Can you beat Sonic Advance without pressing Right or Left?!

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[Music] after beating Sonic mania without pressing right and with the minimum amount of left presses the only logical thing to do next was to find another Sonic game in two dimensions where you can play as knuckles to try and attempt the same challenge and here we are in Sonic Advance it's a pretty similar game obviously the physics are different the level design is different it was actually made by a totally different studio Oh No Oh the music's running out sonic advance no left right oh no the hon I get bent so the rules here are going to be exactly like my Sonic mania without pressing left or right challenge basically we are going to be trying to go through the entire game without pressing the right button once and then as an extra challenge we are also going to be trying to avoid pressing the left button as much as we possibly can obviously here we're going to be playing as knuckles because he is the only character with an ability that lets you move forward in the air because without that we aren't gonna be making it very far in this game as long as we aren't pressing the left and right buttons we can do whatever we want to try and beat the game so let's get into it we start out in neo green hill zone which is easy like really really easy you can literally just fly over both of the acts basically it is really really easy the only even remotely difficult section is the boss which as long as you time your jumps properly you shouldn't have any issues but after you beat the boss the capsule will fall behind you and there's no way for us to turn around to the left so I really thought this was the end of the run here already and that at the end of every single zone we'd have to press left lucky for us dimps is weird and if we glide into the right side of the wall and then stop lighting it turns us around to the left for some reason I don't know why but that's a good thing for us but I would like to note here that gliding into the left wall does not turn you to the right so that just makes this even weirder but whatever at the start of secret base zone there's a zipline that drops you right into these Springs here but they're easy to avoid if you know they're there all you have to do is jump and latch onto this wall then climb down and continue there's a lot of bouncy objects like trampolines and springs and secret base zone and if you watch the sonic mania version of this challenge you'll know that that is the death of us but with some trial and error we can get past all of these bouncy objects and get to the boss in acts 2 the boss can be kind of difficult because the primary way of damaging it is that you're supposed to jump into it from the left or right but we can't really do that so we basically just have to damage boosts through it and hope that we don't die it isn't difficult but it did still take me quite a few tries to get done after we beat the boss we can move into casino paradises own casino paradise zone is already annoying because there's just bumpers everywhere and things that want to bounce you around everywhere but once again we can get through it with enough trial and error also does this familiar to anyone else because I learned something new today yes this is my first time fully playing through this game and I'm doing it with a stupid self-imposed challenge are you judging me earlier I said that there's a lot of bouncy hazard things that we have to avoid in this level but right at the end of Act one there's one that's placed that is unavoidable it's this thing where you run onto it and then you spin around a bunch and then you'd stuck on it because you have to press left or right to get off of it or so I thought but it turns out that you can just sit there and wait and and wait and there we go overall act 2 is very similar to act 1 and we can make it to the boss this boss is easily the hardest one yet but with enough planning we can get through it pretty easily make sure that you trigger the boss at the leftmost point that you can and you should get trapped in the bottom-left corner from there you want to sit there and duck until you can attack Robotnik once he comes flying at you horizontally you want to jump and do a glide so that you land in between these two pipes in the middle from there you can just stay ducking and then when robot and it comes flying through jump into him it definitely is a waiting game and it's based off a lot of RNG but if you sit there and wait long enough inevitably you will defeat the boss next up is ice Mountain which overall isn't that remarkable I mean yeah not drowning is a bit more difficult than it was before but it's nothing too difficult also apparently knuckles can swim I what dimps what are you doing with relative ease we can make it to the Ice Mountain act too boss now this boss once again is the hardest one so far and it definitely took me the longest time to complete but also once again after developing a strategy it gets pretty easy once the boss starts you want to get on an icicle and then get above the water as fast as you can from their knuckles swimming ability is actually what makes this not impossible as knuckles while you're floating at the surface if you press the a button and then you just do a little jump and then fall back into the water we can abuse this to basically become invincible on the surface of the water by pressing the a button at just the right interval so that we jump right once we hit the surface of the water again so when dr. Robotnik is about to hit us we can just abuse this exploit and he'll just get hit over and over again then when he moves on we stop and then when he moves back in we keep doing it and eventually we take down the boss okay so far this challenge hasn't been too difficult in fact it's been really easy and I was like wow this is gonna be so easy I'll be able finish this in no time easy blast through the rest of the game but Angel Island zone is where things get real the first issue in this level is when you're traversing through it there's a wind tunnel right here that if you get stuck in you can't move because you have to press left or right to continue the solution to this is pretty simple but it did take me a while to map out what you have to do is do a backwards glide earlier on in the level jump onto this wall right here and then proceed and then once you reach where the wind tunnel is you need to do a precise glide over it so that you don't get caught in it again and then get stopped our second roadblock in this level is this section right here which I've made some diagrams to help explain that little red guy in the bottom right is knuckles that's us and up there at the top is where we're trying to get to so using knuckles glides we can get over to the left and then turn around so that we're facing right and then from there the idea would be to glide back over to the right and then climb up that wall but actually we fall just short of the wall over to the right if from the second platform we try and do a spin - jump onto this wall here on the left we either miss it entirely or rebounce off this bottom corner and become very sad we can also get on to this bottom spinny thing here but once we're there we have to press left or right to make it move up or down even spin dashing doesn't work as we're facing to the left with it looking like there's no way to get around this I turned to glitches and there wasn't really anything that helped us there's a glitch called path swapping in this level which usually lets you skip the entire thing but it's impossible to activate without dying without pressing the right button so that's automatically ruled out so this is where I called in croa again because I was stuck and apparently he just really hates the directions left and right and within a couple of minutes he came up with a solution that was really kind of obvious also proa helped out a ton with the rest of this challenge too so make sure to check out his channel link in the description so the solution here is to go all the way over to the lapis right get back on the spinny thing here at the bottom do a fully-charged spin - and then jump while holding down with precise timing which actually gets you just enough momentum to get up to the top from there you can climb on to the next two spinny things and proceed through the level like normal the rest of Angel Island one is fairly easy and we can move in to Angel Island - which is also fairly easy until we reach this sand section you're essentially forced to land onto this spring here facing to the left with no wall to turn around to the right and so you end up getting knocked into this pit and dying even if you do land on this platform here you cannot proceed because you're facing left with no way to turn around and climbing this bar here requires you to press the right button and you can't glide over it because once again you're facing laughs we were trying a whole bunch of things and then I randomly said hey what if the solution is to glide there from the pit at the very start of the level that would be hilarious and I mean uh yeah you can you can fall down this pit at the start of the level start start gliding if you avoided all the clouds then just keep blindly gliding and then you can reach the platform while facing to the right I was shocked that this worked from there because you're facing to the right you can just glide across the gap and reach the boss so because dimps is weird this boss is like shadow knuckles and then it's robot knuckles and then he's dead knuckles and with that angel island zone is down and it was definitely the most difficult zone so far by a long shot but Angel Island zone has nothing in comparison to egg rocket I mean look at this even the first obstacle is a challenge it's a spring against a wall with spikes on top which usually would be our doom but there happens to be a platform moving left and right above the spikes and we can just barely make it on top of that platform with a well-timed glide drop if we proceed through the level we reach this trampoline which is literally just the spring which really sucks for this challenge and yeah there's no way to proceed using this trampoline without pressing left or right so we need to take an alternate route earlier in the level you have to land a precise glide on to this platform that's out in the middle of nowhere to the right and then you have to jump off of that glide back to the left and then take a secret path up into the ship from there you have to head to the left and do some tricky maneuvers to get into this pipe right here I don't even know how I did this next section I think it was just a lot of luck and damage boosting that I ended up getting to where I needed to go and then I went into the next pipe and then the bottom part of the ship fell off but don't think that now we're in the second section of this level that it's going to get any easier to start with you have to do a really precise jump off of this ramp so that you can glide out of it and proceed later you need to be damage boost by this enemy right here so that you can glide into this pipe which spits you out right next to this trampoline as I said earlier trampolines suck but this time it's the only way to proceed through the level oh and I tried a lot of things but it is definitely impossible to get through this section without pressing left at least once in fact most would probably say at first glance that it takes two left presses to get through this section but you can use a trick so that you only have to press it once get right next to the trampoline do a full height jump do a glide cancel so that you bounce on top of this trampoline three times with the third one just barely being on the trampoline and then as you're falling from your third bounce hold down left and you will make it up on top of this next area from there continue through the level with some really tricky routing and platforming that I'm not gonna get into just know that it was hard and then you can reach the next section of the rocket in which the bottom section falls off and you go into space but don't think that just because we're in the third part of this level it's gonna get any easier if you continue through the level you will reach the left side of the screen which puts us in a bit of a hard position we need to go on this spring here with momentum to the right to keep going but we don't even have a way to turn to the right know how I set at the very start that gliding against the right wall turns you to the left but gliding against the left wall doesn't turn you to the right yeah that part really comes to screw us over here lucky for us dimps is really weird and we can get through this section without any right or left presses slide all the way to the left side of the screen get damage boosted by one of these enemies here and then hold the down button until you run into this spring which for whatever reason turns you to the right yes that is right Dimps is shoddy programming has actually saved us simps you may have won me over this time but this doesn't forgive you for sonic for never forget sonic for proceeding through the level there's even more tricky platforming and then a random gravity change which makes it even more difficult and then we arrived at this very final area where there's these fans that push us up into the very final section where we enter the next level only issue is that when we go on these fans the only way to proceed is to press right but we are this close to the end of this stupid level and we are not giving up there there are some very conveniently placed spikes here that if we spin dash into them they knock us into the fans which give us momentum to the right which we can sit there and wait and wait and eventually reach the rightmost side of the fans from there we have to do an extremely tight full height jump into a glide where we latched on to this wall this is actually more difficult than you'd think because a lot of times the fan will just make you get caught and you have to redo it but if you do grab onto the wall all you got to do is climb up glide onto the spring and be bounced into cosmic angel zone but don't be thinking that just because this is the fourth section of oh never mind this level is really really easy I'm not kidding cosmic angel as a level was almost as easy and short as neo Green Hill Zone which is good for me however the boss here is pretty hard because flipping him over without being hit is near impossible but by frantically recollecting your rings you can make it through after defeating that we can give chase to the X zone which why does this zone exist again yeah I don't think anybody cares about the X's own so I'm just gonna go quickly through the strategies you use to beat the bosses for the first boss you want to start it in the middle of the screen and then get damage boosted to the back platform damage boost on top of the platform do two quick spin dashes into the boss get hit again and then do two more quick spin dashes into the boss and he'll be taken out the second boss is the emerald hill boss which is the emerald hill boss I don't think I need to say anything more and after defeating that one you can go into the final boss which is extremely easy because you can literally just stand inside of him spam jump and then glide back when you lose your rings and keep damage booster you know you have a climactic end to a boss rush when your final boss is easier than both of the ones that came before it and with that we have proven that it is possible to be sonic advance without pressing right and with only one left press knuckles knuckles you're gonna no no ah dude knuckles was falling just cuz he landed on the plane doesn't mean it's not gonna hurt like that's still a moving object goals are you okay your legs should be broken right now knuckles why do those birds not have pupils knuckles why do those birds have blood coming out of their eyes no what are you doing what why did you just well why did you just jump off of the bird what is happening right now oh yeah you know you're right we should try and get all the emeralds let's just go into a special stage here and try and yeah this isn't this isn't going do well I don't okay all stupid jokes out of the way thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and once again a huge thanks to proa for helping out a ton with this challenge a link to his channel will be in the description make sure to check out some of my other sonic challenges if you enjoyed this one specifically my sonic mania without pressing left or right video if you have not seen it already and I guess that's gonna be the end of the video because I can't really distant a Fanueil bandy here cuz he didn't make a video about this so yeah thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] [Music]
Channel: BillehBawb
Views: 435,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic the hedgehog, can you beat, challenge run, billehbawb, gamechamp3000, gamechamp3000 vg myths, vg myths, is it possible, sonic mania, sonic advance, can you beat sonic mania without pressing right, can you beat sonic without collecting rings, sonici adventure, no coins, no rings, no jumping, can you beat sonic 3 without pressing right, can you beat sonic advance without pressing right, game boy advance, challenge, ceave gamiing, nicobbq, garrulous64, garrulous64 sonic
Id: KZV-RuGBh0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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