Can you beat Plants vs. Zombies 2 with ONLY PEASHOOTERS? Part 2

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so the first night is never usually that bad in any of the so I'll play through welcome back to anthropomorphic koala tries to beat 10-year-old mobile game with only one of its fictional character types if you haven't seen the original video go watch that now or else you won't have the proper contextual knowledge to truly appreciate this video or or don't I don't really care all I'm here to do is continue this challenge starting with lost city let's jump into it right now we've losted through the first few levels of reper day four introduced EX zombies one of two zombies that everyone was giving me a panic attack about in the comments that we'll see in this episode the other one will show up later on excavator zombie can actually be counted in a couple of ways most notably using split pee split PE can hit excavator from the back just like I did to your the solution was to spam a lot of split peeves whenever excavator showed up until the final wave where we could let natural selection do its course day five was a conveyor level which we can skip I already know I'm going to get comments thinking I skipped levels or cheated so for my sanity please go and watch part one before comen about any potential war crimes I may have committed in the making of this video day six was basically a repeat of day four in day seven I realized five P's plant food ability is another solid solution to excavators speaking of FP I actually misgendered her in the last video to be honest I don't really know how that works since it looks like a burning regular peashooter so does setting a plant on fire make it female actually how is the F even alive if it really is a burning peashooter oh and power Soul zombies they don't really change much do they day and Day N were skippable day 10 continued the peashooter split pee combo we didn't need to place a single split pee in day 11 because the level gave us enough plant food to Scorch or the excavators with only five piece plant food ability we're also introduced to bug zombies which can somehow be hit by five piece plant food too despite clearly being Airborne as per our rules we could bring sunflowers for day 12 as well a produce Sun level and day 13 was a conveyor day 14 was a locked and loaded level velocity really doesn't like normal levels does it day 15 was straightforward in day 16 was the Gargantua conveyor level we got hard carried by lawnmowers in day 17 before facing yet another conveyor belt in day 18 the next two levels were simple with F I knew this plan would be useful for frostbite caves but I would have never expected it to be just as useful here the combo with 5p and split PE definitely has its World Under Control day 21 and day 22 were both locked and loaded levels day 23 though was very difficult a surprising difficulty Spike after a world of easy levels this was mostly because of the new zombie Relic Hunter The Relic Hunter is basically a swashbuckler with more than double the health and lands further down a lawn yikes this guy is super tanky so our five PS and split peas really struggled with him however after a few attempts we managed to succeed through milking the sun tiles as much as possible by placing split peas on them this also allowed them to shoot back at The Relic Hunters further down the lawn man sppy is so clutched for this challenge this is how day 24 [Music] starts what the hell am I meant to do about that after a few tries I managed to spam an off split piece to just take him down but then everything else was too overwhelming since I blew all my son already obviously this wasn't going to work I then rented every single peashooter possible to absolutely no avail but the closest plant we had was Primal P I'm not joking when I say it took days of on and off grinding just to get the final wave of this level let alone beat it this was largely down to the two aspects of the game that we all know and love RNG and luck see The Relic Hunters land on the lawn at a randomly selected tile between the columns 4 and six by retrying over and over again we got some good RNG and they landed mostly in the sixth column a large factor that was slowing down our progress was having to reroll the rental Plant button and watch 10 minutes of ads every time to use Primal P however I realized I could just go to ancient Egypt day one and farm the rental Plant offers after beating the level to get enough seed packs to unlock him permanently and what do you know we beat level quickly after doing this and best of all I don't have to lobotomize myself with mobile game ads again to use this guy as for the winning and run of this level all of our starts aligned good RA Hunter RNG good Primal PE knockback RNG to keep the zombies away from the flowers some quick Thinking by placing fire peas and swi peas on the fly an optimal plant food usage and after digging up some plants for much needed Sun at the end of the level I spammed Primal and split peas for dear life beating the hardest and most timec consuming levels so far day 25 was a breeze with our newly unlocked Primal P who actually has a secret ability while his attacks can't damage excavators and its stun attack won't stun them it knockback attack actually will knock them back so while he can't take on excavators on his own he still helps us manage them in Day 26 we use Primal P to stall the zombies until the final wave for the lawnmowers yes we've gotten to this stage of the game now I then bought garlic for $150 just so I could start getting ads previously I just turned off Wi-Fi to stop ads but I Was preparing to live stream the challenge so I needed Wi-Fi I find it so fun funny you can literally buy garlic for real money that's crazy as for day 27 the newly introduced turquoise skull zombies aren't usually that bad but for this challenge they're brutal they like to hide behind the excavators and wipe out our Primal PS on the last wave this level is tough largely due to the aformentioned final wave with a turquoise skull in every lane for this reason I knew we had to save up all of our lawnmowers till the final wave but this was easier said than done I ended up saving three lawnmowers to the final wave then dug up all the plants in Lanes with lawnmowers and spammed Primal p in the remaining Lanes I then used split P to attack the turoy skulls from behind where they were out of the skull range yes split p is the MVP once again day 28 was a locked and loaded level in day 29 we use the same strategy as day 27 stool out the lanes with lawn mowers until the final wave then spam everything in the lanes with no lawn mowers left a Gargantua actually spawned in a lane with no mower which was unlucky but Primal Piers broken against gargantas so was fine apart from that slippy hard carried this level too not only can it hit excavator and turquoise skulls from behind but it can also hit bug zombies from both sides without being eaten since they fly over him to get to his repeat aside instead of eating him and never seeing his repeat aside like most zombies do so he gets so much value out of him and that's not even all he can also hit tents from behind to stop zombies spawning without being in danger of the spawn zombies themselves this is something I Ed to win day 30 in addition to lawnmower carrying is usual I was surprised by how good split he was in this world he counters basically all of the zombies here and that's a rap for lost city since day 31 is a locked and loaded level and day 32 is a conveyor Zomboss fight I got to say this world was challenging but developing new strategies and unique ways to play the game to overcome this challenge made it really fun and surprisingly very possible largely due to this chern no blast speciment of vegetation I had a blast playing through this world again reaffirming its status is one of my favorite worlds in the game before we move on to the next world I'm going to do the YouTuber thing and say did you know that only 6% of you are actually subscribed if you know anything about anything you know that being in the top percentage of anything is good did you know that the top 6% of Americans own most of the wealth or that the top 6% of people think they could beat a grizzly bear in a fight I mean I'm no scientist but do you see the connection there so consider hitting that subscribe button and maybe one day you'll be able to take on a grizzly bear in your $10 million mansion while also being able to keep up to date with my latest videos and next challenge episodes anyway it's for future time 5p solo Days 1 through 4 while I was streaming day five shout out to you Legends who are awake at 3:00 a.m. to tune in I decided to spice things up a little and let chat decide which peashooter I should use and they chose squit pee we lost the first attempt because of how tanky the robo cones are look at this we had more peas than the word snipper Snapper and this thing still isn't dying utilizing power tiles more let us win though in day six chat voted for me to beat the level with only peashooter which wasn't actually that bad we cleared it on the first attempt chat not only wanted me to beat day seven with PE pod but also beat it without stacking any of the PE pods so yeah I had to win with the equivalent of 125 Sun level one peashooters this was actually pretty tough and took a few attempts with some conservative plant food usage and some lawnmower Carriage though it was possible this lawn gives me nightmares though day eight was the garan to a conveyor fight Day N was okay with Primal P but still took a couple of attempts at this point the shield zombies were getting super annoying since as you can tell they block every PE that comes their way making the surrounding zombies Invincible this single-handedly costed us a few attempts and makes what should be a fairly simple World twice as hard day 10 introduced discotron which was pretty overwhelming for our Primal piece but once again slippy saves a day being able to directly attack them from behind regardless of their spawns in a similar fashion in the importers of Lost City day 11 was The Last Stand level and chat picked this setup what were you expecting surprisingly though the reg P setup actually did really well day 12 was going okay until the discotron spawned in way too many jetpacks by saving my plant food for the gargantula prime and Disc Go trons on our second attempt we succeeded again five P's plant food ability carried hard especially since it can hit zombies in the air like bug zombie in our jetpack on the football mechs were introduced in day 13 and were annoying as ever but nothing our fire PES and power tiles couldn't handle day 14 was a breeze but at the end of the level I stupidly placed down a bunch of plants even though I'd already won as a form of oblivious celebration causing us to exceed the sun limit yeah that wasn't one of my brightest moments day 15 was annoying because of how slow the Citron shoot but possible nonetheless the next 3 days were all gimmick levels that we could skip day 19 was fine day 20 was a sun production level and day 21 was The Last Stand level all going by with little difficulty day 22 and 23 were just as easy with our favorite TWP Shooters day 24 was a sun bombs level and really showcased how broken this mini game is if you don't explode any Suns and just collect them you can get so much sun only in Sun bombs is this amount of Overkill possible without even using a single Sun producer and that's far future done it feels a little anticlimactic since the second half of this world doesn't really introduce much new stuff and isn't too bad in terms of difficulty but our next world will definitely make up for that so this is it the impossible world you see no sun falls from the sky and we can't use Sun producers however there are sun gravestones on a lawn that drop 100 Sun upon being destroyed only problem is we have no PE shooters that are 75 sun or below which is the amount we start to level with so we have no way of getting Sun chall over right right well there is one plant we can use that can break greystones that cost less than 75 Sun a peas Min but koala AAS Min isn't a peashooter I see where you're coming from but when you PL a peas Min he literally shoots peas so he is a pea shooter from the very beginning in part one when I laid out the rules I said any closely related or pea based plant is allowed a peas Min clearly fits his criteria since it both shoots P's is functionally and aesthetically P based and even has a PE in its name anyway explanations aside if peas man's peas allowed us to break the first Sun gravestone which gave us enough sun to planted peashooter who could also break a sun grav Stone allowing us to plant another peashooter and so on and believe it or not breaking all the sunra stones gave us enough Sun for a peashooter in every lane making this level very possible obviously this wasn't enough to take down the final wave alone but that's what lawnmowers are for unbeatable level beaten KN two was much the same strategy as night one the introduction of peasant buckee heads meant we had to be a lot more conservative with our plant food usage and the final way of peashooter digging is more important than ever with our limited Sun after feeling so proud of beating Knights 1 and two night three was a massive shame this one's impossible the level has zero Sun gravestones it's like they made this level just to mess with me so all you can do is spam appeasements on the plant food gravestones to get plant food to then instantly reload the appeasement and repeat this until we lose or run out of plant food I really wish we could have beat this one but unfortunately it's impossible but the Run isn't over obviously we're only three quarters to this video so in the spirit of plants for zombies 2 experimentation let's keep going shall we and see how much of the rest of the game is possible KN four was a conveyor level Knight 5 started off seemingly impossible surprisingly it wasn't the newly introduced gestur that caused this since we could just place split peas behind them to hit them without the peas being deflected it was actually just the sheer lack of sun and the abundance of zombies so basically everything else about this level I was ready to give up when I thought of peashooters that could hit just a zombie I then thought of electric peashooter who as it turns out could actually hit them the only problem is that electric peashooter cost 200 Sun less than ideal for a Dark Ages level where our only source of sun is greystones the level only has about five sun gry stones we would only be able to get two electric peashooters down there's no way we could actually yep we actually did it but that doesn't really do justice to the sheer amount of grinding and experimentation that took me to be this level over a span of two IRL days I slowly perfected the strategy here's a brief rundown literally as soon as the level starts no more than a second in instantly place an appeasement to break one of the lower Sun gravestones and hope the PE shrapnel doesn't hit the gravestone in the second lane too much I'll get to why in a second place a peashooter to break the other Sun gravestone in the bottom Lanes as soon as a peashooter breaks the sun gravestone dig it up for 50 Sun refund this gives you enough for one electric peashooter now obviously if we only get two of these guys for the whole level you want to place them in the second and fourth lanes for optimal Splash damage in other lanes now when the top Lane's basic zombie reaches about four tiles from the M place the electric p in lane two now you can see why we want the gravestone in this Lane to have as much health as possible so the electric P can shoot at it so that the p is meant for that gravestone splashes zombie and some gravestone above which we need to do as much damage as possible to so it can break ASAP for 100 more Sun by now if you fast enough with the initial peas Min placement it should reload giving you just enough time to stop the bottom Lane cone head sacrif ice the middle two mes and if the Top Lane Sun gravestone hasn't broken yet then you might as well restart sacrifice more mowers and use appeasements to keep breaking Sun gravestones until you can afford the second and final peashooter now all lanes are covered and you just have to sit and watch electric peas do their thing with the occasional plant food to stop zombies getting past on the top and bottom lanes and here comes the final wave which is really just a test of how much plant food you've held on to because the strategy here is to spam plant Foods on electric peashooters and the appeasement seed packet to instantly reload it and if you wiped out all the buckee heads except lane two since it has a mo you just beat KN five with only peashooters that was simple enough I'm probably going to upload the full run on this level on my second Channel as well as some of the other tougher levels we'll face later day six was a Last Stand level and well there was no getting through that night 7 unfortunately suffered the same fate as KN three since there are no sun gry stones we can't plant anything except AAS mints deeming the level impossible night 8 was locked and loaded night n was a potion level a gimmick I really like even though it basically changes nothing except makes the zombies look actually scary if you have a fear of clowns look away now however this level is actually quite difficult essentially a repeat of day five except with night zombies and potion boosts yay surprisingly though it didn't really take me long to beat this level since the level gives so many Sun gravestones that sun isn't really that big of an issue this gave me some wiggle room to deal with the gers by placing and digging up split peas without the fear of running out of sun this let us use GOP shooter whose projectiles negate the potion speed boosts and hit through armor shutting down the night zombies that's not to say the level wasn't close though with a similar ending to day five except with a lot of desperate shoveling and replanting Night 10 was the Gargantua conveyor battle Knight 11 introduced the dreaded Wizards which made the whole level impossible all we could do was Mo launch the first one but after that it was over night 12 was tough since the level doesn't start with sun gravestones however nearly halfway through they start to spawn in also they only spawn in four tiles or further from the poms while the poms can't hit them under normal circumstances outside their three til range some of their plant food shots actually reach the fourth tile for some reason allowing us to break the gravestone slowly for more sun with the endanged poms so our poms are defenseless for a while but that was okay we just had to use our plant food and appeasements wisely and then I was rudely reminded of what happens when the jesters get too close to the poms and we're not even up to the Wizards yet yes this level also has Wizards however they kind of helped us out in a way since they turn our pums to sheep making them inedible to the zombies and preserving their lifespan I got on this run where I was so close to winning but literally one zombie ruins the whole thing spending hours grinding one level just for that to happen is the worst feeling I swear after another IRL day of trying this level I wish I was joking we eventually got on another promising run and this [Music] happened I got to say this level is up there with Knight five for the contender of absolute Hardest Level so far but possible nonetheless Knight 13 had a conveyor Knight 14 made us produce sun and Knight 15 was The Last Stand level all pretty basic Knight 16 Waits until you have no lawn mows left to give you some sun gravestones at which point King zombies Knight all the basics before you can even get enough sun to have a peashooter in each lane this one is also impossible sadly Knight 17 started out nearly perfect because well look at that gravestone lineer but actually beating the level was easier said than done this one took a few hours most of which we spent optimizing placements in the early game to get the most Sun possible to set us up for later on when Wizards Kings and even gargantula would show up most of our losses were due to the Kings and wizards these levels should serve as a reminder that even though we have premiums like electric peashooter this challenge is still really really really hard I mean i' to spend at least 15 hours total perfecting placements and grinding between this level night 12 and night five anyways onto night 18 which was a locked and loaded level a welcome break from the last level day 19 uh we're not going to talk about this one I'm 99% sure it's impossible at this point I was just extremely exhausted from Dark Ages and seeing this wasn't exactly helping and day 20 was the zomos battle overall Dark Ages was by far the most difficult world and the world I poured the most time into despite having the least amount of levels out of all of them I'm quite impressed that only five levels were impossible I along with many of you guys thought this world would be impossible from the very first night but with some crafty strategies we managed to scrape together quite a few W's the first few days went exactly how you'd expect the first few levels of the world to go except Dark Ages which I was truly relieved to be done with by the way if the frame rate is looking really dicey it's not your device it's because I streamed these early levels and my internet was not having it day for saw a ramp up in difficulty it took many attempts as the speeding of the zombies when the punk music played became apparent however goopy shooter clutched up again since I found out his poison effect also negates the speed boost much like it does to the potion boosted zombies in Dark Ages day five was extremely difficult in the one seed salw challenge so I was prepared for the worst but surprisingly we won first try with goopy he's just that good day six was a conveyor day seven and8 were just more goopy spam Day N was a Lo and loaded level day 10 was another conveyor and day 11 was a locked and loaded level again in case you couldn't tell we back to the post 2014 worlds which love their gimmick levels Days 12 and 13 were straightforward with goopy day 14 was a Lo and load level well it's not really a level it's more like an advertisement for cactus days 15 through 20 were all either goopy spam or conveyor belt levels day 21 turned out to be not as easy though Gargantua flower lines and break dances are a pretty gnarly combo I eventually found that the best solution was to use M launch on the first Gargantua and spam appeasement boosted Primal Peas on the second Gargantua saving my plant food for the pesky break dancers along the way day 22 was another conveyor level day 23's arcade zombies were a bit troubling for goopy whose damage output can't handle the arcade machines which are immune to poison however our old friend electric peashooter came in handy because their shots can strike through all the 8bit zombies arcade machines and arcade zombies themselves but electric peashooter doesn't do enough damage to deal with tankier zombies so we have to use a combination of both goo peashooter and electric peashooter this strategy was super satisfying days 24 27 were all dominated by our new combo or were conveyor writeoffs day 28 was more of a struggle the boom box zombies became really annoying because of how many there were in a normal run of the game these guys are barely noticeable since you can just Spam instance on them before they play their music but in this run we obviously can't do that this causes the boom boxes to shut down any and all of our plants however with enough retries we managed to win it was very very close though literally three gooes and two electric peas were all it talked to to beat the whole of day 29 full of arcades gargantuas and break dancers I think that this is the best combo for this challenge by day 30 the devs really started to fall in love with gargantula but it's okay we have lawnmowers and two overpowered peashooters actually make that three and that's it day 31 was a locked and loaded level and day 32 was a zomos conveyor I can't believe it but the whole of neon mixtape tour was possible in the next episode we'll take on the rest of the game Jurassic Marsh Big Wave Beach and day it'll be one hell of a finale so make sure you don't miss [Music] it
Channel: KoalaPVZ
Views: 464,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenge, pvz2, pvz3, peashooter, only, only nuts, nuts, appease mint, series, lost city, far future, neon mixtape tour, dark ages
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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