15 PLAYER CHAOS!!! | Among Us w/ Very Loud and Amazing Creators!!!

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oh [Music] is okay it won't oh [Music] is y'all see how loud it is oh where's i gotta mute them y'all they are loud as [ __ ] okay i galore they are loud we are trying to get the new code because some people leak in it on accident yo lord jesus now what is that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all know that's dante singer it's not me i'm here i'm here no no we all we are [Laughter] we can get some quiet in here yes let's get it y'all let's get it let's get it who is that i'm not y'all know how to do the task with the little thing would you guys do the hammer man cut the acting out man i'm voting you oh that was clean wait woah is this usually how the vision is supposed to be i didn't change any of the settings when i started [Music] time to talk though because i don't think 80 seconds is enough bro the body is now it's a self-report huh i literally couldn't see anybody because the darkness is too dang low i didn't know that i had it this long i'm sorry okay i don't think i did it on purpose i'm sorry okay roll me off vote me off vote me off you gotta tell me is [Laughter] oh [ __ ] oh no not them doing rico like this not them doing rico like this lord this update kind of clean though i'm not even gonna lie this update is hella clean good thing i didn't say i was imposter because i didn't know he could hear me okay all right yeah oh [ __ ] oh block just ran past me just walked past somebody i can't see cause it's hella dirt i said oh i just walked past somebody when my body was reported i thought it was killing me wait justin killed what the body was going down the ladder into electrical oh i went you know we ran past each other you know what i'm saying so you know i'm not gonna i'm making any hey hey when i walk past him i walked past him he was making sandwiches in the kitchen i'm picking up towels right now cause y'all [ __ ] is dirty as [ __ ] [Laughter] i think that didn't you just come out of the electrical no i'm still in here that's why i said someone just walked past me i'm still in there no that was me yeah so that so oh why you said at the beginning then when i was like somebody's walked past me in that room i'm basically in that room i call the resident room where you gotta ricky why are you so quiet oh my bad i've been waiting sorry i need to get to vote wow what the hell y'all i can't move what the [ __ ] okay y'all i can't move so um yeah that's one of the updates because you can't kill yourself you get frozen you do that settings and then you can't move so nobody can i guess on this one so if y'all see a dead body and break y'all i cannot move i really cannot move at all i'm pressing all these keys i cannot move y'all i cannot move is the game broken i can't even see the map i can't even see the map i can't do anything like i legit cannot like move i legit cannot move my thing my counter not even moving okay there we go i'm not gonna lie who's that oh crystal auntie nt is dead who was on cams i was i don't know and who'd you see on cams the only people i saw on cams was you yes sis thank you bye somebody somebody just walked past me i just finished the mission i started going upstairs i bet your ego oh you want to tell me who you were walking away from the body oh i was i was in the living room i was an electric man who was you walking with my brother i was by myself i was born there's no way bro so you know what man i just walked away from crystal's body who was with me you said you saw somebody else who was like no you're i've seen your hat and your um in the light beige but i forgot the other color that i was with man wait wait wait wait where was the body at where was the body at uh do you know the very i think it's where you have to get the signal yeah but i wasn't electrical yeah but you could walk down that whole path so i think how i came down i came down that i came down the ladder into electrical i wasn't even on that side of the board yet so it's not me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait which side do you think i was talking about oh this is at the bottom that makes you not when you're coming or the middle i was coming down from the ladder from the main hall you take that ladder down to electrical yeah and also right down there you're gonna see where the signal that's the middle of the map my god y'all just wanna let y'all know my chat just said that if you didn't get the chance to vote then there's a glitch that makes you not move and that's why i couldn't move i didn't have enough time to vote so make sure y'all voted it's a selfie report wait who's on the [Music] with me every hey hello wow get him out of here by the way he was talking to me he had a gorgeous smile thank you that actually helps the imposters yo i cannot move y'all i still can't move i don't know what's going on protect you y'all bro i cannot move oh my god i cannot move i can't move i could vote but i can't move i could move i can't all right all right man it's some [ __ ] this is some [ __ ] lord switch controls i did y'all if i switch controls to here right if i switch it nothing happens and then if i go here to mouse and keyboard nothing happens and if i press the map i can't even see the map so i can't i can't even see the map like they trying to stay by my body so they don't die they try to stay by my body and they're trying to stay by my body i cannot i don't know i don't know what else to click on to like maybe like not i don't know to break this glitch i have no idea i have no idea i'm maybe protecting me though and i'm a whole killer i'm madly protecting me and i'm a whole killer i can't i can't kill y'all i can't kill i can't do anything because i still have this counter here so i can't do anything at all next round i'ma exit the game and then just go back in so that that way i could go oh no hey yo [ __ ] i saw that wait wait wait i saw that it was too late hold up no no no let me say something bro you gotta think something bro that's right cause cause it just like was just playing around running around in circles and then i split from her to the left right no that that's the report wait wait wait wait wait jazz can you move play no i can't see anything my whole i can't press anything i've been trying you ain't nothing anything no i cannot see anything i can't see anything every time unless unless jazz is like capping hard the body's i legit could not see anything i did not move at all just tell them bro we were just trolling her together because she we know she can't move so when i got when i got right there she was running around jazz body so i started doing standing around it says kill a cup get him out wait who knew is that's a different situation i still can't see y'all i can't move can't do nothing so have you tried uh oh alone have you tried uh all tabbing or whatever it is called the first round i couldn't move i was able to still see everything and then like with the gear icon and map and i could press the gear but nothing happened i can't even see the map the next round happened i can't see anything this round is the same thing and then when y'all report a body that's when it shows up and then that's when i could do stuff so next round i gotta come in like exit and exit out and come back in okay i didn't do it did not kill [Music] [Music] now we can see [Laughter] 3mg stay taking my color bro all the time he stays taking my color it's amazing okay hold on wait what the hell where can we go okay let me okay so we can go this way all right all right all right let me use that there we go i heard somebody go down the steps i heard somebody go down the steps i don't know where they went though that always scares me i know i know what we got so i found jess's body like you know where like the the right side balcony is and there's like a security area right there is right there where the cameras are yeah the camera was right there and like i heard somebody like go up a ladder and i don't know who that was i didn't get to see i did wires and medical did not want to grab the gun before handguns put them in the wall then i went down i can vouch for tasha because me and her were in there doing records i think 3mg was in there for a while and i think also something else is so fast who came in with me with the radio thing i had the title that was me i walked in there to do it i wanted to do it but i thought you already went i walked in there yeah it was me it was me ego and [Music] um i was up top i was with krista and then from there we ran towards communications and there was like a bunch of people in there yeah guys i saw dante on this side too uh i saw him on the left side he was doing that uh yeah uh-huh what twisty thing what's the hook like the horn the steering wheel [Music] [Applause] switch it up you're good now i'm ready for this toxicity i'm ready i'm ready then let's go be bald about them both stand on it let's go okay bro okay bro all right [ __ ] now they got anonymous votes john let me see uh you can't go that way let's see me act like i'm doing something right here there we go we go over this way let's see anybody over here no nobody's by the way oh my god rico's body is it is by showers yo who passed me bro somebody's like exactly i was nowhere near rick was it me please you're a murderer huh showers oh [Music] [Music] unbelievable this is why i had to vote poised this is exactly why this is it oh wait this is exactly why i had to i had to do it i had to do it yo i just had to do it let me go ahead hit that there goes t hold on let me see let me go over here is anybody by the locker nah nobody's over there let's see anybody up here nope damn i can't find no way there we go why i had to do that when i was about to finish telling my people almost done bro what's wrong with your body every time i see somebody i see another person in that first person as i'm dead crazy black that's interesting wait who said that can you find the body i mean i don't know where it is but it was like huh describe your surroundings uh i went down some ladders i think down at the fourth i'm sure that i called the body because she was just standing right there in front of me like i saw you oh okay rico i'm confused no i'm just out of here wait where were you where were you where were you at where were you dante i had just finished fixing lights and i saw who was it who was it i just and then i ran across and i fixed this i did a sandwich maybe a sandwich it was like a bun um onion kitchen and then bottom bun by the kitchen that's where you make the sandwiches in the kitchen well hello to know if you're not lying what was the sound that the meat made when you did it no no that wasn't it oh oh yeah we did all right oh [ __ ] had to save tea lord i thought she was gonna freaking i thought i didn't know she was gonna do that i know that she was gonna like report the body like i thought she was gonna like walk past it or something like good lord it's just us to see it it's just us too lord okay there we go hold up okay i can't kill them let me use that let me sit here and wait a little bit let me sit here wait i don't want nobody see me okay oh good thing i didn't think i didn't come out good thing i didn't hop out good thing i didn't hop out okay all right i'm hearing a lot of people in some steps [Music] that ish made me jump so fast oh [ __ ] where i finished all my time i found one body i found dwayne's body it doesn't have a what is it a call like it's like the area where it looks like medic like where has like a medic table thing i don't know where that is but i'm looking at cup because you were the only one that i saw in that area when i came down here and i saw you i had to go down i'm doing the test where you got to reveal the code and you got to get to the other side to put the code in that's where i was at when i just went past you okay okay okay the little thing like a little bridge you can take across is not there so i got to run back and forth yeah so okay so i just came down i i was um i did my task in the gap room i came down i just passed ricky and krista go from around the showers and i went down and i saw eagle and electrical right right okay okay i just did trash i saw ricky cut like at the same area around trash and then when i came back down and went over to the what did i go over to it was survived the divert power and showers that i was doing i didn't see anybody from that point actually i did see dante because he used a little thingy to go across because i was going to use it but that's it you can walk around you're the last person [Music] bye god i try to press it i try to [ __ ] press it yo oh no bruh i have the jazz symptom bro i can't move did you not vote in the last one i just want to double check that theory uh no i didn't [Music] wait what happened wait how did you whoever went past me was getting like because i i think they said that the color you are is the color your phone is so i've been trying different colors like what's your zodiac sign type of vibe not up but you said the color your box but i think so she said hey yo your phone you know when you when we're in the meeting i'm over here there ain't no damn all right oh my god can i be a crewmate for once i am impostor all night i'm impostor all damn night bro oh my god after taking my color that's for taking my color oh let's not get up let's not [Music] engine room and somebody ran past me i came down in the armory charlie's body's right there at the tip of armory and dante just came from behind me dante did you see anybody else over there pg oh was wrong is with anybody right ricky nope nope of course [Laughter] i skipped you talking about man down you said that last time he did do that though he did do it yeah what are you doing for them okay i'm sensing don't let me catch you in the game i'ma step on your shoes please don't cuff my shoes all right let's see i've been imposter for so long i forgot what the actual uh tasks are y'all ew i can't move by the way okay so rico can't move okay and rico is my partner i think so i gotta make sure that we're good let me turn off the lights [Music] who's a robot who is a [ __ ] robot who is the [ __ ] robot that's josh yeah i'ma get to the bottom of this i'm gonna get to that it's either it yo it's either uh dwayne or jazz like the champions the body is right by lights uh um and someone did it and they went into the vent i saw them i didn't see the color but i saw the like the robotic side i saw the robotics what about the hat dante the hat they have two different hats i'm not gonna lie bro i just saw i i remember robot listen so when i when i pulled up it was christine and it was dante right there when the body last round and y'all you just saying was pg i'm in a pool table wait that no i'm trying to get out okay from the body by armory he didn't say it was pg [Music] okay is jeez because some person's in here trying to be toxic hey yo get yo chill out bruh stop being a toxic [ __ ] you heard something y'all heard him i like yo in it oh lord i'm so sorry dwayne i'm gonna make you some uh some pie later okay if dwayne watches the strength hello i'm sorry he just had to go he had to go let me see oh jesus can i open the door please there we go thank you [ __ ] man i couldn't get to it fast enough hey yo all right damn dang dante i already know what you're about to say but you saw me just come in so then uh wait wait wait hold on where's the body where's the box wait wait where's the bar [Music] uh it was on the uh the the ta of uh navigation it's like where the [ __ ] the thing so then we i got in there first i saw dante like move back so i was trying to open up the door and my thing was going too fast and i could have sworn then tasha walked in there too yes some i think i don't know somebody else was in there but then i saw that there was a dead body that fell and it was poised and then there's like a vent right there still i don't know i wasn't [Music] me and jazz walked in their second and tasha was nowhere to be found yeah you must have been there i never you watched an event and then i don't know what she was doing because we didn't see you in the room unless you were standing all the way in the corner i want to know where everybody is kill me so i trust him yup yup it's tasha it's hot and i trust tea pot of elimination [Music] i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'm sorry christine i was putting away my i love you but we have a sorry i love you dante wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah i want to vote for you not even from that what the heck i gotta kill dante next i gotta kill dante next i gotta kill dante next not that way i gotta kill dante next damn i'm stuck i'm stuck in records i can't move so don't kill me let me know did you did you not vote if i see nah nah i didn't get the vote that's confirmation yeah you got when you don't vote it quickly when you don't vote it's okay if i see him he gotta die he gotta die if i see him he gotta die he gotta die if i see him he's gonna die he's gonna die for you that dante were you at dante when you thought say i gotta kill you you at dante i gotta kill you where you at hey let's go no no listen listen they said tasha was it they saw tasha going to disappear why didn't i get the [ __ ] i was trying to make sure literally not knowing that he was right there but luckily dwayne is a robot too so i just shifted the blame to him it's all humans over here [Music] get your ass out of here literally about to hit the button and talk like snipers like i didn't tell you you were about to go and try it i don't know why they keep giving me an imposter you had it three times i'm at oh jesus all right let me wash my dirty ass please don't kill me pg please don't kill me i'm sorry i'm sorry for killing you before i'm sorry for killing you before pg don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me thank you thank you thank you okay okay all right oh wait oh wait okay put this here gotta wait let me leave all [ __ ] where else do i go okay let me go should i go over here let me see let me go this way bam do that yo way too fast i can't even get to my test i'm moving too fast i called the meeting so let me just say something real quick i just got to say a few things one um i should have turned the imposter vision uh a little bit down so they might speed kill us bro honestly two wow um what does that kill cool down on two that's all i'm saying [Music] i could have killed so many people making a burger right now bun onion cabbage meat bun oh wait [ __ ] bun cabbage okay bun onion cabbage cabbage okay so bun onion cabbage cabbage bun there we go okay so now let me oh shoot where'd i gotta go i i still didn't learn this map y'all hold on let me use this boom okay let me go oh shoot i think i have to go over here okay yes all right turn this over here and then bam do i have some over here i sure do okay hold on hold on who coming these burgers be uh trash i don't know what kind of burger that was that was a vegan burger that was a vegan burger yo hold on let me go over here i mean oop not there okay okay [ __ ] you suck oh god wow oh my god i'm not saying it was pg because pg was with me but pg did you see anyone else there cause that [ __ ] happened passed no i just did that yeah you pulled the trash out the uh yeah i don't i'm ruling out krista because she went all the way up to the very top to the to the right task and i don't think there's any other reason for somebody to be up there these are some gobbledygook settings i can't see anything okay what was everybody i'm doing a cell phone mission you got to get good service i'm putting my guns up with poise i think right boys yeah i was gonna get the shower from dwayne what were you doing oh i was i fixed the shower i went i went through i want to go fix the lights then i want to go fix the shower and then i would the first mission i did was the photograph and i was about to go do that well because i saw tasha's body and right when i was going to call it cup called the killer for whoever's body i don't know wait yeah what was that one yeah what was sasha like right in the middle right in the middle when you come out like a little hallway before you get to the shower area the shower area you called the um you pressed the button before i could call it mine that really isn't far from where we were because it was like i was going so fast and then when i came through oh shoot a body and then really but i'm a rule t out too because why would you call the body out if you're the imposter you wouldn't care that is true everybody was so i could see i'm looking at i'm looking at dwayne a little suspicious oh my god yeah yeah remember last round when you looked at me a little suspect too man put it on somebody yeah i was i was trying to get you out i was being positive i gave you a whole imposter last night i gave you a whole room and you didn't ask nobody else [Music] yeah makes you nico could have killed me but he didn't okay go kill me with these settings so you know okay okay i'm a ghost okay there we go let me oh shoot what the hell how do i oh oh oh okay wait wait okay there we go there we go we got it we got it okay go over here use that bam let me go where else okay here boo okay gotta go up there what i got an empty trash in three different spots oh what what okay okay all right all right no i don't no i don't okay never mind those are three different tasks okay let me go oh wait let me get that perfect though where that perfect oh there we go there we go now we got that perfect all right what they saying they said who killed you doing dwayne killed me man all right let's see what the next one is let me go over here okay what is that zero one five six four yeah there we go and i am finished now let me see who did who the actual killers are let me see i know it's not rico oh they killed i'm not gonna lie to you bro yeah we lost bro there's so many games bro i've got too many tests bro i cannot find number four hold up hold up okay say something up okay so charlie wasn't there with me because i was trying i was doing the same task i was trying to find the levers yep say ain't one we was in there for a minute but somebody else i can't remember the color oh no they did okay so charlie what was you doing bro so i was in the residence i was running past you man you were in there doing it i was looking i was looking for a number three when you came when i left you died i started looking for number four and i was in there all the entire time this cup was in there and i thought it was cup at first yeah and i saw you like five times so i figured man you both doing the same thing yeah he's not saying a word it's got to be daunting i think dante is one of those yup and that means you saw me i already know it's dwayne you know what's crazy you both be all of the killers i feel it why would we be like charlie first bro wow you saw me doing this is listen to this yeah watch this listen to this me and her only want to talk about doing the same mission nobody else said nothing and being hurt impossible why would we why would we speak up and say anything why would we blame each other it don't make sense no no no they're playing with me yo rico you right ricky yo oh charlie killed you oh so it's charlie dante say bye don't move nope nobody moving nobody moving nobody moving okay so it's charlie charlie dante wayne it's charlie dante and duane dante quite as a mouse bro where where is he you know what let me figure out what task i'm doing i could just like ease my way in this is great man let's get it freaky good job put a knife in my bag clearly y'all know i was confused oh how is this slow that's normal [Music] [Applause] the players [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] is disrespectful yo it's disrespectful y'all press tab why is it i'm about to hit life this time what are you talking about there we go okay stop let me go over here where i gotta go i gotta go over there bam okay dante's over there rico coming rico coming please don't kill me please don't kill me please kill me okay rico's going by the lights okay okay i don't think it's rico because rico just fixed the lights cool we go just fix the lights it was rico i literally just went to fix the lights [Music] y'all you don't even know where the body is [Music] thank you all right look so the body's in the main hall right in front of the like little photo room wait from where i was at so how could it be me y'all feel like you're putting it off charlie yeah i know that's what i was waiting for i've been in there forever and i was doing the folder mission what the center you got to go grab one i did see charlie in there he was in there that's where i've been in the entire round yes the cup have been in that room the whole time well i came here yeah oh yes you saw me in her jazz i've been in there forever okay okay no one knows so so i need to hold on before we go i mean there's the body again it's in front of the [Music] 50 tasks yes sir all right lord okay where do i go where am i where am i okay wait a minute okay there we go oh okay let me try to make sure i make note of everybody that's around me all right let's get uh okay where's perfect we're perfect at there we go there we go okay bam uh-uh no i ain't getting next to dwayne dwayne would kill me dwayne will kill me with no hesitation i don't think so all right use that bam oh jesus do this fast jazz because i could die over here and nobody would know that i'm over here okay good there we go let's go over here no i don't trust that i don't trust i don't trust going in there with just one person no okay let me go over here i don't think it's rico because he could have killed me okay wait oh we gotta dress it put that hat there you go now you styling now you styling there we go all right let me go oh man okay so i gotta go this way right i gotta go this way to go over over there i gotta go up do that okay bam bam i see dwayne creeping i see him creeping like no i ain't going down here huh i ain't going down there with dwayne let me go over here i saw him creeping man i saw him creeping man [ __ ] man i saw him creeping on me man my god took the platform to the gap room right right and she was just splattered there on the floor well let me tell you who's clear me toys me poise jess who else was there okay i was keeping encountering rico boyce christine and then and me why are you not putting my name in this one okay i don't remember me i was there because i was with you [Laughter] thank you okay damn all right so either way it goes so i was doing tiles boom dude he came by me he killed me he came back he ain't killed me i he might be clear but anyway i left i go up i was like low key i want to find the body he said so i go up okay very top part i go up there i go to the right not even two seconds right there turning around in the corner i'm like there we go [Music] oh bro cool that was cool that was cool that was cool chad that was cool chad thank you for teaching me [Laughter] no cj how do i do it again because i'm dead so it doesn't matter let me let me do it again let me do it again hold on hold on okay okay okay let me get off the chat let me get out the chat and actually do my test let me let me get off the chat and do my task yo all right let me do this okay y'all wanted me to honk the horn so i'll do it hold up hold up i wanna do a beat hold up [Music] had a nasty night hey rico what was it still me rico you're dead okay i think we voted right for pg if it wasn't charlie oh big facts yeah yeah yeah there's nothing else to be said wait a minute yeah what so um so uh his body was in on cams his body was on cams wow on security yep oh wait so then did you um see anything i was in an electrical i came from electrical i was over there with krista well i don't know if she said you you have to i thought that come through tell me about up for a bit but yeah okay so the last time and they come from that side where security's right there oh you've got anything yeah yeah i remember seeing poised over there coming forward he was like doubling it go ahead all right he didn't i was the bottom right who said i did it bro man just just tell us just tell us to tell us i was bottom right doing a little um see the connection thing or whatever and i saw charlie doing his little tape thing and i went to kitchen i saw uh who was that christine and tasha you know i guess they had each other's back or whatever that's all i saw what were you doing yellow she was over there with charlotte says the residents [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign i figured it out y'all there we go bam all right let me go let me go let me go let me go do my test jess get stop let me stop typing in worms in the chat let me stop typing it all right you go ahead put that there other than uh duane who obviously killed me who do y'all think is the other killer who do y'all think it is because i know it's not rigo bam there we go yes i said charlie 3mg if he again if he's not dead um well 3mg's dead so it's not bad they locked all the doors in this place bruh they did it yeah uh by the like cell phone thing i came out i went all the way to the right into that like room with all the doors just like it's like a maze in there yeah ricky's body was right in there like right at the entrance of that room i just did wires over there by on bathrooms and i'm seeing anybody no how about you do a wire right here i don't think she did this kill because me and her were yeah me and dwayne were in the vault i was doing the gym the door was locked i opened the door then he went to the meeting room and where the gap room is but the floater wasn't on that side so he only went up to the ladder and then i went down i was in the end room right by jess trying to open that door no who's not so bro wait cup where are you at all right so the last thing i did was where you come across the little beam upstairs and i was going towards the showers i saw a poise going towards where the pool tables were were but then the door closed so that's the only person i've seen so i'm by the door y'all were locked in that room then they just went ahead of me and then the door closed and then it locked oh wait what room were you [ __ ] cop you know where the pool tables are where that door is i was there where were you i was trying to kill somebody it's going to be you next watch we do not have votes and then i would walk to the left through the kitchen and through the gun room yes and we're streaming dead by day like tomorrow y'all because we didn't know that this game was coming out or the update was coming out so funny he said no it's lame but the blue yellow blue looks like it spells sucks let me see let me let me follow my killer let me follow me follow my murderer okay let's see who he's trying to get let's see let's see what he's doing yeah where you going pick a lane pick a lane buddy i'm gonna haunt your ass is christine your partner maybe she might be your partner i don't know i feel like she might is he gonna report it oh he just left okay so he just left out of there that hmm oh and then he joined tasha what you think i was just going to forget you were with cup and like you can just kill her and like leave and just dip oh are you talking to me wait yeah you talking with a smile on your face [Music] who's your teammate who's your teammate it's raps that's right yeah it's you what you talking about i knew you was going to say that i think we know who it is bro wait wait wait wait wait wait oh tasha rico lord you know [Music] oh you said it's good that we didn't do the stream for dead by daylight today hold on what does that say he said the new map has been disabled due to issues with people playing on consoles if you back up tomorrow supposedly okay cool because we was definitely going to play on uh console so good i guess everyone putting susan home and warm emoji lord all right let's see let's see what where's wayne at where's dwayne i feel like it might be christine too i don't know why i feel like it would be if i was a kid i would have killed poise right there in a little corner she might kill i don't know there's a lot of people up here i don't know yep there's a lot of people up here christine moving a little iffy i think i'm gonna be so pissed if somebody's dead right now okay but all right okay no one's dead all right boys what's the word yeah i have no clue bro just playing [Music] um though [Music] come oh my teammates [Laughter] all i want to know is who killed my ricky bro i killed him what's up me um i don't care i'm killing you oh she was stalking christina the whole round though [Music] oh my god i made it fair i made it fair i made it fair i probably thought it was fair i made it [Music] you see the entire map let me tell you all what the rules are the rules i have the kill distance short for the imposters everybody could see and i have to test super short bruh all we have to do is just get our task done and that's it okay well somebody killed customers well you killed cup no i did not dwayne do you want to start this how did i kill you so you won't let okay thank you so i said that i was going to the right all talking on the mics and i'm going to the right to the cargo bay i'm going to the right slow as [ __ ] there's a body right there in the showers and there's a vent on the bottom so i went up into the shower to see if somebody was in there nobody was in there so i just pressed the button so somebody bent it away moving it slow and i was in the record room all right you know what i is mean was walking right behind me when i said i'm going to cargo bay who was it because y'all could've seen it that was me all right did you take out a knife and slice them up oh is y'all not about to get me out and i'm walking slow as [ __ ] i could i'm just trying to get to my damn task you're not about to get me out this damn early she look look now okay okay now lord look look how slow i gotta go tomorrow i did a lot of [ __ ] you said for telling them off you go chance no because they always try to be on that [ __ ] every time just because i wasn't yo charlie yeah bro wait hold on hold on hold on it could be charlie but i saw tasha kill i saw her in 4k listen okay i'll go first okay okay i'll go first going first i'm going first cause you were chasing me let's make my crowd bro wait wait let him fall in my hair okay this dude this dude is letting him keep me the slowest chase ever i'm over here yelling for somebody climbing this lap let's do this behind me every step of the way i go i see christine there this new series that i go up i'll go up to christine he he starts peeking and he runs away all right mother okay can i go now monster okay all right y'all wasting this round right listen no no my turn he went okay all right listen listen all right so pc walking and we're walking really slow so it looks hella scary i'm purposely listening hold on listen i'm purposely following him on purpose listen when we saw christine i was like oh this guy really looked good now i'm gonna turn around and make me look even more sus that's why i was laughing yeah thank you thank you thank you together everybody following you guys yo yo me and me and pj went off so [ __ ] dead bro me and pj went off yo y'all was not about to accuse us oh man i'm about to die oh jesus let me go um there we go i saved everybody's lives turn them lights on all right let me go up geez geez man so since i missed some voting sessions my character can't move and i'm not the imposter thank you christine thank you for letting us know i believe it though because i wasn't moving oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay oh man yo so i saw charlie chasing poised why you didn't die because i couldn't actually kill you right i couldn't actually kill you bro i was like i was walking up to go to um the like sterning wheel whatever and i saw charlie chasing poise and then right when i got there poised i'm not poised sorry charlie dipped off so yep just like pg story hold on before you do that i want to say something because last round tasha killed the front of me and dante was standing right there here for the body low key you didn't vote why are you coming to me i'm about to last round last round i was listening to what y'all were saying because when i walked in i see the body but i ain't know who did it i didn't know if it was you or tasha so i'm listening the whole time but now that you suddenly you were so on tasha that you redirected to me he was standing right there bruh he we could go charlie but remember bro think about it think about it [Music] i'm dead wait listen to multiple people i just wanted to get tasha out here [Music] ah dude you told me to rest in piss sorry lord it's chaotic okay let me go do these guns huh bang bang gang all right oh dear oh okay y'all please finish your toilet task please that's her my tummy bruh let's go make me go back lord okay there we go bang that was the bang bang this is the gang gang there we go all right let's go let's go let's go let's go over here [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god oh my god i should have voted his ass i should have voted his ass i didn't know who was telling the truth or not man i know who was telling the truth or not damn and i move slow as a [ __ ] ghost yo and i move slow as a ghost lord now i gotta all right hold on i'm gonna get i'm gonna get to that task lastly i'll make my beats again i'm gonna make my beats again let me go over here let me go right over here man god so ego was right so eek so death so tasha was definitely one dante is another one who's the last one is it charlie because i don't know i didn't vote charlie because sometimes tv trolling so i don't wanna waste that vote damn it all right all right nice [ __ ] can't even finish my damn task yeah i said pink on pink crimes jesus [Music] [Music] where there's a vent someone killed him and vented right next to the lights all right dante down there and i saw yeah yes like yeah i think it's down it's ego it's ego i don't think it's ego i don't know they already know literally they i was listening all the time so okay first thing i did was fix the guns and then i went up i was about to fix lights the lights were off for a minute and i just was like [ __ ] it because i'm not gonna do that and now right now i'm walking in the hallway to go to do the little red room like with the pictures or some [ __ ] uh right there an electrical did you do it yes what did you mean did i do it no i left it there already know us y'all already know what's i don't know i don't know i hear you smiling i don't know i don't know who the thunder is smiling thank you maybe all the killers voted him out maybe all the killers voted him out i don't know don't take oh and go up here i'm about to die i said what am i pronouncing okay nine zero you let me down bro everybody dead trying to do our test and i gotta get to the other one over here in the cockpit man it's gonna take me forever to get over here oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait wait voting ego listen before we get to that charlie you were fourth impostoring like a [ __ ] [ __ ] you made yourself look mad like i did on purpose i didn't say oh my god but if i'm following you you should know though like well if you follow me the whole time he can't kill so it's obviously he's trolling but i want my boys it's the funniest [ __ ] though i knew it by the way he was following me i'm he's not really the killer he's playing around y'all really you're really be late bro i don't know that it was three people though to be the killer dude he's just sitting there bruh that's crazy the other person was someone who might lie to me [Music] i know dante was talking both of them stay away from me don't come nowhere near me okay at all hold on wait is that me not barefoot thank you jeez oh lord let me do this fast for they try to chop me up up here let me do this real fast there we go okay all right i just saw a cup pass uh i ain't going down there i'm not going down there you got me messed up all right shine it up shine it up there we go all right all right let me go dang dagger [ __ ] i got hold on yo okay you just ran right back [Music] yes bro you know krista says she tired so she already admitted it i saw her slice before okay that's all i asked i'm not the best krista why are you lying bro like no i'm tired of the livestream and you reported the body yourself talk about it [Music] [Music] what i saw on my screen [Music] okay what yo why i got so many things over there like why i got so many things over there in that that area why okay hold on hold on hold on wait okay wait do i have to go do i have to go in there yeah i sure do i sure do let's see let's go over here bam damn how do i get okay okay there we go there we go that little that little maze okay okay i got hella i got hella it's like stuff to do over here yo anybody else keep getting stuck all right did you do settings the settings yeah i don't wanna be next to cup i'm scared i'm scared high key hey don't kill me i ain't gonna say no names yo i'm stuck yo oh lord okay i was just moving what the damn it i couldn't even do i never had that task before it was my first time with that no i was just stuck i was dead [ __ ] dare you bro i dare you bro whoa why you keep going across all right so the body was in uh the body was in security charlie and t was there was i came from doing the towels came through down the kitchen burger and the door was like then charlie said i'm stuck i'm stuck so he was and i was sitting right there for hollow you was coming from where the body you go i waited ego went all the way over there to wherever i guess where the body is and charlie was standing right there the only other person that came from there is charlie no i didn't you saw me when me and you me when killer was on burger me and you and you know me when killer was on burger and then when i went down to the door and i stopped there and i was like anybody else you can still get stuck you went on burger bro did you see anybody over there did you see anybody else that's what's on burger who knows rico it was me peter can i ask you a question what's up yeah what's the question [Laughter] he said or whoever was with me he said he was on burger but hindu bird because i came down wait was we all three not on birth in the very beginning but by then i was gone by the time thank you is i ain't got you for that charlie i know i just do what you don't yeah whatever bro i'm [ __ ] stuck with the well oh man i told you to vote you didn't vote okay i gotta go over here oh lord don't kill me don't kill me okay i gotta go over up over here okay i can't move yeah yeah boy's not moving i gotta exit out the damn okay there we go whatever let's get this ah christine ah christine ah no okay no no no no no okay there we go let me go this way i was not trying to be there next to christine i don't think so uh-uh okay oh i gotta pick up towels oh this is all one task oh oh so i gotta clean okay i never did this task before okay okay okay is there any other is there any of the towels i gotta pick up yeah no i gotta put them all in a towel wait what the hell okay one two okay okay so they really made me clean up the whole this is the first time i did this task i ain't never do this before hold up let me get this bam there we go okay so that's why i look like so much [ __ ] okay oh no okay okay wait did i just take the files okay oh i never did this either wait what the hell okay okay okay so i gotta take that put that in here boom okay take that get that one put that over here okay um all right all right and then put that oh okay okay i never did that before i thought it was like a whole lot of tasks but it's just it's just like two okay okay okay let me get out [ __ ] okay let me get thank you all right i won't be up there okay let me go down here let's see you no wait no wait okay i have to go that way oh no no no no ego's right there i'm not trying to go back down he kind of did back i don't know eagle kind of dip back a little bit i ain't trying to do that okay let me go over here let me just mind my business let me go over here and stay safe let me go over here and stay safe okay now they get the lights out again oh lord okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let's not oh no no no no i'm not going over there with dante nope ego just came from over there okay okay okay okay you better come over here you go you better come over here you go all right i'm salsa everybody okay there we go okay okay is that it oh that's all i had to do oh i'm done i'm done okay okay oh jesus oh i never see the reactor go off here ain't nobody ever push that hold up let me go over here okay still can't move six eight two five five we gotta go over to the other side okay rico is just there where are the killers at christine tatum fiji just sitting there no okay okay okay okay dante and pg just sitting there i'm just checking in on people i know pg was stuck poised wasn't moving me see the nasty toilet one it's kind of gross hey yo hell i was making sure my mans was good yeah let me let me say something let me say something i was i was walking around there with dante just to make sure that like everything was cool and that was and i don't know you fumbling over your words man rico jelly bean and what happened in a minute i've seen you after the fact when me dante and pg was chilling in that room why you ain't doing your job rico because i'm trying to make sure that nobody kills nobody in the room while they sit here hold on who is left who has tasks left me i do got like two i'm gonna go finish them i was just checking that everybody was good because i knew they weren't moving say he still had tasks left and he didn't move so you should yeah that's what i'm saying equivalent ginger tea the fact that pg and poised the fact that pgm poison moves and ain't nobody died asked what drink what time drinking is yeah that's good might be a killer if y'all don't pay attention to dante and rico the way they're they're legit working together like uh [Music] [Applause] poised because oh crap did you hear about my tummy i'm sorry don't listen no we didn't hear that but i feel like it might be poisonous he ain't moving ain't nobody die so i don't know i don't i don't know i feel like it might be it might be him it might be poised maybe huh who over there who all over there let me use this oh yeah you try to kill me huh christine all right all right all right what was that christine hold up i was just about to press the button on you christie me why okay i was i was like i was saying my tummy was hurting and i thought it was needed okay well i mean t had said you're you're not muted i was actually doing the toilet uh uh thingy in the toilet room yeah the bathroom then as i was like okay i'm done with my tasks i'm gonna go to the meeting room jazz was over on the gap room she took the floater away so i'm like all right i'm gonna go all the way around so then i went down and that's when i found pg's body in the main hall okay um right there right by that room to go down that ladder so he might have just went down or just came up [ __ ] they got my [ __ ] they got my boy man a lot of them when i took the little platform to the left like i saw christine was like ch like she was chasing behind me but then when i took it she kind of like went the other way so that's why i was about to go up the steps and then you found the body so i'm like did you just self reporting wait or no report i was gonna take the [Music] platform man is [Music] [Laughter] i'll be there in no time [Laughter] don't try and tell and go and try and say that it was me get out of here oh my god let me see let me go ah get away from me you go get away from me how are you going okay hold up hold up okay she already on that one wait a minute let me use this music christine always chase behind me when i get on this damn platform okay okay six one five one four there we go let me see who's dead over there let me see who's dead let's see who's dead all right all right nobody said t better not be waiting to kill me i swear to go i don't wanna i did not okay christine is by the button okay okay me team christine okay okay leave me alone t all right ah okay poise is over there okay i knew he was gonna do that bro i knew he was looking at me he was looking at me crazy he was looking at me where is the butt somebody's dead y'all wait who died oh damn okay christine hello hello i'm not blaming christine but were you at the top just now yeah so this is what happened the reactor went off and the left side you weren't on the thing so i was like okay i put the code in no i put the code in and it said the right side nobody gonna do the right side right side for the right side so i was like it didn't look like you were on it so i don't know then after that i went up to the meeting room when you and jazz came up there i was like there still could be two killers i'm out and i went down the ladder rico sorry there we go he didn't see nobody he ran yeah because i was watching you bro no i was just watching you why were you watching me because of pg brother pg blamed you and dante before he died and i know dante was one of the killer songs i was just watching your brothers listening [Music] rico came up to press the button when i went down the stairs why are you was one of them so now it leaves you and i'm doubling my thing watching them y'all didn't even let me explain yeah i could move now y'all didn't let me explain it i didn't say it was regrowled i didn't say it was real i was just watching this i'm standing by the door i'm standing by the door i was literally about to go through the door by uh it was by like the kitchen area he's standing on the other side of the door waiting for me so i turned around because i'm like nah i don't know i don't trust him we gotta skip her vote we gotta go i'm voting eagle i'm voting ego thank you rico is guilty bro no i don't know who it is i think it's poised yo i really think it's poise i really think it's poised you know okay christine is going across i really think it's poised because when he was not moving nobody died oh what how could can i close can i hide in here like so that he can't kill me no okay all right let me go over here turn these lights on bam let's see ain't my dead over here nope okay it's gotta be either rico poise cause them three were with me well them too with me who was that who was that okay that's t that's t okay so that's t over there let me see okay me and t are right here okay all right now i'm hearing a lot of okay boys going over there uh-huh i see rico okay t just left me okay poison's upstairs okay let me see i need them to get their tasks done because i feel like the game should be over by now i feel like this is the longest match hmm wait let me go back to the other room and let me see if anybody died let me see if anybody died in that other room let me go i think vitals is over here somewhere i think i think violence is over here somewhere hold on hold on hold on let me go over here [ __ ] can't go over there hold on hold on hold on i don't wanna go up there i wanna go up there i feel like he gonna kill me up there oh how do i get over there how do i get over there lord okay come on come on come on come on come on okay let's see let's see let's see yup tea died tea died tea died okay tea is dead i need to find her body i need to find her body i need to find her body t is dead he is dead he is dead oh god t is t is gone okay okay t is gone wait wait where's her body [ __ ] i've been saying it's poised yo i've been saying it as poison [Music] [Music] no [Music] charlie killed me in the beginning he didn't give a [ __ ] about me you know [Music] i wasn't trying to say it was you but i'm just like yo let me watch his team but when i saw you running i saw you running to the meeting room i'm like damn he might be he might be calling me you know my god oh my gosh this game be having you like like so crazy like i don't even know i love you all but it's like i don't know oh my god it just got me on edge every time boys didn't mess with rico why you didn't kill rico boys yeah why you feel rico you like rico live yeah it's my boy man okay oh my god all right oh man i got pick up towels again buddy got me on towel booty why they got me on towel duty well i gotta clean everybody else's mess up you clean up after yourselves lord okay i think i got all of them i think i got all the towels all right let me go over here go over here request the bam bam i don't think i think dwayne might be a killer because if i'm on if i'm if we were picking up towels and he was just in the shower watson's just standing here why is he just standing here he uh he might be a killer i don't know he might be a killer he might he might be a killer he might be trying to kill me next okay that's three oh [ __ ] okay three two okay lord get away from me dwayne well get away get the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] yo dwayne leave me alone leave me alone no i mean i need witnesses yo i need witnesses please please please please no no no no no no ah yo yo leave me alone leave me alone let me alone i know there we go i found nobody by the by the bathroom stalls uh the only people that i ran past at that point was pg and um no killer cup but that but those are the only people i've seen on that end i don't know if they did it or saw both of y'all in there wayne is chasing me around this whole man be quiet away from him i thought he were together [Music] then i had to do the files in that little library room area whatever that is i also got charlie in the bathroom remember y'all remember i saw pg and okay the only people that ran away from that area is oh i'm really i'm really starting to think it's pg and now because i've been doing wires this whole damn time and then from i i haven't seen rico and i haven't seen pg i definitely saw tasha and justin tv you were literally drunk [Music] [Music] we gonna die okay let me go over here okay now did the numbers stay the same okay that's still two okay so that's two let me go look at oh i could just pull them right i just pull them so let me go over here let me go to one pull that down okay two all right three pull it down that's not it that's five that's six okay hold up hold up hold up five six seven all over there okay okay wait a minute five okay six and then seven damn got that please don't kill me after i did that okay i was about to say please no okay wait i gotta go oh no i gotta go over here okay do that anything else over there nope okay let me go over here oh lord okay okay okay all right let's go over here three oh lord okay wait good there's a lot of witnesses good good good good all right let me go uh-uh okay let me go over here let me go out there there we go there we go okay let me go do that oh [Music] well down we got dante slumped on his way looks like he was on his way to like where you go up the hallway to the last person i've seen dante with was ricky wait what are you doing i don't know where's the body [Music] [Laughter] yo like when you leave the main hallway when you go to the left and then you about to go up toward the button to call the emergency that's where his body was all the way all the way up there that's not in the main well it wasn't all the way up there it was on its way yeah so up there ricky was with with dante so okay all right so basically before that you know the kitchen right next to the lights he was actually like by the little wi-fi thing so i didn't know if he was standing over the venticle vent i literally was standing right by the licensee let me see if he's gonna try to vent or not he didn't once somebody hit comms i ran made my way over there but then i thought he was trying to [ __ ] with me because he was literally behind me the whole time so when i stopped he stopped then i kept moving the head and he actually like disappeared because me and i forgot who else i think poison was doing one of them on one side he then went to the other platform to go and we split ways from there [Music] i don't know who it is i don't know who it don't know who it is and so it was like a whole bunch of like exclamation points on my map and i was trying to figure out what it was uh i don't know i literally i literally gave you my whole backstory like what's going on yeah excuse me why boy i'm confused why you said pg and they said you know pg like like is it like what was it yeah he never stuffed me i people [Music] i don't know about cup though like that's kill rico either because uh justin christmas was kind of hmm they krista is moving concepts i don't know i hear you okay let me see you're awesome you get mute okay okay uh-huh uh-huh no y'all don't know y'all don't turn them lights on some lights on we're running up this electric bill let's go let me go ahead get my burger okay bun burger onion cabbage okay okay bun burger onion cabbage bam there we go all right let me see is anybody dead over here what y'all doing okay i'm just watching i'm just watching i'm thinking that dwayne won't stick next to me i don't know i feel like he wants to stick next to me let me see hold on hold on now let's do this yeah duane okay thank you let me go up right and then i have to go this way okay [Music] oh my gosh they scared me bro it is a baby bird okay the only body that we found okay so it was it's me and duane i don't know where ego was for i was right behind you i was playing behind y'all behind us but i don't know where he was before that's i don't know yeah but me and wayne was uh together no you saw me on the viewing balcony on the but yeah he was he was he was you were right you're right okay so me ego and dwayne were together we were all walking the same direction and we found chris's body like in it is it the engine room area main hallway yeah main hallway yeah so yeah um but and we walked up to the body but we all came from the same direction yeah not the direction that the body none of us that's what i'm saying right because what were you doing after you did the the the the finding the signal before yeah because me and jack did lights so and you were up there in that area i was in the kitchen i was doing the burger that's right where i dropped out i'm gonna be honest i was with you and boys and i believe what uh jazz who who wasn't jazz eagle and who else are you on wayne oh hey there he's down quiet yeah we're here [Music] very curious who y'all want to get out first bro let me just read it together again i already know that's three and then it was whoever uh but the first time i saw you and dinner so i didn't do it second time in the start i came back and then yeah and now i'm doing this i ain't with nobody i'm sorry we always vote but it's what tv stunning i'm sorry [Music] okay oh [ __ ] okay that boy is following me lord lord lord uh just open the door thank you [ __ ] okay okay wait oh oh oh boys don't kill me don't kill me okay wait wait okay there we go damn i i low key won't take it but damn okay boys eagle all right all right bet all right you can't take it so [ __ ] it now i gotta go all the way around now i go all the way around lord okay go around this way okay somebody's in the stairs some [ __ ] i gotta go over here oh oh okay i saw dwayne oh no no no no no no no damn it as soon as i saw them that's why i said no ah [ __ ] god [ __ ] me man oh my gosh dude i knew somebody died king uh dwayne and uh charlie was chilling together wait wasn't it wrong i got that wrong i got that wrong yeah wayne and jazz were chilling together that's the fact that yeah yeah hold on now i saw her for a split second because we don't we don't you know we don't like be in the same area yeah so i saw her on my way to go fix lights and then i never got to see where she went she went down and then i never went to the door locked up and i never seen where she went after that and plus she said she was with him the whole time bro hey yeah and at the beginning last one you even asked where she going but that was that this round no it was not no no no i'm standing but y'all was standing neck and neck though we were right now ricky or charlie y'all was not with the group last time all right look hold on hold up but the people who were in group why are they dropping y'all with a seat y'all would have seen me why would he kill me i'm on the last mission of my hamburgers are you kidding me dwayne and jasmine together the whole time i want to know how you all got it to me i want to notice that would be you need to figure out what everybody else doing you already know what i was doing and i even said i imposter watch this we lost lord i feel like it's true it's charlie man lord i'm just trying to get to my damn tattoo this is the one i had to go to lord i felt like i was never getting to this [ __ ] ever okay let me go up here geez okay that's it that's it all right all right now who's over here uh-huh charlie and charlie and uh-huh they're gonna kill rico next huh he gonna kill ringo they gonna kill him they gonna kill they're gonna kill they're gonna kill boys they're gonna kill boys right now they're gonna kill poise hold up they're gonna kill poise and ego yeah yep there you go there it goes there it goes there he goes now they're going to kill rika holly and ricky was just chilling up there yeah i am sorry i'm sorry for sussing you bro but i literally went across the thing to do to do the um the reactor at the bottom i went up eagle's body was literally at the top of the guess who was up there charlie and and charlie and ricky was updated exactly please believe i was at the place i know [Music] there we go good job y'all good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good job y'all good job okay hold up let me see let me see where uh where ricky at let me see where ricky at cuz he another one uh-huh okay all right let me see okay rico's right there dwayne's going up top okay he's doing his test rico's right there yeah we go don't go down don't go down rico because you're gonna die you're gonna die yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh why is he not doing it get him out look look he he literally just killed him he literally just killed pg he literally just killed people yeah i know he was waiting on them gg gg that's why i didn't want to go down that's the huge i was waiting for somebody to come across i knew he was going to kill someone oh my god dwayne do you believe us bro i'm sorry is ricky talking is saying bro bro yeah yeah yeah yeah what do i got to do to make you believe me bro i'll do anything to you yo anything you know you know dwayne you know who to do bro what are you doing bro what do you think i'm about to go crazy bro okay here we go okay cool [Music] [Music] the very end of that who gets right up the ladder that's what i'm trying to do but you killed them too close to the letter when you when you killed them up there i was like all right what i'm gonna do is i was like suicide i can report i'm gonna just since it was too close to the letter when you killed him i it wouldn't let me press it first he got me right away as soon as i'm separated no no no no no dwayne you should have fun because if they knew that you were with me why would you kill me that's why i told them i told them that though i was like you shouldn't have argued that i did i said go ahead vote me because at this point like why would i stay with her so many times [Music] oh [Music] [Music] did you have a good weekend it was very fun did you have a little weekend though should you have a vanilla did you man we got now can we talk about this what did you have for dinner [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] yeah i never left the room [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh repeatedly because it was dark yeah you wasn't about that lights on the left side right because i was on the lights on the right all the way on the right side all right cool so her body literally by the way clearly like he's gonna take it right if he's no no literally love where's the body i don't want to say it now from boston no listen ricky ricky the boy it's like a british dude who moved to the bronx like right there did you see anybody else there no no no i didn't see anyone but i know somebody who's behind me which was t like she could clear me yo i was with like i was literally up above we came down through kitchen and he's like that's a dead body and then i saw the report but he reported it though but the lights were off the lights were off yeah about to do records i mean i was taking out the trash though at first i was i went yeah it was me it was me i was in comms when you go to coms you go to the what is it i think right whatever i was going up to do gems so rico what was your path what was your path my path was i was in the i can't remember where i was from before the bathroom but i was doing the towel test in that in that like shower area i went up and i went through the stalls and then i went down into the cargo area to do the lights the lights in the cargo area yeah yeah there's lights in there in the top left all the way on the right side of the map so nobody's i'm like cubs body yet right where's gems is that like the diamond that big diamond in the middle big ass diamonds [Music] oh oh [Music] i'm on wires to the left of the burger somebody just walked by me and i was like don't kill me don't kill me it was two it was two dead bodies there two people died i'm trying to remember hold up help me bro come on use your brain use your brain use your brain come on you can do it where were you doing killing my wrecking bro down that's part number is it is it bro who did it bro y'all can't vote for like this bro y'all both are there come on now you said am i still i mean if you wanted to rewind your stream i remember seeing i remember seeing purple you was down there he was down by like the kitchen area i was on the left of the burger doing the wire as i'm doing the wires so i walk by i say don't kill me don't kill me is it was definitely a light color it is right now what are you talking about oh [ __ ] no he's doing this thing oh yeah you know how i'm here he has been he's been going from from side to side i'm not even near you you are i see you no i'm in that same area like people no names no names no no no no no i snitched it on each other no don't i mean that's kind of racist i don't say that i mean oh what do you know [Music] the wires [Music] uh so it was right when you get ready to like the fix light set it was like it was like where those wires were uh yeah i'm like that then you go to fix lights oh well which one there's like left i have no idea there's three different ways you can if it's working because y'all said it wasn't working today um so if it is working tomorrow and everybody's very quiet christine's question i did like eight thousand times no is it the left side of the mic i'm saying i have no idea no cap you're not hearing me you don't know if it's the left you don't know if you're on the left or right side of the mat listen to me listen to me bro i i legit don't know bro no cap i'm being legit 100 honestly so you don't know if you walk if you like went left or right or up or down like when you switch like the words around it's still gonna be saying answer from me though [Music] charlie and jessica need to vote i don't hit and do yesterday he wanted to be me so bad and i gave a legit honest answer i think it's him just cause they both cuz y'all both jumped on me i gave you an honest answer y'all [Music] it's not me just letting you know because he came down to the electrical sometimes when he doing his whatever all right hear that i was like i just got the lights back on all right cool oh someone just got sliced oh my gosh um [Music] t i don't even think it's you i think it's christine whoa whoa i think it's christine okay let me tell you my receipt okay i was in the vault with pj for a little while and then i was like oh i have something to do in the meeting room he's still alive i went up to the meeting room and then the lights cut off so i went dipped down and see if he's still alive he was and then he went down so i went back up to the meeting room i heard him scream and then somebody found a body right after so it ain't me jess pastor where was yours and you should know excuse me how she said that yes a little single tower i'm not mm-hmm yeah that's not you guys are not noticed at all no no i think it's either bro i don't think it's t because because i've been with pj i've been wrongly screened before pretty much yeah pg screamed before t found his body and i was like somebody just died wait wait wait but you said you saw just running from that way yeah from the body i don't know chasing her but i was like walking behind her and she was like get away from me and i'm just gonna try to go through my tests i'm thinking like that somebody died and it might not be like like let her play the game it might be a game live stream no no no no no no don't try to flip it when you found the body that you saw just running from that way so all i was doing was quan like asking you evaluating what's in my mind i'm thinking so i don't remember what i'm saying i'm thinking like okay well then anyway listen i know it's not me um tasha you've been kind of quiet this whole time yeah real quiet you real quiet i'm just i'm sleepy okay when i was in the little room where you like something i guess by the bathroom or whatever christina was like christine and i was on it over there the whole time she could have killed me i'll try to make sure i know that jess could have killed me as well no way i don't get spoiled because she was like you chasing me chasing me we haven't heard anything from tasha so i don't know it's not a thing but i still kind of think that's christine so we messed this up why would you suss me at it voter voter skip oh look at this shame shame shame we about to die it's christine bro it is not christine stay away from christina tasha it ain't christmas what did i do i'm gonna do this here okay all right there's thank you moz yeah i appreciate you come on just let's go yeah i understand y'all on that's why we stopped doing like tell us about to do it about to do my task that's it this team might win because they need to do much they [Music] i i want to ask why you guys are screaming but also because you're a killer your murderer can help say it help yeah murderer well y'all was testing me so i'm not saying i'll follow you just go this way oh my god i'm gonna go right here are you actually getting murdered okay all these all these doors are locked this is [ __ ] up all these doors oh my gosh this is [ __ ] just not like she in labor okay so all these girls are locked i gotta do it's my thing oh my god it's a [ __ ] it's [ __ ] good oh my god oh my god no one's gonna turn on the light tasks at all i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead it's like i'm almost done with my time i can't oh christmas and that's worse you no no no don't try me i like it can i make observations or observations not allowed the bar people ain't doing the test the bar is just like pretty much finished bar is just sitting there who killed her who killed her it was definitely christine oh my god wow yo wow yo don't let me don't listen to her i'm gonna let y'all stop sell it i'm gonna let yourself sell it let her wear it is what what what you yelling at me for to you dad who killed you thank you stay muted okay listen i was wherever the body resides oh my gosh please wait where were you i know what the [ __ ] it is the whole time with t said run to the button that's exactly what i did and then the lights went out you guys pushed it oh oh christine get the [ __ ] up out of here no y'all work y'all said we got him in both of you guys ran to the button i passed yeah did i not pass you past her and then she screamed no yes did i not pass you both together jess she was screaming both together oh my god we're both together when i pass through are you scared we're dead it was toxic oh oh christine i was like you know y'all is is [Music] we'll see y'all later
Channel: JazzyGuns
Views: 463,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us update, among us 15 players, 15 player, imposter, crewmate, jazzyguns, jazzy guns, live, live stream, loud, creators, trending, youtube gaming, 2021, new, funny, hilarious, dwayne kyng, hey charlie, aychristenegames, imdontai, rico the giant, krystalogy, the jess lyfe, 3mglive, barefoot tasha, poiised
Id: RLKud1OEScg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 44sec (10184 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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