CAN WE DO THIS??? | It Takes Two w/@Dwayne Kyng | Part 1

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all right okay i'm just waiting for the chat to pop up that's it i like you being in my room yeah i know you do i didn't say they said i know you like me too okay why do i get all that all right nothing nothing how do you do you like me with these little these colors or something like that hello everybody hello hello chad hello hello hello y'all see who i got next to me dwayne guns gang gang no don't say it back i'm saying it backwards because i'm not you but it sounds whole lot of bang bang gang all right now we're here we're gonna play it takes two y'all have been spamming us since this game has came out and we're finally playing it so oh shoot i gotta do this yeah yeah just press excel you know we don't read that all right menu narration yes wait um nah no no no no no i don't like that uh subtitles on um closed captioning i don't know i don't know what that means honestly subtitle background subtitle background on text-to-speech i don't i don't think oh this is voice chat we don't really need voice chat because we're here yeah we're here yeah all right phone yeah okay uh whatever usage they just want your data so should i say yeah just say yes yeah yeah make it they get better all right all right let me turn my volume up there we go all right so let's play local there we go oh let me jump ahead there we go i'm coming bam hello let's go all right proceed they just go right into it go right into it you said they in the same room yes y'all we live together hey how was your day great the uh toaster broke and rose refused to eat her vegetables how did it go at the dentist the dentist don't tell me you forgot about the dentist appointment uh forget i thought you were taking her tomorrow no it was today i'm working tomorrow but it's saturday i know i've got to work overtime you have to do that every week oh cody i'm not in the mood for this discussion again hey rose needs both of us okay that's one thing not fair using her i'm just stating a fact why don't we just go ahead and tell her that we're divorcing oh just like that yeah may this isn't any easier let's not tell her let's stay friends instead yes let's stay friends forever i love you cody i love you too may oh that's sad no no [Music] okay okay there we go i like that they give us the choice yes okay all right thought i was just handling it i thought that yeah i was about to say what if you become the woman and i'm the man we should have did it that way you immediately took use like yeah awkward hey honey can i just take elephant a sec all right uh-oh oh here goes the top ah rose honey you know we love you right yeah and sometimes that means that uh we have to do stuff that isn't always very fun what we're trying to say darling is that well mum and dad we've decided to go our separate ways okay i don't think she's can i kill him yeah yeah she doesn't fully understand that of course oh she's gonna go in the room and cry i was just thinking please don't fall uh-oh um so she going to she's gonna go play well go she went to her room i mean she did but now she's out of it so now i'm like is she running away is that her little special place hidden place dr um you have to help me now they have to stay together oh look it says here love is work see you have to work on it you can't just give up mom dad i wish you could be friends again her tears are going to make them come to life i'm the life it looks like [Music] oh [Music] hey is that you why'd you look like a blob of clay how did you look like a wooden doll right look at that what have you done what have i done why do you always blame me why is it automatically him yes why do you always blame him thank you thank you she was lucky i was the last copy because i was selling the best i've kept millions of couples and now i will help you to to get together again this is definitely a nightmare i need to wake up oh wow oh you're back she did kill herself you can't wake up it's like that episode is fun to get off the ship and then come back mr um book so uh how do you wake up cody may you're here to fix your relationship we just fixed it yeah yeah we're uh divorcing talking no i will help you fix your relationship chapter one fix your relationship plus i've promised your daughter to fix your marriage see love is like a mountain floating in the mountains like lovebirds you know what i'm saying hello oh yeah oh i think we're going to play now oh oh here we go how do we get up to her dad over there we can't reach them [Music] here okay okay uh they're alive what is going on here no clue but whatever's going on we can't lower that staircase without those fuses but those fuses they just moved yeah they just ran away i mean did you see them on their little fused legs worry about that later let's just bring them back okay okay okay so wait let's get that bam hey my body feels weird because you're made of clay don't you feel weird i mean you're made of wood okay okay here we go okay okay there we go oh he's running out he runs oh whoa i hope so oh [Music] okay there we go now come here you look like a virus he does look like a whole virus okay watch your head i am i am ouch okay okay oh sprint okay okay mommy runs so weird i'm running do you see the way i'm running right here oh did you die hey okay let's not touch that how about let's not do that all right wait wait wait do we have to yep ground pound yeah you know oh oh oh on that one now am i stupid there we go i thought i had to jump on all right do we have to do that did we oh wait wait okay jump on that bam oh my god jump on the get back jump on that all right and then jump off okay there we go there you go there you go okay okay jump then jump and jump oh wait what there we go okay got it got it okay get on top of here maybe then shoot oh wait wait a minute maybe that container can help oh running it oh yeah yeah get inside get attacked inside come on there we go there we go there we go okay okay okay where'd he go okay he went this way we met okay okay wait no it's this is something to do with this do i'm scared just like should i do it i don't know wait wait whoa we have to um it says it pops up the song check it out oh oh my god okay okay okay okay okay there we go got it hey may did you see my flip let's do it again oh we're not here to do flips oh she's not fun this is serious is the last yeah let's put it in okay all right okay all right you can't make jokes let's go she got well that's why that's probably why she made a wood cause you got to stick around oh wow [Music] what just happened oh those damn fuses oh may there she is gross yeah get out of the way i need to go and talk to my daughter just your daughter oh you talk like you own her ask yourself can you really own the people you love you just let us through come on i will but first there's someone i want you to meet cha cha cha cha cha why do i recognize your voice me oh what no we uh we've never met sorry looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner oh yeah because it is your vacuum cleaner okay this guy is let me tell you this is cody you know the guy could suck up all kinds of crap in your stomach cross-eyed you call that just okay a couple batteries some of it it's so that's why it broke down it was your fault uh-oh here she goes and you promised him you'd fix me thank you yeah she's like you played a part in this too away from life in here [Music] that's what i thought i'm like you already got stuff in your stomach yeah wow now we gotta go all the way back oh god did he get a teleporter anyway yes you want to talk to your daughter yes yes and you need to climb the vacuum together you know collaboration is the key to a successful relationship i feel like [Music] you understand now i'll see you later hasta la vista good luck bye bye now crazy this would never have happened if you hadn't broken it oh yeah well this would never have happened if you fix it fixed it i didn't know we'd end up in a place where our vacuum cleaner's alive well now we are [ __ ] maybe we're stuck here forever forever no way we're getting a divorce yeah i know we're getting a divorce but we can't do that unless we get back into our real bodies okay let's climb that damn vacuum cleaner all right jazz all right let's go man you know i wonder where that annoying book even came from he said rose bought him he doesn't sound like that oh jesus did we just die i didn't look like carpenter right okay all right what's that like what's up what's that you know what's that what's that what's what what's the lights i don't know yeah let's go all right let's get inside there we go wait for me [Music] okay i'm trying to ride this ball oh my god okay shoot me to somewhere okay i did i did all right so i think that's gonna be okay you can put jump on the other one since you can jump up here okay jump on this yeah you're not gonna die wow there you go there you go don't don't touch it there you go okay yeah we can go in okay all right all right if i yo i literally feel like i just slid we're gonna die after this game oh we're gonna die a lot okay wait you gotta wait for that thing okay all you are you are gonna die come on just be prepared be prepared stream i'm going to die a lot come on there we go all right okay yeah can i suck up something else can i suck up though okay you know what let me get off of that let me let me aim let me aim okay i gotta aim it i don't know i gotta admit me this time go ahead [Music] [Music] so now i gotta so now you gotta aim me up there you gotta aim me up there okay you just died i died yes i died that didn't even be a different word okay so aim me up okay there we go there we go and then bam what is that all right jazz i think you gotta fall in there okay do you come in here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh jesus okay okay okay all right i don't know i'ma just wait for you i just decided to jump in there i just i'm gonna just wait it's kind of fun actually okay just keep holding that door oh okay all right um what do i do here put them together how do i do that uh you said to keep holding it so it's not telling me how to do it you can't go through here i'm gonna die so you gotta do something over there how do i how i stop telling me to do anything i don't know look around maybe um is there anything else in your life what about that button i press the button i press the button okay and then it stops right there okay is there anything else oh i think you need to come in here so i can do it yeah but so i need to move this fan i need to move this fan away from okay there we go there we go okay so now and i pressed this i booty found this all right okay and then wait you gotta go through wait wait wait okay wait oh oh okay i gotta get it press the button yes i know i know there you go oh all right okay you go to the next one next to the next one oh oh yeah i'm here okay totally worth some electricity all right [Music] okay okay okay right here you didn't get it soon i got it i was about to die oh you gotta aim you gotta aim okay okay all right all right all right okay got it bam okay uh all right all right how do i okay i got a crouch in there uh-huh he's got fun it is very fun game okay all right jump on that bam this looks dangerous there we go okay okay let's go let's got it [Music] okay hold on to that all right oh [ __ ] okay jess all right wait wait okay i think i do it faster much faster faster i think much faster okay okay got you got you got you doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it there you go okay thank you all right where my where do i go you gotta do something is there a wire okay this is a dark area and i'm scared i can't say i can't do anything over there the hell do i go okay hold on i think i gotta find this i gotta go to it what do i gotta oh it's just dark i don't know where to go okay i think i gotta go down this dark dark ad okay unless unless hold on there you go okay oh okay i was wondering i was like maybe why do i gotta go down a dark path i mean i had to get you over there help me out when i got me jason oh wait okay all right okay all right josh you're good there we go get over good okay we made it over okay that's why i'd be kind of like waiting i'll be like that's why i kind of like wait before i go okay maybe you flip it for me to get across okay okay yeah so do you want to be the jumper or you want to be the leaper go ahead i got this i got it let's go okay okay okay all right i yo i didn't know i thought you could jump faster than that okay okay jumping okay jumping uh okay jumping there you go okay okay go see i didn't know i didn't know i thought it propelled you up you got to jump oh i'm scared oh we got one of these huh i've got one of these we got one of these we got one of the rumbles oh yeah we do look at all this junk now i gotta chef it up do i have to take it out no no no no wait no all right okay now i uh no no now i go in nothing [Music] what was that a trap i saw something in there yeah i saw something in there that's why i was like maybe it's like like you know hidden levels like back in the day levels [Music] okay okay oh jesus i thought i was gonna die okay all right i think i pressed this switch okay good okay i'm good i'm good okay that was a little bit too much okay wait oh that oh [ __ ] all right you got a dash yep i got a dash across all you ready yes sweet go go go go okay i couldn't really find me push the thing push the proper thing in front of you it all right there we go all right so then for this one what oh wait pop one wait wait wait wait you stand on that you stand on that no no no no you or i'll stand on it okay i'll stand on it right okay you go to the other wait okay ground pound that then run to the other side so that you could uh wait until damn that's a long time wait wait okay hop on it and then i'll jump in the tube when i jump in the tube that's when you go hurry up and aim okay okay gotcha that's right got it yeah on your mark all right all right get up get in the because i saw that little thing right there and i'm like okay okay okay ready yes how are you ready okay get me get me i got it i'm trying to have it i'm trying to aim it all right it's a lot to do i'm here all you gotta do is go through the ball you wanna switch all you gotta do is go through the thing which position i got this okay okay all you have to do let's go okay okay enjoy the ride i'm trying to but i'm dying at the end of the ride so how about you lift me up oh jesus oh look oh yeah okay lord okay now you get to go in there so oh wait hold on let me get in there let me get in here and see first okay do i push this talk about dead weight oh wait no i need you for that okay so what [Music] into this [Music] oh i aimed the ball in here aim the ball in there ah i think we can use some of this dust or whatever ain't me are you aiming i am okay okay okay go ahead go ahead go ahead okay okay not so easy is it a jump oh not so easy are you gonna jump do i have to jump no i think i gotta what do i use these things for that's what i'm trying to figure out what do you use that for how do i grab it oh maybe you maybe you overflow the stomach i don't know put you put the stuff back in there wait wait what do i keep putting it in there to wait oh i gotta weigh them down so you can get across so you keep shooting them in there okay wait a minute no no no you you drop across oh jump i jump out yeah jump on the platform because we put it down okay okay and then i gotta meet you here talk about that weight okay okay we got it there we go i was like what did we do here all right okay we good you are great this is fine and this is the boss time we found our first boss let's get it okay let's get it let's get it let's go okay and you put me away right in both here no okay i can still fix you i can make you work again she's right she's an engineer a really good one you are you're very good oh thank you hey thank you are you really gonna believe that huh because i would not are you helping or investigating get my real body back i can fix you then why did you buy the expensive turbo x2000 huh hey what you've replaced me with the turbo x2 thousand oh my goodness pretentious french vacuum [Music] the book of wait a minute [Music] trying to all right oh okay okay [Music] i think it's because he noticed that maybe let's start up here right maybe aiming at us suck it suck it up aim it try to aim it in his mouth oh my god i died oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay okay oh my god oh my god okay oh my god okay okay i got it got it got it i got it back come back all right all right going up top one up top going up one up top one up top come on come on come on come on there we go there we go get up get up damn okay damn whoa this thing hurt they hurt oh my god oh to listen my god trying to i'm not trying i'm not trying i'm trying i'm not sorry there we go there we go all right hold on here we go [Applause] this is dark what the hell is going on this doesn't look right it's all right [Music] come on we have to find rose before she leaves i hope she knows what's happened to us well she must know something i mean she made these dolls she made these yeah why did she make them look like us i don't know why didn't you tell me about them oh why would i she's a kid she plays with all kinds of stuff yeah i suppose so oh come on let's find her i guess that's because she's never home she doesn't know that she's never home oh wait we got a problem you use this place i haven't been in here for ages everything looks different oh wait so go that way twisted version of reality okay there she goes okay it's rose are we gonna every time we get super close we're just gonna have to go back and find another boss aren't we yeah i think so yeah the buck is gonna pop up and we have to fight something else oh no how are we gonna get over there now i can help what what was that who's that right who was it why didn't help earlier right look i know the way come on is that a hammer i'll take you there my friends girlfriends my tool friends we used to be important and taken care of but that human locked us up in her toolbox and left you mean may's toolbox yes yes he's like yes do you know her well no he doesn't anyway i heard that heartless woman got a new job in town and doesn't have time for our hobbies anymore who cares about hobbies do you know how painful it is to die from rust it's like burning slowly oh hammer there's some rust remover spray in that tool cabinet we can help save your friends only if you can get us to rose over there okay it's a deal pick me up okay now go to that big door over there pull that nail out uh-huh you're gonna need it okay here it goes whoa where'd it go just whistle what really so she could just put the hammer on the back oh okay so i'm gonna be the hammer and you're the nail yeah okay okay i don't want it in my hand okay well don't drop that hammer on my dough there you go i know sorry handle tools oh yeah we'll mean you can't throw it last time you used a hammer you smashed your own thumb yeah let me go down here let me go down here okay maybe use the hammer on this okay you know what to do what do i do get on with it get over there get over here get over there what is that get over there oh get on here yes there get jump on that no no no no no no not that jump on the wire maybe don't go jump on the wire i think so or do i propel okay hold up hold up stand on the platform right i'm gonna try something okay oh my god i didn't know i didn't it was the hurry up part at i said hurry up at the end all right i don't know what i do here do i dash myself oh i get that i think i see it i see it i see it all right okay okay all right hammer again hammer again hammer it yeah okay bam all right go ahead okay okay gotcha you got you got you okay okay all right hey come back to me now okay oh wait i need to go over that side wait okay now okay good oh [ __ ] okay okay thanks nail there got it you swing off the nail oh okay okay got it all right all right let's go let's go let's go okay your name is perfectly fine cody okay yep okay oh shoot you all right you're good yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you got infinite lies we're good okay you know what i gotta jump and dash jump and dash still over here hello the bridge please i don't know they said there's another nail to go get [Music] okay okay all right uh i got two nails now oh okay okay okay okay so get on there get on it oh i'm sorry get on that [Music] you gotta do something i don't know wait no okay oh wait maybe that's it maybe that's it maybe it's it okay we will put one here maybe or hmm this is a puzzle puzzle press the hammer hammer to think down [Music] oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i think i figured it out do it again well i was going to do this one wait i got it come back down come on right now come on down yeah okay come back down there's a hole there so i think that when i do it you're supposed to put the nail there so it's going to go back down oh okay okay okay oh okay okay okay there we go i didn't see that from your side i think it would never know i was just looking at it okay i would have never known that was over there okay there we go get up there bam [ __ ] all right all right all right now now let me some of these arrows about you though all right let me get there okay there we go there are no relationships without challenges challenges make you grow what is it with you can't you just leave us alone when you're willing to face a challenge you always learn something new so remember when you hear this sound follow it keep okay following it and you can find welcome to your first couples challenge win or lose you must do it together okay i guess we're gonna have to all right you want to give it a try we haven't got time for this oh you afraid of losing oh me no way bring it on oh i'm gonna avoid getting hit so i no you aim it wait wait wait score by staying up avoid i gotta hit you okay okay so i just gotta hammer you down be my ass okay let's go ready ready let's go oh you [Music] um [Music] oh wait no we you got to pop up oh wait let's go then run it back then come back down run it back [Music] oh i get it okay okay i get it what's up come on come on come on come on come on what's going on all right now who's [Music] oh i got it oh my god oh that's it come on i hate you oh by the way before we even keep going because i know we saw a whole bunch of like subscriptions i mean that's something oh yeah we did donate yeah yeah i'm appreciative of every donation i'm sorry y'all i'm trying to die okay that's why when i asked last on my livestream i was like would y'all like me to because i didn't think that i was gonna be reading chat as much as i was supposed to but yeah and you got your milkshake outside okay we'll get that later okay it'll be fine it's cold all right can we switch positions no i just back on top i guess because i'm the hammer and then i'm the nail man i wanna all right all right this will be a piece of kick all right one [Music] [Music] yeah shut up he talking [ __ ] yeah i could have sworn i hit you oh my god okay that's it i got what come on come on come on maddie asked what's for dinner all right all right that that shade was full of misogyny right there massage yeah he said what's for dinner get back in the kitchen when you belong yeah all right all right yeah me and jazz are ultra competitive so that was just right up my house yeah yeah ah the sweet sounds of machinery there's nothing better you're just about telling me huh i just know i thought the dollar you gotta jump in there yeah i'm about to get in there am i supposed to get another nail what was that yeah no no you have to oh wait you go let's go down yeah shoot that and i guess you go the other way he's about to slam dunk that hold up a little bit better i think i can make it a little better okay there we go okay hold on tight that right there right there that orange orange orange to your right no right there left left left left right there right there look at him flying okay okay i go through and then what the hell why would you have to go all the way around just to do that okay wait we go through here we go through here where'd you just shoot the nail that no no i came through there oh wait never mind never mind my name right in mind yeah i'm like so then what what's the purpose of that thing okay okay all right [Music] this plank i'm looking at this plank on the pocket oh don't screw this up okay yeah yeah just get to shopping all right let's get here okay wait whoa wait how does this get across that wait wait wait i'm bad right there maybe i already pressed triangle on the thing i already did it like i'm destined to die nope that [ __ ] doesn't stop oh wait wait wait there's a hole in it there's a hole inside the thing the platform that i'm going across let's hold inside this i think you're supposed to aim at that oh okay okay yeah i'm like i'm destined to die if uh wait okay i got it okay let go of it stop it when it gets close to me and then undo it once it comes up you know what i'm saying so stop it right there right there okay never oh very nice okay okay you gotta aim the nail up here where the hell is on the circle yellow circle you gotta aim a circle on a yellow circle what the hell the yellow part of the circle up there the thing that's turning on the yellow part anywhere thank you okay okay i'm gonna wait for it to come okay right right now aim another one on the other one no it's not letting me aim it on the other side i didn't have my other recoil we're good we're good okay know how the [ __ ] you did that okay all right all right there we go there we go there we go okay wait oh you get on that okay [Music] oh [ __ ] i don't what is that what exactly i'm scared let me know when you're ready i'm about to run okay i gotta see you guys you guys get on it okay okay oh [ __ ] he's just falling down i'm looking on your side okay wait wait okay oh you got you gotta do this okay okay hey and then you still still recall one of them okay okay okay got it wait am i supposed to aim it oh my god no wait i'm trying to figure this out just like you are i know okay come on okay okay see i get it oh wait okay to get the one that you just recalled the first vertical one eat the first vertical one i already got those yeah i already took those out no no put it put it in that's what i mean put it in and then oh yeah yeah so take off the top one take off the top ones check out the top one okay now yep okay okay good now recall the other two other than what i'm saying okay there we go oh [ __ ] okay i thought i [ __ ] up there okay okay that's just me that's just me okay all right okay we're about to get frustrated okay [Music] now we're good make sure that i don't die okay all right there you go now you know okay you have pretty good teamwork you gotta hammer this stuff for me sure you should have done me like that earlier all right there's the toolbox both of you come on help me bring it open oh no what the where'd you go i i i went off the side i didn't know what to do extra full running [Music] oh okay oh my god okay when it goes oh my god go go okay all right all right oh let's get back okay okay oh my god oh god okay come on come on we need you to aim this real quick like real quick oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay oh all right you need to come up here okay wait wait okay okay oh my god okay you have to hurry i got you i gotta try you know you came back no you're supposed to get on you're supposed to get on the thing that i'm hitting i gotta i gotta put it up for you i gotta pin it up for you i gotta put it up okay okay okay okay all right all right hitting it go go go go please [ __ ] i gotta just i gotta hold it i have to hold it i have to put it in there i have to admit it i have to feel it [ __ ] i am trying to hit it oh my god okay okay i'm gonna hit it in three two one thank you all right oh what the all right okay [Music] i'll be scared as hell if i was to see this what are we supposed to do i don't know okay oh wait okay something watch out oh okay okay hey hey oh [ __ ] i died okay i gotta i gotta [Music] okay okay oh [Music] oh [ __ ] oh okay here we go get back i'm sorry relax relax [Music] oh damn it all right we both died oh wow but we both died it's game over oh wow oh did we got to start over i think we got nope no yeah wow okay go go go go go go okay man i hate that how the hell what was that super jump you just did superman okay okay okay i saved it man how did that how do you do that is okay okay okay all right okay damn okay okay let's go all right what is that oh my god dawg don't die don't die don't die right oh hey get on get on it yeah [Music] did you hit it okay i hit it once i don't know if you can hit more than one of them okay drop the nails get mad at me [Music] oh my lord oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh i'm dead oh my god okay okay oh and he's gonna try to swat us at the same time oh jesus oh geez he's gonna get through each of us come on throw it there we go oh wow oh they're happy yeah they was keeping them [Music] you are a true hero oh thank you hammer hey what about me huh i was part of this too where's my hero love did you see that explosion anyway we still have to get to rooms oh of course of course sebastian can you help him out they have to get to the other side this doesn't feel safe i'm not sure just relax okay don't worry he's very precise sebastian sling it okay i'll miss i'm gonna miss the nails and hammer i liked it yeah that was kind of fun that was fun it was fun she's leaving rose wait we need your help they can't hear you the bug is going to stop him look at him he helped close the door right oh you stupid buck oh you've locked us in you idiot now we're stuck in here stuckness he's a mental construct if you stare at the closed door you will miss the one that's hoping okay fyi okay there is only one door in this shed and one window good thinking man let's go to the window whoa [ __ ] is out of his mind okay okay oh okay i'm like this oh you get that okay okay okay jump over that well i died never mind oh hey i'm i'm okay i i die a lot okay oh it is electric there's electric spot spots too yeah and you got to watch out for those okay get over there okay okay so do i jump okay oh oh okay okay i made it yup we made it let's go okay okay okay okay okay we need to time this together all right one more time all right all right all right all we have to do it together we have to both hit it all together okay so i think you have to time it off uh okay let me go first because mine is longer all right i guess you have to keep an eye on me okay okay [Music] we did it we did it okay i was little i only i think i'm a little [Music] what the hell what okay wait where am i right now okay we had both had to be here okay okay there we go okay okay i was like where am i where am i look it's your old binoculars amazing let's find rose oh robos oh yeah yeah we uh we need to find her oh yes i know we look like dolls but we're actually her parents i know who you are nothing escapes my lenses i'll see the nosey neighbor what in in here all right okay um see uh wait there i go oh what i look dead am i dead you're not dead napping what's going on oh no oh she's asleep too what's the matter with us it just leaves me all nightmares rose sat down there with her dolls and then you two came alive just like that you didn't see anything else well there was one unusual thing why what happened she was crying oh i know quite unusual for rose but i am a hundred percent sure because i could see her tears falling onto the dolls tears were falling onto the dolls oh wait a minute i know what happened it's a spell ridiculous cody we want to apply logic may okay we are having a conversation with a pair of binoculars there's no logic in that right i don't even believe in spells okay well did you believe that you could be turned into a wooden doll huh no exactly it had to be the tears oh charlie's just say hello charlie so if it is a spell how do we break it okay i got this me and rose we read all about this spell stuff i'm a virtual wizard right now okay just give me some space i need to think okay so if the spell was cast through her tears then in order to break it oh in order to break it we have to reverse it through her tears boom how are we going to do that right reverse crowd okay right we basically have to find her and make her cry on us again really okay on each individual parent fine okay all right you go because you're not the same find her miss binoculars she's in her room go on okay thanks uh come on mate he said he want to see if we got stuck on the same part how do we get the room from here easy we just climbed the tree oh this way what you're never going to make that jump yeah watch me dead no god get it coming through little birds oh [Music] [Applause] but he just put on me just gave us rope okay all right let's swing across yeah okay oh okay okay got it got it the tree is huge okay don't worry about it the ropes will take us to rose in an instant okay okay just died how'd you die i just jumped oh there we go oh what's that again ah i told rose not to throw her shoes up oh this is weird i told her i did that when i was a kid you're the guilty one she's outgrown them anyway where's that going i don't know i'll just go with the flow we'll go where it flows oh maybe it's not important maybe it's just i throw it okay okay so i don't think there was any importance to that that paper plane i don't think that there was nothing yeah i was trying to throw it but then i thought that like i had okay so you gotta dash i don't see a way to get to rose's room yet let's get [Music] [Music] what's it doing up here looks like a pulley controls it oh okay who lives here right hey look cody a door a door yes i can see how far away it is that's why we got to keep moving yeah maybe there's someone inside you can help us really i mean it isn't hard to ask i'm not scared to see what's going on it might be a bird that could fly us over there oh that'd be beautiful it might be a shortcut to the house yeah but what if it's not what if it's who sent you no one uh we're trying what's your business there we haven't got time for this is this a shortcut or not oh damn i couldn't use that hammer see look i miss the nails but we had to put them back together come on help me push it's too heavy why the glass jar well at least we can see through it oh that's great mate we're imprisoned but the blue it's amazing here's so sarcastic dad oh dad i have to tell you something oh he's not he's not gonna hear it have you heard of this book by dr hakim he says that it's important to forgive each other because then you can become friends again if you want you can borrow the book okay you're busy sorry oh cody are you okay yeah been better but i'm okay [Music] oh so they're just killing us over and over yo this dog i hate wasps too i hate wasps this is dark as hell look at that it's just killing us over and over boss it doesn't look like they're on the wasps team i guess that's a smart one they die maybe they have super powers what if they can help us let's find out abort having gone kill them how many poor creatures how many people died from this from this experiment look how he walks you got a scar too yes he cute though really that's very um kind on one condition what do you mean follow me you're a little cute he kind of naked though he got a jacket on could i have some pants on look at them look look oh they got other ones the square wars wow they must be real squirrels versus wasp the movie oh my god hey mate that's our remote control oh so they have their muscular sneaky rodents look all family photos what could they want how big is that they got shrines in them oh you look right [Music] the wasps have invaded our tree and wiped out most of our tribe you two must kill them whoa what we can listen right here no offense don't worry you'll just survive too against a whole swarm of them surely will die that's why you're going to need these my latest in cyber hazelnut technology 57. so we've got a fight with nutella oh combined with a drill bowser x 200. oh god jasmine johnny would give jasmine the cool [ __ ] they would give her the [ __ ] with the blows and [ __ ] up but i gotta suck some [ __ ] used to playing a tour torboin overwatch and the agent in the robot and we'll help you get to the house understood ah yeah sure but isn't there a more civilized way that we can all right oh we entered we ended in it okay i really don't want to have to kill giant wasps well you wouldn't have to if you'd cleaned out the hive oh here she go look what hive remember in the real world in our tree i asked you so many times and you promised to get rid of it yeah yeah fine fine but we wouldn't even be here if you hadn't knocked on the squirrel's door well at least they're gonna lead us to the house what are you kidding me you you believe that i don't trust those squirrels i don't they killed my underwear that was a blessing oh really well at least my underwear is now a sophisticated part of a flying machine you know what i can't wait to get back to my real body so that we can get divorced oh me too oh how powerful they are let's drill bars all right oh [ __ ] all right okay all right man l2 to aim it's like chess pieces right here oh wait that [Music] those squirrels weren't kidding yeah this is a war zone hello wait what's over here it's a play what's over here i'm not a booty pounder i think it's here let's dry it out okay so shooting range come on okay okay oh this is where they oh this is their little home baby maybe that's where they sleep oh and this is one of the little spots i thought that was a nut it wasn't that they just ate him to do it those girls really live like this we just don't know wow this is impressive i'm getting spooky vibes please okay can we please turn back wait i could destroy it to let us go up see that look at that okay yeah there you go there we go i died i gotta start all the [ __ ] oh oh man i thought we had unlimited ammo i'll shoot it when you get up here oh wait where are you okay all right come on do you hear the way it sounds yes okay shoot at that and i'ma blow it up i like having a gun that you do wait a minute okay let me look all around we still have that vine no no we got a oh went down went down way down let me get on top of it okay wait i got you wait did i do something before that take something weigh that down way down yeah yeah no okay oh [ __ ] okay wait wait you supposed to swing i gotta die you gotta swing why i got something cause i gotta blow it up oh okay i gotta blow it up so if you go up so hang on there you go there you go and then then you hang on to that and then i'll shoot it shoot it to make you go around oh okay hang on to it uh-huh so hang on to it gotcha okay now i think i just weighed myself down is here we go come on there we go man it's not even that hard not yet so we fight these walls hey i wonder what these buttons do what are you gonna do what are you doing to me i have no idea i'm scared get me out what is this this is this does this say anything yes um do you about to make jasmine a super soldier you gotta make me a super squirrel that's what you're gonna make me that's better than a dang whatever we are right now i don't know you gotta know go back what you got where you leaving me i gotta figure out how to finish this puzzle what do i do hit it oh oops wrong button okay look at the formula look at the formula look at the formula there's the formula please what is it i don't know you look at the formula okay [Music] [Music] now i'm a nut at this squirrels okay look at the formula you just get out no i can't so look at the formula on the damn wall look at the formula please something has to be there it isn't there is nothing there's legit nothing on this one look any math positions in chat there's nothing on this wall at all what are the symbols in front the symbols and the symbols the buttons let me look at them don't press anything i think this one's to turn you into a lighten up you look fine get me out so that was that was just the place hey this lid looks loose i don't like the look of this darn the sapphire is looks like something was kept in here yeah something big whatever it was it's gone now okay down we gotta do that shoot wait we're going back we're going back okay okay let's just reset let's just reset okay shoot oh do we just let it take it no shoot that maybe you got it okay here we go oh here we go here we go oh god no loss were harmed in the making of this game okay you shoot at that how are you supposed to get it oh wait wait okay oh yeah get up there no no no you go you shoot it in right you shoot it in and then i'll shoot yeah shoot it all in there now and then i'll shoot it when you get up there okay now shoot the other one before you yeah okay good all right now go across yeah okay there we go hey meg i think there's a break here let's knock it down then oh all right pull the rope ready no ready to fall into the hole oh that hole is made for you ah fits you better oh wait a minute wait a minute look at that chat ready okay this will be a piece of kick i call the strings okay okay okay oh my god oh god lee you got some strong fingers don't you beating your eggs let's go all right [Music] oh man my legs worked my feet hurt when we get out of this mess i'm having a cold beer i'm having two what if we're stuck here oh stuck like this you don't know that we'll get to rose and break the spell what if we never get to her please stop talking and keep running all right oh okay okay okay those fine parts hey i'm taking my time with this all right okay there's where am i going okay good you good all right no wait shoot this one left left one shoot this left one it got turned out oh wait i get it i get it so shoot the left one so like boom boom boom oh wait i think i get it okay okay we got wait let's just reset let's reset this okay shoot that top left one that top left one keep going keep going um [Music] do the left one yeah i'm saying shoot the left so that it could go down and then once it goes down far enough i'll shoot it to explode but start shooting okay it's open now okay all right here we go all right now shoot that top is it done yep oh oh here we go load his ass up there we go the more that's more okay [Applause] let's get through that bolt okay [Music] oh god that is one scary queen don't worry it's just a squirrel inside a robot yeah a very big robot who's trying to kill us you know maybe we should just turn back no no we were just you know exploring the uh premises right i think you would look scared like doing little tickets no not at all we were just scouting preparing for the mission yeah right preparation is key but remember collaboration is also key this is a very dangerous operation why they make him stay reminding us that's what i was wondering too it made a little guitar music [Laughter] oh my goodness do i post it to that candle really annoying all right let's go come on all right oh wait what's up all right come on yeah keep going don't stop choosing i will make it oh [ __ ] yeah that's why i was like um okay oh [ __ ] these guys got them okay all right let me jump over here i gotta take my time jumping over there okay all right okay come on oh [ __ ] oh my god he had a harder time yeah but we're kicking some butt here at least hey you're pretty good with that match gun what's good cody you too then i think you have to lay this down there we go that one wasn't it actually yeah gonna be much harder isn't this your camera may oh ah so were the squirrels running away from something cute oh hold on do i have to quick into positions oh wait wait okay wait i want to take the photo too timer's going let's go there we go all right nice okay all right cool that's nice all right we can put that up there and put that up there doesn't do anything cool oh we just get to look at it oh that was cute it was a nice shot oh wait that's where we just came from and we gotta go this way okay oh yeah i'm already there i'm already on my way oh it's the final ball look like the last time boss time okay whoa oh i think they're freaking out the big guns down [ __ ] oh god [Applause] leave us alone there we go jesus oh jesus oh no that's a hammer okay yeah yeah yeah let's go okay [Music] all right i'm shooting i i tried i'm shooting it i'm trying what i can all right keep shooting i can't see i can't even see it ain't gonna wait oh god i gotta go i tried okay got them oh no okay here we go [Music] [Music] game [Music] i think we need to head that way come on may we can't swim in this we're going by boat huh help me out what whoa i mean we can't swim [Music] don't we need like oars or something we don't need ores cody we've got an engine we do where uh using your hand what just a wooden face mate yeah very funny all right [Music] okay so you gotta aim it you gotta aim where we going all countries we're going towards the truth everything has multiple you got to go the other way you can just browse oh i thought i thought i felt like you were there yeah that's not really helping us [Music] oh god [Music] [Music] hey oh okay okay okay okay we're good okay can we go faster please just trying to move us forward but it's taking so long oh god oh god okay okay okay all right oh wait i gotta do that um okay and put this in the right direction you got as far as um [Music] [Music] oh god jazz i don't know jess i'm supposed to do this i don't know oh my god are you kidding me bro [Music] all right all right okay all right okay okay okay it's pulling us in okay okay all right all right right that one oh bring it straight [Music] oh my god [Music] wow are these jellyfish hey oh this jellyfish i think deadly beauty jellyfish can be lethal we better look the lights let's go because i'm staring again with [ __ ] jellyfish now i don't think the jellyfish are going to kill you i don't think so why are we moving so can we put some speed into this baby oh no you rubbing it up i mean captain you to enjoy okay oh this looks beautiful look at that thank god i'm over here sweating bro okay oh we gotta jump on the jellyfish oh that's dope oh this is so pretty oh that is though this game lit his head i know okay okay okay so you could like you could okay so you could jump square x you know you could double jump and then that's it that's what i've been doing okay oh oh [Music] nuts the nuts to the and then they were giving the nuts to a monster monster squirrel then then oh is that a dead okay that's a dead yeah that's a dead yeah that's just and then the squirrel's home got taken over and escalated by humans yup by humans and and then and then they want them stay praising the humans oh god that's us with our baby oh god okay okay all right this feels controlled can't they wait that's us with our baby then cove would happen wait what did you mean it happened no no they harvested toilet paper oh yeah then cove would happen so they said yep so the baby was born and covered then um majestically wait wait come over here then they took stuff from the house and they took stuff from us oh yeah oh wow okay all right wait where are we okay yeah okay oh we jump on these which oh [ __ ] wait wait that's where we just came from right okay maybe just came from there so oh okay we're growing up okay okay that was that was kind of beautiful i know what is that what is that what is that pokemon on it okay i didn't land on it by the way a giant fish fish that could fly it looks like uh how big is this tree how big is this i don't know how big this this tree is bro well i i really don't fish aren't dangerous oh this is a catfish yeah i don't know all right this game i i sit there i still die oh we gotta we gotta judge okay right okay this is so pretty this is pretty okay just lighting up again [ __ ] i'm looking at everything too much i know i'm looking at everything too damn you doing donuts all right all right he flipping around wait was he was he flying upside down just now oh yeah i don't know he's a two-sided catfish okay there's more of them oh are we just jump to the other things no i don't think that'll be too much okay uh cody is the plan to swim right through that wall [Music] hang on i am getting really tired of falling well be grateful you're in good shape oh yeah thanks me i meant good shape in this world oh i see so you're saying i'm in bad shape in my real body oh i didn't say that i am made of clay could you run jump and fall like this in your real body because you know exactly so enjoy it while it lasts damn bae is mean bro is mean bro may is hella mean bro plunger oh shooting range that thing right there that thing that's what remember he said if you see that it's a challenge yeah i thought i was going to it how did you get to it i was going on this make sure that gets to it yeah maybe this oh i see okay oh wait wait wait wait oh well i think i see where to go hey coogie over here yeah go on your side no where are you going i'm trying to figure it out just go to your side oh oh oh walk to the right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm sorry you just gotta go to the right i have to go up over there i thought look you see the indents in the tree that's what i thought i thought i was supposed to climb up there okay excuse me for being innovative okay thinking there's a puzzle every damn thing this game no this is just the shooting range yeah this is it we gotta do the digging the puncher dodger this is not this is a this is not the chat this is not the same thing as a little tambourine it's not this is the challenge this is the tambourine challenge this is not the time okay all right you think yourself all right okay do not let the targets moving targets reach your side okay see this is it all right all right get ready to lose i'm aiming to win so am i see look how do we even play this [ __ ] watch and learn either way oh wait wait wait what easy yeah i'm trigger happy oh this is almost oh this is chaotic i got this let's go i'm not messing around yeah nothing to it okay come on let me get the point hold on we're in the back we're going we're gonna go this is i like this game more much more okay okay come on get you two all right now yep all right that's out of the that's out of five nice i got this yeah nothing to it yes all all right all right all right just know jazz has more time playing video games than i have so i got to catch up okay i was jasmine jasmine had many times aiming okay she's playing again longer than i have okay oh yeah i'm a dog i'm a dog i'm a dog i'm a dog on pc okay give me a keyboard let this be a keyboard give me a keyboard okay let's go [Music] we can't even oh we can't even fight them yeah we can't fight them we just got dodged oh [ __ ] oh god oh my god oh god oh god okay okay okay okay okay all right just in time man i feel time too okay okay okay we are ready oh god all right oh we do the same thing again are we doing the same thing again running i think we are i don't know okay oh no this will oh we fighting the queen now she got an audience oh whoa we're in the coliseum we gotta just beat that [ __ ] uh i don't know but they look be a big spoiler how am i supposed to beat this [ __ ] it looks like it's running oh [ __ ] oh one hit is over um okay if this guy hit the ground hold up um let's go there we go [Music] for anyone who pays me the food shelf what food huh worms slugs larvae no i'm a vegetarian and gluten-free nectar well uh you know the queen she has all the nectar so if you help us take her down you can have as much nectar as you want wow i can you can have it all come on jump on okay okay okay that was easy [Music] okay okay he barely jumped open things i can't shoot endlessly i ain't saying doctor that just said shoot hey okay you better not get us killed nice one maybe damn it ah that's all right i'm sorry that's all right we was trying to figure out what they were doing yeah they keep moving no no we uh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] wow listen we know you're not the real queen yeah you're a robot i'm the supreme lost queen okay oh that's gone [Music] i didn't know i was supposed to get on that [ __ ] i am okay oh okay oh my god and now they got balls [Music] they fell on me okay okay oh she's not trying to let me get to it she's not trying to let me get to it oh [ __ ] oh no okay i'm gonna try again [Music] oh me up there damn i'm right oh my god oh god i'm still here i'm still here still here okay oh jesus okay yeah oh my god okay all right oh jesus okay she keep looking at me man okay okay oh my god got it there we go now we gotta fight on this only oh yeah let's go let's go let's go uh-huh oh [ __ ] okay okay okay nope ah okay shoot it jump get back off jump that [ __ ] oh no no no no no no okay i'm just trying to shoot it i gotta leave my shirt okay yep [Music] there we go oh [Music] no you're not imposter i told you see it's a robot it's a stupid movie [Music] oh my god wait oh god oh my goodness [Music] okay god [Laughter] [Music] oh my lord oh my god i have nothing to live for now i'm no longer a wasp queen how do you get yourself in a situation anyway if you can't be special oh you're one of those you are special you are one of the noblest pollinators in nature right if bees died we were yeah of course these pollinate crops that feed 90 percent of the human population without you guys oh we'd be dead humans would just die he's right really so i am special no you're a traitor a youtube why haven't you killed the traitor he should help save us yeah i'm special yeah and all the wasps have gone i mean we don't need to kill her do we huh oh so you're on the same team now shoot them all damn oh my god why would they even shoot us if they know they don't died [Music] [Laughter] oh my god she said bye just fly where's the gas oh my god dog that's dog that [ __ ] has yo this [ __ ] is like really sensitive like i legit did i would like look look bro like this [ __ ] is hella fast and hella sensitive guys like as soon as i push down they didn't give me a damn tutorial they just like aim this ain't the same and [ __ ] come on come on come on get us through there [ __ ] i'm trying you're getting shoot every time look i gotta make sure that they don't kill us okay can i even i guess can i show you what no keep it steady [Music] what oh my god [Music] that's not my problem here come on come on oh my [ __ ] oh god which way the [ __ ] do they want me to go oh my god oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] come on come on come on beat yourself here we go [Music] get your ass off this place [Music] there we go bring them back in oh now we're paragliding oh [ __ ] oh we gotta oh [Music] [Music] all right [Music] it's kind of fun this is fun it's so fun they had us do like a whole fight scene on top of that right i'm like damn he caught me hydrolyzed though [ __ ] get a [ __ ] fireball from him he'd get a fireball all right how are you doing specials this [ __ ] i'm like he powered up super saiyan and everything yes i was like where's my power up i'll never look at a squirrel the same way again [Music] um [Music] okay okay all right good oh now we gotta go cut back to rose now the other parent not talking to her oh lord remember him she's she's gone baby oh do you have that headache again hmm okay again i won't bother you oh but but when you feel better maybe we can play with moon baboon again and all the other space tweets you got from me we haven't played with them in a long time um oh um i talked to dad i think he wants you to become friends again oh just wanted you to know this damn little girl and it doesn't help that she's the only child too i know she could only play with her parents that's it [Music] [Music] that is the last time i'm flying by the seat of your pants oh ha-ha you're real comedian you know that oh thank you look there she is oh i miss that book by the time i think she's okay yep he bothers clothes she's playing like nothing happened thank goodness let's go and talk to her yeah but we should be careful we don't want to scare her are you saying i'm too harsh with her no she no i meant she might get scared when she sees us i mean look at us we've turned into a couple of dogs of course i remember are you really ready to talk to rogue our daughter well can you talk to her without fighting each other of course we can roses of the problem you'll see i don't think you are ready wait is he trying to stop us i think that he is yes and are we going to let him no no wait what if we can't make rose cry what we have to or we'll be stuck like this forever but she hardly ever cries yeah i know about the snipers look we'll uh we'll figure something out okay we just we really need those tears the bigger the better you ain't me for your bun okay and they breathing harder too do you want to stop it here yeah we can stop you yeah i'm gonna say uh we i don't we probably finished it feel like we about to finish the game already damn right um this game is very good yeah like it's surprising me though where it's going and i miss co-op games like this i know like side by side right you don't really see them the last one that we did like this like a way out a way out and we did that and that was fun it's about the same pete the guy that developed the way out made this game it is yeah super fun so we're going to stop right here y'all i know y'all are enjoying it yeah but we also got to eat too i got to eat my milkshake been sitting outside for two hours two to three hours right i need to eat so we gotta eat so we will continue this another time i don't know when whatever you want whenever yeah okay so yeah we'll livestream this again and thank you guys for watching i appreciate all the donations i'm sorry that i didn't get to read them because we were trying to die and focus on the game so i appreciate everybody that tuned in and rather donated thank you all so much and we'll be back
Channel: JazzyGuns
Views: 264,070
Rating: 4.9666233 out of 5
Keywords: it takes two, it takles two live, live, jazzyguns, dwayne kyng, co op, multioplayer, youtube gaming, funny, hillarious, 2021, new, it takes two live
Id: p68iH_tLIQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 56sec (10076 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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