GOP has given up do you know if President Trump is going to help California Republican candidates I don't know how you would but well I mean I don't know for sure but I think he will to me it seems to be a no-brainer like initially people think it all sounds good socialism free stuff you know catering to the homeless population but now the Californian residents are seeing what's going on on their streets what better way to deliver a new message I mean they have they're seeing it every single day when they're walking to work the hypocrisy of the people that tell them that they have to allow all the legals into the city but they're obviously never going to see those illegals because they live behind gated communities can't have a wall but they can have gated communities we can't have our guns but they get to have their armed guards so they're so remarkably hypocritical but I actually I always say I think California is so ripe right now for conservative messaging and a trump was smart and he is he will show up there's your answer [Applause] this was very simple and it was not a plan that says I love you so much how can I help you work with your team oh I love that very sweet you can go to can asan's comm email info at Kennesaw INSCOM we check we check all of those emails and there's always ways that you can help so thank you so much for that question so this is related to education what do you think of English is the first language and the associated legislation English as the first language we live in America English should be I knew it was easy yeah I know a that really is getting it's getting quite ridiculous that it's now becoming controversial to want to speak English in your own country yeah the old press to you know if you want to this isn't just saying how do you how do you recognize a conservative who needs to realize that they're like you and if this is what I'm interpreting correctly all of us we who live in in Silicon Valley we or most of us believe that while we're all alone and you'd never talk to your neighbors or anything like that but sometimes you just kind of get a little bit of a of an idea that well they're not we're not that different and perhaps maybe what part of your success as well is to recognize what is a little bit of a conservative street where someone doesn't know they're conservative but they might how do you bring that out oh I mean there's all different topics I mean most people as I said are more conservative like the moderate Dems are really they have to be conservative today right because the left has gone so far left that it goes against their values so there's always always things that you can agree on and and the easiest way to tell is if they'll have a conversation with you I mean the truth is is that the radical leftist will not speak to conservatives they cannot deal with the fact that people don't think like them because they're completely intolerant so if someone's even willing to discuss politics with you that to me that's so that's a window of opportunity because it means that they're not radically left I seem to give Leslie ji one more of these people must think you have that direct line get President Trump and ask him to have a rally at Moffett Field that's a big huge a hanger okay well we're gonna have to wrap it up and I'm sorry canvas cannot linger where she's gonna be screwed it away but there's just one more there was three or four cards which had with both question marks and exclamation points Candace Owens 2024 so thank you guys that's so sweet thank you guys so much for coming you you
Channel: Liberty Forum
Views: 67,706
Rating: 4.902472 out of 5
Keywords: Conservatism, Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley, Fox News, Turning Point USA, BLEXIT
Id: e8Sw1W4fe3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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