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Zoe today we're playing four player level teamwork puzzles why are you just talking to Zoe yeah I'm here too wait you guys are here yeah hello I miss you too but where are we uh I don't know but cash you look kind of different we look like we're in the back rooms holy smokes guys why are my dogs out shitty one family here ah office City why is your face like that let me hit him with a oh I'm fresh well anyways we got two just super difficult levels today guys because yellow and red means super difficult this is what you guys couldn't beat last time huh yeah because we now have four players duh trust me me and Shady are definitely gonna help out are you sure yeah look it's literally our colors red and yellow Zoe do we trust them I don't know they look pretty newbie to me whoa whoa wait guys there's four pressure points this time oh gosh I have a feeling this is gonna be difficult guys whoa this looks insane what is wait Nico there's a blue wall behind oh wow wait and it's the same color as my pants that means we need to step on a light blue button the light blue buttons over there uh and in order to get that we need to go gosh this is going to be difficult guys we got a lot of stuff to do I'm stepping on the red button hold the rag do not stand off of it oh uh okay oh gosh Come on Nico okay I'm holding wait Shady heal the blue I'll hold the blue or actually do you want to hold the yellow there's yellow over there it's more fit for you you got it dang it here Zoe you can go across to Nico perfect the Zara oh oh and now I'm stuck oops I have to restart that dang it I got distracted by the wall who's that right there is that the miner that would have what you mean oh my gosh mine I think it's always four players uh now we have five players mine are good luck I gotta watch a video oh oh well okay I'm stepping on the red again I'm going on the blue and you know what time to go on this one this time she do not throw me I'm gonna throw you uh okay I'm on the yellow okay Zoe do not step off the purple okay you got this and yes okay I'll step on the yellow for you thank you I think we might need the miners help for this one no I don't think we need it it's supposed to be meant for five wait cash hoping um no I'm just gonna step on the green uh what is the green do I have no idea it's not working wait uh wait I think there needs to be two greens here cash let me get in your head okay fine go up here wait let's Shady through okay I'm stepping on the green okay I think that green over there will light up okay I'll step on the screen I think we need the miners help the Greek's not working it only says one of three you need to let me over there guys oh my gosh okay let's get Shady up there okay I'm going to the top floor wait wait no no no no oh wait why did I got to the top one Nico's on the bottom okay I would hold up on the ground okay okay come on sober you got this Zoe you gotta make it over how is Zoe gonna beat this Zoe you have to make it over to the red side uh what do you mean the exit's right here what the exit all the way over there yeah uh guys everyone go everyone go oh my gosh oh geez wait just keep the miner stepping on the blue and let's all get out of the front okay but the miner can stay on the blue Zoe come die real quick now everyone step on a button okay everyone hold nice and now the miner is holding the door open for us oh wait that's actually genius cash I know I'm pretty smart thank you minor but the Stitch leaves a minor over there oh you're right oh my gosh well we can just play the next one and there's only one level left it's called the team Tower what it's full red so it means it's the most difficult and you know I don't think it's be playing with the miner because uh I think it's only supposed to be meant for four players and we're good enough to complete it with just four yeah we got this yep okay let's go come on team Tower oh my gosh this looks difficult uh guys why is there a bunch of layers and look behind us what Zoe already died oh and uh who could do the Neo jump because there's one easy button right here and Zoe I think you should take that one it's mine what I just now found that uh okay I guess cash is going oh nice Zoe do you want to do the yellow one and I could do the green one oh gosh this one is difficult oh gosh okay okay I'm holding green I'm holding yellow uh I don't think you're supposed to do it like that guys I'll step on the red again uh oh wait step on the red got it okay now go in the orange okay someone step on the orange nice I'm on the orange now I'll go switch off of red to the green one okay nice okay so that's the trying there I stepped on the green can I move off of the orange uh yeah yeah you can move wait no no I know I need to step off the green wait can I get off yellow yes you can get off yellow yeah oh my gosh okay I'll go back to Red okay red who's me sorry oh my gosh okay oh guys my head is in the wall wait what I can't see anything oh my God okay are you on the red Nico yes I am on the red okay what next okay I'll go to the orange oops guys I did greet again what happened oh geez all right I'm going back to green okay come on come on come on oh okay I got it and let's mess up for Fred okay slip on red okay nice now I need an orange someone else needs to go to the orange I can't move I'm going to Orange you got you guys Neo jump boom oh wait you got it what yeah that was super easy okay if somebody needs to step off yellow I got it someone step off your lower who's stepping on yellow oh my gosh this is so hard oh geez do I get off of yellow yes step up yellow and we step on it okay okay I got it okay now I need to step on green okay I'm going to Green ready I'm pressing it three two two one go oh let's go okay guys I got it uh holy smokes oh he's unlocking the ladders now let us up wait guys I just realized something what I think we need a second person up here okay I'll come up here with you guys shady and Zoe you guys need to do the ladders again Nico activate the button up there uh okay now cash climb up there and I'll press the green button oh okay good idea oh gosh this might take a while no we got it just step on green are you on it okay now whoever's on yellow needs to go step on red okay here we go come on Zoey step on red I'm going I'm going nice now whoever's on green needs to step on orange okay I'm pressing orange now ready yep I'm ready no no I got stuck you need to do it again oh gosh step off cash you're gonna time it correct ready three two one now nice and now whoever's on red needs to step on yellow we just need yellow and green left and we're done come on yellow yellow come on Q yellow Q yellow it's always kind of a noob holy smokes come on Zoe okay oh uh step off of it oh do it again give him a countdown okay three two one nice last meeting green and now we need Shady to go step on green well they actually hold yellow hold yellow hold yellow I'm holding yellow you watch this Josh oh nice oh gosh never mind get back out of here Shady we need green okay I'm going oh wait Nico I have an idea here just step on my head wait what oh there we go wait but now I need help up oh my gosh really great guys Shady we need green I'm going to Green I'm there I step on it again okay ready three two one jump oh I'm stuck inside I'm stuck inside the green oh gosh okay do it again three two one jump nice perfect and now the ladders are ready guys goodbye come on camera wait Nico I want to stand on the light blue okay wait why am I in the dark blue um because I like light blue but I look like blue better oh I made Shady fall someone stand oh my gosh uh Step Up Zoey no empty he's getting trolled let me up guys come on okay everyone stop trolling Shady stop it that's a mean guy but it's funny it's mean ah fine but you troll them too you know oh yeah it's real this looks crazy this looks insane uh guys what do we have here wait I just realized guys if we die here I think it resets forever what oh gosh holy smokes we cannot do that again yeah who's brave enough to do that teensy weensy parkour don't worry guys I'll do it no no no no definitely not Zoe I think it has to be me I'm not gonna lie yeah Nico you are the best wait I think that's impossible guys yeah how do we figure that out I have no idea I think we need to jump on each other's heads no way Shady that's scary okay you know what I'm doing it oh my gosh I need someone where I am right now I think I need to jump on someone's head Nico I think you need to scoot over are you serious just a smidgen holy smokes okay I'm going back Shady you go shitty you go Shady Shady please don't fumble oh oh okay okay I'm gonna go on yeah get him it's okay just press the buttons wait we could just press the buttons to get them up oh yeah shoot we don't gotta reset the whole thing oh thank goodness oh oh don't troll them guys sorry it's too funny cash I'm gonna come up there and beat your booty no no hey okay Shady it's just me and you again okay okay all right let's go cash oh I guess this is me and cash again don't nudge them off like you did to me okay oh gosh cash I don't know if I can jump on my head from there yeah yeah try this you need to go back okay wait cash stay there stay there got it I'm staying here guys over the minor we need his help just yet oh wait is the miner here oh yeah okay minor you're just here to save us okay do not do the parkour Okay jump on our heads Nico come on okay Zoe I need you right here fine fine okay okay yeah yeah oh gosh make it up there make it up there I need another person in my head cheating jump on this oh gosh I don't think I could do that I think we need zelly what what oh gosh Joey Zoey Zoe you gotta do that maybe the miner can help us out so we jump on cash okay so you have to stay there okay okay I'll stay here no no oh gosh uh well guys look like we gotta save them minor go back and help them and I gotta watch everybody oh my gosh okay goodbye okay mind I'm gonna need you again over here why is there a ledge over there should I try climbing on the ledge no oh my God possible guys this is possible I don't think it's impossible I think you're just bad okay okay fine now okay okay okay I'm gonna go yeah yeah okay okay come on Nico you slipped off I think maybe you need to give him a boost next time cash what how am I supposed to do that the miners on top of me yeah you could jump upwards and it launches me up okay I'll try I think we should do that instead okay come on miner okay come on okay nice okay oh come on guys one more oh nice now jump give him a boost go up oh okay okay I've got back Shady just stay there well I'm only gonna save them oh this is the disaster holy smokes all right I'm ready for round two I moved my spot guys cash you should go right there let me try you guys go stand there are you sure yeah okay I'm going do it Nico are your feet washed uh yeah I think so I got this first try I got a good perspective wait what there we go give you a boost ah Neo oops I fell oh what it's very possible though my mirror come home I want to try next time oh my gosh this is so difficult not really I think you're just bad Nico you're right cash and I gotta watch DVD okay mine I should go first okay and then oh cash oh gosh wait do you want to go on top this time I want to try okay I'm gonna go Kitty you got this boom one head two head three head okay Shady now wait where do you go from there I think you got to make a Neo jump over on the other side right just don't hit your head oh oh gosh that's gotta be impossible there has to be a better way to do this I think you can't jump on the Neo part that's what happened can we go on the side like this oh my gosh okay cash after further investigation you know how to do it right yup watch this Nico okay I'm watching you all you have to do is jump on here and then oh Nico I slipped off at least we have Zoe in the miner stepping on the buttons for us you guys are silly uh this might take a while watch this cash I got it okay nice okay I got it it's hard to do the second jump we just need one of us to make it over and then we made it home free uh yeah okay I'm going nice nice nice yes nice next one oh gosh oh man oh it's so difficult I know right and we just have Shady trying to attempt it as well oh my goodness the Neo jumps afterwards are even harder here I'll show you how it's done let's see a cash or watch gotta make jump one jump two and then like this nice and then you just slide to the sides and then you jump again and slide again come on cash and then you jump one more time like this oh and I fell oh wait that was so good though the NEOS are very hard to do that was the closest one yet okay oh my goodness gracious Nico that is definitely not what I told you to do I'm sorry cash it's okay you just gotta follow my directions just like this and I made it Pico I made it over wait you did yeah no way okay I would just honestly just stay there yeah yeah good idea no kidding or do you want a yellow and do the knee oh wait I think you might have to YOLO all right I'll just YOLO and do the Neo no you died it's too hard ah gosh there's no way that Neo is possible I refuse to give up never give up I think maybe Nico should give up what what do you mean uh nothing oh my gosh oh I got it I got it I got it I got it again okay maybe if one of you can get over here you can jump on my head and try the Neo like that okay come on Nico you can side jump please side jump what does that mean Nico I'm touching you oh my goodness okay guys this is my very last try really Nico your very last try yes oh my goodness he's a giver upper nice thank you if you want to watch more Nickelback's veggies they're cooking on the screen if you enjoyed then please subscribe bye guys subscribe I
Channel: NicoBlox
Views: 4,417,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Zoey, Nico and Zoey, Roblox
Id: KcGuCUnzG5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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