Home Made Cellar Is Starting To Look Like a Hobbit House

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[Music] just one more cut and then Dave will fit inside you are welcome in our dark little in our root cellar anytime me and you we're gonna like sit out there and eat peaches in February all winter long yeah or was that me a rose I just remember it was someone really special in the summer when it gets up to like a blazing nineteen degrees or something it's gonna be five degrees down there and in the winter when it's minus 3540 same thing five degrees it's almost a scientific constant it's like a reference you need to give it a letter oh it's like an SI yeah yeah right the centimeter the kilogram kilogram and root cellar we'll have people come in here to calibrate their instruments this is like a scientific community here like the face shield is what so if the case it rains you don't get water on your face I think your heart was in the right place look at a real doorway oh yeah perfect as Darrell Vic says toenails are tough what do you think is pretty good starting to look like something interesting hey Supper's for sissies I guess okay then I guess you're a sister too dad okay let's go okay well no he's got a few more of these today know what this also they never ring the bell when suppers actually they always ring it cuz they know we're not gonna come and run dad yeah yes is that a good is that a good late yeah perfect [Applause] this off and that's not long this happened oh this is just fine it's just that we have to trim some here for some reason I was scared for a second that we screwed up but no it's just that the culvert it's fault don't do that draw that line out so close is like really nice right there I mean it's not it's not that nice you don't so take like SuperDuper close-ups oh that's perfect see if this was this was the OJ trial he'd be guilty that's not funny because nobody knows about that I mean like none of these kids know about that they're like hello if the glove don't fit you must acquit yeah the door cut properly and reinforced a little bit yeah foam we got some poplar logs it's all waterproofed and like what else would we need so we're just gotta keep it high with straw cover with dirt throw some seed on it and call it good that's starting to look like something awesome like from there you can start maybe distributing it gently or something looks great I'm so proud it's like I'm having a baby no dad has no idea what it's like to have a baby if only it were that easy there's a bunch of cameras on girls is this the funnest roof you've ever made or what yep this is what I've always dreamed of the root cellar buried pretty soon it'll be have a big forest of green grass on it and no one will ever know it's there I think the front one is a little bit more hobbit house yes I think it's kind of partially buried yeah but the back one it's gone it doesn't exist in fact this things better than buried because it doesn't have a door exposed to the outside right it has a door exposed to the inside a buffer which is protected from the outside by another door Wow it kind of boggles the mind pretty cool hey how did that go out there like that really Wow cool Julia hey nicely done you know this tree is only that crazy beautiful on the ground curb [Music] okay that you think there that's probably good try though squeeze and all engage right here working [Music] amazing personnel like to thing but it probably is older than Canada and it's unbelievable you go a quarter inch underneath there and that wood is absolutely beautiful and it smells like fresh cedar and that one log is gonna side this whole root cellar wood and mankind were you know made for each other they're like the two apex yeah we're like the apex animal and they're the apex vegetable yeah so it's an epic battle between vegetables and animals and and it might look like oh yeah there's a big surge of animals and the vegetables are being cut down but you know what right there those things are survivors right they just keep going they keep going they're like The Tortoise and the hare they just are gonna keep going and when a bunch of animals turn on themselves who's left who is the winner then the vegetables if you were to die right here what happened eventually you sprout vegetables when this body dies I do I think you should be composted mm-hmm I think we should have this discussion this is a curated collection of nutrients right I think I could grow like a beautiful patch of rhubarb but I missed that when I we compost you yeah it's a tree yeah then I harvest the tree I see a chair yes out of my body and you're with us always kind of makes you think about a squeaky rocking chair a little differently honey yeah like that could be someone else's bodies in the rocking chair help me I don't know I don't know why would they be screaming maybe they're like we've been talking about this plate eight years I know eight years ago we got this scrap culvert and we plunked it there and for whatever reason it's taking us forever to get it this far little clovers and grasses growing on our roof ready oh man this is gonna look so great next year hey Sarah it's almost like siding is your career now you know what girls I think this could be the beginning of your sledding hill oh my goodness yeah I think you could start right up here and just shoot down all the way down there it could be like a curly slide watch Washington if there's bar steps it doesn't peel your finger off okay what do you think of this what I'm talking about the root cellar I think it's Hungry Jack's root cellar yeah I love it I love this handle that Christina found out huntin no moose but we got a door handle just please do some apples in so perks it's not freezing in here that's pretty nice oh man are you a little puppy mama - oh is this Jack Black or no blackjack blackjack Oh Rose you like my way cheaper what it's even warmer in here [Music] look at this how come you haven't built that he shows yet cabbages who we can have fish tacos we could yeah I have five degrees that's perfect you look at that beautiful carrot and they stay nice under there yep oh I love it girls we finally have a root cellar we finally have unbelievably it hasn't collapsed yet I am surprising but it's also not going to clumps it's okay I love it I love the handles I know this thing's awesome oh hey look at this we're even getting icicles basically yeah those are brown icicles next year this thing is just gonna be a big grassy knoll hey it'll be a little hobbit house you sharing another projects done what do you think yay let's start our next project what should that be maybe will chicken us go burn what's your next project I was thinking like bedroom wall tea door thank you tea let's have tea imagine if you could just like go through the ring and pop out underneath the ground you know is like a portal that goes into the ground it really is like the air like The Hobbit The Hobbit house yeah it's like you know how the hobbit goes underground and there's a dragon down there that's what this is like it's another world underground full of treasures yeah see that make that cat had chicken the cat the chicken were both on that roof together well here are these friends I think maybe the chicken thanks their friends but I don't know if the cat is thinking that way huh bring your bodies out here we got lots of room for bodies if you guys have extra bodies send them up we will compost them if you're a great Canadian and you want to be composting we'll make that happen you just send your body over here I mean who do you think what kind of great cleaning you think is about to die market Atwood I mean she's got an award from the Queen she's pretty old she probably would be in favor of composting too actually okay Margaret Atwood but no I'm not I hope you don't die in yeah I mean like you're gonna die in the distant future hopefully when you've completed your life's work and we appreciate your life's work if you want you just send your body here we will compost we'll take care of it do you see this your message I'm sending right now [Music] you know what to do
Channel: Gridlessness
Views: 248,568
Rating: 4.9178977 out of 5
Keywords: look like a hobbit house, home made cellar, off grid underground house, german sheppard puppies
Id: w_LQ4YsEM2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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