Stop Saying VERY: Improve your English Vocabulary! Use these English Expressions instead of ‘Very’!

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hi everyone would you like to expand your vocabulary and sound more like a native speaker would you like to learn a variety of different vocabulary words that you can use instead of overusing the word very welcome to Jen's juju my name is Jen and today I'm going to go over 13 expressions using very and show you what different advanced vocabulary you can use instead when you're first starting to study English using the word very in front of different adjectives to emphasize those adjectives is a great thing to do however if you want to sound more intelligent and really expand your vocabulary to speak like a native speaker please use some of the vocabulary words that I will teach you in today's lesson number one instead of saying very cold we can use the word freezing in Canada during the wintertime it is freezing freezing freezing is a much better way to talk about the temperature rather than just saying very cold number two is very hot very hot but instead of saying very hot we can use two other great adjectives to describe hot temperatures they are scorching and sweltering ha it is scorching huh today it is sweltering number three very beautiful but instead of using very we can use three other really great adjectives instead gorgeous breathtaking and stunning and these adjectives can be used to describe a person's beauty or also natural beauty and landscape or a picture that someone has painted anything that you could describe as being beautiful Wow check out that guy he is gorgeous Wow look at this amazing view it's absolutely breathtaking whoa look at that great painting it's stunning number four very cute oh it's so cute it's very cute but instead of using very cute instead we can use the adjective adorable that puppy is so adorable number five I am very hungry very hungry but most people instead of saying very hungry will say starving oh my goodness I'm starving I can't wait to eat number six I am very tired but instead of saying very tired we can use a great adjective which is exhausted huh I am exhausted number seven very big instead of saying very big there are three excellent adjectives that you can use huge enormous and massive that elephant is enormous whoa look at that tall building it is huge if there are a lot of sales at the mall the crowds are massive this toy is very small very small but instead of saying very small we can use the adjective tiny tiny or if it's even smaller than just tiny you can use the adjective microscopic germs are microscopic in addition if somebody is telling you about a problem or something is wrong but you think it is insignificant it's very small very little it's not import then we can also use the adjective minuscule minuscule means that something is so small that it is not important so the three adjectives that you can use instead of saying very small or very little are tiny microscopic or minuscule number nine very dirty very dirty but instead of saying very dirty we can use the word filthy oh my gosh this house is filthy we really need to clean it number ten very clean if something is very clean you can say that it is spotless there's not even a spot a tiny speck of dirt it is spotless now that we've cleaned our house it is spotless number eleven this is very boring but instead of very boring three adjectives you can use are dull monotonous and tedious this lecture is so dull my job is so monotonous listening to my friend tell me the same story again and again and again is tedious so the words instead of very boring are dull monotonous and tedious number 12 number 12 is very exciting but instead of exciting we can use the words thrilling or exhilarating rollercoasters are thrilling my vacation through the Amazon rainforest was exhilarating number 13 very good very good this is probably the most used most overused way that people are putting very into their sentences instead of using very good I could make a whole lesson on just other adjectives meaning there good great excellent marvelous superb fantastic splendid super I could continue but the point is stop saying very good please use different vocabulary to advance your English skills and sound more like a native speaker if you do that you will be a fantastic English speaker keep up all of your marvelous work you're doing an excellent job learning lots of new vocabulary words can be challenging however I want to let you know one other very simple trick if you can't remember all of these different words to say very and whatever I want to teach you seven different words that you can use instead of using the word very so maybe you can't remember ah very beautiful what did Jen say was a great adjective for very beautiful hey maybe you can't remember the words breathtaking or stunning instead you can use different adverbs instead of very for example extremely you are extremely intelligent tremendously it is tremendously hot extraordinarily extraordinarily I am extraordinarily tired awfully and terribly are also great words that you can use instead of very that book is awfully boring my vacation was terribly exciting highly getting this job is highly competitive exceptionally he is an exceptionally good basketball player so these seven words are great to use instead of using the word very extremely tremendously awfully terribly highly extraordinarily exceptionally so if you have difficulty learning all these new vocabulary words try using these seven other descriptive words instead of very so today we took a look at 13 different expressions using very and learned more advanced vocabulary that you can use instead in addition I taught you seven different words that you can directly use instead of the word very so please try using these 20 expressions in your English writing in your English conversations in English and now it's time for question of the day today's question is please tell me about an exhilarating thrilling experience that you have had let me know in the comments below thank you so much for watching this video if you found it useful please subscribe to Jen's jugee so you don't miss any exhilarating lessons and please give this video a thumbs up good luck with your English Studies everyone see you in the next lesson
Channel: JeN's Jyugyou / ジェンの授業
Views: 9,344
Rating: 4.9623823 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, english vocabulary, english lesson, instead of using very, rather than using very, english conversation, Stop saying Very, Very, Improve your English, alternative English vocabulary, English expressions, Native English speaker, vocabulary lesson, increase your English fluency, better ways to say very, sounding natural in English, speak English, English studies, vocabulary, ESL, IELTS, different words for very, emphasize adjectives, communicate easier in English
Id: Ar_hYWlffbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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