Fill Gaps Between MIDI Notes With New Notes and Delete Existing Notes | Club Cubase Mar 8 2024

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hello welcome to the March 88th 2024 club qase LIV stream my name is Greg Uno and I'm the host of the live stream today if you have not a attended a live stream before how it works is you can ask questions in the live chat field or simply send questions in advance to Club cubas Steinberg dode when asking questions um you realize that my ability to answer all questions in a real time manner May soon be eclipsed uh as questions roll in so if you don't see an immediate response to your particular questions then um if we could just be patient and refrain from asking the same questions repeatedly just kind of slows down the whole process and allows us to not get through as many questions if we're kind of uh pressed for time so uh if we can not just ask questions repeatedly we'll go through in chronological order if for some reason I do miss your question just uh like inadvertently you could please feel free to ask but you can kind of just follow in the chat uh when asking questions if you could specify what what version of qbase you're running so if it's qase Le AI elements artist or Pro or other Steinberg's programs which version number is it like qbase 11 12 13 also if you could specify which operating system that information is ful several hours after the live stream ends we should have an index of all topics that were discussed in this particular live stream pinned to the top of the comments field with timestamps so you can quickly navigate to that particular portion of the video um and so we should have that several hours after if you wanted to search for topics have been covered in previous live streams you could go to Cubase and we want to thank Yan from stockhome for uh creating that website there's I think 31,600 questions you could search for and you could just kind of search in that particular site and it'll navigate directly to that portion in the YouTube video also I do have a PDF file of all of the uh topics and if someone wants to copy that I'm happy to share that as well um we have we also want to give special thanks to uh Agent K and Jaz dude who serve as moderators uh they just wanted to make it a better Community experience for everyone that attends so we give special thanks to them and a kudos to Jazz dude for his cuase Nation Discord which is a wonderful resource of information for the Steinberg Community uh and once again my name is Greg undo I work for Yamaha Corporation of America I primarily focus on Steinberg products and I'm the host today I'm presenting from outside of Washington DC area in in Alexandria Virginia and if you're watching this live please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us where you're from and with that we will go ahead and start with questions okay Roger CBO asks uh hi Greg how can I create custom chords on a single key of my master keyboard and preset other different chords to other keys so if you want you could just utilize the chord pads so we could have chord pads that will be triggered from different midi notes so if we just come directly to the bottom the lower Zone we can see chord pads and now what we're able to do is just have these chord [Music] pads trigger particular chords and if we wanted to add a chord so let say I want this to be let's say a five five so say okay let's do a D major chord there so if I want to come over here and now once we turn this on and we have a track that's set up to that's monitored such as our road track so now when I play a single key from my controller and if we want to show that I'll just open up the midy monitor so [Music] so it's actually generating the chords Force but I'm just going to hit one single key on the on my keyboard here so let me just open up the virtual keyboard so now just hitting a particular key from my MIDI controller will trigger these particular chords and if you wanted to define the chords there's lots of great options for that so one is you could see the chord editor on the left hand side so if you want it to be D major minor diminished suspended second suspend a fourth different tensions like a seventh or a 9th and different inversions so if you want to change it to root note and that's the chord you want you can just Define that chord and as we play back our [Music] different so this way it's not necessarily set up on my controller but it's taking one note from the controller once the chord pads are turned on then that one note can trigger chords that have been defined right there so that we could have that in your project all right wonderful see best Ken Jesus on from San Diego area if memory serves me correctly and we have home studio World checking in from Jordan okay Carlo r390 asks hi Greg is there any way to put more different instrument sounds on a single instrument track so generally you know it could depend upon the instrument itself so right now I have this in a instance of how and Sonic so when I play but if I wanted to layer different sounds so I'm going to come over and let's put maybe like an FM kind of sound on channel two so so now if I switch this and we go channel one and we go to change our channel to two we play this sound but if I wanted those to be layered on the same midi Channel what we could do is go to the midi settings here and set the channel to one so let's go ahead and put another layered instrument so let's say we want a halotron and I want kind of a melron choir so we could now put this on midi channel [Music] one so so if you're using a multi-timbral instrument you could do that if we have a midi track one of the things we could do not an instr track but if we have a midi track we can now come over here and utilize something called midi send and what a midi send would allow us to do is to just come over here and say I want this to go out to my uh roads patch I want this we could activate these sends and we could send it to four different devices from here from one track so with VST Instruments we try to just simply you know have one particular sound per instrument because especially when you're exporting sounds or doing effects it makes it much easier what some people will also do if you want it all where you want to just activate multiple instruments on a single particular track is we could say and these are different instruments so let's say I want a retro log patch all right so I want that sound and I want that layered with let's say another instrument such as pad shop and let's layer one other instrument let's say the [Music] grand so now we could have so if we wanted to treat these as one kind of single entity at this point we could put these into a folder so let's move the select ATT tracks into the new folder and we could just call this layer and I could just select this particular folder as one single [Music] entity and all three voices are layered and we can still go into our mix console and have independent effects as well as volume support there so couple different ways of approaching it so you can do it with midi tracks you could send to multiple destinations not instrument tracks they would be together but you could take multiple instrument tracks and put it into a folder where you just armed a folder and that would all be layered together and you could also at that point depending on the instrument if it's multi-timbral have like such as hi and Sonic have 16 instruments layered on one particular track just like that great to see Matt ellon checking in we have uno momento from Finland great to have you back on all right we have Spa dogs from on outside of on in Ontario Canada we have Mii checking in thanks for joining us always great to see uh Yan from Cubase index Jazz dude on razil from Denmark great glad you can make it today great pylon records great to see you back uh he says Hi everyone amazing how Cubase just delivers all the time with great product support all right see Jason Sykes from South Shields England thanks for being on okay wonderful see Rick Ballentine from Charlotte North Carolina uh and he has a question I'm currently monitoring my 5.1 scoring session through my outputs and not my control room but I cannot preview any sounds for my media Bay is there a way to fix um so if you you know you can do 51 in the control room so but I think if we if we go to our Audio Connections let's say if we have an output so right now I have a stereo out and I wanted to add a 5. one output so I'm going to just bypass my control [Music] room and so I will go to my outputs here and let's say I want this to be mix left and mix right okay so when we go to preview sounds so what you can do what you I would try to do Rick is come over here to the audio connections sorry picked a super long Loop audio connections and I think if we right click you could say um set as main bus so try setting as main bus there but again what I would do and what I do for my 5.1 setup just clear my throat is I just activate in the control room here oh maybe I didn't take the control remot um but just come over here and add a monitor and then we could make this instead of just you know let's say this will be our surround out or we'll call about 5.1 and we're going to change the configuration here to 51 so now when we hit okay we could just come over to and have this routed so and the beauty of this and if you know if you have 5.1 monitoring and uh monitoring signals it's now your control room when you're in your 5.1 you could have one volume control for all six outputs feeding so let me know if there's a particular reason why you don't have the control room configured for 5.1 because you could do that and again you would need to make sure that in the audio connections that you have a 5.1 output that these tracks are being routed out to the 5.1 output so in the routing that this is going to to 5.1 and then you could be able to use the control room for all your 5.1 tasks okay and I see next questions kind of use control room to work in 5.1 if so how so yeah yeah you can let me know if that makes sense Rick all right and we have Martin checking in from Germany glad you can make it see uh Yan from qbase index giving kudos to Jazz dude for the Cubase Nation Discord all right Dallas Laro asks in previous versions you could only paste midi events over media events now you can paste audio events over audio events how does that work thanks Greg okay so let's take a look go back to this project here okay so let's say I want to take this audio event and I'm going to copy so we'll just come over here copy or command C and then I'm going to select this particular track and then I'm going to move the cursor right there and we could always just command V so when we see these lines where they're kind of going diagonally like this this means that there's layered events under Neath so if we wanted to kind of listen to part of the other layer and we wanted like the first the bottom top bottom top we could go to the center portion of the segment or event and then you could just pick and choose which version that you're actually listening to right there but it's kind of the same it doesn't necessarily merge the events which you could do with midi one of these will be playing at a time so and if you wanted those to both sound at a time at that point you would just put it to a different track so but if so it's not necessarily merging those two but you know each audio track can have one audio file playing at a time so you know used to be more of an issue for poliany for your audio tracks when you had like two or four tracks people are always very careful at that time to make and you could hear it in the compositions uh but all you have to do again is you know copy and I'm just going to do controll or command C come here move my cursor controller command plus v and then we could paste that section so as we do this it would switch to playing whichever file and you could come right here and switch which file you hear so the one you hear is the one you see so one audio event sounds at a time but midi you could merge and have or have layers that play on top of you know in conjunction with each other so let me know if that's helpful for you Dallas all right wonderful see Val from Vienna who missed a last few live streams great to have you back uh one thing I want to mention before I forget um in United States we are going through daylight saving time this weekend I think it's different in different countries so on Tuesday check the YouTube link because you may be an hour off depending on which country you live in so just a quick reminder I'll try to remember to say that at the end as well all right so we see from Val uh who asked how can I recreate recreate spectral compression like sooe or similar I tried Dynamic eqs and frequency but having the curves react to the sound was impossible is there an automation workaround you know so I think with I don't have a license of Soo but I think you know the process of what it's doing is dynamic compression and it may be applying more compression as it's seeing more of those particular signals so you know we're not going to see frequency automatically kind of adapt to the music and change based on the musical context but I think that the process that is employed with frequency and if you're not familiar with frequency uh and a dynamic EQ is as we come over here we'll just open up an instance of it that we could enable the dynamic portion so if we wanted to switch to kind of see default Channel View here we could have uh the you know the EQ band as well as your Dynamics for that particular EQ band so as we come over here we get to apply dynamic to it so I don't think it's automatically adapting which is what I think Soo does um so I'm not 100% sure because I don't own the license of it but you know but what it's doing as it's doing that processing is probably Dynamic EQ so it it may not be totally like the same concept but it's kind of using the same tool to achieve the result all right uh wonderful to see Robbie bowling from Dallas Texas glad you can make it always great to have Lawrence from barnor recording Lawrence cotch from Rhode Island glad you can make it see Uno MOS Distributing virtual beer it's always popular all right we see saurin from Sweden thanks for joining us and we have Diamond District Studios tuning in from Cape Town glad you could make it all right and we see John Barry from south coast of England English Mediterranean I think he's called it okay so uh rammen Ali Ramen Ali asks I'm a film composer I made myself a touchscreen controller I was able to create a lot of buttons for control but I can't add a fixed velocity from 31 to 127 uh it says I tried with insert velocity but they're only five I don't know how to do it um so let me know if you need to so let's take a look um so I'm not sure if you need it like during the actual recording process so let's say if we're looking at our velocity here so if you need it if you need a particular velocity value um so he says you want to add a fixed velocity from 121 to 127 so let's say if I have notes selected and I want to come to the velocity if I type in let's say 90 in a value and hold down my control or command key key I think see if I get my right get my modifier Keys oh I'm doing to off velocity sorry all right so let's say I type in a value of 40 I think it's controller command okay here I'm just going to select all so it's good to my velocity 40 hold down control command and then we could fix it to that particular value so I'm not sure if and if you want it to be where if you like all velocities will be a particular value on input so we could do it very easily afterwards if you wanted to fix velocities to a particular value so let's say we're here and I only want it one velocity value I think if we go to our input Transformer so we come here to routing let's go to our input Transformer and then let's activate this and we say that we want to transform and we'll say type is equal to notes and we want our velocity to be fixed at let's say 70 so now no matter how hard or soft I hit notes if we look at this in our midi monitor just to show so our velocity is always going to be fixed so we're only seeing like our note on velocity is always going to be fixed to 70 so if you wanted to set the velocity input for particular values on input so if I want this to be 80 let's say no matter how hard or soft I hit it I want it to be 127 or if I wanted this turned off or now whatever velocity I hit will be this fixed so here you can set any number of values and recall that uh as a preset in the input Transformer so you know if you need to do it on the way in we could do it with the input Transformer and I think that this might even apply if we do step entry so let's say I put it to a value of 70 I have my input Transformer let's come and put it in Step entry and now and we look at the velocity that these should all be a fixed velocity right there so see if you know let me know if you need it to do it after the fact and if you need it to you can do it in the editor but you could also let's say I have mixed velocities here on this particular event we could also go to the midi logical editor and we'll go to our setup so we'll say we want to transform form and we can choose midi notes and what we want to do is set their velocity I'll just remove that set their velocity to a fixed value so's say I want to make this 100 so now if I come here I have that event selected all of them are fixed to 100 so and then you could fire those off from keepy keyboard shortcut so if you want to do it on the we in or after notes have been recorded you could do it either way on the weighin You' use the input Transformer and the way if it's post you could type it in with the info line and hold down a control or command key or use the project or use the midi logical editor okay pylon records asks uh hi Greg I have a multi- sampled my analog I want to import the files to play them as a patch how does this work in cuase um so I'm not sure if you want to trigger multiple sampled instruments or if you have sampled it uh so let's come over let's see if I still have so let's say I have this layer here and I'm going to draw in a single note okay so I'm going to come here and just draw in a [Music] note and so now we'll play this [Music] and okay so if I wanted to take if I have this layer one of the things we could do is we could render place I'm not sure if you have it set as a external instrument but if you wanted to sample it um we can do like a quick render in place so I have that and now I could take this particular note to the sampler [Music] track and if we want to put this into audio [Music] orp so you want to import the files play them as patch how that works so now you know this we could save that as a sampler track so let me know if that's kind of what you want to accomplish we could also just normalize this and now so I just took those different instruments and recorded them down as a single note dropped that note directly into the sampler track and now I can play it as a sample so let me know if that's helpful what you want to do py on records all right so we see Chaser on great to see you back he says huge question so I guess it'll be coming in future here all right and we have uh John McDon music checking in from Hamburg New Jersey thanks for joining us all right so you see best creen Jesus any word on qbase 14 I don't want to miss the grace period so you know qbase 13 just came out in November so I think it's still early within the life cycle so um nothing has been announced for qbas 14 so we're still early in the product life cycle of qbase 13 all right uh saurin asks Greg mahalan Sonic 7 works fine for a few moments but then after editing some midi it can quit sounding completely very strange do you know about known issues or upcoming patch for hian Sonic 7 so I haven't come across that and I use it a lot within my particular you know projects and the live streams you know often and I haven't really come across that so let me know if it's like when when you're editing midi events or if you're editing like content in parameters inside of howan Sonic 7 so you know maybe it's something like as you're editing midi events the you know you accidentally sent a message for Midi midi volume to go to zero uh inadvertently or something like that um if you have a file like if you're working with it and you have a part that it's not working you can save it as a project and share it with me and you can do that at Club cuas at Steinberg dode and I'd be happy to take a look at it to make sure it's not any midi information within a file but I haven't really had howan Sonic 7 act up on me uh you know where it's sto playing after editing but if you want to share the file that'd be great all right home studio World from Jordan asks hi Greg how to change notes highlighted color and hen when I play the midi keyboard okay so just open up I'll do it in hian Sonic but let me know if it's howan I think it'll be the same [Music] so we can see that [Music] there so while they don't change color we can see that they [Music] are press down if we are in uh an actual project so let me just come over here and you know while we're in an editor we could see kind of the played [Music] notes colorized there but I don't think that it really you know that the colors change and I don't think that there is a particular setting for that so we open up the instrument we can see that the keys are press down visually but I don't think that there's any parameter adjustments for the keyboard to have those change colors so but let me know if I'm misunderstanding your question all right great to see Neil Conway back on says long time to see wonderful to have you back all right so we see Rick Valentine just says thank you Greg yes I wanted to run through control room I appreciate that I couldn't figure that out so if you have problems you know just just reach out to me and I could do a quick online screen share thing with you if you need to all right uh Diamond District Studios uh question is it possible to have a preference setting that couples all. Bak the backup files uh into a folder would help organize project folders So currently not I know it's a longstanding feature request it seems like something that's pretty simple but it hasn't been implemented yet but I will make sure to reiterate the request I know it's kind of a long-standing feature request from brand new users and seasoned professionals all right so we see from saurin uh Greg I'm I'm working with trying to find the right hen Sonic sound and test one by one uh the filter setting does not hold it always these resets and you can't back out to where you where you were uh when going through so you know depending on the instrument so let's say you know if we're here and I go to load up another patch you know this patch would you know call the filter setting of the of the preset that's been saved so you know I think that's fair that you know if you're changing [Music] presets so if I have my filter so let say and I load a different patch that those settings would change based upon the patch [Music] um just seeing if there's way you know so I think like as you change patch that you know obviously if you're loading up different presets that you know you want the preset to be recalled and that could obviously involve like your filter settings so that you know as we go through different patches that you know you load it back up it's not going to keep the filter where it was I guess you could utilize you know quick controls so let's say if we came here for this and we went to Quick controls and we said learn so let's say we do that we could have the controller kind of reset so say we want this to be quick control one and this to be quick control 2 that now we could you know keep those particular parameters and just kind of move them regardless of where the patch loads up but I think it makes sense that the particular you know filters you know recall with the preset but let me know if that doesn't make sense to you all right great to see Fred Robinson from Norwich in UK let me know if I pronounce that better more accurately all right so we see uh Patrick can I use the output Port of a midi remote script to control a motorized fader so if the you so definitely you can have uh you know the motorized faders can automatically be recalled so as we're doing different settings in a midi remote that if your control service has motorized faders that those could automatically uh be accommodated for and you know then depending on the controller uh you could get into the midi remote API and be able to adjust more deeper Integrations all right so we see from Patrick uh how can I copy send effect destinations from within the project window okay so let's let me just set up quick project and see if we can okay so I'm not sure let's say if we're in the project window here uh I'm going to set up just some sends across tracks I'll leave a couple out here just okay so I'm going to right click add let's say a Reverb to I'm enable quick link let me undo that setting I just did okay so now I have all these tracks selected and we're going to add that Reverb across and thought it would we just okay so um so the question how can I copy send effects destinations from within the project window all right so let's say if I want so I'm not sure if you have to copy or if you just would enable so you know if we wanted to so if I have this send effect you know we could enable that send so let's say if I just so I'm going to just add an effect X Channel track all right so now we could have those sends across so I'm not sure if you need the destination but once you have a group or send you know and let's say I want to take my two overhead tracks here we hold down alt and alter option plus shift and I could now send those turn it on and we could adjust the levels there so but when you know so let me know you know so once you have this send uh you know the effects return Channel or group you can just simply send it to multiple tracks it's not necessarily copying but it still gets there but let me know if I'm misunderstanding Patrick see Val just saying thanks to typ Daylight Savings Time yeah I know it's usually like about 3 weeks apart from us to Europe and different countries so just I'll try to remember to mention it see Fred Robinson's just saying it's the end of March yeah I remember traveling to Europe once and I flew over and it was um daylight saving time in England on my layover like as I flew overnight and as I was leaving the next week for Germany it was daylight saving time in Germany as I was leaving to go home and then two weeks later is daylight saving time in the US so three different flights affected by different Daylight Saving Times deight saving time okay my chat field jumped uh so we see from Patrick is there a way to rescan midi devices if I turn on my midi keyboard I have to reopen qbase for it to show up so generally you know qbase will automatically utilize any midi device that's seen by the operating system since qbas 8.5 so used to be in qbas 8 and earlier you'd have to restart cuase if the midi device isn't being seen by Cubase and that would probably indicate that it's not being seen by the operating system so qbase does do that so if you hot swap midi devices you could do that but if your keyboard isn't recognize that way then um then you know qbase isn't going to see it if the operating system isn't but but qbase does automatically hot swap midi devices all right Patrick also asked hi Greg did you see my email concerning long loading times of media Bay presets so I did some research on this so one of the things that it looks like um two what I seen a number of people had found was when they're in their media Bay not their pool window sorry about that there's two things that would kind of routinely kind of cause the issue like you sent the video thank you for sending the video one was when you go to this computer that they probably had a like an external hard drive that was hanging maybe one that wasn't being used for cuase and that was set up to be indexed like a USB drive so make sure that when you go to your desktop that if you have a drive that's not really um being utilized for qbase that it's un checked and another thing that was causing long low times is if those hard drives were also had kind of virus scanning on those particular locations for presets that the virus scanning software could delay the indexing and the presets loading up so check when you go into media Bay into this computer if you have other drives that aren't being utilized for qbase that could be taking power make sure that those are unchecked and different folders are unchecked and check to see if you have virus scanning software on those drives and that could be affecting the load times all right so we have Michael Jensen s sending greetings from Jensen Studios Northern Jutland Denmark still enjoying following and learning new things about Cub so thanks for joining us and great to have you on always wanted to go to Denmark I went once right up to uh the very tip of of Germany I forgot the name of the town north of Hamburg where we could see Denmark but I didn't make it over so always wanted to go all right uh so we have just a question uh I'm a cubas newbie is there a way to zoom in and out with just the trackpad Mouse so if you want you could just grab the cursor right here if we move the cursor into the timeline and move it straight up and down so that way you could just navigate directly with mouse or if you wanted to come over hold down the we could navigate up and down using just our Mouse scroll wheel if we want let's say to zoom in and out using our scroll wheel we could hold down to control or command key and if we hold down control command plus shift we could zoom vertically and if we wanted to zoom the amplitude we could use just the scroll wheel and if you do that with your trackpad we could hold down alter option Plus controll or command and be able to zoom to waveforms so there's a number of different zooming options but you could also just use you know this is a very common method of zooming in with just a mouse so a number of different approaches all right so we see Master Lee says big hello from inridge UK extra happy today as he got Cub 13 update today congratulations and we hope to see you on many more live streams enjoy your new version all right we have James best bani checking in from Beverly Hills thanks for being on all right Chaser asks hi Greg huge question uh is there a way into media Bay to I guess make it bigger I mean to zoom in only on the media Bay I have big screen and I don't want to make my whole screen big so media Bay is going to be kind of there isn't necessarily like Zoom uh capabilities so I'm not sure if you're you know running different scaling options um but kind of get the breadth of the capabilities so there isn't like kind of a shrink or make larger uh but you know maybe if depending on if you're on a Windows platform if we go to uh the preferences you know and you might be and you can do this in the Mac level at the system but if you come over here to General you could set the on Windows you'll see options for high DPI or not but there's also application scaling so you might be able to adjust to application scaling but there isn't a way to kind of shrink or make this larger because you know often we're dealing with you know tens of thousands of files so to be able to kind of get the overview of your media do it like that all right so you see um Spencer B asks hi Greg might you be able to show some techniques in copy/paste I would like to paste and move items but it seems all you could do is copy and replace is their way to paste without replace placing so I'm not sure if it's midi or audio but let's say if I have this particular event here so um change my grid so I'm not sure if like you want to so say if we copy this okay um I like to paste and move the items but it seems all you could do is copy replace okay so let's say if I come and let's let's see if we switch this to events and I paste so I'm going to copy this let just change the color of this so we can so I'm not sure if you want to automatically like move events over to the right as you paste um so I would like to paste and move items but it seems like you could do is copy and replace is there a way to paste without replacing so you know if it's midi data you know so once again with audio we could have kind of one event playing at a time if it's midi and we want it to kind of merge the data we can come over so me just [Music] add all right and let's come over and I want this to be could happy face we'll do midi art so and with midi data if I copy and then paste these two can play the same time now one of the things that could also affect this um is if you have settings for delete overlaps so if you go to preferences to editing and delete over lapse if that is turned on that as I move an event and I put it there that the underlying events are automatically erased so that instead of having overlapping events that would delete the overlaps so once again if I do this I'll make it just a little larger so it's more obvious to see and I move this event over instead of that overlapping that that deletes the over La APS so maybe it's the preferences delete overlaps is enabled there so let me know if that makes sense or if I'm totally down the wrong path all right uh Bala asks uh hi Greg did you have a chance to figure out how to use audio parts to create drum braks with comping greetings from Montenegro so yeah I played around with this a little bit sorry for my brain cramp in the last live stream all right so let's say okay so now I'm going to come over here let's switch this to Parts all right so now if I want to drag in other [Music] events okay so now we have multiple Parts here okay so and just like how we were discussing that we could have one kind of active part at a time so if I wanted to come and I think if we just just look for one quick function all right so let's say if I'm splitting all of the events here all right so how to get it like active isn't necessarily muting but if I wanted this part to play so let's say I want um this particular part to play the beginning I want a little bit of that here and instead of this I want to go right here what we do is just go to edit and then you'll see like a move to front and now that becomes the active part and I could say let's move this section right here so go edit and you can set up keyboard shortcuts we can say move to front and we could say let's move this to back and we could just again come over say Okay I want take that particular event edit move to front and now we can play back our drum break which will probably sound really lovely so now it's going to play that for a split second then up top here there there there and [Music] there and if you wanted to I think you could still kind of come in here and slide within the particular events if needed as well so but let me know if that makes sense so to kind of pick which is going to play you could just simply kind of cut select a particular region and then you'll see the move to front move to back and then you could just kind of build different parts like that so let me know if that makes sense Balsa all right so you see Roger just says a QB R team pro how can I create the custom chords on a single key of my master keyboard and preset more different chords to different keys that we covered that a little bit earlier and again it's just going to be using uh the chord Bo pads will allow you to do this so and these will be triggered so I'll just quickly load up an instrument track and we could play these just from one key on your computer keyboard and you can modify the chords right there so I think it first question we did Roger in case you logged in a little bit afterwards uh so Phil Baxley ask hi Greg my workflow includes throwing in samples directly from Windows File Explorer to track is that a usable way or is it only recommended to run File Explorer from media Bay so you could do it either way depending on you know sometimes if you notice that it doesn't drag and drop it could be that you may need to toggle the administrator rights for that particular you know for that particular F or I think for the folder so if it doesn't work either way will work I I usually do it all within media Bay because I could preview from within media Bay you know so I find it useful just to be able to kind of come over here and audition and if I quickly needed to go to like a favorites folder where you know I go to my file browser here I could just say okay this is my go-to folder we we will come right over here and we'll say fill Backle so and now I could just you know from media Bay I could just go to my favorites and say okay this is my fill Backle favorites folder and I could just drag and drop so we could save kind of preset locations to quickly navigate to so I think they both get you to the same point uh I think it's probably faster doing it from within the media Bay uh especially if you're auditioning sounds but I think the end result will get there and you know I see some people switching programs and ALT tabbing over and to me it seems faster doing it internally all right so we have uh Ramen Ali just says thank you greig you're welcome okay so PK asks uh how do you set the midi velocity parameter as a range for instance minimum velocity is 80 and Max velocity is 125 all right so let me just change preset here okay okay so if we wanted to do it on input so right now there's we could you know have the full velocity range but if I go to the routing Tab and earlier versions you'd see like the input Transformer so we could put us on a track we could do it globally if we wanted to uh we'll open a panel and say we want to First enable the module we want to transform we're not going to filter we're going to transform midi notes and we're going to take their velocity and we're going to set it uh I think we can set a range and here we could say like 80 to [Music] 125 so now as I record in I can't play lower or higher if we wanted to do this as a midi logical editor preset okay where they're all kind of the same value we could choose and we could set it to random values of so let's say we wanted to set our velocity and we could say set random values between 80 and 12 5 so now everything could be between 80 and 125 and I think I made a macro so that if we had [Music] notes uh this is on a previous live stream but let me see if I can find this macro real quick where you made kind of two different uh conditions let's see if I can find this okay so with this I made one that said okay you know someone wanted to range between 40 and 85 so we did a um any velocity I'll just type this in so we said and this combine two different logical editor presets so let's say I have some really low velocities and some really high velocities like here we have pretty extreme differences in our velocities here so I did one where you said um any note that has a velocity less or equal to 40 we want to set that to a fixed value of 40 and we also chose any velocity that has a value above 85 and I'll just do some in the middle here and anything that has a velocity above 85 set it to 85 and we combine those two presets as a macro so now I could come over here and say let's do velocity between 40 and 85 when I hit run macro uh I'll select all the notes and now all those velocities can kind of ones that were below 40 are now 40 ones that were above 85 are now down 85 and ones that were in between aren't affected so there's a number of different ways if you want to do on input or if you want to do it kind of post recording we could do that with a logical editor or creative macros as well okay so we see best scen Jesus says they just sent email about the effects mod and razor presets because he forgot last time okay I'll get those sent off to you it's great to see you on the live stream I think we just recommended your uh your uh Logitech mouse video on the last live stream so great to see you back hope you're well all right uh alesandro Barz asks when I render a midi clip with render with settings options it takes a long time to render a 5 minute midi clip is this because it renders online or something else okay so you know generally so let's say if I take this particular section so you know depending on the instrument so I'm just going to take this and I'll duplicate these midi notes here to about five 5 minutes so a little longer than 5 minutes okay so you know it the processing could be the number of effects um so let's just take a look at this is a five minute clip what it does just for this one particular event I'll just get to my render settings so everything looks I won't use name so that was my f minute rendering so you know if it's a more complex sound it takes longer and is utilizing more CPU then that might take longer but that seemed kind of reasonable for five minutes for me um also at times if you know if you notice that it's slower you know if the rate if you raised the buffer that might also make the export faster but that seems kind of normal and reasonable to me all right alandro asks um how can you nudge audio by a pre-selected amount and how to define the nudge amount okay so let's say I have my audio file here now there's a dedicated nudge pallet so right now my master time is in bars and beats so if I nudge uh let's say I start this at measure 7even you see my [Music] grid uh and I'll just set this to bar so now when I hold down control or command we can move in intervals of one measure if we set this to beat now I can move in intervals of a beat so this is just controll command and my left and right arrows if we wanted this to be different values if we rightclick you'll see a nudge pallet and there's some different settings so we could have this linked to the grid so we could say you know if we wanted it this to be you know 128th notes 32nd notes 16th notes we could nudge but we could also choose to not link to the primary time Factor so let's say I just want my linking to be in uh we'll say uh let me adjust this to bars and beats and we want our nudge to be set to seconds so now at this point we could say I want it to be 100 milliseconds so as I nudge even though we're in bars and beats as we nudge it's nudging it by 100 milliseconds so we don't we could decouple the nudging from the main grid display so a lot of times people may want to nudge something by 10 milliseconds like you're doing little vocal edits you could come over here and just kind of nudge different parts and not have to kind of switch your primary to secondary time format so just the nudge value so it may be turned off by default so right click you could activate the nudge and at this point we could link it to the primary time or have it linked to a different time format so you can nudge at independent time valuations or time value use as opposed to the primary grid that you're editing on all right so we see Jack Bourne says hey Greg hope you're having a nice start to March I am thank you uh he says I should get off YouTube and stop procrastinating making music so I think if you're watching the club qbase live stream that you're you're investing in your knowledge you're empowering your qbase with free knowledge so but it's always you know give yourself a deadline and get something done uh in drop ask hey Greg is it possible to see the media Bay content by ascending numbers instead of having let's say 1 11 2 22 3 33 Etc so I I think that's how it's going to break it apart so I don't know of a preference to [Music] so if we come over here to names I don't know a preference to uh to toggle that behavior I'll take a look just to make sure I haven't looked for one in a while yeah so I don't think that there's a setting for that but I'll make sure to pass that along as a comment sorry about that that could be a little Annoying all right always great to see pert kenin from Finland thanks for joining us all right so we see from home studio world says as usual perfect answers many thanks Greg except for sain my my answer to saon wasn't right but he's going to send more information with more detail so I appreciate that sa but thank you for the kind words home studio world all you always wonderful to see John cigan from kosha Wisconsin right my Chatfield just jumped on me let me find my spot all right uh so we see from Papa whiz uh blessing Greg uh how can I move a single audio drum event let's say I'm recording an audio kick drum and for four bars and one or two kicks the timing is a bit off how can I just move that particular audio kick so this is a great area for working with uh free warp so let me just open up project [Music] here and I'll revert it so as qbase is recording the audio it's automatically detecting the hit point so if we double click on this kick we go to our hit points that we see that these hit points are calculated and we could adjust them as needed now one of the things we could do is come over and from the create tab we could choose create warp markers so these hit points will now be transformed to warp markers when we go into freew warp mode and you may not see the warp markers until you kind of zoom in a bit and you have the free warp tool activated so as we zoom in now you can say Okay I want to take this kick and we see this little hand with two arrows so let's say you know these two kicks are off but this kick is fine so what I'm going to do is as I move the arrow and it's kind of pointing to the left we'll see that the yellow vertical line turns white so now I could just move those particular notes like so and if we have multiple microphones I could say Okay I want to now come over here and we could move like the three different kick drums simultaneously if those tracks are selected so come over you know convert you could also go to your audio menu to real time processing and create warp markers from the hit points so you could do that and instead of doing it within the sample editor make sure that you have the warp tool activated it and that it's in free warp mode and then as soon as you kind of hover over where that line turns white move it and if you need to move multiple sources you could do that as well all right so uh wonderful to see mat deepers back from a spring like UK we're having kind of great Spring springes weather here today and I think it's going to rain tomorrow which has kind of been our weather pattern in Washington DC area and on the East Coast for a lot of people with great Fridays and Thursdays and then raining on Saturday and Sunday a lot all right we see EES B bz from Canada thanks for joining always wonderful to see Gerald elely from Martinez California all right so we just seeing Jazz dude might be just commenting flansburg that's a very northern town so I I I don't think that was it but I I could look on my Google photos it will show me where maybe I'll see if I can find an answer for Tuesday if it's where I was looking at Denmark so all right uh Mark kambo great seeback his question is hi in both cuas 12 and 13 I have an issue with the info bar top in some projects I cannot get the audio inputs outputs control room record format displayed and cannot get the options on rightclick okay so I think if we come over here to kind of like our Windows setup that we see this as the status bar so it's independent of the info line so again I'm just going to come over here to the upper right hand corner you'll see kind of the setup window so the info line now when we select a particular event we could see the parameters in the info line but what you're kind of describing is the status line so make sure that the status line is also enabled right there and it could be that if nothing is selected so even with no event selected it's there but just check to make sure because it's not the info line it's kind of a separate control like visual reference of the status line so check that out and see if it comes back for you all right so you see Rick Balentine just says uh thank you Greg 5.1 through the control room works I forgot to assign 5.1 to main mix that's why I did wrong appreciate it so glad you got it working yeah so the control room is just so great for 5.1 monitoring it's just like oh it's just such a great solution so I'm glad you got it sorted out thanks for letting us know Rick it's always wonderful to have you on and everyone check out Rick's work as a composer just a wonderful composer all right so we just see a comment from Val says media Bay changed my life I wish Windows explores as fast as media Bay that's great all right Patrick ask Greg I'm having problems overwriting rerecording midi CC modulation data using my control surfaces um so there is a little trick with this so let's just add a midi track here all right so just go ahead record some modulation data on this track here all right so when we come over here we see that we're going to have some modulation data okay so I want to re-record so what happens a lot of times we want to record this within the editor so we're going to enable the midi record there within the editor and I think that there's a preference that we want to set uh let's go to I think it's under record midi so we could say replace recording in editors and we want to this made default to none and we want to say we're going to say controller so go to preferences to record midi and now we could replace the controller so as I come over here I'll record so we see my midi data there I'm going to just record modulation and let go and now we're right back without that preference enabled what happens is those two events will get merged together so if I come here and record that that merges it whereas this will replace it so you got to do the midi recording while the editor is open I know that could be a little gooy but you're probably looking at it anyway but make sure that the preferences to MIDI to record that you have the controller enabled and that way it's kind of overwriting the midi CC data as opposed to interpretating what you're recording with the pre-existing information all right so we see from Pokey just saying hello guys so thanks for joining us all right we have Alice boo asks in qbas 13 my mic input also seems to have my stereo out on it since using Apollo interface for live streaming recordings in qbas 12 this problem doesn't occur anyone else have any ideas okay okay so it says my mic input seems to also have my stereo out in it so it's really probably just the routing internally within uh within the Apollo so I know like on like my CRC interface here if I go to my I'm sorry my URC interface you know this has kind of like a dedicated streaming layer versus a mixing layer so that it could handle those types of tasks uh if we're doing live stream in but you know check the routing but if your input source is coming you know in and you're broadcasting like the playback from qbase out to the live stream you know so it could be just a a monitoring routing issue I think and I don't think that there would be any changes in qbas 12 to qbas 13 so if you have a project that was kind of routed correctly I think that you know it would work the same so but usually that's probably going to be related to uh a routing internally within your audio interface great to see Neil Conway on okay Patrick asks how does the plug-in remote control edit window work the one I can access from the top right dropdown of a plug-in window uh how can I save or transfer those layouts to a new pc all right so let's say if we have a control surface and we're not using kind of the midi remote and I wanted to come over to my inserts here let me just drop in so come here to [Music] Distortion okay so when we come over here I think we go to the remote control editor and we could have these remote controls for utilizing you know from different types of controller so if you have a Yamaha newage we can basically set the parameters the order of the parameters for these different for you know for this plugin we could Define the order of the parameters as we're working with so if you have a euphonic system 5 you could have your or an artist series or uh a WK audio and Avid S6 but we could go to the standard layout so when we go to different pages we could have pages of these that are [Music] automatically uh assigned so we could you know if we didn't like the default parameter assignments and we wanted to go back and forth between multiple parameter assignments we could set these up for the particular plugin and then as we want to go to different pages we you could say we want the First Bank of eight parameters the Second Bank of eight parameters Etc and let's see about exporting it so I think it might just be stored um within the project but let me just all right let just let me just see if there's and I think that it might be just stored just see if I could find like where the label where the parameters are stored it might be just carried over with the uh sorry for hitting my mic but it might be carried over directly with the uh with the preferences so there I think it's going to be carried over in the preferences for a plugin I could dig a Little Deeper on it Patrick uh if you want to email me for Tuesday's live stream so thanks for your question all right uh Patrick asks hi Greg when I load a new sample into the sampler track all previous settings get lost envelopes root node Etc is there a way of keeping those settings instead all right so I'm going to just drag an audio file into my sampler [Music] control all right so I drag this in let's say I have my filters [Music] preserved I have this let's take my LFO all the way up uh we have our root notes A3 so let me just just unso that so let [Music] say okay so I'm just going to turn on Okay so I think if you just click on the lock parameters button here that as we drag in a new sample all the parameters are preserved for us so just make sure that you click right here on the little pad lock and you'll see the lock parameters button and once you have that engaged then none of the none of the settings will change so if I come without that turned on we look at my parameters let's say I'll just dime everything here without that turned on they're all reset if we undo sampler keep those let's say we dime all the parameters here lock it drag it and those parameters will be locked and preserved all right uh John Lee says question is it possible to export slimport your mixer configuration snapshot onto another session project so generally what a lot of people do who want to do that will save the mixer snapshots as part of their template being that you know most projects may you know if you want it to be consistent and that way every time that you start a project with that template those configurations will automatically be preserved a lot of setting sometimes may be kind of template or Project Specific thinking with the logic being that you know if you don't have the same tracks you know having configurations where the tracks aren't aligned between different projects could be tricky so you know that way you know instead of saving mixer settings and those mixer configurations if you know tracks are not present or other tracks are present you know how does that coales and how does that match up to be tricky so that way if you wanted to do it you could use a project as a template as the starting point as the basis for other projects all right uh we see Patrick asks is there a way to apply an edit of one audio track to another something I could do by having all tracks in a folder and cutting that instead I would like to match new Loops to already edited Loops okay so if we have I'll just hide this so if you know if we have these in a folder you apply an edit of one audio track to another so if these are in folders you know I could come over here and you know choose to erase let me just and then at that point we could you know apply so I could globally make edits here in the folder so let's say if we're in shule mode I could swap those two so that works or if they're not in a folder you know I could take if multiple tracks are selected here I could you know you know whatever the selected events are I could do fade in I could do clip gain um says I could do by having all tracks I'd like to match new Loops to already edited Loops so I don't think that once we take like a new file in that you know audio edits that have been applied to these you know you know if I applied you know edits to this that it's not going to apply to that and I think that makes total sense um because you you know you don't want to necessarily drag a new file in and have it conform to edits that were done on other tracks I mean that could be kind of very problematic um all right I just got a text from Peter Frampton so I got tickets for Sunday night all right I'm happy so but you know let me know if that's kind of what you want to do is like I have an edit here and I want to drag this in and have that edit applied so I don't think that makes too much sense if you do the edits maybe with a um if you did it with an offline process you could apply that offline process to the part but I don't think it should I think it would be problematic if it automatically did that but let me know if I'm misunderstanding all right all right great to see Daniela toan on all right wonderful to see Brian sorer senior from bville North Carolina all right see best green Jesus has to take off thanks for joining us today and look forward to getting uh the email so I could send you those presets all right uh Danielo toan ask Greg for voice I did not upgrade qbase 12 to 13 but I recently did buy the synth V and AI voices can you explain and demonstrate please the advantage of AR in qas 13 uh and what is the difference so I don't think that there is any like you know I think that there was some uh like performance improvements but when utilizing AR it's uh there were some significant changes in 12 I think that there were some enhancements and better product compatibility with 13 but you know to access arra you would just come over and to the main inspector tab uh here we would see the extension and we could choose to go directly into AR for the selected tracks right there so now when we double click on a track we could see it in our AR mode like that but there's no significant differences with the implementation always some more kind of robustness that's kind of been added all right so we see um Danielle toan says to VST and vst3 I prefer vst2 so all right I think we talked about that on last Zoom social Meetup all right uh Danielo toan says what is better Vocaloid from Yamaha or synth V so I haven't really worked with synth V I haven't worked with Vocaloid in a while I guess I should see if I could uh get a license for the latest versions uh I probably haven't had it in 10 years or so uh it's kind of a different research group within Yamaha that puts it out so we don't really sell it in United States so I don't have as read you know readily available access to it but I haven't worked with synth V so maybe if other people have worked with both of them they could share their insights all right so we see uh clarification uh from Spencer B says hi Greg I think I should have used insert audior midi instead of paste uh say I have 10 bars I would like to copy the first two bars and insert them before bar five making it 12 bars total okay so I think I understand now let see if there's so let's say I have this and I want to take Like These Bars here and kind of move them over so so let's see if I put it in okay so let say I have this starting on this grid all right so [Music] generally like what we could do is take the length of this event here let's say I start and there's probably a better way of doing this but I think if we go to all right so let say if I come here as I overlap [Music] those so let's say if I grab my range tool then I think it doesn't do it so I think I could probably do it like in a macro of some kind so if we want this let's see if I can make a quick Macro for this okay I won't spend a ton of time on it but we'll see if we can get something made I'll play around with a little more see if there's more obvious thing I'm doing so for let me look under transport here sorry for okay and then let's choose bottom or we'll move back okay so let's say for here all right so let's say I have dragged this event over top so now if I run this macro we could just do it like that so um at this point so I just said we want the cursor to be kind of at the start we're going to move locators to the next event uh we're going to move that event to the back and then we're going to move uh event starts to end so again if we want to do that so transport locate next event and that's with this particular event selected so I'm going to move this [Music] over and then transport locate next event uh move event to back and then move event starts to cursor so these are overlapping we want to move this over by two bars boom you could just do it like that and now those two events are kind of right next to each other so there may be another easier way but that'll work for now I can play around with it with some of the range tools over the weekend all right jack borne asks any way to connect my ur22c to my Apollo twin so since they're both USB they're you know I'm not sure if the Apollo twin is USB I know the ur22 is so they would be running kind of you know concurrently but you generally you run one USB audio interface at a time and it's just the nature of a USB audio interface that we can't necessarily run both of them and have them clocked if you're running on Mac OS you could try running as an aggregate device which will compound the latency as well as won't guarantee that they're actually playing back in sync because the clocks won't be able to be sync so generally they will work kind of one at a time for the most part all right we see best Ken Jesus says he hasn't upgraded 13 yet but he probably probably will soon all right so we have Aral 773 uh checking from Chicago he says always learned something from Club Cubase it's a comfortable place for my brain to think about using this tool and sometimes astonishing ways thank you for the kind words and thanks for joining us from Chicago used to spend a lot of time there as part of my territory years and years ago all right so we see Papu is woo Greg thank you I tried everything you need to perform just that dedicated video on just that uh that we showed I never could do a rewind this live so I could rewatch what you did now if I can only remember what I did I I remember answering your question and your name but not what I actually did but I'll see if I can do a dedicated video for it but glad that you found it helpful all right uh dende media asks hi Greg quick question I'm using qbase Pro I'd like to understand how to change the colors and the depth of color in the midi info in the project area in the editors thanks okay so if it's like the for like the background take a look so if I'm here and I wanted to make like the backgrounds lighter what you could do is go to the preferences and we'll see under user interface um we go to color schemes so here if I wanted to change the editor area backgrounds I could say okay let's go to the editor area background so if you want this to be more light we could come over here and adjust that so you could just move this line vertically so if you want it to be very white we could look add it like so uh you could change to cycle values as well so let me know if you know so once you're here there's the editor background we can change the cycle region the grid lines can also be changed so come over to preferences under user interface color schemes and here you can change to project uh area background the editor area background as well as rule rer background if if need it so let me know if that makes sense all right so we see from Mark kambo says thanks Greg sorry for the mix termin ology since I'm not at qbase now the issues that the record format Etc do not appear on the status line or you can add them using the rightclick option all right so it's generally you know when you go here this is just going to be like the you know when we look at our window here our status line so and let me just activate the info line to so when we come here this is just pulling up the you know so it's not showing up there you could hit shift plus the letter S and that will will open up the project setup which will allow you to make all those adjustments or if you go to Project menu to project setup so but it seems like that's like as I click we can adjust those particular parameters very easily uh if it is maybe a file that is right protected like copied from a CD or DVD and it's you know when you open up the folder it's right protected maybe it can't be changed but seems like it would but all these parameters again shift plus the letter S and you could see the project setup or project menu to project setup and all those parameters are available to access right there so but if I misunderstanding let me know all right so we see best green Jesus wishing best wishes to everyone and everyone enjoys their spring break Darren is saying I did a humble brag mentioning a Peter Frampton text so I helped out with the Paul McCartney session as well this week so with one of his Engineers for project for Paul and his son remix all right Peter's an old friend I've been helping him for 25 years or so so he's a rock star's rockar all right great to see the artist known as love checking in from New York he wants everyone to hit the like button uh so we see from Spencer B uh Greg the best I think by changing the snap type would address my issues with the insert copy paste thing I was talking about you have to watch to the end people you will learn so much all right that's great so yeah I'll play around with a little more but I think like if we do events let's say if I so I'll play around with the more bit you could utilize that macro if needed all right wonderful to see Tim Weinheimer from Mission vho California so glad you could join us today uh we see Spa dogs is just saying that synth V is wonderful so thanks for sharing your insights and your experience all right so you just see a link for uh midi logical editor and project logical editor presets so I'm not sure if I missed I think Jaz dude you said you're going to send me an email so I could send the latest round uh but not sure if I saw it after the last live stream uh I'll take another look but just in case um maybe if you could send email me again I'd be happy to share the latest ones always fantastic to see Michael team from Weatherford Texas and the virtual ice cream distribution shall begin great to see you on hope you're doing well all right and we have Thiago joining from Brazil our South American contingent thanks for joining us and uno momento wants people to hit the like button we have Nick from Essex in the UK okay so we see from Roger CBO says uh thanks Greg about the chords I like to have my complete own chords example 15 notes of any sort of combination on one key not exactly C minor or a minor 7 a complete random selection of notes so you know I guess you could so let's see if we can be creative with cord pads here okay so say I want I'll just randomly put notes in here so let's Okay I I'll just quantize all these notes to just make it a whole note okay so if you want kind of to apply Randomness to it so let's come over here to quarter pad so1 you could come over and if we have midi turned on here I could just we just turn this off I think if let say if I turn this on now I think we could just so while I have the cord pad I could just randomly play different notes as well let me just all right so we can do just kind of midi input as well let me just okay so let's see if we could I mean so you could put kind of any chord in there is a like a midi capture I'm just trying to remember but where you could just kind of play a particular cord and it's you just play it in randomly or if we want it to take this particular range here let's go to my logical editor I want to transforms we're going to say take our notes and we want to randomize pitch we'll say [Music] A2 through four so at this point we could you know just randomize pitch and figure out you know and have that as the basis for chords if you wanted to but you know if maybe share just a little more insight what you want to do but you know you could put in you know you're not limited to simple chords they could be incredibly complex chords as you could see here and if you wanted to look at this via you know the list or circle of fifths for major or minor we could do that or if you wanted to look at it based on so we have more esoteric chord suggestions based on the list or if you wanted to look at it in circle of fifths you could do that as well okay thanks for all the great questions just reading through some more right Michael team's ice cream distribution has begun done all right this ninja scared asks my quantise doesn't seem to work when I try to use swing it doesn't work and work around all right so let's take a look all right so I'm going to put in 16th notes and let's come over here to the quanti so make sure one that you have like a quantize value that is kind of sensible for this let's come over to let's say our quantize panel so I'm going to go to the edit menu let's open up our quantise panel so let's say I want this to be eighth notes and I'm going to adjust the swing Factor so I'll just move it up high so that's pretty apparent so when I come over here you see that these are all perfectly on the grid and we can see kind of visually that as we adjust our swing Factor so we'll move it back to zero and let's say I move it to 90 that these lines here indicate so now when I quantize everything could be just kind of swinging like so so say 40% Etc so let me know if you know one that you're doing is let's see if IQ mode has to be on so let's say zero sorry let me just so now we're right back oh put my swing to 70 so seems like it's kind of working as expected but you know make sure that you're not doing uh like whole note swing so let say if I come here we move this to straight 16th notes you know so it could be if you're doing a arhythmic value that's not like Well Suited so we could say okay I'm doing whole notes let's say half notes so if I put in like 60% you may not notice a lot you know so make sure that the quantize value is kind of making sense it's not too high or too low but let me know if I'm doing something differently but it seems to be working as expected here all right San asks is there a way to automate plug-in parameters based on some tracks audio uh so I'm not sure if you want a plugin to change based on frequency of a track you know I'm inclined to say kind of no but you know we could you know if the plug-in is going to be triggered by a gate you know that could make a difference with that so let me know if there's a particular use case like I want to do this for um like an EDM workflow I want to turn on a filter when the kick gets to a certain threshold something like that uh and then you know there we may be able to kind of automate stuff through side chaining uh which could be based on uh another tracks audio or if you want it based on like when we have high notes in that a plugin does a filter to compensate or to boost so maybe spend if you give a little more information or contexts I might be able to to help refine my answer a little bit okay so we see from dend media says hi Greg I meant the midi data the color of the data not the backgrounds how to change okay so let's say so right now when we look at this we could have a color scheme that's going to be based on sorry for my misunderstanding so right now this is going to be based upon our velocity so we'll just make this full full screen okay so as I come here we can see as I adjust the velocity that the color of the notes will change so they get lighter darker depending upon the velocity scale so when we're in the medidi editor we can actually see uh we'll see a little color palette here I could also colorize based on Pitch I can colorize based on uh the channel so if we want it to come over and or if we choose to colorize based on the part so like if that part was blue purplish so now it's going to be the color of the track so if I change this track color we could change the notes there we could also change the notes based upon the scale so we could have different notes for if we have sound slots for articulations for orchestral instruments we could also change based on scale so we could say um if we have a chord track notes that are red can be out of key notes that are blue could be in key so there's lots of different options that you have here but it defaults to Velocity so that way and if you want it to come over here you could say the default color if you go to the color setup you know if you want this to be you know your midi notes to be your default color of that and we switch this to Velocity that as we um so now we can say we want this to be blue for my midi notes so Bluer notes will have like darker Blue Notes will have higher velocities so at this point you could just kind of come right over here and change all those particular settings like so so sorry for misunderstanding that so there's a lot of different coloring options depending on your your choices all right wonderful to see Nick Saia on congratulations on signing with uh with the new your new group The Bleeding fingers music I think that's the name of it off top of my head it's a huge deal congratulations all right see Michael teens had a question last night for Greg but now I forgotten it uh so maybe it'll come back something will spark that creativity in you so but you could always just send an email anytime Michael or text so all right so you see Roger just says we' be able to Great to click on the pad icon and get into record mode and play exactly the notes I want to have for this particular pad icon so there I think there is a way to do it I know we could do it in the previous version let me just see if I could find that option here I'll just do with a new brand new project here real quick I think there is a I'm I'm pretty I know there's a way to do it I know it's but it had changed okay for okay let me just yeah I mean I know there there's a way to do it I'm just trying to so as soon as I just play so let's say if I just click here so as soon as I go to the chord pad editor so if I just double click now I could just as soon as I play midi notes I'll just randomly lay my hand on my midi keyboard we could do that so just double click on the pad and you can now just capture whatever midi chord you play so let me know if that's helpful for you Roger sorry for my brain cramp David M's David M thinks he should that Michael should ask Michael team should ask me what his question was he knows everything I was busy busy last night so I wasn't tele telepathically communicating with Michael so okay so we see from uh svans say about my question earlier is asking about an envelope follower that modulates parameters in a plugin for example the volume of guitar one affects the dry wet of guitar 2 Reverb all right so let's see if we can I think we might be able to do something like this perhaps with the FX modulator so let's just drag in a loop find something a little [Music] more okay so let's say we want take this and we're going [Music] to all right and let's get like a drum Loop of some kind okay so I'll just do a quick all right so let's say we have kind of little drums here so let's come to this track and I know it's may not employ kind of other audio tracks and other plugins but we'll give us a quick shot with the FX modulator okay so let's say I want Reverb or let's yeah so let take Reverb and drop that in all right so now as we and we'll make it a really large Hall here okay and then we could side chain this so let's come over we'll do side chain one as our drum Loop so now when this is all right let me set [Music] the and let me just me just try a different envelope [Music] here all right and just go check so I could play around with it more but I think that you could you know because each you could have multiple steps within um but I think you could do some stuff like that using the FX modulator I can see if I can have something prepared for Tuesdays with that way you could have multiple side chain inputs thanks for the clarification Spen all right see Graham Witcher just says the dongle seems like an age ago now I have mine in a box living in retirement I don't need anymore now to be honest it'll be part of my qbase history so all right uh so we see taxi Williams music hi Greg is there a way to split midi notes and audio events to grid using key commands so yeah if you want it to come over uh and I think so let's say we want to and I may have kind of an example of this from Tuesday's live stream it may work on an actual audio event I did it on midi but let's take a look okay so let's say I'm here um all right I think that's going to be for Midi but let's go ahead and so what I want to do if we want to split you know there's a couple of ways to approach this so let's say um I have I want to cut in eighth notes so one one of the tricks you could do is if you hold down the scissors tool so if I have like all these events here I want to take this event I'm gonna hold down a scissors tool and just hold down the alt or option key so I'm going to set this to my quantize value so now I'm going to hold down alt or option and not my command key like I just did so alt or option with the scissors tool and now that will split every everything in that event to an eighth note just like that so if you want to take let's come here so if I want to split this all into bars like individual bars I'm going to just grab my scissors tool split go to the next bar here hold down alter option and click and now we've automatically split at that rhythmic interval and if I wanted to do that across all of my tracks I could come over here I think and we could do it on our individual Parts if I split here hold down even on the folder track hold down alter option and split we can now cut every single measure like that so and if then let's say so we can do that for audio events uh let me see if it's for Midi okay he also asked about midi notes see if I think I might have this from yeah we'll jump over here so I have a part that's created for this already and if we want to do for Midi notes so let's say we have this as whole notes and I wanted to split these into like you know eth notes 16th notes so I made kind of a logical editor preset for this so let's say we want to do eighth notes all right let me just run this macro here let take a look at the macro so and just kind of like okay so I want kind of the opposite macro of this okay so we'll say whole note into eighth notes so what I did is I just went over here we said edit we're going to change the grid type to use quantize and then we're going to set the quantize value to eighth notes and then we're going to do transport nudge cursor to the right split at cursor nudge cursor to the right split at cursor and kind of do this for all the different ones so I'll expand this make it a little easier to read so now when I run this macro and this is for eighth notes I can just come over here that'll do kind of the whole bar of eighth notes and if I wanted to do this for quarter notes I could now run this macro same thing but we're just setting the quantize value to quarter notes I run to macro we now have split into quarter notes and if we want to do it to 16th notes we could do this and run to macro it's now so we can split like whole notes into e quarters halves 16 Etc so let me know if that's helpful for you so a couple different approaches for that all right uh John Barry asks how to control combined Panner with the midi remote thanks all right so let's take a look okay so we go to our mix [Music] console and we want to do our stereo combined Panner right all right so now uh as I did this I just kind of right-clicked and we picked up for Midi remote mapping right let me just see if I we could do it for a selected Channel very quickly so I'll come over here to M remote let me just Okay so so okay so so I let see if we can so I assigned this to Second button all right so they're both doing the kind of same thing so let's take a look at pan Left Right standard Panner okay right so's see if we all right let's see if it's in all right let me see what happens if I change the preference to default because I can see where you would need to different parameters to adjust let's do new project right so we have stereo track so we have our combined Panner so control the one side all right so that's just going to do left or right as we control that take a look at the mix console or mixer here yeah I don't see it I see just for that but I'll play around with it John if you want to email me um I I'll work on it over the weekend and we'll see if we could have an answer for Tuesday's live stream sorry about that seems like you should be able to okay Neil Conway just says Ah so nice to be back so we love having you on the live stream all right uh development of a void asks is there a way to change sense of a single midi not/ key inen attempting to make a microtonal chord okay so let's add an instrument track here and we can do it in howan or howan Sonic okay so there's a couple approaches so one is let's say if we're doing this you could go to a midi plugin under like a midi insert and there is a micr tuner uh yeah microtuner plug-in so once we open up the microtuner plug in at this point we could just say okay when I play a C chord I want the E note I want the E to be [Music] flat and then you know so you probably want each e to be the you know different octaves to be the same so here you could just you know again and this works polyphonically with hien so we say okay let's go to the G and then you'll have presets I think for different um if you want it pure equal temperament or if you want it pure [Music] major so play around with the uh micr tuner plugin and that will work with you know different VST 3.5 instruments hian Sonic hen pad shop retr log Etc all right so wonderful to see Peter from Montreal Canada we hope you're all recovered from your covid and feeling normal okay reading through comments to see comment from John Barry says thanks GRE those results I was getting I was I have an MCU controller and that has a way to do it so I guess it's possible we need something for an update so okay reading through questions oh we see see Michael teams remembered his question so that's good okay uh if I import a song that was tracked at 44.1k 16bit and I want to convert it to 48k 32bit floating Point what do I do okay okay so um let's take a look so let's say I have a 44.1 file and I want it to be 48k all right so you know generally with the bit depth you know taking a 16 bit to a 32-bit Point floating point you know you're not really going to be probably adding much to it unless you have effects that are kind of included so that's probably not as critical but sample rates could be tricky so I will so this project we're going to have at 16bit 44.1 so I look at the files uh 44.1 16bit okay so now we can let's just get the tonality so we get the key in our heads all right so I'm going to go to my project setup and we're going to convert it to 48k uh at this point we could say okay my bit depth let's convert it to 32bit float I don't think it's really as crucial so we'll come over here we'll hit okay and it says do you want to convert audio files to new rate we'll say convert uh do you want to keep keep the source files in the pool directory why not we'll keep the original files in case we need to go back to the original sample rate keep all right and at this point if you had files that were in musical mode you may have to take them and render them so that they're not in musical mode do that at this point it'll say do you want to keep the audio events at their sample positions we're going to choose no so now when we look at our files it's now 48k 32-bit floating point we listen to the pitch same pitch as it was [Music] before so again go to your project setup there's a number of ways doing it this probably the most elegant change the sample rate to bit depth hit okay and you could say yes to everything except for keep the audio added its original sample positions choose no and then it's that easy to do so let me know if that makes sense Michael all right so we see Peter just says thank you Greg very thoughtful of you aside from the occasional dry cof I appear to be on the menend so that's great I'm glad to hear it we had a bunch of people at the Nam show in at the end of January on our group we had I think three or four people on our group local to me got covid at the show so um and they had a tough week so but I'm glad you're doing better all right so I think we're at the end of questions we only had one or two questions that were mailed in so let's go ahead those let me switch okay so let me just take a look at uh one of the questions mailed in I think was from last question um switch all right let me just mute okay uh so we had a question of how to fill gaps between notes on monophonic midi and delete the original notes okay so let's take a look this I'll just do okay and this is uh kind of a follow-up to question I was having a brain cramp on the end of last week's live stream so we'll just do a new project and let's say we have like a monophonic midi event okay so we have notes let's say that are on this bar and we'll skip every other bar here okay so what we want to do is to uh the original macro let me find the macro here okay so the original macro was to you know the concept uh that we started was to extend these notes until the next note starts but put a new note in in its place so instead of just doing like instead of doing a Legato function where we come and so if we wanted to make these notes last until the next note starts we can come up and just do Legato uh but then the question is they want it to put a another note at the same pitch between those so we created this macro which was to um where we could basically go to our transport locators to selection and and when I run this macro it's going to automatically me just make sure I don't have anything we'll move my cursor here that this would create a new midi note that would last the length so and what I did is kind of add it to this macro where we're going to fill in the gaps between these notes Let me just if I did this right so we're going to fill the gap on the same pitch and then delete the previous note but doesn't seem to be working let me just make sure I have see if I need that note selected so now that we have that note selected I will going to zoom out so I'm going to select this note and move the cursor so we want to have this a note added in the Gap to delete the previous note and just to kind of do that process so come here we select that note we're going to fill we're going to create a new midi note here to fill this Gap and then delete the previous note and then we could just go on kind of like that so this way we could select the first note fill the Gap delete the previous note like that so now we have almost the exact opposite of what we had so again the first one if I select a note here we can just have that but we can again so the macro is we want to do transport locators to selection end at this point we want to go midi Legato we want to edit split at cursor we're going to navigate right we're going to navigate left twice delete the previous note navigate right and locate the next event so here we can fill this Gap where there is no note with notes so if we wanted to kind of do like a contra punal or like Counterpoint type stuff we could just do that as well so as we move our cursor select that then we could just write those particular notes in once I run the correct macro so select the note here and run to macro and we can fill those gaps all right all right I think this is from uh Spa dog was sent in right before we went on uh I have a question I have a lot of mapped outboard equipment and I've had an issue with cuases uh start it my audio interface is not switched on qbase forgets all my audio interface settings even if I click qbase and restart with my audio interface the settings are still forgotten and have to be re-entered uh question one is there a way to keep qbas from doing this I come from logic and it knows to remember once my audio interface is started at first uh is there a way to export save all the mapping so that they can be recalled I have been able to make and keep a copy of my library preferences qbas R team folder to restore but this is Clumsy and timec consuming is there a better way so one of the things that you could do is once you're in the audio connections menu and we have the external effects and external instruments is what I always recommend and I know which seems like there should be just a preset to recall all these but when we come over here just click once you have it configured once save it as a favorite and then you could just simply add your favorite different settings so if we have our Montage configured as a favorite we could do that and then the routings will be preserved so you know but I know it's you know if possible always try to have your audio interface otherwise qase will you know turned on before because if qase doesn't see the audio interface it will try to Route the audio to your particular function so if you're switching from a desktop to a laptop that you hear audio uh but you know I know it's not the best solution but again just when you come here click on favorite and just you know select one and add it the selected instrument favorites and then you could recall them and that should minimize the the pain with that so okay okay um all right so I think that was the questions that were mailed in let me go ahead and jump back to our live chat okay so we see from uh John Barry another question please Greg I've seen a way to use key switches with Hollywood Opus and qase to change midi channel is it possible with a multi- tumbral vsti like H and Sonic cheers um so I don't know if it's key switches to do it but obviously you know if you're setting up you know if you're using hen Sonic so let's just take a look uh inside hen Sonic so I'm not sure if usually sometimes people are using key switches for you know setting up if it's for setting up articulations you know one of the great things is once we load up uh an instrument so you know some people use that for articulations obviously so if we're here in iconica and I just load up uh let me just go to like to the instruments here sections and players okay so let's say I want to go to um we'll say bases standard okay so you know once we have our event in editor you know we could just go to the expression map and import the key switches so you know since you're able to do that a lot of people don't necessarily you know treat it that way so but you know any MIDI controller um all right so just use key switches to change midi Channel you know so a lot of midi controllers can kind of do that already so depending on on your MIDI controller like I know on my rolling AED I can hit a switch and I'm on midi Channel you know I have different layers and when I hit a switch that that is automatically transmitting to the different midi channels which will automatically be recognized so whatever midi Channel message is coming in and you could have you know multiple midi channels at once so a lot of times it could be more of a controller setting but it let me know if there's a reason why you want to have that like a key switch switch is it just kind of play different instruments or is it you know do you want more of a performance you're hitting the key switch for now I want to play a roads part and I'm in a verse I want it to play a um you know a or organ part for kind of live performance to switch and I might be be able to help out a little more sorry for being not understanding as well all right so we see from Neil Conway uh just asks uh Greg when you convert on the import does it resemble them um so it will remember like the original files but it will uh you know convert those into you know it will create new files with new sample rate and bit depth all right all right so um Stanislas vort asks why there no sound in very audio editor I used to be able to hear the note when I click on it and all of a sudden it stopped being audible please help all right so we'll look at that okay so let's just launch to very audio all right so when we move event if you're not hearing those particular changes it could be a lot of times what happens is you have this audition the acoustic feedback could be turned off so let me just turn up the control room here a little more so now as we so make sure that this little speaker icon is turned on and then you'll probably hear it generally this is going to be also routed through the control room so make sure that as you're doing this that the control room is turned on as well and that you're using a control room but again just look for this little icon so as soon as we click we'll um if that icon is not enabled we don't hear it with that icon turned on little speaker now we hear those changes so check that and let me know if you see that all right see Peter's grateful for the ice cream from Michael teams hopefully I'll make your throat feel nice and smooth all right so we see from John costan uh asked Greg about a persistent problem but it seemed an unlikely problem to have qase does not automatically see my nectar midi interface I have to rep patch it each time start up uh any ideas you know so generally you know let me know if it's being seen at the operating system level like if you go into like your game sound video controllers if you see your dectar being recognized there uh it's probably a USB powered thing and I think we discussed before that you had it connected directly to the computer as opposed to going directly to a like a a USB hub so it could be that you know if you disconnect it and reconnect it that it kind of reestablishes the communication so if you're connected to a hub see if it makes any difference that you're connected directly to the computer I mean I have my nectar controller that I use for my Mac which is what you guys see on the live stream as well as my Windows machine um and I don't have any problems with it if you have the option for an external power supply uh see if you could do that even if it's a USB like external power could be a USB power thing and then maybe it kind of gains priority again once it kind of reestablishes connect ction and then maybe it moves it up on the list check in your bios that the USB ports aren't running in eco mode or in a power saving mode so I think that once you do it you may kind of put it at the top of the list and if you have other devices like a USB hard drive something like that those are notorious for taking a lot of USB bus power like you know the amount of power on the USB bus I would you know try disconnecting other elements as well other USB peripherals and see if that makes a difference all right so we see from um saurin says Greg did you skip my question how would I go about switching VST Instruments to play during playback and vs St live all right so let's open it up so I didn't see it sorry about that sworn all right so let me just open up VST live here all right let me just all right I don't have my license for VST live can I um I could show that to you on Tuesday's live stream saen sorry about that I'll have to get my license renewed all right uh so we see from Stannis L who asked about the very audio question uh speaker icon and VAR audio is on but still no sound everything else is playing as usual check just to make sure you know it could be so let me know if you're using the control room with that so if we come over here to the audio connections that you have the control room set up and that the speakers um you know and it could also be that your outputs if you have like your stereo output here you know right click and try to set that as the main mix but let me know if you're running control room with that also all right great to see Grant Nicholas on from Baltimore hope you're doing well buddy see Chaz dude says he thinks it might be a Windows issue I think I think John's on Windows it's like protecting user from doing stuff so like a permissions thing all right all right wonderful to see Ace amadas on uh and he says hi Greg hope you're doing well in qbase 12 Pro and your 22 how can I use my guitar to record bends slides legatos Etc and convert to MIDI uh so I can assign qbase amp simulator effects Etc all right so U the question I have is do you need to record it as midi um so you want to record bends slides Legato Etc and convert to MIDI so I can then assign qbase amp simulator effects so you know any any guitar that's being utilized in your project so you know so you you can do some stuff with like a lead if you need it to let me just open up a particular project here we have some use of the amp simulator or the vstd amp rack rather so if you want to convert you know if we want to take your guitar and convert it to MIDI so let's say we have uh I think we have like a guitar solo [Music] here so I want to take that solo and we'll go into VAR audio all right and let's convert it to MIDI all right and I'm going to just let's add like a synth lead sound here and you know this is really intended for kind of uh monophonic audio but so there's going to be like double stops and some cords in here so let's say now we want [Music] to all right so but you know once you if once you're doing the conversion process of that you know for any of your Source at this point when we do the conversion you could [Music] choose so let just go into sorry so once you do the extraction committee you could choose how it does the uh pitch Bend data but again like we if you want to just run it through like the VST amp rcks at that point like all these guitars here are run you know they're just [Music] audio so like you know if we open up this I know you're looking good I'm in the neighborhood I got some cheap wine let's have a good time I Never Promised so you know both of the guitars we're hearing here are hit the road rock roll [Music] so you any audio recording can go through the VST amp Rec it doesn't have to be midi but just any audio Source will get processed through that so you know so let me know if you need to record it and have it play back as midi but if you just want to run the VST amp simulators you could do that without having uh any MIDI version so okay okay so we see Stanis L vort says oh that worked thank you very much it's great glad you got it sorted out all right great to see Grant always and he's just glad to be here so hope you're doing well buddy not too far from me just up in Baltimore about 40 miles away okay um all right so we have kind of further clarification from John Barry says High Gregs for switching instruments whilst whilst playing and a DAT to recorded with different midi channel number for easy editing it's a bit like articulations example one French horn to six I mean so the midi channels you know I guess you could you know [Music] probably set up you know I'm just saying you know because a lot of times it's done from the controller itself you know so I know like you know if I'm playing on my controller I could do that and you know if I have all the different tracks kind of laid out in qbase you know we often people will just kind of select the controllers or have mutes written as automation so I think that's how most people would approach it um but I don't think there's any like special key switch and there may be a way of doing it in hen where you could you know create a key switch and pass only these particular channels or presets I'll just uh let me just take a look at like maybe in a full hoan because you could have like different multi presets [Music] here as well so if you've done that so I I'll see if I can play around with it and see you know I mean haan's kind of a beast you and there's probably I know there's different scripting languages that they may have to play around with but a lot of times you know people are you know kind of putting the information in the tracks themselves or using the MIDI controller but I'll work a little bit with it over the weekend John all right wonderful to see Michael Pierce checking in from Grand Chapel Studios outside of London thanks for being on with us you see John cin missed his Zoom social meeting because his computer conspired to make a Miss yeah we missed having you on and hopefully you can make it for the end of March all right great to see Pro watch DFW on all right uh so we have from uno momento you have a base which slides C1 to C2 audio track is it possible to get this as notes in the score editor in score mode all right let me just create that real quick okay let just do new project for [Music] okay so let's [Music] say and let just set my [Music] all you just looking for my pitch band range let me just [Music] all right so that'll just do like a minor second so let's say we have base part [Music] here [Music] okay so so let's say I have this as a base recording so I'll render this in place okay I will so let's listen to it here so I just did a pitch Bend up to Major second we will do some very audio all right let's convert to MIDI extract the MIDI and I didn't really play with to a click but you can see the FP automatically kind of translating right there so if I want to do this to a click let's say initially [Music] [Music] all right let say I'll just kind of quantize that and we'll set our quantize so [Music] let's all right let me just quantize that to eighth notes real [Music] quick okay so we'll render in place we will then very very audio it now that this is more online with the grid convert extract midi and then we look at the notation View and you can see the like the F and going down to the D so so it seems like that translates as expected okay great to see Graham Witcher on from Royal Wen Basset it's always great to have you on thanks for joining okay inactive user asks uh just apologize for being late how can I print SL bounce my vocal track to put a reverse Reverb effect on it all right so you know there's a couple different ways to do one way is to if you want it to have a reverse Reverb on your track I'll just do something that's probably a little might lend itself a a little better all right so say did you say you wished it all away and I'm you for a thousand years and a day so I'm going to just open up the [Music] reverence all right so let me just get my right [Music] keyboard okay sorry about that all right so now we have our reverence so here you could actually [Music] just put the close up on your heart [Music] so say I want to do like a smaller [Music] plate so we'll just come here let's do a two second plate so we have it [Music] smaller and just click on reverse [Music] [Music] I'm would be the very last one so you could do stuff like that so justed A convolution Reverb you could just just click on the reverse so let me know if that makes sense would work for you all right so we see Neil Conway just says he must get going but absolute Delight to listen in and chat with a few of you best to all of you thanks for joining us Neil great to see you on recent live streams okay so inactive user asks uh when I have my effects on a bus but I used a fader of the track to make it quieter does that affect the loudness of what's going on into the bus so it could really depend on if you have it set for pre or post fader so let's say we're want to take our Reverb here and we have this um so if we just kind of rightclick here we could move this to AE pre fader slot so now as we adjust the fader let's we'll solo [Music] this so when I blend this in that effect now if I right click and we move it to post fader so now as I dro the volume we don't hear the Reverb because the Reverb is being driven by the level of the fader so if you don't want it to change you could just make it preader and then wherever your fader is that's not going to affect the gain [Applause] structure so it's kind of the aqua color when it turns orange it's post Vader and then that's driven by the amount of the fader so the fader is affecting the gain structure going into the effects end and you could do that for each individual effect end as needed all right great to see Jazzy melt on right reading through questions okay uh so we see from high and Unstoppable I know it's a bit of a high aim but I think qbas truly is the doll I want to start working with the possibilities seem endless I was doubling doubting between qas and Ableton qas it is well it's great to hear and uh you know we do these live streams twice a week and we you know as you start your cuas journey please come back and ask us questions so we could help you along so you get your creativity realized thanks for joining but and as Michael team says wise decision sir all right we hope to see you on many more live streams all right you see best Ken Jesus says he moved from Ableton 11 to Cubase 11 and he's still here so okay so we see uh from Val says is there a compressor in a Cubase faster than 0.1 milliseconds attack like there are some in the market with 01 milliseconds attack great for hipop stuff but I can't find that in the stock plugin so it may not indicate the exact speed you know some plugins we'll do that but let's see if we can take a look let's see what the fastest one is so let me see don't think black Val has a time on it so I could do some more research and see which ones have which one is the fastest but you know I don't think that there's any situation that the compressor you know the different Dynamics plugins in qbase won't be sufficient for see inactive user says really love how helpful the qbase community is you can really ask any questions there always be nice answers and helpful people all around who recommend the Discord and of course the live streams thanks for the kind words and at Steinberg we like our users all right uh Adam Clark's we see hi Greg I put an instance sonar Works uh ID reference in a control room I can't turn it on and off anymore in the control room effects slot I have to do it manually in the plugin itself any explanation so let's take a look I don't have sonar works but we come over here to the instances um I we take a look so let's just say if I have so I'll just load up a quick like maybe supervision instance all right [Music] so all right let me just put in a different plugin so it seems like that is kind of turning on and off as expected let's put it in like a Dynamics I'll try to supervision one more time yeah maybe because it's not processing sound but it seems like the other plugins are turning on on and off I'll try a different slot [Music] here so let me know if that's working differently than you do than what you're doing so but let me see we might be able to set up um let's see if we can do like a midi remote maybe to turn on and off through [Music] command okay so let's go [Music] to so there is a bypass inserts in the midi remote here let me just apply that mapping so you could try that function as well um but I don't have a license of it but let me know if if other plugins behav the same way or if it's just sonar works if you let me know that Adam that'd be great okay reading through comments okay uh so we see from uno momento says Greg I men how the Bas slide from C1 to C2 is shown and the notes and the scores sorry for the bad explanation all right so let's see if I still had a that project open so you might have to kind of draw in the uh the transition between the notes so let's take a look sorry for a misunderstanding all right so let's extract our midi all right so let's say this note here is going from e one up to or e0 to E1 all right okay so it's probably not going to automatically do it but I think that you could if we come over here to symbols that you could probably do like you might be able to do something let me see if it's in L's trills you might be able to kind of do an articulation like that or do like free form articulations but I don't think it's going to automatically do that you might have to enter in the notation afterward okay reading through comments okay John Barry asks hi Greg in reverence I have filled up the quick access presets really useful except for When selecting a preset with the buttons the mix lock does not work any Chan of this changing in an update all right so I'll take a quick look at it okay so I guess [Music] you had these kind of filled up so okay um okay so preset When selecting a preset with the mix buttons the mix lock does not work okay so right so let me turn this off so I guess you wanted to yeah okay I see what's going on so I'll I'll make sure to mention that thanks for pointing out John appreciate that all right so we see from saurin uh Greg I extracted midi from Guitar audio solo with vst3 tuning curve I made edits to it uh then I want the tuning curve taken away I used note expression dissolve note expression is that correct so that could do it and then basically that could turn it into standard midi CC data and then you could delete the midi CC data all right question from Luigi what is the fastest way to reverse the phase of a channel thanks all right so there's a number of ways so if you're on 13 this is one of the great things is if we go to the pre- section there is a polarity reverse right here so you could just flip right there on every single Channel if you go to the channel EQ you have a phas switch if you're doing it on the particular event you could also come right here and invert to phase or polarity just to make Michael Pierce happy and so I don't annoy him so we could do it directly there we could also if you have it selected you can go to the audio menu and invert uh you could invert directly there on the event so you can do it on the event or on the track so two different ways of doing on the event two different ways of doing it on on the track all right you see Michael Pierce is also just mentioning uses the Vintage compressor for super fast attacks or hip-hop stuff all right so we see Adam Clark just says it's sonar works and supervision which uh aren't turning off in the control room room so I'll check that out all right so we have a question from Moshi or MOS moski marketing uh can you please show down how can show how to organize favorite patches in 10 different thirdparty vsti and show how to organize them in tags and categories like user base pads leads Etc to recall them easily so one thing that I think a lot of people miss and I don't have a lot of third-party content on my system but when we go into the media Bay you know what I would do is like as we work with presets like if we go to um a user preset we go to like a user content so let's say um or we'll show this first so let's come over here and say okay I want to go to VST sound and I'm looking [Music] for uh let's say FM lab content so we'll come [Music] over and so we can see all of my presets for FM lab so one of the things that I would do is just come over and just say okay it's use Stars so we have you can say you know I like these sounds or five stars these are my favorite sounds uh and now I only want to look for five star sounds and that could filter out everything else on your system so if I want to put these back to three stars kind of the default setting now they go away because we were looking for five star sounds so if we go into an instrument and this will kind of work the same way so let's add an instrument track we'll open up let's say retro log I will open a quick patch and let's just change all the parameters we'll turn on a couple more oscillators okay so we're going to save this patch okay so even while we're here we save the patch uh we can say okay what category is this this will be a brass patch uh I want this to be you know and we could do different character tags so this is going to be um it's going to have glissando it's going to sound new and distort it so we have tags I want to come over here and put it into a family name so this could be you know whatever you want it to be uh I want to give it five star rating CU I made this sound and I really love it and this is going to be fantastic for um electronic dance Chicago house music and the subcategories we're going to have this be um synth brass and we'll give it a name so we're going to call it right over here we'll call it March 8th 2024 so now when we want to go to user presets you know we could just come over to Media Bay over here and say okay I want to go to my user presets I want to go to uh you know VST instrument presets we could choose our instrument and we can say I want to only search for you know five star are sounds but at this point you could you know just do that for all of the different categories in all the different patches drag it over and you could just have your instrument loaded up so when we open it up it'll have all the same exact settings right here and you could search by the tags in families and that works for third party or built-in plugins the same way all right so see Luigi just says Perfect all right so we see thanks Greg need a graphics feature to show slide in a score let me just take a quick look one more time to see if we could have that there's probably one in there so let me just r that one but I there's probably come here let's just just switch to tools here to the hand and then we could probably position stuff like that I think would be easy to see so you could do some stuff like that which I think would be pretty clear all right and we see John Barry just also mentioned it's mixed percentage too so pass that on thanks for bringing that to our attention all right so we have I think just about 10 more minutes but we'll see I think I'm at the end of questions we'll see if there's any more questions that kind of sneak in I know there's usually about a 20 to 30 second uh pause from when I talk and just one more quick reminder in the US we are doing Daylight Savings Time daylight saving time uh this weekend so that may put people in Europe and other countries an hour off I'll try to get the live stream link posted on the YouTube channel early so that you could you know and that will show Within your local time zone when the when the live stream starts so maybe an hour different for a couple weeks until all the different countries are in sync with daylight saving time all right so we see Rodriguez just says uh hello and thank you for these explanations why do I always have the impression that qbase is much more powerful on Mac and consumes less CPU than on Windows is my comment right so you know I find I you know I'm running on a Mac for work I run it on a PC for my studio I kind of like how it runs on PC personally a little better um just maybe my PC feels a little more responsive overall I think qbase runs great on either platform so you know we do pay a lot of attention to detail and optimizing audio engines so we're be able to take a lot of different you know to take advantage of you know hybrid CPU architectures where we're using the performance cores and efficiency cores so you know every version there's changes in that from 12 to 13 on both platforms so um so it runs great on either platform so all right okay uh so we see from uh moski marketing so my question I have personal vsti categories if I have 10 base sounds from different vsti stores can you show user menu where I'd find only those 10 base folders I saved as user so you know wherever like those particular files so let's say we come over to Media Bay I want to go to my user content to you know we'll go to our um our vst3 presets so let's go to Retro log you know so at this point we could say um in my VST three presets find in my user presets you know find ones that are base and that would just show you all the base ones just just by that so we could search by criteria we could search by attributes so we wanted to be electric base synth base you know what category do you want it to be um I'm sorry I don't have like you know other thirdparty instruments but it's pretty straightforward then to you know if you just select your user content we could see all of your different you know bass presets just like that have been kind of set up or contained a word base or have base in The Meta tag information see Michael Pier says he runs qbase both on Mac and windows and it's smooth on both all right you see Peter's wishing everyone a great weekend so we hope you're totally recovered on by Tuesday's live stream all right all right we see if there's any more questions that sneak in if not we'll wrap up all right we see Gerald elely just saying he uh runs QB 13 Pro and Intel cracked Mac Mini with 64 gigs runs fine all right see nice comment from John Costigan says thanks Craig and Jaz dude everyone for your personalized help today you're truly a lovely bunch of coconuts see on Tuesday okay so we see nice comment thanks a lot Greg you're a master teacher for qbase I just try to help people and never studied education or anything all right we'll see if there's given our 30 seconds see if there's any other questions and I really want to thank everyone for learning more about Steinberg products today and if you've learned a new tip or trick um you know make sure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that already uh it's always wonderful just to see new people coming online I was just looking at like stats for last month we had 25,000 new attendees V visit the live stream so that was just fantastic um we have lots of people switching to qbase and very happy with the latest versions so um but I appreciate everyone for creating such a wonderful community and all the help we get from Yan for qbase index and Jazz dude for all his efforts they're just tireless and so appreciate it um I just want to you know thank everyone for spending part of your morning evening afternoon learning more about Steinberg products and we will be back on Tuesday of next week and once again just check the times on the YouTube start because uh we will you know probably be an hour different in many countries so um so I won't be surprised if people are joining an hour earlier or hour later so but uh I want everyone to have a wonderful uh safe and healthy weekend and we'll see everyone back on Tuesday thank you very much and goodbye
Channel: Cubase
Views: 10,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 30sec (14130 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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