Will a FREE ABANDONED Camper Drive 500 Miles for a NASCAR Race!?

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Reddit Comments

Love this video, my only gripe is that. Kevin kinda complains that he didn't have time to fix the RV before they had to leave. He waited 44 days until he got back to it. Yes I know that life happens and such (work, social life, other videos he has to make.)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/1kreasons2leave 📅︎︎ May 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of junkyard diggs it's almost may and you know what that means it's time to go to a nascar race hi so if you guys remember a year ago we picked up a camper for like 1500 bucks fixed it up on a weekend and took it all the way to kansas city and had a whole mess of bush lights and a whole pile of fun in fact we had so much fun that we're gonna do it again with an even more disastrous camper this year this right here is an i don't know what year winnebago that was absolutely free on facebook marketplace so that being said let's go dig around and see what the hell we just got i think he said it was sitting for about three to five years since the last drove and when it last drove they had some problems where they had to like stop and finish to keep it running so whoa 1982 winnebago oh hell yeah it comes with coloring book pages so um i can't help but notice that the ground moves underneath me you should try the roof you want to talk about moving underneath you oh it's a little squishy right here is that a turtle lamp all the tips diff that's mine looks like we have no battery power to anything i've learned a few things about campers since we've started these endeavors our well two batteries one that runs the engine and everything up there and a second one that runs all this stuff and then when the engine is on and running a solenoid will close and link those two batteries so they can both be charged up i think there's supposed to be a chair oh i broke it i broke your camper no mook this is our camper i want to share these problems with everyone i don't want to take full responsibility for crap this has more counter space than our actual kitchen like like look at this thing is so fancy some gotta sink on an angle you can tell no one has ever cornered hard in this because this still exists yes i don't think this thing does anything hard it's for crash we've got ourselves a sizable fridge i got a jar oh two jars oh my god what's this plate kevin look at this awesome plate i just found this is kevin's plate some got a freezer in it and it works because it's 30 degrees and windy as hell outside today moving in the back we have a full-size shower in this one like i might even fit in this thing yep it's just under six foot two all right you guys let me know when you get this running okay let's run away have you seen the event though oh that's fine i won't worry about that little guy it's just structural so despite looking rather decent inside and being the cleanest camper we've got yet this one has a decent amount of water damage and structural issues above and below unfortunately okay actually before we get to the engine dude it's a freaking bed there's at least one person two oh no this probably folds down into three and there's the whole bed in the back so we can sleep way more than we could in the last k last time we went to a nascar race all right big moment of truth i don't even know what we're running in this thing oh hell yeah that's a big block chevy right there that ladies and gentlemen is a freaking 454. 96 000 miles on this one i thought we'd have a really low mile 454 but uh i was wrong all right let's go get a battery and see if anything comes alive see if we have any shot the hell pulling this one off okay i was expecting a full hood i guess we have this little hitler stash cap oh yeah let's put the put the hood prop up well our tires are pretty dry rotted so that's not great i don't know why i was able to tell that from within here but that's literally all i can see is a radiator and tires and yeah one dipstick all right gang let's start the hunt for the batteries i don't know where they are that's the poop hoes uh oh we don't have a gas cap oh yep hmm i'm sure that won't be a problem oh wow whoa seriously a battery tray yeah i'm hoping these two are for accessories and this is our motor let me just i mean they're dead no it's metal no all right got a new battery in there a little 850 amp should do some damage that was easy just needed some muscles wow this thing is it's kind of in there i'm not gonna lie dairy queen no please once the corn is in again well we have no dash lights or anything but we have an engine that spins so that's i mean that's step one right do we have a brake pedal afraid we do yes your seat moves more than the brake pedals that's fine looks like we got ourselves a big old four-barrel quadrajet so obviously once we get this running we have to do the lid flip but until then uh we have an hei distributor back here in the back this big old boy as long as our connections are good we've got power to everything we should have spark as long as our module is good as well which they always are so i guess i'll go grab my little gas can thing and drizzle them down that card and see if it makes any noise i have no quadrajet parts again watch your noggin yeah clock works that's the first time i think on the channel we've had a working clock let's see how unlevel we are we are four on level that no that's almost five almost five on level units jeez all right let's dribble a little gas down this sucker pull all the water up into the carburetor that's what we like there we go she thought about it so we got sparked that's good hey she shot up to 30 psi hey yeah that runs a little rough not gonna lie are all of our plug wires still present well it runs let's go throw some fuel in the tank because believe it or not we're indicating it's a chevy we're indicating the fullest it could ever be and we'll just throw three gallons in it and crank it and see if it runs kevin that's like a hundred dollars a windy day out on the prairie full of really annoying dogs yeah that one we'll just put a sail on and sail the rest of the home today we could head out on the road face it downwind and head on home yes thank you for agreeing with me let's see if she'll pull fuel oh now the church is barking come on you old sumbitch [Music] i'm gonna guess that was the bulls the exhaust was a little smoking yeah it's a little clanky makes a few fun noises come on girl to life with you i might have done it 50 psi of oil pressure i got 16 volts which is a little bit into the red but that's okay our fuel economy is dream so that's good i'm sure that'll immediately change forever once we put it in gear a little heat coming off the exhaust over there but hell yeah we got ourselves a running camper oh now the train's barking this is a really loud town is it just me or is this whole thing kind of doing one of these maybe a little bit let's not worry about it i like that plant the cabinets are becoming structural all right well let's check some fluids over quick and uh shove this thing in gear and see if it moves this has gone really easy so far i'm sure there will be something very tragic that happens later to make up for it oil's good has two dual exhausts on both sides it's got true duals on this some hell yeah brother nothing but the best for winnebago did your grandpa probably build this thing he worked at winnebago right he was uh these are built in iowa by the way city iowa my grandpa worked there for like his entire career yeah my last name is actually winnebago what i'll be right here for moral support the whole time oh thank you you missed i'm just gonna put it all in because then we can say we tried our best because that's all we have i how am i supposed to tell if there's coolant in this thing it's not flowing out so i guess it's not completely over full i can't see anything that means fill it yeah i guess so i see why these damn things get just abandoned all the time there's a pain in the ass will work on compared to the other ones go all right i'm gonna hop in again fire this up see if we got a brake boost now since we're finally marking on the power steering stick and if i do or even if i don't i will try to drive it out of the hole i guess there we go seated muscles again thank god i brought mood oh just fires right off all right we got drive the wheels were the brakes were all definitely froze up up front i watched them go clunk and then they moved so what you're saying is they're not frozen anymore not anymore they do sound horrible when they move but they're not froze are you telling me that the wheels on the bus go round and round now they do now they did it for a minute i've definitely seen better tires in my life you spun the back tires a bit did i really yeah did it burn out yeah oh i'm sure the front brakes won't be an immediate issue on this it's quite a hole you dug and a lot of dried leaves for a nice fire under there by the gas tank i'm gonna try to get it up onto this gravel next to us and go up and down the alley a couple of times and see if we got brakes power steering lights and then we'll start fixing stuff yes mooc question in the back yeah do we have a fire extinguisher yeah there's one in the truck there's also that gas we just throw on and just really commit to it all right places everyone everyone turn the script to page three now [Music] that was like driving a house i'm like 60 feet in the air the smoke is not the window it's a little stinky in here i'm not gonna lie well we got brakes so we got steering and everything kind of freed up and leveled out whoa oh yeah lights and stuff what we got you got one working light in the back how about the front you got that one works it does weird with the blinkers yeah it does well here's my blinkers so that's problematic well if it wasn't broke before it is now i do not think we're gonna be able to make it all the way to kansas on these nevertheless home we're gonna try to make a home on these we'll take some back roads we blow out it's fine they are bald dry rotted cracked and the bands are actively breaking so all we gotta do is make it 50 miles today we get tires later this is gonna be expensive and it's gonna suck and there's a bunch of chinese oh no this is just regular american numbers i should probably mention helping us get the job done today we've got our decked uh truck toolbox system and of course tang tools and this glacier mist water bottle which i'm hoping to turn into a fuel cap my expectations are low but my hopes are high i'll be very excited if the only tool we have to use for this survival is a pair of dikes to cut a plastic water bottle splash buffer all right all right so that's that problem solved thankfully there's a gas station like a block that way so we can get some actual gas in it find out you're running great but she's running look at some gas this hit the old back roads and head home i'm just gonna tell myself that weird noise is an exhaust leak i can't make that turn i guess we gotta go straight oh jesus gosh it's so high up look at how jesse there's slow children to play should we check the gutters up to go by yeah they look good merry christmas gutters are empty nothing on the thermostat yet that's a whole adventure we haven't even addressed because the cooling system hey look it's a move there sure let's try it we're gonna find out this is a concern oh jesus christ see the concerning thing is after i turned it off as it was pulling down i still heard that clunk clunk that kind of sounds like valtryek noise but if we just get home where it's you know warmer not 50 miles of terrified driving left to do and there's tools we can fix it there if it's still around and if it still runs right let's put some gas in it i just want gas i don't want your damn car wash i don't want your damn rewards i don't want to know about the damn news just give me gas [Applause] driving through hurricane force winds today all right wishes luck everyone that little guy i won't worry about that little guy you okay down there [Applause] oh you know what that is that's just the metronome let's just know how many rpm we're doing since we don't have attack or blinkers i just remember hold on everyone yeah these tires are horribly out of rounds i can hear it you can hear the roof jumping up and down in the back you can see it on the blades oh no we're doing sturdy uh [Applause] i started just doing this like crazy dude [Applause] let's uh let's go look at what the hell is going on outside i think that's just the hubcap mount that looks fine i'm going to leave this off though i don't know she just started wobbling really bad looks fine [Applause] maybe mook saw something it started shaking really bad you see anything nothing tires all right well we'll keep trying to keep going so what we're feeling is some of this in the front end you can see it in the wheel it kind of comes and goes kind of gets worse as we go especially changes when we side loaded apparently i'm thinking we got a brake line that's probably a swollen or a caliper that's sticky because then it stops i think we got a break that's acting up and surging essentially and then it gets hot and freeze itself or something i don't really know but we probably need tires but we probably need rubber lines so we probably need a different camper we made it a total of like five miles uh we're doing 30. don't really have much of a desire to do any more than that i don't know what just happened but suddenly it just went i think it was shot off like a rocket and i never moved my foot and now we're doing 45. i think we had a break or something that was really sniffing and just let loose because it literally just went like like i put my foot to the floor and now it's as smooth as butter my helmet fixed itself let's go to the races i can make it home without using brakes it'll be good all right my point was trying to avoid the police but sorry other citizens i'm calling it now we're next we are so next i believe it's finally happening yep we're getting pulled over son of a all right uh we'll talk to you guys in a bit [Applause] well cops saw the tags were expired which iowa you have 30 days before you got a title they aren't technically legal but in the meantime i thought i'd pull these bastards down a little oh man the we do well jesse five years first time we've ever been pulled over on the channel sheriff was super nice about it she said look i know you guys yeah now we're getting arrested no she was super nice about it she was like look i know you guys are just a bunch of freaking idiots uh just be idiots at home and get there so that's exactly what we're going to do got the brake cooled down i am not going to touch that pedal unless i absolutely have to let's get back to it oh yeah it rolls a little easier now so yeah people always ask how are you legally doing this all we have to do here is put insurance on it we have 31 days to title a vehicle in iowa you get 31 days free essentially but it's a 31 day convenience to make it to the dmv you get done so we we abused that 31 days most of our videos and driving on the road within that first 31 before we titled stuff let's hit the road again with hopefully less interaction from the police force other camper people other crazy bastards that's a lot of stickers that was something i think that wasn't a camper i think that was a mobile oh my god what is that what is what is this town of woodward iowa what is happening right now it's like we belong here except for this is maybe tonight in other news speaking of campers of that style usually whenever we do these videos it's like a white knuckle horrifying experience all the way there and back this thing despite wanting to fall apart constantly it feels like doesn't drive bad like it seems pretty normal i don't know if that's just because it's so much bigger that the chassis is actually meant to haul the weight and transfer it better but it's windy as hell out today and i'm not getting blown around i've always thought the bigger campers are going to be worse it seems to not be the case all right here's our turn build on motor hit it like a race car let's see if we can hear the venturis not really no i don't think we got all four barrels i especially can't hear a butt we forgot to flip the lid that's probably what's going on about 20 miles this way we'll be home so we can finally assess this thing and see if there's stuff we still need to fix we're just playing good to go it's been getting smoother and smoother all right we've made it just beyond this hill is home i'm not going to show it because these people are weird and they'll all come to my damn doorstep don't do that let's get this sucker there and get her parked and if we even really need to do anything before we drive to kansas come on oh it's downshifted oh the wobbles back what have we done yeah i think we got some breaks to fix i think our brakes are actively locking up i uh it got really hard to move at the end there we'll deal with that another day good morning everyone it is monday morning we leave friday morning it's been a month or two since we last touched the camper the race is at the end of this week and we got some breaks to fix usually it's a problem when i forget to uh take these nuts off before i you know get the tire off the ground but as you can tell that's not an issue today o'reilly's has parts in stock for this camper turns out these are called a chevy p30 chassis same as a bread truck or like your snap-on trucks or box trucks or stuff like that very common chassis we're going to order up some hoses and hopefully have them here by like noon today get the sucker fixed up clean out the inside a little bit and then take our free pile of camper straight to the racetrack once again let's get it done so as you can see yeah i can't turn those i'm going to loosen our banjo bolt quick and see if that changes anything if it does that's good that means it's our brake lines let's find out all right hey look at that all right throw some new rubber lines on there and we should be good to go up front for break so i'll have to bleed them of course but once that's done i think we'll take it for a test drive and see if the backs have started working or if i'm gonna have to hunt down some hoses these ones are easy to find o'reilly's had them in stock those ones are not it's a triple line it's a single uh like like you would on a truck it's a single soft line from the frames hard line to the axle which i could probably just get one of those from anything really but then it goes hard lines out to a set of double soft lines into the calipers those i don't know where to source because they're really weird i'll get these replaced and then we'll go for a test drive and see if we need to back still all right new brake hose is on let's give it a go all right mook down up hell yes that is properly operating on the other side okay we got new brake hoses up front got them bled out pedal feels completely different i don't know if that's good or bad so we're gonna hop in it go drive around and find out our brakes release nice this is the part where we crash into a tree because there's 600 and i don't know where they are moves a lot easier now let's find out oh okay the hubcaps are coming for me they're okay oh no a deer got out not the best but they might be good enough we go i see him set now ah much better no that's right damn [Applause] he just needs a lift flip all right so our brake lines are on the brakes are working great now we're good to go on that regard up next this thing still kind of runs like crap as you can probably tell from us driving it around right now it has a quadrijet on it they're very mechanical and they'll run forever and it would probably get us down there and back just fine but in the event that it doesn't i don't have any parts to fix it like nothing so what we're gonna do while we're still home and not on the side of the road somewhere is put on a 600 cfm brawler this is an economy carb from holley it's built by holly it's got a few awesome features on it i'm excited to run this thing i won't really get to play with them all saying that it's on a camper but we'll pull it back off this and put it on something real at some point but a lot of adjustability in this all these air bleeds and everything completely tapped ready to go screw those out screw different ones in really adjustable but yeah you see these brawlers all over the place and they're really good economy carburetor so that being said let's go ahead and put this on [Music] all right i don't need you i don't need any of you don't need any of you you're already unplugged as it was so yeah basically that's how you get rid of all your vacuum essentially all you need is one for your uh transmission which is this guy right here it's gonna be manifold vacuum and you want either ported or manifold for your distributor advance depending on how you have your timing set and what else and whatnot beyond that uh if you have hvac controls and you want them to still work you'll have to keep vacuum from the manifold hooked up to your dash somewhere so that when you turn it to vent or floor or defrost it actually moves or else no vacuum it'll just stay on defrost actually wait hang on i load this thing out once i need to make sure that all my initial settings are still correct i'm going to push my red lever down for the choke flip it over and yep sure enough good thing i took this off the check see right there that little slot that's our transfer slot we want to make sure he's set to a square as you can tell he is not set to a square to fix this i'm going to adjust our curb idle screw or our transfer slot screw right here on the throttle it's upside down i know i'm going to turn him out until our transfer slot is at a square all the while i'm still holding that red lever down my other hand a little more there we go that's what we want to see right there now it won't diesel and while we're talking about that you know what probably a good time to mention why does dieseling happen a lot of people think it's timing related uh it's not well it is but it's not it's caused by that transfer slot right there that i just show you being too far open and when your engine is off it's still able to pull fuel and there's enough vacuum signal at these venturis that they're still pulling fuel and it's pulling fuel down into the engine and when it gets into the cylinder your engine's still hot enough that it can literally run like a diesel and it self ignites and click on client and keeps running now like i said it's not your ignition causing it but it's your improper setting of the ignition causing you to open the transfer slots too much which is causing it so in a roundabout way this is the beginning of the problem is that your initial timing set too low and when your initial timing set too low your idle is really low and to compensate that people go oh the idle's low let me turn up the idle screw that's not the idle screw it's and it's it's inaccurately named it's the transfer slot screws what it's doing is opening those transfer slots to transfer from off idle to driving and when you open those up too far it diesels so to fix that start here always start here with your engine tuning raise your initial timing to where it's supposed to be turn these back down to a square and i guarantee no more dieseling i've got a great carburetor tuning video i'll link it up here you guys can check all that out there as for this i've got some rerouting hoses to do some fuel lines to hook up a fuel filter to put in la da da we'll be back all right another half turn on each side if you remember this is a split plane intake and our two planes are still well divided because of that space we have i'm gonna get a little extra fuel down each side and figure out which one the four cylinders has a problem here's the passenger side no real difference driver's side this one's a lot better so something's wrong on one of the four cylinders that runs off this barrel let's see if we can find it everything's fine what the hell well i have no idea what the hell is going on at this point it's either something internal that's weird which like like a piston problem where we're not having compression or a blown head gasket i'm gonna throw plugs and wires on this see if that does anything and if it doesn't i guess i'm out of time to care so we're just gonna put it all back together and drive it five hours what's the worst that could happen all right little time has passed i'm sweaty and dirty uh i went to town grant my compression tester ran all the way down this bank and started up this side everything's coming out between 135 and 150 make sure your throttle is all the way open when you're doing a compression test but yeah everything's been looking good so far until i got to the middle cylinder on this side yep i bet you i move over one more and i get the same number that's a head gasket all right she's hooked up let's find out is it head gasket bat valve or bad piston head gasket so what happened is the typical chevy thing the bridge between the two cylinders burns out it's really bad on small block chevy's because the exhaust ports are next to each other but apparently the big blocks do it too so now do i put this five cylinder big block sketchy tire sketchy brake no fridge the ac kind of works there is a coffee maker ass have an ass camper back together or do i just go get the 500 poop movie already it's got brakes tires a 350 and a gas gauge that all work great this is a serious conundrum morning welcome to the show i'm only an hour late i'm only two hours late so do we have a running camper um no i've decided we're gonna play it safe and take the poop mobile oh which is now version 2.0 uh the unpooped mobile smells better a lot better all right let's check it out so when we left off last night i had a great internal debate and let me tell you it was a hell of an internal debate upon which camper to take we had pros and cons for each the poop mobile our backup camper uh which we paid 500 for in another episode where we took it to sigourney uh once upon a time it's completely mechanically sound the tires are like new uh the brakes are perfect the engine's perfect the dash air conditioning works this thing is in great shape however it doesn't have a speedometer or a fuel gauge and it smells like poop along with it being much much smaller for four adults to fit in it'll sleep five people but some of them should be you know short ones so phoenix would go in there the one we've been working on for the entire episode still has breaks that work but are questionable i don't trust them to drive five and a half hours doing a lot of stops if we take back road like every four miles would be a stop sign the route was ridiculous the engine obviously has a blown head gasket it would probably still make it there and back just fine i think the whole thing would make it there and back just fine it's just way more stressful and why beat on that 454 when it's still it just needs a head gasket and we've got a good driveline for a project so those things are covered around here at least in my opinion because i can never find the damn things for less than like eighteen hundred dollars i swear oh yeah people want so much for a big block this one's free why kill it yeah it drives down the road a lot better yep but slower i don't think this one only does like 55 i think we can do 60 in that 65 motor 350 chevy with four barrel that one's that one's a song that thing runs great this one already sang its song it runs like crap the big thing for the weekend though is i don't want to take the highway or the interstate on these oh yeah there there's that's what we're talking about yeah those are really cracked yeah that's and this isn't even one of the worst ones it made it all the way from jefferson to here which was surprising but when you're driving five hours in 90 degree temps each way each and you have to be back because people have to be to work yeah and one of those blows out you take out a family of four oh it'd probably blow up the whole side of the camper you can always make tires probably kill us all inside so yeah little disappointing for the sake of the video that we're not taking this one but don't worry the big bastard will be back in either the form of itself or we'll rip the back off and make a car hauler out of it or we'll just rip the drive line off and put in something fun so we'll get back to this we're still going to utilize this free camper for now let's pack all our into the poop mobile let's do it and hit the road loading the last items reader hoses started leaking it's already off it's like 11 30. i told you you should have brought me up well you gotta do me like this poop mobile spent all day getting the poop out and now the water pump just started seeping out of the little weep hole thanks what happens if you plug a weep hole um i have no idea all right so a little research on weep holes has shown me that essentially a water pump is impeller in the middle obviously casing around bearings on either side those bearings have seals that act like a wick they're dry when it sits uh fire a car up water comes up to the pump again and those seals wick the moisture into the center where the weep hole in that cavity is and then when they wick they expand and seal the weep hole needs to be there to let the fluid that naturally seals every time you fire your vehicle up lets a couple drops out if you plug it it can fill the fluid and build pressure in there and force that fluid through the bearings or grease is sealed in grease after 30 years is remaining in those bearings and it will eat the bearings out right away so plugging the weep hole is not an option so our answer is uh we filled up 10 gallons of water and a couple extra fuel jugs and we're gonna hit the road and see what happens we got a temp gauge a mechanical temp gauge so we should be able to keep an eye on this just fine it's only three and a half hours if you do the interstate speeds right move yeah and we definitely can't do that yeah okay are we ready let's do it early nascar race cycle i don't know who we are we're gonna find out that's for sure our temps looking good oil pressure's looking good we've got a long ways to go we're gonna stop get some gaskets some ice for the coolers hit the road kansas city after filling up with gas we were finally southbound in a cheap camper headed to kansas city speedway after all our hard work to get to this point only one challenge remained and that was the interstate oh god we're fine we're fine everything is going to be okay too bad over here honestly yeah you don't have one of these 200 miles left like 10 degrees i think it's just warmer outside and we're working a little harder so yeah bottom terrifying terrible time of year to do this as far as gas prices go 10 gallons all right is that 12 miles a gallon 99 miles we've gone 10 miles to a gallon 10 miles you take that we got 8 10 last time since the last time i drove this had time to choke all the way open so probably ran a little leaner now let's hit the road again finish it out we gotta stop at a walmart somewhere but other than that about two hours out should be pretty smooth sailing and it doesn't smell like poop anymore that's my favorite part all right my favorite exit in all of missouri it's a tradition every time i go by it's day 75 i'm stuck back here well this is familiar this is where we got all our beer last year except it was dark out we're still leaking still leaking so you gotta warm a couple times on that last jaunt came up to about 220 we could hear the fan start spinning it hasn't moved at all oh dude 40 miles away we can make that no problem good let's go get ourselves some beer and head to a racetrack this is kansas toto 15 minutes to go how many miles 13 miles 20 minutes to go we're going to pull it off oh it's surging again how many miles land hog it looks like we're late and we're back kansas city speedway and we brought another pile of crap camper to a sketchy for the first hour but then we got used to its attics and then it started kind of surging for the last half hour so the end are always fun now we just gotta figure out where to park once we got the camper through check-in and security we were finally able to meet up with the last person of our team the final member of our party has arrived ladies and gentlemen the brian mctaggart himself what do you say we go in and find ourselves a camping site yes let's do it kansas speedway here we go oh this is gonna be so much fun again this is just fan fan but from all sides after a bit of searching we found our spot right in the center of turns three and four but before we even had time to set up camp we were distracted by what was parked across from us okay we've landed but never mind that what the hell is that thing that's like a lincoln mark seven decided it wanted to grow up and be a real house that's what i wanted well what do you say we set up camp and have a beer yup plan got mine we had a new spot this year but nonetheless it was great to be back at kansas city speedway we set to work hanging up our flags and signs and then immediately checked out the awesome view we had in the center of turn three and four perfect views up here as soon as that was done we sat down for a couple cold ones and before you knew it the sun was well below the horizon oh it's dark and it sounds like a generator but essentially camp is set up we're ready for the party to start tomorrow right random silhouettes yeah okay it's the silhouettes thing it's a verbal response is what i need i got two thumbs up and a yeah so thank you no i still can't see that we'll be back good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to saturday at kansas city speedway as we watch the sunrise on the track and the move i'm gonna fire up a little charcoal grill get these guys some breakfast going and it's time to start the day oh man i'm excited for this after breakfast the jets flew over we cracked open a couple beers and then watched all the team trucks roll into the infield well most of us did anyway good morning lauren beauty slept to like 807 807 i guess i woke up this morning like it's gotta be like 8 30 i'm like it's six o'clock and they're blaring music it was literally 6 30 they started the music i was like that's a little early in my book that's all right let's start the day let's start you off right all right that was a coke sorry hang on a cup of coffee hey there let's get to it [Applause] [Applause] like a fresh apple on the board a few beers later the arca series fires up for some practice laps the conversation is suddenly much more difficult [Applause] while mooc was making a drink and the break between practice and qualifying i fired up the grill to get us some lunch going i also took this time to get a look at our schedule with brian all right we have to talk really loud and consistently because they play a lot of music and that's bad for copyright claims so what are you seeing there sir so we have our schedule for today at 5 30 a.m they started opening credentials at 6 30 a.m they started playing rock music to wake everybody up one o'clock is the menard series dutch boy 150 that's the arca series trucks are 7 p.m tonight hell yeah night race yes sight race truck race thanks guys nine restaurants play race i don't know what to do with all the extra space on the grill this is a big son of a girl it's a lot to manage after lunch i started to realize there was something missing this year none of our neighbors had walked up and offered us a beer or a burger and everyone was chilling in the air-conditioned camper i had a hunch of what was going on so mook and i walked to turn two to find some people from last year sure enough that's where the party was okay so the arca series is about to start and if you'll notice around us we're missing one very large aspect we had last year and that is the party the atmosphere the reason you come to the track instead of watching it on tv meeting new friends having a blast having some beers and all we have is a grass field so we're gonna pile this back in the camper and go to turn two that's the party this is the atmosphere even though the view of the track from our new spot was much worse we had a way way better time this was the reason we came to kansas city speedway the best view for any race is or couch but the most fun is at the track this is better this is nascar all right so the archer race is already over we missed the whole thing thing essentially number two according to this poll with your race winner we got some new friends already we got some margaritas that was brought to us by the other guys this this is the camping experience we come for you can watch the race on tv from home but where's the fun in that it's currently 93 degrees outside no breeze hot as hell so we're going to cool off for a bit come truck series tonight we should be good to go what better way to cool off in a hydration session absolutely i got a fish a fish koozie at this point it was time to put down the camera pick up a beer and make some new friends the list of which has some very unique names on it this year besides all the guys next to us who happen to also be from iowa chase cabrie and hayley deegan both stopped by to say hi if you don't know them they're also fellow youtubers but they like the race and nascar races every weekend huge thanks to those two for stopping by and hanging out for a little bit always great to make more friends in the industry on top of that i know that made some of the people's days right around us before long it was time to kick things off for a truck race with the national anthem [Applause] are you ryan me no that was the last one in existence okay it's okay it's like a ford focused tail light we got no it's not let's go racing alrighty welcome to saturday afternoon we survived our hydration sessions just fine except for the tail light they did not survive it's time now for the truck race drivers nothing happened i know what come on i think they missed the point lever lever button i think that's how it works do we wind up at an ev race why do i just hear a honda i don't even hear the cranking no having done this twice now i have to say the night race is definitely my favorite seeing these trucks rip around under the lights is awesome however if i made a list of things that were not awesome somewhere near the top would be phoenix spilling your beer i'm like i think the cooler's leaking [Applause] thankfully there was the redeeming feature of him having to sit in the puddle for the rest of the race [Music] [Applause] yeah that guy is fast he's led 50 laps first five lineup has not changed in at least half the race [Music] episode oh [Applause] [Applause] well there you go zane smith number 38 takes home the trophy for your camp or your world trump series for the moses race called the heart of america 200. part of america 200. how about the hydration sessions yeah not turn four don't go to turn three and four as the stands emptied out and the fireworks went off in the distance we climbed down from the camper to settle in for a night of bush light and cool summer nights nothing like a deer stick a push light and nascar to end the night i don't think that's how it went the first time i think i heard meat stick and in my mouth no no no no no no no no no no how are we doing i thought you're supposed to show up tomorrow well you know i do a practice round oh okay hey can i get your eye ground yeah yeah my forehead [Laughter] oh there you go come on right [Applause] all right phoenix i'm going to be john last time and go to bed it's like 10. you're me this time i'll see you at three all right good luck your kansas city speedway's problem now morning mook come on brian and of course eunice passed out let's get breakfast going the next morning when we woke up we were greeted by a very ominous set of clouds rolling across the sky and it wasn't long at all before they opened up that's hail yeah hell yeah i'm glad we didn't bring a trust good morning how are you the race started as you can seeing that we were gonna be inside for a while i found this to be the perfect time to fire up the old stove and get breakfast going for everyone one good thing about the rain is it gave us a nice slow start to our sunday and everyone got to catch up on some much needed sleep so the rain's still coming down this morning kansas city speedway and i've decided instead of utilizing you know the camper bathroom in the camper and putting it back to its original origins of the poop mobile or even the port-a-potty that's in our campsite i'm gonna walk down to the actual bonafide bathrooms they have here spread all throughout the infield and show you guys just how clean all this is and how nice of an experience the infield of kansas city speedway really is let's go check it out saying the facilities and the campgrounds of kansas city speedway are nice would be a serious understatement for most campgrounds the bathrooms are super clean the porta-potties always look brand new i've never seen an empty toilet paper roll or even an overflowing trash can which are everywhere by the way you seriously don't have to walk more than 50 feet to find one if you need more ice you can head over near the driver's area and buy it from the back of a truck and there's always a cleaning truck driving around these guys are the real heroes of the weekend so i took a moment to interview one of them and ask what kind of operation they run here at kansas city speedway hey man how's it going what's going on man so okay question for you how often do you guys go through the porta potties and whatnot on the infield well we clean them like every every morning don't say we know that's our route we get to clean it every morning and then sometimes we spot in the afternoon there's that shooting got the fish and everything how many trucks do you got going around in the rear field we got like three three four you don't need number two because they got real experience so you guys got experience so they know they know what to do yeah i gotta say it's some of the cleanest i've seen around here and you offered services for trailers as well yes we service trellis well we service all the people got the shower troubles too got them and everything man so i mean we just don't want to try to give the community no not the community but um the guys that handle rv so they have a good time you know saying make sure you know don't say they enjoy themselves and they got everything they need well hey thank you very much for all your work this weekend if we take care of our customers for you oh yeah sweet clean oh yeah well hey thank you very much so there you have it trash cans every 50 feet super clean bathrooms and of course some of the best weekend experiences anyone could ask for well i would be lying if i said we all stayed dry but that's okay because if i've ever learned one thing is you can't stop the party here at kansas city speedway it's still going to be a good day and we're still going to be racing later this afternoon let's have a hydration session about it breakfast breakfast we've got people grilling the beers are out already it is time to start the race day i think that starts around two so we got a couple hours let's have some have some beers and watch some race water yeah let's do phoenix have some beers come on little buddy i just witness a miracle oh look more miracles good news this is not copyright music i can promise you that much perfect it could be real music this is our new intro [Music] tear it up come two o'clock the track was dry and we were blessed with two a10 warthogs as we kicked off the advent health 400. the kansas speedway being a one and a half mile track the cards can get pretty spread out and go on for quite a while without a caution but worry not if you ever get bored watching the cars there's plenty of other stuff happening around you to keep you very entertaining to the caution tyler reddick was running up down let's see what happens now as we get ready to go back up [Music] [Music] i'm out of stickers [Applause] [Music] while mook was hard at work directing traffic i apparently decided it was the perfect time to pass out in my chair on top of the camper i can now say i understand the importance of the midday power nap john took last year eventually i came back to life and got back to work distributing free stickers to anyone who walked past i bet i threw 50 of these things at people and out of everybody only one guy stopped to pick one up and it was the poor dude holding a 20 pound camera in all of his gear i don't know who you are sir but i hope you enjoyed that sticker because you definitely worked for it there's so many laps you left how many 69. nice i'm in disguise rivers in five is driving his balls off painted the walls of the side of his car i saw i caught that on camera actually after a beautiful set of pirouettes and turned three and four the number nine car brings out precaution unfortunately for us this shuffles our fields so that kyle bush is in the lead again if you remember from last year he won both races we watched at this point our favorite drivers on the racetrack are whoever is right behind him and especially anyone that could get in front of him as the checkered flag approached number five held a steady lead over kyle busch to celebrate i decided to have an extra hamburger patty but mook put it into orbit instead of tossing it to me and with that kurt busch takes on the checkered flag for the advent health 400. i finally went to a tough race and kyle bush didn't win with all the racing for the weekend concluded we decided to leave sunday night so we get home monday and time for work let's do it let's hit the road and with that we conclude another awesome weekend at kansas city speedway pulling out of the gates we put the hammer down for the 250 mile drive home and once again our cheap pile of crap camper did it flawlessly we traveled exactly zero miles the whole thing was fake all right well that's that we got home late last night i got the camper all unpacked today cleaned up ready for its next flawless adventure whenever that may be our coolant leak has seemingly fixed itself i think those seals need to just get a little moisture on them when we checked the coolant down at the racetrack we were missing almost none so i think it was literally just leaking at idle either way the poop mobile lives on and for all those wondering no this is not going to be for sale this is our good camper as you could tell this is the backup plan that we apparently desperately need now and then i want to thank kansas city speedway for putting on another great event and thank all of our immediate neighbors on turn two for making that the best turn on the track beer everywhere burritos you can't walk 10 feet without finding some form of hospitality being thrown your way out there at kansas city speedway it is a great atmosphere and it is very affordable to get the camper in at the track side the more expensive spot it was about 700 bucks and 110 bucks per head as far as the winnebago goes i don't know good drive line in that the rest of it not so much either way that's going to conclude this episode of junkyard digs i hope you guys enjoyed thank you for watching thank you for all those at the track that helped us and thanks to all my friends for going along and making it another great weekend we'll see you guys out there peace
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 1,124,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, nascar, race, camping, camper, motor, home, motorhome, winnebago, roadtrip, road, trip, kansas, speedway, stock, party
Id: uJYeMhat7tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 5sec (3965 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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