Can We Save This Chainsaw? John deere Saw Found in The Garbage.

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hey guys how's it going pulled over to a free pile on the side of the road let's see a chainsaw okay let's see what that is in a minute but I could definitely use that kind of wire this is I don't know we'll take that boots hmm I can use that I'll pick the thing for a little bit let's go see what the chainsaw is maybe you could do a will it run oh John Deere hey you know John Deere meat chainsaws probably got my color or something yes go throw that in the truck let's see what we can do with it hey guys we are waiting on some parts for the other projects I figured we'd jump on this chainsaw that we grabbed out of a trash pile that was uh looks like they're cleaning the house out and I don't know if they're getting ready for sale or whatever but anyway there was a free pile out in front and I grabbed this and I don't know anything about it haven't really looked at it I figured we'll save it for a video there's John Deere on it I don't know if John Deere makes their own saw or if you know they may have put their name on something else it kind of looks familiar I'm not placing it at the moment I'm sure somebody's probably writing down right now what it actually is if it's you know something besides John Deere so I figure we'll go pop it in the Vise and we'll start getting into we either figure out what it failed for possibly be able to fix it or you know it's just old age and we can kind of revive it and bring it back to life and uh without further Ado let's get into it I think this is off of something else yeah this is Craftsman on it one of the biggest tells it's already loose let me see if it's got a fuel in it oh my condition that is in it looks pretty dry want to see got a big tank bigger than what I thought it was gonna be it's not like it doesn't look like it's a separate tank looks like it's part of the body of the saw fuel line looks like it's still connected let's go check out the uh Oiler next to it looks pretty full let's go get the plug out of it and we'll throw a little bit of oil in the cylinder I'm gonna give her a couple of chugs I'm gonna pop that air cleaner off first yeah let's go do that get that out of there imagine a time when before chainsaws you had to yeah you pretty much heated your house with wood right you have to go cut all that stuff by hand that's pretty dirty where's the plug hiding right there you can go grab a wrench for that that's why everybody back then probably have Popeye arms plus you probably want to eat in a very big house it wasn't like today you know plug was loose it wasn't even tight let's um see if we got actually just go put some oil in it jumping ahead here you'll spray a little bit of oil in there we'll pull over a couple times oh they got too crazy a little bit of something okay it's got a bit of drag to it more than I would think it will freeze up let's go grab the plug spark we got a that's already um what do you think these Germany don't have um points in them so oh yeah actually seems pretty good do you want to just go for it you want to go jump a little bit of fuel in the plug hole now that oiled it up right um yeah let's go dribble a little bit if you want and see if she kicks you may fight us because of the oil I put in there but let's see sorry this is a two-stroke cast got pre-mix in it should light off leave the choke off shouldn't need that to see if it doesn't let's give it a throttle what would uh what do you think that is a primer oh that's the oiler pull starts fighting it there's something to work on huh what is that [Music] yeah she run that should sound pretty good huh blade went too nice we are still gonna have to do some love to it though yeah my guess is they just kind of put it up on the counter uh they're kind of out in the trash or probably cleaning out of the garage and the older woman who was in the house probably like I'm never going to use a chainsaw again so uh not seeing that carb still works that might be an issue let's get the pull start off I don't know do you want to um I appreciate some Giggles let's just go dump some fuel in it and we'll see if she'll run on the fuel I haven't my guess is the car diaphragm is probably gone but let's go find out you think that's BS that they're trying to sell John Deere oil f40-1 you can mix it and everything else is 32-1 I don't know about that [Applause] just pisses out the other side yeah as long as that uh little pickup is covered with fuel it's about another range [Music] let's just want to make sure that uh like a filter and a weight that's in the bottom that's supposed to Flap around foreign ER on this anyway uh uh we'll give a choke now can we lock this okay I don't know if it does yeah we'll just give her a couple of shots try to prime it it just runs no problem oh there's a lock on this side I think yeah no foreign foreign get in there just for the first prime it runs and dies again then we know we're not getting any fuel that's annoying [Music] yeah that's what's going on can I get it and not get I'm gonna try to choke them a little bit more I don't think yeah we're not getting anything so we got a pull start to deal with a carburetor to deal with and then we'll figure out anything else besides that but it does wrong we know it's got spark and it's not it's clacking away so that's a good sign I get that pull started off you know we're our house when we were kids we were uh like Northern New Jersey we heated with wood we had a a potbelly stove in the center of the house we had you know what wood and then coal we would switch you get it started on wood and you flip over to coal and uh family we had family in Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania is like coal mine kind of area so we used to load the truck up regular half ton pickup and do a wheelie all the way home but they call it the Carolina squat yes I know the trucks down the ground yeah so it was like a summertime activity you kidding that was nothing that got us nowhere so do we have to I just know if that's going to open it up to the gas tank let's take an air gun we'll blow some of this crap off of here or I guess we're gonna find out soon enough we're gonna have to take that off now anyway right so well Phillips isn't going to do it grab a new one yeah we get that um we get that wood stove I can have his pot belly it would be glowing red orange on the bottom of it so hot it would get the downstairs of the house would be like 90. and then you would dampen it off with the uh night time it would burn all night on cold and you just shake it down in the morning and uh just re-fire it back after you be a few ashes and pretty much you can keep it going for about almost definitely because you didn't really have to shut it down and had a Shaker on the bottom of it and it went down to a trap that was down below where the ashes were so you can clean the ashes out after you just had to watch out eating you know set something on fire with the hot ashes you need an Allen get the bolts off do we need to get this out of our way we're gonna clear it oh we're gonna we're gonna blow it off aren't we my guess is that would be a separate part that's not part of the gas tank I guess we're gonna find out okay so yay we stay Heat because you want to think that's pretty much like what it is now right the uh crisis we had a young guys won't know that but we had a um fuel crisis Carter years I want to say early to mid 70s and that's when it was probably we just kind of kept going with it once everything was in place but uh we just have to go cut firewood and um you'd pull a permit it was like I was like 15 bucks it wasn't much and uh you were allowed to cut any dead standing Timber this was a New Jersey like I said and it was um I think that like they have like Park Rangers but it was the Delaware Water um watershed and the water the area that we grew up in there was a reservoir and all the land around it was for uh I think it was Newark see we get yeah good it's a lot dirty but sealed off what's up with our pull start look at the screws out of it so my dad would they would team up with friends they would all team up and uh go cut wood like one had a truck my dad had a still or steel I didn't want to say a chainsaw and we cut all that up and a friend of mine's dad went with them and uh it was the first time I went with him and yeah just kind of like winging it he bought a chainsaw and you know just fake it till you make it well he dropped a a live tree it was it wasn't a dead one's a live one you weren't supposed to cut in the first place and um it's gonna be on these guys yeah they're all bogged out that's why it's not catching and so he cuts the tree down and it goes across the road it's a dirt road but it's a road that's a story in itself I'll probably talk about later um and then of course the Watershed I guess you could call them police just like two minutes later comes rolling up my dad was all pissed off and you know I'm trying to make amends to your friend's father and and him but he still tells that story now um that road was called uh Clinton Road Clinton roads uh I guess I lived in a very weird part of New Jersey I think I told the story last time about uh action park or attraction Park well we also had what was called Clinton Road Clinton Road was in our town and Clinton Rose notorious for like being haunted and um like Satanic rituals going on and uh the mob would bury people there and that kind of thing that was the road it was on let's um these are just bound and that's why the pull starts not catching they're supposed to be spring-loaded in and are not moving anywhere Let's uh try putting a socket on see if they turn loose you'll probably just dabble them with oil and they'll free up but let's even take them right off of there yeah so Clinton Road I believe this I don't know if they made a movie of it or books um at the time it was about I want to say it was about 12 miles long it went from one side of the town to the other through through like the the hills part of it I think are they feet up just being Lucy yeah they probably got Loctite on this hole in them and um there was a Castle a burned out castle that would cut School and everybody would go there and of course those those seam Rangers I'm gonna call them readers would come in there and they would bust kids and tear them out but that was uh it was actually kind of that that place was kind of spooky because although the like anything that was wood burned out of it like the stone structure was still there I'm trying to think of the name of the castle what it was actually called we just we called it um Clinton Castle but it had a different name there was that it was the name of the family cross castle and that's it and the basement was still there so you had still like a roof over you because all that was Stone but the the roof of the castle was like had like a half Moons I don't know you want to call it circles it wasn't like a flat roof and it went to like different rooms in the basement so all that was still there plus the walls were there uh and they went up I want to say about four stories hi I'm trying to think what this was binding on was it binding on the bolt take that apart I think and so they would keep kicking and you got to drop like we had like a one friend older sister she would drive she had like this uh I almost say it was like Plymouth Fury he packed like eight of us in it you said now there's eight people in a fury which is already four inches off the ground and um [ __ ] that little cam in the center is supposed to turn and it's bound up yeah and like the it's a trail it's not a road chili It's a trail you know the place burned down probably 40 years prior so it wasn't like it was maintained yeah that's what's causing it right there you can see the the build up of the crap on it let's do both of those so the one time we got busted and uh and they wouldn't let us go there's a lot of times they'll let you go they wouldn't be dicks about it but uh they wouldn't let us go they blocked the cars in on both sides and all right we wouldn't hurt anything it wasn't yeah I think you're gonna go damage anything you know it was about you probably had to go in about a mile through this dirt Gravel Road Stone Road hit the car hitting all over the place he's freaking out their car's hitting we're trying to talk her into going further forward and uh so we actually ended up having to we left her there I know it sounds like a dick move but um I think we left her and her brother there and like we just kind of took off and they couldn't do anything they couldn't hold six of his just two with them you know I gotta draw guns on you and uh so later on I think she gotta find herself then we'd all just paid for the fine chipped in wasn't that bad but so since then because so many people are going there they finally they knocked down the building and what was left of the building it's not there anymore it was a really cool place to grow up though your own haunted house all right so I'm going to do the same to both of these we're going to take them get the bushings out of them free them up and put them back together yeah that's what it's bound on right there it's locked up I should get the pill start of it and while we're got it apart I guess we'll jump into that carb let me go clean these up should probably take an air gonna blow that crap out of there with them cleaned up I think I got the spring pinched on this one I gotta redo it so this one I ran down it's free and hopefully I can get this up and over onto the post there we go that's more like it so what happens is the pull start has notches in it and that's what these tabs catch on so you pull on the pull start it pushes on that turns the engine over as you as you're pulling on the cord and then when it speeds up now once it's running these kind of flail out to the outside and just get out of the way and then of course when it's off again they pull back to that cam so the pulse are to work again so which one do I have to refix I think it's this one because I got the bolt loose yeah that's binding I got I got a caught I gotta do the same thing to the other so what are we talking about castle that's right so the or the Clinton Road I should say yeah I think it's a weird weird New Jersey there's like a a book or a TV show or movies they made out of it and um free there's like a washer underneath that has to kind of they had um and some of the stuff was true again it was New Jersey there was there was mob stuff going on there trust me um and there was like bodies and stuff put out there it was like a what was the other thing there was like a a devil or something that lived in the woods it was supposed to be like a satanic Witch Trials or something there was a uh there still is it was like an old furnace like a um you know what they made there oh my God like iron forging furnace and the remnants are still there and I think there's a a boy drowned it was you know next to water again there was a there's a reservoir off of it and I think a boy drowned there and there's supposed to be a thing like if you throw a coin over the falls between a certain hour the coin will come flipping back out of the water I did um like you said you know party and go bombing down through that road because it was a dirt road nobody around yeah I made it sound like it was cops all around there really wasn't I I think we saw them twice one time let us go and one time they busted us but there was you probably had I want to say 10 cars a day going to that place so you know it was getting pretty well used and they just want to kind of close up on him I think you're afraid he's probably getting hurt or somebody's hurting and suing or something like that because it was high it was like like I said it was four stories I want to say it was at least 40 or 50 foot of just like still stone walls standing with the windows would be in it but then just nothing around it um so yeah I'll be doing a little a little bit of uh partaking in the alcoholic beverages and you'd be trying to show off and climb the walls 40 feet up uh I had a chorizo expect racing through there and uh you brace your friends through there and there's a there's a real sharp turn the whole thing you could probably do like I want to say 40 you get up to 60 if you want but there's one like dead sharp turn that there's a gate here and then there's like a drop off right there and uh quite a few people went off that drop off and I almost did too sorry Mom try watching this right now saying what the all right let's um I think we're okay with that I don't think that's a screw with that anymore we got to get the carb fixed let's get that carb out of there and what do we got to do to do that we got these two I don't know what this box is kind of held down we have a a throttle to disconnect somewhere I think we can get rid of this it's probably the kill wire to the coil okay let's get those two out and see if this whole thing will come up as one unit and then we gotta split it to get to the diaphragm that's probably solid as a solid as a rock foreign 's going in that's it right there that looks like a not just a regular fuel line let's get some kind of special made one I think we might want to be very gingerly with that I know I don't have got another spacer underneath it remember that the one up Top's got a spacer for the choke plate generally what happens is over time does the dive like a normal car I've said this story so many times a normal carb has um a float Bowl well these instead of having a football with the were kind of maintains a certain amount of fuel to use because it rotates in different directions you can't really use a float ball you got to use um like a pressurized chamber really the right word for it but that's gonna be a [ __ ] to get back in later huh and so it uses a diaphragm to hold that how does that come out of there let me unscrew this now this is the idle speed let's go take that right out looks like it's cracked up on top it should allow us to pull this off maybe that's probably another little rubber boot right here can we push this out of here stuck to the other side let's get um persuasion on it registered gasket stuck no I don't see anything Bolton is he's just stuck to the oh these are going to be holding it the air fuel mix that's kind of a pain in the ass if you have to take them out huh see if we can get this um Rubber seal off first yeah I think we're gonna have to dig them out of there it is what it is right we'll run those two out and then it should be able to lift up because it looks like that that seal that um gasket it's got a lip on both sides of it and it's not gonna be able to tuck through with that in between go get a little BB screwdriver so that's gonna have a low and a high should see on it somewhere price doesn't on top of the cover where the adjustment is there'll be an l and an H uh here we go so high remember high is high and low is low we're going to run them in see my turn and stay where they're probably about two turns let's go just see where they were half one and a half we'll call it one and a half on that one still doesn't feel like it's gonna come out of there huh I'm gonna take apart screen anyway then the low is half the lowest three quarters so one half and three quarter I should write that down because you guys are gonna forget you're gonna tell me something different just the starting point anyway we can figure it out no matter what but let's um I'm gonna go write that down let's see if they pull out of there it goes I hope it's gonna come out as an assembly we'll leave that together is there different all right so the low has the short mule on the high has the withdrawal pictures how do we do that came out like that right the high a little all right now all right so we're trying to want a baby it's got like this molded on still feels fairly pliable I don't want to wreck it will that push through how are we supposed to get that fuel line on there what a pain in the ass huh my guess is when when you have the carburetor there you kind of pull through and it pops through and then it's locked on how do we reverse that without breaking it I guess the worst case we could put like a regular fuel line back in its place instead of this molded one I'm trying out the damage trying to shove it back through the I'm gonna do what it's not supposed to do right and I thought this was going to be a quick video what do you think the chances are that's going to come off of there there we go good let's go well leave the song aside keeping yes well it would draw it let me go hit it with a turkey baster we'll draw on that see if we get any fuel and see if this part of it's clear the diaphragm actually kind of works as a fuel pump too so it does yeah it's not just gravity feed to it there we go so we know that's clear fuel actually looks pretty good too let's go put this to the side right now and operate on that all right I am going to remember the event I don't think it matters remember the vent hole face towards those screws how's that don't forget my glasses on one thing I definitely miss these never wear glasses for reading or anything and the now it's forget it go go look at your opponent who's calling you got to put your glasses on then I started using those um these these these yeah young guys you'll be there someday you work out good I find them at like yard sales you know all right there's two sizes of this so we gotta crack open so One's Gonna have like little check valves on it diaphragm hopefully you have a kit for it or else this is gonna be a sucky video try not to stab through the seal when I open it yeah grab a reasonably we were talking earlier about guys he cut wood by hand I think I saw like one of those I don't know like PBS specials or something you know I'm gonna cut myself don't you um there it goes they would The Lumberjacks we eat like 10 000 calories a day 20 000 calories a day because they burn it off this is a diaphragm that we're talking about and it actually feels not too bad I still got movement too what will happen is especially with ethanol fuels this diaphragm hardens up and doesn't um that was stuck so the needle is cheap was stuck in place and that wouldn't allow any fuel to come into the chamber so that diaphragm pushes in the center you can see the little metal cage there it allows it to open up and then when it fills over fuel it shuts that fuel back off and on the other side we're gonna have a couple little check valves that might be picking my screwdriver there we go and little check valves are the uh like the fuel pump the pulse of it telling this has been apart in a long time there's a little check valves I was talking about one goes One Direction one goes the other and this is the pass-through for fuel coming into that side so I think really what was wrong with it was the needle was stuck I don't know if you heard it when I first pushed it down it kind of went well not exactly like that I don't know if we're going to they actually look pretty good now I'm gonna trash it that is actually in fairly decent shape yeah that's very pliable I think we might be able to get away with um using it over and you know if I want to um there's really not too much you can do that I'm going to go look real quick see if I I have a carb kit for it and uh if not I think somebody ran it out of fuel when they put it away I started digging through my Hoppers I did not find one this is what like when they fail what I was talking about that's wasted this material got all hard and it it's supposed to be kind of a fluid motion to work that needle and seat allow gas in no good so I think we're probably gonna end up going with that one I do not see what we are looking for I didn't dig all the way through it but seems to be just the larger whoops generally I order a couple of them when they I could lose them that's a different style that's all that's all in one kind of thing all right yeah that carb is so clean I'm not even gonna bother really trying to chase I don't want to remove them and damage them when you're tearing you know like you see how this one how fluid [ __ ] that one's like butter and that's doing what it's supposed to be doing so I don't know if you wanna see if we can fire it a little yeah see a drop down emptied that chamber out so I think we're fine it was just stuck probably sat on the Shelf in that garage or barn or basement or wherever it was in that house for 20 or 30 years so we're gonna go put that right back together the way we found it and we'll give it a shot we do gotta wrestle with the uh that goofy Square block that it came out of uh we will it won't film that and maybe a little on the uh clunky side of things you know all right I'll bring you back after I get this back together says I'm putting it together I'm trying to blow through here the little flaps little flaps are stuck that one's glued in so it's not gonna work until they move peel it off and put it back on there we go yeah they were stuck to those two holes all right picking up some rain outside so we got um fuel comes in through here we'll trap door opens fills up this chamber with gas again the needles on the other side of that we're across to what we showed you on the other side but the diaphragm here is what causes that pulse that comes off of the engine pulse comes from that hole right there that goes into the carb yeah getting there so the high was one and a half out runner in half one and a half and what we say three quarters on the on the low half and three quarters right about there you know you think the chances are we get that little rubber boot back in there it looks like it's gonna be a little bit of a painy ass huh and it's like you could put it in there first there's a shoulder on the screws that are holding it I'm gonna take a little bit of time and poke around and get her back in the hole stop it foreign actually came back together faster than it came apart I think we got everything we don't have our our throttle stop screw it's a choke that has to go on with the cover air fuels all the boots are back on like they should like I said we still need oh that's because of this right let's go on now or later yeah it goes on now you didn't I don't think that crack is going to screw us up I think that'll be okay oh I wanted to I keep forgetting to say on the um in the comments there's a Spam kind of going around not just my channels a bunch of them it's like a uh you want a free prize Instagram something or telegram or if I don't see anything on video it's not me it's just spammers doing their thing so just a heads up on that a bunch of BSA when I see him I try and block him you think YouTube would have a better um capacity to get rid of that stuff and apparently they don't they had a thing told me to um like an increase strictness see if that works and it didn't seem to work oh well I'm gonna go wash that out a little bit we'll get that cover back on there that's what that's how the choke hooks on on that one we'll see what we get all right so you should kicks for us now tilt that down a little bit trying to pull up in the air in the full start it's just I just don't want to catch the blade on the Vice [Music] and run let's give her some choke we'll give her some a little bit of throttle see our pull start does too probably take a little while for the fuel to Prime up in it but [Music] foreign foreign foreign ER is on but let's just kind of get it in the rough ballpark I don't want to come out with that low a little bit [Music] you'll kind of want it you'll want the four stroke a little bit let's go break up a little let's go rev it out because we understand we're going to revved up we'll do the high foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's got a little bit of bomb it's oscillating it sounds like it's actually stalling for fuel a little bit it'll rev up and kind of die rev up and die I'm not letting off the throttle I'm just staying constant on it again if I had a carb kit I think that was probably what the issue is either that is just running a little too lean I I tried back in the high side way out to richen it up and see how it didn't it kind of smooth that a little I'm gonna go clean the air cleaner up and that creates drag we're gonna go wash that out pretty good we'll put that on put the cover on I'm going to try to tweak it a little bit more and see if it goes away put that on there let's blew it out in there again the big garage door is open those are concerned about me breathing fumes I agree but there's a nice 14 foot hole in the wall that way so the air is kind of getting changed out pretty good uh let's go fire it up and see if we made any difference right [Music] that was the low side I was screwing with [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] all right well I think that's about as best as that's going to get with what we're working with on that carb you may clean up too out there it runs a little bit uh let's go look and see keep our Oiler does anything get working on that which I think is going to be a mechanical one it looks like you could change the rate of feed I don't need more there's oil in it like I said I don't my guess is that what's is working it I'm not sure of that let's get the cover off the side we'll spin this all around and look at the other side let's give that side an air bath before we start to foreign bar it's got John Deere written on it with the organ and it says I mean USA and or Canada a patented Canada patent made in USA and over here the saw says made in Japan so kind of like John Deere at that time made anything in Japan so I think it's probably another saw of something else all right let's get that off oh throw a rag over that so if we slip and punch it doesn't hurt as bad so I don't know if it's an automatic Oiler or mechanical I guess you kind of fire it with that plunger foreign because other things I just saw too I don't think it has a um a chain break so it's got to be on the older side just because of that Chain break is usually it'll be up in this cover up here and if you go to slip with your hand like if the saw kicks your hand will hit the chain breaking it would pop it and it'd be like a band that went around the drum all right get that off and the oiler should be feeding through that hole right there let's again take an air gun we'll blow a bunch of this crap out of here and uh we'll hit that that valve a couple of times and see if we get a good squirt of oil coming out of it I'm going to go back you guys up so you don't get crap Splash in your eye that's all cleaner let's go find where that was let's go put that a couple times and see if we get oh yeah that's what it is we're pumping air right now I would guess there's probably like a like a check ball and a valve I don't think we get a little bit better and she'd be up get like a constant but let it sit maybe just takes a second to fill up the little chamber that it has to fall in I don't know be better than that though foreign go figure out what makes that work huh what do you think my guess is like I said like a ball that probably like falls down into the channel and we pressurize it I don't know if any of these are access to it I guess it would be something like you can kind of see like little veins right here going through so whatever that screw is looks like it goes up to where the oil chamber isn't then down so this is like the feed area of it let's go take go take this one out first see what we get might not be enough screwdriver so let's go up hold on so we get that Oiler thing let's go turn that the other way see if that made any difference first I'm hitting the throttle where is it there it is maybe just kind of metered how much came out you know so now we get now we're getting nothing let's turn it the other way I thought I had it on Max let's see what that does let's go pop the cap off real quick get out of the way make sure there's a decent amount in it right no oil in it I thought we looked at it and it was full though yeah it looks pretty decent I wouldn't call that empty does it look like there's go get something to go scrape the sludge that does that look like there's something like down lower or is it just a reflection yeah let's go open up I want to see how it works anyway don't you now let's go take that out my guess is a like I said a check ball it's kind of either stuck and it's allowing fluid to go both directions yeah kind of weird expect to see that let's hit the plunger see what it does shoot straight up in here where is it so it seems like it seems like a lot of air bubbles doesn't it seems like it's pumped a lot of air I wonder if we should try dumping it because I don't know what let's go take that one off too I don't know what um like how you would access some part of it has to have a check valve because if not the flu is just going to go one it's just going to move back and forth kind of like how when we hit that carburetor apart those little valves but I would check I was suspect it'd be more of a round ball with like a spring behind it or just a round ball that's how carburetors work too like on an accelerator pump I think that's part of it and it's got crap on the end of it I think that goes right into that chamber so I wonder if it goes from the tank through here yeah I think it goes this direction up across and to the oiler so that would be what this is I still don't see a valve on it though huh maybe that that crap was holding it up not allowing it let's go rinse that out might as well just pour that oil right out of there huh put some stuff fresh stuff we'll wash this this cavity out you think maybe this is the valve right here internally of that let me uh nah it seems like it just blows through One Direction let's go dump that out well it wasn't like it was empty it was more than enough to probably rinse it out maybe a little carb cleaner or something the chamber you can see some black chunks of something coming out of it that could block whatever is we'll pass it passage it has to go through it's hard like a gasket or something hmm comes the rain I'm taking a better look at that first one we took out I think that's where the little velvet I see um it's like a spring I don't know if we can get it out of there though and I would think there'll be a ball behind that and it just allows the fluid to go One Direction and not the other does not want to come out see the spring I got no hook on that though let me see if I can go uh put a little bit of a bend on that and a little hook now I'm sure there's a ball in there I am not gonna have a magnet tight enough to get under that hmm we should we move it around though it should kind of clear itself up I mean like it was it was cased in oil what's that we got crud and that's what's causing it got a bunch of crap that's um stopping it from going the One Direction there's your problem instead of not having any gas in it's got an oil in it yeah so it's got crap that's um I had a little tiny magnet I could lift straight up on that I don't want to try flipping this all over and getting it out because I know I'll lose it let's go hit the valve real quick see if anything anything happens you hear it drawn from the tank I can actually see the ball flipping around all right so I'm gonna go rinse out get some carb clean try to like flush the crap around that we'll put the spring back in it put it back together and see we get there's more it has much more crap in there yeah look at that yeah it needs a good rinsing [Music] [Music] foreign okay try to clean it we'll try shoving some [Music] I think that's where the port is here a couple times and see what we get now yeah now she's popping she did up okay I'll put some fresh stuff in it I use this stuffer undercoating cars I thin it and spray it seems to do pretty good and the purpose of this is to uh there's not the chain blade chain called a chain just slides in a track there is a Sprocket in the front but when you're pushing down on wood you essentially just metal on metal so there's a sacrificial oil so to speak which is this that kind of lubricates that and keeps the damage I'm having too much let's get you zoomed in on there see if you pump the oil now all right let's see what we get we're looking to come out right there foreign I think we should pull out that little Oiler adjuster come on it's definitely be enough it just sounds like that I think it's pushed in One Direction but it's all Air let's go um throw the cat back on it probably got more dirt around that check ball that I wasn't able to get I thought we had it though let's go set it up on its side foreign [Music] rid of any air space and it's filled pretty much the top nail see if that makes any okay sounds a different there we go yeah I just have enough in it before it was filled pretty much all the way up there we go now we're let's go let's go give her a good and now we're working yeah it's not like there's any tube or anything in there it's just that little valve I think it was just air locked it's starting to sound like you know when you're sucking on a straw at the end of the drink and making that slurpee kind of noise all right so this goes like the other end actually things like out of that yeah and the the track of oil would get deposited there let's get the chain off and in the bar whoops in the bar that wheel would just get pushed into these ports and it just feeds right in the center of the blade right there the bar rather and keeps it wet here's that sprocket on the front of it I was talking about a little bit of drag to it so it kind of lubricates that too this one you can tell has been uh you could tell wasn't working this is the heat that got generated from it you can see like how much it cut in like right where right where the most of the work is done it's actually worn I see a lip on it right here and how hot it was getting because there was no lubrication on it and it actually has a a curve in it right there so what you can do if you notice it's got a hole on either side of it I'm going to blow this out with air and clean it up before we do it but you can just flip it over so now the working surface is now going to be on this side of it and you can get a little bit more life out of it that's pretty cooked though all right I'm gonna go blow this out and we'll throw the chain back on it see how the teeth are on that and pop that back on there it's flipped over blown out cleaned out and this bar has had it but we're not looking to make it a showpiece we're just having fun with something we picked out of the trash right so you can revive it the bar's got an adjustment on it and it's that I should have showed you right here there's a screw in the front of it and this captures the bar and you can pull on the bar for tension on the chain and that should lock in once I get everything kind of playing well together should already have been able to it should be able to get to where it was foreign deflector plate goes on like that and the cover goes on so you kind of leave this cover a little on the loose side snug I should say and then you adjust that chain keep saying that it's just a chain so that um you have a little bit of a pull down to it you can kind of tweak it from there that's a little excessy you wanna have it like that so it's sometimes over temperature too it'll change anything you give her a couple of cranks going right away all right guys I don't want about right there normally you do it with the saw on an angle but you can even see there you go it's not like that I gently set it so that the the load is on the up because that's where you're going to um put pressure on it anyway show me a saw comes with a tool that has a it'll be like a three in one it'll have a spark plug socket it'll have um this for here and then generally it has like a screw tip in it that adjusts the screw on the bar so I think we are okay let's um give her some gushiness let me see if we get some oil coming out you see that all right oh fire how's the blades going you just kind of give her a couple of pumps here and there modern saws it's all automatic there's an oil pump that pumps the oil through it they saw you really want to use this saw nowadays it's something good for maybe a sparrow leave it in your truck if you get stuck in the woods or something to go cut yourself out of there there's a bunch of stuff that's not on here that I'm like like I said we talk about the Chain Break um if the saw kicks back at you you would hit the brake and it would turn off even if you're just kind of walking around with the saw you would pop the brake on and you're going just in case you slip or something you don't put on the saw and you know chop your leg off I hate when that happens but also we are missing it looks like a missing some kind of a shoulder and a screw for that is gone I would like to try to cut some wood but it is pouring out and it's dark out so let's go look at the teeth on there and looking gently it's the part of the tooth that gets hit is right there on the corner that gets rounded off and uh especially if you're cutting cutting the wood the saw wants to go to one side somebody clipped a rock more than likely without putting in the dirt and so like every tooth on one side gets wiped out so only these are cutting is like a left and a right so then it wants to cut on an angle like that good indication all right I may have a let me go see what I have for a file what a normal kit would look like and this is essentially there's like three sizes of chain the teeth on them so that's why there's three different sizes of files to be a handle for it because I never used one and this is for getting rid of that lip that was on the bar that I showed you earlier again this one's pretty trashed but they have gauges you can use you can lay up on top of them to try to get the angle correct that's what these are for so you would set it up on the bar and it gives you the right angle and the right pitch and everything I kind of go with freehand I've had good luck with doing that so you drop on the floor foreign so you know where you are just gonna watch I'm actually kind of pulling up on it a little bit because you really don't want to cut down into you're just trying to cut straight back and maintain the profile there's a lot more to sharpening of Blade than that there's um what are these called the the guide The Rake these are How deep the cut it takes on each one of them but so essentially that's what I do though I just pretty much go around and I take a look at the tip of it and I I go to like I see I get a nice sharp corner on the edge there do all of them on one side and then come over the other side and do the same on the other side go all the way around until I get them all I think I want to even see this tooth is just broken off altogether you can file that back and by hand you're going to be there a month I used to have a electrical and a plug-in cigarette lighter kind of look like a big Dremel I don't made much uh better work of it than this does and to speed things up I jumped into the lane of Dremel that's it I think I kind of like so you want to run it where it's spinning where it wants to draw the stone down and I kind of like lift up and I'm watching this Edge right here I'm trying to marry that edge and I'm just trying to clean that because everything that's doing the work is the very top right here underneath here is really not doing much other than finish curling the wood but this is what's doing the cutting so I'm looking at that edge right there trying to parallel it and get a sharp cut and you really want to grind back to where you lose the roundness of the corner but this blade is so far gone I'll be there I'm up and that Stone's not going to last but it's something [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right foreign guys unfortunately it's too dark out and framing out for any kind of capacity to go cut wood outside so I grabbed an old 2x4 and see what we can do on it okay it should really have another bar and a blade put on it I'll keep an eye out for something that's getting thrown out a little home later something we'll steal the one off of that but that's pretty good that's what it's supposed to the chips aren't too bad kind of go by the size of them tells you how well it's cutting that's not terrible but it's not great either so all right guys I think that brings us about as far as we're gonna go on this one I have a little bit of fun trying to resurrect it seems like a decent saw I I wouldn't you know it's not something that you would really use for cutting your firewood up more for like an emergencies the fact that not having the um the braid Lake and you know that kind of thing it just seems like it's nice and tight seems like it's got plenty of power too I had to fine-tune the mix a little bit I was a little too rich you hear it wasn't revving quite out as much as it should so that was the last thing I did I was trying to just dial in that uh the high side of it so it seems pretty good the oscillating has gone away it cleared itself up I'm also kind of I'll put more gas in it too I'm kind of wondering on the um the filter weight uh it was about three quarters of the way up it might have been sucking a little bit of air through the top of it generally there should be pretty good but who knows all right guys with that we're gonna go sign off I should have the parts for the transfer case uh for next week hopefully that is what we're going to see next but uh no promises all right guys for that you can sign off thanks for hanging out with me grabbing free junk from the side of the road and bringing it back to life apparently I got some homemade pizza wheat for me wouldn't that look good huh yeah oh my
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 369,330
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Keywords: mustie1
Id: M5Yz0ZEQgi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 25sec (4645 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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