Using Science to Find Out Which Yoshi Color is Best

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if you want to win races in Mario CR Deluxe online you likely play as Yoshi using the teddy buggy with rollers and the paper glider however lobbies nowadays look like this where everybody is using Yoshi online with all of the Yoshis that are available in the game is there a specific color that would give you an advantage when racing online Some people prefer the green Yoshi because it's the classic one Some people prefer the orange Yoshi because that's what shortcat uses Some people prefer radioi because that was the one that went fast in Mario Galaxy 2 does Nintendo take into account a character's color in Mario Kart well in this video I'm going to go through each of the nine different Yoshi colors look at their stats and play online to determine which colors shine brightest and which are dullest in order to keep things as consistent as possible I'll be playing four races online with each Yoshi color using the same car combo which is the teddy buggy rollers and paper glider which is basically the standard combo I'll also be switching lobbies every two races and the reason for that is to make sure that I don't just dominate one lobby as a certain Yoshi color or get dominated by one lobby I would give each color a fair chance will include information such as my own placement percentages or the averages for what placement I get for each Yoshi color the placement percentages of the people that I'm racing against so for example if I see a green Yoshi always getting in first place I'm going to take that into account and I'm also going to take online popularity into account meaning how often I see a certain Yoshi color I'll be keeping track of every time I see orange Yoshi for example and the last few things that I'm going to look at for this video are going to be items so the items that Yoshi gets hit by as well as the items that Yoshi gets I want to see which Yoshi is most likely to be hit by items and also which Yoshi is most likely to grab the best items and the last factor that I want to take into account for this video is going to be luck meaning the things that I have no control over so for example being hit by a lightning at a really bad time when I'm in the middle of going through a shortcut stuff that happens that I can't really void and there's nothing that I can do about it I want to see which Yoshi might be the most unlucky or the most lucky and finally at the end of the video I'm going to give out bonus points for different categories just like in Mario Party it'll help to spice things up a bit and maybe keep the competition close and when all that is done I'll tally up the results and find out which Yoshi color is actually the best with all that being said green Yoshi is up first [Music] so in four races green Yoshi got first place second place Place second place and first place bringing green Yoshi's average to 1.5 that is a pretty good average placement for green Yoshi here in terms of luck green Yoshi gets three points one for a red shell hitting me instead of a blue shell one for getting an item to block a red shell just in time and one for a red shell breaking before it even gets to hit me throughout the four races green Yoshi grabbed 53 items a majority of them were coins with 21 there were 16 bananas eight green shells three bombs two mushrooms two red shells and one super horn that's a pretty good collection of items for green Yoshi here and even better throughout four races green Yoshi was hit 11 times total twice by Red Shell four times by blue shell four times by bloopers and one by lightning that is a very good statistic for green Yoshi to be able to avoid so many item hits throughout all my races there were only four unique players playing as green Yoshi which I thought was surprising since green Yoshi is the standard color for him and the average placement for those that were playing online as green Yoshi was 5.14 which is really not that good it's about fifth place once we look at the stats for all nine Yoshi colors we'll go ahead and tally up the results but for now let's move on to light blue Yoshi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in light blue Yoshi's four races I got third third first and first which brings my average to two or second place in terms of luck light blue Yoshi really didn't do too well it managed to get a point by getting a shock Dodge from Abu and getting a last second green shell block from a red shell but besides that it got four points of bad luck by getting hit by a red shell into a hole twice hitting myself with a banana and then this moment where I could not get up a waterfall because I kept on getting hit in terms of items got light blue Yoshi did a little bit worse than green Yoshi with only 11 coins compared to Green Yoshi's 21 as well as five bananas with one triple banana two green shells with four triple green shells eight mushrooms with three triple mushrooms which might seem good but that just means that light blue Yoshi was in a position where it needed those mushrooms it got three booze that gave me a coin and two mushrooms got six red shells a super horn and a fireflower and Li Le Yoshi was hit 15 times four of which were by Red Shell two by Blue Shell One by Green shell one hit from a blooper two from lightning three from bananas and two from booze where the first boo took a triple green shell and the second boo took a banana overall not too bad but but really not too good either in terms of online popularity for light blue Yoshi it was at the top with nine unique players playing as Light leoshi Between all the different rounds with all the different people playing as Li Le Yoshi its average placement was 5.24 which is a little bit worse than what green Yoshi was at so light blue Yoshi did pretty good but let's see what our next competitor has black Yosi [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] so after four races black Yoshi got first sixth first and fourth place which isn't bad but considering green and light blue Yoshi did a lot better it's not good either in terms of luck Black Yoshi won't be getting any points because it got one point of good luck when items hit me after I had finished the race and one point of bad luck when a Bo took my super horn right before the Red Shell hit me and in terms of items Black Yoshi got 59 which is way more than the other Yoshis with 24 of those being coins showing that he was front running quite a bit five bananas six green shells with two triple green shells four mushrooms with six triple mushrooms two bombs three red shells one super horn two firef flowers one blue shell two stars and one Boomerang that's a pretty good variety of items for Black Yoshi and in terms of getting hit Black Yoshi only got hit 15 times which is really not bad four of them were by Red shells one was by blue shell two are by Green shells two by bloopers one by lightning one by banana one boo who took my super horn one fireflower one Boomerang and one super horn yes I got hit by a super horn because somebody decided to use it while I was next to them so thanks a lot for that in terms of online popularity Black Yoshi had nine unique players playing as it which is the same as light blue Yoshi and for those online players average placements Black Yoshi scored 5 Points 73 which is near sixth place Black Yoshi didn't do too bad but our next contestant is red Yoshi who had one of the strangest statistics in this whole video [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in red Yoshi's four races I got first second first and then first place which brings the average score to 1.25 the best so far in terms of luck red Yoshi loses two points for having two points of bad luck where I got hit by two Lightnings back to back which led to me being crushed as well as being hit by a red shell just before doing the Gap cut red Yoshi gets kind of jealous and he would love if that red subscribe button down underneath the video turned gray when you clicked on it so please subscribe to make roshi happy and he'll give you good luck for the rest of your races in terms of items got red Yoshi got 58 total items which is one less than what black Yoshi got with 32 of those being coins meaning that red Yoshi was by far the richest of all the Yoshis it got 15 bananas six green shells two mushrooms one bom one red shell and one super horn and the items that radi she got hit by were 14 with a little added one two red shells one blue shell two bloopers five Lightnings and four booze two of them taking bananas and two of them taking coins the additional hit is when I got hit by lightning and shrunk down and then got crushed so overall radiosi did not do too bad in terms of placements items got and items hit by however the weird statistic that I was mentioning earlier here is that through all the races from all nine Yoshi's which is a total of 36 races I saw Zero other red Yoshi's in the game nobody was playing as red Yoshi online which means that I couldn't get an average score for its placement or for its online popularity so we'll see how that all balances out at the end after we get through all the Yoshi colors but up next is Yellow Yoshi and the weirdest thing happened w [Applause] [Music] so y Yoshi's four races he got first first first and eighth oh so close but that brought my average down to a 2.75 which is not the best so far so for luck red Yoshi earned Four Points of good luck which is awesome where the the only point of bad luck that I got was getting hit by a red shell after I just used my mushroom to go into the offroad and the points of good luck is what the weird statistic was that I was talking about earlier I gave myself three points of luck because in my first race there was only five people in the lobby in my second race there's only four people in the lobby in my third race there's only six people in the lobby and in my fourth race there's only eight people in the lobby so using Yellow Yoshi the most players that I got was eight and I was never even close to a full Lobby I think that statistic is super weird but that's the reason that I gave myself three points and another point of good luck was in a red shell hit an anti-gravity spinner instead of me and the last one is when a red shell hit me instead of a blue shell which helped me to not get hit by the blue Shell's hit yellow Yoshi's items were pretty basic with a total of 46 he got 18 coins with nine bananas 13 green shells two B bombs two red shells one super horn and one fireflower he was hit 14+ one times by 10 red shells one blue shell one green Shell One boo who only took my coin one person with a star and one crab which I hit by accident but I figured I would count it anyways and yellow Yoshi's online popularity was that I only found two other players online playing as yellow Yoshi which is not too good and out of those two players yellow Yoshi's average placement was 10th which is horrible the people that were playing as yellow Yoshi were really not that good so overall yellow Yoshi really didn't do too good or too bad it kind of just did but up next is the Yoshi color that got hit the most between all the races and it's probably exactly who you expect White Yoshi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] in white Yoshi's four races he got ninth first second in first which brings his average to 3.25 which is pretty bad compared to the other Yoshi's in terms of luck White Yoshi lost three points by getting hit from a red shell and a cannon even though I had three red shells to stop it by terribly missing the Gap jump twice and by getting lightning as I was going on the shortcut which just made it look lame but but it did get one point of good luck when a blooper Inked me while I was close to a boost so I was able to just get rid of it which means that white Yoshi only lost two points of luck for his items got white Yoshi only got 55 items with 17 coins 11 bananas nine green shells with one triple green shell Three Bananas with three triple bananas one boo who gave me somebody's speaker two stars one bomb and six red shells with one triple Red Shell in terms of the items that I was hit by white Yoshi was hit by three three red shells one blue shell three bloopers three Lightnings Three Bananas one fireflower two booze who both only took coins two people using bullet bills and one time when I fell but not because it was my fault but because a blooper Inked me and made me slippery and then I fell I guess it was still my fault kind of but I can blame the blooper on that one and in terms of popularity there were four unique players playing as white Yoshi online and their combined average score was eighth place which is really not good also White Yoshi might have been the Yoshi that got hit the most between all of them but our next contestant is the one who really wanted to go the fastest so he got a lot of mushrooms and that Yoshi is Blue Yoshi [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] through blue Yoshi's four races I got first place first place second place and fifth place bringing my average to 2.25 which is pretty decent in terms of luck Blue Yoshi gets no points because it had one point of good luck where a blue shell hit the person that was right there in front of me in second place and somehow I was able to pass them and get second and he actually ended up getting fifth which is lame for him and my one point of bad luck was when I threw a red shell and then it was just immediately destroyed by a swamp which is very uncool for his items got blue Yoshi ended up with 49 items 12 coins six bananas with one triple banana five green shells two stars eight triple mushrooms and seven regular mushrooms which is why I was saying that he got a lot of mushrooms for a total of 31 mushrooms this guy just wanted to go fast a Buu who gave me another mushroom a bomb three red shells and one triple Red Shell the items that I was hit by was one red shell two blue shells three bloopers three Lightnings one banana one fireflower one boo who took a mushroom one bomb one super horn one star one Boomerang and three vehicles which is pretty funny because those were all me that was my fault in terms of its online popularity Blue Yoshi only had two unique players online which is not that much and the average ranking of those players was third place so they were actually very good so blue Yoshi might have been an item hog for mushrooms that doesn't even compare to our next Yoshi who had five Super horns between four races with three of them all in one race this guy was hogging the best items possible and it was pink Yoshi let [Music] [Applause] [Music] in four races pink Yoshi got seventh second first and fourth place with an average of 3.5 which is so far the worst in the whole video in terms of luck pink Yoshi only lost one because I was winning a race and then the guy got a little boost from behind me and ended up winning right at the very end so I took off one point of bad luck for that in terms of items pink Yoshi got 49 items with 14 coins six bananas five Super horns which is what I had mentioned before three of them all coming in this one race which I thought was pretty crazy because it's pretty rare to even get one in a race but to get three is kind of crazy it got three green shells one triple green shell five mushrooms seven red shells one boo who got me a mus one fireflower two bom bombs two stars one blue shell and one Bullet Bill and the items that pink Yoshi was hit by were six red shells one blue shell four green shells two bloopers one banana one boo who took a banana one person using a star and one pinball which was my fault but it was kind of hard to avoid to be fair so I got hit by pinball and in terms of online popularity there were three unique players playing as pink Yoshi online and there their combined averages was eighth place which is not good but that's just how they played and up next is going to be our final Yoshi color he's got a lot of pressure going last so hopefully he doesn't crack Under Pressure here's orange Yoshi [Music] [Music] he in Orange Yoshi's four races I got first first 10th and 10th oh no I was doing so well in the first two races but I just got completely messed up in the other two races bringing the average to 5.5 the worst absolute worst in the video and in terms of luck it didn't get much better for orange Yoshi because I lost a few points when I was hit by a red shell as I was going into the offroad which was not even aimed at me it was aimed at the guy next to me so it's kind of crazy that I got hit so I'm going to take two points for that it lost another point because lightning got me right after I got the last item boxes which would have helped me maybe make a comeback and because I got hit by a red shell in the offroad which just slowed down everything not good stuff it did manage to get two points of good luck though when a red shell that was targeting me was destroyed by a light post which was kind of random like the light post was not even directly behind me so I thought that was funny and another point of good luck when a blue shell didn't Target me even though I really thought that it should have so that was nice and for his items got orange Yoshi only got 38 items with 10 coins five bananas one Boomerang four green shells with one triple green shell five mushrooms with five triple mushrooms two B bombs two speakers one red shell and two stars and the items that orange Yoshi was hit by was five Red Shell shs two blue shells one green shell two bloopers three Lightnings one banana one fireflower one person with a star and one boomerang in terms of online popularity orange Yoshi actually had a good amount with six unique players playing as it and funny enough the online averages of those six players playing as orange Yoshi was 5.5 the exact same average that I got with orange Yoshi which I think is pretty cool and that's it all all nine Yoshi colors all 36 races and all the stats that we need to determine which Yoshi color is actually the best for playing Mario CTIC Deluxe online so let's tally up the results so for the scoring I'm going to use the same scoring system that Mario Kart 8 uses where first place will get 15 points second place will get 12 points third place gets 10 and then fourth place through Ninth Place gets 9 8 7 6 5 and four points if there are any ties then we're going to tie them at the higher score value which means for example if two Yoshi's are tied for first in something then they'll both get 15 points and nobody will get 12 points cuz that position will just be skipped so with that being said let's see these results for my placement averages the top three were red Yoshi who got 15 points green Yoshi who got 12 points and light blue Yoshi who got 10 points the other color scores are going to be off to the left so we can see how many points they got but for your sake I'm not going to read out every single Yoshi color and how many points they each get just the top three for other players online placement averages the top three were blue Yoshi who got 15 points green Yoshi who got 12 points and light blue Yoshi with 10 points for online popularity Black Yoshi and light blue Yoshi were both tied at first place with 15 points and orange Yoshi got third place with 10 points for the amount of items that each Yoshi was hit by green Yoshi was on top hit by the the least items and got 15 points and red and yellow Yoshi both tied for second place each getting 12 points and lastly in terms of luck I gave each Yoshi the amount of luck points that they earned so the luckiest Yoshi was yellow Yoshi who got four points then green Yoshi who got three points and blue and black Yoshi each got zero points the other Yoshi colors all got negative points so they're all there off to the side and that's it those are all the points that each Yoshi color gets for each category however as I mentioned at the beginning of the video similar to Mario party I am going to give bonus points to different characters for different things and that'll shake up the results a little bit the first bonus category today is going to be the richest Yoshi and the winner of this category is red Yoshi who got five bonus points for getting the most coins our next category for bonus points is going to be the rarest items category and the only person who's going to win that is pink Yoshi who gets a bonus five points for having five speakers with three in one match as well as some unique items that most of the other Yoshi colors didn't get like a Bullet Bill and a blue shell our next category is going to be the most accident prone category this is the Yoshi who got hit the most by things that were not items which is of course going to go to Blue Yoshi for an additional Five Points since I got hit by a whole bunch of cars by accident our next two categories might not make too much sense because they are opposites of each other but first we are going to get bonus points for the Yoshi that got the most items and that Yoshi is Black Yoshi for an additional Five Points since Black Yoshi managed to get 59 items and similarly our next bonus category is going to be the Yoshi who got the least items and the winner is orange Yoshi who gets five bonus points and the reason I decided to get bonus points for least items is because I figured this Yoshi is probably one that had good items and wanted to really hold on to them so skipped out on a bunch of item sets and our last bonus category for today goes to the Yoshi who I thought had the most unique statistic out of all of them that Yoshi being red Yoshi with five bonus points for being the most unique having no representation online I thought had to be bonus points because that was so unique so with all that being said the final tally is like this in ninth place is white Yoshi with a total of 24 points in eighth place pink Yoshi with a total of 30 points in seventh place orange Yoshi with a total of 31 points in sixth place Yellow Yoshi with a total of 35 points in fifth place Blue Yoshi with a total of 41 points in fourth fourth place light blue Yoshi who only got one more point at 42 in third place one point away was red Yoshi with 43 points in second place is Black Yoshi with 44 points which means that our winner for today and the official best Yoshi color in the entire game is green Yoshi with 51 points of course it was going to always be green Yoshi he's the main Yoshi color he's the best he's the original he deserved to win this competition even though that obviously had nothing to do with the results it still ended up being in green Yoshi's favor to win so if you're going to play online and you want to win you may as well play as green Yoshi who won by actually a lot by 13 points and before giving bonus points still won by a lot however if you want to be unique and play online with Yoshis that you're not going to have all the colors of you can play as a red Yoshi I'm going to play as the red Yoshi because personally I did the best with red Yoshi and the fact that there were no other R Yoshi's online I think is pretty cool so I like the fact that it's Unique and for me it was the best in terms of my placement however obviously Yoshi is just Yoshi it doesn't really matter which color you use at the end of the day it's not going to affect anything it all comes down to your performance and your play style Mario Kart is mostly about skill and not too much about luck so if you play well you're going to get good results no matter which Yoshi color you use ultimately Mario Kart is a game about fun if you only have fun when you win you can use green Yoshi and you can win every race and hopefully that makes you feel happy however if you want to take it back to the good old days when you were young playing Mario Kart without a care in the world having fun with friends and family play as whoever you want as long as you're having fun and enjoying the game there's nothing wrong with losing losing is part of the game it's how you know how to get better so play as baby Rosalina play as Bowser have fun and lose and as long as you don't play as white Yoshi you won't have a bad time playing when you think about it you only have so many opportunities to play Mario Kart so you should focus on having fun with the people that you're playing with not so much at showing off your Mario Kart skills to your friends just have fun don't have a care in the world play the game and enjoy your time because what is Mario Kart if not fun and don't forget that the memories that you make is more important than the wins that you get thank you for watching
Channel: RomanAround
Views: 10,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, mario, mariokart, nintendo, videogames, viral
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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