Can We Destroy It? (GAME) ft. Becky Lynch

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I thought today's episode(s) was pretty darned great. I liked the game show aspect of it. I liked the destruction aspect of it. I loved the guest. Although she was new to R&L, she played along and seemed to be getting into it. And she was easy on the eyes - I mean, since they were plugging Wrestlemania, they could have sent in some lunky male wrestler. I'll take the sassy Irish lass 100 times out of 100 when given that choice!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kitbaty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Would have been a smart idea to try using the side of the chair instead of the flat face.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/camp-cope πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Becky Lynch? What a ride.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/space-dyke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Links fan boy face in GMM was too good.

Was a really good main episode and Becky Lynch was great with the language stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KitnKalamity πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I want Rhett’s shirt so bad! I wish they would sell them again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/everdeens πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like how Link always interacts a lot with the guest.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toastynotroasty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m a huge wwe fan and she’s the most popular person in the company, she’s main eventing wrestlemania that’s why she said she was breaking glass ceilings at the start

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FiLthy_FranK21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think any episode with a guest always end up depending a lot on the guest, because if they're bad or even just lacklustre their presence becomes jarring (because we're so used to it just being R&L). So the fact that Becky was instantly likeable (imo) made this really great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toastynotroasty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today we smash. - For cash. - Let's talk about that. (funky electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning. - And please welcome to the show our new friend AKA The Man, WWE superstar Becky Lynch. - Woo! (crew applauds) - Thank you, thank you. - Welcome. - All right now we brought you here 'cause you know a thing or two about breaking things, right? - Oh I sure do, breaking arms, breaking faces, breaking glass ceilings every gosh darn day. - (chuckles) Okay. - Your face doesn't appear to have ever been broken. - It has actually quite recently. - I know, that's the thing. - But I'm like Wolverine, dude, I just repair it so quick. - You heal. - Amazing. - I heal. - Okay hopefully no faces will be broken today but some stuff-- - Can't guarantee nothing. - Will be broken. Now we now you're appearing at Wrestle Mania this Sunday where you're gonna be smashing your fist into anything that looked at you funny and you're in luck because we've come up with a game that will further hone your smashing skills to levels that no opponent could ever prepare for. - Mm-hmm and when it's all said and done, all we ask is that you thank us by not hurting us. - Please. - Deal? - I don't know, it depends on-- (Rhett laughs) I haven't spent enough time with you guys yet. - Okay. - Okay. It's time for Smash for Cash with the Irish Lass Kicker. - Welcome to the smash zone. - Yeah, the point of Smash for Cash is to be the player who has the most smash cash at the end and the only way to win smash cash successfully is to successfully smash something and we're gonna start with $1,000 smash each. - Yes, now the items we're gonna be smashing are under these cloaks of mystery. - Ooh. - And some items are harder to smash than others and the smash cash value is directly related to how difficult that thing is to smash and that's why it's very strategic to pick the right item. - Well we need to determine who gets to choose first. And we're gonna do that by drawing sledgehammers. - Of course that's what we're gonna do. - All right so we got a rock with some little sledgehammers in it and-- - You're our guest so you choose first. Whoever has the longest sledgehammer gets the power of choice. - What's your rationale here? - Oh, oh. - [Link] Looks like-- - Ha, so my rationale actually-- - Hey, watch out! - Actually my rationale would be that my mom always says in a multiple choice answer if you don't know the answer, it's always C. A, B, C, C. - Okay, all right. Well you don't know that that's the longest one, I mean-- - That's also true. - You're just-- - This one may be even longer. Whoa. Nope. - And oh, you do have the longest one, okay. - C, it's always C. - So Becky you get to choose which item you want to smash and just stand behind it. It seems that she has chosen seemingly the biggest one. - Okay I've got the next longest sledgehammer and you know what, I feel good about mama bear, medium sized, so I'm just gonna step in front of what I'm already in front of. - All right now we get to choose our smash implement contraption, okay, from this pricing board over here. - Okay we've got a salami for $100 smash cash, we've got a leg for 225 and we have a aluminum bat for 350 and Link since you got the shortest stick, we'll go in reverse order. - Okay, I mean I got the smallest thing which makes it hard to justify spending more money on a bat. I'm just gonna spend $100 on the salami. - Really? - I got the small thing. - Oh my. - That's fine Lucas, thank you. - I really wanna see Becky hold that leg. (laughs) So I'm gonna pay 350 for the bat. - Becky that leaves you with the mannequin leg. Okay so-- - We'll just go down the line. - All right Rhett let's find out what you're attempting to smash. (drum rolls) Seriously? - The bat may have been overkill. - $300 for a butter sculpture of, who is that? - [Stevie] This is Josh. - Josh made a self-portrait of butter? - Oh gosh. - Okay and it's $300. But I'm spending 350. - Now the rule of smashing is you can only take one swing. - I could come in this way and then maybe. Go left-handed. How 'bout this, come right down on top of it, ready? Here we go. (Rhett grunts, laughs) - [Link] Oh yeah! - I think that smashed. - Did you-- - Oh that's good butter. - All right let's find out what I'm gonna sausage smash. (drum rolls) Oh. (chuckles) - [Rhett] That looks like an urn of sorts. - Is there ashes of someone in this? - [Stevie] Yes that is Mythical Chef Josh. (Rhett laughs) - That's where he's been. - That's the rest of his body. - I mean this is impossible, right? - If you knock the urn off of the table with the salami and it falls on the ground and busts, that doesn't could as smash. Correct. - Okay? - Oh, okay. Yeah. - Whoa ho! He's gotta get that height. - Here we go, I gotta, I don't know, maybe it's breakaway urn, you know? Here I go. (grunts loudly) - Oh! - Yeah! (yells dramatically) - Whoa! - My goodness! - Okay. - Look at that. Yeah. - That counts as a smash, ladies and gentlemen. How's that salami? - Very tasty. Okay Becky, let's find out what you're gonna smash. - All right. (drum rolls) Oh! - $450 of some sort of cheap guitar. - Okay, I just gotta see which is the sturdiest part of, I think the heel, right? Or is it like this? Hold the foot. - I think so. That feels like you're getting the most speed. - I'm nervous. - Oh me too, trust me. - All right. - You want the salami? (whacks guitar) (Rhett and Link yell) (whacks guitar) (Rhett and Link yell) - Boom! - There it is! - Boom! - Whoa! That smashed. - Put that in your pipe and smoke it. (Rhett laughs) - Okay that means I'm in last place with 950. Becky you're at second place with 1225, and Link you're in first place with $1400 smash. - Yeah. - Okay we've got three new items for our final round of smashing. - And Rhett, since you were losing. - Yep, that's me. - He's losing. - I'm the guy who destroyed butter with an aluminum bat. - You get to choose the first sledgehammer. - Okay well should I take your mom's advice and go for C, but technically C might be the furthest away from me because I am on the C side. (chuckles) The C side. I'm gonna pick this one. - Woo! - Oh! - All right, that one-- - Works every single time. - You're right. - Yes. - Becky are you going, go ahead and choose second. - Oh but now I'm upset that I'm-- (Rhett laughs) - [Rhett] Whoa. - And so you are going third so let's get this out of here and Rhett, you get to choose which veiled smasher you wanna hit first. What do you wanna hit? - So really I'm so far behind, the only way that I can make up ground is basically through the ol' salami urn move that you did in round one. - Not easy. - Classic salamier. - I've got to pick the hardest item and then pick the worst tool and hope I get lucky. Actually I kinda feel like I should just stay in front of this because what are the chances that the hardest item is in the same place. It's probably moved over here, it's not the biggest item 'cause of the surface area. I'm gonna stick right here. - Okay do I want the biggy or the flatty? - A little fellatial lookin'. (Rhett chuckles) - What do you think that is? - I don't know. I just said it's a little fellatial lookin'. - Like a filet? - Yes. - I never heard that particular phrase but I'm into it. - Okay Becky, I'm gonna leave the big one to you and I'm gonna go for the filet-like-- - Yeah, right. - Thing in the middle. All right and Becky since you didn't get to choose, you get to choose first. - Oh ho. - From the arsenal of smashers. - Oh man. - What do we have here? (Becky gasps) - Ooh, I'm taking the steel chair. - The steel chair. - Just like that, yeah. I mean this is definitely. - That's familiar. - You're a master of that, and that's a good deal at 250 bucks. - Yeah, exactly. - So then for me, do I spend $400 on the sledgehammer? I got money to burn or do I take the barbed wire-- - Pool noodle. - Noodle. I got money to burn, give me that sledgehammer. - Yeah it's a husky. - Oh yeah. It's, that is solid. - And look what I get. - Gosh. - Okay well, first of all, mission accomplished. I have the worst tool. I've been instructed that we all need to place our eye protection on so I'll hand that out to everybody. - Thank you. There you go, Becky. - All right. - Get this on. - All right so Rhett, you're gonna go first. - Okay here we go. (drum rolls) (crew laughs) - [Becky] Oh God love ya. - Ah, watermelon. - I only get one, I only get one whack? - You only get one whack. - How 'bout a series of whacks? How 'bout some sympathy whacks? - You know, I don't know what do you think Becky, for like an additional $100 you want him-- - Oh 100%. - Let him get another whack. - Yeah, yeah. Let's give him a few whacks. - So I'm gonna go ahead and preemptively pay that extra $100 for two whacks. - All right so you're-- - Not knowing what the first whack's gonna be like. - That's three whacks total? - No it's two whacks. - Oh two whacks. - You wanna give me-- - We'll give you three whacks. - Three whacks, at $100 a pop. - Yeah. - $100 a pop. Maybe 70 buck, let's give him a bargain. Not $100. (whacks watermelon) - [Link] That's one. Nothing really happened. - A little cut on the skin. - It broke the skin. (whacks watermelon) - Two. - And. (whacks watermelon) - Oh! (whacking watermelon) I knocked the price tag off. - You took off half of the bar code. That is not a smash, you're out, man. - I really think if I had a lot of-- - Okay, stop it, stop it! Stop it! Can you tell him to stop it? - I just depleted all my smash cash. - All right let's find out what I'm gonna smash. (drum rolls) - Flat, it's filet-like. (all laughing) Now I think this is actually not as simple as you might think. It might bounce back if you, I mean, you know what, I'm gonna stay out of it actually. You wish you had the pool noodle, don't you, bro? (chuckles) Yeah, you do. - All right. - Bust that thing right up. - You are right, I mean, this thing is so heavy. There's not a lot of accuracy involved. All right here I go. Three, two, one. (whacks wood) (Rhett laughs excitedly) - Woo! Yeah, Becky! Yeah, Becky! You definitely have a chance, you got a chance. - Oh my God. - Get him! - They don't call me the comeback kid for nothing. - What? All right Becky. - Let's see how I'm gonna win. (chuckles) - [All] Oh. - Oh okay. - We got a big ol' television. - [Becky] Old school. - All right Becky so this is worth $550. You're only losing by 25 bucks at this point. - I think we should at least give her a preemptive extra smash for 100 bucks. - Okay. - All right. - 'Cause it's only fair given what-- - Two smash attempts, you're now at $875. - Okay all right. Oh two smash, okay. - All right. - All right. - Whenever you're ready. - Just wondering how... - Okay, she really, she's really thinking. (whacks TV) - Oh! - Oh ho ho ho ho! (whacks TV) - Oh! - Oh ho ho ho ho! Whoa, that is, ooh, there's some serious smashing that happened I mean, this whole back part came off. - [Becky] Oh it did, it did smash. - It's cracked but it isn't smashed. You bought another one, let's have it. - I think you gotta get that screen busted. Oh yeah, yeah, use that, use that leverage. (whacks TV) - Ow! - Kind of smashed. - All right let's take a look. - [Becky] And my wood broke. - That right there is-- - That's another. - Is fully cracked. - A functional television. - [Link] Oh my goodness. - Didn't smash but it cracked. But oh, I smashed it more than you two smashed yours. (Rhett laughs) - All right. - [Stevie] We're gonna rule a smash over here. - Yes! - That is a smash. You know what. - Does that mean I won? - Congratulations, you win-- - Oh I'm a winner. - We got an assortment of prizes but you're also, I just kinda want you to have at it, so go for it! One more! - Oh gosh. - Oh my gosh. Yeah! Good! Woo! - Woo hoo! (Rhett laughing) - Congratulations Becky! She is smashing the television. - Oh. (whacking TV) Okay that means that Becky is the first ever GMM Smash for Cash champion and gets to redeem her cash for a prize in Good Mythical More. - All right and be sure to check Becky out at WrestleMania this Sunday, April 7th! - Thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing. - Now you say you know what time it is. - You know what time it is. - I'm Payne from New Orleans, Louisiana, and I'm at WrestleMania 34. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Woo hoo! Crossover! - Yes! - Click the top link to watch us guess some Irish slang with Becky in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's going to land. Rep ya boys. Get one or both of our enamel pins, available now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 15, Can We Destroy It?, game, gmm game, destroy, smash, smash for cash, smash game, rhett and link game, becky lynch, becky lynch the man, becky lynch wrestling, becky lynch wrestlemania, becky lynch gmm, becky lynch wwe, becky lynch smash, smash dollars, butter scuplture, becky lynch steel chair, irish wrestler, smackdonlive
Id: xC37h9Q-_hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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