Can You Snare A 5-Star Dinner?

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oh what are you serious we did it oh no way that was awesome [Music] beautiful it is a gorgeous day i was talking about you it is an amazing day this is what we're here for we're also here for adventure and and to develop some skills so we are going to snare some rabbits there's not much food you can collect at this time of year but snaring rabbits is one of them so it's a pretty special skill to have what do you got there kids we got one of the snares got one snare all set up hey yeah we got more wire we'll set them up when we get there yeah first we gotta go find them let's go that that is a squirrel trail there's no big feet associated with that trail just a little squirrel but this one what is this one see see how that guy kind of hops i was gonna say like a little this one kind of waddles maybe uh gross i actually was gonna suggest a gross but sometimes you'll see the little wing marks if he flutters just thinking about like the little things you could eat out in the woods um squirrels grouse and hairs that's about it oh yeah so this is bunny tracks you can see the way bigger way bigger feet big hops rabbits yeah rabbit well it's actually a hair that's bunny no that's hair tracks look there's bunny poop yep you see that that's how to know for sure there's a little bunny poop and look he's been nibbling on the uh twigs it looks really fresh too yeah nibbling on the spruce he's been all over in here oh there it is you're right that's the spot my spot did you did you find that spot yes okay good for you i think this isn't a competition girls we're gonna share it what i want the snare oh oh because he's got it okay do you remember the rules how we said it so the opening is about the size of your fist just barely fit your fist in there and then you want it half a fist off the snow and you want it right in between the two bounce marks yeah that looks good let me have a look amazing i can hardly see it yeah and then it's twisted around that twig real good yeah i can see it's twisted strong there it's just dangling okay now what you want to do you want a chin lifter so you put a tiny tiny little twig just to hold the bottom of that thing and then what you want is you get like a bigger twig these broken ones behind you yeah and you set it on either side so that he wants to jump right through the middle instead of through all the brush if possible you have one go over top as well so there's a little tunnel along his trail yep that looks really good that is a professional snare okay let's go do some more okay let's find another girls oh yeah that's cool look at that that gross waddled through the bush coming this way decided to take off you know what it looks like he only flapped once or twice and hit the ground eh it looks like once the first one formed those are kind of deeper gouges in the snow the second one they just brushed it and then he was off that is really that's like ripped apart devastated don't think that one's getting leaves this year i think that was a moose you think so yeah they love that stuff and check this out oh isn't that beautiful it's like an angel okay but we need to go find uh some hairs let's go i found some did you what where did you really don't play around with me you didn't find hairs we did found a whole herd of them unbelievable what's up wow what a beauty i moved a tiny bit so i can see his eyeball and then his eyeball's on me so there you go that is a gross trail well a lot of growth sign but where's the cares it is so satisfying coming down a hill in this snow yeah it's like it just kind of mushes under your feet but it's not it's not sticky and it's not what is it like it feels like sand and it feels like you're skiing on snowshoes so you have grip so you're not like flying away but you kind of just the sensation like walking in especially in the fresh powder though it it's kind of like walking on a memory foam pillow like it just kind of is the perfect oh yeah that's good i love it who did this huh how would you like yeah have you been eating sticks again look the moose they need this they just eat like they're not even eating buds or you know bark they're just eating sticks hey if it's good enough for the moose that's the one that he ate it's good for me let's try this granted i got mostly bark but willow willow ones don't taste good i'm not sure oh no oh my goodness i can't try it no just try that do you see how much slobber just like this one oh that is violently that's like skunk bitter that that doesn't taste like when have you tasted skunk it tastes like skunk smells oh gross i can't even oh it is like the worst chew it no don't chew it i want to know if that was just a unique experience for me no it tastes just as bad wow we're on it that's the spot right there you show us how to show us how to build that okay take this you bend it over and you twist twist it it's just like a loop and that hole is like the size of a pencil hey just you could just fit a pencil through there yeah depends on the size of the pencil but aren't all pencils the same there's different kind of pencils now okay now that is about the size of a rabbit that's what the size of your fist or my fist of me so this is absolutely perfect because you see how this is like a little tunnel so we know they have to go right through there and i'm gonna put it right so they underneath go underneath there right yeah and just kind of hold it up and it literally is so perfect it literally lifts their chin up when they come bouncing along here they don't they just naturally avoid that little stick okay do you think you'll see that nope nope okay all righty let's hopefully he's hoping we get dinner well any rabbits there's lots of snow after where is it oh there it is yeah see how it's kind of snowed down hey should we lift it up the rabbit hasn't been along this trail lately yeah why don't you see if you can lift it up and put it on that little chin lifter okay so not great conditions we got a whole bunch of fresh snow but nevertheless we'll go reset a few if nothing else what are you serious no way where oh oh my goodness oh we did it you did it didn't you set this one all by yourself good job oh my goodness are gonna eat rabbit look at that it's got all that snow on it eh yeah it was caught yesterday again can hardly tell okay well yeah grab them so look you know what i want to show you something you see how it's right around the neck yep of course it's not very nice to have a animal die i always hate it but you know what guess how many rabbits have lived forever zero zero so they're gonna die and what normally kills rabbits dogs and coyotes and wolves and lynx and just predators really and and sometimes they can starve to death or freeze to death or the reality is yeah death is ugly and i don't like it but it is a reality like i didn't make that up the reality is every animal is going to die at some point and all we can do is try and minimize the impact like obviously we don't want to kill stuff we're not going to use but also you don't want to suffer and if you're snaring a rabbit the perfect snare is going to get right around the neck and it's going to die within seconds and you know what that's literally the least suffering that this rabbit could have had wow that fur is so beautiful eh yeah we've tried to keep their hides before but their height is so thin we've never been able to like tan it properly but i would love to be able to feet or so fur you can see to keep its feet from getting cold so fluffy big huge hind feet wow well good job so far i guess now we get to uh when we get to cook a rabbit yep okay let's do hey it you caught a rabbit well that is great kiss yep okay pick it up alrighty ah nope i'll cook it up once it comes to me on uh we'll have to do some prep work well there it is because you and i cleaned it up on a different video actually right yeah you might see it on some weird video i'll tell you about that one but for now it's ready oh yeah there's something really primitive about just having a fire in your house i really like it there we go look at that okay what's next we have a special helper here today good to have you back [Music] sarah bacon fat heating up on the stove yeah that looks good here's browning that yeah oh yeah okay a tiny bit of salt sage food rosemary just like pour it on yep so can you pass me this time please [Music] garlics some onion that's our pork stock yeah oh man this is gonna make a delicious gravy yeah i should should we put it on the wood stove the other wood stove it'll slow down okay so it just it sits in there for a couple hours now yeah okay we'll come back in a couple hours that is a lot it is a lot of keychains the girls are making these beautiful little keychains it's if you want to support the channel this is an awesome way it's not a patreon and it's not an ad if you want to support a channel you can go to the website and you can buy a keychain also there's real products on there like this thing look at how you do that hold on i've never really seen that julia's making up an ammo holder right now that looks very complicated it's not that complicated it's not it's coming look at it it's literally coming together right now it is so that's double that's double stitch that's double stitched already and then pull it tight yep and then you're gonna do it again oh my goodness okay this is the large size to the seven mm yeah the magnum very nice that is cheesy potatoes and look at these roses glistening buns my glistening nice there they are okay but where's the star of the show we need some rabbit oh i thought you're calling me over there the star of the show yeah well better get in here all right okay we're gonna look at this you want to [Music] um that doesn't look like a gravy well because i thought you were making a gravy well it looks like a soup right now i know let's make some gravy oh that looks good oh yeah this is wild game right this is a rabbit that is not full of fat and juice it's gonna be pretty lean but the meat's coming off the bone nicely which is great so we're gonna pull that all off and then mama's gonna have a gravy okay there it is you would never know would you that this is amazing well it looks like a turkey dinner all the brownies it looks like it looks like all the brown meat of a turkey dinner with some gravy oh man and there's even enough gravy for ab there probably where is she i don't know wow that looks great okay we got the squash yes and we got those cheesy potatoes and we got those greasy buns and we got this like what is this five star snaring hair is an awesome it's kind of a survival skill really and you never know when times get really tough then you might need to actually catch your own dinner but on the other hand when times aren't tough it can be part of like a five-star dinner let's do it oh man okay rose are you ready i'm ready it's really good did you try the meat it tastes like chicken yeah it tastes like chicken like turkey let's see it that's it oh well it should it's the same gravy recipe i guess different animal but there it is okay eat it let's see what happens i wanna see what happens am i gonna die it's possible this is a wild rabbit so you know what it tastes like it's probably terrible what well the girls are right it tastes like chicken or artistic gross oh yeah well it kind of everything about it looked like gross once it was all dressed out eh pretty dark red meat [Music] and it doesn't taste good it's not tough at all right you count it enough it just falls off the bone but it's also not this is not fatty no except with the gravy i'm gonna try a great big piece it's like half the rabbit tastes great i bet i don't know i bet you 100 bucks for sure that you would not know the difference between this and and like the dark meat of a turkey or chicken there's literally no difference there's dripping ethan how is it i want to know i haven't tried it i know i'm waiting for work just use your hands man yeah tastes like a turkey yeah this is like turkey dinner and it was so simple to make anyways the other thing about cooking this thing is that you might have noticed we cooked it on the blaze king which i've been hearing a rumor that that's not allowed it's not supposed to cook the blaze king but you all saw it it does cook but speaking of blaze king we have another little video for you check it out [Music] hey have you seen hot dave lately no it's been nice [Music] oh hot biscuits [Music] you
Channel: Gridlessness
Views: 85,949
Rating: 4.9612474 out of 5
Keywords: can you snare a 5-star dinner?, snaring rabbits, how to snare a rabbit, how to cook a wild rabbit, how to cook a hare, off grid, off grid homestead
Id: dZ06MF_Z-uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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