Can You Solve MIDI Latency Issues? | Club Cubase August 18 2020

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all right hi welcome to the august 18th 2020 club cubase google hangout we'll get started here in just a couple of minutes um i'm just going to do a quick audio test on my end make sure everything is okay bear with me just a second let me refresh my browser sorry about that okay so we have audio going on we can just mute that um my name is greg undo i'll be the host for today's hangout uh the hangout how this works is we can uh submit questions in advance to clubcubase at or we could just ask your comments in the chat field this is being presented live so you could ask questions in the chat field or you have the capability to uh you know send them in advance so we'll try to get through as many questions as possible in our live stream uh we'll go for a few several hours today so um and if you as you're asking questions uh sometimes it could depend on which version of cubase that you're running so sometimes it's helpful if you could specify running cubase ai cubase pro cubase artist that's always helpful and if we could try to refrain from asking the same question repeatedly uh that just kind of clears up the uh chat stream so we get through more questions we'll try to get through them uh as chronologically as possible we will try to get through each question as completely and succinctly as possible but if we just kind of keep asking the same question so as i'm responding it may be well behind the live chat we have some people that are usually very helpful with answering some quick questions during the live part as i'm slowly catching up and if you are watching this live please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us where you're from and we'll get some people logged in and as we get people logged in we will then uh start to uh we'll in maybe uh in about 10 minutes after the hour so if you're watching the re the replay of this you may want to fast forward we will try to have the index of topics and questions that were asked in today's hangouts either really late tonight or tomorrow morning completed so you could just jump to uh particular questions if you want so we'll try to have that uh set up soon but we'll let some people get logged in and let's go take a quick look of who is on the hangout so if you're watching this on a replay you don't have to introduce yourself you're more than welcome to all right so we have ace from texas all right so we have sweden we have ted springman from sherman oaks all right so we have terry gray from minneapolis we have robbie bowling from dallas right so more people from sweden okay okay so we have matt from fort wayne we have millard from pennsylvania we have agent k who always is helpful does some moderation for us when needed i think hasn't been so bad recently hopefully it's not too much of an imposition but we appreciate agent k's efforts all right so we have soren and sophia from sweden always wanted to visit sweden okay so we have finland we have green castle pennsylvania slovenia gareth is on hang out good to see i think he may have missed the last one all right okay so we have wisconsin okay so we have canada we have oslo all right and turn down my phone so you don't have to hear emails come in okay so we have india boston okay so we have uh la stockholm good to see yon we have sri lanka queens new york greece sweden finland amazing people just comment so owings mills maryland not too far from me i'm actually broadcasting uh from united states as you can tell by my accent and i'm in alexandria virginia just outside of washington dc let's see who else so we have norway get started here again in just a couple minutes okay we have liverpool always wanted to go there as well should have gone pre-pandemic seem more places around the world hopefully we'll okay wait just a couple more minutes all right so other people from stockholm all right all right so we have justin from fredericksburg is that uh maybe from fredericksburg virginia not too far for me 45 minutes to an hour okay and if you want to start asking questions in the comments field in the chat area we'll go through and we had some people that submitted some questions in advance so we'll make sure we get to those today and wait just about another minute or so and get started all right so we have switzerland so i just say comment if you want to get here someday you will greg so hopefully the cavern club i read i know it's not the original cavern club but i heard that was closing in liverpool so hopefully it'll survive pandemic but let's go ahead and um okay so let's go ahead and start with some questions okay so a question uh from ace uh hi greg hope you and your family are safe and doing well we are thanks for asking uh can cubase 10.5 create chord suggestions to accompany melodies or detect chords from a vocal melody or violin melody thanks you know if it's gonna be broken down let's go ahead and just give it a shot here so say if i have a vocal and let me switch over to the correct audio interface so you guys could hear that would be helpful as you can see i don't have enough audio interfaces currently in my system okay so now we can do this so let's say if i just have a melody and i want to within very audio just i don't i think it's not designed to do chord suggestions from just a single voice but we'll give it a shot so i will come over here to my very audio and i will just do extract midi information you know because i think it's going to basically you can do automatic chord detection but if i wanted to think we have a chord track already so i'm going to do a new track version of this and let's see if it will even do a chord i don't think it would but it's good to the chord tracks and let's say create chord symbols and let's just see what it comes up with it did kind of come up with some chords um based on a single melody but it may not be the best chords and if i wanted to switch back and forth between these so it looks like it you know it might be able to but you know it's going to be probably better choice when uh having a full uh chord suggestion to work with but let's just come here look at this is you know based on the melody uh and then this is based on what i had entered in so you you know you get some chord suggestions from uh just a single voice but you know you're probably gonna be more accurate for you know determining major and minor chords from an actual uh part with multiple notes and chords in it okay so i see a movie suggestion from uh ted for my son so i'll check out uh alpha sounds like an interesting movie i guess his friend was uh did costume design so i'll put that on the list to check out thanks so question if a quarter track a is playing instrumental track b will chord track uh with just a few alternate chords have any effect on b even though b has no midi notes recorded on track um so let's give this a shot here so i will come to this project okay just rereading the question here okay so let's say if i have just a quarter so if i wanted to go to the midi inserts and i believe this is probably with the quarter midi plug-in and i'll just load up a quick example so as i play [Music] okay so it says uh if quarter track a is playing instrument track b will cortrack with just a few alternate chords have any effect on b even though b has no midi notes recorded on track so what you might be able to do is if i have this and this is let's say i just have just i will bypass this and i'll just record some single notes in this particular part [Music] so now when i play this back and i activate the quarter [Music] um but if i wanted to one of the things that you could do also is just send this from like a if it's on a midi track to start with so let's say if i have an instrument here if i wanted to send it to another so let's say i start with an instrument rack and we do haley and sonic se and let's say i'll just do a quick organ patch here okay so at this point um [Music] okay i will just reset that let's just find a quick [Music] and let's say we have um let's find a quick and what i could do is take this if it's a midi track you have not only midi inserts but midi sends so at this point i could have the quarter track go directly to the roads patch so i could play just one particular note here so let's say if i go to jazz and as i play note on the organ i could just send a midi the quarter track to the roads patch so even though it doesn't have midi notes on it you could use a you know just doing a [Music] uh so that will have the you know send the information from this particular midi track out to my rhodes patch and that could go through the organ and you could also do this if you want to do like arpeggiator so as i play a chord i could have the roads just kind of arpeggiate so let's say if i just grab this and i can hold down an organ cord this way i could hold a cord and this midi send is sending it directly to uh another voice so if that's what you kind of want to do ted you know you could use a midi track and route that midi track directly to uh another source and have the quarter only affect uh whatever device you want to okay so we have uh hello everyone greg question uh in time stretching an audio part for instance a riser is it possible to say stretch first half at a slower rate more below and build rate of time stretch to a faster speed and uh to get a better overall effect i know it's more advanced question but figured you are the best to ask so let's say if i wanted to do just a quick synth type of sound you know some of the stuff that you could do and let me just see like if i wanted to have let's say if i just had like a synthetic here and i'll go ahead and bypass it [Music] so let's say if i have something like this um so if you wanted to kind of do a riser uh it'd stretch kind of the first half uh at a slower rate and build a rate of time to stretch at a faster speed so i'll just kind of draw in like one single note here and we'll hold it out for so we play this back um i'll just have one pitch and let's say i will at this point just kind of draw this out a bit longer and if i wanted to render this as audio i will go to like a render in place so if we have just a normal audio file like so [Music] okay you know one of the things that you could do is if you have tempo changes is so if i have just a s a quick signature track at this point we could say i want this to start slow and then let's say speed up over time so if we listen to our tempo map we can now if we put and once we do this we could also put a different time stretch mode on this this might work with uh where you could say okay you want this to be into musical mode uh and then you could choose kind of the different algorithms for this so let's say so when i come here we could choose uh and then we could choose a different algorithm that would be kind of like a tape so at this point we would see the pitch of this so if you wanted to do something you know like that you know you could definitely kind of just change and that way it kind of speeds up and slows down and you could do that you know for all of your tracks and you know if you only want some of the tracks to pitch up almost like an analog tape machine to kind of build that up you know you could just have those in tape uh mode for the algorithm there so hopefully that helps uh scanbot but if if i'm completely off let me know okay all right so i'm saying it's 10 a.m in mesa mesa arizona and it's 102 degrees already but in all fairness you did you probably you know you are living in arizona in august so but it's hot okay so i just see question uh is cubase support still in lockdown and are we able to get call and get team viewer assistance again so you know our support team has been working remotely uh i know in the us i think scambot that you're based in the u.s um [Music] if i'm not mistaken uh but if you so they while they're not going to the office in uh in carmel indiana they are still helping people and doing team viewer sessions for people so i don't think the office in u.s uh shut down you know they just kind of took their laptops home and started working remotely so but if you're not in the u.s i think it's similar but if you're not in the u.s trying to get support there just let me know uh but i think that our team in europe and you know some of the different distributors uh throughout the country may have support that could be different okay so just see a comment uh hello please midi latency solve you know so when you have latency uh for different virtual instruments so i will just uh revert this quickly you know so every system will have latency but there's some tips and tricks that you could do to minimize the latency in your system uh the first most obvious one is to just use a lower buffer size so if i wanted to uh come to let's say just like a quick you know rhodes patch i could you know and you can see that this latency is you know is very high you know no no issues with the latency there so see right here as i hit the keyboard on the microphone and here so if you wanted to adjust the latency what you could do is go to your studio setup select your audio interface and probably go to the control panel and just adjust the buffer size so the lower the buffer the lower the latency but the lower the buffer also means that the it works harder on your computer so where people get into a lot of problems is not so if you adjust a buffer and it still has more latency than you would like this could also be determined by plugins that are within the project so if i put a a big plug-in let's say some inserts on my master bus so if i put a multi-band compressor and let's say i put you know convolution reverb or let's say even i think under pitch we could under pitch shift we could choose uh or modulation one that's pretty intense latency could be cloner so now when i play note that will impose latency so and it's just the processing time that it takes for that to occur because it's trying to process those plugins in real time one easy way to solve this is to just on the lower left hand corner click on the uh con constrain delay compensation so once you do that it's going to take plug-ins that take a significant amount of latency and bypass them so if i look at these now we'll see that these plug-ins are bypassed and i could play kind of without any annoying latency but if i disable that that i will have the latency and if we actually look at our full mixer view so let's say if i go to my full mix console you could actually have a little option for channel latency monitor and once you activate that we could see the latency that's on a particular channel and what the breakdown is of the latency for each plug-in that's being used so that could cause a lot of issues so if you have midi latency try lowering the buffer and try hitting the constrain delay compensation and that should you know hopefully get rid of the latency issues that you run into okay let's go on uh hi greg when playing a vst instrument the track pants hard right uh when pressing sustain pedal if i have several instruments and something happens to the instrument uh on the top what to do so a lot of times you know i think that i would check to make sure and i think we covered this a little bit maybe in the last one is see what actual midi messages so when you hit the sustain pedal it should probably say midi cc uh 64. so if i go to my midi inserts one of the great midi inserts that you can have is a midi monitor so as i come here i'm going to hit a sustain pedal and as i hit my sustain pedal i can see that this is going to be cc 64. i press it down it's a 127 when i release it's going to be zero so make sure that when you are actually transmitting that it's seeing the correct midi cc that you would anticipate so if you move your modulation wheel you should see cc one if i wanted to hit my sustain pedal cc cc64 if i hit pitch bend we can see all of my different pitch bend values if i hit a midi note i get an on and a note off message so at this point um you could see so if a lot of times what i've seen some people do is their controllers if it's panning to the right you could if you see it doing cc64 when you hit the sustain pedal that means that your midi controller is transmitting the the correct message now when it pans um so it says when it pans hard right it could be something in the midi controller that's you know taking a midi cc 64 and transferring it to midi cc 10. uh there could be a way to do this in cubase but you'd have to set it up called the input transformer and here we could say i want to take you know midi cc 64. so i say okay we're going to say type is equal to controller and we'll say value 1 of that controller and i'll click here and then you would say 64 and then you could say we wanted to subtract we're going to take value one subtract 54. so now when i go to my midi monitor for this particular track it'll show up as um once that's active it should show up just as uh midi cc 10. so i think you know make sure that your controller is actually spitting out the correct midi cc message first um and it could be that within a particular plug-in that maybe you know there's a controller reassignment but i think it's going to be either your controller or something within the plug-in but unless you specifically went and created an input transformer to do so now once i do this i'll go to my midi inserts and then once i do that it will send midi cc 10 every time i do that and if it's going all the way to the right that kind of indicates that something is being remapped because probably all the way to the left would be a zero or a midi cc value of one and all the way to the right would be 127. i think that's how midi uh that midi cc messages for panning would work so i think it's going to be something in your controller that's causing that so i would pull up the midi monitor and just look to see exactly what is being transmitted from your controller all right so we have matthew from nigeria checking in all right okay uh hi greg hope you're doing great i love the bezier curves in cubase automation i just want to know if there's a way to do very precise moves when adjusting the curves when doing fine tuning so if we have um let's say we'll just open up some automation and automation lane here and i will just quickly hide uh the data so let's say if i am here and i have two different points and now if i wanted to do a bezier curve so if i do this um we could adjust a curve and as i want to sometimes if you hold down for some of the adjustments it doesn't you know for a lot of adjustments in cubase you could kind of hold down the shift key for fine control where you could do this and hold down the shift key but it doesn't look like it's occurs on the let me see if there's a modifier key so it doesn't look like there's a modifier key for fine control but if you just so you might just have to kind of enter it in uh precisely as you adjust let me see if there i'm just looking to see if there's another um control here to do that so usually in cubase the shift key is kind of fine but it doesn't look like there's a fine control but i think if you kind of zoom in you may get more precise control as well over kind of the mapping of it so i would try to do that you know it could be your zoom factor may allow you to kind of adjust more precisely okay going through introduction still and if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that and give a thumbs up if you're kind of learning something new throughout the hangout okay and occasionally my chat window will jump so as it just did okay just okay so we have question can you show how to save channel presets or similar techniques to improve workflow so you know if you wanted to just save channel presets so let's say you know this is my favorite drum or vocal preset and as i've done this and channel presets can contain uh all of the eq settings your volume pan and let's say our insert effects and with that also your full channel strip so once i have this and if i know that i want to use this for other tracks in the project or this is my studio piano all you have to do is just kind of right click and save track preset so you could just say we'll call it august 8th 18th so we'll say new preset so if i wanted to now add a new track we could say add track using track preset so at this point i will just kind of so i could right click and we'll say using track preset so i will now just come over here i'll say august 18th and double click and we could do this for a single track or multiple tracks so if you have like a studio drum kit instead of having to recreate that all the time um you could just save your multiple tracks so we see my eq my painting my volume my plugins and inserts my channel strip everything's kind of automatically preserved so it's a good it's a great thing to kind of as you go through projects i remember working when i worked in uh big rooms in new york you know it's very typical when the client left and this is kind of in the age of uh like when everyone's digital audio workstation was in a chi s 1000 sampler and people and once the client left that the engineers would often go through the mix and just sample like every kick drum every snare just to kind of build up their library so having a library of your personal presets is a great thing to have so you know when you're stuck in a creative rut maybe you know you just want to try something different or a client's like yeah i really like that guitar sound you had on this project from six years ago so you know go through and be able to save those things and if it's like a particular project one of the things you do in 10.5 is really expanded capabilities of importing tracks from projects so we could select a particular project uh so i'll come over here say okay i want to go to this particular project and if someone's like i really like the vocal sound you got on that we could say okay just open up that particular project select the vocal and you could import without automation or without the actual events or parts and just all the channel settings so those aspects are really handy to be able to it could really speed up your workflow all right so we have people from riverside and john from kenosha good to see john again on a hangout okay so how do i bounce two tracks into one audio and midi so let's say uh if i have two so let's say if i have an audio track here let me just revert this quickly so say i have an audio track and let's say if i have a piano part [Music] so i think i could just select uh both of these tracks if i wanted to and let's just try a quick render in place so i could say let's get to my render settings uh and at this point um we could just say i when i click on like channel settings i say mix down to one audio file and then just click on render and now when i play this back uh this audio file should be see if not let me just try selecting both of the events here see if we can get the drums and midi instead of selecting the tracks let's see if we can just do this quickly so do your channel settings uh mixed down to one file so it looks like it's just doing just the midi but we could also just come here do an export audio mix down and you could choose uh which tracks that you want to include so i'll just say you know i could choose you know we could solo just those and let's say after the export i want to create an audio track export and then at the bottom we will now just kind of have our sub mix so but let me just check it seems like that should this might be maybe routed somewhere differently let me just check here so those are a couple of different ways uh oh okay i think i see what it is so let me just try one more time i think i had the audio tracks record enabled so [Music] now let's say if i don't have it record enabled i think this will be included in the render in place so we'll mix down to one file and now those two files my midi and my audio will just be rendered at the same time and you can do that for and if you have uh we had another question that was kind of similar to this of how to kind of merge two midi tracks together like so let's say if we added uh a midi track and or if i just wanted to take two different ones and i wanted to merge two midi tracks together how to do this so you know if you copy on top you know you we have almost two different parts that are layered together but if you wanted to merge these so when i double click i can see one part and then there's another part below it but when i kind of treat these this way it's like two separate midi parts that are separate and unique and if i wanted to merge these i could grab the glue gun and hold down the alt key or option key and click and now that will merge both of those midi parts directly together like so okay let's move on okay so just a question you see a comment hi greg mircia hope i'm pronouncing your name correctly from dallas uh thank you for doing this for us you're welcome i hope it's helpful okay so a question from scambot terminator uh greg question when recording and midi say like from omnisphere plug-in vst when i tried to shorten midi to fit uh time the part continues to play even though i shortened and or cut or erased part of it so if we have a a particular note let's say if i'm here and i place this into record and i'll just hit let's say just one long note here okay so and then at this point if i choose to cut uh let's just kind of jump closer so we see this note and so let's say right there we see kind of the long note all right so what we could do is just and if we at this point say we're right here and i split this particular note so let's say i cut the part and erased it that sometimes that note may still hang on so let's give it a shot [Music] so even though that part doesn't exist we're still hearing the midi note all right so there's a preference for this so if we come to your cubase preferences uh and i think it's under uh editing and then midi there's gonna be a split midi event so once i come here and i have that turned on at this point i cut the particular note and let me just get this kind of in sync so when i cut the note here and erase that we see that that note will cut off so we go here so once again so you could see that as a note i'm going to adjust one other preference here quickly since you could see it a little easier so as soon as i split a a midi note when i do that this note isn't affected because we split the container but the note is still going on so go to preferences and under editing midi you want to make sure that split midi events once you have that turned on so we split and now i erase notes but even now that i split we'll see that i'll probably just re-trigger the midi note i believe and as soon as i erase then that note will be cut off but if i have that preference not turned on what i do is so as i split the event the underlying note message even if that event is split and erased that note is still going to continue on [Music] like right now even though that event is doesn't exist so once again just go to preferences to editing midi split midi events okay so all right just reading through questions uh says i don't understand what you're saying can you speak chinese uh it's from haither malaysia so unfortunately i don't speak chinese you know mandarin or cantonese so i'm sorry uh but you know at the end of the hangout it will be kind of closed captioned and we have a lot of people that will um then a lot of people use that to you know run into translation services sorry i'm just kind of the dumb american only speaks english american english okay uh so uh question hi is there a way to quantize an audio file which is not in fixed tempo to a fixed tempo yeah so we'll show you what you could do so let's say if i go to i have an audio file that's varying in tempo and i want it to be a set fixed tempo without necessarily having to quantize so we come here [Music] so there's no correlation between the click and what we're listening to any audio so i will select the file i will come to my project menu and choose a tempo detection and now it's done a tempo detection of the file and we can see that every beat is basically slightly out of you know a variation of the previous one so i think this is going to be my downbeat so now we listen to it so if i want this particular file to play back uh at a perfect steady tempo i could select the event i will go to my audio menu to advanced and i will say set definition from tempo what this does is it basically embeds all of the tempo changes of every single beat as metadata into the file and if i want to playback instead of it varying tempo they say let's make it 144 i can just type in one steady tempo value turning off the track so it's not following the tempo changes or if i wanted to be 156 so now it's playing perfectly steady again without having to quantize [Music] so that's how you could uh you know basically quant is not necessarily quantizing audio file but uh but applying a fixed tempo to an audio file that had a varying tempo okay so uh to see sorry edit a question how can i snap timeline bar to mark bar marker to a midi note using warp um so you know if we have let's say a midi event here so i'll just add a quick instrument [Music] track all right and i want to put the bar line to a specific midi event here so i'll just do do my 20th 21st century composition there watch out it's copy written so don't steal that all right uh but if we go into what's called the time warp editor at this point let's say i want uh measure 97 to be [Music] okay so i'll just turn on the tempo track so this is on this particular note is where um you know i want you know measure 101 just to this particular note so you select this tool and what this is going to allow you to do is to basically just kind of move you know the actual bars to match up with you know the events so you could you know on the main time window you could switch to like the time warp tool here and be able to move the bar to i'll just move this uh midi event maybe out of range of the tempo changes since we have that already kind of defined so you know measure this is where measure 420 should be right on this particular note i just move the bar line here with this tool to match up and right at that point i need this bar line to end right at this particular note so you can say you know measure 419 you know this bar should start right at this particular note so again select your time warp tool and be able to move that and you could just kind of place different mark warp markers here say this is where that note falls this measure this beat should and you could do this on a beat by beat basis or by bar and that's how you could move the tempo or the the downbeat to match a particular note so that's moving the bar number to midi note so all right good to see michael teams from weatherford texas and also i saw the jazz dude who's on the hangout uh so i see hi greg uh mercia from dallas is it possible to select an instrument channel inside the hallion or another steinberg via midi um so you know all you have to do you know depending on you know whatever you could have it to the point of you know is it if it's from the midi controller you know you could choose to just have the particular uh file let me just jump back to my other project all right i'll just kind of open this up okay so let's say in this particular program i have i'll just add an instrument track so say like you're halley and sonic se so as i'm here let's say i have my different track selected and i will add a couple of midi tracks so when i'm here um [Music] you know this will automatically kind of play the particular sound in halloween just by selecting the track um so you know once you have you know so maybe i'm misunderstanding if it says uh is it possible to select an instrument channel inside the hallion or another from steinberg via midi so you know here we have our different tracks and you could use you know your different keyboard shortcuts so that's midi channel 2 uh or if i select this we can see midi channel 3 or midi channel 4 just to do that so um that's how you could select different instruments kind of within hallian is you know just having the tracks that are routed to the different uh channels like so so but if i'm misunderstanding uh you know just let me let me know we could probably still catch it in the hangout still early okay so i just see hi guys is it possible to get more color options in cubase artist or we limit it to just a few so if we hit i think it's option or alter option plus shift plus s this will bring up the color palette so i think by default we may have 16 colors uh and i this may work the same way in artist but i i i'm inclined to say that would but if we go to presets i get this question periodically in hangouts like oh you know how can i get your color scheme uh all your available colors and all you do is really just say okay i want 32 colors and i wanted you know for you know number of color tints i you know and at this point you know you could choose basic colors or different color tints and as soon as i hit apply at this point when i go to choose a color you know we could have you know a whole color palette so just so i think that you could do the same thing so if you go i think it's under uh project color setup from the project menu and go to presets and you could try to expand uh using you know those particular color options so see if your artist version i'm inclined to say that it probably would do that you could have different colors and if you wanted to be as precise as to go through and edit the colors you could double click and you'll kind of get a color wheel that you could freely move around as well so if you wanted to get different shades you could do that all right uh so question what is the best way to use cubase for live implementation also are there any plans um so also are there any plans to add tools for live use in upcoming versions of cubase so you know a lot of people use it to play back existing tracks um you know to play back virtual instruments i've seen you know i've had friends that have had entire shows where it's an electronic drum kit uh the guitar player bass player using like the vst amp rack and the vst bass amp the drummer was using groove agent the keyboard players using you know a bunch of different virtual instruments the audio is going into a ur interface because they could process with reverb with no latency and then just do the whole show and send it to front of house people could build up like expression or arranger track icons for different parts or different songs so as you come here we could let's say if you know this was song one you could say okay this is song two song three and they have kind of a whole set lined up and they have like a midi foot switch to go to the next event or to you know the next marker so you could definitely do that you know like hans zimmer probably had like one of them more elaborate live productions i've ever seen it was pretty amazing show if you ever get a chance to see a hand zimmer live performance you know like all their virtual instruments everything was being done entirely in cubase and it was quite a bit of virtual instruments that people were playing live um he called it kind of the 19th member of the band and that worked phenomenally well for him as well so there's lots of stuff that kind of already exists for live use as well so okay okay so question is there a way to hear cubase playback while in another screen on computer uh when playing back track when i switch to different screen you no longer hear cubase playback so it could be um so make sure that you have uh it it could depend upon like audio interface drivers but if you come here go to like your vst audio system uh and try toggling this the status of release driver uh when application is in the background so but that could do it but if i come and let's say as i'm playing here and i go to my obs [Music] it still continues to play so it could be that your other program that you're switching to might be trying to take control of the audio interface driver so you may want to tell not to do that so if you go to like a web browser so you may want to you know come over here and tell cubase not to release diazio driver uh in the background so you know but i haven't really had a problem with that i've had cubase pro you know playing while web browsing and different stuff like that okay um so i see a question uh why does vst connect pro transfer mono files in stereo so i think as you work with the vst connect pro if you do just like the add create vst connect pro sc at that point that the default mode will be set to stereo um but if we come over here let's see anything i may have just kind of a quick project set up so say if i come here on this particular track you know you could add an audio track and say we want it to be mono and then for its input here you know you would want it to be vst connect and instead of just choosing vst connect try to make sure that you specify vst connect left or vst connect right and then you're able to record a mono source um that's how it's always kind of worked for me so if i but if i do kind of the default add you know the automated process here of you know creating a vst connect at that point it'll create a stereo file for me but you know you could just add a mono file you know and then just set the input from whatever interface connection you have there so uh when i've done it it's you know that's how i've gotten it to do mono for me okay thanks for all the great questions we'll move onward okay just all right so all right let's keep going okay just kind of keep going i said people are happy to see their hangout friends all together okay so just see a question uh love to hang out greg got another question is it possible to view grid lines and the envelope pitch shift in offline processing or any other way to automate pitch of audio tracks based on the grid so let's go so i think it's really going to be kind of based upon let's take a look at it so let's say if i have just this audio file here let me just select this [Music] loop okay so i'll select this and then we'll hit f7 and go to uh like our pitch shift so it's really could be more bass let's just take a look when we go to our envelope here so you don't necessarily see the grid lines because it's not necessarily doing it to the grid but to the audio file but you can kind of visually see so let's set our range to 12 you know so you could say um at this point i want to you know add this particular hit so you could see kind of the waveform visually and just say you know i want it at that point and i could just say let's just do time correction and i could see just do it not based on the grid but on the actual waveform which you know sometimes may help and then as we've done this i could take this one particular audio file and with here butchered pretty well so i will come here and if i do it in a correct pro if i activate the project that would help [Music] so [Music] so that way we're kind of just doing it all based on you know the visual waveform but it doesn't really show the grid per se because it's thinking of it as you know on the particular audio file itself all right good to see vinnie sabatino on the hangout all right seeing nice discussion in philadelphia cheesecakes i remember one time going out with dj jazzy jeff and curtis dowd in philadelphia having cheese steaks with them it was kind of a crazy ride anyway good good times um all right so we see the tape mode in tempo mode for pitch bending a revelation of the day already all right so i got it in like the first hour for gareth so if i get a revelation i feel like i did my job okay okay so i guess i got scambot's question answered okay so it says hi there i'm not as talented on the keyboard is there a way i could maybe sing a lick into an audio file and have it converted to a midi file yes you could definitely do that so my keyboard skills are are not ideal and i know i should just practice after all these years you know i could have been a great concert pianist if i actually had a piano with me in all my travels in evenings in hotel rooms so but let's say if i have a particular audio file um like here's a pretty good example where we could have a saxophone file so if we're in very audio uh i'll just activate the very audio so as soon as we see kind of the very audio one of the functions that you'll have under functions is just to extract midi so at this point you could choose to you know do notes in static pitch bend but if you're running it to an instrument like a halligan sonic uh sc3 or hallion based or retrolog pad shop you could in used vst3 components so uh and i had this kind of pre-dawn where you know i always kind of joke that you know the worst thing you could possibly have is like a midi saxophone for the most part because it ends up sounding like this so this is just a straight midi translation from the saxophone i [Music] did so while it's playing the same rhythm the same notes it really doesn't convey kind of any emotive aspect or the expressions but with the expressions what i've done is kind of captured it as well so [Music] so now if i just wanted to play that with the original so so it's i've seen lots of people you know just okay i want a brass part did it go down and then say okay then they record it i married singing a producer do that to his client and as they were just doing that then he would just do quick very audio and just have a brass part and they did the whole brass section that way very fast so [Music] okay okay so uh hey greg uh thanks for all the awesome tips i'm trying to figure out how to uh remove eq and any other effects that i put into my channel strip of a track it seems to not let me remove everything so let's say if i am here and i have my channel strip uh and i have eqs since i did an extreme the bad eq and i have like my channel strip set up all right so say i just totally destroyed all of my settings here so i think with the channel strip there's probably going to be um [Music] you know as you come here you could turn these on and off by individual modules to not have them loaded but there's probably just going to be a channel strip preset that will maybe be like init often there's kind of an initial okay so if not we can make one so let's come over here and what i would do i think with the eq that you could come here and go to the eq presets and here we could just let's say if we go to load preset there's a default and let's say if i go to the channel strip let's see if there's default here okay so i'll just make a channel strip default preset so i will come here to add an audio track and at this point i'll go to my channel strip i will save a strip preset and we will call it default okay so i go back to this track open it up let's go to my channel strip load or strip preset default and you could just set it up like that so so let me know if that works for you but uh you know but you can once you have you know everything kind of set up here you could just choose to unload different sections on the eq if you're here you could just turn off different bands of eq or the pre section okay you see a comment from gareth k says latency monitor got it permanently on it's good to be aware sometimes uh you know which which functions that are causing latency for you uh and sometimes you know people just throw like i'm gonna put this plug in on my control room to do room correction and the room correction has a you know obscene amount of latency in it so you know some sometimes different aspects can have can impose a lot of latency [Music] okay going through questions um my chat field had jumped okay um okay so question uh when recording audio within cubase the tempo applied to the audio file listed in audio pool does not match the tempo in the session is this a bug so make sure you know let's see if i i'll just do a quick recording to test so say our tempo is at 78 bpm um i will quickly add an audio track and we'll call it test tempo stamp all right so i'm going to take my um [Music] tempo track off and let's go ahead and record okay so we recorded that file let's look in the pool window and look at our audio file so we can see that um all right so we see that uh pool tempo so that's matched our tempo that we have here so let's do another recording and i will change my time here so we'll call this 88 beats a minute all right and let's get to 108 and see we'll do a quick recording of this okay so let's go to our pool window so i can see 88 78 88 1 i guess i set it to maybe 1800 but 360 so our current tempo stamps they're all kind of applied correctly there so um all right so just make sure i'm not misreading it so when recording audio thank you based a tempo applied to the file listed in the audio pool does not match the tempo into session so if you want to you know forward a project to me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e i'd be happy to kind of take a look at it um so it could you know but it seems like that is kind of functioning as i would expect so i will once again come here to 108 and do the recording and come directly to the pool window so and we'll see that the 108 underscore zero two is at the correct tempo stamp so that all seems to be kind of working as expected on my end but if you want to send me a project uh you don't have to send the audio files but just the dot cpr file i'd be happy to take a look at and see if i could reproduce it on my end okay what's the question why does the quality of the audio degrade when using the latency button they should fix that so um you know if it's the latency delay compensation you know it could be so let's say uh i'll just go to our project here um so i'm not sure if it's gonna actually change the quality of the audio but we'll take a listen to like just a quick file here and let's say if on my master bus i have like a nice multi-band going on [Music] [Music] so now if i have that turned on and i turn on the delay latency it's so it may sound different but really in essence all it's doing is it's perhaps bypassing effects that are on your master bus so now it's bypass i'll just hit this to always on top so if this is the latency button that you're referring to vinnie make sure that it's probably it could be just bypassing your master effects and not necessarily changing the quality of the audio so maybe that's what's going on so i would check that and see but it's not really going to change the the actual quality of the audio it shouldn't okay so question is there a way to quickly save samples i've made in the sampler track i want to save them as the finished sample to create my own samples i can then recall in any project so let's come over here i want to take let's say a base note so [Music] so let's say i just wanted to grab just one base note here all right so i'll play this let me just select the right tool this time all right so say i just did just a horrible edit i will bounce selection and i'll just grab this to my sampler okay so now when i want to play this particular sample track i could so i'll pick this and [Music] and i will just so if i want to save that i could just come over here and just save a track preset i believe is what you could do so we'll just say i have that right click save track preset um at this point we'll call it august 18th and i'll just call it august 18th base sampler track so i go to new project and i want to add track using our track preset so at this point i will go to track preset sampler and load that up and at this point so you just right click to save as a track preset when you go to uh access you could say load track preset and at that point you could choose that you want it to be a sampler track preset so just come right here add track using track preset and you'll see a category for sampler and then that's really all you have to do and you can use that in any project at that point onward so my lovely sample editing that's why i'm not a sound designer okay so we have a question i have an fcb 1010 midi foot controller i would like to use for controlling the vst amp rack like in uh in through maybe thursday uh would i need to use the midi monitored controlling cubase to make assignments from pedal to vst so if i have my vst amp rack i will just add an audio track okay i will go to my inserts so i will go to under distortion to vst amp rack and let's say if i wanted to control a wah-wah pedal so i'll come here and then i think you know one of the things you could do is you know there's a couple ways to approach this i think this will just respond to uh midi cc 11 but if i wanted to add a midi track to it i could set this up so i'll choose to um route this to the vst amp rack midi input and i will come over here to [Music] and then at that point it's going to send midi to the plugin so at this point again we set the midi to go to the vst amp rack as the midi port so once that's enabled then i think if we go to our midi inserts at this point um i will just go to i think we could use a midi control plugin so i'll do this and i think this may respond to cc 11 to expression and at this point you could just kind of use you know cc 11 to control your vst amp rack another thing you could do is have it as a quick control so let's say i have my keyboard controller set up under quick controls so one of the things you could do is if you come over here we can say let's go to track quick controls and i could say okay midi cc 40 from my controller is controlling my and you could just do a learn function right here go to your track quick controls activate it and you could click on this little learn button move a parameter and then that parameter automatically shows up and i could just control that wawa directly from there so that could be just the level of your wah pedal that will work so those are a couple different ways of being able to but when you add add a midi track and set its output to go directly to the vst amp rack and that's the one step that a lot of people miss okay just going through different comments so all right my chat field jumped ahead so bear with me while i navigate back to where we were so i just have lots of questions in my future all right okay um all right so we have i think it's kiri or kyrie tone from london saying hi um [Music] okay so i just see hi greg how can i force a bass pattern in c single notes uh in a midi track to follow a chord uh root notes and change the key both major and minor playing live so there's no way to trigger the chord track itself from uh from live input so you would need to kind of have the basis of this coming from the chord track so if i wanted to let me just uh add a quick instrument track and i'll just get to like a synth bass type sound okay i'll move my screen here all right so i will just adjust my controller [Music] all right so i'm just gonna hold down a quick chord and do kind of just a quick part here i'll just do some arpeggios using one of the apache arpeggiators all right so i will just go ahead and record and so i'm just going to play down a quick chord and i'll auto quantize this okay so i'm just holding down a c major chord a couple more measures incredibly exciting okay so let's say i have my world class baseline um so i think what the question is asking i think we discussed this in a previous hangout but i probably had a pretty awful incoherent explanation uh so if we have this part and i'll just so if and now if we add a chord track i could say we're going to start off in the key of c and then if i want to just go to the chord track and say okay i want this to be f and let's say a minor so and now as we do this we could tell this particular midi track to follow uh based on the chord so we could say follow the chords and scale so as we play and we get to the f chord here this well we'll set up a modulation so at this point you know as soon as we have you know these chords that will at this point you say okay i want this to be you know going to a g chord and this part here we could just have it you know follow the chords so as we do that so there isn't a way to have the court the midi parts react that i know of to like the real time input if you play the chord but it could follow the input that's already on the chord track itself if that makes sense now there's a live transform feature and what the live transform feature will allow you to do is to play like any three notes so as if i put this into live transform i'm gonna play just the same three midi notes and as it switches to different chords uh it will automatically map whatever notes i play so i'll just play like a c sharp f sharp and b flat and now it's going to change based on so i could with the live transform i could take any midi notes and have it automatically follow the chord track but the existing i can't necessarily create uh the chord track i can't have the parts follow real time input which is what i think you want to do and if not just let me know but it's not going to follow real time input from the actual tracks uh from from if i play the chord on the midi controller it's not going to change the part the chord needs to come from the chord track and not from live midi input if that makes sense so but if that's still confusing uh let me know and try to explain it again okay so question can you please tell us how to do pitch bend to plus 12 or minus 12 notes you know a lot of times the pitch bend is set on a per instrument basis so you'd have to go into the actual instrument itself and set the amount of pitch bend range so it's not necessarily going to be set per midi so you could have pitch bend draw in and it may not work but it can just simply be based upon uh how much so how much you actually so let me just uh have this not follow the chord track so you know so each instrument may have a a different uh pitch bend so i think if we look here this is the pitch bend amount for our hallie our our instance of halley and sonic so i will just have this not follow the chord track so i'll just go to kind of maybe a different sound to show this [Music] so now if i do pitch bend [Music] and let's say if i want my pitch bend to be [Music] 12 but only down to [Music] so the pitch bend information is actually going to be determined by the actual instrument and not by the sequencer so and every instrument will have it in a slightly different area so okay so i just see a question how to quantize my audio wav files just like midi quantize using the key q so they really kind of can work the same way so let's go ahead and take a quick listen i'll just kind of go back to this project and but you may have to have some elements kind of set up sometimes you could do it based on hit points and sometimes you could use audio warping and it's not as straightforward as what we would expect for let me just delete these so let's say if i have a drum loop set up here so if i go to my quantize setup we could just choose to kind of do like audio warp so i'll put my click on so at this point um [Music] let me just set the uh just set like kind of a rough tempo for the loop let's see if it's in the actual pool window so this will make a little more sense okay so it's 100 so i will just all right so now we listen to roughly we're at so at this point i could say you know i want this to be set for eighth notes i could select this and then if i just have it set to [Music] uh and i could just hit q for quantize and that could do like different warp markers but you could also just go directly to like the sample editor and just go to hit points and once you kind of have the hit points active you could set kind of like your different sensitivity amounts and at this point you could say let's create slices [Music] and now i want this to be quantized to eighth notes quarter notes i could select all these slices [Music] and then just kind of quantize [Music] you know based on those different components so you know but different audio you can kind of come over here let's see if i can do it on maybe a more traditional project so i'll jump here [Music] [Music] so at this point you can say you know i want this to be straight to eighth notes and then just kind of you could hit q but you could also just create different slices or create warp markers based on hit points and then as i hit q you could see that that would change so you know just kind of doing that so i could select you know just different regions but you know it's a little different than kind of quantizing midi so you can you know figure out where the warp markers are or place warp markers based on you know your different components and say okay we have quarter notes and you can see kind of the audio quantize just like that okay reading through different comments all right jason checking in from york uk all right nice comment from patrick says hi greg hope you and your family are okay and he's coveted 19 times we've been just staying in being boring and i'm happy that i'm able to kind of transfer my work to doing a lot of online stuff like these hangouts so uh so we see a question from jazz dude uh greg do you know if midi 2.0 will be out soon and if it will be part of cubase 11. we already have some different components of it in cubase you know some a lot of the aspects of midi 2 were actually kind of derived from like our node expression information that we did with the vst 3.5 specification there's also kind of like the profile things um where you know you could communicate a little better with different synthesizers and we could also see you know recently the vst specification uh has been updated to include more midi 2.0 centric things for midi plug-ins so you know there's already a lot of midi 2.0 stuff like with uh getting into [Music] you know like when we come directly to you know we could add um you know your node expression uh input device so if you have like a rolly controller so you could have all of your mpe stuff that's already been implemented in so we'll see more but you know at a certain point there's if there's no hardware that supports it there's no um you know there's it's hard to kind of write stuff if there's no hardware that actually supports it but i think it's one of the unique areas that steinberg brings kind of working with yamaha and a lot of the yamaha people were you know a very significant part of the development of midi 2.0 so yeah i think we'll see steinberg implementing stuff but you know a lot of stuff that cubase has been doing since version 6.6 or in 6.5 is what the midi 2.0 spec was derived from like the independent midi controllers on a note-by-note basis so we'll see more of it coming out better and you know with midi 2 there's really no uh better resolution for virtual instruments it's really kind of allowing more of you know hardware instruments to work at the resolution of virtual instruments okay okay uh what is the best way to get a vocal sample to fit the bpm of the project uh i've tried the audio warp and slicing processes but both still require lots of work to get a workable samples that are in time so um you know a lot of times just kind of knowing what the original tempo of the first recording was can make kind of a big difference having an origin tempo uh if you know what that is so let's come i'll just revert this project quickly and let's say like i know we showed a little bit of like the tempo detection before uh so let's just jump back to this file here so if we have an audio file that we've figured out what the tempo is and we want to have other projects now follow this so just erase this part so we know what the tempo is so if you know what the origin tempo of the other file is and it has that tempo stamped to it you know i could come over here and this isn't a vocal file perhaps but um like if i wanted to take just a loop file and let's say if i wanted to throw something just horribly inappropriate for this so i'll show you just how you could do like the different time stretches so if you know what the original tempo is you can just drag this particular file um so i will just move this to let's say our downbeat and i'm just going to select the particular file and place it into musical mode and once we kind of put it into musical mode this will automatically match the tempo and be kind of like a tempo parasite if you will and i'll just kind of bring this volume down here [Music] so so as my jazz track speeds up and slows down my loop or my vocal file [Music] can automatically match [Music] so you know and sometimes with the vocal you may have to kind of just drop it in and you know move different components around doing kind of warping but you know for the most part if it's recorded and it could be part dependent uh and i realize that but if you wanted to now just you know come over here and do kind of free warping on different parts and move you know this to be you know on the grid you know you could do that quite easily just using the warp so it could really depend upon the vocal file itself but you know if you know what the original tempo of the vocal is that will get you in the ballpark rather quickly just by placing it you know it could be a completely different tempo but once you kind of know what the origin tempo is place it into musical mode and we could do it here or directly in the pool window and then that will take a lot of the heavy lifting for you uh so question is there any way settings and preference that allows you to say presets in external effects and f4 thanks for your great cubase support unfortunately i've been kind of lobbying and requesting this feature for a long time uh to go to the audio connections and to be able to save you know we could say presets for inputs um [Music] and for outputs we could have presets and group effects we could have presets but um you know we can't save presets in external effects or external instruments but i am happy to kind of uh you know throw the suggestion out i know i've done it just recently but um but and i totally understand the need and desire of that so but currently i haven't found a way or and don't know of a way okay okay so i just see how can i snap a timeline beat marker to a midi note uh not quantize i want to tempo map a midi performance you know if you're going to quantize like a you know you could always do a midi performance as well that is um so i think i have a midi file that was kind of recorded without a click track just kind of like a solo piano piece so let's say if i activate this and it's not really aligning with the click you know at this point i go to project and i could go to the tempo detection and say analyze but if you needed to and i think we showed this a little earlier so you know you could just you know come here and select the you know the audio or the time warp tool and at that point you could move these freely uh and adjust the tempo to the midi performance so if you know at this point um i will just double click here and you know if you have the time warp tool selected you could just move the you know the actual beat directly to that and it's going to make a new tempo map for you accordingly so it's not adjusting the performance the performance is staying the same and you're adjusting the tempo and the tempo map to match that performance so again i know it's probably just a repeat of the question i didn't get to in time so okay so question when saving channel presets they could be saved in different folders when we calling them the presets shows up as a big pile all on the same page is there a way to have folders to show up it tries to put it into a common folder and these presets can be [Music] and the thinking of that is like when you go to migrate to a new computer or migrate to a new version that's gonna it knows where to look for and and these presets can be saved so one of the things that i would do if you wanted to is you know just to make sure that as you save presets so that you tag it because you could use the tagging to uh to make sense so let's say if i have an audio track and i'm directly here and we have you know i want to do uh like a high pass filter i wanted to run it through these particular processes uh and i want the gain and i want this you know to be set up just like that so let's say this is going to be you know my base part so at this point i could when i go to save a track preset you know believe we could so say base that you could go to the attribute inspector so if you click here you could say okay this is going to be for category base and i want it to be character um and you know you'll have okay so i want this for layered i want the style of this uh so i want a five star rating um this is going to be for blues music uh and this is going to be electric bass you know so and at this point i could say i'm looking for at this point i'll just say let's uh you know add track or low track from track preset so i'm looking for bass that's an electric bass um and that is set for blues music and then you could kind of filter as necessary to have those attributes so when you go to save a track preset if you wanted to instead of being overwhelmed with just a massive list you know click on the attributes and put the attributes in and then as you search for you know i'm looking for keyboards electric pianos roads you know you could do the same type of thing and kind of surgically filter for your presets and that way you're not treated with a zillion presets for all the same thing so try doing you know setting up the attributes for your track presets okay just reading through life on the country farm in texas seems like it's nice especially in these pandemic times okay so it says greg and cubase 10.5 how do you pick colors and assign to tracks and mixer tracks and channel so we kind of had this question about um like how to [Music] um effectively kind of you know mix colors a little you know utilize colors a bit so let's say if i jump back to this project and i look at my mix console so say i want my drums to be blue and bass red guitars green vocals yellow whatever um so to pick colors there's a couple different ways one is on an individual track basis is you could just click here for colors if we want to see if i wanted to select a number of colors i wanted to switch these to yellow i could go to my color palette here have these tracks selected and then you could you know grab let's say the paint tool and just pick different colors for all of those so let's see if i do it right so i could let's say okay these are selected so once i come here so you know if i want to do multiple tracks at once uh i could select all my drums and change those to you know white to yellow whatever color i wanted to and i got this question um a lot it's like okay how can i see this in my all the way through my mixer where i could see these different color schemes so let's say if i come here and i wanted to kind of see these colors and this is going to be set preferences and then we would go to user interface to tracks and mixer colors and at this point you could choose to have the mix console channel color so if i hit apply we see kind of the static mixers and now so once again i go to preferences to user interface to track and mix console channel colors just make sure that you click there hit apply and then those colors can and you could have them be you know brighter if you wanted to so the color strength so if you really wanted it to be very obvious or you could set that to default values as well so whatever you want to you could just kind of come there hit apply and that way you could colorize throughout kind of your entire mix console so if you want to see all your inserts and sends and eq window you could do that very quickly and kind of see that color scheme carry throughout the mixer channel okay so and i just see jazz dude says he has a you could also do project logical editor for coloring tracks with names so synths could be this blue drums could be that etc that's also possible yes i guess i wrote the new close encounters team with my composition there so yes all right and i see gara saying time to smash the like button so for my compositions alone all right um hey greg is it likely that cubase pro 11 will feature some enhancements to the core track more complex chord input add nine at eleventh etcetera or do you continue uh to use the scalar workaround so i think you know i you know i if i knew what was coming in 11 i couldn't comment on it because it's not released but um you know a lot of times you could come over here let's add a chord track and i'll just take a quick look at a chord definition so let's say c you know if i wanted to [Music] you know so you could do a c9 and then if you wanted to also get to the point um [Music] you know there are some preferences so if we come here to preferences and we could choose to uh and if you go to chord track so chords and photos and here you could choose how you want different chords to be labeled so you know we had someone that wanted to have you know their chords listed as a flat fifth you know so you could have different display chords so you know you could so you may want to kind of check this out but if you wanted a c9 to turn into c add 9 you could definitely do that using the uh you know using the kind of event display for chords and pitches in here so um i remember earlier we had someone who wanted like a you know not a c you know diminished chord they want to see flat fifth chord so you know we could you know customize your different results here as well so um so but check out what you could um you know check out what you could do with that but i think you could probably get to where you want to probably in the current version of cubase so question is backbone just a plug-in to create samples or can i use it like a normal vst plug-in you could use it like a normal vst plug-in it does some amazing capabilities for um you know being able to do drum resynthesis in sound design so you know you could start off you know backbone and a lot of people treat it just as okay i just want to have you know different bass sounds or you know kicks and that's one aspect of it you know so let's say you know or snare hits and be able to you know collapse or symbol sounds so let's say if i just you know hi hats but there's lots of like amazing impacts a lot of film composers you know are getting it for different impacts you know lots of kicks that are available and you could tweak these uh you know infinitely uh but other things that you do is just like little uh a rise in the impact so if you come here and you hold down the note and then as soon as you release you get the impact so there's a lot of and i release to send a midi note off message so you just have your riser and when you get to the point of impact just let go of the note and you know so you know it's kind of a bit of a misnomer you know it comes with all sorts of amazing content but if you think it was just like a drum sample player it's you know while it's amazing of that and probably you know 200 percent of what other similar tools are capable of doing that's just a fraction of what backbone is actually capable of so okay so we had this question that was uh kind of sent in you know if in the very audio editor if we could see the uh name on the pitch of the note so so is there a way to keep the musical note name on the note event it only appears when you hover with your mouse pointer but disappears when you move the mouse away so currently that's how it behaves so just to kind of show so if i wanted to look at particular notes that i'll just make it a little larger here to make it more obvious that as you hover over you can see the pitch indicated here and i think just for kind of a user interface so it's not always in the way but i can see where having just the pitch remain checked would be uh useful as opposed to all of the smart editing controls but you could determine the pitch based directly on you know the where it is on the on the musical keyboard as the background but currently i don't know of a way to just have the pitch uh present unless you're hovering over the note but like in our midi editors um you know if i wanted to you know draw in some midi notes here so as i draw in notes we could so as we're here if i hit shift h to zoom vertically that the note names appear so i think it would be nice to have that consistency in very audio as well as you get to be shorter space vertically or vertically that the notes will disappear but the notes become visible at a certain point so i'll pass that along that makes sense to me as well so okay question is there a way to set the scale for your project globally for example if i want my project to be set um at e melodic minor how would i do that so if you want you know within the chord track itself uh there's a little icon here that says show scales and at that point you could set up your scale like so and it may be locked but if you come here now you could double click on the scale and you could say i want it to be e melodic minor and that's what you could do that's how you could set a key globally within a project and as you do editing you could have the color scheme so if now i have that set i could choose my color scheme based on the chord track and i could have different notes that will be red that are out of key you know green this dark blue which is within a chord but out of key this is within the key and a green note um so as i adjust the green note is within this the actual chord so that's how you could do it so within the chord track itself there's this little icon turn that on and you may have to within the inspector for the chord track to unlock the automatic scales and then you could set that accordingly to different scales all right um okay so let's see i see paul uh he had asked about the um uh about the time warping for midi notes and his comment is yes but it doesn't snap to the front of the midi note thanks though so let's take a look see if we could maybe uh recreate that sorry i'll just drop that somewhere else let's see if we could see if we get this to snap to the beginning of notes so okay and i'll just let me just and let me just see if i do this um in the in place editor quickly and then if we choose our snap to events so you know well it doesn't i see where you could where it doesn't snap necessarily to the event and just try to remember trimmer with the yeah so i mean it doesn't snap to the event but you know but for a lot of stuff i would also try you know and i i see where that makes sense for it not to snap to the event because it may not be absolute or it could be on an upbeat um but you know you could also try the automatic uh tempo detection though so okay i see a comment i hope cubase 11 will get a note repeat function so um you know you could do it kind of with uh groove agent 5 the full version so [Music] okay okay reading through comments i see nice comment from uh agent k says garrett k music uh greg will be expecting a royalty check from you so yeah it'll be my mailbox money so okay so i see a question from chaser viewing the media bay does anybody know if you can make the size of the folders bigger um so so as we look at the media bay i think it's going to be kind of a fixed size for uh folders and this is because i think you know um could be i'll just see if there's any settings i think it's going to be kind of a fixed size because often when getting the most out of media bay people will be uh you know going through you know hundreds or thousands of different folders in their system so if you wanted to just kind of come here so i think that's kind of fixed in the size but you could pick and choose you know exactly what you want to see open quite easily but i think that those as is the media bay on the right hand side will be kind of fixed so once we come over here to your file browser and um so i think that's kind of fixed just so you get more out of it uh so question is it possible that the note not re-triggers when i make glides at the sampler track when i have a note that's one bar long i have a smaller note in that one bar it re-triggers the note note uh re-triggers the longer note so let's give it a shot i think that's how it works but we'll take a look just to make sure [Music] okay so let's so i think it's once you're in monophonic mode which is fine maybe so i think that's how it works uh you know it's gonna re-trigger but let me just so let's say if i have this note held down let's say i hold a longer note a higher note and i play the first note [Music] yeah it re-triggers from the start of the note um but i can see where the desire that is is useful for a lot of different things okay reading through comments okay so i just see um greg what is the use of the cr window at the right could you please give a quick overview of that so the cr is going to be for the control room so i'll get a project that can make use of it so and this is so the control room if you have this set up is allows you to a lot of times when people are mixing uh we would see a popular question was you know i did my mix down and people are using their master fader [Music] and when they would have it their speakers cranked up they would have this down and they would export and they would get kind of a weak kind of not a loud sounding audio file so what the first thing that the control room would allow you to do is to actually set a monitoring level that doesn't affect the gain structure of the mixer [Music] so i could also set a known reference point so if this is the loudest you know i want to go to this specific volume level i could just click right there and if i hold down the it would say this is the loudest i want to be i could just say okay anything beyond that i'm lying to myself could also have the click track on or off if i have different uh sound mix presets i could listen to this in mono or stereo [Music] now if you have more than one set of speakers uh you could configure this to connect the speakers to uh and this is everything's configured in the control room tab here so if you have multiple outputs of your audio interface and you have multiple speakers you could now take the outputs from your interface and connect them to different speakers so at this point you could say you know i want to have to switch between my yamaha hs7s to genelecs to you know whatever speakers that you want each of these speakers can have their own independent volume levels when you go to inserts so if you say i just want to have you know different volume control for each speaker that i want to have we could do that as well so you could switch between speakers without having to have a hardware box that inherently colors the signal and tone of your studio at this point we could also do headphone mixes for your different if you're tracking and you could have a talkback microphone so at this point if you say okay i just wanted to have my talk back we could enable talkback so we could talk with a microphone in front of the computer to different musicians so we could have that enabled and you know we could have different plug-ins for different setups if you have external sources like let's say someone brings over their ipad they want to use that as you know here let's listen to this on your speakers so i get a bearing is you could go to external input sources and if you have those connected we could you know switch between inputs in external sources as well so generally you know this is like the kind of the tricky part that you see in a lot of large format consoles to switch monitors to switch speakers to be able to down mix their mono collapse to be able to do cue mixes without eating up your aux sends to be able to you know a lot of those functions and that's what the control room allows you to do okay so i just see a question uh from scanbot terminator question why is it when i add a new vst or effect i purchase into cubase even though i locate file for cubase it still runs through every file on my computer can cubase look to make adding vsts easier so you know once it does once it adds a new effect it does a quick quality assurance test uh and some of the things that it'll do is it will go through and make sure that the plug-in's gonna be stable and it's gonna kind of work in your system and not cause all sorts of crashes it's also going to monit it's going to do an analysis of how much latency that plug-in takes so it'll ping the plug-in and measure the latency so as you kind of add new plug-ins it's going to do an analysis to kind of protect you and to make sure that your delay compensation is right so okay um so question is it possible to lock on the drum map for a certain track every time i close it and open it up again i'm at the midi editor so it could be um let's just jump back to our project here thanks for all the wonderful questions if you've learned a new tip or trick make sure you hit the like button um and that way we could make sure that we could keep doing these hangouts so i will quickly revert this okay let me just and and this question could tie into a preference as well so there is a preference for um it's probably gonna be under editing midi um maybe editing in general let me just see if i take if i can find his preference really quickly okay anyway so let's say i have a this track here i don't have a drum map assigned to it okay so at this point i will so i will just let me just play this back and let me see if i'm in my mix okay [Music] okay so we have this and what i want to do now is to i'm gonna have cubase uh create a drum map from the instrument and once you have a drum map for the instrument i'll just turn it off quickly so it's not to annoy you i will create a part and once a channel is assigned to a drum map when i double click it's going to launch the drum editor so i just added that as we saw so i'm going to resave this project okay i will close the project and open it back up and didn't like that so let me just try see if i can get it rebooted here sorry about that all right so say well and i will open up that project and see if it is preserved so let's try loading this project activating it okay so i'm going to just draw on a part here and double click and then that's automatically kind of saved directly with the project so that's automatically saving it but there is kind of that preference let me see if i could find it maybe it's under midi um okay yeah i always say there's a preference that kind of automatically assigns you know tracks are loaded to um to a drum map that will automatically you know load it to see if i could find it quickly but it could be just a preference but you know that seemed to kind of work for me i'll see if i could dig up the preference i thought it would be under midi sometimes they move some of the preferences around okay oh here it is um so under editors make sure that you have uh use drum map editor when drum map is assigned so make sure that that is checked so under preferences editors just check um just make sure that that is automatically checked for you oh so i think i've maybe gotten a revelation for gareth so we'll see all right so just see uh from you know but i haven't used control room before my project so interested too about it sorry maybe basic question we don't have to worry about any questions are too basic so we're all just answering questions that people have all right so i'm gonna get a songwriting credit with gareth k all right i'm happy uh it's a question would a midi bass track follow a chord track since it's normally single notes yeah and as you do that there is a if you just have a midi bass part one of the algorithms that you're gonna have in the chord track uh for voicings if we say okay we want this is just to follow root notes of the chords so that's probably the algorithm that you'd want but it will automatically follow so once you have root notes that's kind of intended for bass parts okay uh so i see a question when i'm composing to film and i need to change the tempo uh the at the point of the movie i was work uh the uh i need to change the tempo the point of the movie i was working moves how can i make the tempo in time where i was working if i can uh can can't the tempo the project okay so let's come over here and see if we could get this figured out so let me open up project quickly okay so let's say i have uh you know my video track here okay so let's say you know one of the things you could do is lock the video but if i needed to find a specific points in time so i will just open my video window here by hitting f8 and then you know if so if i'm here i could say i want this event to start um right there so we could say this is where i want you know and at this point we could choose to go to your transport and you could say use video follows edit mode so you may have to just check that and i could say measure 20 is going to start right at that point so i will just select my time warp tool and measure 20 starts right here and i need four even bars to go to and right at that point where we switch to this person in our office and that's how you so the video doesn't move so make sure that you uh a you know have transport use video follows edit mode so now when i look at this and i turn on my click track between those two scenes um i can have you know equal number of bars so if i just check my control room quickly here real quick check my vst connections see if i mess those up yeah so at this point i listen to my metronome so at that point i could get you know just a perfect even number of bars from there and let's say and the video doesn't move so if i wanted to go to right where we see these come in so at that point i'll just say we'll move that and now the tempo slowed down so you know make sure that in the transport that you have use video follows edit mode so then the video is gonna stay so and then you could do a tempo map based on the visual events um all right so a question uh hello greg please i have an issue to make a quarter scale with micro tuner plugins is silent contact serum don't detect a scale and micro tuner thank you um i think you know it's going to be it's going to need to be a vst 3.5 instrument and i think contact is still at vst2 i'm not sure what silence is at if that's a vst2 or vst3 but that's you know part of the vst 3.5 specification so it could be that those plug-ins aren't capable because they could be running older versions of the st and if you wanted to determine if a plug-in is vst2 or vst3 generally when you go to add plug-ins so say if i go to my vsti window we'll see these three little hashtags that indicates that it's a vst3 uh you could also go to your vst plugin manager and you could see which vst version they're at so if you want to do a contact you're probably going to contact native instruments and have them update you know i think vst3 has been out for uh a long time so um you know 12. plus years maybe longer uh maybe 14 years so it'd be nice to have you know them take advantage of the capabilities of est3 okay says hi greg sorry but why can i not see the loops and sample apps on the right side like before or missed uh cubase uh or missed cubase apps from loops and samples so you know when you do this let's say if i go to my media bay uh i could see kind of all of my events here so there's a lot of factory content you know like soul assembly different loops you know or if you want to have more like you know you know so some other different libraries so there's a lot of content that comes with cubase if you don't see these you know make sure that you go home and that you look under loops and content you know if you still don't see these you know you might just have to go to your media bay and at this point uh so go to your media bay and then go to vst sound and try to right click and on your different folders here and then just choose to re-scan disk and that may kind of wake it up if the connection was lost somehow so i would try just to rescan the disk and um so and that will probably bring him back for you yeah and i see more discussion about the vst 3 instruments and micro tonal functionality and i see jazz 3 is commenting that it's going to need like a vst 3.5 instrument to really kind of take advantage of that so you know see if you can load those instruments or find equivalent sounds and you know hallian hanging sonic sc halligan's italian sonic pad shop uh you know retro log some others okay so uh hey greg what's up uh bass that's calgary in the hangout uh is there a way to copy all channel settings in pre eq to another channel hope that makes sense so let's go ahead and i'll jump back to another project here so say if i have a folder track here with some audio tracks we'll go to mixer and here let's say i adjusted and i'll set my volume and panning that i think you might be able just to [Music] all right so i have that as my track settings let me copy and so let me just see if i could just do all right so from here let's see if i just i thought that there is like a simple copy and paste all right so let me just try another track here uh i thought i saw just a second okay so copy first selected channel settings yeah so if you just select the first one here you could copy the first channels to lettings and then paste to other channel settings so now every one of these could be carried over just from the very first channel settings okay just going through comments okay my chat line just jumped for let me just jump back thanks for all the great comments if you've seen something new that you liked uh or learned a new trick please feel free to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel okay so okay so you see i'm just on my way out with my mountain bike so i had to stop by and leave a like we'll rewind later at home still have to catch up to the previous hangouts cheers everyone all right that's good okay so question i want slider slider one to control the volume on bass always on my midi controller no matter where it is in the track order okay so if i wanted to assign um let's say this particular track i'll just call it bass here okay so we could do this through a generic remote i will come to my studio setup and go to generic remote setup so if i will say i'm going to do a learn function so i'm going to just move a knob and learn the function from the correct midi assign to correct midi input and output port so now it's captured that midi cc and what i want to do is to go to mixer and i'm going to find my track called base and i want to control the volume so now wherever i am this knob will always be fixed to controlling the volume of the base regardless of what is selected so if you permanently want to have a control control you know a particular value that doesn't change that's when we could use the generic remote control so we could choose to uh set the input and output com ports on the value that you want and you could do a learn to move the knob come down to the bottom so this is what incoming midi message is controlling what particular function so we want to say fader 1 is going to be set to device to mixer to channel base to what parameter volume now no matter what happens in this project it's going to automatically just that one knob is going to be fixed and dedicated to a particular value and that's going to be different than the track quick controls because the quick controls will allow us to have eight predefined sliders or faders and these functions these quick controls can vary depending upon the individual track so whereas a generic remote is going to be fixed globally for that particular track so the the quick controls are dynamic it could be changed on a track by track basis the generic remote is kind of fixed and think of it more as a global thing so that's i got one slider control just a volume on base okay so i just see uh how to set up and uh how to set up dual mono bus compression in cubase so it's not it's a bit different than other programs but so let's say if i add a stereo track so i added audio track let's make it stereo [Music] then i can come to let's say my inserts let's say i add a compressor and i add a compressor again and this is not this is a bit different of an approach um so now that i am in the channel settings uh so i have my two different settings here i can go to the routing editor and i could choose that i want this to be mono for that insert and i want this insert to be a different mono so i will say let's use that one for this channel and we go to the routing for that channel so i have two different compressors with different values that are running you know independent settings for each uh for my left and right channels independently if needed okay so a question is it possible to make an instrument guitar accordion sax from samples sampling from real acoustic instruments in hallian or any other steinberg instrument yeah you could definitely do this so you know there's a couple of different ways of doing it because hallie and you know the one it's sold separately which is on uh a deal right now i think it's 40 or 50 off there's current promotion going on for vst instruments can allow you to sample directly in to hallian so i'll show you kind of two different ways that you could do it so like i did one for a base that i wanted to sample and one of the things i wanted to do with my base sample that i didn't like in other base samples is i wanted every note on every string to be sampled and what i did was and let me just make this just a little louder so you guys can probably hear it a little better but i set up um you know i set up like just an audio i'd set up a project i recorded each string so if i wanted to come here i could say okay we're going to go to e1 and i said okay this is on the e string the pitch is e1 so i labeled it so that i would play that note hit the next down button and i would play an f note so at this point i would just say okay we want to and i did this basically for every single note and then i dragged them into hallian and now but how you can actually sample directly in so if you want to get to the point where uh i think i have a project set up for this like if you wanted to sample like a midi keyboard you know really all you'd have to do is let me see okay here's a project so let's say i have a road and when we look at hallian hallian can actually have um so when i go let's say to hallie in here uh i could activate a side chain in hallion and then i could say i want my roads to go to the side chain there's different kind of halligan configuration windows so i'm gonna come over here and just say sample recorder at this point i'm going to put a midi uh input on to both of these tracks and i could say let's just take our midi note on and note off message then i could just hit record here and that will just sample directly in as soon as i have a note off message it releases the sample and we see chromatically all the samples are just going up and let's say i totally mess one up i could just hit the mistake button and you could just kind of continue on like this you could have it automatically normalized if needed so now if i want to play back you know i could see my samples that i've recorded they will just show up directly here i could play these back you know just by triggering those particular samples and that's really kind of you know a couple ways that you could sample directly and this isn't the hallian sonic se that comes with it groove agent has similar sampling functionalities the full version not groove agent sc but the full version as well as the full version of howie and where you could make your own instruments and combine the samples with synthesizers and make an instrument with graphic user interface and be able to sell it so okay so let's see uh okay question when i record midi notes with my keyboard and pre-count is on the first note is always missing am i pressing a bit too early or is it because of some cubase settings you're probably pressing just a little uh too early but sometimes you know you know one of the things that you could do if you do run into that so let's say if i'm recording and i was let's just just do it on this track here sorry about that so we can hear it so and i'll just have my [Music] you know if you realize that you're probably just like a little bit early you know one of the things you could also do is you know use the retrospective record you know so if you just kind of like oh it's the most amazing part you know now you could just click on retrospective record and anything that you were noodling on or that happened before will just kind of show up but a lot of times you may have like as you record you may notice that you know you could have notes or just slightly early you could also have auto quantize if you enable this in a transport that could help as well okay so i just see a question maybe this was cut off but from robert george hi greg is there a way um so maybe i'll see it later in the chat field okay probably sorry okay so um i see a question from paul is the robert's question okay so when i use a live transform when i hit a key that is not in a scale it just doesn't make any sound is that normal or should it change to the note to meet the scale so if you're doing the live transform i'll just quickly have a chord track here you know there's a couple of settings for live transform so if we have this at we go to the chord so when you're in live transforms uh set it to scales as opposed to chords um and then you know that that should you know work with notes that are not just going to be within the specified chord so if you have chords that's going to restrict it to just the chords that are in the chord track but you could also have scales i think if you set the scales it'll kind of do what you want okay so it says uh when tracking a question when tracking a full band when going from take to take is there a uh um is there a way to create some kind of macro or something to make all tracks change to different versions so let's go ahead and take a look at this okay i'll just put these into folder quickly okay so let me just okay so let's say i'm recording my band come here so say record okay so now i want to do a new recording so i think i would just hit control or command shift n and so or you could just go directly to it says control shift n or command shift end and if you go to your project menu you can now come right over here say you'll see track version so you just say this this keyboard shortcut for a new version so we hit record again okay so record you know wonderful take let's say someone messed up all right so we're going to come here so again command shift n and then hit record again punch in and now if you wanted to switch i really like take two better so at this point you could select all and say okay let's switch them all to version two to version one to version three so just control or command plus shift and the letter n like nancy see a nice comment from tom uh maybe gru uh thank you greg for your awesome work i hope it's been helpful thank you for the nice comment uh and michael teams is wanting people to like the lack but whack that like button cubase brothers and sisters all right i won't disagree okay and as gareth indicated like that like button likers all right all right so i see gareth sent a message to ambient dave that's how we're all thinking of him uh so hi greg is there a way to x question uh is there a way to export the tempo track in the midi file i only find some proprietary file format option when i want to export tempo information of a project so yeah so let's come here i'll just create a new project let me just close this one out of my amazing band tracking scenario lost to the ages okay so let's say i have some midi notes here and at this point i want i'll just activate this project so we'll have a couple of midi notes uh i'll have my tempo track okay so i have that and now we'll export and i'm just going to check there could be preferences with this under midi file so as soon as i come right over here we'll say under midi to midi file um okay so let's just okay because generally on the import it's kind of set to import a marker tr you know master track um you know it's kind of usually on import tracks it won't necessarily uh import the master track data so i'm going to just say uh it'll choose to ignore so let's say if i'll export this as tempo export so i'm going to choose to export midi file and i'll save it to my desktop at this point we want to make sure that we export uh you know that it includes you know generally the tempo is i'll just say export tempo here and we'll hit ok i'm going to take this project and i will import a midi file and we'll do a we'll have it create a new project i'm going to go to my desktop and so tempo export midi come right there and when we go to you may not see it but we go to our tempo track i think it should now be visible so there's our tempo track data was automatically included with the standard midi file but when you go to test to import by default um you know as a preference and it's kind of an annoying preference in my opinion or just an option it could be set to ignore the master track data so i would make sure that's unchecked if if you're testing that [Music] okay okay i just see a message just kind of popped in let me just check okay so to see uh is it possible to right click a parameter in a plug-in to show the automation lane that would be super useful if you could show us all right so live input here so let's say if i go to and this could be um it might be a vst3 kind of thing but let's take a look at it so if i'm here i have a plug-in parameter so probably more reasons for vst3 so if i want to uh right-click on a parameter in a plug-in we could say show mod wheel show mod width automation track i do that and then our automation track is automatically opened directly for that parameter and as i play we'll see the automation just kind of follow that so just kind of see the automation here changing based on the value so with your i know the included plugins do this and it could be just a function of the plugins but just right click and show drive automation of track and then that will show up and open up that particular uh automation parameter in the track so let me jump back thanks for all the wonderful questions okay we're doing okay on time so let me just okay reading through okay so let me just see another comment just kind of circled in let me just check that um yeah so the comment i just got is it possible with third party plug is i believe it is but it could be up to the plugin developer to manufacture and if it's a vst2 plug-in it's probably not going to do that so you could contact your if it's not a vst2 3 plug-in you should contact the plug-in developer and have them update um so i see question why is my volume output so quiet from cubase when the volume in cubase is so high for instance when listening to this youtube hangout i have to turn my speaker volume down and turn it up when i'm working on cubase all right so this is you know this could be kind of a classic thing so you know if you're doing this uh you know if you have your speakers turned up high you know check to see you know if you're using you know as we mentioned before we're discussing the control room if you're using this actual master fader as your volume control don't because you know it's a common thing where you know people before we had to control room all these people are using this as their master volume control and then when they have it way down here they export their file and all of a sudden you know it's like wow is my mix sound really weak and you know the amplitude isn't loud it's not punching like when i see other tracks it's because you basically told cubase to drop it down by 40 db so set this to you know try to keep that around 0db and use the control room if you have cubase pro as your monitoring source but make sure that you don't have your speakers cranked up too loud for working with cubase and you're kind of have a gain structure problem between that so you know try to set your speakers to a nominal level you know there's usually like a center to taunt where you know it's not taking away gain or adding gain and try not to use your master fader as a volume control and then i think you know you'll get it kind of sorted out okay just see a comment from uh brilliant antique maybe i'm or in tight sorry if i'm probably just totally butchered the pronunciation of your name no disrespect to just saying i love this daw um [Music] i like it too i think it's pretty cool um and you see someone else saying best dog can't wait for cubase 11 cubase 10.5 is the best update so far control room very audio 3 is both the most used features for me okay okay reading through comments i know we had some people had sent some questions in all right so i just see from uh werner i can't seem to install the cubase helper tool in the steinberg manager message reads failed to establish a privileged helper tried everything is this the right form for this so i don't know what the helper tool is uh but if you want to email me at club cubase at steinberg.d i could try to do some more research on it but um you know from the steinberg manager like the download manager i've always just downloaded the programs and installed them as normal okay and i just see a comment uh that sounds great about in this about using the control room but i don't see how to do that yet i've been able to control room but i don't know where the volume control is for it so you know once you have the control room enabled here uh you first thing then it seems counterintuitive at first is you want to have outputs like if you have a stereo bus have your stereo bus bus defined but not connected go to the control room add a monitor and then you want to connect your monitor to the audio outputs so once that's been done you could come over here and in the control room if you click on the main tab at this point you see this big red knob and that red knob will be your volume control there now if you have the control room those outputs going to your speakers going connected in the control room as well as connected in the outputs it's going to doubly bust the signal so you could adjust the control room here and say oh i still hear it why is that it's not adjusting the volume as i think and that's because you need to have the main outputs set to not connected so hopefully that will help and clarify that a little bit and see uh great comment from gareth uh mono is the secret of a great mix uh especially now you know for a long time people were like oh i checked mono com you know compatibilities like for tvs you know like old tvs listening to that and doing a tv mix and you know taking that out make sure it translates to mono is just kind of a last quality control check but you know how many people listen to tracks on their phones or ipads that don't have stereo speakers so so you just see a question hi greg after pitch correcting a vocal track and very audio i bounced the track to create a new corrected take the bounce track didn't include the correction so everything was gone is that the case yeah you don't want to necessarily bounce it what you want to do in very audio let me just jump to okay it'll just jump to a different project here so what you want to do is to actually just flatten the process so you think of the bounce selection is more for consolidating edits so you know if you had an audio file here and you've done you know different range volumes and you have different sections and punch-ins and punch-outs you want to turn that into one easy to manage audio file that's where you'd probably want to use the bounce selection what is really what you want to do for the very audio is within let's say the very audio tab is so let's say we're in the if you wanted to apply those functions with the very audio and you've done all your editing here go to functions and you just want to flatten real time processing and that would embed those changes into the file itself so but think of the bounce selection as kind of consolidating different edits and making one nice clean audio event whereas the flattening the processing is embedding those changes that you've done in very audio to the file itself all right so i see someone has to go they have a three-year-old who needs uh needs their attention i completely understand so i'm surprised my son usually kind of interrupts the hangouts but he must be watching a good movie or he's probably on a series that has multiple episodes and i'll try to take him to the pool after to get him outside okay you see michael teams is checking out he has to move on all right good to see you on the hangout michael uh so question how can i copy all the effects from one channel and paste the effects at different channels with one or two clicks if possible so i got asked this question before and it's probably uh just being a little dense of and doing this so let's give this a shot so let's say i have eight audio tracks i will put some eqs and inserts let's say i'll just go to my mix console so i will okay so just put a couple plugins in okay and let's say if i come here and i have this eq i have uh let's say like a high pass filter okay so now i'm here i want to select i will copy first selected channel settings select the other seven channels and then paste uh settings to selected channels and now i will you know as we look over here i can see all the inserts automatically copied over and i saw this in a previous hangout and i probably i didn't do it this way and i said it probably couldn't be done in a previous hangout but now if i wanted to look at all the settings let's say in my full screen mixer um so if i wanted to look at the eq we'll see the eq changes probably so i'll say let's look at the eq so that's all been applied let's look at the inserts so once again you can copy the first channel so just right click on the channel copy the first channel settings and then select multiple channels and then paste those settings okay so you see a question that we covered a little earlier okay so i see question since moving to 9.5 and now uh cuba it's 10.5 i can't figure out how to change the color of my folders got to be something simple all right so let's take a look i will come here let's create a folder track uh if we'll move the selected tracks to a new folder i'll select this and i click here just to the right of the folder name and now we could just colorize the folder as just like that okay question how can i record the pads from groove agent do i have to open a new channel moreover the same question for the sample sample pad how can i record the samples i slice in the sample pad so i don't think that the groove agent once we have it open here that while we could audition these pads you know and we could trigger the different sounds like so but i don't think that these will transmit midi so you would need to you know have a midi control so we could choose to audition these particular sounds but they i don't think that these transmit midi uh but let me just i'll just see i'll just try something um [Music] because there's kind of an internal routing so if i come here i'll just kind of put this into record and let's see if i hit the pads oh yeah so if all you have to do if you want to so um is set the input port here to groove agent se and that will allow you to just trigger and program and capture those as midi notes so if i'm playing along here and i have this into record you could just trigger sounds accordingly and how to record the sounds that you have sliced let me just jump back to another project quickly so let's say i have a groove agent here so quick beat agent i'll open this up and i will just cut the kit just right click and now if i drag this onto a pad and i slice the different loops so as we do this these can be just triggered again but you need to set not to all midi inputs but to the groove agent inputs okay question uh how can i set a key command for waveform open in the sample track without dragging or dropping it what is the exact order to do it because i couldn't find it so so let's say if i want this in the project um let's say if i control click um i could just so if you you know alt or option click or if you have the extended just say create sampler track and now that'd be all you have to do so just from that selected loop um so it's probably going to be so you know if you just come right here so just kind of right click on the file and then let me just see if it's in edit [Music] menu and there's probably a keyboard shortcut for it so let me just look for a keyboard shortcut um so just type in create sampler track okay so it's under audio so at this point um i'll just put in assign a keyboard shortcut for it so now i'll just drag a loop in so i do that and then hit the keyboard shortcut under audio menu so just come and then there's just a create sampler track directly from there all right so i know we had some questions that were sent in let me get to those i think we answered some of them throughout the course of the hangout um [Music] okay it says i have a problem with notes in the midi editor staying black after cursor passes i need to hover my mouse over the black ones to return to normal attach pick and attach the picture could you please tell me what what uh what came is so how to so i can stop it so if you have um like this functionality going [Music] on where it's just a preference um it's going to be under editing midi or just editing and then you'll see uh auto select events under cursor so once that is enabled as i hit play here you'll see that the notes will become selected as the cursor passes over them so to get rid of that all you have to do again is go to your preferences to editing and uncheck auto select events under cursor and then you're all set um okay so i think we covered the next one that was sent in okay [Music] okay and we got the question about merging two midi tracks and i think we showed this a little earlier but we'll show it one more time so if i have let's say my two midi parts and i wanted to merge these on top of each other so if they're kind of copied we could you know and you could go to the bottom here and you could switch back and forth between the active ones if then the bottom center but if you hold down the glue tool and just hold down alt or option and click with the glue tool that will merge the two events for you and then we also had you know about getting the channel strips to show the same color as the inspector and the mixer so if we have uh like our mix console if we want to see these colors that preference again is going to be under um user interface track and mix console channel so if i turn this off we'll say mix console channels and i hit apply it'll get rid of those colors enable it that will automatically apply the channel colors throughout the mixer and you can have again various levels of intensity and uh jan from stockholm you know we had a question before about you know in a control room uh he brought up a really good point uh that i didn't realize if you wanted to toggle back and forth between like a reference track in the q mix and the mix that if you just continually tap on you know with the left mouse button i could go back to the mix you click here it's gonna go to cue one so you want to listen to qmix2 you could just kind of toggle back and forth without having to use a keyboard shortcut but there's also a keyboard shortcut but thanks ian for pointing that out that's a useful tip uh i see a question uh when will cubase pro be able to export uh as m4a files you know they're not nearly as popular as mp3 files i know they're you know they're commonly used but you know mp3s are a bit more universal but i will pass on the desire to have an m4a you know it could be like some weird codecs uh that are require licensing or something but uh it's easy enough to kind of do uh with a lot of freeware tools but i'll include that all right we also had a question regarding uh groove agent uh se uh someone had noticed that when i had on one of my tutorial videos that i had a full version of groove agent and that um there could be multiple agents so you could have like four different agents here so if you wanted to have you know like a beat agent kit you could do that if you wanted to you know couple that with um let's say an acoustic agent kit you have that option and if you wanted to also include like a percussion agent kit you know we have this capability of being able to run you know very fast kind of hybrid drum sets uh so that you know you could have kind of you know like beats and acoustic kits and percussion so this isn't available in the groove agent se so only the full version of groove agent which also offers you know sampling capabilities note repeat uh some you know additional pattern editing functions that's in the full version of groove agent so if you don't find it don't rock your brains out looking for it okay okay so we had we had answered the very audio question through here um let's see all right so uh we also had a question about kind of automation and switching between different automation parameters for cc uh automation versus traditional automation and when people were doing this that it was kind of bouncing back and forth between them and it wasn't working as expected so i'll just do a new project and i think this is with pad shop so i'll just add an instrument track thanks for all the great questions that people have sent in if you want to send questions in advance you could send them to uh club cubase at steinberg dot and make sure that you subscribe to channel let your friends know about the channel as well if they are cubase users or if they're not smart enough to be steinberg users yet you know you could show them some good tips and tricks and support that we do so let's say if i'm here and i have a particular note let me just check out my audio connections quickly okay so i just have all right so i have a patch here in pad shop where um so the question was you know whether to do pitch bend or automation as midi cc data or to do it kind of as automation and kind of switching back and forth so if i have in this particular patch when i hit a note it sounds like this and i move my mod wheel up we can get a train kind of sound effect right so just you know when the mod wheel is moved up so if i record this uh we could go to our midi menu and we'll see kind of our cc automation setup and i have this go to midi parts so when i record a part i could hit a note and then if i wanted to move my modulation wheel that that's all going to be recorded directly into a part and i will just click here and say okay let's show use controller so i can see my modulation and that is that's applied directly in that part as i do this i'm going to switch this to be an automation track so now i could have parameters my midi cc show up as automation and when i do this i have to click on write automation so i'll record the midi data here and now as i move my modulation wheel up it doesn't record it as midi data but now i could go to f6 and i'll just say show used automation so we'll say show used and now i could see uh my automation show up directly here so it's not embedded in the part um but it's gonna kind of show up as modulation so but if i wanted to go back um at this point and record and switch that this is where the person the question was kind of asked we could go to your cc automation step that it wasn't kind of working when it went back to midi part so i will just go ahead and record this and i'll just kind of hit the note again hit the modulation wheel our train whistle will come up and then it's going to be recorded and embedded actually kind of within the part so that's kind of two different ways and i think the question was did when they switched back and forth it wasn't working but that seems to be kind of working as expected for me okay uh and then i'm just gonna check i think i may have had one question come in earlier in the hangout about ruler tracks so let me see if i could dig that up really quick um [Music] okay so uh my question is uh do the ruler settings not hold between projects i work on post and music projects and when i move between them i have to manually change the ruler from time code to bars and beats after i open the projects up so it could be let's go ahead and give a quick test so let's say if i have a ruler track here and let's say this is our post thing so i will come here add a ruler track and i want this to be in format of times so let's say i want this to be in time code okay and let's say i will save this as uh post august 18th okay and now i want to have this time code represented in bars and beats for the ruler track uh so i'm going to save this as music august 18th okay so when i come over here i'll open up post august 18th and we'll take a look at it and we'll see if the ruler is set to time code i will open up my music august 18th all right so i'm just going to close this projects all right so i'm going to open just music 18 august 18th and that should be set to bars and beats okay and i will open post august 18th and we should see this in time code for [Music] so it looks like it's staying you know i think if you hit the period key on you know you know depending on if you're in musical mode or you know um so if it's the ruler tracks those seem to be carrying over this if you're if you're talking about the main timeline you could hit the period key above your space bar and that will automatically kind of switch between your secondary and primary time formats um so that won't be project specific but it seems like the ruler tracks are project specific all right we've got a couple minutes left here this uh i'm going to jump back to my live feed thanks for all the wonderful questions um and we'll be doing our hangout this upcoming friday okay okay so i see gareth checked out good to see you we'll see on friday um okay so uh let's see uh is it possible to delete a naming after a certain point in a word uh in the case here for example let's say going from violin001 to just violin for all the tracks thus deleting the three numbers so sometimes we could do stuff like this in a project logical editor so let's um add an audio track here so let's say violin zero zero one so we're going to choose to transform this is in the project logical editor in the project menu and we're gonna say name contains and let's say zero zero one and what we want to do is name to replace search string and let's say zero zero one and we're going to just hit space here and let's i'm gonna duplicate this track a couple of times okay so just right click and all right let's see if that works first i'll just without duplicating it so if you come here you could say name contains and you could have zero zero one zero zero two zero zero three etc say so name contains zero zero one and then under action target and this is when you choose transform choose name and you want to do replace search string and this is basically in parameter one what you want to replace and what you want to replace it with so if you want to say i have violin one zero zero one and you wanna say every time it says violin one zero zero one you want it to say replace with purple elephant all right so now i could just come here um so we have violin001 and now it's violin purple elephant whatever you want to do or but if you want to get rid of it just hit the spacebar once and you can save that as a preset okay okay just going through some different comments see how we're doing on time so we got a couple minutes left if i go over four hours i lose all the uh generous youtube closed captioning so we'll try to get wrapped up here in a couple minutes um okay so question hi greg uh from dallas uh how to select to see only purchased plug-ins from apollo twin well i think i don't have any of the apollo stuff or universal audio stuff anymore but i think every plug-in is visible i hear complaints that every plugin is visible whether you purchased it or not um but if you know which plugins aren't you know if you did you know you could go into your vst plugin manager and click in the upper right hand corner and you can make a plus sign and you could say copy current collection uh go through every one of the plugins that you haven't purchased that you get like a little annoying message and just choose to delete those ones and you could use that as your plugin collection that way you won't be tempted to purchase a plugin that you may not need because you accidentally used it during a trial version in a project so okay so i see a question from ace yeah we did at the very beginning kind of get your question uh okay so we got that kind of i think is the first question but we got it before okay okay see agent k just uh mentioning that there's the steinberg instrument summer sale and i see uh that's going on for a lot of different instruments and third-party hallian content and i see just a comment after sadly backbone is not on sale uh so that was just released a couple months ago so all right see comment thanks for all the infos greg uh all right so we have people checking in from denmark um okay so how do you view other edit windows at the same time or move from one channel to another from the same open edit window so if you have a number of different uh so say if it's a midi part or let's say just an instrument track okay so if we could come here i will just draw in some mediocrity here so [Music] okay and i will duplicate this track okay and so let's say i duplicate these tracks and i will call this to [Music] so if i select all these events and then hit command or control e at this point you could you know see the different events here and switch between them so it's going to kind of carry this name over bear with me just second i'm just holding down control and clicking this is taking the name of the track to the part so now you could see the different parts that are open and if you wanted to have multiple editors open i think it's a preference so you can say editor content follows event selection so if you turn that off um so now i think i could have this edit window excuse me open and i could have another edit window kind of independently opened as well and you could just kind of toggle back and forth between those different edit windows but check out the preference as soon as you come here to editor content falls editor selection or within the one editor select multiple parts and then you could just switch like so so you could say okay now i just want to go to my base i want to get to cello and go to viola whatever all right so once again uh just see is it possible to right click a parameter and a plug-in to show the automation lane so yeah you could do that and it might be limited to vst 3 plugins but if i'm here i go to insert let's say i go to the audio [Music] channel you know so whatever parameter i just right click uh and show sync rate automation track so um so it may not work with all third party plugins but you know they could probably update it to make it work uh so will cubase 11 finally have polyphonic very audio so let's wait and see when cubase 11 is released all right so with that we're going to wrap up because i think we just went over i want to thank everyone for all their help and please stay safe and healthy and we'll see you on friday's hangout goodbye
Channel: Cubase
Views: 169,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: lEzmU5XRA1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 19sec (14359 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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