Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas As Abraham Lincoln?

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i understand it's been a while since the last installment of this makeshift series and i want to apologize for that i wanted to make sure i did the challenge justice seeing how many of you were looking forward to this part in particular plus let's not beat around the bush there is a lot of slavery in new vegas so without further ado today's the day we finally answer the question can you beat fallout new vegas as abraham lincoln for anyone starting here i recommend you watch the first two parts of this challenge and fallout 3 before continuing but just in case the gist of this run is that i have to free every single slave i can think of and i cannot lie i also have to do this while using appropriate clothing and weapons that would befit the man himself so things like suits top hats axes and repeaters just name a few examples now with all of that out of the way let's finally begin despite the length of this run it actually had my fastest creation process by far as i already had the footage from the previous videos to work with when making the face and assigning his stats just as a quick refresher here are the special stats again luck is at 1 due to the whole getting assassinated thing that said considering we shrugged off that bullet from john wilkes benny maybe his luck should be higher regardless i once more take on armed guns and speech as my tag skills and since new vegas has access to traits i also grab heavy handed and skilled as they seem like good choices for the build doc mitchell informs me about the situation and how i was dug up from a shallow grave so i check his house for any of my former items such as my suit or top hat but they are nowhere to be seen however it does look like he was able to recover the most important item of all lincoln's repeater it's still in great condition which is nice to see the only downside as of right now is that it requires 44 rounds which i don't have any of just yet leaving the safety of doc mitchell's abode and i decide where to head next while i could immediately start freeing any and all potential slaves right this second as i still have lincoln's fists to work with in the end i ultimately decided that if i'm going to start freeing the wastes i need to do so in style so my first port of call would be to get my hat back along with a matching suit this meant i would need to head for new vegas so it's time to make my osu favorite trip through the black mountain shortcut as per usual i made sure to get some worthwhile experience by killing the bark scorpions of hidden valley they proved no match for the president's honda hand combat skills on the topic of lincoln's punching prius i think we are long overdue for abraham lincoln fact number five i mentioned before by how lincoln was a wrestler in his youth and was even inducted into the wrestling hall of fame well did you know that good old iv may also have been the inventor of the choke slam as a lot of accounts point to him being the very first person to use the technique back to the task at hand after dealing with the scorpions i made my way through the shortcut and out to the central desert area we are all too familiar with for once i actually decided to stop off at the ncr sharecropper farm so that i can obtain the quest hard luck blues which we will be coming back to later once i'm better geared up from here i stop off of the gun runners as well as making ralphs to purchase as many different types of 44 ammunition as i can so i can start using the repeater i'm able to brush the dust off it right away as some freeside thugs offer themselves up for some target practice as expected the gun functions just like it did in fallout 3 so no complaints here ammo is of course going to be a small issue for the time being but i also know that some of the higher ranking legion soldiers carry a good amount of ammo so when i begin purging them from the land i should begin to see a steady increase in ammo at least for a time having spent a majority of my funds on ammo i lack the ability to pass the guards in free side so i just opt for the safer route and take the monorail instead rather than head for the tops like normal i instead head for the white gloves as i have more pressing matters to deal with something interesting happened when i arrived i was full well ready to kick the doors down and kill all the cannibals i refuse to hand over my weapons but as soon as they all turned hostile i just put away my weapon and then they all just accepted my surrender and forgot about me i have a feeling that this is obviously a glitch but i'm not going to complain as it makes what's about to happen next a hell of a lot easier somehow mortimer the cannibal bastard got his hands on lincoln's top hat the fact he is eating people is reason enough to kill him but as we know he's also holding ted gundersen prisoner in his kitchen and plans to eat him so now we are ready to free the slaves as i just killed one cannibal what's a few more thanks to mortimer carrying around all of the keys to the ultralocks on his person lincoln can easily sneak his way through the kitchens and stealthily take out all the vampire i mean cannibals and i even get good karma for doing it too after the bad apples from the white gloves or no more i make sure to go and rescue ted and bring him back to his father safely with beyond the beef complete i traveled back to good springs where i set about helping ringo with his powder ganger problem as he is a friend in need as you can probably imagine the powder gangers do not last long against lincoln's godly repeater good springs was now saved from the wrath of the powder gangers and i decided to follow the route towards prim as deputy beagle would need my help to escape the bison steve motel while beagle is not a slave to the convicts per se he is their prisoner which means given the world that new vegas is in there's always the possibility they would sell him as a slave to the legion so we're going to stop them from doing that before the thought can even cross their minds once he's saved i also agree to help bring law and order back to the town as it just seemed like the right thing to do after all this meant i would need to head to the mojave outpost and gain the approval of major knight and ranger jackson which is handy as i'm planning to head to nipton anyway for obvious reasons helping out jackson is a fairly simple task as it usually is if i couldn't kill giant ants by this point in the game there would be something seriously wrong with me this leads to a bit of fast travelling around and some conversing with ncr officials before i can leave prim in the rightful hands of the government the short road to nipton is nothing too dangerous just a few jackal gang members who were completely unaware of just how much they were making my way into the former town first off i made sure to get the booted quest from boxcars so i can save the powder gangers who have been taking his slaves we may have had our disagreements in the past of how they treated the citizens of good springs but i swore i would save any and all slaves and i meant it speaking of while i can't save the people of neptune i can at the very least avenge them so as soon as volpe shows his smug face i began to open fired him and his man by now i already have a gun skill of 100 as i just funneled every single skill point into it as soon as possible to make sure i would get the most out of lincoln's repeater right from the get-go as you can imagine this means allegiance forces at this moment kind of just crumple like paper before president lincoln volpes himself was incredibly lackluster as he didn't even get a chance to do anything and in fact it was the first to die after a few shots to the head after i was finished wiping out this band of legionaries i swiftly made my way for the nearby legion raiding camp to save those powder gangers i just mentioned stealth once again proved to be a viable strategy as i was able to approach the camp on scene and take out the soldiers one by one rather than have them all rush me with their pointy sticks at once i was initially concerned as after i untied the first hostage i went to do the same to the second but the game wouldn't bring up the menu to do so i have had this quest glitch out before on me so thought maybe it was the spaghetti code but as it turns out this powder ganger was just close enough to another nearby legionary who was sleeping in a tent nearby and as such i couldn't untie him until he was dead not to worry one quick bullet of justice later i could free the slave and the quest was complete this combined with my recent murder of the fox lover puts me right at the top of the legion's hit list this becomes very apparent as not long after this i am confronted by some legion assassins who opt to shoot first and ask questions later this could have possibly proved difficult but due to this being my first time walking through the area the scripted ncr patrol was here to back me up and could help take some of the heat off me during the fight thanks to their assistance i actually managed to come out of the scuffle mostly unscathed which is good because i'm heading towards camp's search right now as there's some soldiers there that need saving as well as another weapon i'm excited to put to good use i speak to sergeant astr first to get the weblogo together quest just to mark the ghouls on the map and make my job a little easier 9 of the 10 ncr goals are hostile on site but they aren't actually feral or at least they aren't in the sense of gameplay rather they're just normal ghouls who charge me with combat knives this makes them fairly easy to pick off with one headshot each after they're dealt with all that leaves his private edwards who has thankfully yet to go nuts i cannot lie of course and i also do not wish to send him to his death so i take the time to clear out the rad scorpions from the town this includes the queen who nearly 12 years later still likes to haunt my dreams from time to time to be fair she's that big that it's fairly difficult for her to maneuver around inside the fire station and as such i can kind of just hide behind the desk and shoot her until she stops moving with the scorpions dealt with i can help out edwards with his problems by using my speech skill to convince astor that he can rejoin his squad and thus save edwards from potentially going feral inside the town all that leaves is the weapon that i previously mentioned which is none other than knock knock the unique variant of the fire axe that can be found inside the bathroom on the top floor of the fire station there may not be any vampires in the mojave but that doesn't mean the 16th president can't put this axe to work on some much deserved slavers in the near future before anything though i return to doc mitchell so that he can cure my radiation as i'm only a few rounds away from growing a second lincoln if you know what i'm talking about feeling good about freeing private edwards from the scorpions i decided i should go help more soldiers so it was off to boulder city to save private ackermann and gilbert talking down the grey cans or paying them off are of course viable options in their own right but three videos in by this point and i believe i've made it clear that we do not negotiate with those that take prisoners on the bright side i get to put the axe to good use and even with my current melee weapon skill it is still a very formidable weapon that cuts down jessup and the cans with ease allowing me to save the soldiers as i was leaving the town the cans sent in reinforcements but once more i shielded the ncr of my top hat and wiped out these crazy drug-loving addicts with that taken care of i figured i'd left both waiting long enough and now i seem like it's a good time as any to enter the tops no guns blazing their axe swinging this time in fact i go with the semi-diplomatic approach as i use the lighter i got from the cans along with some speech checks to convince swank to let me into benny's room i meet up with yes man chop for a bit and then return to swing where i decide we're going to rewrite history by having lincoln be the one doing the assassinating this time benny never knew what hit him so after staging the body in a way that would definitely make it seem like an accident i could finally be finished with my activities in the tops as i leave i don't even give allerio a chance to open a slave-loving mouth and instead i blast it right off his face making my feelings towards the legion known i head for the ncr embassy on the strip so i could get the quest to unless the aid of the boomers i'm not going to meet and greet them just yet but i figured i might as well get the quest now to see if i'm backtracking later this is the part of the game where you'd usually be given the mark of kaisar and be permitted entrance to the fort i of course do not accept it but i can still take the boat so that's where we're heading next on the way to the cove i have a second run-in with the legion assassins they prove a little more difficult than the first group as i lack any form of backup this time so it's a 4v1 scenario that said i also have knock knock now so this means i can even the playing field when they manage to close the distance between us when cottonwood cove is in sight i don't immediately open fire for once but instead i sneak close enough to mark it on the map and then fast travel back to camp searchlight and speak with sergeant astor to start the eye for an eye quest to get just a little bit more experience from the slaughter he also tasks me with bringing back any legion plans i can find along with planting a bug on their radio in the camp not sure how much you will learn from dead man but whatever returning to the cove and i had initially considered a stealthy approach once more but as i have yet to put a single point into sneak and the campers overflowing with legion this plan of attack did not last long despite the fact i have two ranks in the toughness park it is becoming increasingly apparent that the top hat and snazzy suit combo does not do much in terms of protection especially against legionaries with 44 magnums and hunting rifles i am able to scrape by here as i can use the buildings for cover and abuse vats whenever i can to quickly take out any approaching legionaries with headshots when it comes to the leader of the camp i just cleave his head off with knock knock i then grab the absolutely pointless intel for roster but before pushing onto the fort i of course must get to the real reason why i came to the cove i was here to rescue the weather's family from a life of slavery and thanks to getting the keys to their callers from one of the many dead corpses i could set them free with no fears of their heads exploding after this it was time to assault the fort and it was pretty much more of the same although when i entered caesar's 10 i entered vats in the off chance that i'd be able to take him out immediately sadly that did not happen but i was able to inflict a decent amount of damage on him all of the legion inside caesar's tent carry melee weapons so i use that to my advantage by luring them outside and taking pot shots at them from a distance in an attempt to thin out the ranks it does work relatively well as i manage to take out lucius and caesar himself when it comes down to the last few praetorians however i switched to the axe as its reaches longer than that of their fist so i can keep them at bay while taking them down once the last praetorian goes down i find caesar's body and make sure he is definitely dead before tossing it before the rest of the legion in the lower end of the camp to show them what awaits them at the hands of lincoln i then head down to the bunker and wake up the securatrons underneath the fort because i thought i may as well rescue them too that said i am not siding with mr house when i make my way back to the lucky 38 he prematurely congratulates me on a job well done and right after receiving my payment i hop skip and jump my way down into the control room where i disable houses hold over the secure trons on the strip i do not kill the man though as it didn't seem like the right thing to do at this stage i would usually continue the main quest but that is rarely the goal of these abraham lincoln runs now was the time to start freeing all the minor forms of slavery that could be found throughout the mojave and where better to start than my freeing danny trejo from the clutches of tabitha i enlist the help of neil to distract some of the night kin on the way up to the mountain but once more my pitiful sneak skill feels me in my time of need and i ended up having to fight them anyway they aren't all that difficult though especially when one of them lacks the mental fortitude to figure out how to bypass a small rock freeing rivals as simple as mashing random buttons on a computer and after he hopefully makes it back to his shack safely i take down tabitha to guarantee she can take no more slaves from this point on from this point on there is really no rhyme or reason as to why i did the things in order that i did i was kind of just like a hyperactive ping pong ball flying back and forth across the mojave just liberating people as i saw fit as it's something i tend to do in most of my playthroughs even if i don't mention it i was going to make my way for novak and help out boone with his whole deceased wife problem wouldn't you know it though on the way i came across my third band of legion assassins as i am getting stronger with every slave freed and they seem to be on par with their original versions i am able to wipe their filth from the wasteland without breaking a sweat in novak i quickly conversed with boone before becoming ninja lincoln once more and procuring the bill of sale from genie may leading to the swiftest output of justice i have seen today with the job well done i briefly wandered north from the time where i bumped into the soldiers at helios 1 and figured yeah i've got time so i offered to help them with their energy crisis i initially thought i would require a high science skill to proceed with the quest but it turns out intellect is once again second to brute force and ammo as all i have to do is fight my way through some turrets and robots you would think that the sentry bots may have been the main problem here but in actuality they never seemed too interested in prolonging their life and didn't attempt to fight back what ended up being my downfall in here was lincoln's overly long appendages as one of my massive feats set off a landmine and thus separated it from my body being more observant of my surroundings made sure that it never happened again and as such i made it to the main terminal in a few minutes i thought for a while about where exactly to send the part to and in the end i opted to send to the citizens of freeside as they seemed like they would need it more than the ncr i was definitely considering using the death beam that comes with the par but i decided against it giant lasers from space are more of a ronald reagan thing after all before going any further i thought i should bring up the fact that i have been using the reloading benches to make 44 ammo as well as just buying it it's not really important to the video but i figured you'd all shout at me about it in the comments if i didn't say with all of this ammo i of course need somewhere to use it and i couldn't think of anywhere better than gamora however before i begin the right to slaughter i instead briefly use my head as i hand over my weapons and use my persuasive top hat to gain the trust of joanna here and start on the quest bye bye love the quest overall is fairly short as only takes about 15 minutes it can be summed up as joanna needs me to see if her lover carlitos is still alive which he is and then after some planning between the two of them with me acting as a messenger which i suppose is fitting we get disguises for joanna and her friends so they can escape the clutches of the murders which ultimately ends in the fastest shootout ever as the umura thugs literally brought knives to a gunfight joanna and her friends were essentially slaves to the omertas so this works out quite well for me now completing this quest does give me the opportunity to confront the omurdus higher-ups and start the whole quest but i have a better idea when it comes to them can you guess what it is what have you done well that was a very fun and worthwhile experience and i don't just mean the murdering of the umuras a lot of them are carrying 44 magnums so that's a nice increase to my ammunition but more importantly i can take those magnums fix them up and then sell them for a lot of money makes sense abe should be rich he is on the penny after all with my newfound wealth i make a b line for the new vegas medical clinic and purchase the subdermal armor and plan to boost my overall damage threshold to 10. after all we can't say with certainty that abraham lincoln wouldn't have turned himself into a cyborg if given the chance another small thing i want to do in this run is of course have a fairly good reputation with the ncr given that they are the closest thing to an actual government that means it's back to camp mccarran but rather than just run for the monoreel i instead take the time to pick up some quests and get to work being a model citizen for the republic first up on the chopping block is bounty hunting as i choose to head after some of the high ranking fiends first most of my runs of new vegas have me butting heads with cook cook as i tend to pass through his home on my way to the great counts i start by thinking of the herd ironically that isn't me referring to taking out his brahman but rather his men they all go down without much resistance which just leaves the two of us i am fortunate enough to disarm him of his incinerator forcing him to switch to his flamer which he never gets a chance to use due to me rabbit firing shot after shot after shot into his torso before he goes down next up is violet who is a blink and you'll miss it encounter as i took her right from a distance with a stealth critical that just leaves driver nephi who lets be real was never a threat due to him having absolutely zero ranged capabilities i returned my bag of soggy heads to the major and move on to my next task war crimes in the form of prisoner interrogations talking things out wasn't going to cut it by the looks of things so it resulted in a fist fight where i played the fight like it was mortal kombat 2 and just continued to sweep the leg until he gave up and spilled the beans last of my missions at the camp was finding the legion spy at the base and due to having a little bit of previous experience with the game i know the traitor is captain ronald curtis so as soon as i speak to him i take the items i need from his person without him knowing and then snip on his treacherous ways in the control tower just long enough that i have the option to go and disarm the bomb in the monorail finishing the quest still in a bit of a fiend killing mood i head for vault 3 next where i decide it's time to take knock knock for a whirl once again killing the fiends is of course a noble ghoul but i'm really here to save the civilians that motor runner has taken prisoner as well as to rescue bryce anders from the confines of this room i wish i could say me and motor runner had a duel for the ages but that will be quite the lie and we aren't about that in this run i returned to the colonel to bump my rep up just a little bit more as well as turn in motor runner's helmet for an easy reward there is one other vault i need to tackle on this journey so i figured i might as well do the two volts back to back to get them out of the way remember the hard luck blues quest i mentioned near the beginning of the video well now it's finally time to follow up on that as i head to the east pump station near the sharecropper farm and put my science skill to use fixing this computer the quest now points me in the direction of vault 34 after getting the necessary intel come to think of it i could have probably bypassed this part entirely and just went straight for the vault the path leading to the vault is littered with golden geckos not to worry though it's nothing that some special 44 rounds can't handle inside vault 34 itself and the place is entirely overrun with feral ghouls of varying difficulty due to their speed in the tight corridors of the vault i once more tend to favor knock knock here as it is able to cut through most of the ghouls with relative ease if i'm being honest it's been a very long time since i last ventured through vault 34 and as such i ended up getting lost in here multiple times while just trying to figure out where to head next for some reason i'd convinced myself that i didn't need to head into the parts of the vault that had overflown with water when in actual fact that was where the key card was that i required to proceed on after finally deciding to go for a dip i got said keycard and from there i was really able to get the ball rolling on the rest of the quest as i can use it to access a terminal that will open the way into the overseer's quarters while on the topic of the overseer i think he may have glitched out for me as he never seemed to move off of the platform that he was on this meant i could easily take out his turrets with my rifle and then pick him off as well as he was hopeless to stop me as i made my way into the lower reaches of the vault the difficulty began to ramp up a bit as now all of a sudden every single ghoul had ingested an alarming amount of glue sticks making them considerably more powerful once they were dealt with i find the terminal log that mentions the family that are currently trapped inside the vault who will die if i do not transfer control over to them in the reactor room while i am eating the ncr as much as i can i also cannot leave these people to die so i transfer control to them and then had plenty of time to ponder whether or not i made the right decision as the game crashed on my way out of the vault next on my righteous to-do list i head over to the aerotech office park and speak with captain parker about any known problems in the area this leads to him mentioning missing people that were last seen the company of dermot and saint gm's up in the casa madrid apartments and west side fun fact about me in all my years of playing new vegas this is only my second ever time setting foot in west side and i don't even have a good reason for why that is anyway when i make it to west side i track down st james who pretty much confirms my slavery suspicions right off the bat as he mentions missing refugees from aerotech despite the fact i never brought up arrow attack at all while i could just shoot him and dermot now and be done with it i figured i may as well find some proof as i knew i'll need something to present to the captain getting evidence ended up being easier than i thought as dermot leaves his door unlocked for some reason allowing me to waltz right in and grab his ledger which clearly states all of his slavery business that's more than enough evidence for old abe so i confront them both about their misdeeds and then blow them both away with the repeater before they can even think about retaliating i then hand over the ledger to captain parker and officially finish the quest even though i really didn't need to as they were both dead anyway as i was deciding where to go next i realized i completely forgot to free the ncr from nelson and so i made a b-line straight there right before i get to work i meet ranger milo who seems to be the first person i've come across so far who knows his american history given the reaction he has to hearing my name hold up there this area oh heck i've heard of you supposed to be a regular hero or something ain't that right sadly i won't be working with milo directly as he wants me to kill the hostages so that he can send in his man guilt-free that is of course against what we stand for here so i opt to head into the count myself the legion around the perimeter of nellis don't pose any danger to me as i'm able to pick them off from a distance to be fair they also don't fare much better in cqc as i bring out knock knock to deal with dead c with the camps leader dead i head over and untie the soldiers from their crosses which immediately makes me wonder why i can't do that with every person the legion is crucified regardless i escorted them to the loving arms of ranger milo who i will just assume won't tell them about his plan to kill them as i am in the area i head down the road to find private reynolds and offer to help rescue more ncr hostages being held in the nearby mine whose name i will not even attempt to pronounce as i know i will get it wrong the legion in here really aren't all that bright as they charge me one at a time with their makeshift machetes things get a little bit more hectic in the final room of the cave as there's a lot of them but numbers aren't enough to overwhelm brute strength and freedom it seems as i easily come out on top grab the keys from alexis and then free the two soldiers for private reynolds with that out of the way i sort of just wandered around a bit thinking about what else there was to do before i went to tackle the dlcs to kill some time i ended up helping the king out with all of his problems this video was long enough as is without me going over these quests in detail seeing how you can complete every task for the king without ever having to lift your weapon afterwards i may wait for jacob's time because i know if i don't help out the mutants there then they'll be run off or killed and we most certainly don't want that when i arrive i offer to help by dr henry with his problem and on my way to the cave i use the absolute broken speech skill once again as i convince the nearby mercenaries to leave before i bring the full power of lincoln down upon them fighting my way through the nightstalkers to the stealth boys rather straightforward it's all i have to do is never stop swinging the axe and i am guaranteed to kill something after grabbing the chewed up stealth boy i returned to the doctor and quickly convinced kane this is a very bad idea by bringing up some incredibly basic logic with that the mutants and jacob's town are hopefully saved and i make a quick stop off of brock flower cave to marvel at my severed stone head i had no idea how to seamlessly include this in the video but enough of you asked me to visit it so here it is in all of its glory enough stalling it's time to jump head first into the dlc's and see if every slave i can as well as punish any potential wrongdoers i decide that i'd approach them in the order they were initially released as it makes the most sense so that means after having some funky gas we head on over to the sierra madre to begin dead money i'm glad to get dead money out of the way first as given the base rules i have for this run all i have to work with are my bare hands seeing how my axe and repeater are taken away from me right before the dlc begins you may think this will bring with it a fairly big issue as i need to dismember the ghost people before i can truly kill them well in most situations you would be correct as normal humanoid enemies usually cannot be dismembered with just your unarmed fists the ghost people however seem to be incredibly squishy as they pop like balloons after only a few punches not to mention they aren't all that bright and i can usually just run away from them with zero consequences as they don't tend to follow you into different areas anyway to get back on track the first of my slave friends i go to rescue his dog god from the prison as elijah the old hermit who gassed all of us recommended i sought him out first the prison here does present us with our first hurdle in the form of the radios and loudspeakers that need to be shot otherwise my head will look like a dropped watermelon as mentioned i don't have access to my peter so i can't use it so i instead have to use one of the police pistols i found in the nearby desks while this could be considered against the rules and i can see the arguments against using it i feel that so long as i only use it to take out these radios then it is more of a tool and should be okay otherwise i wouldn't be able to do this dlc and if i can't rescue these slaves then the challenge is truly there so i take the pistol and begin shooting every radio in sight as my life depends on it by taking it slow i'm able to reach the basement and find the recording that will allow me to force god to come out and speak with me i of course want to remain on all the companions good sides so that i can save them later and they won't try to kill me so i just go along with what god says making sure to only use dialogue options that i'm sure won't cause him to want to eat me later with goddawg back in the main plaza next up was dean domino this is where it became fairly apparent that stealth was going to save me in this dlc as sneaking my way to dean while long and tedious proved to be a much safer strategy than running through all the goose people and hoping for the best arriving at dean and planting myself down in the deadliest seat cushion ever i get to talking and actually avoid any and all speech checks as they usually tend to get you on his bad side after convincing him to join the crew i actually decided that it wouldn't be the worst idea to bring him along as he reduces the damage you take from the red mist not only that but dean has a pretty high damage output as he manages to easily take down any ghosts we come across as he is doing such a good job i even bring him along to help me get the final heist member christine well as it turns out he ended up not really being needed as the clinic where she is is guarded by holograms that cannot be hurt but will disintegrate us in seconds if they spot us this means stealth is now required rather than just implied thankfully it doesn't take very long to find christine and she's stuck in a giant tube the only issue is she cannot speak so there's a little bit of a communications barrier or at least there would be if i hadn't played through dead money before so i can just mash my way through her important dialogue and get to the second part of this heist there isn't a whole lot for me to say about this stage as it's fairly similar to the first part as i just have to run to different areas of the villa the major difference this time being that i have god dean and christine to back me up when i'm leading them to their positions basically this means i don't have to engage in any combat whatsoever and leave all the fighting to them while i skulk away in some situations like dean i do have to go to my way to help them though for example for him i need to turn on some holograms as i don't want to risk annoying him with speech checks and i of course cannot lie to him to take the easy way out once the three of them are in position it's up to me to light the fireworks reaching this point all by myself is fairly difficult i will admit as the amount of bear traps and goose present is staggering but i managed to pull it off thanks to gathering all the sierra madre chips that i could and spending them on healing supplies one benefit i suppose of not using firearms here is that i don't have to spend the chips on ammo we can now enter the casino where surprise we're all gassed for a second time wonderful this time when i wake up i still evolve my stuff thank dog but now i have to deal with more of the killer holograms as well as tracking down my companions again and dealing with them as i see fit lucky for me i prepared for this part a long time ago by making sure i'd maxed out my repair skill before even setting food and dead money this means so long as i can find these little blue lights on the floors and walls i can deactivate the holograms and save myself a whole heap of trouble now on to meeting up with my heist friends again and i decide to pay dog a visit first mainly due to the fact he's about to blow up himself and the entire casino first attempt and i went after the gas leaks which was a big mistake so next attempt i just rushed dog and began talking some sense into him i am of course here to save him by any means necessary from being the slave so i bring out the big charisma guns as i persuade him so hard that i end up making him create a completely new personality for himself neat next up to rescue is dean and i'm glad to see when i meet up with him that he still refers to me as partner and doesn't want to kill me which is something that kept happening to me before my own playthroughs saving dean is more of the same just taking it slow down long corridors making sure to turn off all radios before my brains end up painting the walls the two of us then have a very long chat where he basically explains the plot to anyone who hasn't been paying attention but more importantly i level up and take the slayer perk allowing any unarmed or melee weapons to attack 30 faster i don't want to oversell it but i think this will increase the dps of knock knock enough that it will now outclass the repeater no time to think about that however as i need to meet up with christine and hand her a passcode and can now finally enter the vault for clarity that is a vault as in like a bank vault not like a vault we would usually be talking about in fallout just thought i should make that clear there are no hostiles in the vault itself bar a few holograms but as mentioned before i can deal with them easily enough thanks to my repair skill what this means is i can make it to the vault just like i would any other playthrough and begin the heist of a century you're crazy if you thought i was going to leave here without all the gold bars and thanks to this video i found by scandi tv i know i have an easier way to do it than the old way of using elijah as a makeshift shopping bag essentially all you have to do is grab all the gold bars as you normally would convince allows elijah to fight you like a man and then when he's on his way down use a stealth boy which you can usually find in the vault as i did and then wait by the pylon until he activates the terminal and as soon as he does you can just slow walk your way to the exit and if your timing is right you will get passed before the energy door comes up and can just stroll to the exit and finish the dlc with dead money finished i am back in the mojave and the first thing i do is drop all of the gold and don't bother selling it you may be asking yourself why did i go through the trouble of bringing it all back then and it's simple it's not about money it's about sending a message no point slowing down now next was honest hearts and i don't know how to say this any other way but i don't really have a lot to talk about here much like when abe took the fight to the covenant and mothership zeta dlc for fallout 3 there isn't a lot to really go over here as it's mostly just non-stop fighting from the moment you arrive and the happy trails become the blood trails the white legs can pack a punch especially those carrying brush guns but other than that nothing else here was much of a challenge i do get a new friend though in the form of follows chuck he hits pretty hard and has a special ability to turn into a watchtower from far cry as he can mark locations for me if i get him high enough he leads me to everyone's favorite murder priest joshua graham cracker and i'm immediately sent to work to gather helpful supplies for the tribe such as a compass medical supplies and abandoned pack lunches i then take the supplies to his friend daniel and he gives me the rest of the dlc's main quest all at once for me to tackle in whatever order i so choose first task is me going to a cave to find a supply cache which as you can imagine is fairly straightforward it would have been even faster if i was confident enough to break an average lock next i help out by disarming some bear traps on a bridge truly thrilling stuff this then leads to the rest of the quests taking a strange turn as all of a sudden they're all about killing the white legs then being the rival clan working for the legion again they aren't that tough so nothing to worry about here lastly for my seemingly random tasks was to get rid of some yaogwa and i opted for the path of least resistance meaning rather than face them head-on i caved in there well i came down their cave and finished the quest that way believe it or not that's it when it comes to the main quests as now i can either choose to side with daniel and escape or side with the toasted marshmallow and kill every one of the white legs to ensure they can harm no one else and the legion in the process i of course join up with the latter as we mindlessly slaughter our way to the white legs leader salt upon wounds where i stopped joshua at the very last second from executing him because i wanted to do it ending honest hearts and surprising myself in the process as i finished the entire dlc in just over an hour i always thought the dlcs for new vegas were quite long but it seems that i may be mistaken as the final two that i'm about to get to also took me about an hour each old world blues is up next which seems to be most people's favorite and i must say i also am a fan of metal gear solid as i too quite enjoy incredibly long periods of nothing but pure dialogue which to jump the gun a bit here the excessive amounts of dialogue for this and lonesome road are probably the reasons why i remember them being a lot longer as this is the first time i've actually just skipped past most of it first thing we learned is that lincoln is now without a brain heart and spine as they have been replaced by more cybernetics this couple with the implant i talked about earlier makes it seem like he's more machine now than man much like the beginning of dead money i'm given three objectives and it is ultimately up to me to decide where to head first speaking of dead money i completely forgot to mention that while i was there i got my old suit back from fallout 3. even though the dlc was called dead money i kept referring to it as blood money probably because the suit was reminding me of a certain bald individual the first facility i venture to is x8 there isn't much in the form of resistance on the way there apart from night stalkers so i'll skip ahead to the facility itself inside i have to run a test on which i have to navigate around an old high school building fending off cyber dogs and the like while searching for three student files as i suspected earlier after grabbing the slayer perk knock knock now classes the repeater in terms of both overall damage and dps plus i picked up the piercing strike perk a while back meaning it also ignores up to 15 points of a target's damage threshold as well while it is now a better weapon that's not to say i still don't use the repeater as after all it may be weaker but it certainly has a lot more range than an axe grabbing the files is easy enough in the end as even the lobotomites with their proton axes don't survive long to address the proton axe briefly i considered by whether or not i could use it as it is still technically an axe albeit futuristic but i decided against it not even so much as the fact it looked out of place on eve but more so because mine was a lot better regardless they still make for good repairs thanks to jury rigging after getting the three files my next test was a simple one and that i had to start some mounds of dirt to find an audio symbol of gabe's bark whose gabe you ask well he's this giant guard dog that was experimented on by one of the think tanks doctors so naturally i put him out of his misery after dealing with him and grabbing the sound bite of his bark i am assaulted by dr mobius's robo-scorpions yet again the axe makes fairly short work of them all i have to watch out for is a small explosion after they die as it can my legs if i'm not careful with that my work is finished in the x8 facility so now it was on to x2 on the way i took out what i believe to be a special robo-brain named the super ego i'm not too certain what makes it unique as it went down just as easy as any other making my way for the objective at x2 and i forgot just how short and straightforward it was all i had to do was cleave up a few protectrons make my way back outside up this ladder and grab the emitter at the top of this dish sure the robo scorpions attack once again but they can mostly be ignored as i take the mountain path here to the left which conveniently leads me quite nicely into the final facility where i have to complete a stealth exercise to steal some documents without being detected i actually ended up filling the stealth test on my first attempt as i got spotted by a rubber brain what i forgot however was that you can in fact kill the sentries and then sneak on through so i did that on my second run and i was able to reach the documents no problem all that was left now was to report my success to the smart brain jars so that i could begin the final quest and confront dr mobius at the forbidden zoom all that stands between me and him are more robo scorpions and multiple crashes because my pc really does not like the forbidden zone for some reason once i made it in without new vegas giving up on me it was time to face the final boss and possibly the biggest robot in the game the x-42 giant robo scorpion i figured using the repeater would be the best idea as after all i don't want to get too close right as it turns out it shrugged off my bullets like they were nothing so lincoln threw caution to the wind as i jumped down and engaged it head-on it was able to hit me one time with its laser tail which might my leg in the process as well as give me minor radiation sickness that wasn't enough to stop my onslaught though and in no time the robo scorpion was up there with scorpion ox from fable as one of the easiest scorpion bosses i've ever fought all that leaves is mobius but in true shyamalan fashion it's a twist and he isn't truly the villain but rather he has been trying to keep the think tank in big mountain to stop them from experimenting on people in the wasteland these experiments would have them capturing people against their will which of course we cannot let stand so now the missions changed and the think tank must die however first off i convince my brain to come with me by simply explaining how i'm going to use my axe to take down the think tank i then head back to the think tanks and true to my word whip out the axe and begin going to town on the scientists unsurprisingly they aren't good fighters and all go down in a few swings saving innocence from their nefarious ways and finishing old world blues that said before heading back to the mojave i make a quick pit stop a little yangtze to put the chinese prisoners out of their misery i actually forgot this place existed so i thank all of you who reminded me about it in the comments you all mentioned though that there's no way to take off their collars sadly but that killing them would be a kindness so they can no longer be slaves all that leaves his lonesome road and let's not beat around the bush it was a complete breeze from start to finish a few months ago i went through all of lonesome road at a much lower level armed with nothing but a bb gun so attempting it now with much better weapons stats and being close to max level made the whole experience a walk in the park i even managed to one shot at deathclaw at one stage with knock knock it took me by surprise so much that i had to double check i hadn't accidentally lowered the difficulty which as it turns out i hadn't the biggest problem actually turned out to be the satchel charges if you could believe it by this stage i've yet to put a single point in the explosives as why would i when i can't use those weapons this does mean however that i didn't have any time to disarm the charges and would get ragged all around every few minutes the infamous lift segment with the tunnelers was honestly more of an eyesore than anything else thanks to the explosions as i can knock most of the tunnelers off the elevator before they got a chance to climb on and fight as for any slaves in this dlc the only one is eddie i suppose once he gets taken by ulcees near the end but it's fairly straightforward to get him back as all you need to do is take out a few century bots and use a nearby terminal all that leaves his ulysses himself and i was full ready to fight him before starting the video however many of you made the point that since he names himself after ulysses-esque grunt and the fact that he is misguided that i should take the effort to talk him down well i didn't put all those points into speech for nothing i suppose so i managed to make him see reason and then the two of us plus eddie stand together and fend off the approaching waves of marked men with the power of the union once the fighting had ceased i made sure to redirect the missile away from the ncr and instead had it fire upon the legions situated the dry wells this not only takes out some legion which is always good but also completes my bonus objective as this little massacre makes me idolized by the ncr that wraps up the last of new vegas's dlc but just like old world blues there's one last loose end to tie up i am of course referring to dry wells the place i just turned into a ghoul's paradise as i can take a boat a cottonwood cove and personally wipe out any legion survivors the legion's small fries are of no importance what we are here for is their leader guys magnus i remember him being a fairly tough fight but once again i seem to be misremembering parts of the dlc as while he can sure pack a punch with his little machete he can't withstand lincoln's highly impressive melee build and becomes just yet another legion failed by the president and now that was it for any and all side activities so i think it's finally time to wrap things up with the main story first i head for nellis as i've been sitting on this mission for ambassador crocker for so long now that i wouldn't be surprised if he thought i'd just bailed on them rather than just doing the minimal effort for the boomers i for some reason decided to help them with all of their problems so i helped the patients listened to history was nice to pete fix the solar panels dealt with the ants and finally i even helped jack with his love problem that of course takes us to the bomber and i don't require the rebreather as my endurance is through the roof giving me lungs of steel apparently now having a bomber at their disposal i allied them with the ncr and then gets sent to my next negotiation as i try to ease tensions with the kings in freeside as i did how about the king earlier i made the smart move to save my one favour and as such used it to complete this quest as soon as i can i am now promoted to work with colonel murray at hoover dam and her first order for me is to wipe out the great cans i may have had some disagreements with them in the past mainly jessup but i still didn't feel right killing them all determined not to have more canned blood on my hands i spoke with their second-in-command regis about a way to break their relations with caesar's legion which is quite easy to do first i just present papa khan with the diary showing him exactly how the legion feels about the cans which then leads to them making very short work of carl next i use my speech skill to explain to jack number two about just what exactly will happen after the legion takes the dam this then gets him and diane on board don't worry while this may have skipped the initial quest to save him i still have the option to go and save anders from his horrible fade at cottonwood cove all that leaves is melissa who is up in quarry junction that means fighting through deathclaws which goes pretty well until it doesn't a few attempts later i get good luck with the super slam perk allowing me to deal with them one at a time i then meet up with melissa questioning her about how much she would like being a slave and now i can return to papa as all the khan's leaders refusing the legions with the legion this gives me two options either i let them go and be free or i ask them to ally themselves with the ncr well the second option can only be accomplished by assassinating papa khan so i decide them walking free is probably the better call all things considered the cans are now out of the picture and thanks to me getting ahead of the curve by taking out house and neo murders all that leaves is the brotherhood of steel now i know what you're thinking a house divided and all that lincoln should recruit the brotherhood to fight for the ncr and i too agree with that stance but here's the problem when you approach the base they put a bomb caller on you or a slave callers they're more commonly referred to who am i to say they won't do this to someone else abraham cannot take that chance so it seems the only way forward is to open some tin cans with an axe the slaughter is quick and clean almost like i should have done this way before i was level 40. i do apologize if some of you are not happy with this outcome for the brotherhood but let's just say i don't think this is the last time lincoln will be butting heads with them all that remains was to protect president kimball and i won't lie there was a temptation to let him be killed as how else am i going to become the president but no saving kimball was the right thing to do because his lincoln knows his bodyguards probably can't be trusted to protect him what am i getting out here well i think it's time for abraham lincoln fact number six the night that lincoln was assassinated at the theater his bodyguard john parker was absent as he left his post to go to the saloon next door where none other than john wilkes booth was drinking it is said to this day no one knows exactly where parker was when lincoln was killed back to the attempted assassination at hand i take out the legion sniper as i lie and wait for him and then confront the second assassin with the detonator and manage to take him down myself which is a nice change as usually when i attack him the ncr swarm on me like a pack of hungry dogs i then make sure kimball gets away to safety and now it is time for lincoln to make one final push against the legion of hoover dam the so-called might of the legion cannot even begin to stand up to the force that is cyborg abraham lincoln with all of my perks skills and this gun and axe i cover path through wave upon wave of legion soldiers as i make my way for like atlantis the last known cog in the legion's chain of command i spoke with the leg at first and while i could talk him down that has never been my first choice when engaging the legion so of course it is time to fight well if you could call this a fight the per-man gets ragged all worse than i did and lonesome road he didn't even get a chance to land a single hit whereas i came out of the gates swinging and looking for blood his reinforcements tried to intervene but they too got super slammed to a much deserved early grave i then unceremoniously killed the leggett while he was faced down in the sand get a dramatic shot of me walking to the gate spoke to general oliver and after many months can finally say the words yes you can indeed beat fallout new vegas as abraham lincoln oh my that went on way longer than i expected i thought it would be a while before anything overtook arkham knight is the longest video on the channel i really hope this was worth the wait seeing how it has been requested as far back as september last year the video was long enough as is so i won't prod along much longer but i will say yes you can expect to see lincoln again sometime this year and that also there may not be a video next week seeing how i may have spent a little longer on this than i had initially planned regardless it's gonna be on this challenge video enjoy yourself instead of going video like and you're interested in more challenges in the future feel free to subscribe chat about these videos every week my name is nerd says everyone i'll see you all in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Nerbit
Views: 781,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you beat fallout new vegas as abraham lincoln, can you beat fallout new vegas, Nerbit, new vegas, fallout new vegas, challenge, can you beat, can, you, beat, bethesda, obsidian, fallout, abraham, lincoln, abraham lincoln, freedom
Id: OYl9IcA_Wuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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