WHAT YOU SAY?!?! | Among Us Proximity Chat w/Friends

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i would like to apologize to everybody that i murdered pre-beforehand oh okay oh what you didn't move around enough i started the game what do you mean i did okay no i did not disconnect chat stop it that was the room just closing because dwayne got so oh now i gotta close my crew link it just messed up everything hold on and i gotta get back in cruelling it's like what you want to do oh my's got one minute left so i might be able to join this one okay wait oh all right man is everyone in uh does everybody have crew link open because everybody's face is red for me well yeah i have my number yeah hey you gotta exit out of it and go back in and then it should be okay okay no your face is still still right no i hear you jazz ctrl r everybody refresh control r yeah i forgot every everybody got a cool link in control r i forgot you guys have to exit out of it and then and then open it again that's right right yeah if you just control r it'll just refresh it okay i'm muting the discord [Music] we started at 7 30. man all right now i hear everybody all right can you show all right is everybody here everybody good i'm here uh we're missing uh we made wait was somebody missing uh we're missing one person there you go y'all said it's my computer fix now hope so pg right here i had a camera uh glitch minutes ago so hopefully yeah we can hear you how do i sound though in the chat because i'm using mic right now i wonder how it sounds oh my how does the new mic sound y'all man because they're they're hearing me from like my headset mic but like y'all are here like my new mic okay it sounds cool okay good good good good that's good that's good news okay and how are y'all today y'all how are you does anybody else hear that how was your day video i need to check up on you guys are you guys good are you feeling good are you in a good space are you not in your face yeah only the host can affect that oh how about now all right let's start shame on the first one get that dub i'm going to but they're not going to look like you're rapping for a second there [Music] yes and on asteroids i'm on that asteroids nobody better kill me i'm on that asteroid nobody better kill me i'm on that asteroid i was on that astro shoot got one more one more there we go going too ooh gotta go to the cafeteria i gotta get that trash ooh get that trash get that trash ooh lights out let's out don't kill me don't kill me go to o2 don't kill me i'm in o2 don't kill me i'm in o2 don't kill me i'm in o2 don't kill me no2 no2 i'm in o2 i'm no2 i'm not it was an electrical the only person i saw on there before the lights came on was dwayne i'm not saying he did it but he was on the way it was in the top corner of electrical top damn when we come to the lobby okay yeah dwayne what dwayne was doing the light by the event on the opposite side on the right side right side by the uh i didn't even i i did i did the lights and dipped i didn't i didn't end it i went right to storage okay well i i ran past the body while he was at the light so i'm not saying he didn't wait let me mute him okay okay all right because and we'll [Laughter] but i will say this though so me and d who was a navigation at the beginning doing like yeah the echo is not me y'all the echo is dwayne it's not me i went to admin so that means he got some lights pretty fast if he did likes and with the storage is right there right next to the lights yeah no but uh ego said he saw him in med bay no he i was i was with eagle in med bay and we left i did the scan he did the little computer laboratory we left when i went through storage i heard charlie's voicing when i was going towards electrical and then i saw dwayne do the lights on the lights by the time i by the time i got to near duane the lights came on and now i ran away and i saw the body well i was in navs here i go with this [ __ ] i'm gonna be honest man sham got the electrical pretty fast that's all i'm saying it's not far from med bay guy but it was it was a little too fast like you could have got that fast enough if there was a vehicle that was that type of is it is it is it one or two impossible one one imposter it's only one i'm skipping you said you were scanning pg if you kill her just go ahead and vent right now i'm not going to snitch all right i'm about to get in there don't say nothing and pop out okay are you dying i was making okay i'm going to them and then i said charlie come here and so i made him go down to the vet i said charlie if you are killer just vent in front of me i'm not gonna snitch it on top of that and then that's when the ego came in louder right when i got there right when i got there i heard them talking about vents and charlie was right on top of the vent thank you guys cause we were joking [Music] all right i'm going to admit damn i can't even joke no more i was just trying to see what he was going to do and i really thought for a second he was going all right let me go ahead and do my test let me stop playing with people i'm going electrical going electrical going electrical going to electrical oh going through what electrical what you're doing what you're doing i'm singing right now you better not kill me christine if christine kills me it's an electrical if christine kills benson electrical i am not going to if she kills me as an electrical test that is christine okay all right i'm going back up going back up going back up to here there we go all right let me go back let me go over to reactor making sure i don't die okay there we go let me go back to adam let me go back to admin let me go back to admin let me go back to admin i'm in admin i'm uploading i'm uploading right now i'm uploading huh damn it and i knew it was peachy because i looked at the admin and i saw somebody's body jumping literally jumping to every room man as soon as i started i knew it had to be peachy as soon as i checked up on it to see who it was it was [ __ ] pg good lord damn it damn it dammit dammit they knew he knew to kill me too cause he knew i was on his ass he knew i was on that ass he knew that i knew he knew i knew he knew i knew he knew i knew charlie charlie go in the cafeteria i know he can't hear me i know he can't hear me damn chad y'all see that reactor i'm going to react y'all saw that [Music] like i saw somebody's body floating from room to room and so then when i saw atlanta cafeteria i went to the cafeteria cafeteria and it was pg and as soon as i was about to go down and hit the button kill nobody questioned the fact that he didn't say anything the last two rounds yes he's not talking nobody's talking to him and then homegirl uh blue queen she vouched for him she said that she saw him med scan so they might not discuss them at all right second imposter when there's only one me when i was right i went out and then i went through the ninja partner and i went to the real very first if he wins a 1v9 man yeah queen wasn't up there i kept bumping into you i wasn't following you first of all first 48 where were you first 48. started it with sham when i was in there with sham and i had to go back to complete it that might that might be a pass what are the names okay it's a fact yeah i don't know because i've been i was in i don't know where i saw you charlie right and you made that joke that's scary then then i went down the shield so that's where i saw queen and me and queen went up to admin and then the body was he said to buy the cabin yeah i haven't even touched cap yeah i was going here there yeah i haven't even been in there since we last met nobody out there we might be able to let me follow the killer and follow the killer see what he doing can we talk about how i was following charlie and i heard him thinking i love his big ego i'm like whoa pause oh no [Laughter] like what you know about his big ego wait where is he where oh there goes the killer here okay all right yeah i'm following you killer what you doing mm-hmm i don't want it where did pg go where'd pg go where's ass go where to kill a girl oh there he go okay but that's almost done he's taking his time right he's scared to kill because everybody together he's scared i never my god oh we walked out what are you talking about y'all was literally running up okay right but i seen you kill him though you forgot about that that part the murder all right yeah ego hold me down no we just don't believe in security if it's only one killer and he saw both of y'all why would he kill one he did because i was running i ran past him because i was actually running from sham right wait let me explain i was i mean it makes sense first and then we'll see out here when you were passing them in security did you see ego and shannon they were both they ran out both of them yeah okay and that doesn't make sense [Applause] family that is amazing that is amazing she's interesting none of her family members that's crazy he needs to kill uh ego look look look he's not even going to the thing that should be a red flag there obviously oh man he's not even going to it he's not even going he's not even going though lord please vote charlie was singing a song for you there we go is the thing that was the thing that was suspicious was the fact that you did blame him but he said he saw both of you so i was like all right there's a new code y'all got to put it in all right there we go hold on hold on hold on are we joining a new room yeah yeah okay all right guys don't forget to press ctrl r wait charlie i have a question why were you singing about eagles big and how did you guys the beyonce don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me oh don't kill me don't get me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me oh my god that's right okay don't kill me please don't kill me there we go going into navigation go on navigation go to navigation go to navigation doing the upload that's a long ass upload i just wanted to let you know it is right i'm hella on upload on upload on upload do my upload do my upload ready ego okay so i was in the top left of of um the cafeteria doing a task jess was by the table but she it's not her because she said hey nobody kill me i'm just fixing my mic or something like that so i ran to the right side and i clicked um the the report button because i saw ego's body at the right side of cafeteria wait wait wait so you said jess was in the cafeteria she didn't see a report button she was in the middle because she came in i think from the bottom or from the left because i was at the top left and then she said please don't kill please don't kill me i'm fixing my bubble block she stayed right by the emergency button oh and then i ran to the right and that's top right he's at top right like behind the table yeah we can hear you yeah we can hear you i will say i was with christine right before then and she met big scan yes when i was in storage and i was doing trash and i saw charlie and christine running around in circles and then i saw pg scream around christine and now charlie's dead too so that's why i'm just looking like oh no so that was at the beginning because when when mercedes was talking about ego's big and charlie was like oh chill chill i was laughing and charlie's like oh you laughing you laughing and started chasing me so i was running and then he was like oh you laughing and then you passed too and then he left me so then i went to electrical that's when i saw mercedes i we went up to med bay because i heard pg scream and i was like let's go check med bay because i heard pg scream we went to med bay and that's where i scanned and then she's like well i'm leaving you because the lights went out and then i went to cafeteria right now i was in electrical when i i think i think it was queen and christine i passed yeah yeah no no no mercedes okay but when the lights went off i i think it was queen that was already there yeah it was mine doing lights okay and then came in i ran by everybody i don't i'm not obsessed with anybody all right jess are you gonna still fix your whatever at the table because i can stand by you they say eagle guy you've got this okay i'm gonna go with you again yeah ain't going no no all right okay back to upload so i didn't finish i'm going back to electrical i'm gonna admit going to admin going to admin and i'm doing the upload upload upload doing the upload doing the upload doing the upload wait what what happened oh wait it's like it's like oh okay all right [ __ ] yeah okay okay okay don't don't do nothing to me okay there we go okay let's go all right reactor all right let's go let's go let's go oh i have asteroids okay oh it's fake i'm going to meditate going over here going over here going over here there we go what you doing i'm what you doing over here don cams okay don't kill me okay go on a reactor go on reactor there we go let me see walk around i'm almost done i'm almost done i'm almost done i'm almost done almost done almost done oh sorry go ahead talk first let's see here let's go talk to us i just seen the body on the cams too yeah i just started buying you on cams um i i walked off to do lights but i know it got fixed and then i walked oh yeah yeah it's uh no i'm saying shad because i just left him in admin not too while ago yeah wait who's talking okay but it's not me he left admin because we're doing we're doing an um we're doing an upload or a wired task and then we left well i'm not and i left suggestions into security oh yeah she said that she refreshed she died she oh yeah she just said she refreshed okay okay mercedes were in now not nav um weapons we were in weapons i saw it and then we were we left me and um mercedes went down right we were standing by o2 nobody was in o2 sham was in weapons we went to navigation and then we're like okay we got to do o2 and all of a sudden i see jess in there like run out huh this is the second camera so she can't like that that's if she was at the top of the cafeteria she would have she seen or something report but she said she came from the bottom and that's kind of like making me a little a little suck i'm just looking like jess and queen honestly those two are very suspicious to me what yeah christine and mercedes have been running together the whole time not saying that they're impostor partners i'm just saying they've been together that's it but i just left because i was doing the same mission and then i went through storage sham was alive when we because he we were in weapons so if he made it to admin that shows that we did not kill him and we're also not the imposters because maybe he's just because of what dwayne's saying but i know it's not me because i think it's just because when when we were in nav when me and mercedes were nab and we're running the lights went off all of a sudden i see brown legs pass us okay i also saw jazz though go around there at the very end oh yeah i came up from the bottom so it wasn't me oh ooh y'all hold on seven y'all wild well you know jess wanted to be voted out she said vote her out i think i have one more oh so then that doesn't mean she admitted then no she said it's not her so i'm done i'm done so like am i pressing the button okay let's do it are we pressing a button i don't think it's i didn't have relationships about that not too close y'all not too close now all right where are you where are we going i'm just following around because there's a bit of a double kill okay no no no oh my god okay the lights light slice nice lights there we go guys you don't do it i'm not a killer jesus i just need somebody to follow that's mercedes i'm alone mercedes was here a few seconds ago oh there you are okay all right okay dwayne is on camp wayne's right here yeah yeah i see jess i see jess okay my tasks are done okay mine are two yes you can't kill me because everybody's here right everybody's in the room i don't think she can hear y'all uh-oh uh-oh pleaded okay okay i was gonna say i found queen's body in communications and oh wow i didn't see anybody around there yeah but we have to vote we have to vote here we have to vote and i am wondering if it i i do also that's backup that is just because we were all running together right yeah and then as soon as o2 went off i went up i went straight jessica said she was doing 02. damn that was a good ass kill because i went straight to cam's and i i saw her but i didn't see her killed but i because remember we were all over there and they just showed up after yeah cause i was with christine uh mercedes pg and pg yeah and then just came later just still says it's not her i don't know later so yeah yeah oh but it's not i said to me high key i think pg i'm a vote i'm voting for you i'm done with my tests too [Laughter] oh man oh okay i'm staying with y'all where y'all going yeah i can't hear nobody hello i can't did you hear me yeah i couldn't hear anybody for a second yeah i couldn't hear you okay yeah i was refreshed there we go i said it wasn't just that's what i said it was her you just leave it anyway yeah but i said i saw jazz at the top i said that good job dwayne good job goodness goodness good job i was trying to kill pg but pg was always around somebody so yeah for a second my crew link said just like and i was like for a second my crew link wasn't working and nobody was i couldn't hear nobody yeah but everybody pressed control good i don't hear ego no he's in the room wait what did you mark uh when did you mark queen because i didn't even see that i don't know if you can hear us oh wait let me control r okay y'all hear me yeah there we go i wasn't doing nothing mercedes could hear each other let's go start we're starting up right now can everybody all right right now no okay i can hear everybody but queen everybody but queen i could hear queen queen are you good okay okay okay there we go okay i'll just i'll just finish mine because i'm the last one all right all right gotcha gotcha all right all right wait don't tell nobody i'm doing my task oh yeah okay sorry you know what wait charlie charlie let me explain i got the mic i got i found the body i got the mic okay got the mic let it drop me when uh when jeff we were all in electrical right lights went off jeff said who got med-based scan i said i do dwayne said he does too so we all went to med bay and we stood on top of each other we got on copped off got on hopped off to confirm everybody and we all had it so i was the first one to fully finish my scan just got on it next dwayne said everybody stand and stack so that they don't see us all doing it at once and then as soon as we did that christine came down mark jess and tried to run off so it is christine no i was just standing in storage when the lights went out right somebody passed and said hey christine when the lights went out and then the body was called right i was on i was sam and mercedes mercedes and i was messing with you at the beginning but i was with you me and mercedes are having a whole argument in reality each other so that's why i was just him but then when the lights went up i dipped away from him and i was like i'm not going the lights and i dipped away from him yeah y'all that's just yeah i was no somebody somebody literally saw me in storage and was like hey christine and i said the lights were went out and then the body was called oh yeah i'm skipping i'm skipping notice how she uploaded right listen listen that it could be multi right so if it's three of us plus christine right what there would be a one wasn't even oh [ __ ] christine get out of here get out of here get out of here [Music] i was in storage someone literally got a ghost all right all right i'm actually saying she wasn't in there right that's why i said let's start because i know that right cause we knew somebody's gonna try kill yeah that's why i said let's stack let's die yeah somebody's gonna get somebody who's gonna get body but we're gonna get one in position all right i gotta go to admin charlie i'm with you because he said what we're doing y'all right and we we had we had full evidence so it might be charlie it's i think it's charlie max it might be charlie yeah where you gotta go uh pj i think it's charlie by the way charlie why because because he tried to not vote for christine exactly let's do this real quick and we caught her 4k like we caught yeah okay all right i'm in here okay i'm what happened forever we was we was we we separated but me and eagle eagle and mercedes was chilling at admin doing missions and then we went to electric school and then someone ran in his body huh and then yeah and as soon as i ran it i was like i think they were it i'll stay here and assume you're up there and stack hill i made my vote i made my voice [Music] he missed you went out we'll switch over to laura bam now i gotta enter the trash don't kill me are you bobby or you're not muted don't kill me don't kill me mercedes okay okay let me make sure nobody is dead let me go over here oh wait i gotta go to shields let me go to shields oh don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me okay okay wait can anybody else hear christine hello no i don't hear nobody but but chris yeah i can hear you okay wait what hold on let me refresh this okay i don't know i don't know i can't hear nobody i can't hear nobody now i don't know what's going on wait a minute okay hello hello can you hear me can y'all hear me yes i can only hear certain people i can only hear certain people everybody else is like hit ctrl r hit controller i did charlie can you yell hold on i'm gonna go into discord protect me protect me i'm standing i'll protect you i'll protect you yes okay okay everybody can press control r on your crew link because only me christine charlie and jess can hear each other everybody else is like muted so press ctrl r okay okay i see there i see the things popping up now okay cool all right all right okay oh and i was like maybe and then they left and i was finishing hold on i was just not moving in storage because i was trying to tell y'all to unmute your thing and and crewley and i was guarding her body okay so i was just with the way he must have went south because i went north towards upper engine but when i got to upper engine that's where i found eagle's body so christine was on my body because i was not moving all right yeah i saw jazz and christine they were both idol stories i was in bottom storage i just finished trash so that's why pg is quiet as hell queen ain't saying that right i have to fix my crew link because i don't hear anyone in that little room and charlie was right oh in stores yeah okay how you doing charlie i screamed and the body was reported what color is the carpet in that room okay well pg did you feel the weight in there no just charlie well i was in o2 and then i left i never looked in there i was in electrical with sham yeah i heard jazz say do the control r i stopped the storage and did it and i went to electrical with her christina i'm not sure the third person i believe that because i did see sham's bodies just standing there well right and i was like oh shim he's like i'm doing control i'm doing controller and then we went to electrical yep see my ass i don't know who it is but there's definitely two killers what i mean is this but this is what i'm thinking okay you go you're gonna be mad peaches because you get blamed every time i'm not blaming you just listen to my story because king was just in there with me how did you not see him go down and when he said hi charlie it was it was like one of those i'm about to kill you kids i'm not i don't care i don't know who to why all right i'm going to storage with my wife see that's why y'all should have voted them y'all still don't trust them right look look y'all don't even trust his ass and y'all y'all saying look look at this y'all don't even trust bg y'all didn't even blow his ass i'm not scared i'm not scared to do it all right let me go to security oh wait oh i gotta go to electrical you're gonna change my stuff in electrical i did not see finish where are you right beside you we could see you what are you talking about what are you saying christine i can't i can see i can see christine she's on the she's in the top right corner of electric yeah i'm right here i'm standing is right on the table where you press the button emergency right there and you're saying to me you're not moving at all you're standing what do you mean i was moving the whole time okay so that means that this game is broke because yeah because mercedes can't see christine right and actually because i heard you i don't think it's wrong even when you're working so something is wrong dan we haven't done this thing so it could have botched it she was just standing at the table for me too for me i wasn't like at the table i was moving i was right now i was doing uh the o2 with sham in like 30 uh i mean yeah go to area all right should we vote even though it's seven no no no no i don't have any information who are you gonna vote for my camera froze so i have no idea what just happened just now i had to fix it yeah i feel like i feel like the only person i really showed was jasmine yeah i mean i heard i heard them yeah i heard them no i was running by i forgot what was but i saw you run in after i left it and then jess was by the reactor side wait i did see i let me say this let me say one thing one thing okay so i did bump it to just on the right she was doing her mission she she why i think was doing her mission or whatever it's just like charlie that you that you that you now like yeah yeah with you guys too oh i see you see i think that's what's broke but you wanna say this so what i'm gonna say but when i went down to the left it was me jelly bean christina mercedes yeah and then we were all sitting there talking it was like reacting off we all was like great go so that just leave queen i'm not seeing and sham i haven't seen you all damn i'm not gonna lie yeah so yeah and you didn't kill him so does that mean they're both imposters going to upload going to upload going to upload going to upload i'm uploading i'm uploading whoever gonna kill me go kill me if i'm dead i'm dead in admin if i'm dead i'm upper engine going to upper engine going upper engine got that going to reactor shoot i got to do simon says and react to that's so damn dangerous okay i'm doing simon says doing simon says doing simon says doing simon says what's time to say so simon says do osama says though simon says no sam says during simon says to assam says simon says do what simon says just in case they killed me uh okay now let me go let me go i'm doing wires okay thank you god okay i got a mission all right i'm on i'm on the cams oh you are charlie charlie okay okay okay i'm on the cams i'm all the cams let's see cassie christine and mercedes there okay what about christina mercedes i see i'm seeing y'all on the couch it's sham sam and sam and sam and sam yeah i was on cams charlie saw that i was in security i was on camera i was just looking to see everybody i saw christine and mercedes were separated i saw because sadie's was running shams behind her and he murked her ass get that's out of here you know what's funny about it she was just with me and i was like i'm gonna go back and check cause shell ran past me let me go back and see somebody did but soon as i turned around i heard jazz scream and a body reported let me speak now okay this game was a throwaway so i had to do it um i was on the cams and i saw him literally in the action killing her blood splatter head chopped off bone missing everything i was gonna say uh because i left um sham jess and mercedes in the cafeteria and i was literally gonna say if one of them is dead then i think it's one of them three and then the fact that you said was on the other side i guess that okay queen queen did not move from the emergency room she already admitted that she said she's moving yeah she's yeah the game was glitchy so i threw it away yeah yeah i saw queen queen moving around get him out of here my partner's christine sam you got to vote yeah wait what did you say who's afraid oh it's christine i don't think so no don't believe that that's the killer yeah i watch all right come here come on i got it they look at me i'm doing the thing i'm watching jess if you killed me on this damn man bam in the report button just in case the body thumbs up i'm spamming the report button don't don't play with me i'm not even just one second i'm spamming the report button uh-oh i'm spamming this report with this bro we're gonna make the room all right don't play with me are you guys all done are you guys done i'm done i'll press it i'm pressing it it is oh yeah you just did no that's not a reason let me defend myself do not even try bruh okay go ahead go ahead i literally i was going to reactor and i ran back because i asked did you guys complete your task because then all of you guys can run with me so i can complete my last task in reactor the minute i came back lights went out and um uh jess was killed right there i was just gonna ask i was like where's queen because there's like nobody's talking about the queen yeah as soon as lights went off i was going down lights and as soon as that hit like literally like right right the doorway the only person i saw there was christine because jazz already left no where so it was i was charging around the table but then when the lights went out the lights were up yeah that's when the kill happened far away from your body yeah no okay and i've seen jazz leave and i was leaving as well charlie's self-reporting because i literally no i wasn't close enough to you guys to even do a kill because i came in by the door you guys were at the table then the lights went out and there was a photo right there hold up hold on i think the smartphone hold on hold on i think the smart move would to be because we're almost done with our tasks okay right so whoever whoever the ghosts are goes if y'all hear us do your task get it done because we are almost i have one task in reactor so you guys can follow me i'm skipping okay the only reason i'm giving christina pass because sham when he said that it was like trying to be funny so yeah i can't see queen i cannot see queen i didn't and christine's only person i saw i can't see queen so i don't know if queen was there or not so that only i know it's not me i know for sure it's not me so that's why i'm like if if it's like if it's crazy i don't know i don't know oh oh my god i got disconnected y'all clutch it out oh god game's almost over anyway y'all let me know when the game is over because i can't hear y'all y'all let me know when the game is over hurry up and press the report button hurry up and press the report button yeah y'all that's the that's the first one that's the first thing one of y'all stay at the table and it begins yup disconnected i don't know at least i'm lasting way longer than i would as i did before so i think i think that the disconnections are getting improved i think that they're getting improved so but the game's almost over i don't have to wait that long so i'm just waiting until uh that match is over hopefully hopefully i want i want to see who it is i think maybe it's queen because queen was mighty quiet the entire match so i feel like it might be queen i don't know you said the disconnections were praying on my downfall i don't know because it's nothing like like i've updated the game i've verified the files and everything i deleted it uninstalled it i did everything underneath the rainbow to make this work so it's over jazz you can join now we win all right are we getting a new room or are we in the same room yeah definitely making new rooms that was hella broke yeah i was about to say that one was glitching out yeah why did they kill us and then you guys have one more time you know okay that's i think i think hershey was messed up though yeah it was i couldn't see her the entire game so what happened was it's like it glitched off because queen killed me as soon as the body got reported yeah yeah so if if the killer if the killer um kills me when that happens because that's a really rare occurrence and she's standing still that's the imposter right oh damn okay well that's good to know oh so you so you were right to say the body it was her right there right yep she was standing still but the glitch really saved her i was like quit because i like they reported body then i died i was like what yeah because he was just talking to me mercedes that sounds like oh hell no okay bye christine bye literally bye thanks queen i'm gonna add talent next [Laughter] okay my god there we go yeah i'm in here [Laughter] him worked her in front of me i was like wait i see it okay talent um press ctrl r and crew link are we starting up all right cool yeah yeah that scared the crap out of me man oh goodness i know let's see what's going down all right oh we on this place good luck imposters good luck yeah good luck in possibilities okay i got i got me bae i got mad bae so do you yes i i'm done i'm done all right okay by the way okay all right going this way yeah i'm going to the cafeteria all right go to cafeteria don't kill me wait where are you going make sure nobody died okay yeah i know i figured out what you was trying to do after yes where was the body yeah i don't want to stay where it is because i'm shocked what's up right now i just left reaction and i'm in the hallway doing while i did not touch lights who did like who didn't like yeah it was it me and charlie mercedes jazz or dwayne because we were all in med bay when the lights got fixed it wasn't being just as a reactor so yeah so that leaves pg in town and talent coming up cafe going towards reactor and where are you talent oh we can't hear talent okay i'm trying we all did that in dip yeah you just dip and then you go back together that's a little sus oh here you go with this shoe come on man come on bro when we got the reactor just came out of the reactor by herself that was quick when me and mercedes christmas went in she was already coming out so i'm like that was quick and they said that was fast when i when i was reacting to do the touchpad joint i heard christine i see christina i was telling her stay away from me i was with recreating mercedes yeah i didn't hear you and now when i watched uh dean jackson at the beginning i was like don't stack don't stack and everybody was like standing there but you did if somebody did the lights and they don't want to say who did it somebody didn't like that trying to i'm on vending machines check get that out get it out get it out get up all right all right guys just kill all of us at the same time yeah i got storage wires i don't know what's all right i'm going to greenhouse okay coming with you okay nobody's dead in there all right i gotta go to reactor side no i'm not i did the stand oh yeah i heard this is the longest damn task i did the scan dwayne how would you think it's me oh my fault yeah you sure did but nobody's going to help my bad you won't get me killed they about to kill you next though cause you got friends they are they everybody alright i'm charlie i just scared charlie charlie charlie you're right you're right dwayne just thought i was a killer too i'm like yo i just yeah i just remember you scan so okay charlie charlie last time you killed me what is this the bottom one i'm going to the bottom which one is this one i'm going to the bottom one six two one nine one six two one one got it do it okay got it i'm going to reactive side so i feel like somebody might be dead over here hold on let me do this let me do my wires first let me do my wires let me do my wires [Laughter] what the okay okay i'm just happy every time before i say where the body is i had a particular mission and i was like first of all anybody see talent across the yeah for me and then he went up so i was like all right so when i was all down here at the beginning of the cafeteria i was like i'm gonna come back and do this mission because tyler's doing i don't want to do it so i went up and i did the soda and i went up and that's what i was kept so not everybody's leaving i was like all right i'm gonna go finish the test i got in in cafeteria i go down there still go down there jess is dead damn i was i was in react to doing tasks and i saw it i purposely i even said it when i left them i said i'm not doing it this talent's on it and i'm already such a salad so i love everybody else so now everybody's doing that mission all right now let me go do it and then just did it yeah and then everybody was over everything was bobby brown when who didn't miss the cafeteria this round i had i had this said i finished all my tests impossible that quick and impossible he finished that quick no yeah because also me and mercedes saw him on the launch pad because i had to finish my launch pad task go back and press it and he was there and then he went to the left side too and you know i was like i'm not going to tell him pg yeah i said anything is you he said oh yeah i have like a feeling okay but we know we got one out don't don't you know i scanned y'all come on this is the third time i had to say this come on now i don't know it's not me i'm thinking about it oh wait oh wait let's get this real fast come on got it okay there we go all right i gotta go to admin that's my last one okay i gotta go to admin no i was the only one oh okay hold on watch my body real quick got you i was the only one that scanned that stack oh stack sack i got you okay they usually turn the lights off yeah that's how we got christie's so got her ass about here i knew i knew the stack too yeah i'm done yeah i'm mad that he said that he finished his task i'm like yes yeah the game just started so ain't no way you finish all right i gotta do admin that's my last one we were doing this task okay i gotta [Music] okay so me and christine are doing the wire task that's right outside of decontamination pg came out of nowhere charlie was with us no i'm not i'm not even by y'all no no no no no no no i'm saying yeah don't say charlie uh i know um sham was with us and then we came up to reactor where we passed a bunch of people and pg was there with us as well so sham just died in the front of reactor well decontamination they can image yeah so the only new edition because we was rocking for a while like four or five missions [Laughter] you literally see me i was with y'all you don't do that like we just popped up where was his body where was he behind you yeah where's the body as a mercedes it was like right outside the door because okay because me and dwayne charlie when did you leave us wayne were in reactor and then pg was in there too we was doing stuff the reactor went off we all did reactor hand thing and then we went down pg left and then he came back and then he was like okay i'm already done and then i said okay i gotta go to admin as soon as me and duane go up to admin that's when the lights went out dwayne went to turn off the lights i went in admin lights came on bodybuilding when i was going up there the lights in front of reactor because it's not me or dwayne i know for sure because i'm not even over there when the lights went off when i said i was going to do lights i'd dip and when i bought time i got up there and the lights already done now turnaround was going back down and that's when the body was reported right it was me mercedes pg and sham right there by reactor i was doing wires and all of a sudden the bodies uh uh reported i don't think it's charlie because he didn't vouch for talent it actually might be charlie no it's not what they want everybody if it was me they would have saw me what'd you say were you just uh there without doing any wires no i was doing the wires when the body was reported in a group they would have saw me what did you vote for me every round i'm sorry you look inside hey finish wait wait where you go dwayne duane duane okay okay where's charlie where's trump i don't know i know okay i'm standing right here and mercedes came down here and she didn't say nothing but she's trusting me on this table where's where'd she go i don't know where she goes she was touched by the table afterwards she stopped did she is i was just with christine and jazz and i go oh i like nope dean's gonna be dead i go up and his body is right in the hallway as soon as you get ready to go up gg gg gj when i split from y'all and you was like y'all like peach is the new edition whatever and i was like when i went up and the lights just came out yeah yeah yeah yeah okay is he accusing me of christmas oh yes what are you talking about the body is right as you're going up and when you we were down there and by when i was i'm standing by the table so i'm done you're chasing the table charlie stop talking charlie stop talking i'm almost done came down there and you stopped then you went up so what i'm trying at the table charlie i have two tasks in reactor and one [Laughter] i was and you saw her i was standing there and i was like dang so this kid came down she stopped and then she went up by herself and we all the time and then that's why i was like i'm gonna go see if it's the invite and then then okay we spent enough time talking about me where were y'all decontamination i'm done yeah because i was like i have a task and jazz is like well okay we gotta wait for somebody else to come with my channel that's the first thing so i already i'm done okay charlie let's pretend that you have common sense and you know it's not me is that means it's you we won you turned it around to everybody oh my god i'm sure you won sure you did [Music] oh [ __ ] oh i tried to press [Music] wait a minute wait can you hear me wait i can hardly hear anybody people who did it because i just finished the task and then i just saw the body yo you're low you go yeah your house still but we can hear you oh let me see let me tell you michael now am i still out here oh the body was on like the green carpet like when you start but like i didn't see anybody because i just got off the uh i just got off the test and then i came down and i saw the body so i didn't i didn't see anybody everybody ran away because sham dipped quick and left fast he kept running i forgot i was impossible and the lights were reported i mean the body was important no i don't know because the body got reported it was dark i couldn't see anything i couldn't see that legit did not see anything so i don't know yeah i'm skipping i darted you just gotta press the thing to begin and then wait for it to go all right all right hold on i'm on wire so i'm wired to my wires i'm on wires i come in peace man i'm just trying to do my job and all right go into there there we go i'm still in here i'm still in here i'm still here there we go i had to find the little jeep with me at a fine little water can please come on up here there we go and then i've got the map a two click there we go all right oh oh oh they always hear me when i'm playing listen i'll be running okay who's dead up there yeah who's in there who's in there says where oh shoot i'm just watching i got one more [ __ ] i got one more i didn't even see this mission no wait what what you saying charlie yes you can you get that [ __ ] no i was checking on you me dwayne yeah i'm so glad that sham didn't go all the lab me and charlie were doing the crystals i know charlie was doing the christmas as loud as mike was picking up the crystal sound no that was me that was me that was easy yeah sorry and then we all leave and then i open up the decontamination door and she said for me press controller charlie i mean dwayne i mean sham okay i just did so i know it's not charlie i know it's not happening well okay so when we watched we me dwayne and mercedes were in the reactor then we walked to laboratory ego was in laboratory because dwayne was like ego where'd you come from because he was over in laboratory then we did our task in laboratory right the crystals the ego it did look like you was like at the far right of laboratory and there's nothing but event over here oh she's trying to say i know i came up from let me tell you what i did from the hallway i don't know what about the la i just came up from the hallway and i ran to where i was at and y'all heard me doing the crystals because i guess my headphone was too close to the mic but y'all heard the oh so i wasn't over there no mercedes said she heard it that was me at that time i said i'm doing crystals and then she said oh i hear it because that was coming from my joint with my headphones i didn't hear it i didn't hear him do crystals i didn't hear it either i was just thinking yeah he said he was doing lights i didn't even catch where they said the body was at yeah where's the body right by decontamination christine [Music] right all right come on you want to get stuff stuck on the mop book i'll say come on charlie adele i legit got stuck in that block here she's i'm getting set up lately no you're not oh i got i got a mission you have admin i just want to publish the water i'm done oh where'd they come from we did not see i was in the middle of button if the crystals you lose i'm about to hit that button but i'm just letting y'all know that oh no yeah right now i don't understand let me know okay do it i got up here one more i got one i'm done so like i'm just following you one more it's this little wire thing right here got you oh oh oh oh the lights are out it's lights you right here yo you right here you're right here you're right all right yeah right here we right here i'm with you gotcha gotcha hear [Music] who's in here who's in here nobody i opened it but i thought i went back all right all right damn wire okay damn y'all i gotta chase these people and tell them hold on hold on hold on okay now now i know it's got to be sham now i know it's gotta be shameful the last one that i saw and i was around charlie the lights went out i left charlie's dead i'm at launch pad i was with audio and i left y'all in cafeteria okay listen listen i just i was at 78. i just left from reactor charlie was over there lights went out i wasn't in boxing hold on hold on because there's a vent in reactor that goes to the launch pad oh here we go you suffer i think i think it's the wayne i didn't i didn't even report about what are you talking about oh okay christine but well i'm at launch pad when i was running past earlier i said i'm going to launch trying to do my last task in the cafe and right before the lights went out before the mission went off duane was next to me and i seen somebody charlie was the only one next to me he was saying he was saying this me don't worry about it so let me talk let me know the taskbar got little the taskbar got little as soon as he comes down the lights go up and somebody dies christine it's ego i've been with y'all the whole entire match wait two things christmas me the whole round he didn't even talk about sam but he's wrong i want to hear about sam yeah we have to get one of them out me and dwayne just go to ego because i got my last [Applause] i'm trying to stick with y'all yes because i'm i'm not i'm not trying to die with me bro don't stick with me what you mean don't stick with you because you're the killer because because he the killer right no that's right that's right i'm here all right come on okay let's see let's see come on all right why not so close why is so close get eagle out get eat go out get equal out get eaten out yo get em i am done i am done with my tests okay ego and christine christine was running around the table christine was running around the table i was spamming the report button just in case all right so sham you saw you thought it was duane last round i did too cause i seen him kill jazz was backing up duane saying this is we both thought it was dwayne she was back in duane like it's not dwayne it's not dwayne i seem to win kill you thought it was the way now i'm running with jazz and i'm running with christine she kills christina hits the button and she's playing this little game the show is because that was something this is what he just said listen to what he just said but i said last round hold on i said last round that it has to be either sham or ego because and i thought it was sham because i was last rolling with charlie when he was in no for you both no no no i ain't me y'all wasn't married christine and uh and dwayne i've been rolling together the whole time yeah that's why i know it's not that me and charlie were rolling together the whole time i'm standing here we don't hear you no i i i get it i get it you go you're trying to be funny but like come on close this out man i already made my vote i know it's ego i know i know it's eight seconds to think about this yeah but like you said remember dwayne's the other killer jazz was back in duane and his ego no i was trying to get out i was trying to get sham out yeah i realized he was trying to get shame out but sham are you the killer and maybe ego but you weren't doing you ain't dwayne sucks me up for was because you said you were on launch pad right i left charlie charlie was in reactor there's a vent in reactor so i thought that that was you that vented him killed him invented him man thank you i don't know where the bank goes it might be ego but hey thank you no it ain't me it ain't me [ __ ] i'm telling you the game is over it's not me bro i'm telling you right now [Music] bro oh i don't even hear you okay man i was trying to marinate charlie for so long all right i gotta refresh it what he said it was so weird man oh you so lucky your damn family backed you up because when we were running around the table eagle was right beside me when mercedes died so i was like there's that and i saw sham walk down the hall to go to the launch pad so when you were like oh he vented i was like that'll make sense because i saw him walk there and then the next thing ego was right beside me so i was like it's got to be dwayne and as go hard as jazz was when i was trying to talk i was like it's them too it's got to be them too we didn't oh [Music] i was trying to kill you first but then you were like tagging around so many people so i was like damn it now i gotta roll with you i just i just roll with charger the whole time what was that because when we came in there both y'all was the laboratory what was you all doing i was in the middle i was in the middle of the diamond drama let me finish this joint right quick and then go run to it but i was almost done but i had to put one of the joints in the wrong spot and when i came off yeah i was like yo we're sure i'm like god dude yeah this is full betrayal like they don't [ __ ] lights lights wow okay [Applause] i'm on lights i'm on lights and they're with me it's not me and pg yeah so who got to react to that fez wait somebody would have a man somebody yeah they finished i'm still that launchpad doing diet hate to blame everybody ladies and gentlemen i will say this i know you all heard me shout and i know y'all can hear me is me ego mercedes and charlie okay and then sham and lady legs are at launch pad so that leaves dwayne there's an event there's an event in lights on launchpad and lights there's a launch pad too well i was on lights i just finished like hold on man damn it my [ __ ] camera my camera's froze again hold on okay pg wave your legs where were y'all pj ladylikes if you could hear us yeah go to crew link and then press controller yeah yeah there we go all right now tell us how you killed jess yeah i was doing diagnosis and she was there already yeah dwayne who was with you by the way i was by myself it was in front of uh you know the reaction right there yeah get up go alone get it all by yourself i mean you're by yourself what y'all gonna set me up just because i can afford the body yep no no i'm just i'm i've hold on my camera just froze again so if i'm not moving that's that's what i'm doing technology for you this year girl my camera just froze again within seconds i don't know what it is i'm not getting disconnected then my camera [ __ ] up that's ridiculous going to storage okay there we go okay now i gotta go to the cafeteria all right we out all right i'm on this i'm on the trash [Music] okay let me go up here let me go up to admin oh i'm an admin i'm i'm an admin i'm an admin i'm an admin i'm an admin i'm an admin i'm an admin i'm an admin i'm an admin okay i'm going to the office okay i'm on the office upload greenhouse greenhouse oh yeah okay there we go i got to go to this one i'm doing the leaves doing the leaves yeah yeah you i don't have that mission i don't know where you're go on the launch pad i'm going to launch pad going to last oh oh oh seven four don't strike don't stand don't stack it up a number bro there's no card in the wallet all right y'all so i just saw i just saw both of their bodies mercedes and christine's bodies are right next to each other they're in the hallway right in front of medbay they're like bam bam so somebody did a double kill right there so okay so i was i was buying a king in charlotte yeah did you you got what did you finish last round yeah but christine said she saw me scan if y'all was listening and she didn't that's why that's like upside down because they are she already confirmed him okay all right and and we're all and we're all up here right now in uh the reactor i have plans i don't see pg or lady hey i was telling you how to do it then i went up to the lights to upload challenges dwayne was in that room on the top on the top corner but i was doing the the charlie was telling sam how to do the [ __ ] i just there's definitely two killers that was a double kill let's skip on seven let's not vote out the wrong person oh i thought i thought i have a task reactor going to launch pad all right let's go let's go let's go oh what you doing oh i'm watching y'all don't worry okay uh-huh okay okay i gotta go down i gotta go down the lights are out i gotta go to the lights go in the lights going to light screen lights pg no oh welcome just with jazz [ __ ] doors dwayne mercedes him hey queenie hey nerdology heard us um the hallway hallway on the left side was right yeah so laboratory and reaction let's see reactors that's for preaching reported because i uh he was saying it was me for the longest i don't know christine clinton you know my logic hopefully they get after that i know hopefully everyone's smart enough to remember he's scared just because i know the camera [Music] [Music] laura i'm constantly checking my damn camera okay there we go [ __ ] it's not even my camera it's my damn it's my freaking uh like cam link there like there's like this little device i'm using so y'all can see me but that device is [ __ ] up so i probably need to get a new one i'm you know what i'm going amazon right now i'm gonna go on amazon right now and buy me a new camlin because this is ridiculous look look i knew they wasn't gonna get charlie i knew they was going to get charlie let me get a new cam link right now i'm tired of him you know why you know why you know why you know why i don't even get a reason it's just you got to get right my i'm not moving i'm buying some on amazon because my camera so hold on hold on one second i'm so mad hold on one second hold on one second everybody else hit control r again you guys are muted again oh okay i'm in check out okay okay i can hear your eagles okay whoo i had to buy some on amazon y'all don't so you do i see i see watching yeah that's what i said i'm not going up that's that's what i said dogs all right what's the word damn what happened yeah well everybody was running up to his lights i figured she's not she's scanning i'm watching him she's scared she's she's standing she's standing there who did who she yeah she keeps she [Music] my camera did this little weird thing and then as soon as i unplugged my camera i know it's a gambling i know it is it i had i had to shop real quick i'm so sorry you know when you go right near med bay at the bottom to the left of it there's like four of us in there and yeah we got the amazon prime too so it's going to come on wednesday charlie what you mean he reported it i promise you it's like four percent right right now because if we were standing right by jessie you're saying who's and i'm waiting for jess let me finish and i'm waiting for jess it says waiting for jeff's life to finish her message so i can officially say it is like just as clear and i'm about to scan after her that's what i've been saying all the time how many times who was in midday who was in med base we just said it we literally just said it i want to know i did i did not go inside why is it can we just confirm can we just confirm just say one more time just confirmed okay got it okay so three people good i'm in admin where is that is that where this is there was like five people there i was right there with them that's what i said we all was together pretty much the whole time everybody was anyone in react or anything no i was a reactor yeah i was the only one that was the only one up there oh you did yeah i was the only one in the game glitching in the wrong room because if you said bottom left babe we're all in there oh [Music] why are you doing that sometimes [Music] you gotta get the watering can i just gotta charlie shoot it in the car i gotta do this there we go okay what is that which one is that okay a1 check okay got that all right gotta go to admin again gotta go to admin gotta go to admin gotta go to admin gotta go to admin gotta go to admin okay there we go doing this again because i didn't get to finish the first time lights is out somebody's gonna be dead somebody somebody's going to be dead somebody's going to die i'm on greenhouse i'm in greenhouse greenhouse yeah i'm right next to you okay thank you i'm like i'm not trying to die i'm not trying to kill you i'm not i'm not gonna get you okay i got it all right i gotta go up i gotta go up here i go to office on here i'm in the office i'm in office here okay i'm uploading i'm leaving i'm going to laboratory i'm going to left oh wait no i got to go to the hallway don't kill me why are you why are you always here don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me okay thank you oh wait wait wait wait wait i don't know okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm not killing it so i promise i swear i'm not so i'm not oh that's calm don't worry about that i'm not going okay yeah i'm not going to comes i'm going up guys i got two [ __ ] up here yep i gotta go up here too it's not me charlie i know i broke your trust it's not this round is ridiculous bro body lady this is a slow kill it was in it was lady election office who was last in office because i finished mine and then i left out unfortunately i'm with jazz again yeah charlie's with me and what you mean unfortunately i should not be trusting you again look charlie i know our trust is broken but it's not me i know it's not me okay i was just there with y'all and if charlie's and jazz are together that leaves pg and sham pg where were you i was just down there i'm gonna let that talk going up to the reactor and all i know is one of the killers is groups with one of us because there's only been one kill it's been slow yeah it's not me so somebody was scary and the body was in office yeah or are they trying to play as smart and build an alibi while they partner kill like i did yeah yeah just like that yeah again it's not me look i know i know that was a smart play last time but like it's not me it's not me okay it's not can we focus on the actual killer and not me it's not right it's not me [Music] the electrical joint right before that door in the greenhouse so we go was vouching for pg and yeah so was jazz i was just down there with you with christine dwayne i'm not sure the third person was see and my thing is if five of us was in freaking uh med bay and d body right outside the door d i'm sucking you [Music] all right jess all right i gotta go back to reactor i gotta go back to reactor wait but let me finish this one let me finish this one five four two nine eight bam got it all right lab i'm gonna lab oh wait oh wait i gotta do this no i don't i gotta go up okay i gotta go up gotta go up divert the power divert the power never hit the power never the power there we go go into the laboratory go into lab going to the left do these do these there we go there we go dwayne don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me yep i gotta do it too hold on watch jazz y'all it's not me jeez y'all leave me alone it's not me okay i'm gonna go do wait it's calm yeah it comes to sabotage so let me go do cons let me go try to fix it okay pg's on that one so i'm leaving pg pg and sham is on that one let me go to this one okay one five four nine four there we go all right columns are good okay now i gotta go to greenhouse okay bam do this we're done okay we're done we're done okay am i dead over there no okay let's go over here let's go over here okay nobody's dead nobody's dead uh-huh i'm checking around everywhere i'm checking around everywhere okay there we go that's glitch that's a glitch oh you're good you're good pg okay you know i'm still here i'm still here all right my questions are let's all chill done lights no not all not all no no so we could be a witness let me just handle jazz what y'all watching why are you not trying to be with what are you popped up dead i was ready to report buddy [Music] [Applause] too hard hey i know people don't have it but i'm doing it i'm here okay there we go i'm off all right all right i'm going to admin okay me too i got two in there going to admit going to admin i'm doing my code i got two okay five one two zero three bam okay cleaning the leaves out cleaning my leaves cleaning my leaves cleaning my leaves cleaning my leaves cleaning my leaves cleaning my leaves okay thank you all right it's nine three seven nine two okay got that okay now i gotta go down i go down to the other one i go down to the other one gotta go that's the other one okay who's that over here who's dead okay okay i got i got i got two in reactors well i gotta go to office i'm going to office i'm going to office okay i'm in office if i'm dead i'm in office if i'm dead i'm in office if i'm dead i'm in office if i'm dead i'm in office if i'm dead i'm in office if i'm dead i'm in office if i'm dead i'm in office if i'm dead i'm in office okay there we go okay got out now i gotta go back to the launch pad i gotta go back to the launch pad i go back to the launch pad to electrical oh jazz that scared me yeah you wanna do this i think we can hear you on discord because i can hear you all the way after you play real quick i can't hear you oh no i was running i was born yeah not everybody did the control arm not everybody did it oh okay yeah so eagle was right on top of this game yeah they didn't do it yet hold on we gotta tell them a discord everybody press control r so we can hear y'all okay okay there we go okay all right so yeah everybody on there we go we can hear you now okay i can hear you now okay all right so the body was right on the skin he was standing i just came down from the office area and then i was running to launch pads then that's when hitler's and i scanned first so nobody's saying no sus to me i scanned and i was in there i was in there too okay okay okay question is there a vent in there we went up there together yes i think there is does that mean about that i think it is on the bottom of the balcony i'm not sure i'm not sure if it does it does okay what you got what you got oh the only person i saw on balcony was dwayne [Music] what were you doing doing asteroids okay can anybody prove that was anybody [Laughter] then i passed by her when she was doing the vending machine and then i went straight to asteroids so that's the timeline okay i don't know you saw me from there from there to there so i couldn't have got the kill because i was on the right side the whole time good job good try lady lex good try wait afterwards oh i gotta go launchpad i'm going to launch pad go to wash bag go on launch pad go on launch pad there we go there we go okay i got a launch pad do this real fast bam there we go get out get out jazz get out okay let's go to react i'm going to react they're going to react or go to reaction reactor all right i got a birthday pal y'all y'all gotta stop sending me every match yo it's not me oh oh it's not it's not me i [Laughter] that's my last test see look i'm staying away from you look am i ready get away from me all right i'm done i'm done with my task i'm done okay trust me okay all right oh my god i hate when you do missions in one and then show another one after i got one more greenhouse okay gotcha and this makes the setup complete all right wait what i'll play i'll play let's [Music] sham and pg all went up to like three actor area and we found a dwayne in the right side i think and i just said i said hey y'all christine went up there with somebody and let's go see if there's a good body boom all right with our eyes you ain't scared you just run around christine what do we have to say foreign i was not running by myself first i was running i went up i went up listen i went up there to um uh to reactor with dwayne then i left him to go okay no no no no why would you suddenly leave him if y'all was traveling together oh yeah right i don't leave i don't leave my buddy oh can i can i okay hey dwayne stay complained about the fact that i leave him when i'm when we're buddies and then i end up dead okay i left him and this time he ended up dead so i left i went down through uh decon contamination and then you guys reported a body i wasn't rolling by myself because since the last one i was in the cafeteria with fiji then pg left and then we went up to admin and i was like if it was me i would have killed pg and that's why i was laughing lights went off jazz was like why is christine laughing and i was like because i was just making a joke with pg okay then me and dwayne left went up to reactor together i was never by myself i was with i was with uh dude what about sham jazz and jess where were we all okay everybody mercedes james [Music] i'm no listen it's not me i'm skipping i'm skipping yeah it's seven also but i'm skipping okay because it's not me and i don't have enough i literally said if it's me i would kill pg i said if it was me i would revenge kill pg for killing me last week hard evidence listen pg you alive ain't you i saw you twice i saw you twice my daughter christine i feel so sorry for you because i thought we i thought we had a pack pg is pg the other imposter get some fresh hair fresh there we go there we go all right it was just air christine and didn't just disconnect no she disconnected oh that sucks for christine christie and kill me dwayne was like christy and kill me and i was like really fine he's like just take me out so i can finish the task i was like no he's like yeah just do it right so i killed him okay can you hear me i was saying dwayne kept saying christine just take me out take me out i was like why he was like so i could finish his task i was like okay fine and i killed him how did you know it was what i i didn't i did why would you volunteer yourself [Laughter] because you're like i just need to finish this task christine i was like all right that's funny no because dwayne was like christine i won't say anything i promised [Music] to um admin oh oh wait a minute there we go bam uh-oh lights is out lights is out okay lights is on okay good job they get disconnected because there's no way there was a double kill i didn't leave the room the whole time and i said i said there's nobody i was fixing in that room the whole time i'm not going to do it i'm saying your body where you were but there was no body around like i said report but there's no body it christine yes just was also killed in cold blood okay there was no body like right there which was weird okay well i it's not me because i already left in the beginning i caught up to the jazz i been saying i was leaving let me say i'm out this [ __ ] yeah you you say i was like i'm not leaving first i was wait i'm gonna wait for everybody so i'm not leaving first i'm not leaving first y'all does everyone else because i have one i have one so i'm not over there i don't know nobody was there skip yeah it's one of y'all that stayed i'm gonna skip y'all okay bam got that i'm on the weather i'm on the weather then i got to go to admin wait no i got to go to the cafeteria let me go to cafeteria let me empty the trash which was shush don't whisper me bro don't what's wrong i don't know how to whistle i'm loud i don't know how to whisper he's the imposter you know what what's wrong with pasta because he's taking too long underneath the machine oh yeah oh yeah no i'm about to press that button ego i'm about to press that button on eagles have you all seen ladylikes anywhere no i haven't pressed the button i'm about to press it yo i'm about to press it i'm going to press it i'm going to press it i'm going to go press it nah uh uh uh uh uh uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i saw him come up he good gee i wasn't blaming it what is going on all right now uh we're in cafeteria i ran up i went to go do the cafeteria trash i heard dwayne say shh and so i was like what's your [ __ ] and then ego is saying he said dwayne said that he knows his ego because he goes taking too long on the vending machine thing eagle ego still still stood there when the reaction off but i have to do all the hold i don't even know that but let me tell you how this y'all know i'm not technical with all of this among us trash y'all be like yo you've been playing let me speak i didn't even know how to get the code for that greenhouse joint charlie just had to tell me i know i don't be knowing the little details bro so i thought okay all right so so we know that we know this that means jazz and ego were all together and it really did the reactor me and lex did me lex and pg are the only ones up there right where's lady left he was the only one that was unaccounted for me i just i was with charlie so this is what happened charlie did you see well i'm sorry okay yeah me like alexa pg were all we were the only one director went off you're saying so what was your name listen listen listen so in the cafeteria i was doing the wires outside of storage and i was listening to charlie and lady lex in med bay and lady lex was scanning and they were alone so i was looking for her because i couldn't find y'all she was talking i was saying she wouldn't talk because i was looking for her body so i was going up and down asking where lady lex was this killer is cutting up though oh wow y'all she is i'm trying to get these things down fast man hold yeah what's the word dwayne what's the word i just well i just voted because we voted on seven i thought everybody knows that's a joke she didn't get voted out right but dwayne did you vote voted out she got voted out she was dead never mind okay she didn't get both she did again okay so if the imposter gets a kill two kills is game over so i called the meaning i was joking oh my god but she got pulled out see that and that's what see that's bro you always set someone and you always vote so i was like i guess he's gonna why is it to get someone out no it was two votes only because nobody else voted to skip yeah yeah uh where where was i i remember the meeting me and ego and jasmine look at how he's always just waiting to vote for her he voted for the mercedes but see so you all probably missed no you hate it right now foreign for the last kill i know it wasn't dwayne because i was in the cafe no it's not like he didn't do it whoever [Laughter] jazz what was you doing jess he said just now oh i just ran up because i had to go to a launch pad i think i mean right now because i know it's not lady lex or charlie they cleared each other and i know it's not me so it's one guy on that side when sham died that means it's one of them and maybe no offense but maybe jazz that's right that's what i was saying i'm yeah we're just yeah yeah i don't need this damn messing up the game look look now you gotta die let me get up there man let me get up there bro let me get up there let me go up there duane you kill her man okay now i gotta go to no not there okay i gotta go down okay [Music] i voted for him charlie that was we were alone with dwayne just know that i voted for uh oh i was way too confused i love stuff yeah lord i voted i did my duty i did what i was supposed to do i voted for the damn killer ain't nobody else vote too because it made sense why would pg vote when dwayne did it as a joke wait what the hell did i type that in wrong j q k oh ooh i'm about to sneeze i'm about to straight snipe the code [Music] y'all almost stream snipe the code i was typing this saying that i lo what i said i said i said the first three and then i stopped myself yeah so hold on you always gotta say blink blink blink blink blink my bad i was i was out there saying the letters my bad all right what's going on what's going on oh boy i know you ain't talking about anything appreciate you no not the way no you sold the bag i didn't sell them but you'd lord lord that was good god damn man i voted for him i'm not getting a process tonight all right let me go to the laboratory man let me do my tests i'm doing the day i'm going up here to this oh i'm on a drill i'm on a drill okay okay there we go okay hold on i got the megaphone so i just got off the canisters at o2 i just got off the too i came out and i literally saw jess running away and i saw the blood splatter from king it's jack mm-hmm yes what you're doing okay there we go say no more go ahead killer okay who said man they just out here working in 4k i don't know what y'all doing today y'all killers folding y'all kill this folding today i don't know what y'all doing oh let me go to lights let me go to lights and go to lights i'm not going to die i'm not trying to die i'm not trying to die i'm going to lights going to lights going to lights going away okay all right pg got it pg got it all right let me go do my fuel let me go do my fuel let me go do my fuel i'm fueling up here i'm fueling up here i'm fueling up here don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me i'm going to storage going to storage school in stores going to stores going to stores don't not kill me i'm i'm i'm in storage when anyone kills me i'm in storage anyone kills me i'm in storage okay there you go i'm getting out of storage i'm on this i'm on the fuel i'm on the fuel i'm on the fuel oh lord oh lord okay okay i'm on the left hand i'm on the left hand i'm on the left hand i'm on the left i'm on the left i'm on the left i'm on the left i'm on the left i'm going to left i'm on the left i'm on the left there we go thank you let me go right back to the laboratory all right go right back to the laboratory hey jess how are you doing okay yep yep yep all right i know but if you do i can go down there with you guys okay there we go line the telescope align the telescope excuse me every time you close every time that scares me so i went to go what's the word deal so i listen so i put the water jug i went down to decontamination as soon as the doors open he was right there okay i like the sound effect we got a whole performance on that one right so then i so where you came in from the office side i just put the gatling on that water by the way yeah you're like so like in the bottom yeah so a sham when we were over by i was scanning lady lux was watching me sham was like i can't open this door coming in from the top side of decontamination so shannon what was you doing i don't know good country charlie charlie charlie was that specimen when i saw him charlie i ran by him and i ran up where y'all was that i was doing that and you killed the rocket [ __ ] no yeah cause charlie said yo he's going to specimen but before the door closed he ran through a race i was going to go with him when i ran down through the little hallway he's already doing it so i left sam you remember who you voted for last round i skipped yeah i didn't remember seeing you vote for jess but i think we knew jess was the killer i didn't know what was going on my child was saying my mic was out look at ego with iq wait wait wait wait wait who else did not vote besides me i voted he's got the drop sam i got a project you could go on my chat right now they said my mic was out so i was fixing that he can go in my chat right now i i i mean this is seven though this is seven silver so let's get someone hey hold on yeah she was watching and shane was at the top side saying i can't get in yeah we were alone um in laboratory time and then she did the drill and then we were going down the specimen we were up there the whole time we didn't leave that's true that's true yeah that's true okay there's only one person so we're going to specimen yep yeah whoever kills over here we see you okay i'm doing the artifacts i'm doing the artifacts doing the artifacts all right i'm done i got to go up i'm going out i'm going up going up going up going up going up going up right now going up right now i'm going up right now okay i'm on okay there we go okay got that done gotta go to lights gotta go to lights gotta go to the lights gotta go to lights gotta go to the lights gotta go to the lights gotta go to lights gotta go to the lights gotta go to the lights gotta go lights okay no no no no no don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me i know you're saying don't forgot to say it look it's looking pretty sucks for you it's looking pretty sucks for you sham okay i'm over here going to the oh wait oh that's not even office i'm going to go swipe the card there we go bam swipe the card oh ooh damn it damn it okay there we go all right i'm on vitals i'm on vitals nobody's dead yet nobody's dead yet okay okay let me go where's everybody at where's everyone where is everyone where is everyone where is everyone where is everyone where is everyone where is everyone where is everyone oh lord oh lord i don't see nobody i don't see no oh wait oh okay okay christine why are you okay she going that way lady likes right there i heard that first right there why do you do that for me all right okay i felt christine go up there okay i see y'all i see y'all i just came from cams all right okay oh okay okay good mercedes about to say stand in front of the damn it she moved i was gonna say stand in front of the stand in front of the cams okay okay mercedes is moving oh lord okay i know i know you want to make sure okay i'm not like i'm on my own i'm almost done with champs yeah yep yep all right okay okay okay i'm going back i'm gonna guard your body got you got you i'm going ready all right i'm looking at that stupid kid are you oh you know yes i am i'm actually okay right now you gotta be so close to me i'm right here cause i love you no i don't i don't know about that [ __ ] i don't know about that i ain't messing with you i will try double killed i am not aware ben killed you by now you know oh you do why because when the first kill happened everyone else was accounted for except for sham lady lex and yeah okay and ego but i i'm finished my passion i trust ego because we was doing tasks together yeah these lady lucks sham just went by himself you have to clear did you actually clear each other well i was i had the alibi all the time so it's really easy i don't know if either one of y'all had a killer's basement it's not me i'm literally on camera you can see the light on the cams to show that i'm on cam so yeah i know i did i did i saw that i saw that right on there mercedes what's up i know i don't know sam is by himself a lot i know a sham if i was imposter i'd be the weakest imposter i ain't got it all night i ain't got it me neither that's the crazy that wasn't the killing okay i see sham with all of them that's like two tasks around because you're saying with all of them he's just standing there i'm gonna go out there with them right all right actually okay they went into laboratory they went into the laboratory yep it was sam uh-huh it was sam doing the drill doing the drill doing the drill wait why is someone here but i don't want to do it i can't hit nobody i guess you gotta do the control arm oh i can't hear you wait i can hear you i'm here we can hear him control okay did everybody do it i go hold on everybody needs to control or i can't hear nobody i know oh no i can't hear nobody i everybody okay it says weigh i'm 360. i'm pressing control oh i can't hear nobody i believe it okay oh really yeah we can hear you can you hear us we can hear everybody specimen specimens oh my god oh yes me jazz you were there yeah i was there yeah ego was there pg i guess was there i don't i did not see him it wasn't me i was there too christine i was there i was in there just just right in this room nobody because i was trying to figure out the voice thing together and i went to the top right wait let me let me let me ask all right who's all in this stack it was all about all of us it was like six of us i stood at the top all right jack jack reviews who do you feel like you saw do it i don't know because it was it was everybody there everybody was bunched up as soon as we got in there so i don't know it was a good one be honest i don't know i was always peachy because i'm literally dead ass and i see this do it the whole time but he was there he was there all right maybe he's a glitch and i just don't see him like the voice or maybe i just don't see light skin i don't unless you yeah cut like i don't know if you could cut through i've seen jazz i seen uh jazz directly behind uh ego you are on me heavy it is not everybody ran into what i see i'm skipping [Music] that's okay that's okay i'm getting away from the ego jesus gonna weapons okay all right going to o2 going to o2 i mean oh too i'm uploading i'm uploading i can't clear you you now you got to stick with me bro it's not man come on what happened all right i'm doing my artifacts i'm doing my artifact i'm doing my artifact i'm an artifact yo they're so scared i don't trust him either dwayne what you doing up there okay okay because he was like in a way corner that's why i was like what the hell are you doing brandon that's the fact bro i just did lights nobody else came to the lights no where was everybody i just came out okay the five that were in specimen do y'all hardcore trust each other no no nobody in there i don't trust nobody no i when i first when i first when i was like i saw christina eagle though let me tell you where the body was so i was done a specimen saw duane i don't know if he said anything i can't hear him when he talks he left went to communications saw the lights went off i was like [ __ ] that i'm not going to lights license still off so i went to o2 i was going towards o2 the lights were still off so i was complaining the whole time went to life ain't nobody else showed up at night all right so when we were all inside the specimen i was like y'all you trust that stacking that's away from me you know what cause you're right nobody's alright we all retail we're not going but yeah because that's how you die i was like all right i'm going to go since i'm just stacked anyways as i was going man christine was going up i mean i mean jelly bean was going up okay and he was just standing there and what room was that admin he was just standing there that's why i was like why are you just standing there so he was only one by himself right yeah cause we were all in specimens so for a kill like that you have to vent you can't vent into specimen we all came in there organically right yeah dwayne so that leaves um that leaves mercedes and dwayne no but what we're saying is that everybody all of us were in specimens just now and you were kind of just standing there a very long time the body was there for a very long time so you didn't go look for the body oh wait if you're on vitals you would have saw it though right yeah yeah no no you got to find the body you don't want to do emergency media and then lose the body oh and then you follow me oh get them out here i'm not going that way i'm going to uh o2 canisters i'm on canisters i'm on canisters that feels like the water i'm okay okay i just got off i just got off oh i see y'all like what you mean i'm going i'm on the left hand okay is anybody dead down here anybody it out here anybody dead anybody dead nobody's getting away nobody's dead over there nobody's dead okay not here okay no if you die people are gonna think it's me because i'm with you i sure will doing the upload doing the uploads and the upload doing an upload doing the upload doing upload doing upload doing an upload got him [Music] and then i saw pink's body right there like where that left fuel storage thing was like will you fuel the gas like right there yeah on the yeah on the left one i just came away from life i'm in office on the table chili because i am done now i know i know i saw eagle and christine in boiler room so where are you shan who is this person i just got to o2 with christina eagle i was running with him this whole time just now hmm not the whole time he just came in not this whole time like the past minute right yeah and not just just but like you know how you left it because you were like advice i hate this damn cam like so much i hate this gambling so much he did pass me when i was doing the garbage thing when eagle was in the boiler before jazz came and checked on us yeah as well as the body sorry i'll speak to my camera um the body was on the top left uh storage fuel thing where you fuel it up like i just came out of electric yeah on the outside okay like y'all know there's the the little gas got six i'm still on that joint from jazz from earlier when she was behind ladies i do i vote i'm jazz because i still see you behind lady lex in that room oh there were six people in there how was before we like go crazy let's do deductive reasoning we know ego it's not you right i was in the top right jess was also in that room she's dead mercedes was also in the room she's dead so it does leave jazz and pg okay let me tell you my path i was in comms just doing an upload i came into o2 checked in i saw that you and ego were in boiler okay then the lights went out i went up to go turn off the lights pg was right there too and then he we both got there and then i turned off the lights the lights came back on it came out to the right side and then there was the body i did not see sham at all i i don't i don't know what to do i'm not there yeah all right i know ego gonna be in my head this whole game i'm at the office tonight you're the only one i didn't see killer still left right you're the only one i didn't see i'm sorry pg is quiet pg is too quiet no that's not me it's not me it's not me i haven't i'm let's going back down oh yeah i'm not doing nothing i'm just standing here i'm just standing here that's it i'm not doing a thing anymore [Music] it's jelly bean again it's not me it's not me i'm not even moving [Music] let's go let's go hold on damn it my camera came out again okay listen i'm so sorry i'm so sorry charlie i'm so sorry okay lord no more i'm so sorry okay um christine christie we can hear you i don't know i don't know wait when y'all can hear christine i can't i hear her everybody gets here oh wait i gotta refresh the thing okay hold on did the rest [Music] all right so so i maybe point some fingers go ahead point them whatever that room is next to um where you about to go to med bay and that little um telescope joint is that little that's what's up elaborate laboratory lab i was running over there i passed dwayne i saw the dead body and dwayne was running back to me not saying but let's kind of suss i just ran in and i saw jess and dwayne so i just charlie let the hurt go you can't do it just every round jesus wait hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i just blamed him saying that so can we hear him we can't argue with him he's talking low so yeah yeah i'm here i'm i i well i was doing uh rockets and then i walked in and i saw you and i was like he's moving pretty sus that that's you all the time anyway no sir you you ran from that room with a dead body wasn't it when i went to it you was coming back towards me i put my vote in already i'm not voting because i just ran in there i'm not voting i'm scared i'm not just because shane put his vote in already okay i'm gonna give the killer more evidence mm-hmm [Music] voting anymore yo sam and dwayne been at each other every round i saw them all run that way too that's all i'm saying [Music] no i don't have it uh let me check let me check hold on i'm doing the storage doing the storage doing the storage going to fuel going to fuel i'm going to fuel deal with storage [ __ ] out of here i'm going to o2 i'm going to there you go oh okay okay i'm opening the door i'm opening the door there we go open the right door what you're doing why you got no task to do right i'm checking everywhere i'm out i'm opening the door okay oops there we go light space right here got it got it right got oh gosh yes you saw that all right done mercedes right in the laboratory and just ran on up together and just who did you see running away i want to see i saw jazzy bro okay i saw jasmine wait you saw what okay don't be scared charlie charlie come on now reality is reality yeah we both are running away where's the body where's the body at okay in laboratory okay because i'm in going to decrease why what'd you say i'm going to control it i did that we saw you going yeah right yeah i'm going to be going down the deck so where's the body like right there right right where the uh you do the samples inspect the sample thingy yeah you take the sample yeah okay i didn't see your body that's what i'm saying i already went down control all right control but yeah i'm just saying y'all me and me just ran up oh also i don't know what else to say i'm going to i'm going to become i mean i didn't see it that's what i'm saying when y'all said it was top like laboratory i didn't even where are you right before that if you were running two years before that i was in storage okay hold on what are we voting for though and i was literally saying stories when i was in this jelly being [Music] hey christine you're a murderer aren't you no okay got that are you really not i'm really not what is this oh [ __ ] so dwayne killed me so who's the other one i don't know i gotta see who it is okay that's why i'm like how many times you have left um i have hold on let's see i got like four i've got one nope on this side christine i'm a killer i'm let me just you are the killer how do you lie in death is she listening because i'm listening you're saying it kind of sucks you saw that yeah damn it i [ __ ] up that kill y'all but then y'all ran so fast behind me so i was like [ __ ] yeah i keep getting uh imposter with it i wanted the other two but i don't know about this one i don't know about this one i [ __ ] up together i messed up i killed i was trying to no but the funny thing was i tried to kill mercedes like so earlier because like the lights went out and then she was like well i'm going to oh too and i heard you say that so i came out of columns and i was trying to get her but like this wasn't long enough so i was like spamming the kill button to kill her out in the open but you couldn't when the lights were off and i couldn't get her you was being petty or you really was blind no i was dead serious dwayne sam and christine run that way man all right jess needs to vote for for dwayne and he's out i know dwayne probably didn't care they got him hey that was they got it we definitely got one man damn no because they caught him the first time but they didn't [Music] my bad doing that was your last one oh can we do one more no one more please one more one more all right let's do one more one more one more one more one okay no no no because she's straight we're trading in no no we're trading again why are you selling dwayne can you hear me yeah everybody what about my bad on that kill i messed up that's fine oh control all of me at that yo did you even care when they voted you out no i knew it wait did everyone just disappear no it just got quiet wait is nobody talking nope wait do we gotta refresh it i'm gonna hit refresh i didn't mean to go harder you doing but i had to brother oh yeah on pg left the dog was naked in the room here put my jail outfit who are you listen i was missing one first [Music] okay let me pull up i'm gonna say it out loud though jerry are you right i almost did it oh wow your voice echoed oh mute yourself in discord that's all yeah i'm here i always stay naked i'm close right i'm like i see everybody with clothes yeah i got my clothes on that's what we're doing are we all just being naked all right let's be naked i'll stay okay all right yep i got it i got it let's go you better not kill me this time come on i am not going to kill you jason see wait okay go ahead wait see oh oh okay so me and me and um mercedes were in the um right by security jerry runs past us i go on the cams and i see a dead body i was like oh there's a dead body and i run out and shams right by electrical wait where oh [ __ ] also you think it's jerry i do because jerry just passed us right and we just went to cams right away and then there's a dead body it could be anybody else but jerry's the last one i saw so it could be anybody well me and jess are scanning charlie was a witness so unfortunately i just took her two damn games it got whacked right you said the body was bioelectrical right biological the door like right outside the entrance into the building that electrical is in you know this inside outside right outside all right yeah cause a couple minutes before that i seen jerry in that water area yeah and then he disappeared but this was a like he had enough time to travel that means he went up because me and me and uh mercedes were right by security like standing right there at that hallway and then he passed us we went into security i saw the body on cams and ran out okay dwayne my skin pg i seen uh i see i seen dewayne doing uh the volcano and i was running towards i ran towards the light zwain are you speaking volcano volcano okay outside temperature that'll confirm that charlie tell the tips charlie was over with us yeah oh you were okay because when i was scrolling in cams i saw charlie on cams but he wasn't near there and then i saw the body hello you said charlie or jerry no outside on the cams i saw you but you weren't close to the body you were outside i was with jesse right and i said you was not near the body i said you was not jerry you haven't defended yourself i mean i'm in laboratory i i was going down to specimen uh jazz but y'all can vote me out if y'all want to okay y'all are going to specimen while the lights were off yeah she said [ __ ] the lights i mean christine [Music] my card there we go i'm done now i gotta go to oh i gotta go to the specimen yeah it's gonna kill me come on i i just scanned what are you talking about i just can't yeah leave me alone y'all leave me alone now jerry i if you're the killer just go home [Music] i got confirmed on the med scan [ __ ] i [ __ ] up there we go there we go okay there we go go up okay let me do this where the hell is this thing at okay there we go all right gotta do the drill okay all right there we go let me go where's my node at okay my node is by the weapons okay that's the [Music] i scan i'm not a killer okay okay all right jess i'm i'm trusting you geez i scan and they still don't trust me i mean i understand it though i understand it they still don't trust me [ __ ] okay there we go hold on there we go okay okay calm to sabotage hold on okay i'm going to go do my node cause i know that that's the next one bam got that done is that all my task yup that's all my tasks okay will you kill me all right i'm done i'm done follow me and whatnot i'm done okay i'm done with my tasks what are you doing with that house i'm done i'm done i got a website i'm done i just finished oh gosh oh you scared me okay okay where is this where i just learned but wait let me hear where about it was it yeah okay i'm literally i'm with everybody else in front of you everybody yeah i went you guys saw me do comms and then i went into communications because i had the computer thing there then walked out there was a gang of people and then you reported a body yeah so we did that mercedes was with me the whole whole ride we didn't see dwayne and some other people well yep i haven't seen king all day i don't know if i know that's clear it's jelly bean and jess and justin's dead because they've cleared each other from the man basically even though i still don't trust jazz just because oh my god but we're not talking about that right lauren thank you let's move on for me you can vote for me if you want okay i actually didn't want to yeah i do kind of i was in office the whole time first time so it don't matter anyway okay because i just ran through there i just did the mission off to the right of office and then i went to the volcano right i'm still this dude that he's been done like with his time right now right now jerry says round right i couldn't kill jasmine specifically right right right right yeah cause they'll know it's you jerry what you mean y'all gonna vote me out or what yeah yeah yeah listen y'all enthusiasm levels man you're stoling me why are you just throwing me off all right [Music] all right one all right i'm done i'm done i'm just sitting here what you doing okay i'm gonna get away from you i'm gonna get away from you okay nobody's dead yet nobody's dead let me go check the lights let me go check the lights wait oh wait wait wait let me go check back because the lights just came on okay nobody else is there that's a joke but they didn't what happened oh i think he just muted himself i'm leaving out going up nobody's okay hold on oh oh wait let me go to the left let me go to the left to the left okay here we go there we go okay nobody's dead over there let me go to the right let me go to the right let me go to the right okay wait what i just said you did it i said you did the level right yes okay don't kill me oh my god so here we go so ego what were you doing he just ran it oh i just ripped it i just when i was when i was walking out of the laboratory he was what he was getting in there and i'm like why didn't go okay eagle what were you doing boo what were you doing i had i was doing a weather nod at the bottom and then i had just finished and i only seen jazz run by me i seen jasmine by me i don't remember if i saw charlie but jasmine bob you ready and i was running all my way back to hit the switch no you're the weather switch wait wait okay it's gotta be ego because this is what happened when charlie left us because the reactor thing was going off and he just kept saying i got left i got left i got left and he was running wait who said that charlotte oh which whichever side he said i got one of size one of sides he left right then um me and mercedes were standing there at the nod thing so i could do my left my other knot because remember i told you you had like three tasks in laboratory charlie before you left then i see the report i get out of my task i see the report button and i see ego running into like the laboratory area to the right so if you were passing charlie and mercedes was dead you had to pass me and you didn't report the body let me know i did see i did pass you i did see you but i i definitely passed you but no did you see mercedes all right no was that the person wait wait wait wait wait wait look chrissy you know what it's different cause let me tell you why i'm gonna i got right right i got right i ran and i did the right one right i thought she was left no no no she said it wrong i said the wrong side let me finish and then when i got done just like everybody do with common sense you wanna see who did the other one so let me go see who can um as i'm coming down re eagle rico ego is dark into laboratory and i see just jazz coming from left i'm like okay so she did left ego darted into laboratory and you and mercedes are the only ones in there so mercedes had died i finished my task i went to go do the next one ego's in laboratory because i saw him darting in there yeah and when i love christina mercedes we're together so it wouldn't have been smart [Music] oh [ __ ] oh crap i have the drill i have the drum i'm done i'm done i'm sitting at the table all right i'm going to go through the drill if anybody can't even hear her christine i'm not moving in there unless it's another killer oh why did you press the button how does it say who got tasked i was trying to figure out who that's oh i don't have me i was trying to do my task i said i have the drill i was right at the drill no that means ego was the other one or was one of the killers because me and me and um mercedes were sitting together i left the one task her body was there huh wasn't jerry like the for sure one we thought that's what i thought because he's the only one that passed and he didn't christine you said you seen or you just happened to stumble across the body yeah cause y'all were legit neck and neck christine without what i like no listen this is what i saw i was doing my temperature task right and this is when charlie left me and mercedes there then i'm like all right i finished that task and i had to do the other of the weather now that's right beside it where you click the little tick bottom button when i got out of the first screen mercedes body was right behind me ego was running into laboratory so i'm like if anybody else killed mercedes he had to pass us to go in there so there's no way that it could have been anybody else because he was right there the killer's still here i'm done bro and i know i'm just a drill i literally was saying i have the drill and i've got to go get the drill okay i know you clean so you can't hide me but don't be don't be stacked i'm just sitting on the table i'm not even over but somebody else has tasks because there's no way that's not i do not i'm done i'm done i'm done unless the ghost like yeah unless the ghosts aren't done because i'm i'm finished if you're a ghost get your task done i'm going left okay i gotta go i'm gonna go right [ __ ] come on come on all right i did it i'm going back i did it i'm going back going back i'm going back to i'm going back to it's not me it's not me it's not me oh my goodness okay all right charlie where are you at hey i'm coming right back to office i went to the left one right one don't who did the right one me i know man me and chris yeah christine was on there i was on my way up there and pg was the last one i saw at the table with dwayne so i'm voting pg so that's pg yep because when i when i got when i did it i saw pg running up there last minute i literally ran if it doesn't work then and then okay okay at the end i'm telling you it's christine no it is not me it can't be okay but it can't be i'm not blaming you christine but it can't be because when i say me her mercedes were neck and neck no but i couldn't have kept listen i couldn't have killed dwayne because i was doing the thing then the uh i was doing the drill then the reactor went off and jazz came up i was already there and he voted me yes there we go i knew it come on now so it was eagle and pg [Music] i'll see y'all later
Channel: JazzyGuns
Views: 412,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us livestream, live, livestream, jazzyguns, jazzyguns among us, proximity chat, 2020, funny, hilarious
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 38sec (12098 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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