Can We Save This 1974 Honda st90 Monkey Bike?

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foreign hey guys how's it going I picked up this uh Honda ST 90 I think it's a 74. what about four or five years ago on a trade I did with uh Harvey Spooner I traded a SL 125 really nice bike you kind of went through it uh part of me wishes I kept it but I traded for three ratty bikes we did a CT70 there is I think another CT70 up there and then there's this guy which is a a 90. I know nothing about it as far as uh any history behind it I think he had it for about 20 years stored in his basement and I've had it sitting for about again five or so just kind of shoved up in the Attic So if you it's winter time good time to work on a bike right so we'll start getting into it see what it needs hope we could fix it up and make her a runner again the only thing I do see it's missing right off the bat it's missing the air cleaner on the other side and I quickly went to go look that up and that's made out of unobtadium kind of looks like a Harley stock Harley air cleaner it'll be a pan that goes right here and it's oval it just has the labeling to it Chrome so we'll see what happens as far as that's concerned all right let's start getting into it I'd be funny but we're sitting in there right see we got going on here that's not a good sign the charging system is in a bag there's a shifter I don't know if it's supposed to go with it or not it's got a heel toe shifter there and it's like somebody's been in here tearing stuff apart no battery yeah let's go see what we got for our fuel tank yeah they expected all right let me get you to stand let's get that open take a peek what we got going on inside there and we'll start seeing if we can revive this Beast all right it's not too good laughs that's crusty oh the smell and it has fuel sitting in it that's not a good sign all right I'm gonna take a peek I'm sure you did oh oh she's rough yeah the size of the tank are all boogered up I think that tank comes out of there I hope does it yeah yeah that's part of the frame we're screwed all right so we're gonna have to do a bunch of work on that hopefully he doesn't have any Roth holes going right through it I wonder if the ct70s got the same setup to it I say at least 20 years put that on just keep the odor in all right let's get up in the air let's start looking into the engine part of it and we'll start working our way out give ourselves a general assessment what's in that level what's in here how do you open it twist it toolkit in there nothing a rag bites me yeah no toolkit all right let's get her up in the air and uh so I've seen what we got for an engine so my guess is the last time I was reading it was kind of Trail ridden and it died on them hence all the crustiness to it air cleaner being off and maybe they found the plug wire the lead is off the other side so maybe he was thinking that it lost spark or lost to Magneto and that's why that was thrown in with the bike it's got the key good sign the ignition's loose will that fit the the steering lock that's on the other side let us know it's the original one to the bike or not you know you can go in I used to too far packed with mud and I don't know if that is or not yeah the plug wires off no plug's actually loose go give that a kick see if we get any motion out of it kicks over good any fluids in it yeah it looks like it was laying outside huh inside there that's got decent amount of oil right I'd rather deal with one that failed for spark and then one that blew up you know not saying that it hasn't yet I'm getting a stand we'll kick her over a little bit see if we have any compression going on foreign Let's uh I doubt it let's go throw a plug in it let me go to key I'll put the key in it and turn it on I don't know if this needs a battery or not for spark just not sure and I'm gonna look for a kill switch up on the handlebar she does put that in a run and see if you get anything and no spark at all so yeah that would be my guess it died for that the exhaust looks pretty complete is that a rod hole no it's a cover over it I think these are a three-speed automatic I think only made it for a couple years I think there were like 73 74 75 and they're again just one step up from the ct7 you know those that don't know what I'm talking about it's a kind of a smaller version of this it has the uh more of like a solid wheel on them it still has the same fold down handlebars and all that uh a little different but it has fold down in other words this one just has a lever looks like you flip you could rotate them around on the ratchet and set them down whereas on the CT70 they have knobs on the front that you cannot I think you fold them over on each other on those how many miles has got on it let's go up 1375 which isn't much at all well not much at all for the road Trail driven might be a different scenario if you've got wires hanging out of it get that open slammed on us okay I'm gonna go put you in a stand let's go see what's kind of going on why don't we take a quick peek see if we can find out what is going on electrically maybe that might be our first Avenue to go check so I guess that would be a hot lead he's anything else hanging at it he's got a rectifier it's not even bolted down yeah it looks like somebody was chasing a spark issue a fuse holder here I would say that that would be the ground then for the battery we could probably hook a six volt transformer up to it let's get the um which is you know more common than not let's go get that side cover off and take a quick look at the points before we start jumping into that let's make sure we don't have corrosion going on there especially if you went through water and mud when I was a kid we grew up across the street from a a sampia it was actually like the town sand pit where all the you know for the winter time they would put all the Road supplies and the trucks and all eventually they moved but they left the sand get behind if you had this great playground across from us that I had anything great to play with but it was uh all the bikes would show up when we were running her you'd hear them pull in there they go across from school after school and go watch them racing around and that can answer it I think no a couple of I'm going to call them kids they're probably five years open us we were probably like 12 and they were like 17 18. and um give that a kick I'm gonna get that to the low side make sure it's closing they would run around with Can-Am 250s that was an awe oh no I'm gonna go bump it because I can't see it from here I'm gonna Crank that around make sure that point gap is closed and it'll look terribly dirty what I do with the light what'd you do with the light I saw you there it is not going to hurt for us to drag a points file across him anyway but I don't see a bunch of crap on them had to be parked for something right no they're definitely closing let's give them a little bath though sometimes you want to go for the easiest things first right if they can't close all the way if the gaming kind of conclusion over them they won't fire not so much how much the gap of them opening more if they're able to close let me go hit that one air gun we'll give her a couple of kicks again see if we get anything I gotta say they don't exactly look it's shiny though neither we'll work them a little more almost like they overheated which could be a thing too where's the condenser on this thing probably up by the coil give her a couple of kicks we'll take a look if not we'll put a meter across them make sure they're opening and closing yeah I didn't think it was gonna be that easy I'm gonna grab a meter so that's a wire coming off the points and that's the signal that's going to go out to the coil I just unplugged it right there so that's the only thing in the circuit I'm going to make sure it's not touched anything else it's metal and then the other end just you know you ground out anywhere on the whole thing and it is giving me zeros which is mean it has a good signal going across it is grounding out and if I should move it a little bit open the points that signal should open there we go it opens up so our points are getting a signal out we're just not getting anything out of the coil avoid jump any further again like I said sometimes they need a battery to show for voltage work I don't know if that's the case or not so miss you I can come up with some kind of six volt battery for us to put Power to this and see if we get anything out of it and then from there we're going to start looking a little bit more probably pull that cover off especially the fact that it came with a a new Magneto kind of steering Us in that direction but I don't have a battery a little power supply and it's set up for a 12 and 6 volts give me a quick check that she's putting out six volts DC so hook that up and give her a kick look at that weird fuse holder if you gotta pop that out real quick let's go see what we got going on here it's weird because it has one wire going in there too probably just gonna probe the other side see if we got six volts a fuse in there I don't understand what this is though like why does it so that's constant and this part is fused it's got a little break chopped out of it too let me um just stab at that wire make sure we got power going through it you can actually unplug it right there let me grab the meter let's see if it makes it through there yep okay all right now let's give her a kick now yeah it could be anything could be the plug could be the wire could be the coil it could be the mag he's just you know trying to zero in on what you got going this should this is what makes power so this is although it's not grounded I don't think this would affect the um having no spark this is uh more frightening charging the battery I think the rectifier regulator rectifier cover off the other side where the Magneto is and see if there's even a Magneto in there yeah it could be the on off switch to kill switch any of that and get these to pop of course it is the correct screwdriver Japanese industrial sand they got O-rings on them got an old ring in there the one that I first one that I try looks a little beat up like somebody tried using the wrong screwdriver to get them out a lot of times they come with a tool kit they have the right one in there we get I'm not supposed to be wet or dry in there as far as oil and should I get something in case it pisses out it's wet I don't think that looks anything like what came with it did it where'd it go I don't think they match just a slight observation on our end it's like an alternator setup that's in there um hmm I don't lose anything behind it all right see the timing chain just looking for cooked wires now I do see uh I don't think it's wires they're supposed to be covered do you know that was in there let's get the gas tank out of it I think the coil is hidden up behind there starting like that's where the wire goes this wire goes up in here let's get this out of the way and we'll probably get the seat in the gas tank off of it and see if we can find where the coil is I'll be down in there probably might get I see the condenser yeah all right do a little digging yeah that zip it was a good good place to grow up we've got parties back there we'd have you know at some point you probably got up to 15 20 bikes most of the time would be like you know two or three and I had a a Vespa a 64 Vespa scooter eight inch 10 inch tires I go putting her in with that and I had a mini bike mini bike was worse mini bike had no brakes no throttle um you would get it going and you you push it like to get it going to finally start firing and you hopped on and you wrote it and you wrote and it just ran full throttle and you wrote it until uh you crashed and then it was your friend's turn and eventually a friend of mine got a a Yamaha dt-100 was what yeah that was like an Enduro dirt bike that all the time then you know the neighbor kid got a um an I.T the blue one that didn't do much for us do it it's got to come off anyway let's get that seat off the top of it I think the it was a 175 and he had a problem with that but if you let it sit and you parked it you left the gas on the gas would pissed through the card so you have to shut the fuel off but if you forgot to turn the fuel back on you beautiful about a minute going around and then it would start leaning out and it would it would just rip Full Throttle and be riding around there and he would kick it uh like I just kicked you 'd be doing like a buzzing across the pit it would just do a wheelie and flip him over backwards happened like four or five times in the same day and then eventually I ended up getting a a Yamaha 175 CT 175. which is kind of like kind of like the DT it was a 71. I would ride that and then say about two years ago my brother told me a story I had it in the little tiny garage I made and um her brother told me a story you want to learn how to ride we know how to he got it started in the garage didn't know anything about the clutch and um he smashed it smashed it into the garage and he hit like the lawnmower and all the other kind of stuff and he told me he just kind of all put it back the way it was never said anything to me so about two years ago so you just would have asked him would have showed you had a ride for brothers for it I think that tank will wiggle around at all I don't know what's um okay bolts holding it or foreign diaphragms or something on each side of it well we just probably get in with a pry bar give her some where's the fuel line come out that's gonna be it so that's gonna be attached to the tank right see any other bolts or anything I'm pretty sure that those lines are not going to be any good and we're just we can just snip them is there two of them what's that one right there that's electrical that I don't know what it is I would say that's a few lines go see that one's going directly to the car but I can see it where does this one go is that like a power wire or something now they're both both fuel probably one regular one Reserve um get that carb out of our way the slide still moves that's a good sign cruddy but yeah take some compressed air will blow this crap off here so it doesn't go down inside it and we'll get the carb set up out of our way we'll get those fuel lines off of there it's gonna have to get cleaned anyway right you know if I told them stories one time uh almost riding the 175 there's a lot of woods uh we grew up in New Jersey but it was like Northern New Jersey you wouldn't think New Jersey would have Woods essentially you know it's you think of you think I like Newark Camden getting New Jersey but anyway where we grew up it's kind of like we're New York New Jersey and Pennsylvania meet and a bunch of woods that are up in there but one time I want to say I probably blew out a tire or something I got my mother to uh she was a sport [Laughter] and uh the bike was dead for whatever reason either blowing Tire just died this is the 175 Yamaha and uh she went and got me with my dad's pickup short bed Ford and uh I sat in the back of the truck with a bike how times have changed right and I was just kind of like holding the bike the bike wouldn't fit in the truck maybe there was something else in the truck I think my dad may have had a toolbox across the back of it you know like one of those go across the back window and it wasn't long enough to put the tailgate up so I sat in the back with the bike maybe didn't have a tailgate and um my mother's in the front driving back I'm going to go on to a highway from a red light light changes she just gets on it I go sliding out the back of the truck with the bike she's all apologetic why I didn't hurt nothing and we get those out of there we'll get that out it's all you regulars you saw I think as well about a year ago I grabbed another bike that was the exact same bike that I had not the exact exact same style wasn't the one I I had that one I'm sure left the untimely death and that sure brings Memories Back uh probably just want to just cut those out of there maybe so you can get into uh we'll try to stab into a screwdriver see if we go I think it's gonna be petrified though this thing's a lot fuel it doesn't it yeah uh uh yeah it's got to come out too gotta pan down below we'll just go cut them off yes I used to travel everywhere in that thing sometimes on the trails sometimes on the road sometimes they got caught oh yeah met who became a really good friend of mine in the juvie like traffic court I don't know if it's traffic court which is like Juvenile Court for riding a motorcycle on the road I ran out of gas try to get away it died let's see what comes out of that meeting huh exactly say it resembles fuel it's gonna go let's even get a some kind of like soft pry bar up by the tank and see if it'll wiggle its way out of there they say a lot of the values of uh vehicles are based on like middle-aged men trying to relive their childhood that's where you kind of take device this stuff going up they come right out of there oh there you go yeah take those wedges out um so like the like the 40s and 50s cars are kind of dying out because the people that you know grew up with them are dying off so they don't have as much of an interest I wonder if this can be true for this kind of stuff though I I wonder if like this is going to be the last of it I don't see you know people growing up in the and born in the 2000s where the you know the 90s and going through puberty in the 2000s enjoying a Prius I don't know could be wrong I just don't see it plus also is that stuff gonna hold up like are you going to be able to get and repair stuff on them especially a lot of it's being computer uh related interesting to see how that goes I think the muscle cars kind of change that a little bit because I don't think you're ever gonna will the like say uh I don't know a charger or a Challenger when those cars are 30 of the modern ones you know like in the 2000s will they still have a value to them people collecting them were they gonna be such a pain to try to keep going and you know stuff just fails that they don't I even know like what's it the Mercedes cars some of the German stuff they did like a biodegrade degradable uh wiring harnesses let's get like a stick or something in here and we'll whack it with a hammer try to drive it back a little I think the fuel lines are what's holding us they're so brittle they don't want to move thank you we got her you look terrible on the Outside Inside not so much as you can see what's going on electrical let's get the same time get the cap back on it smell that oh oh she's gripe let's get up in there the funny thing is you go to car shows and stuff they still can play like a lot of 50s music and it seems like the clientele is kind of changing a little bit to you know the 50 year olds not the 70 and 80 year olds that's the coil right there what is bolting there in the condenser a couple wires right there with some seeds and stuff in it what is this boot right here I just sent me nope that's mounted let's um we gotta be able to get the probe that somehow so it looks like it's bolted on under the uh 10 of the muffler yeah there's a bracket way back there I'll hit the muffler off too probably hasn't nested in it anyway hopefully these let's be gingerly though let's go spray those down and uh maybe we'll pick away is this split anywhere else I don't think so right this is all just tins that are on it hmm let's get that off of there and I might have Rod holes and stuff behind it anyway they need to be addressed and we spray that down yeah let's see if they crack I'll sign it tight you know that one's easy let's go see the other ones though oh good awesome all right let me Buzz them get them out of there look at that muffler out we got one bolt holding it doesn't want to come apart I think it would break right there right it's got like a this little pad on the other side I think it glued itself to it foreign buff pad or a dampener pad that thing got it stuck to it I don't know if that's supposed to be in there or not I think it's melted to the muffler you give her a couple of kicks make sure there's no more well there's that one and tell me [Music] it's a prying out what I probably buy right I wonder what these are for like a little access to clean it out or change packing so now get two hands come up looks pretty good and what those are for any Critters oh yeah let me get that just a come out of there I think we can I don't think this whole thing's gonna fit out of there so we're gonna unthread the I'm kind of that was a a guessing man a bent man I would say it might be the key switch let's see I need a 10 mil I'll try to get that coil he's up and now I think there's enough wiring to do that we kind of lay it on top and we could probe around a little bit foreign so I'm going with that power supply and I got it hooked up so we had six volts before uh I want to tap into where the voltage is and I'm reading it now and it's like what do you want to call that that's not going to work for us I don't know if we're chasing our tail or not but I want to be able to have going to the points I'm gonna have to wiggled stuff around I should have voltage going there with the key on let me get that in there hey you see it's still kind of dancing around but nowhere near Six bolts let's go see if our key switch works it does you know that's working and what about our on The Handlebar deal so we got to get a better power supply sure key still works it does yeah let's get a better power supply hooked up to it I don't know if I have any kind of six volt battery that is here we could run off of maybe a bad a crappy battery with a battery charger on six volts might help us but I think that thing is kind of failing honest I got old trusty battery charger on there of course it has no gauge in front of it but for six volts and I have that tied to a old six volt battery that had like one and a half bolts in it and it's kind of holding at 8.2 and it's it's about what like a 12 volt battery you don't it doesn't measure 12 volts neither it would measure like 13.7 14. so uh let's go get ourselves a couple of these we'll run that up to the bike and we'll see what voltage we get going to the points you can see the gauge is saying 8.6 a couple of things when I turned it on but I plugged it in rather so one directional was on you see one directional the only thing it's lighting up is one in the front knocks it down half the voltage and then the headlight switch was on which no headlight lights up that kills it knocks it down to 1.6 I'm talking about and okay so we're down to 1.6 volts going to the coil headlight switch is on there is no headlight I don't know if there's maybe something grounded or shorted in the headlight that's it I think it will light up and then if I turn the headlight off he comes back to uh hour 8.6 so let's go for shifts and Giggles let's go plug the coil back into the points and we'll spin the motor over and see if we get any spark going on it maybe just that there's not enough voltage to try to run things let's go see they can't see it they get the meter's showing 5.2 volts let's see the points are closed we should be able to snap them and get the plug to fire and it's still not we definitely needed to correct that anyway let me just make sure I still have that voltage going to the to the coil I hope you can sneak our way in there let me get a little piece of wire will jam it in that let me get all of it in there so right now the points are closed and of course it's going to ground out so it's like 100 millivolts just open it go back to the eight volts it does closed but we're still not getting any Spark going across that should start look like a bad coil let's um get rid of that plug and I don't know if you should do anything with that boot I don't know if I have another one to go change that out with actually what we can do is we will get rid of this all together see if we can get it to Arc I'm gonna zap myself you know I'm gonna put my meter back on you can see from maintain a voltage let's go zap those points yeah there it goes so we got Spark good that's a coil and it's either gonna be the plug where that boot end that's on there let's go grab another plug real quick dumb if that was what it was right all right I got another plug in there I'm sure we got a gap it's grounded so I should be able to pop this still nothing at the plug I'm wondering if we have a resistance breakdown in this boot right here I'm gonna go steal one off of something upstairs maybe hopefully we got some of the threads on like that and we'll try that I'm not gonna give it a great uh chances of being good because it was held on by duct tape let's go change that out probably wouldn't hurt to cut the end of that back a little too let's go get a oh snap as you can see it's in there great but [Applause] how about now I hear the points Arkin hmm let's go throw what's the original plug I didn't clean the crap off of the end of that real quick doesn't look bad though yeah all right that one's got Spark let's see it you can see it's great the decent what's our voltage dropping down to that's the other thing too is although it's up at eight volts what's its capacity you know that thing's beat there's no Reservoir of energy so you may be trying to Arc it and the voltage is going all the way down to like two or three volts not helping us but I think we're pretty good I think it was this was the issue resistance going across that let's um clean the bench up a little bit and if it's just think Eagles you know it's coming next see if we can go throw drip a little bit fuel in our seat she'll kick and just fire a little bit and then we can start chasing all the uh the bits and pieces trying to get them all back together and cured and fixed and the carb's a mess and the gas Tank's a mess and the wiring in there and hmm well I don't know if we have uh strong enough spark to get her to go but let's give it a little squirt okay there's no place open right now to grab a good six volt battery and I think half the bikes I have you don't use one or they're going to be about the same condition as what we got on the bench so yeah foreign all right she's a liver cool run uh what do we want to do and now we got to get fuel so it's constant to it uh cuts the long way around to go figure out what was wrong but again yeah it's easy when you know the answer right uh beginning I was kind of thinking of a regular Magneto setup which you're not going to see voltage at the uh points because it the bike has to be kicking to be able to have power but when you have a battery it should have power there all the time so that's why when I chase that that direction awesome let's um hmm uh probably maybe we should jump on that fuel tank and get something in it maybe some acid or let's go take a peek at it we'll dump out what's in the tank and uh good that uh clearing up while we're doing other stuff I don't think that I wonder if that's the same as like a CT70 funny how the bench gets trashed so fast so the original one that was on there has 10K I don't know if you see it in the meter resistance across that elbow let's go see what the other one we put in there has 139k we could probably try putting that depends on how crappy crap we're getting on too yeah 139 we could try the original boot I wonder if it was the actually the end of The Wire that I cut off it had a lot of black I don't even know if I see anything in the ends I cleaned off the bench the I cut it back twice because it still wasn't getting a good thread on it uh real quick let's go pop the original one back on there and see if we get Spark let's see what we get on that one all right yeah power up to it won't get anything no power yeah let's see what we got oh yeah so I think it was I cut back uh about a quarter inch to two times the first time it's kind of a black in the hole like the wires are kind of cooked and then I cut back a little bit further so I think that's where the failure was and just make sure you can go a little bit down the intake that'd be yes all right that's being confident where it is that and you know the fact of having low voltage uh for the power supply wasn't helping things neither all right now back to the gas tank that's the one you can get out of it okay oh that's supposed to be gas oh the smell it's turned into tar and this bike hasn't been running like 40 years wow all right I'm gonna let that sit here and chunk its way out for a little while I could balance it probably gotta lean a little on the forward side huh foreign let that go for a while and maybe a little bit of a shopping list done dripping it's gonna take a while or if like uh probably you just put like some gas in there maybe it'll it'll mix with the gas and rinse out a little so we got that we know so far we know we need a seat cover battery plug oil uh the outer air filter housing fuel line I don't know we know don't know we know don't know if we need to surprise throw some air in those tires see if they stay standing uh it looks like it's got most of the levers and directionals and all mirrors are on it the bulb is any good for the headlight I don't know are the horns any good I don't know those aren't things that need to be addressed right at the moment let's go throw some air in those tires and see if the tires decide to show some splitting yeah I probably wouldn't hurt to put new tires on it too but I'm not gonna go chase those right right yet we don't know if it's got a good transmission or anything foreign let's go throw some air in those and see if they stay push our luck try the other one foreign set up for a little bit see if they stay don't know we got for pork seals I do not see them pissing any oil not that it's moved very much and until we ride in hammer it a little bit either could be either no oil in them whatsoever or they could be perfectly fine we'll clean them up and doesn't have a terrible I'm kind of miles out we don't know we got for breaks I'm not gonna go pull the wheels off quite yet let's go get that carb and take the float ball off and we'll see if we need a carb kit for it and we'll get that soaking too and judging by what came out of the carburetor would not expect us to have a nice clean float Bowl let's go find out it's been a long time and that's not I wouldn't say that was an ethanol fuel the ethanol fuel stuff usually turns White not like that tar that was resorting back to dinosaurs that stuff it reeks in here too it's gonna help us melt to it actually that is much better than they expected so an inspection of our float our needle yeah get a little probe to push that out same with the ones that are hammered in yet now we need players you should probably try to get a carb kit for because the gaskets in two pieces there's a piece there and a piece up there see we can find a lot of stuff's getting hard to find stuff that was you never even thought about before is taken a bit to get let's get the Jets out of it let's get a little screwdriver you could probably take the intake manifold off too I have a spring behind it and it's got some crud in it that's just for the um this one's for the idle speed it stops the slide kind of jams up against it does it have an air fuel mix on the outside anyway s you have a spring in there maybe not oh yeah there it is foreign should be air fuel mix at an idle you really don't get we you could adjust I shouldn't say that you can't adjust idle air fuel mixing and you can adjust the air fuel mix on um for when you're up off idle by changing the pin on the slide the pin in that's still on the cable is adjustable can we get the um intake manifold on it sometimes you could push the uh emulsion tube out of it I don't know if this one's going to come out or anything hooked Let's uh get the pet what that looks like so usually it's on the tank that they make the uh on off in reserve this one they got it right on the floople these crap out too [Music] see how it's got like a little selector diaphragm on it which is that right there I don't know if that's going to come out for us as you rotate that there's little openings in here and it just allows different passages to go be open and flow through a lot of times this turns into a petrified rock it actually feels a little on the squishy side I'm gonna tear it up neither just in case you can't get one but I don't want to put it in the ultrasonic cleaner we can remember how that goes oh we got video all right so we're about that uh this is just gonna be a ball drain passage to open up this is just for if the bike's been sitting and there's water in the bowl you open that passage up it'll piss out there and cut those what's left of those fuel lines out of there get those rips off looks like they say right on them too which one is um valve I said preserve and uh but the other one said fuel is written on it somewhere uh hopefully the float floats I hear anything rattling in it we will try to get a carp kit for it we got in here foreign fuel filter fuel screen I should say well look at all the crap that was in there that's what the inside of gas tank looks like all right it just goes so the fuel goes in goes across and comes back to the float which is probably gonna be that Port right there that's going to feed up kind of paint the asset up you ask me beats up probably in through that Port there and then comes out through the needle and cheek here let's get these chokes off of here uh and we can get that one out how's that one come out any idea looks like it's peened over huh just well you know what you do you take that screen out you take the two screws out of the center and you can drive the whole shaft out we're gonna leave that alone I don't think we're gonna hurt anything on there but let's get this one out of the height altitude choke are you gonna get it with this yeah it actually is much cleaner than I expected I expect a piece of trash uh I don't know if you need to take the intake manifold off or not let's um I'm gonna try to baby what's left of that gasket let's even get it out of there see if we even want to move yeah I don't have one not not as if yet so what I'm gonna do I'm going to chill out I can see when I'm able to order before I soak that and Destroy what's there how's the tar pit going at least what's good about these gas tanks like a lot of the modern ones they run a lip inside the tank so you can't fill it up all the way so if you go to clean it out you can't just not the case yeah let's go well it's got a slight lip I don't know we could rinse that with let's get the fuel line off the top of this and get some more goo out of it first and we'll pop you know we'll plug these with like cork or something foreign that one's clear that one's probably the reserve which goes up that pipe will go higher up into the tank probably about to here then you run out of fuel you turn the petcock over and then you get you know the last inch of fuel should be the shorter one that's why it's got like goo in it I don't know if we're gonna eat the drip out of that or not but that's it for a minute and I'm gonna try to find some corks to shove plug them up and wheel down a couple of corks should Steve off any huge leaks anyway uh maybe we can get test on this crap and see what kind of breaks it up a little bit try gasoline first because we've got two things we're dealing with one is rust this is just two stroke yes see if that'll break it up at all doesn't look like it huh we got to get rid of the sludges in the tank and then there's rust the rust I'm probably going to do muriatic acid to clean that out a lot of people have their own stuff that they like to use but uh I think we're going to go with that well we did this once before I forget what it was like a moped or something I figure out what worked this is um mineral spirits cool let's go just pour a little spot a little little Dibble that's it for a sec and we got acetone we've got lacquer thinner I would say probably um be your best bet let's go for a little bit over there of that was nice and neat huh smooth let's go see if any of them kind of try this one first doesn't look like it's mixing with it I'm starting to think it's going to be acetone let's go foreign mix up all of it come back to a shop that's smoking you know yeah probably acetone let me see about anything else alcohol might work how about Coleman fuel I mean a couple of jugs of that laying around use it up for something right foreign fuels like white gas well considering that's what I want to get rid of now unfortunately we got a mix of everything in there so yeah let me go do that we'll go try to use some of this stuff up we'll let it sit yeah the acid works pretty good for uh getting the rust away but if there's any kind of anything left in the tank it won't burn through that the acid Believe It or Not would not go through that um foreign mud let's go for the whole camp or not I know you did it will swish that around a little bit and we'll pour it out if it's turning brown if I need a bag let me go put a plastic bag over that we'll shake it around and uh we'll see if it starts working then we'll let that soak overnight if it does it's like a chemistry class let's see if that's doing anything if it comes out clear coming out clear so that's not gonna do a thing for us I think our best BET's probably that acetone I'm gonna dump that back into that container I'm gonna write on it that it's uh not for human consumption yeah I didn't do anything I just wanted a little bit this is a do you need your dog oh see if that broke it up that works all right we got our winner denatured alcohol that's what's going in it I did a quick job of it too that's been about a half hour 45 minutes to see how our tires are doing what's holding there looking for cracks in between the tread I mean they're uh ancient they're probably original ones for the bike oh they see on them yeah I think that's a and it was Nitto needo Tires on the front window this is all right well it depends what it gets used for too right what I thought was a crack there's just dirt I think I think we'll leave those for now we got enough shopping list see we can go hunt down and uh maybe we'll pop that headlight out of there real quick well check that bulb they're kind of just stupid expensive too those little six volt bulbs to like 50 bucks 40 50 bucks for that bulb let's go see if that's any good as you get that out of there I think it should have turned on on battery power but what we'll do is we'll take a a minute I'm gonna drop it it's the other part too that was the adjustment whoops there it is down there I was wondering what that little Tink was I screwed up that's the Left Right adjustment the the nut fell off the other side let's get a Phillips get under there rookie actually no matter you should have known better I mean something's gonna fall out when we open it it's only a screw they had two of me cross-eyed right now yeah it's a rat coming in there's a little where's our nut gonna throw that back together real quick actually muzzle leave it off because you gotta take the whole bulb out anyway and that's connected to it screw up here and a screw on the bottom a couple of Clips hold it let's um get an OHM meter and we'll buzz it out that nut on your before I lose it get an old meter on it and we'll see if we get resistance across the bulb then we know the bulbs okay white to white and it's got two of them green green plugs into green probably the greens they common and one of these are going to be hiding will be let's go get a meter oh well you can see the meter so essentially like anything when if it makes uh if it conductors not blowing out it's gonna go to zeros or three ohms or something like that so we're gonna go probe this we're gonna put one on the green doesn't matter what color I think the greens are common we'll find out in a second and we should get across the filament get nothing on that one so now I'm going to jump over to the blue that's one bad filament we already know because you get nothing across it so now I'm gonna go green to that one so one of the elements is good one's good and one's no good I'm not sure if it's high beam a low beam I'm not sure but one filament's good I think that's uh trying to see which one's going to be the common do you know let's go double check one more time let's go put this one on the White nothing you know that circuit's good and let's go for process too yeah nothing so we have a bet one of the two filaments is no good either the high beam or low beam one of those cooked trying to look inside and see if I can see physically physically see it going across it so I'll keep an eye out for a bulb on that too I'll take a picture of it this whole thing is a bulb this whole assembly it's not like it's a uh one that you thread in I think that might make a replacement that does do that you could change it out for it a lot of times with two happens too if somebody tries to run it after you run this battery this bike with it but like some of the bikes that will run without a battery what happens is it over charges and it uses the battery to regulate the voltage so it's a six volt battery kind of goes up to say eight volts but if you have no battery in it whatsoever you try running it the thing just goes up to 13 14 volts and it cooks and Pops the bulb when you rev it up there's nothing kind of buffering with the voltage runs away too all right so you can go find one of those well guys I think it's about as far as I'm gonna be able to get for now uh got some parts to go chase uh we got so far everything is looking good you know hopefully the transmission is uh in decent shape what's fortunate about it is it it is an automatic clutch so it's not like you're able to go and dump them you know everybody kind of tear stuff up and bang in the gears so hopefully that part is all right hopefully I'm saying I'm trying to jinx myself and uh we'll get some parts in I don't know when the next video this is going to be out and also what I'm going to release this hopefully uh I'm able to kind of follow up on the following week but you know we'll see and uh who knows what else we need cables that kind of thing but uh I want to get into them after we get the drivetrain fixed and then we'll uh worry about the uh the fine elements on it how's that tail light and cracks in it you don't see any Well for now I think we're gonna go call her at least we got her to kind of go putt and uh you know zero in what was going on why it was parked which was for no spark which I really think was the end of that plug wire and where they had low voltage going to it but somebody was there before us and they thought they were gonna go fix it with um that other Magneto that doesn't match this bike this is more of a I think it's called the stator and the other one's a Magneto one I believe is uh generates uh off doesn't use the battery you can just kick and it uh makes the energy for the coil to make spark and like I said this one's more of a an alternator charging system fix AC and runs everything on the bike back to the battery and the battery is supplying everything kind of maintaining it take a quick check chain it should have chain let's go just a little sprockets that one looks okay the other one's hiding you guys got 1300 miles on it so it's not gonna have too much damage all right guys I'm yammering thanks for hanging out with me and uh doing a little bit of fun wrenching and hopefully we can get puttering around in this one pretty soon in a conversation we were having earlier about that Yamaha 175 I was talking about this is the one so I have when I bought this uh about two years ago two and a half years ago it's really clean it was put away it's a 71 I think it was put away in 73. didn't have any miles on it whatsoever what happened was it was a husband and wife they bought two of them to go putt around on and the wife went to go teach her girlfriend how to ride a uh a bike and on the very first ride she whiskey throttled it I believe that was the handlebars that came back and whacked it after she wrecked it and it was parked ever since so unfortunately it's got the dent in the tank but everything else is really clean on this it's got 3 100 miles I probably put like 200 miles on it but at 5 and 10 miles of Pop just to go have some fun you can tell I was doing a little bit of trail riding last time and this bike is ready to rock and roll this one's really fun to putt around on so I thought I'd share cold start how many kicks yes um I think the battery's dead this one too it doesn't matter [Music] um three how many licks does it take to get to the center
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 239,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: bSfHyaw9AT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 1sec (4321 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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