My Ratchet and Clank 1 Soundtrack Tier List

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oh twitch chat I feel like you all have been waiting for this one for a while all right let's get to it okay I've tweeted it out I've done the thing how's it going how's it going everybody how are you all doing today it's great to have you all here now that we can finally read the chat we can finally begin this this whole tearless thing no I said I was gonna do this a while ago and then I just never did it I don't really know why do I like the tears as they stand yeah I think this will work I think this will work there's probably a little uh maybe too many tiers for too few songs um but that's not a bad thing I mean if if need be we can always get rid of a tear we can always get rid of like f tier I don't even think there are any like ft or songs in this OST but we'll see we'll see how he uh as we go along so yeah the idea is I I think honestly you all listen to this more than I do just to give you an idea everybody because I know that you've all been eagerly anticipating this for a while the way this is gonna work I don't remember a lot of these because you all listen to this much more than I do um I don't know how many of you know this fun little fact about me I play uh all of my speed games completely in like in total silence I don't listen to any music at all uh if I can avoid it um it's it's a weird habit that I picked up many years ago where uh I had to play with the games muted because the sound for my television would bleed through the microphone and it would cause like this weird awful feedback but what we're gonna do is we're gonna go we're gonna just go down the line and in fact if anything I think I'm gonna take a second here and organize these by order of appearance um like uh where they show up in the game So like novalis kerwan um rilgar is after blarg umbers is after a real guard battalions after that okay velden um after Battaglia is Gaspar pokitar Pokey sewers orcsan II Hoven okay this is all pretty much mostly in order oh you know what I think uh I think aridia is only here because it's like an extra thing so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put aridia I think um you're supposed to go to aridia like before or after kirwan we'll just put aridia here um I've always gone to aridia it casually after I get the jet of the uh the the helipack so I'm gonna put it there um novalis caves is gonna be here novalis underground diving is here more kerwan stuff um Eudora Eudora and I think this should totally be an order now right as far as I'm aware so we're just essentially we might be missing a few things here okay is that better that might look a little bit better or unless you want me to zoom in on how high res these photos are look at this sneaky made all of these I have to I I'm it took him a long [ __ ] time to make these but look how high res these these [ __ ] little ass thumbnails are okay so I guess with that being said is there literally anything keeping us from beginning speak now or forever hold your peace or forever shut the [ __ ] up or forever suck my balls whatever may be happening sneaky is a simp okay this is that is very valuable information background music for the video listen we're we're gonna have plenty of background to go with because we're gonna have to listen to all of these tracks obviously I'm not going to listen to the full three hours I'm mostly just gonna listen a little bit get an idea try to re-remember ah yeah I remember this what planet am I on what am I doing with my life where am I so uh let's try to give it a go so here we go let's start with with the Classic this may sound familiar we're going to begin with velden [Music] [Music] you know okay so I'm just gonna kind of talk through what I'm thinking about this track I think this track by and large is actually a pretty great I think this is like bare minimum B team and I'll tell you why I think it's bare minimum beats here because it hits you in the face right from the get-go you have no idea what to expect when you open up this game for the first time imagine it's 2002 and you took a gamble on a little game called Ratchet and Clank and you you're like I don't know what the [ __ ] this is um and so you pop it in and this is the first track that shows up and you're figuring out everything you have no idea what's going on with the movement this is a very very nostalgic song and uh one that I think really like just like tosses you into the world of Ratchet and Clank I think this is a tear that's what I think not only is it a jam it's a memorable Jam at that it's not like we're not talking to high octane stuff we'll get that later on but this is an amazing introductory uh track so I'm putting that in AIDS here uh moving on to novalis foreign [Music] come on I'm gonna I'm gonna give it to you straight to a chat I think you were all fooling yourselves by putting this as low as B tier I think you are fooling yourselves I I think that this song is unbelievably memorable like literally a decade down the road after never having played this game like when I heard those those record scratches I felt my brain being ripped back to my childhood this is a ridiculously nostalgic song ridiculously nostalgic and honestly I like it better than velden so I'm gonna put a nest here I know we're starting off a little strong but I think it's worth it I really do think that novales is memorable enough to deserve that spot so that's that's my goal if you don't like that that's my placement sorry all right under the caves [Music] foreign [Music] a lot of you may be thinking like what is the metric on how I'm uh how I'm gauging these tracks is it like how memorable it is is it how nostalgic it is is it how good the song like specific things in the song that I'm listening to musically no this is literally all just gut feeling like literally all of it I'm gonna be real with you I think the best part of this track is the first 30 seconds and then it kind of just like doesn't really do much else it's not it's not a very special track I mean you hear it a little bit uh in the speed run you only get to hear it if you're doing AGB or any percent um so I think a lot of Runners don't even have that much attachment to it um it's a pretty black track I'm gonna put this one in an in seat here and we will review this just to see how I'm feeling about all this but yeah that's how I'm feeling with no balance case let's go to novalis diving oh thank you for subscribing it's probably an argument to be made to disable alerts I love you wait you didn't say you love me but I'm gonna say I love you anyway Gengar Gengar is a great Pokemon and I'm sure you're a great person thank you for the three months [Music] all right yeah I actually I am going to disable alerts for the time being just to make sure they don't get in the way foreign I love I love what this track does I want to go back to the beginning of it this is a very ambient track like if you would ask me to picture what this song like looks like in my head like what what I would think you're doing gameplay wise it would be something similar to uh being Underground I think it definitely gives off that kind of vibe so I think it very successfully does what it sets out to do however the only problem that I have with it is that it kind of builds and builds and builds and then doesn't really lead to anything like listen you expect like some sort of like sick drop here or like sick like rhythmic thing to happen and it just doesn't deliver like this is cool I like this foreign just doesn't really ever like land anywhere you know I do like the ambience of it I think it very successfully does what it sets out to do I just don't love it so I'm gonna put it in beats here I like the track though I do it's just you know it doesn't have like that same oomph that a lot of the other ones do all right kerwan [Music] I mean I mean [Music] oh my God I don't think I have to I don't think I have to make an argument as to why I'm putting this in SS here but if I had to if I had to put it to words I think I think the real test is if you're going to prove that an OST is sick with one track which track will you send right I think that is what is emblematic of SS2 and there are not there are not many tracks in all of Ratchet and Clank that are as like hard-hitting and memorable as kurlon it has to be SS tier it has to be like can you even you have no idea how many people use this track in like I would say at least 90 of all YouTube videos that have ever been made about like the history of Ratchet and Clank or um examining Ratchet and Clank or what is going on in like every single one of those super duper [ __ ] crazy popular YouTube videos always has this track all of them they always do so I'm absolutely putting this in SST this is just like such a ridiculously memorable track play wait play the 2017 year review for five seconds one tabloid 2017 year in review I cannot believe that this talks about [ __ ] that happened four years ago as much in Clank is a game absolutely packed with cool movement Tech tricks glitches and strategies I'm telling you dude it's memorable [Music] is this info about Chase this is obstacle course okay [Music] I'm pulling this a nest here because it is essentially my argument is that it is essentially the same exact theme as kerwan proper and it goes hard in the [ __ ] paint but it's just not as great it's just not as good like it it just doesn't have that same hit so maybe I'll put it under novalis I think that's where I'm gonna put it but I'm Gonna Leave This in in at the very least lowest here I think I think it's worthy of low s here but we'll see we'll see as I go through the list it's always hard to kind of keep things in perspective as you're first doing it to your list like this because you have a better idea of what everything sounds like by the time I get to the end so let's keep going together foreign you know it's funny to think that this this part of the OST happens in a place that speedrunners spend like no more than five seconds on foreign it's a bit overly ambitious [Music] I'll review this one as well I'll put it in the low way for now I think crew one in general just has Banger after Banger I think it's a I think it's a [ __ ] sick Planet but I do appreciate that it goes so hard foreign yeah oh my God holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] man this is so good this is so [ __ ] good oh my Lord I just I have to say real quick I [ __ ] adore that this OST draws so much influence from like late 90s early 2000s hip-hop like the the the very like like the raw 808 sounds like the like they're that are not like super refined it's like I don't even know how to describe it but it just sounds like like dirty drum beats uh I really really like it I'm gonna need a bit more perspective on this because I don't know how good the rest of the OST is but for right now here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna draw I'm gonna drop this in low SS and I'm gonna take her one training course and put it into a I think I want to do this with the rest of the curl ones I think this feels right I think that feels right holy [ __ ] dude this track is so good holy [ __ ] is this what I've been missing out on by not listening is do I need to start listening to to the in-game music from my own like spiritual well-being has has speedrunning this series in total silence for all these years just like been the worst decision I've ever made I want to have sex to this song chess you and me both holy moly this is so good all right let me hear rescuing skin foreign oh my God [Music] foreign this is ridiculous my SS tier is going to be like packed to the brim let me let me do like a quick reactionary hold on do I want to really actually drop this in SS hold on let me let me pull up aridia like vanilla again foreign oh my god dude holy [ __ ] all right let me compare that to this you know what it is the the literally like the base kicks work with like the The Walking bass lines from the actual base like they are just like literally having sex in my ears and they're making the most glorious sound babies all right my gut is telling me put this in s for now I think this is a this is well balanced for right now all right let's do Swing Shot course do do oh my [ __ ] god oh my God this is the music that plays on the title screen isn't it [Music] foreign s here [Music] oh my God he bust out the whole [ __ ] Orchestra for this one oh so good you have the [ __ ] with uh that's all the wood went oh Mike they really do have a whole [ __ ] Orchestra that's so awesome or at least a small chamber ensemble foreign [Music] honestly I'm glad I listened to more of this because I feel like the the rest of the song gets hard carried by uh by the intro so I'm just going to drop it down to eight here yeah but it literally just been the first 45 seconds I think I would put that in like easy mid-s tier but I think the the fact that it's like kind of Peters out afterwards and doesn't really do a whole lot more interesting stuff makes me want to drop it into a tier all right let's move on I got you sagbee no worries man with two music degrees ranks go to the video game OST with live audience 2021 colorize you know how it is Simon you know how it is foreign [Music] foreign [Music] no explanation needed I liked it it was good it was sick [Music] [Music] foreign not crazy about it it's it's hindered by the fact that one I hate the dude and the fact that it also doesn't really do anything interesting um yeah I'm not crazy about it oh man [Music] foreign spooky Christmas Vibes true this you can imagine Jack Skellington holding hands with the Grinch as they slink through Christmas I'm thinking High SS low s or sorry up reverse that low SS High s I'm gonna put it actually in High s for right now and I'm gonna move you Dora down and I'm gonna I have to move veld into beats here sorry my my oh like my OCD with this tier list won't allow me to keep things balanced or it won't allow me to not keep things balanced no D or F to your songs yet I'm still kind of waiting to see if we even need these tears I love that little flute uh bit right there oh great song Clank in space [Music] we're gonna review some stuff don't worry we've got some we got some stuff to review by the end we'll double check the beginning stuff as we go through it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I think it's a track honestly if if it had just been the first part before the beat came in I would have put it in C tier and when the beat came in I was like damn I think I want to put this in a tier but then as the third section is happening right here I'm kind of realizing that this track doesn't really actually do anything original like sure it's good [Music] also I don't did we start out in c minor in this track because the the tonic was supercharged to d flat the flat two and then it or at least I I don't know if it started in in D flat but it it basically just went from d flat to drop down to C and I [ __ ] hate when songs do that like they they supercharged the tonic and then go back to the tonic that they supercharged from [Music] and here we land in D flat [Music] yeah I don't know I like the movement of this I think like the way that it kind of like Cycles through a lot of different tonics is is actually kind of interesting musically but if I had to think about it that hard to appreciate it it I don't think this is going to go any higher than BT for me I'm gonna put this uh I'm gonna put this right here I don't love it I don't hate it sneaky says delete F tier there's no F tier tracks in this game honestly I agree oh [Music] this one's kind of spicy yo what's up Yankee how you doing dude I like this I like this a lot I like the ambience I really do yeah I like this one it's a banger it just doesn't make me it doesn't I feel it in my heart but I don't feel it in my balls you know what I mean does that make sense I think that makes sense okay worship self-destruct [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all of you putting this in seats here I think you're being ridiculous this is not C tier let me paint a picture let me go back to the beginning press the big red shiny button what the hell well all right hold on let me take it a step further back up already already with the big red shiny button you're 10 years old you're playing this game for the first time you suck [ __ ] at video games in fact you don't even know where the [ __ ] you are you have you don't even you can't even quite figure out what game you're playing that's how stupid you are and then all of a sudden you're going through this level you see this like big ass red shiny button and you're like I want to press that big red shiny button and so you walk up to it and it says press the big red shiny button and you're like and so of course you press it thinking nothing bad could possibly happen and then all of a sudden what what have I done you have 30 seconds to escape before you die oh my God I'm gonna die I'm gonna die all right here I go long jump long jump [ __ ] I bumped into a wall launch up oh my God there's two crabs over there what do I do all right let me try to throw this bomb glove of these crabs [ __ ] [ __ ] I can't aim this thing this [ __ ] bomb I'm getting hit by the crap oh no all right I just I just gotta run I just gotta run I only have 20 seconds left I'm going I'm going home God what where the [ __ ] am I going where the [ __ ] am I going three two one no and you like [ __ ] like scream at your TV as ratchet explodes into nothingness I'm putting beats here I think belden's a little low though so I'm gonna put velden back over here no honestly I think it does exactly what it needs to do it there's just nothing special about it it's a track that plays for 30 [ __ ] seconds it's meant to only play for 30 [ __ ] seconds it gets in does its job goes home it works the nine to five it goes into the office clocks in gets his paycheck at the end of every two weeks goes home doesn't have sex with his wife hasn't had sex with his wife for three years his kids are screaming and pissing and [ __ ] everywhere it's it's it's just a normal guy on the nine to five grind that's what this song is that's my opinion all right what do we got next [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I think the best part of this is honestly the middle ground of the of the song So when you're looking at music when you're when composers are writing music there's three very very important things they have to balance they have to balance the foreground which is the melody or like what the audience hears the easiest usually the melody um the background what's happening underneath so in this case it's usually the base and the drums and the middle ground is pretty much everything else and then the middle ground is the meat of the music right listen to the middle ground again so you have the melody and then you have the counter Melody that that kind of serves as the middle guy [Music] foreign so now you have foreground background no no no no no no no no no no no no no I love it dude I [ __ ] love it I think this is easy SS here [Music] I think it's easy SS I don't even think there's a question I feel like if you if you can't see how this is an SS to your song you are not a real Ratchet no I'm not gonna Ganky if you don't agree with my opinion you're not a real fan of the series if you think the bouncer Ben if you think the bouncer sucks I hate you and I hope you die no nothing like that but in all seriousness this is literally one of the most memorable tracks in all of Ratchet and Clank like it was so memorable they've literally just ripped it right from rack one and put it into you it's amazing I love the sign this goes two in for something like standing on sewer grates it's kind of sick though that's all I'm saying listen sometimes sometimes in this world music needs to match the the what is happening but sometimes the level is so boring that the music needs to do something [ __ ] spectacular to make it special and that is this song it doesn't do the ambience in the same way that I'm not putting it above kerwan I might not even put it above iridia I might put this low SS because I do agree that there is something about it that doesn't really match the theme of what's going on whereas with these two they're bangers that do match the theme of what's going on which makes them effectively perfect um but I think this one is just so like ridiculously like I feel like again tracks SS to your tracks are reserved for the kinds of tracks that you send to your friends who have never played Ratchet and Clank before and you're like check out how [ __ ] awesome the OST is I feel like realgar is easily one of those tracks easily all right so we got hoverboard race now foreign foreign I judged you too harshly okay foreign I don't know I'm kind of waffling I'm kind of waffling I think for the sake of balance I'm gonna put it right here oh look at that it doesn't doesn't this look so much tidier than this I'll put it right here all right where are we at now real guard sewer Escape oh this one should bring back some PTSD for all you I'm gonna do infinite crunches with my annoying friend gets all philosophical I cried while this team played needs its own PTSD tier this is [Music] I think it's so funny how like everyone had every single kid who ever played this had the same Mutual experience of like just sheer horror from this section for those of you unaware this is the the section where um you have to go through the underground sewer of royalgar and the water is just like steadily Rising and uh if you don't go fast enough the water level will raise so much that ratchet will will continuously drown like like you will just drown every time if you don't go fast enough I think pretty much every single kid who ever played this struggle with this section myself included I'm putting Nate here I think it does exactly what it sets out to do I don't think it's anything super unique or interesting but it does what it it does its job and it does it really well I think it's extremely memorable clearly all of you remember it B tier no this is not a beat listen I I think that like if I were just gauging it on musical terms then like sure there's an argument to be made for B tier but I think this is just too memorable it's it's Farge even if even though a lot of you have negative feelings toward it it's still extremely memorable so I have to put this in a tier what do we have next ombres oh boy oh foreign I think that's a little bit um my purposes are a bit selfish I don't think the track is super unique I still love the song I don't think it's it's super incredible so I don't think it's SS but I have spent so much time on umbrous in my time playing this game strictly from infinite long jump practice and this song like always does it for me like being on umbrous feels incredible we're gonna we're gonna get this place we're gonna get this place sandwich comes from Joy adrenaline which itself is from Kiss hotter than hell that's actually the the idea of using like something I was I I watched a YouTube video one time about um that kind of broke down why Kanye West's music is so iconic and essentially one of the bigger arguments that they made was that he always uses samples that draw from the human voice like you know he always references little songs here and there he always does like memorable little hooks basically if you want to make a track more memorable you put in a little hook that's like a sample of someone saying or yelling something I'm trying to think like a really good example of this I don't know basically essentially we're more drawn to it because it's like a human connectivity kind of thing and and uh I love I love that they they kind of draw influence from that idea in this track with a little like go and get this place or whatever the [ __ ] they're saying I love that little that little hook right there adds so much more bite to the song it's such a small little Bridge like it's it's literally like a four bar bridge into the next section and if it didn't have the little the the vocal hook in there it just it wouldn't like connect at all but just that small little addition adds so much to it I think this is an easy s to your song all right let's keep going oh yeah this is crash site isn't it oh my God foreign [Music] foreign this is an irregular meter isn't it hold on let me see [Music] two three one two six seven eight nine foreign I was psyching myself out because of the the the orchestral hits I like it I think it's a great track I like that little um I forget the term but there's like Waltz meters that have the emphasis on two I forget what those are called but there's a term for that I like that there was like a little bit of that in there very irregular or not regular's not the right word but very unusual stuff no it's not BackBeat I'm talking about an actual Bonafide musical term for it foreign [Music] um this is snaggle beasts like stupid younger brother who like keeps getting thrown in jail all the time for for petty misdemeanors foreign [Music] [Music] I think if this hadn't wait oh I like the little uh the vochistra thing going on here like the like the you know the choir all going oh perhaps that was too harsh on you I'll put it in C all right I'll put it in low B yeah I'm not a big fan of this one oh [Music] all right the ground boot section oh [Music] shut up hurting foreign I love this this is [ __ ] awesome okay on a gas bar wait gas bar why is Gaspar happening before it Orcs on oh this [ __ ] this person did the grindrail section first he he was like me see quite rail me go on grindrail dude oh give it to me David Virgo I'm gonna have to revisit both blarg and Gaspar because I'm not sure which ones I'm going to want to put in High s and which ones I'm going to put in low SS I think for now I'm gonna put Gaspar at the top of s tier but these two are basically interchangeable and I don't know where I'm gonna put both of them can I make an argument for Battaglia grind rail above blarg sure my argument that not only is Battalion also an Ouya vidcomic one but Battalion starts the sex part right off the bat while blarg takes a little bit to get to the good part I don't like that argument I know Stevie I saw your observation you [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I gotcha yeah take your take your shots at me they're all in ooyah but hey there's a reason they all make a reappearance they're amazing I don't like the argument that like musically something has to hit you hard right from the get-go I don't like that argument at all I think it's important that um like all that really truly matters is layered progression like I don't care if a song starts out I want to use an example from a video game but I can't play it because I I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't played the game yet but basically I don't think it's a problem to have a song that takes a little bit to ramp up I think as long as it keeps building building building building building it's not as if you're sitting there waiting for the drop it's not like you're bored as long as there's something for the ear to attach you I don't necessarily like that argument I just prefer because it's hyped the whole time and that's fine you're allowed to we're gonna revisit a lot of this you don't have to worry maybe I'll change my mind myself okay so we're gonna go to Orcs on now foreign thank you [Laughter] Nick I was actually wondering where you're at but of course I wasn't going to say anything in case uh you know [Music] you have need the extended Bill to have great moments to have to have the impact oh the joy wouldn't hit like it does if you didn't have the 45 minutes of an entire Symphony and a recap of each movement before you get to hear it the delay is what makes it work [Laughter] it's what you've been waiting for for 45 minutes [Music] um how do I feel about this track how do I feel about it I actually think this part is really good foreign yeah I think it's it's hard to divorce this from the atrocious gameplay that you have to suffer through while this is happening and so I think it's easy to um kind of conflate how bad Clank orcsan is with how bad with how I think it's easy to think that this track is bad because that section of the game is bad like I think it's easy to want to put it in C or D tier but it's really atmospheric and it has some good sections to it so I'm gonna take the brave stance of putting this in mid B tier I realize that's a bit ambitious especially this little part right here [Music] okay that's where my opinion stands on that if you don't like that sorry all right let's do pokitaru and July Resort poketaru wait a minute [Music] wait a minute we've heard this before okay foreign Potter Vibe with this and and what I mean is I don't think either can live while the other survives you know I either have to put them directly next to each other or I have to put one of them way higher than the other and honestly I'm leaning towards this [Music] I do think this is better than the original velden I like this better um if anything this means I kind of have to drop down velden a bit the problem is Velvet has the Legacy so it's hard for me to justify pulling Belden down although I think I still might I think I'm still gonna put them I'm gonna put both of them within the same tier for now but I am gonna drop velden to right around here I think bottom of eight here that way it's like perfectly average with this current list velvet will uh ideally be kind of nestled right in the middle of the tier list that's kind of my goal I think velden is like the middle of the road track it's memorable but I think poketaru does everything that velden does but better plus I like the visuals of pokitaru a lot more as well so it's Belden but better but not s worthy yeah that's my opinion it doesn't really do anything that different it just is kind of let me give you an example I'm gonna pull out an external example so this is one of the this is like the main theme of Danganronpa 2 like the walking around music that plays this is kind of a very similar example so this is beautiful ruin [Music] [Music] [Music] and then so there's also beautiful ruined somersault which I personally like better [Music] but it's the same kind of thing right you hear um beautiful ruined vanilla before you hear beautiful ruin somersault but I think somersault like even though it doesn't it obviously isn't changing much because it's just a remix I think what it adds is actually still really really great so that's kind of where I'm at with this whole pokitar reveld in business I think that velden is still a classic I still love the song so I have to put it in 18 I I just like Pokey Target better so that's what I'm currently at with that let's go to the dog fight didn't we hear this before am I crazy this is the boss theme of annihilation I like this a lot a shame you only hear this for like a minute I have to really revisit SS here on a second hold on I know where I'm getting like hit in the in the face by this now not quite the same man this is tough this is really tough because I like all these tracks I'm not 100 sure where to put this I like this I'm gonna put it in Nest here but I don't know where I'm gonna put it right next to ombres because it just I like it better than umbrous actually I'm gonna put it right here I like it I really do I just don't know where I'm gonna put it yet so I'm gonna put it in mid-s here yeah I figure Nick if I have it if I'm already putting on person s here and this is basically the closest track to umbrous I still like the track you know oh [ __ ] what's happening I I totally missed it the track changed and I didn't even have my thing in okay [Music] I'm gonna use RPS RP CS3 with your new pc I have no idea I don't even know how to do any of that I like this I like this a lot I'm feeling asked here I'm feeling it all right Orcs on 2 ratchet section [Music] I like the little reggaeton beat going on here foreign a lot of you right now I don't think this is SS I really don't I like it a lot I think it's really atmospheric and good I don't think it's SS the one thing I think works against it is that it it literally doesn't really do like if you've heard the first 15 seconds of the song you've heard all of it there's nearly nothing super interesting that happens here I like it don't get me wrong it's like it reminds me of um I don't know how many of you ever heard uh Boston's self-titled album you know it's the song that has like foreplay long time um uh peace of mind uh what's the the big one the big one everyone [Music] um More Than A Feeling yeah it's got more than a feeling it's got foreplay long time Peace of Mind rock and roll band like that album is incredible however every single song on that album sounds almost exactly the same it just happens to have the benefit of being a good song so it's eight tracks of the same song but you don't mind because it's a good song that's kind of where I'm at here am I saying that Boston self-titled is the greatest album of all time I'm not I love Boston self-titles it's personally one of my favorite classic rock albums but if I'm gonna actually put it under a microscope I I don't think it's like worthy of being a 10 out of 10 album similarly I don't think this is worthy of being a 10 or out of 10 or a 9 out of 10 track I like what it does I I like the the vibe to it but there's just not enough variance for me I'm personally I mean obviously I know a lot of you are going to disagree and that's okay that's that's the whole point of a tier list especially for something with as many options as this um so I'm gonna put this I think atmospherically it works really really well so I'm gonna put it like right I'm gonna put it similar to a real guard I think I'm gonna put it just above real gar sewer Escape how does this stack as a sequel to the Orcs on one theme it does okay I think it does a pretty good job wait this is this is all Hoven right foreign [Music] [Music] all right I'm going to start my assessment by saying this this is not an SS to your track so the people who were saying this is SS I'm sorry to disappoint you this is not SS and I'll tell you why um remove yourself from the context of this game and imagine listening to this as somebody who's never listened to Ratchet and Clank before this is not going to be the track that pulls you into the series it's not it's a good track don't get me wrong I like it I think it's kind of cool um but I think it's just like a little it's not really that hard hitting um I mean honestly I don't even know if I if I think it's that great in comparison to like like here's the thing the competition is tough and just because a song goes hard in the paint does not mean it's it's guaranteed High tier because look at how many high tiers we have like literally s and a are the most packed tiers right now the competition is really really tough I think there are cool parts to this song I think largely it doesn't really hold my interest like I think I'm actually my gut reaction is to put it right here that's my gut reaction it's good I don't mind it it's just like yeah do I think it's more memorable than uh velden absolutely not I don't do I think it's better than Orcs on claim section I do so this seems right to me all right on to hydro displacer puzzle that's pretty cool flicker pal foreign [Music] I just want to use this song as an example as to why my job as the person putting this tier list together is so stressful because as soon as this started playing here's here's the gut reactions I got from twitch chat c tier B tier s tier one of my favorite one of the best songs easily B to C tier low B to c c s s a literally no one is going to be happy with where I place this no one well a very small percentage of people are going to be happy with where I place this so basically do what you want oh I will I love that little like dance the woodwind splay right there you know what I would use you know what adjective I would use to describe this track flirtatious this is a flirtatious track is a little back and forth happening between the instruments it's like you know some good old like Teenage like flirting you know puppy love style flirting going on here gut reaction [Music] I like it I actually really like it I like this track moving on oh twitch chat I feel like you all have been waiting for this one for a while all right let's get to it [Music] [Music] hmm I'm gonna put this one uh in soft B tier soft beats here uh it's pretty good but you know it just doesn't have I'm just kidding I'm I'm kidding you all got so unbelievably Japan [Laughter] oh my God I mean I I just don't even know what else to say I don't even know what else to say I mean this is this is legitimately the the best [ __ ] track in the entire game it just goes so unbelievably hard in the paint I can't imagine putting this on anywhere other than number one it's amazing it's absolutely amazing well I want to hear the beat come in again foreign it's just perfect this track is legitimately perfect for what it has to do it has no it doesn't even need to be this good and yet somehow it's still like is is incredible make a new tier absolutely not hey hey come on put some respect on these three okay this is great and I still think it's number one but it's not like these three are that far behind all right dog fight I can't even put curl on in football chase that low we're gonna put it again wait where did I put it curwon training course oh yeah I just I'm not I'm just not crazy about it I don't know why this song sounds like Trent rezner having sex with a steel pipe um and that's not necessarily a bad thing because I like steel pipes and Trent rezner but I don't know it's not like really doing it I don't like it I don't like it it doesn't I feel like I'm I'm like waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for like the thing to happen in this song and then it just never delivers you know what I mean I don't know I feel like I'm waiting on something that just doesn't actually happen it's still good I mean I'm actually putting it this High because I love I love the the hold on I love the bass boosted part right here like literally like the booming base is the only thing that's making this track for me but honestly on a on a real listen I don't know if I feel that good about it it's also just such a steep drop off from how good gimlich proper is I mean like granted there's nothing that you could do to make a song that compares to gamblik on the same Planet as gemlik and so maybe this is just like a throwaway they were like hey we need to like cleanse the listening palette because like we just gave them the best track in the entire game we need to give them something really shitty so I can make them appreciate how good it is I'm putting at the end of Beats here I may drop it down to C let's continue [Music] [Music] that's where I'm putting it I'm going to get lower s here actually that's a pretty good point I'm gonna put it below Nevada's um I'm gonna put it right here I think this feels good I don't like it as much as novalis I don't like it as much as Hombres but I think I like it a little bit more than the rest of these songs here in AIDS here what do we have next altanus magnet rail foreign [Music] things [Music] [Music] I think this one is 20 times more interesting than all tennis like I think this one is is like so much more interesting than this one I love this one this one's really cool this does not fit a Magna boot section but think about you're thinking about this from the wrong perspective think about this the first time you've ever played this game this is the hardest Magna boot section in the whole game it's very very very easy to die there's there's rails everywhere there's there's enemies that hit you all over the place there's the ice part and the end like most people don't no they only have four nanotech at this point and so they get hit by a whole bunch of [ __ ] and then you have to make those like those well-timed jumps at the very end over the laser beams do you know how many people like died over and over and over and over on the section this section was intense this part was hard this part is hard as a kid people die there in runs it's true people die they're in speed runs and they're these are the people who are way better at the game than like the average casual person you know I love this track I think it's great I'm leaving a nest here and you can't change my mind let's keep it going oh of course skyflock it was my pleasure dude it was a [ __ ] awesome event system I want you know I'm thinking about this there's something I need to listen to real quick because right now Gaspar is the gatekeeper for SS tier if it can't beat gas bar it doesn't deserve to be an SS okay I'm gonna dispel a couple of arguments here real quick I don't like the argument that this doesn't fit core two I think it I think it absolutely does fit core too I don't think you're remembering how like goofy chords you is as a planet if you think that this doesn't um fit Quarter Two Quarter Two is is the the one planet where you have to get the the Nano Hollow guys or whatever the [ __ ] the hollow guys not the Nano Hollow guys that's the that's the speedrunner um you have to get the hollow guys and you have to go through that whole puzzle where you're where you're walking around it's like the clunky little like like the [ __ ] like stupid ass like uh shitty little robot dude that part is so funny that part is so funny and this like I think this perfectly matches like the Ridiculousness of that section I think it absolutely does now as far as um what was the other argument that I was seeing that the oh that the build up is too long I really don't have a problem with build up I really don't I think it's great when a track can punch you in the face as hard as possible right from the get-go but I don't think every I don't think the the qualifying metric of an SS to your song should be whether or not it punches you in the face from second number one um I think there are plenty of songs in this world that are incredible that take a lot of time to build up like one of my favorite uh I think I I really truly appreciate a slow burn one of my favorite pop tracks of all time is uh is Madness by Muse which is like a five and a half minute long song where the climax of the song happens four and a half minutes in and everything else is just build up leading up to it it's it's [ __ ] incredible I don't know how I feel about this man I really don't I'm kind of waffling a little bit I like the track I really do I like it a lot I don't know if it clears the gas bar test for me personally I don't know I'm gonna revisit this I'm gonna put it I'm gonna put it right here for now that's where I'm gonna put it I'm going to double check all four of these though I want to really I'm gonna double check A lot of these just to make sure I feel good about this list [Music] oh it's the Boston situation all over again like this song doesn't do anything remotely different than like four or five of the other tracks we've already listened to but it's still good I still like it it's good it's just like doesn't get me hot and bothered you know it kind of reminds me of ombres onto calibo 3 I honestly agree about revisiting tomorrow now we're doing it all right now all of it we're sending it after today foreign [Music] [Music] I like it I don't love it foreign [Music] it's good this doesn't have a lot of oomph nothing really separates it from from the rest of these up here that's what I'm feeling all right drexelite foreign [Music] this is honestly getting so hard as we keep going I mean thank God we only have four more tracks to do because my brain feels like it's melting because these are all like high quality tracks it's just like some are just slightly slightly slightly or better than others it's kind of crazy that I haven't really just been able to justify putting anything in deter yet I mean we got out rid of f to your outright there were no after your tracks you could make an argument that a couple of these could be moved down so you may have to take a look through there I'm about it right here that's what I'm feeling in my heart of hearts I think this one's an OUYA oh my God this is Command Center oh man foreign [Music] this one's incredible I mean even my Ouya bias aside this is a [ __ ] awesome track foreign [Music] boy I'm about to do it I'm doing it and [ __ ] you if you disagree granted I think I really do think lightly a bias is coming in to play at least a little bit because I've spent you have no idea like how much this track gives me like like my heartbeat starts to like get a little bit quicker every time I hear it because so many runs have gotten to this spot and so many runs have died in this spot nostalgic song for me and it means a lot so I it's not one of the best ones but I have to put it in SS it's like there is a very clear divide between say gemlick and Drex Fleet but I still pref I still like there's a special place in my heart for this I think this would have worked better if this had been like the music for velden 2 instead of Drex Fleet all right here we go I like this track I really do but I'm pretty sure the direct boss fight music does this better if I recall correctly I'm gonna toss this um I'm gonna toss this just below sewer Escape no I'm gonna toss it just below iridia I'm gonna throw nades here but I think this one does it better if I recall correctly foreign [Music] foreign this is tough that's what I'm thinking that's what I'm thinking that's my gut reaction okay so we've placed everything now um and I'm leaving Drex Fleet in SS here even though uh a lot of you seem to have a lot of opinions about that and if you don't like that you can suck my balls let's review let's see how we feel do we feel good about SS here let me double check so we have gemlik is number one where is game like oh wait I've picked the wrong gambling this one [Music] [Music] oh what a [ __ ] sick track all right kerwan oh my God God such an iconic track I still it's it's a tough call I think I think these two are actually very interchangeable I I would not be upset if somebody said that kerwan is better than gemlick um I really wouldn't but I think that these are these are clearly the top two tracks in the game in my opinion actually let me let me listen to iridia and uh realgar before I say that yeah this one goes hard in the paint I love this one oh my God all right real guard let me hear real gar oh yeah yeah that feels right that feels right all right oh oh my God [Music] already a stocks are falling dude got it remember how stupid I was when I said that it's not like the best of the best but it is among the best that was so stupid of me to say it is in the best of the best good job zem92 Round of Applause for me for being so smart and hot and definitely not a loser all right actually let me listen to riddy again real quick aridia over curlwan though I think there's an argument okay I think if a song is an SS here then by default like no one should be upset if uh if people place SS to your songs in different orders right like I think we can all at least agree that an SS tier should have a bunch of tracks that are relatively interchangeable right and so I think as long as we can all agree that these are like the best of the best I mean I know some people still have some reservations about maybe one or two of these and maybe some people want to see some of these s-tier songs move up um but I think as long as as it's agreeable that that like an SS tier has the best of the best in it and that like you're you're not going to be upset if you see people moving [ __ ] around Gaspar foreign I like this track a lot I don't think it's SS I really don't I think it's a good gatekeeper though like if you if it's not better than Gaspar it doesn't deserve to be SS I I think I'm Gonna Leave it right where it is let's go for blaring just blurred past the gas bar test that is the question wait is this the wrong blog oh so you're yeah so it is all right still wrong oh God [ __ ] damn it okay [Music] I think blarg is gonna stay at the top of that steer but I don't think I'm gonna put it in SS yeah I'm gonna have this be the top of us here and then I'm gonna have gas bar just below let me see if Italia grind rail listen to the whole aridia track it was getting better all right I'll go back to already in a second I'm gonna preemptively move this behind quarter tube here let me go back to iridia that actually is really good all right let's go to court yeah I like the decision to move Battalion behind quarter too I'm actually gonna move chorus to a head of gas bar actually do I feel good about that yeah I do I feel good about that decision actually I am gonna put Quarter Two ahead of blog I'm feeling that let me listen between Quarter Two and blarg again Let's Get Down I think they're relatively interchangeable [Music] but I am gonna do that yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna do that blarg top of s then quarter two then velden oops did not mean to do that then gas bar okay let me get the gas bar back in my ear again yeah I'm gonna put it back over velden okay battalia grindrail oh man grind rail section is so memorable one remembers their first grindrail section everyone all right Pokey dogfight these two are really really similar they're nearly interchangeable head over that oh man [Music] oh I'm about to do something that I never thought I was gonna do love this track I love this track this track rocks I love the the during the breaks uh that [ __ ] gets me torqued plus bear in mind that my favorite ratchet OST ever is uh obani Gemini and this actually reminds me a lot of a Bonnie Gemini so I'm gonna give it a little bit of bias all right old tennis actually I'm gonna do that actually I'm gonna put this just below the dog fight never mind I'm putting it back above a dogfight actually I'm just gonna do this yeah that feels good that feels good all right already a saving skin I should wait let me before I do that let me listen to the boss fight again actually no I can't I can't do the boss fight dirty like that I will I will leave it like this aridia saving skin I love that like pretty much every single track we've listened to is like cat Jam Worthy colibo three I'm Gonna Leave it where it is actually never mind [Music] I'm gonna move it above Italia Battalion stonks are falling fast novalus drop of freestyle okay yeah oh [ __ ] yeah oh yeah I'm Sam wait hold on yeah I'm Sam and I'm here to say right now that I got a big song and I like to eat cow and I like to eat lots of cheese I don't know what else to say so I always redelegate to eating cheese oh [ __ ] yeah huh [ __ ] wait which track is this again oh this is directly okay I feel pretty good about the zest here I think they're all solid songs they're they're not like as iconic as say gemlick or rilgar but they do their job and they do it well I feel good about that let me comb through eights here a little bit ultanus I'm moving it up Eudora foreign what's next pokitaru I like you Dora as as number one a tier I like that at least right now I like it in a tier I'm Gonna Leave it where it is because it's my personal opinion and I like this better than velden okay giant Clank and at the top of eight here all right umbrous hey it's that music that's a new year I'm moving it up all right hydra's Placer puzzle um [Music] I gotta be honest this doesn't really do it for me I'm gonna take this back off I'm not putting it in D tier dear Lord foreign I'll leave it where it is for now but actually okay it's a little bit better now it's a little bit better now yeah it's okay I don't really like it I'm gonna be honest with you oh wait it works on Ratchet that works on Clank [Music] much higher than that higher than Pokey let me listen to you Dora again foreign puzzles gonna probably still go down a little bit all right super Escape hold on your butts this easily goes above this I also think this might go above this actually you know what I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm just thinking about how high octane the sewer Escape puzzle is I think it works I think I I really really like it a lot I think it's very um uh yeah I think just high octane is a good way of putting it all right already a fortress let's see here [Music] [Music] I actually love I love songs like this that um like this is obviously in four four like one two three four one two three four one two three four but I like that it kind of has a bigger feeling of two you know two and one and two and one and two and one and two oh I like that it kind of gives it like a like a like a jauntier feeling you know like uh like like three like three minstrels skipping down a field of flowers three minstrels skipping down a field of flowers Belden two give it to me perhaps I misjudged you okay Clark it's velved in two better than Core 2 giant Clank good question I like that one right where it is okay kerwan training core oh wait no we have to go back to blarg oh no I yeah I like this one I'm gonna put it above already a fortress give me kirwan training course let's see here [Music] [Music] thank you I'm gonna put it right here I feel good about that all right velden [Music] [Music] and we're back and we're back with both guitar and velvet being right next to each other we gotta figure out some [ __ ] here all right does Hoven puzzle deserve to be over Hoven let's find out [Music] I've been told to listen to more of this so I'm gonna try to listen to more of this [Music] um yeah I think y'all are defending Hoven puzzle too hard it's okay it's not like the worst thing ever it's just not great please listen to the end of Hoven which one the Hoven vanilla or Hoven end of puzzle I'll happily put Hoven up here yeah that seems good to me oh man a nice we love a good little VOC just run this in this stream we do okay okay I'll put it up here you've made your point you've made your point all right real gar hoverboard give me blog warship again I hope this be the last one of eights here I'll put aridia and Hoven and beat here actually give me a riddia again already a fortress uh yeah I'll put it in beats here it starts out really really strong but then kind of Fizzles from that point forward all right yeah I'll put the bottom of AIDS here large self-destruct we're nearly finished we're getting to scaling The Cliffs relax [Music] I feel good about that too short to be a tier it doesn't have to be long it does it's a 30 second track it does what it has to do and it gets the [ __ ] out all right I guess it's a 45 second track it doesn't have to be long it's a 45 second segment of gameplay orcsan Clank section Hoven puzzle is truly The Whipping Boy of this tier list all right info about Chase perhaps I misjudged you blood Clank foreign [Music] like I think all these deserve to be considered at your tracks and that's okay the majority of the songs in this game are good they're good like they're good songs there's some osts out there that are [ __ ] garbage what's that one that's like [ __ ] what's that one that's like the [ __ ] Sonic horrible grading stupid one Sonic Chronicles whichever one that was like you know what listen let me give you an example of what would deserve to be an F tier okay someone legit green lit this you're wondering why I'm putting all of these [ __ ] tracks in s-tier a tier B tier it's because [ __ ] like this exists like holy moly in the same OST you have this [Music] I actually unironically think that the one thing ultimate does better than pretty much any Nintendo game ever is the incredible soundtrack I think the soundtrack is legitimately 10 out of 10 in this game but this is still in it I'm fine putting this many things in a tier all right let me finish uh where's battalia yeah it's okay um I'm over to the top of beach here maybe I'll put it after iridia I like it it's not bad it's just novalis underground diving it's okay it's pretty good yeah it'll stay where it is all right gambling dog fight ing at the top of beach here I think it's good I don't think it's bad this doesn't really hit me in the face at all just kind of it's like a calm lake on a boring day all right scaling The Cliffs you all told me I massively underrated this one [Music] all right I'm gonna leave it in B10 I'll tell you why I don't think this song does anything unique or special that separates it from any of the other songs and uh [Music] really annoys the [ __ ] out of me so I'm gonna leave it in beats here there needs to be more diversity between tier lists what do you mean like between the tears Ryan of Alice caves [Music] um I like it better than [Music] yeah okay so now at this point everything is too front loaded so now I need to I agree with Nick I need to space this out a little bit so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna draw a line I'm gonna draw a line somewhere because as S and A T are too packed they're too packed together so I think what I'm gonna do is I don't feel good about calling any of these C or D to your songs I really don't think I need them are that bad I think they're all very pleasant to listen to there's nothing that like makes it raining so I think I am going to do the system of SSS a plus a B plus b and I'm gonna divide so let's start by moving this to be these are clear bees in my opinion I think aridia I think these belong in B plus I think this can move down this can move down this can move down this can move down this can move down and listening down this can certainly move down as well as this uh it won't let me swap them Italia grindrail goes down to a plus uh kalibo three goes down to S Plus and saving skid goes down to eight or a plus I'm gonna move orcsan ratchet down Hoven down kerwan and Eudora then I'm gonna do this this this and then battalia here already a fortress and honestly let me take a listen to rydia's savings kit again okay I think that looks pretty good orgs on Ratchet a plus yeah nothing's gonna move that much I think this more accurately represents my opinions I really don't I really think that by and large this is this is an incredible OST rotoridia above realguard I'm gonna leave them as is I like the stair list I feel good about it SS should be S Plus you should use the same system okay that's fair that's fair I think this is finally finished it took us a long [ __ ] time it took us a lot of of uh of uh restructuring and reorganization but we finally got there dear Lord that took a while I want to give a special shout out too sneaky for putting this uh tier list together I basically just said hey sneaky can you do me a favor and uh create this tier list for me and he spent like three straight hours of work to get it done literally as soon as I asked him so I want to give a huge shout out to Snappy he he is really the one who made this possible [Music]
Channel: Xem VODs
Views: 9,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ratchet and clank, xem, xem92, world record, speedrun, soundtrack, ost, tier list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 13sec (7153 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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