March 19 2024 Club Cubase Live Stream

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hello welcome to the March 19th 20124 Club qbase live stream my name is Greg Uno and I'm the host of the live stream if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you can ask questions by simply typing in the chat field or by sending questions in advance to Club qase Steinberg dode when asking questions if you could specify which level of Cub you're running so is it qbas Le qbase AI elements artist or Pro or other Steinberg programs the version number such as 11 12 or 13 also if you could indicate which particular operating system you're running so if you're running Mac or PC that information is often helpful uh when asking questions you that my ability to keep up with all of the questions uh May soon be eclipsed depending on the number of questions asked so if we could avoid asking the same questions repeatedly over and over again that would be appreciated uh we will try to go through all the questions chronologically as they've been asked uh if and we should have a topic of all of the different topics that have been covered in today's live stream pinned to the top of the comments field several hours after the live stream ends and if you wanted to search for topics that have been covered in previous live streams uh you could go to qbase and we want to thank Yan from stockhome for creating that website that highlights all of the uh all the topics that have been covered and it's a searchable index I also have a PDF file I believe it's on the qbas nation Discord that I'm willing to share with others if you want to email me at Club cuase Steinberg dode it's uh almost 32,000 questions um we also want to give a special thanks to agent and Jazz dude who serve as moderators they're not Steinberg employees they just do it to make it a better Community experience during the live stream so give special thanks to both of them and we'll give kudos to Jazz dude as well for his efforts with the Cubase Nation Discord channel so check that out just a wonderful resource for information on Steinberg products and for the Steinberg community so once again my name is Greg Uno I work for Yamaha Corporation of America and I primarily focus on Steinberg products and I am presenting today from outside Washington DC in Alexandria in United Alexandria Virginia in United States and if you're watching this live please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us where you're from all right so with that we will go ahead and begin so there's one question I saw that was posted before so let's see if I could I copied it into my text my Word document okay we have a question hi Greg I used the project notepad to write my lyrics can Cubase please extend the project notpad functionality like having different version for lyrics and exporting the lyrics to collaboration so I know there's been some discussion so you know we currently have notepads that are set up for individual tracks and we have notepads that will be set up for the global project so if we go to our project menu to notepad so when we go to the notepad now there isn't really you know it's not really intended to be like a word processor but here in this example I have the lyrics kind of typed in so while there's isn't you know a lot of functionality so we can see here I'm just going to click on I think if I grab my so at this point we could see the lyrics I think that there is a modifier key that if we wanted to zoom in thought I had it just working a minute ago with like the shift key but we could see the lks I know that the font size isn't flexible or you can't change the font or font size but if you did want to export that what we could do at this point is go to our file menu to export and we'll say notepad data and at this point we could just say let's keep our notepads I will export it to the desktop and this will export it as a text file so we could have the project notepad exported as well as each of the track notes and this you could copy into any other project or send it along with the project file as a simple text file so while there isn't different functions or different versions for that you can export it quite easily Okay jump back to our live chat here David Griffith's asks hi Greg and qbas fr it's feeling a bit stupid so forgive me if it's obvious I have a drum VST instrument track routed to a group Channel with another drum instrument I have Reverb sent on that first track and not on the second when I solo the group Channel all I hear is the Reverb send of the first channel not the second Channel or even the original sound of the first channel what am I doing wrong please qbas 13 or qbas 13 artist on Windows 11 so let's create this scenario so we'll do a new project I will add an instrument track so let's add a Groove agent right I'll change it preference here that just testing for an earlier question I saw on Facebook okay so I'm going to go to my drum editor and I'll just paste in some kick drums on one and three on this sound so we'll listen to this and I'll load up a quick kit okay so we'll listen to our kick and I will load up a different instrument let's say h in Sonic with the drums and we'll do this on okay so I all right so I'm going to paste the snare on two and four so these will be going to different drum kits okay so now we place back okay so what we want to do now is to Route these to a group so I'm going to take the output of these two and I'm doing it as instrument track so maybe make sure that you're doing it as instrument tracks with that so let's now add a group channel to the selected Channel channels we'll make this a stereo group make sure it's probably a stereo group and as we listen okay now this the question is going says uh drum VSC instrument routed to the group Channel with another drum instrument I have Reverb send on that first track so let's say on this track I'm going to create an effects Channel track so I'll just add an effects Channel and I'm will'll go here and we'll go to our sends for this so open the channel and we will now send our destination of the Revelation Reverb so now we should have Reverb run our kick should sound lovely okay it says uh it says when I Sol the group Channel all I hear is the Reverb send of the first channel not the second Channel or even the original sound in the first so let's now as we do this okay so when we solo this group we don't hear the Reverb now if this Reverb was being routed out to the group now when I solo the group so if you added a instrument like let's say you added a midi track you may have to make sure that the audio output for that midi track in the mixer is set up so when you go to the mix console to make sure that that where this midi is routed to if it's going to a virtual instrument that that is going into the same group but it seemed to kind of work as expected here but let me know David if you're doing the you know so the Reverb can go to either the stereo output or to the group so if you if it was being routed to the stereo output and you solo the group you won't hear it because the Reverb isn't going in through the group but you could there's reasons you could have for doing it either way but that seems to be kind of working as expected for me David um so let me know if that makes sense for you all right uh Damien asks hey Greg when I open a new project qbase tells me you could not create a project directory how to fix this thanks for your help so make sure that when you're creating a new project so if we come here to file to new project we'll say create empty make sure that it's not going into a folder that's perhaps right protected and see if you just go into a new folder um so it could be that the folder that you're saving into could be right protected or sometimes it maybe it's you know if you copied something from a DVD drive maybe it's going to the DVD drive where it can't really write off audio for that so you know try changing the default path if you have a different dis and see if you get that also it could be something like that particular folder is set up with different user permissions and disk permissions maybe you have that folder that you're trying to record to also set up for being scanned by antivirus program like Windows Defender so some some of those different things may cause the message that you're running into Damian wonderful Z Jazz dude on great see qbase index Yan from Stockholm glad you can make it today wonderful to see Michael Pierce on early we have Robbie boing ever so faithful attendee from Dallas Texas hope you're doing well all right we have John cigan checking in from kosha Wisconsin uh Dallas Laro asks when putting qbase on a new computer it must be a nightmare to transfer all third-party plugins is there best or better way to do it thanks Greg so with third party plugin ends you know it it's really you know it could be up to how the third party is set up so if it is whether you have the actual hard disk or Hardware kind of recognized that may be one thing if you have thirdparty plugins that utilize ilock and you've chosen to store the ilock licenses on the USB iock then just simply reinstalling and connecting the particular ilock uh you know to the computer in the USB port the licenses should be transferred over and you could just reinstall some people will use a like an archiving software where they could take an a dis image like old days used to be a program called A cronis True Image where you could basically take a you know almost like a picture of your computer and migrate that over depending on the copy protection mechanism or licensing that may work for a lot of different plugins it may not work for others so there's different approaches and each thirdparty plug-in provider you know may have like a really easy solution some you know may not be as straightforward as expected so it's but it's really up to how the third parties will Implement that migration to a new computer all right wonderful see Michael hen henriksson from Olympia Washington beautiful part of United States all right we have Jay from Switzerland checking in Spa dogs is joining us from outside of Toronto and Canada thanks for being online we have uno momento saying hi from Finland uh Ralph Nelson Tucker asks I have created a map to control the mixer but now some of the qbase functions have gone missing the actions are not available anymore in the functions browser so let's take a look at the midi remote so I'll make this my active midi remote and let's just come over to the mixer and we go [Music] to our mapping assistant here so let me know if you know it could be that if you have channels That these channels could be based upon the particular project so if you are working with a project that doesn't have any channels that those may show up missing so let me know if it's under let me just reread the question all right so and says some of the qbase functions have gone missing so let me know if it's under actions or if it's under the channels so if we had created mapping for particular channels for a project and those channels don't exist in another project they may show up as missing so if you could specify if it's under the mix console I think so let me know if it's under the mixer here and if you happen to know which functions went missing but if we add more channels here so let's say if I add you know number of audio tracks and then we open the mapping assistant and we go to mix console that you know we could you know depending on like what the project is and the number of channels that some of those functions may show up is missing so if you could if you have any more specific information uh please feel free to share it with us Ralph all right uh Bal asks hi Greg does qbas deactivate notes on midi keyboard are used to trigger chord pads to not play the sound of that note with the chord generated I believe so but let's go ahead and just test I'll just open up quick project okay so let's say we get to our chord pads all right so now the chord pads aren't active so now that this is defined I can't play this note here so there's no chord associated with it but if I turn it off but notes that are kind of defined in the chord pads will be blocked from sounding so if I play C Shar it's playing an a major an A7 chord but it's not triggering the actual chord the actual note that's played but if I as soon as I turn this off so I play this and then is our trigger note here and that's not in there so it actually seems like it's blocking the particular note right so we see from Patrick hi Greg I've just made myself an extensive Vienna Ensemble Pro template I now notice I can't import rack instruments from my template into projects is there a way around that okay so uh all right so let me just set up the scenario so it might have to be tied to the actual note itself so I'll just go to like VST instrument rck let's add it as a [Music] rack [Music] okay so now we have a a midi track that's being routed out to the Brack so let's save this okay so you can't import rack instruments into other projects okay okay so I'll just save this okay so I'll do a new project we'll import tracks from Project all right we'll choose the project we just created so now I'm going to import the VST instrument and the hoan Sonic so yeah it looks like it's not going to be set up and carried over because I I don't think that the actual you know track itself is carried over and I know that working with being an ensemble that that may makes that people tend to work more with the rack instruments when dealing with that um I'll pass along and see if there's you know I can see where there's not a direct correlation from the mid track itself could be be sent to anywhere and we may have to save that as a let's see if we don't save this and we jump back to here and I save these three let's try exporting the tracks right we'll say this to desktop quickly do new project and import the track archive see if that carries it over I don't think it will but we'll give it a shot yeah so it looks like the midi track destination rack instrument isn't carried over I'll I'll mention that again to see if there's any thoughts as to maybe implementing that sorry about that Patrick Matt Elder asks from Toronto uh I'm trying to edit live drums manually why is the event so dark when trying to edit it' be much easier if it wasn't dark is that possible okay so I'll open up project with drums so let's say if we were editing drums so if we want it to change I'm not sure Mt if it's changing this background here let's go to your preferences and under color schemes user interface to color schemes I think we go to the edit editor area background let's move this up that now if if it's this background area that you wanted to change that you could change that so once again go to your preferences to color scheme and then you'll see editor area background and then you could change that to go back and forth to make that lighter if you needed to so but and also you know the the colors can be you know extracted from the color that we have here so let's say if we go to our definitions so the waveform color if you wanted to change that is if you just kind of come over here you could scroll through different colors here by holding down the alt or option key and using your mouse scroll wheel to go through different color choices like so let me know if that's what you mean Matt or if I'm misunderstanding all right so we see from uh David Griffith thanks Greg guess it was to do with where I was routing the effects Channel too so glad you got it sorted out all right so we have a question hi Greg how do you make it that multiple midia events not glued in the same track each show different color different octave visually not having to glue the hole um not having to glue the whole event to see the difference in octaves please okay okay so just rereading this how do you make it that multiple midi events not glued in the same track each show different octave visually not having to glue the hole to see the difference in octaves please all right okay so let's say we have three events so I'm not sure if I totally understand how do you make it that multiple midi events not glued in the same track each show a different octave okay so not glued in the same track each show different octave visually all right so let me see if I can make this even just create a part that might show this a little [Music] easier [Music] all right just all right so I'm not sure if you want to you know depending so let's say if I take these notes here I'll just select and move these down an [Music] octave so looking at it visually here so I'm not sure if it's when we're looking at it visually here so it may not show um the relative if you wanted to see kind of the relative octave difference in this so it may kind of show the content optimized for the octave so that you could see uh more content visually within the display but let's take a look and go to event display if there's thought that there was some settings here so if we show as scores let's see what that looks like if we do this so it doesn't really differentiate the octave but I think kind of the intention is to show if it's if you wanted to see like you know this differentiated between these two I think it's the intention is to kind of show the particular data on uh that's optimized so you could get a sense of what the part is and not necessarily using that as the basis for a pitch indication but I'll see I'll pass that along as well all right so we have Joseph from Missouri migrating from FL Studio to qbas Pro 13 thanks for joining us and welcome from Missouri Missour and we're glad that you've migrated to cuase and we look forward to seeing you on many many more future live streams all right so we have a question how many users for per purchaser so when you run when you purchase a license at cuase uh you could run it on up to three your license you can run it for on three different systems we don't necessarily think of those as users but one user that can have it have it assigned and running on three different uh three different machines Balsa asks hi Greg is it possible to write automation for arpeggiator rate in hertz so I don't I think that the arpegiator is going to be written not necessarily in frequency we'll take a look but rather in probably more of musical terms so we'll come over to the synth base part let's go to our midi insert and we will just come over here to an our Pache SX so so I don't think that this is going to this will be in um in kind of a musical context for the frequency as opposed to different Herz so I don't think that we could do it you know 400 htz because you know generally arpeggios are going to be set up in showing rhythmic intervals so but and if we wanted to you know come over here we could change this so if and also if we wanted to go let's say we have or our if we wanted to automate this to go from 16th notes to eth notes so if we wanted to automate the frequency of that maybe not necessarily hurts but the frequency what we could do is let's go to our quick controls and for this quick control we could just click on learn and I will adjust this parameter see if that is oh so we could do Tempo but not Hertz so let's say all right so I will just come over here all right let's get to my quick controls I think we could automated it here scroll this down all right so let's come over here I think we go to right so there be and then we go to inserts we'll say arache SX and we will say step size so now as I go to a mid remote so come over here to my mid remote and I'm going to put this into my focus quick controls and as I move slider one so let me just solo [Music] [Music] this so you could just kind of come directly over here and go between and automate the particular values for your arpeggio but it's not necessarily in hertz but again if we we go to the quick controls we can now just say we wanted to go to your step time and then from your step time you could automate the frequency and change different rhythmic values to automate the arpeggiator see Jazz dude posting about unchecking read only option probably with the earlier question I see Michael teams still has his internet down from Friday we hope you're doing okay with the storm he's checking in from the phone there probably no virtual ice cream today okay my Chatfield just jumped on me okay so we have a question um is it possible to flip the stereo in a midi Channel I know how to do that in audio track but I want to do that on midi tracks some VST high hat sounds too much on the right I want it left so depending on your instrument so let's say if we have like Groove agent here for instance and I wanted to switch to [Music] perspective so like our Toms are going like left to right so a lot of drum instruments themselves if we go to the mixer and let's let's go ahead and go to our kit mix at this point so like my high [Music] hat is so we'll see this little left or right button here so that will allow me to switch so my Toms are panning kind of the opposite way so that's more drummer perspective audience perspective so you could do it like that also on the if you wanted to flip if the instrument that you're working with doesn't have that capability and you're running it as an instrument track if you go to the Panner so let's say uh we could place this right click we could put it into a stereo combined Panner where you see it turn kind of aqua and if we just hold the left Mouse button down and move it up we could just invert and reverse the panning on the drum channel right there so you know generally midi itself doesn't have you know a left right you can set up panning but generally not within the drum kit but you could just switch the Left Right panning just by going right over here so right click in the Panter field on the stereo track switch to the combined Panner and then do do it so that that it is orange so we see the left on the right hand side or the left here and right and when I flip it we have right and left so we could see that those panners are inverted there so give that a try okay so we have white Sky beats on thanks for joining us all right we have razel checking in from Denmark uh we have Rockport Tigger from Rockport Texas thanks for joining us have a good friend that lives there right zerx M says hey Greg how can I send more than four midi sends so basically I have midi which triggers my main Dr kit perfect drums and would like to have more than four sends of that midi so I could layer uh snare kick Etc so you don't necessarily you know one of the things that you can do is and I tried to show this last time and I kind of had a brain cramp on it but if we had multiple see if we still have that uh drum project open all right so yeah so so let's say I have like kick and snare going to two different sources here so I'll activate this [Music] project all right and I'll just take the Reverb off this it sounds reasonable so one of the things that you could do is if we look at this and we go to a we want to go to a drum editor and I kind of have brain cramp on this last live stream so we'll show this so let's get to the routing and we'll go to drum editor we'll go to drum map setup and we'll just create kind of an empty map I think that will do the trick we're going to select this empty drum map so now when I double click we could scroll over we can see that this is going to the track settings but I could also have sound so say I want to take my snare drum and then I want this snare drum to go out to howan Sonic on midi channel one so now I could paste in different sources within the same drum event so I'll erase this [Music] so at this point we could just put in different sources so I can say Okay I want my high hat to be going on channel one out through my howi and Sonic so at this point I could so now instead of having to you know have sends I could have one track that is playing back kind of all of these particular sounds for [Music] us and let's say I wanted to put a symbol crash you know or Tom but I want this Tom to be on let's say on my groove agent kit so I could again have multiple drum [Music] sounds and have those just kind of mapped within one single device kind of so again when we go to drum Maps we want to choose drum map setup create click on the plus sign to create an empty map and then you could route you could have one editor but route multiple sources so let me know if that would work for you xerx all right so we see Ralph Nelson Tucker says follow up to the qbase function have gone missing the actions are not available anymore in the functions browser number of mixer Bank channels fixed it thanks all right great thanks for letting us know all right wonderful to see Mark Raven on all right see maybe Mark is traveling and Stella is back in the studio so everyone give a big woof virtually to Stella all right okay so we see Patrick um just asking if you receive my followup email about the thread distribution feel free to respond at the end of the live stream it's usually do with emails yeah so I think you know I'm not sure if you had a chance to follow some of the links that jazz dude had posted there's a number of links and this about kind of thread distribution of different processes but I'm not sure if you watch ones that jazz dude posted from the Cubase Nation Discord but that's probably what I would refer you to those are great resources all right so you see Matt Elder just says changing the event so let me scroll back for context make sure see if I can find the first part of okay just about the seeing live drums that were dark okay so we see like changing the actual event for the drums so let me know if when you color the tracks themselves so if we come over here to our recent projects and so let me know if you know if we wanted to also come over so while we're editing the drums here if we see that these are darker than expected you know there are different coloring schemes so if it's when you're doing the drum editing here like so if you if you wanted the actual events you know we could go to preferences and then if we go to like a vent display you could come over and let's say if we go to audio you can say waveform brightness so if you want it your waveforms to be it's like on the project window if you wanted those to be very white or you know we could you know apply different settings for that thought it would maybe carry over into the sample editor but then we could use kind of the actual colors there so let me know if changing the color on the event is helpful for you Mark graen wishing Michael teens closer wishing Mark Ren wishing Michael teams good luck with his internet and that he's in no Orleans all right wonderful to see Nick checking it from Sussex all right uh Rockport Tigger asks I have a serious complaint with 13 Pro I had a project for school and the mastered final would not export at 124 BPM no matter what I did it was always set sent at 20 okay so let's say I will take this project and I'll do just a small export of it so let's say we have this at 100 beats per minute so you know I'm not sure if you had the marker track or the tempo track enabled so let's come over make sure that we're going to rightclick to add a Tempo track we'll make this a little larger so we want this Tempo track and say I want this project to be and I'm going to put the value here we select a value I want this to be 124 all right so if we all right so I'm going to now at this point export we'll do our export audio mix down I will create an audio file and let's get to the naming scheme uh and see if it so won't okay so I will now export the track so make sure that when you're exporting that the actual if you have it set to 124 that you the tempo track might need to be enabled we'll test it both ways here let it finish its export next test I'll do it a little smaller okay so here's our export test so right now we listen [Music] to so it's playing back at the same exact tempo there so make sure that you didn't have like a Tempo event turned on I will erase this track so I'll remove that track let's now I will set 124 beats per minute in we won't activate the tempo track and I'll do just a small smaller section for time sake so iile export audio [Music] mixdown we'll create an audio track export audio sorry all right so so there's our exported [Music] file so no difference in tempos so make sure also that when you're doing the export audio mix down that you're not that you're doing at the same sample rate as the project as well so maybe that's causing an issue if you're importing a sample rate that it might be playing at a different Tempo but it seems to be working as expected here all right inactive users asks uh how can I move multiple inserts in the mixer view up and down without moving every single one drag and drop is there a way to move for example four plugins at once up and down all right so let's take a look I think that we can uh insert some different tracks so let's add an audio track I'll just drag over a track preset okay we will go to our mix console to look at our all right so I don't think that these are kind of draggable down uh but I think if we go to our inserts here so let's get to like a VST effect so if I wanted this effect and I put it in the top that it will move the rest of them down so and then you could just drag and drop those effects but I don't think that there's a way to kind of physically move these down as a group uh so we can come over we could copy these and if we select a different track here we could paste but I don't think that there's so you can kind of put a dummy plugin in so if I put it at the top that will move it down like that um but let's see if I put it so but that may not help moving it up so I think a lot of times that this order could be you know crucial for gain staging and putting other effects but if you wanted to move them down just kind of move a different plugin over top and then let's see if you if we yeah then you could remove that plugin and that will shift like you know seven or eight plugins down so that might be a faster way to approach it but there's no way of kind of selecting all of the different insert effects and moving them down that I know of all right Patrick ask asks hi Greg is there something I could make in the midi project logical Editor to extract only the Basse note or the top note of a given midi event all right let me switch projects okay so let's say I have I'll just revert this quickly so I get some more relative better midi data to work with okay so let's say we have midi data here so if you want to select the tall the highest note uh we could use the midi logical editor so let's come over and say we want to go to The Logical editor go to setup move this over so if you wanted to select or extract ract so I'll just work with this on doing selection first we want to select type is equal to note and we'll say context variable it's going to equal highest pitch so now we could select the highest pitch and if we wanted to extract that note or to insert exclusive we could now select extract to track so I want to take the highest note extract it to a track you know it's probably going to be added at the very bottom and now we just have that particular note automatically extracted so again we could choose extract track or select copy whatever uh we choose type is equal to note context variable is equal to highest pitch lowest pitch average pitch highest velocity so there's some different criter iera that you could use okay so see uh clarification from Matt Elder says hi Greg I mean when editing drums when they're in a group to avoid phase issues not the editor window I don't want the event in the project window to be dark thanks okay so sorry for my misunderstanding so I think that when we're doing that it indicates that the notes are selected so we'll activate this project so as we select these these events are selected and then as we do are warping so I guess you don't want this to be darkened while doing the editing so I'll create the warp markers from the hit points let's go to my warp tool and select so sorry so I think that that is still that the they are selected indicating that those particular events are selected as opposed to um not being selected and they need to be selected as you do warping uh but let me just see if there's a way to I don't know a way off top of my head but let me see if there's a way for selected tracks in the user interface so we do project area background editor areas but not so I think it's when it's selected that it will turn black I'll make sure to pass that along I think I understand sorry about misunderstanding Matt everyone's happy Mark Ren is on so happy to hear Mark Raven's super happy with Nick's mix well with Mark Mark is happy with Nick's mix so we'll have to maybe on the next Zoom social meet up we'll have to hear the song Maybe Nick will be able to share it okay uh we have a question hi Greg a few weeks ago asked how to use the logical Editor to create random pitch values for selected notes could you please demonstrate it again okay so let's just say we want to find so if we have particular notes so say I want to random uh notes that are F3 okay let me just reread this again okay so it see um so once again I asked how to use a logical Ed Editor to create random pitch values for specific notes could you please demonstrate again it seems to not be working for me for some reason ideally I would like to create drum fills and select only the notes I want it I want to be random example notes are not adjacent I understand that need to be to use filtering logic to define the pitch values but it still doesn't apply to notes I choose I would appreciate if you could check if this works for you okay so let's say we want to we just quickly come over here let me invert the [Music] selection and say we'll just have F3 notes Here Right and I'll just draw in some low notes here so this be easier to visualize all right so let's say I want to take F3 notes and randomize those pitches so we'll go to our midi logical Editor to set up we're going to transform we're going to say type is equal to note and we'll say say subtype is or we'll just say subtype is equal to F3 all right so if we select these notes so now we want to take uh the pitch and we'll say and we can say for a midi note we'll say subtype and we'll say Let's uh set to random value [Music] between let's say G3 through C4 okay so now when we hit apply okay oh sorry all right so we say set the random values between all right let me just let's say I'll just come here hit the midi notes and that will capture that okay so let me just try this one more time let's select all these go up to F3 so we want to take just all right and I'm just going to select these just to make sure I have the condition right okay so now transform okay so I want let's say [Music] G3 okay doesn't seem to be doing what I would expect all right let me just do just a quick midi learn make sure I'm getting the right octave here okay my phone laying on the keys prob not helping all [Music] right so there so you could kind of pick your values right there so now any of the notes that were on this particular pitch we could just choose to randomize between those particular pitches so let's say anything that's on that pitch and you could just like I did I just hit on my midi keyboard and now we could just randomize those pitches like so so again transform you want midi notes that are equal to F3 or whatever pitch that you want to change and we'll set this to pitch which will then change the subtype because it's a midi note message set to relative random values you could just click here hit the midi notes that you want to be transformed to and then if you want it let's see if we could do it only for specific notes yeah so let me know if that's helpful for you all right great to see Danielo toan on from Germany thanks for joining see John cin may be making progress with his nectar controller so all right kaid kaida Libre asks hi Greg I was editing dialogue when some waveforms not all disappeared after zooming in to a certain extent they are still perfectly audible just not represented visually anymore any tips all right let me open let me just import dialogue track here sorry okay so let's I haven't really encountered that so sometimes I think that there is a preference for if you're zooming in like a quick Zoom let me just see if I can find a preference for it so if quick Zoom if you go to preferences to editing to zoom I think that like while you zoom in that the waveform may disappear so check and it may redraw when you let go of the mouse but let's say if I but while you're zooming in the waveform may disappear temporarily so check to see if again if you get a preferences editing to zoom that quick Zoom see if that is turned on and see if you if it is try disabling that and see if that makes a difference for you all right we have erif B checking in from the Netherlands thanks for joining us today right we see Jazz dud posted the link to the cuas nation Discord all right my chat field just jumped just okay so back to where I was all right so you see from uh Rockport Tigger says uh let see Michael Pierce may have asked about it says one preaster track that I final mastered I tuned it all up for hours and trying to export it will not save as wave correctly so so yeah let me know if you know make sure that you're exporting to the you know same sample rate as well so all right we see Mark rayen wants everyone to hit the like button great to see Terry Dean on and DJ stats saying cheers to everyone all right we have uh raay track watching from Abu Dhabi thanks for joining us from UAE great C saurin from Sweden all right we see Michael Pierce also has a point uh from that could have an impact on exporting 120 to 124 so let me know also if when you're uh and just for Rockport tiger if you're importing it into the same project so like if you're having problems and it's playing back faster when you do your export audio mixdown does it are you choosing to create an audio track which will place it at the bottom of the project and see you know like how you saw I did it before we comparing the project to itself and also to make sure that that particular audio file if you select a file that it's not in musical mode and you can do that by going right here to the particular info line and make sure that musical mode is disabled okay while I'm gaming asks hi I've totally forgotten how to see midia information of a clip in the main sequencer there's an icon on the channel but I don't remember what it was not Lanes but the other function so it's probably edit in place so if we have an event so if we wanted to see this if we rightclick we could go to our track control settings and then you'll see an edit in play place so let's see if I so I'm and it's probably in the hidden command so I'm just going to do it for my instrument track so I'll select edit in place we'll add it so now it's indivisible commands hit okay and now when we come over here we'll see this little option that will allow us to edit in place you could also hit I think it's control or command plus shift plus the letter i to open and close the edit in place whether you have the icon or not so let me know if that's it and then but again track right click to track control settings and make sure that edit in place is not in the hidden contents but in the visible controls all right so we see Greg K be mentioned that the Discord server is a private initiative of jazz dude non-official resources Steinberg the server is complete out of control of Steinberg so yes that's why it's always called the I think it's called officially called The Unofficial Cubase Nation Discord so yeah so it is not officially run by Steinberg so okay so we see Michael teams just says thanks Greg for the great job you're doing thank you for the kind words okay Michael Pierce says just a reminder to everyone to slap the like button see while gaming says never mind it was edit in place all right well we'll show it for the other benefits of others Michael Pier says oh that's a neat drum mapping technique never knew that revelation of the day already so that's good he had it in 45 minutes lonol Thomas Art Studio asks hi Greg is there a way to save the audio connection setup input and output external instruments and have them automatically available or loaded when opening a new project so if you don't change any of the settings they're automatically preserved when you go to different projects uh so but if you go to our studio menu to audio connections or hit F4 we could save presets for the inputs the outputs the control room and for group and effects those are generally going to be you know project now if you have an external effect or an external instrument what you could do is once you have it configured just come over here and if you rightclick we could say add to favorites and then you could recall the list of favorites so when you want to utilize you know a distressor when you want to utilize a lexicon Reverb you could just open up that favorite so it's not saving as a preset per se for the external instruments or external effects but you could save it as a favorite which will recall those particular settings and favorites will allow you to have you know one compressor maybe for distressor but that uses this input and output but maybe you have a different compressor like a you know dbx compressor you want it to use if that's also saved as favorite that point you could take your particular favorite and just load up to dbx 160 and then that would be your external choice but you get to share so you could have favorites loaded at different times that could share the same IO settings kwin Franklin asks uh at Greg uh to me uh why don't the names of GrooVe agent pad show in the drum editor they will all you have to do is the drum editor is utilizing is utilizing the drum Maps so with Groove agent all you would need to do is in the routing tab come over you'll see your drum maps and if we add a new one you could just say create drum map from instruments I'll just add a new groove agent since I have these so we'll add a Groove agent SE let's do just a little bit of well load a kit with the patterns let's say Simon Phillips kit okay so now lots of different drums numerous times the kind of kit that you have if you have a roie that sets it up for you so right now we have the Simon philps kit so I will and I go to edit we may see just kind of like May default to opening up in a midi key editor so I select this we go to the drum map under the routing tab go to the drum map and we say create drum map from instrument so we could do this for Groove agent and now when we double click all the names from all the instruments are automatically carried over so I come here I know this is a crash try to tip so all the names from Groove agent are automatically extracted and created from a drum map so again just go to the drum map area and choose create drum map from instrument and all the sounds will automatically be carried over for you all right so you see comment from Ed rugman says Greg apologies if I missed it but I just wonder if you got my email about the time warp tool and grid editing being slow and studying graphically in a large project no quantise on y so I did respond via email to you so if you know so if you want to check your email but it did respond via email so if you don't have it just uh feel free to email me again at Club cuas Steinberg dode and it may just show up from a different email address like my work email so may be like gondo you might search for it okay Tom player asks Greg is there a way to force cuase to use inputs non-exclusively um so I'm not sure if it's midi inputs or audio inputs or if it is with uh external effects so if you could clarify but you know if it's like an audio input if we come over to an audio track we can you know pick and choose any input so if I want it my left stereo in there and my left stereo in here we could record The Source but maybe if you could be more specific Tom that would be uh that' be helpful for me okay so you see from Rockport Tigger just says uh I set this up in a premaster preset dock at 124 BPM with reference track dropped the correct uh it's 12 final tracks in saved as pre-master single track dropped it in master file yeah yeah so um yeah and if you want to send me a screenshot Rockport Tigger you can email me at Club cuase Steinberg dode okay so we see maybe a clarification from Tom player says uh for instance I want to use Mic preamp for mic input but also have it as a stereo line warmer but when you have the same routing it disables the new setup okay so if you're using it as an external input for an effect so you know at that point you know the the goal is so you know if you're using external inputs for the effect you know maybe when you want to use it just simply you know open up the favorite in your external effects or just do do the routing so you know a lot of times you know people you know the intention is that when you have an external effect and let's say you you know you want that to be recalled immediately so you know there's nothing worse than if you un render if you unrendered it sounds different that was the intention of kind of keeping it the exclusivity but you know you could quickly just come over here and just choose to not have the connection made if you want to share the input of a mic Channel with the input of an external effect processor so you may have to manually do that uh but they want it to be so that you know if you freeze a track with external processing that it would sound the same when if you undo it and play the audio back that it would sound the same those conditions would be kind of fixed so that's kind of the intention wonderful to see Kerwin Young on from Atlanta congratulations I was listening to your interview on Sunday about your uh your piece at Oberlin congratulations everyone check out everyone Google Kerwin young I think it's like a A hip-hop concerto so congratulations on your success I'm super happy for you I got to lecture at Oberland a couple years ago so a lot of fun and my cousin went there okay so we see Rockport Tigger says plays fine will not export no matter at 124 beats uh didn't kalk 3 seconds Place fine will not export no matter what 124 so yeah if you want to send me a screenshot of what you're doing again you could send it to Club qase at Steinberg dode okay all right so we see from uh sa says uh Greg my girlfriend has a situation I've not looked at the project myself she has created a send effect to a I guess to in track and when she moves the fader on the send effect the volume of the track goes with it so maybe what happened is that those two tracks are linked so maybe it's something like let's add an effects channel to the selected track here okay let me just do that again and let me change the folder and we'll create outside folder okay so maybe it's something that these are linked together so if we come and activate you know like our Q Link let me just close this you know if these were maybe linked together or q- link that now so these should be just unlink these that now when I adjust one that both of them will adjust so maybe it was accidentally linked together sa so make sure or if Q Link is turned on and they're both selected that they would both move simultaneous l okay all right so you see question from uh lightel Thomas art studio uh it says Greg this freezing the tracks I don't use and save the project as template for easy recall allow the project to load faster uh loading projects with multiple synth tracks takes too much time on cuase so it uh so if you're freezing tracks that you don't use you know so if you're not using the tracks you know maybe don't freeze the tracks but you know the one thing that could speed up you know loading up templates is instead of freezing the tracks is if you rightclick on the tracks and there's a disable selected tracks and then start from that that that could speed up up loading and of your templates for you so generally freezing the tracks if you you know allows you to render the content so if you're not using the content I wouldn't render the content so but I would probably disable tracks that you're not using all right uh Rob asks hi Greg uh from Tarpon Springs how do you overlay a midi track onto an audio track to to edit it and match the midi note length start time with the audio easily by visually seeing them overlapped so the only way to do this and this may not work work in in your particular situation is let's [Music] say so if I'm doing this in very audio so a lot of times what you may have to do is you know come over here let's say we double click click on the midi [Music] event okay and now if we want to edit the audio here we could align you know the the audio to the midi or if we're in the sample editor we could look at this and again with the in place editor so they're not necessarily overlaid but if we want it to use this as kind of the basis so this may not sync but if it's like a vocal track what you can [Music] do and again I realize that this may not work but if you go to the very audio because generally the audio midi editors are a bit distinct so we'll come over here to very audio we'll edit it let me could just clear my throat and at this point we could choose a midi reference so we could just say okay let's go to our hallan Sonic and now we could you know see different midi editing we could see the midi reference but this doesn't necessarily work in the other sample editing environments so you can put them up right next to each other but generally you know the that's the only way to have midi within an sample editor and I realize that may not work if it's not kind of like a monophonic source but that's one the only way I know of of doing it other than kind of having them aligned directly underneath each other rub all right we see Michael Pierce has take off do some tutoring for Ukrainian student all right always great to see per T kenon from Finland thanks for joining us okay okay so we see Rockport Tigger so yeah please send me just a screenshot of what you're doing and if you want I'd be happy just to do a a quick screen share session with you so I'm sure it's something simple but you know generally everything exports without issue here so but send me an email to Club qbas at Steinberg dode all right wonderful to see Jason Sykes from South Shields England he's an hour late because of the time difference so we'll be all back in sync in about two weeks I think okay just reading through comments you know Chatfield jumped still reading through comments okay still reading through comments here okay so we see uh from Nell yis uh easiest way to fix clipping so you know so the easiest way to fix it is to actually just have something that's recorded at at 32-bit floating point so so let me just set up a quick scenario here I'll do a new project so you know when we're working you know qbase can work in up to 64-bit resolution and if we record a file that is exported uh and it's clipping like while it's exporting if it's 32-bit floating point this gives us a lot more headro to work with so I'll just kind of create this scenario let's go to drum Loop [Music] here okay so I want to take this drum Loop and this will be the same Principle as if we recorded it and I'm going to take just a portion of it and just boost the gain significantly in this measure so let's come here let's cut I will raise the volume here so that this will be clipping so we listen to it I'll turn to monitoring volume [Music] down all right I'll take off [Music] the all right so let listen to this and see this is clipping here and let's say I'll just route this through We'll add some more gain just to make the clipping more obvious so imagine this was clipping on our input signal so I'm going to and come over here to processes let's add gain okay so we'll listen to this one more time see what the clipping is okay so that's clipping uh so what we want to do now is we choose export audio mix down and I'm going to make this just a quick I'll do the whole file here and we'll call this our 24bits I'm choosing my 24-bit resolution so we'll export and then just I'll export and let's we'll put it back into the same we'll create a track so this will be our 24 bit track and if I don't have it solo that would be helpful so we have clipping in there so I export the audio as 24-bit and we can see the clipping and now I want to take the same file I'm going to mute this take this track and Export it but at 32-bit floating point and we'll export the audio okay so when we look at our exported file on our 32bit and we'll play this back and we're going to see it's going to be clipped all right now let's listen to our 32-bit float and this will kind of sound the same [Music] initially so they're both both of the files are clipping but the 32-bit floating Point file if I bring down kind of the actual clip gain of it we could see that we could regain so right now I could listen to this and that portion of the file won't be [Music] clipping but if we do this for our 32 or 24bit we can see how the tops of the files will just get kind of chopped off whereas on our 32-bit floating point we have that resolution in internally to do this but when we do it for a 24-bit instead of getting that dynamic range back that's not actually processed so always record in 32-bit floating point and then that could prevent clipping on your audio file all right all right we see mcel just saying hello great to see Sable Winters on all right and Darren flake has joined us as well and we see Benny from Sweden great to see you on so I think Jazz dude found a link for kerwin's project all right uh and J buddan asks hi Greg some samples and presets that play slower on the lower Keys and conversely really fast on higher Keys is there a way that will play The Sounds the same length on different pitches okay so I guess it's maybe with the sampler track or if you're doing this with the groove agent as well so let say all right so I'm just going to drag the sample in so like the legacy of how Samplers will work is that you know we will have the root key so our root key here is C3 so when I play back this is the original tempo of the loop and if I play higher the pitch increases but the speed also increases so if we play back an octave higher it's going to play back twice as fast because it's twice the frequency of the pitch for the sample and if I play it back in the octave lower it's exactly half speed but if we wanted this to be a constant speed between all of whatever key that we press but change the pitch we would just enable audio warp so now it's going to play back the same pitch regardless so it's going to play back the same speed but different [Music] pitches and if we were to do this in Groove agent we could do that as well so let's just open up a Groove agent SE drag a loop and say I want the pitch to [Music] automatically play from C1 so as we would play back our groove agent but we could now come over to the sample so I'll select the original sample [Music] here and then we could just turn this on audio warp and we could now at this point play the same speed but higher [Music] pitch so that way the length will be the same so you can do it in the sampler track uh by enabling audio warp just right here you'll see the word audio warp it's could be subtle and then once we select the sample we could place the this by going into the sample tab you'll see audio warp there and then you could have those playback different pitches but the same speed so let me know if that is helpful for you all right and we see Roland from Sussex uh says checking in the live stream never fails to teach me loads I never knew cheers Greg all right see all right so wonderful to see Tim Weinheimer from Mission Vio California just uh just wishing saying hello to everyone thanks for joining us today uh John McDon music asked hi Greg I use qasis 3.6 I want to know what interfaces can be used for audio and midi IO nothing I own currently Works SSL 2 plus so any of the Steinberg inter I don't know all the other interfaces if they have IOS capabilities sometimes it could be tricky if they're just USB powered because a USB powered audio interface may have to be externally powered or it could really drain a portable device for like an iOS or Android device that could really drain so if it's going to be on iOS I know that the new Steinberg ISO series and the Steinberg uh URC series all will work under Mac windows and iOS uh but I'm not sure I I haven't checked to see what other companies work on iOS or not but I know that the Steinberg ones Theo which is kind of a new very budget friendly portable device it's really great for working with iOS devices and you could connect like a a cell phone battery charger like a 5vt battery charger to it so that's a popular choice it's super light and won't scratch up everything and very portable and we see uh it says I use only Android devices for my Q basis so I could check I think that some people have mentioned running the the URC but I could see if the iso uh if you I I will check because I have q basis on my Samsung phone I'll see if they're recognized uh using that so as opposed to iOS not as many work on Android but I I could do some checking right after John if you want to email me at Club cuase Steinberg dode just as a reminder all right so we see Rockport Tigger just says I just went reopened the project made no changes and it worked I worked on this for hours we're glad you got it sorted but if you want to be happy to you know if you run into it again please reach out to me at Club cubas at Steinberg dode see Sable Winters has dip out for a little bit thanks for stopping by all right Gerald elely from Martinez California says just stopped in and hit the like I'll review later hope to hang out on Friday uh Eric Fox asks hello Greg is it possible in the future uh to some future update in C13 to be able to read the patch names from VST sin like some other Daws can regards so it it could really depend on so when you're talking about VST synnth you know obviously we could read the patch names if they're done in VST preset format which is probably the most widely used not all third-party plugins support VST preset formats so you know depending on the plugin itself if it's capable of doing VST presets and I understand that as a plug-in manufacturer you make they want to have the same experience for different plug-in formats for presets that are kind of universal to perhaps your portfolio of products but we there is a standard that's available for it called VST preset so anytime that we go to different presets for you like you know obviously the Steinberg instruments will do this so when we jump here and go to our vstd instruments I can say oh let's go to Retro log and and I could see all of my presets available here so the format is there but you know check with your plug-in provider if they're planning on offering VST preset support all right all right so we see Danielle took hands says looks like April 30th they registered for UNESCO Jazz day did register for hybrid session uh it says there was a talk with Charlie Steinberg some time ago about VST connect he told that a multiple visitor and users yeah Charlie Steinberg is such a wonderful man I haven't seen him in such a long time since I've been to Germany but but hopefully I might be able to sneak out this summer I think there's going to be a 40th anniversary celebration for Steinberg um so we see from Danielle toan is uh he told that a multiple visitor and users is possible but I do not find the functionality So currently if you're working with VST connect uh you know the functionality that's in there now is going to be set up for a peer-to-peer connection and not use multiple connection not use multiple people together so uh but currently that's the functionality that Charlie has has created for VST connect all right so we have Forward Thinking checking in from Wales all right great to see Michael from coast mastering thanks for joining us okay so we see from Danielle toan says we do the event from two Mast sailboats but some musicians cannot join there so how do we set up VST connect for multi musicians so again VST connect is really set up primarily for a peer-to-peer connection and is not designed currently the functionality doesn't include having multiple musicians at once all right great to see the artist known as love says thank you for everything Greg thank you for the kind words and he wants everyone to hit the Thumbs Up Button all right great to see Val checking in from Vienna right all right Val has a question uh can I make parameters of an EQ React to what is going on a clip like velocity or frequency I'm trying to recate some recreate some automations of Ableton rocks so I think probably you know to do some different aspects like that you might want to work uh you know maybe with the FX modulator so let me just you know so what the let me just see if I may have a project to show this and if you want to send me like an email you know I may have to spend a little time kind of dialing this in but if you want to send me an email vow of something that you're trying to accomplish I'd be happy to try to recreate it in the FX modulator you know so if we wanted [Music] to [Music] so you know like what we could do is kind of depending um so you know you you could have different effects in here and those effects could be like a filter or if we want it to come over and have you know different effects so let's say we wanted our filter and we want our filter to kind of change let's come over say I want to shift like a filter drop here we can just kind [Music] of so let's come over here I'll just do a brand new instance of it so but you could have kind of different side chain inputs for this so let's say we'll just go to you can do like frequency shifters or [Music] filters let's say we just listen to um our pad here we just take the other two instances off [Music] here [Music] and let me [Music] just so we could just kind of come over here and add different modules that we see fit and have those kind of modulate over time uh but if you want to send me like kind of an exact layout of kind of what you're working on what you want to do but that way you could have like the filters and like kind of EQ um kind of you know some some of the different automations that you would probably expect to kind of work [Music] with [Music] so we could try out different [Music] envelopes so for those types of modulation effects that you can do quite easily inside with the FX modulator okay so we see from kwin Franklin Greg is there anything we could do any way to do something with the colors in the midi editor screen that gray and dark gray is a bit hard to see on smaller laptop screens so if we're in a midi editor if you want to change the colors again go to your preferences and you'll see under color schemes so if we want to change like the editor area background we could adjust like that so if you want it to be brighter or if you want different cycle areas so you can adjust kind of the different tints so that it's easier on different screens so again go to preferences under user interface color schemes you could do the project area background cycle regions grid lines your editor area background cycle regions grid lines ruler navigation so we could do some stuff like that so play around with those and see if it makes that helps out your situation Kai see Jazz dude says wink wink summer anniversary party well then we're going to have a special sales going on just my Nostradamus skills you know there's lots of promotions going on all the time okay okay so see v may send an email link to what you wants to kind of accomplish all right all right so you see Daniel toan says I could solve the problem if I could use and buy two VST connect versions rename them and use for each musician a different instance inside qbase we do not need to record and store this will be done by the TV and radio stations and they do not use Steinberg products um so yeah I I think that you'll find VST connect again as a peer-to-peer connection but you know I know that you're a software developer so maybe you could figure F something out but I think it's not really designed for multiple musicians to use it once so all right so I know we had a bunch of questions that were mailed in so let's get some of those we open up a project okay so let me just jump over some questions that we have for you okay so we had a question that came up in the last live stream can you discuss the automation merge modes for Midi tracks okay so and I had said I would do more research on it so let's go take a look all right okay so when we go to a midi track we could have different automation modes that we see here and sometimes these could be okay replace part range last value continuous average modulation now what this kind of handles is when we have we could let's say if we have a midi CC value like uh that we've written in on the event so when we just look at so we could have midi CC's that are just on a particular event so right now I have like CC1 modulation that's going from like you know very small value which increases so if we play this note that note gets louder over time so we could have automation that is midi CC's within the part but we could also have automation that will on the project window that will work with midi CC's as well so and this could present the problem of that we have automation data on the event and automation data on the automation track now we could sort out a lot of these differences by going to the midi menu to our CC automation setup so we could choose whether we want by default as we record automation to go to directly to an automation track or to the midi event to the midi part so by default we could set that uh and we could do this for individual midi CC value so if I always want modulation to go to the midi part but midi cc7 to go to automation on the track we could set that or choose to use these on global settings so at times these May conflict when we have Automation and that's on the automation track that's the same parameter as we have automation that's on or within the particular event so if I enable automation here we could see that when we now that we double click we can see this yellow line this indicates the automation from the track the automation track and the white line can indicate what the automation is on the event so now how these work together can be what these different settings are for so when we do a part range even though we can see that my automation here is set to be flat that we can now when we choose part range that this particular event will when this part comes in that the parts automation takes over so if I adjust let's say now when I let go I edit the midi CC data the part automation is coalescing to kind of match that so if we come over we can say now let's go to your part range we could do that now if we have automation that kicks in let's say there's an automation point after the event so this event has an automation that starts kind of in the middle not at the very beginning of the event so let's say we have we look at this we'll see and I'll close the automation Lane so now as soon as we click here we can see that I have no CC1 data until like this point in time in the middle of the event and that carries over so if we have our automation on and we choose to have the last event value so now when we double click wherever this the first event value for the auto a this value the automation will go to that value at the beginning of the event so that we could have a natural transition between the two events when we have our automations where we have our automation very high let's say in this case but uh the automation when we look at it so we have our CC data very low so let's say my CC data is around 25 or 30 but when we look at the automation my automation is very high so if I choose this to be average what this would do is average out the two values so it would kind of basically average between this super low value the super high value and it would create an average between the two two different values so again this would take our CC data which is at very low and our automation data that's very high and create an average and when we want to modulate between the two we could now come over we could see that we could have high automation so a loud level of automation here but low levels of automation now we could choose to have our modulation automatically so as I adjust here we can see that that will modulate between the two values so what all these are going to do is to basically tell you how when you have conflicting potentially conflicting automation values from the automation track to the midi CCS how that will be handled together okay all right so uh next question uh two questions for you might be too long to type into the club cuase chat uh the first is about the cuase files that get made has there been any advancement development to get theb AK files andc CSH files away from the CPR files in their own folders I'm currently doing an exploratory for please don't share with anyone uh and it just looks like a mess so currently when we go to backup a project and we'll just show this on Pro on we'll just come over to just I'll just show it here so when we have like you know backup files um that these all get stored at the same location so I know that this has been a longstanding feature request if the backup files would go into a dedicated backup folder so there isn't a way to automatically do that I know it seems like a simple thing to do that's obvious and people have been asking for it for a long time but currently they are at the same exact level as the CPR file when you look at it in your Mac OS finder your Windows Explorer so no advancements with that maybe we'll keep plugging away trying to get that feature implemented all right so a second question is about video files uh it says working on commercials receiving so many Cuts all the time I would love it if qbas nendo gave me the option to automatically copy the video files into their own folder inside the project folder um other programs do this and when I'm using uh it says it's a nuisance to have to copy uh to have to C have an auto copy just like it does with imported audio files would be such a GameChanger So currently there's no provision for importing files um into a particular project folder uh but it's easy to kind of you know in your project folder so let's say if I wanted to go to my project folder here for March 19th that when you download sorry when you go let's go to my finder here if I don't keep opening up Safari instead sorry about that so what I would do is as you get the files is just to download them into the program because you're probably not since you're not capturing the video files in the program so let's say if we go to your documents to projects we'll say Hangouts and we'll say March 19th that you know as you you know because as we I know we import video of audio files they could go into the project folder but as we record audio we Define that so but could easily just kind of create a new folder and call it video and every time you get a video edit just to download the video into the video folder for you so but I'll mention it again all right we have another question about two pops says I'm currently working with bar one and time code at one hour at the project start uh when I'm done I go to the project setup and do two second offset for my TWP it works great except for one thing that is I also need bar one to stay locked when I add 2 seconds now bar one floats is there a way to do this or is it better just have one bar set up from the beginning that covers two seconds and then have bar one come in at 1 hour okay so let's go ahead and take a look so let's say we have our video file and what we want to do and if you're not familiar with the TP it's often like a little beep uh that you hear 2 seconds before and it's you know very commonly used in post- production a lot of times when we see our measure here uh so I just added some uh ruler track so we can see that we're measure one starts at our time code value of zero so often in post production projects we want this to be set to 1 hour and then we want measure one to be at 1 hour and then add 2 seconds of space before kind of like dead space but we still want measure one to start at exactly one hour so I think the you know way that I kind of found to do this is I'm going to just move my cursor here to the beginning and if we go to the project menu and we'll say set time code at cursor so here we're going to just say we want this to be 1 hour so we hit this and you'll get you've modified time code offsets you want to keep the project content at its time code position here we're going to say no because I want the video file to be measure one at 1 hour exactly okay so I'm going to have two different time code formats I have bars and beats and time code here so I'm going to switch I'm going to hit the period key just above and a little bit to the right of the space bar and switch [Music] to my time code as my master time reference my grid I want to set to 1 second so what I want to do now is I'm going to hold down the alt or or the control or command key and the Plus on the numeric keypad I'm going to go over exactly 2 seconds so my time position that I'm at right now is set to 1 hour and two seconds okay so what I'm going to do now at this point is go to the project menu again and we'll say set time code at cursor to 1 hour exactly hit okay and when it asks us you keep the modified events do you want to keep the current content at its time code positions and here we want to say yes we just check that one more time okay okay so we're at two seconds all right let me just may have to start let me just do this process one more time because you have to do it in order here so let me just revert okay so I'm going to set the time code at cursor to 1 hour okay so we choose no and now switch to our Master timeline we'll set to time code 1 second and Advance 2 seconds again controller command plus all right let's set the time code at cursor to 1 hour okay so here we want to say yes and now thought that would automatically keep the and now at this point we would just come over here and insert our two top so let me just come over and just look for my file [Music] browser and then you could just kind of put the two-p in there I know when I did it before we had moved this now it had set the this to like start at measure one and then you could have your 2 seconds to start there all right so let's go on to next question okay so we had next question was I'm interested in finding out how to cut individual Clips on a stacked track without cutting all of them at once I'm using qbase 10 and it only cuts and it cuts through all the stack I can't can't seem to find a way to change it only to cut the top layer to do comps in a single Track by edits and moving clips from front to back as I've done for years in some earlier versions of nendo and qbase I'm aware it may be different approach but I have developed a technique in years of using nendo and cubas since the very first versions that is faster than the lanes method or other other Daw methods okay so it says without the ability to only cut the top litter drastically complicates this uh makes this ineffective all right so I think what we want to do is if we have files that are overlapping so we have different recordings I just made these into different colors so that as we work all right so if we now split these realize that we if I move these overlapping events that it cuts the underline buying events as well so what we want to do is to come over I'm going to move the cursor where I want to make the cut and I'm just going to hold down alt or option plus X we're going to kind of select the layer that we want alter option plus X so we'll come here alter option plus X and let's come here alter option plus X so now what we've done is we've cut the top layer and as I move this over the bottom layer is not cut so again make the cut not with the scissors tool the scissors tool will cut everything but what you want to do is to select the particular event move your cursor and ALT or option plus X on the selected event and then the underl events won't be cut so give that a try instead of use the scissors just alter option plus X okay so we had a question about one of Dom's videos um it says uh my problem when I hit enter and this is about uh tighten up your tracks like a pro one of Dom's tutorials says when I do enter as Dom said it 3 minutes 38 cubas just starts playing by default the command transport menu enters link to start so I cannot edit the waveforms the way Dom explained in the video also want to have the same colors up him in order to differentiate clearly the waveforms all right so let's say if I move this to different track I'll just undo some changes here all right so this was kind of dealing with I want to look at both of these and and I think when we hit the enter key it's not the enter key on the keyboard now if we want to differentiate the track colors or event colors one is we could just come right here to the colors hold down the alt or option key and we could change we could select the track colors here so as we change the track colors and we could override the track colors um which I had done here so let's say we have this as our track color that now so we have different colors and as these are overlapping if we wanted to edit both of those together um we could select both events and hit the enter key and this is on kind of not the enter key on the numeric keypad part but now when we hit enter we we could see both events in the sample editor so when we wanted to do let's say warping that we could see both the underlying event here so that if we wanted to do warping and editing that we could go come over here say Okay I want to do free warp and now while I'm on this I could move you know these particular events and we could choose that we want to edit only the active clip so as I do my warping now I can move this clip and have the other one as a visual reference so that I could move both of these together if I wanted those to be this one to be tightened up to match the timing of another event but I think and the question I think you know was now if I come over here I select both these and I hit enter on the computer on the numeric keypad it plays but if I hit enter on these events from you know the main part of the computer keyboard like under backspace above shift that then both of those events can be launched directly into the sample editor and we could choose to how we want these to be edited so if we wanted to edit the active clip or edit all Clips so if I wanted to move both of the tracks together we could do it like that or just use one as a visual reference and edit the one and then we could just come over here and switch between our different tracks there so all right so we had a question um is there a preference in qase which uh when disabled causes that I can no longer move a volume Fader by clicking with the left Mouse holding it and drag the fader up and down obviously I've unintentionally changed any preference settings but I do not know which one when I call up an older preference is preset everything works fine uh anything any idea what could be the problem so none really kind of jump out you know just seeing if you know so I guess this is moving the fader up and down with the mouse so I'm you know I no preference kind of really pops into mind um I'll just take another quick look you know and since you said you're holding the left Mouse button down is not going to be disable for the program change um so I don't know of any preference other than if the track itself is has automation on it you know so let's say if we come here and this track has Automation and the automation is you know set to read that if I move it that you know the automation kind of May jump back so let's say if we have an automation Point here that you know so sometimes it could be maybe that the automation that there's automation but there's no preference that I know of that really prevents the mouse from taking you know from controlling the faders um I'll continue to do some research on it but nothing that is kind of popped up to me all right another question hi Greg uh may have a question about qbase Pro 13 midi remote API I have a Kai APC mini Mark 2 controller that I've already set up as a midi remote API I've set up to control qc's quick controls with its nine faders that works fine what I what I don't don't know how to send out plain midi CC's with the two um with the nine fader controllers not only I can't send out the fader's own controllers when I move the fader no incoming data is visible in the midi monitor plugin but the CC is visible on the mapping assistant internal midi monitor but I can't uh can't ever I can't even able to assign CC values to the mapping assistant only qbase functions or VST parameters are assignable how can I set it up so that either fader sends out a midi CC value that I need again and not a VST parameter not a QC just mid CC okay so let's come over here and say I have my midi remote and I'll just use my faithful Nano control here so I have my Nano controls set up here for Focus quick controls so what we're doing is we're taking these particular midi messages these are all transmitting midi CC messages and we're taking these messages and routing them to functions that we see in the mapping assistant so I move this Vader we could see this function so this is the language that these use to control is a midi CC but when if we wanted to use this fader as a midi CC that CC message is being interrupted from qbase to go into the midi remote so to stop that what we could do is we'll just come over here let's in the midi CC so as I go to a particular midi track here okay and we go to our midi monitor I move the cc's on a unit they're not working so again the midi cc is actually being used to for the control so if we want to bypass that we could go to the settings go to script and disable the script and now as I move we're transmitting midi CC's when I want it to be functioning as a midi remote control I enable the script and now we're controlling midi CC messages so again we're not doing both at once because you know you might be writing a parameter on a synthesizer and while you're trying to do midi cc7 so it's going to work as one or the other but to turn it off go you know just select your control go to the settings to scripts and just disable the script and then it will transmit the normal midi CC messages for you all right we had a question of how to get rid of track pictures that are on tracks in a template so let's say I have different track pictures on so I'm going to come over here we'll assign track pictures to different tracks so I want this to look like a French horn that's my French horn part so I want that to be an octopad all right so when we go into our mix console we could see that we'll have these particular icons and we could zoom so if we wanted to get rid of the particular icons all we have to do is just double click and we'll see this little reset current Uh current picture icon so click there hit okay then the track picture will be removed like so all right next question that was mailed in how to quickly build a template from an existing project that resets ar2 extensions routings eqs and other mixer settings okay so let's go ahead take a look and I think maybe I started a quick project with this see if it's still in my all right I'll just open it okay so let's say we had a project and we wanted to kind of take everything out of the project and get rid of all of the connections so let's say we have an AR extension here going to spectral layers we have you know different uh eqs on our tracks we'll have different inserts so let's say okay we'll just have inserts on different tracks so each track will have EQ so a number of different things so we wanted to kind of make this a bit more uh homogenized so let's come over here and and we'll see our retro log okay so we have so let's say this is our template we're going to have different tracks routings you know all the good stuff so I'm going to save this so now what I want to do is we're going to do a new project so I want to save this as a template I don't want any of the media I don't want any of the extensions I don't want any of the eqs any of the effect plugins I don't want any of that carried over into the template because those are kind of more for this particular project so I want to use this project as the basis for the template but not have any kind of lingering references to the existing project for routing ex ar2 extensions and eqs Etc so I'm going to come over let's do a new project I will now go to import tracks from Project and I'm going to choose that project that we just had open all right so I'm going to not input the events I will not insert automation I will select all of the tracks we will hit okay and now when we get to our mixer we could have like different mixer settings we'll have our EES to get rid of this we go to the mixer setup page and just choose to remix to I'm sorry reset mix console channels so once we do that we'll get a message do we want to reset selected or reset all so now we reset all and our template is clean and at this point we would just save as template because there are no references to Media because we didn't import any of the media on the project so again once we do that just go once you have the project that you want to use as the basis for a template just import tracks go to a new project import the tracks and at this point select all the tracks exclude automation range and events and parts and then once you have that done go into the mixer and up in the upper right hand corner just choose to reset mix console channels like that all right let me jump back to our live questions thanks and you could always send questions in advance to Club cuase Steinberg dode right okay so we see from uh jav asks could could you please give a deeper General view of the possibilities of midi modifiers okay so let's take a look I'm going to yeah we just revert this all right so the midi modifiers are a great area in the program to do uh tasks like randomization of midi data so let's say everything that we're doing on this particular midi event so let's say we look at our velocity data let's say it's all going to be roughly [Music] fixed so we'll come over now to the midi modifiers so if we wanted to now come over here and transpose so if I wanted this to be an octave higher or I want it to be I want to play it in on a different key so we could do transposition we could also just come here and I want to take the velocity and decrease or increase the velocity [Music] values so we could also choose to compress velocity so let's say we have some velocities are low and some they're super loud some are low that we could come over and adjust I'll just close this out so we could apply compression on the [Music] velocity and now we could also just come over and do like the randomized part so as we come over here let's just say we want to randomize the velocity of notes it will say our maximum value I want to be 120 and our minimum value let's set it to 70 now you don't see these changes until you actually go to the midi menu and then we choose freeze midi modifiers then you could actually kind of see those particular changes but now if I wanted to randomize the position of the notes so now we could have the position be randomized or if we wanted to randomize to pitch up or down a semitone so we could have you know different targets for randomization of pitch velocity so you know all sorts of you know position pitch velocity length so if I wanted these all to be a little longer so this allows us to kind of soothe something that may have a very you know maybe something midi Wise It's a bit stale and boring and just kind of give a little more life into it so you'll also have her mode tuning so if you wanted to apply this for working with doing pure temperament and you could also kind of set up different range of targets if you wanted to have limits on velocity or filtering velocity or filtering no pitches so you could set up specific ranges where you do other aspects as well so it's a quick run through of some of the midi modifiers okay Val ask a question uh how to use a sample for example a beat Loop and have it played and outlaid with midi I'm sure you showed this already but maybe you can show it again so happy to so let's take a loop I think we have like a pretty generic drum Loop here so we we play [Music] this [Music] okay so what I want to do is we'll open up uh we could do this in a sampler track or we can do it in Groove agent and the principle is really very similar so I'm going to drag this Loop down to the sampler track we'll go to slice and then we'll turn that on and basically what this is going to do is slice based on the musical transients of it and once we do that we could see our midi note or little MIDI icon and then we could just drag that directly to our project window and now this will just slice and we could just have this automatically follow the tempo what this is doing is sending midi notes that is replicating the musical feel of the drum Loop and as we look at the sampler control again we can you know and we could edit these based on transient we could do it manually transient plus Grid or grid and now we could have that Loop automatically kind of broken down in the midi domain so if I wanted to now come over and let's just randomize some of the different sounds so I'm just using my arrow keys to go up and down so now if we wanted Like A variation so we have kind of the original drum Loop kind of starting here now and if I was doing this with Groove agent we would have a very similar approach to this but we could say Okay I want to open up this particular kit I will cut the kit drag this Loop into Groove agent we will go to the slice tab create the slices and now this automatically makes a pattern that we could drag out into our timeline so that we could have those same feels but that Loop kind of broken down into the midi domain so you have a lot more flexibility for manipulating and changing sounds and doing kind of natural musical variations using the same sounds in same rhythmic timing so we don't alter the groove unless you want to okay okay so we see from the artist known as love uh in a 7.16 setup in nendo Max Noma parallel pron is 26x 26 what would be your thoughts on presets for control room routing for instance 716 stereo mono reference track headphones Etc so I would probably set up uh an output so I'm not sure if you have an actual 716 monitor path I would you know most of the time when you're doing Dolby Atmos authoring you're doing like 916 uh so you could do that as a bed inside new window uh but if we wanted to now uh go to our Audio Connections I would probably have it set up for my speakers so or good to your control room and I would add a monitor and I would make this like my 714 monitor so let's come right over here and do like your 7.1.4 and if we have and we want to set this output as well so we want let's say a 714 out we will right click here and set this as the main mix so once we have that configured in the control room we go to the down mix presets at this point you could say Okay I want to go to my 714 to 51 to stereo to Mono so you have those down mix presets already configured in right there within the control room so uh if you want a reference track I would route the reference track to a headphone mix so at this point we could add in the control room go to the control room it will add a q mix so we'll see like what we call our Q so we can say okay and I already have one called reference and then I could have the audio track when we go to routing of our reference audio track instead of it being sent through our main monitoring path we can just simply come right over here and send it not to stereo um but we will go we want to send our output here to NOS go to the Q sends and once we have that set up we could say this Q is our reference and then turn this on to Zer DB and then when you want to monitor your reference source you all you would have to do is is come over here and just switch to uh your different headphone cix right here so and you could just do that directly from the main control room area so you could just say okay right here we want qix too that would be our reference we're listening to our mix and then under the down mix presets you could have all of your different options set up for you right there so that's how I would get it set up for kind of an immersive scenario all right so we see from 19 stride says it's Glenn here just want to say hi and thanks for your videos as always thanks for reading my future request emails too so thanks for sending them all right all right just reading through comments okay so we see from Spencer B uh High Greg in CU 13 under the cord pads I see what looks like an option to add a second player can this be able to play a second set of chords on a new instrument so let's take a look at the chord pads so I I see you know when we're doing this we could have like our chords so I think it's going to be you could switch between the players so let's say if we activate this and that we could so that we if we wanted to have you know players we could have a piano player which would give us piano chord voicings or a guitar player which would give us guitar voicing so you know generally for a guitar player if you played a D minor chord versus an E minor chord the E minor chord would sound lower because the lowest string on a guitar is an e and then if you play the D chord by just standard guitar tuning that would be higher up on the neck and wouldn't resonate you could obviously have different tunings on guitar but that's kind of the so I think it's going to be set up for one player but you could switch between because piano players and guitar players will play different voicings for guitars so that allows you to switch back and forth between them all right so we see illuminate asks hi uh please go over the arpeggio function all right so let's take a look and we will come over to I think right see if I'm right I'll just do revert this okay so there's two different midi arpeggiators all right so let's take a look uh I think I have one at the bass all right so now that we have our base we could go to a midi a midi insert and there's two ones one is more simplistic one called arache and then you have five and arache SX which gives you some more options so now as I hold down a chord we could choose to say Okay I want this arpeggio to be set for eighth notes and we can say I want the note length to be 302 notes or I want the length of the notes to be eighth and as I just hold down a different key those notes are now we could also get different sequences as well so let's add like maybe a guitar sound so I'll come over here to hian Sonic and I want perhaps like a nylon string guitar all right so we have let's say our guitar voice here I'll just make it a little louder here so if I wanted to now come over and just kind of do more typical guitar arpeggios you know we have different uh presets as well so come over here to like Factory presets we could say okay let's come over here to guitar so I wanted to so I'm just holding down a guitar like a [Music] chord [Music] so and as we kind of work with these you could just kind of again just say okay we want to have our different guitar voicing so we could do all sorts of great stuff with this as we're kind of working with different instruments so there's great presets that will also allow you to kind of mimic different instruments so if you want to work with piano sequences you wanted to work with guitars you have lots of great results with that now to if you wanted to actually record the results of that we see just a little white line we can move that down and this would indicate that when we play and put it in record that the results of the arpeggiation will be captured in Cubase in real time even if we play just one simple part okay okay just all right reading through comments all right okay still reading through [Music] comments some interesting discussion going on all right right sorry my chat field just jumped okay sorry just trying to find my spot where I was kind of reading through see Jazz dude listed unused midi CC's so that's good okay so we see hello I'm waiting patiently for my question to be answered I have three screens how can I separate each qbase window on each of the screens so what a lot of people will do and I I just obviously have one screen here for my live stream uh but if we wanted to have a lot of people will come over and let's open up like the full screen mix console so what you could do is just if you have multiple screens is just simply move that over to screen two when we go to a midi editor if we have this in full screen mode we can move this to screen three and this way we could have kind of like your main qbase project window when we go to the mix console as soon as we move that over to the second or third screen uh at that point we could just go back and forth and all of the different windows so you may have to initially drag the separate Windows you know there's a lot of functions in Cubase that will allow you to work on a single screen very effectively but a lot of our composers will have a dedicated screen just for the key editor because they you know one great quote I heard is I I see the midi key editor more than my own children so that they live in this environment and that's like their primary screen is this midi editor and they just will simply drag that over to other screens and then once you save the project you open it up again all those settings will automatically be preserved to those different screens okay just reading through comments All right you see Michael Pierce is sneaking back in the live stream and he's closing the door very quietly so no one noticed all right okay so we see from Bungalow Bill uh whatever happened to VST Transit uh be nice if they brought it back but maybe allow you to run your own remote server so um VST Transit it was a feature that you know when you do the analysis of how many people were utilizing it and because you know we had to pay for space for every single license of qbase and how many people were utilizing it versus the cost of the space it wasn't being widely used so that's why it was discontinued in version 13 so okay okay so we have Terry Dean is back with fresh coffee now you have to buy everyone a coffee Terry all right see Michael Pierce has a monster8 hour mix coming out tonight for Ukrainian project all right uh Sten sherov uh says hi an old an oldtime annoying thing when I use a scissors tool on a media events beginning it always deletes the first note uh how can I configure the setting so it doesn't delete the first note thanks I think that there is kind of like a little bit of a catch range so let's take a look at it let's create an event and this happens when the very first note of the event is happens and it's pretty common in MIDI so let's say this note starts there in the event and let's say we take this note but the start of this note is actually kind of at slightly earlier all right so let's say now I cut right here on this event that and we erase this event so there it looks like even though this note let me just all right all right so I'm going to start this note ever so slightly early I'll take my snap off okay so this note starts before the beat and the other note starts so I'm going to let's say if I split the event with the scissors tool right at measure 14 here and now we erase so it looks like what it did was actually split the particular note but just split it right there so let me just see if it's one preference let's get to editing to MIDI and let's see if we don't have split midi events on so we can see that the lower note definitely starting before the beat and if we take that preference off and I erase that since the start of that note is in this just do that one more time here [Music] sorry okay so I'm going to split so now we see that this note if I erased is earlier and that first note is gone but let's say if I come to the preferences under editing midi and we say split midi events that now when I cut I think that this note will stay but the very beginning will be trimmed so you can see that it split that particular midi note so when I erase it that that note will still be on beat but the part portion of the note that was before is automatically extracted so so with again this preference preferences editing midi split MIDI that when we split now right here those events are split so the note that was overlapping is now gone but now I erase and we'll see just the beginning of the notes but the overlapping part that came before the downbeat has been erased when the event is erased so give that try St Michael teams wants people smash the like button and want everyone to save the dongle see the artist known as love just says thanks CG and Bungalow bill says he has his dongle since sx5 so yeah my dongle I've had I've actually had since sx1 so it's like 21 years old it's still connected to my computer it's not really being used much but still works in functions okay okay uh Wilco piano asks I have m multiple screens and messed up the popup window positions on the third screen is there way to reset the popup Windows back to the default monitor so it could be like when you go into your display settings I'm not sure if you're running on Mac or PC where you see the multiple displays that you could set one like right clicking on one you could set it as kind of the primary and you could visually adjust the positioning so it might be done at the operating system level and I you know it won't really show up on my system because I'm just running a single screen but I think it would be done at the OS level for that wico piano see Michael Pierce just asking if Sables Sable Winters is still in and if if he got messaged I think Sable said she was had to step out for a little bit all right so we see Terry Dean just says click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner and you can see who's online currently new feature for Michael Pierce okay so we see V just saying uh thanks Greg I didn't remember to drag the midi symbol thanks for showing so you're welcome thanks for being on the live stream all right so we see Bungalow bills this is first introduction to cuase was on my old Atari St version three I think at the time yeah I started one version before you so and just when I started working at Steinberg I got version three they sent it to me I was like wow it's amazing okay Michael Pierce asks thinking about this is there a way to lengthen note length uh in the arpeggiator in a more analog way so it doesn't jump between the quantization okay so let's come over here so say we have Okay so let's go to our midi arpegiator here so I think if we now just choose to switch to time between Musical and [Music] linear that you could just kind of set different values here [Music] so let's say Okay I want to take this to be this may just kind of show different representations so let say we eighth notes [Music] Here not sure if we go to any value maybe kind of just tied yeah so it looks like we could actually just kind of type in let's do 177 so if you just kind of on the Note length click on the music note and switch that to uh you can switch it to the PPQ ticks right there and then you could just kind of type in different values of 222 say 243 143 so whatever value you want so say I want it to be [Music] 500 so that way it's not strictly tied to a rhythmic value you can be kind of in between you may snap to that but you could seems like you could enter it in okay we just might all right great to see Roger CBO on thanks for joining right reading through all right so Michael Pierce is having soup while mixing all right Wilco piano asks uh thinking of upgrading from qbase 12 to 13 next week iconica strings is great I hear so yeah next week could be a good time to update so I would say that if people are waiting to update maybe wait till next week uh but I'll show you just like a quick example of just the iconica sketch strings I think I have just this is all going to be coming from iconica sketch [Music] so this is all just stock iconic sketch [Music] and just the strings isolate it that to be all uh sh sa Bas and again all [Music] [Applause] [Music] together so wonderful library but yeah so next week is a good time to do an update hint hint all right all right so we see from jav uh how do I toggle the metering section uh on top of the mixer window okay so let me just all right so to see that it's just going to be so I'll just open up project where we have some multitracks here all right so if we go to the mixer setup here you can see kind of a channel overview and this would allow us to kind of navigate pretty easily so say if we wanted to navigate G like that but there's also a meter Bridge as well and if we wanted to change the height of the meter Bridge we could adjust that if you right click we could also have some different metering options so if I want to have like wave meters so I can see exactly what's coming in the audio before I hear it so we can see our kick snares bass guitar so we get an idea of what's kind of going on audio wise before it happens so it's really helpful to have kind of meters to show you stuff before they sound or you could again just switch to PPM meters and you could adjust also if you want hold Peaks hold forever and if you want this to be input metering versus post fader post Panner so different options there but again just go to the setup window in the upper right hand corner and then you could enable disable the meter bridge on top of the mix console so let me know if that's helpful all right uh so we see Wilco piano just saying uh I have Windows and it remembers the position but it's a lot of popups to drag back to monitor one that they could all be reset so that's kind of more of an operating system function than qbas so there's nothing in qase that shows kind of I think the popup Windows may occur on the primary display so you might have to reorient and redefine the primary display on your multiple monitors so we see best screen Jesus says he has a button that toggles all midi editors and her plugins it's nice all right Roger kbo's question we like to synchronize two fast PCS with qbas 13 Pro one should run a slave uh what is the best in fast Fest connection between both if your audio interface has a digital connection you could utilize what's called VST system link now you need like a SPI if connection on both computers or an Adat light pipe or an as connection on both computers and then you could set up something called VST system link so you could activate this and go back and forth between the two computers and the two computers will be sample accurate because it's able to do it at the sample level if you're not doing that we could do is have one computer send if we go sorry to our transport and we go to our project synchronization setup we could send midi time code from one computer so we'll see midi time code destinations so we need to have like a midi interface on both computers and then we could just simply say okay we're going to connect midi between the two computers and and that would work fine if you're just doing midi information but probably there's a good chance that we're doing digital audio as well so to properly synchronize the digital audio we're going to have to also have word clock connection so we could say we want to go to your studio menu to Studio setup so many audio interfaces and this generally isn't found on like a twoin two out USB interface but more of a professional interface will have a BNC word clock connection you could also synchronize clock from any digital connection such as a spit if uh and a toss link or an Adat digital connection or asbu and what you need to do is send midi time code from one computer to the other computer but you also need to synchronize the clocks of the interface so here we would say we want that to be externally clocked and then choose where the clock is connecting so we're going to send midi time code from one computer to the other computer if you're dealing and then the other computer we go to the transport and we go to our synchronization setup and we say okay we are taking midi time code input from this midi Port so that kind of gives you the position of where it's going to be and if you're doing digital audio at that point you you will need to if you want it to properly sync you'll need to connect the clock from one audio interface to another audio interface or converter and then those two will be in sync with each other so the fastest way if you have just a digital audio connection is just do VST system link and you could do that also so many film composers will set up I think ludvic Genson has his setup where he has one copy of qbase that is set up for the video playback and that's VST system linked to his main system and then he's able to you know have two computers one it's just doing the video playback one and those are sample accurately synced to qase as well so that those two under VST system link so so you know to do audio you will need to do clocks otherwise the timing and the sync will run it'll run out of sync and drift okay so we see wilop piano just says thanks for all these sessions uh they're most useful so I'm glad to be able to help people see Bungalow build says just miss the ability to connect directly with other qbase users yeah I mean I used to go out and travel constantly uh but we're able to actually you know communicate to a lot of other qbas users but you know join our you know it's not actually being in a room together but at the end of the month which I think is next Friday's live stream uh on the 29th the last live stream of the month we do a zoom social Meetup so it's a great way to kind of meet other people as well okay okay so Frank langsfeld just says uh to quickly move an active window between monitors on Windows use the keyboard shortcut shift plus Windows the Windows key plus arrow left right this will move the selected window to left or right monitor respectively thanks for sharing that okay okay reading through comments okay okay so we see jab and Kona just says Lov when cue SX came out this one decided Pro Tools wasn't enough right Bungalow bill says qas has always had the best mid it's mainly what I use it for and then dump audio we're just seeing Jaz says SX is a huge step in sound so yeah so SX was actually utilizing the new audio engine and code base that was you know based on nendo's release so that you know it's a huge undertaking but it was a great position to do you see kind words from Michael Pierce says Greg is our Elder Statesman unimpeachable so I'm just an Oompa loom in a world of willly wonz all right uh jav and K asks uh for recording different sections with our Pache should we record them individually or can it be also automated yeah so we showed it a little earlier we'll go ahead and show it again here so let me just so activate this project okay so so let's say we want to automate this parameter so we could again just go to our quick controls I'm going to rightclick and let's remove all the quick controls and then if we just look at the quick control assignments we go I think it's under midi Channel inserts our Pache SX and we'll say let's do our step size in milliseconds so now as we want to adjust I will let me just switch over the plugin here so if we wanted to so all you'd have to do and if we wanted to record this is move this line down so as we solo this I could just come [Music] over and again if you want to just so we could set up kind of different let me just see if I get this little but so you could just again come over and you know have your quick control one just say Okay I want to as I move this we could adjust to different values right here and you could automate those particular changes just using quick control so all right and uh Frank langsfeld says uh enable disable remote windows location and windows 11 to feature makes to OS remember window locations based on monitor connection also cascade windows or show window Stacks if ever yeah thanks for sharing out hav played with new settings in Windows 11 okay so Michael Pier says oh thank you Greg we'll play with that asked to do stuff reminiscent of 90s acid dance ambient and they played with that a lot Bano de Gaia Gia would be a reference so many knobs all right so we see John cin just says thanks for tip Gregs you're welcome all right Ben Loco says I finally moved from Bas 10.5 Pro to 12 Pro 13 dropped two weeks later I had a free upgrade of my vouchers and my Steinberg website I love cuase so yeah we always try to do four weeks sometimes it may be extended longer as well all right great to see Gerald elely has made it back before the end of the live stream glad you can make it all right so we have uh I guess clay or clay clayy uh says yo just got qbas Pro 13 trying to figure out how to use it coming from Ableton so welcome to the live stream and you know feel free to ask us any question if there's like a translation of how do I accomplish this in Cubase uh you know please feel free to ask and welcome to the Steinberg family we hope to see you on many more live streams okay so we see uh question can you showcase how to randomize midi velocity easier okay so there's a couple of different ways uh if you wanted to do it like after the fact so let's say if I have like all these velocity values here let me just switch this to okay so if so there's like great logical editor functions for this so one of the great things you have is this kind of consider it like a conditional based editor or bullan editors if you're familiar with that concept so I could just come over here let's randomize the velocity so let's say I have everything kind of a boring velocity level here so everything's pretty stable boring consistent so what we want to do is just come over here we can say transform and I'll just we want to say we want to do this to type is equal to notes and what we want to do is sorry so we're going to take our velocity and then we could say Okay I want it to be set to a fixed value I want it to be randomized between so we could say set the random values between one we'll do let's say 70 and 20 so now I could just come over here and all the velocity values we could just randomize now if we say we only want to randomize velocities from C3 through C4 but no other notes I could so let's say we'll move all these notes we'll have it again roughly fixed for our velocity here so now we can say we don't want to do just notes we want to do notes that whose pitch and we'll call this a subtype is pitch is going to be inside range C3 to C4 so now only notes between C3 and C4 will be randomized other notes won't be affected so there's all sorts of great conditions that you can set up you know notes that are between C3 and C4 or let's say that fall on beat one so we'll say we're going to come over here adjust the position and we'll say inside bar range and notes that only fall on beat one so these are kind of the powerful tools you can do and each of these can be saved as presets that you can assign a keyboard shortcut and Trigger that particular function for so let me know if that's helpful for you all right so inactive user asks how can I change that when I tap out of qbase my plug-in window stays open so if you're if the plug-in is part of a Cubase session you know it's cuase you know it's running within the qbase environment so when you close Cubase then that plug-in since that's part of the qbase environment will automatically close as well so let me know if the plug-in that you're expecting to close is a part of the qbase project and opened up as a insert or an instrument or a send effect inside of qbase then when that project is closed all the plugins can be closed as well if it is running concurrently as a separate program then closing qbase shouldn't close the other the other plugin but you know generally plugins will [Music] automatically I just see for external VST 3s like Fab filter so you know if the again if the plugin is running inside of the qba session then when you close the qba session the plugin will close so but let me know if I'm misunderstanding from inactive user all right great to see prash DFW on so glad you can make it Randy from Texas all right so I think we are at the end of questions we'll see if there's any more questions that pop up thank you for all the great questions I hope that everyone has learned a new tip or trick and if you have please feel free to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel again we generally do these on Tuesdays and Fridays uh next week is my son's spring break I'm going to try to work on the days that we do live streams but it may be a little bit off I may miss one day next week and just do something with my son uh while he's on vacation so but I'll try to I'll try to make both of them but I may there could be a chance I may make only one live stream next week so keep I'll try to have it figured out by next um by Next by Friday's live stream so I'll announce it then all right so we see Kerwin young just says needs to run but always so wonderful to see you and congratulations on your project I'm so excited for you I know you've worked very hard for it and it's well deserved so all right and but again I want to thank everyone for all the great questions if you learn you want to send questions in advance please send it to Club qbase at Steinberg dode and we'll see if there's all right see if there's any more questions that sneak in see Terry Dean just says thanks again Greg until next time Q Bros Michael teams is typing pretty well considering he's on his phone so all right you see Capital razor says thanks for stream Greg all right all right so it looks like we're maybe at the end of questions so again thank you for uh all the wonderful questions and thank you for spending part of your morning evening afternoon learning more about Steinberg products and look forward to seeing everyone on Friday and hopefully uh I'll try to make the schedule so that we can do two live streams next week and we should have our Zoom Meetup starting on next week from Friday so with that we will go ahead and wrap up great C John barion from the English Riviera so with that we will go ahead and wrap up thank you so much everyone please stay safe and healthy and we'll see everyone back on Friday thank you very much goodbye
Channel: Cubase
Views: 4,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: Z40w6yRFL-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 14sec (13454 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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