Can This Old Wrecker Make It Up The Same Trail Used In The Wrecker Games?

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I'm Steve with MX2 we're in the 56 bullnose Kenworth heading out to Sand Hollow with Mater our record to run triple seven today [Music] and this is marker and we're out to Sand Hollow today we're gonna unload Bader here and see how it does on Triple Seven never run triple seven with it so it might be a little bit sketchy yeah I'm excited to see how it does though oh absolutely it should be fun it's gonna be a lot of fun let's get it unloaded [Music] too so it's Sand Hollow it is an area you can go over the dunes and actually hit somebody so all vehicles are required to have at least a flag that's eight foot tall so we've got this American flag for Mater it's a little beat up like Mater is and the rest of us but it really serves the remind us of what our country is okay guys you ready to go oh yeah well let's head out well we're out here on Triple Seven this is a trail that Matt run last last week with the off-road record games this is the world's oldest continuously operating wrecker truck and it's a 1925 white and we want to see if we can get the oldest record up triple seven today and it might be a little bit sketchy because we're narrow we're not as long and we've got a lot of weight it's got the axle tax and the tires and wheels are almost 5 000 pounds of unsprung weight which really helps you out yeah uh the bad thing about this we want to be true to original so we're still running a manual lever clutch so uh when I get tired you can take it over for me it's it's pretty tough the clutch it it's a leg workout for sure and it's still in the original leaf springs too so it's not not quite a Cadillac but we want to take it up the trail and see how it does I've never run this trail with this rig being top heavy narrow I mean I think it should be a little bit of a challenge yeah so we're gonna run the trail and see how long it takes is 3 50 P.M four o'clock so we go what go run it in an hour casual run casual run see what happens okay let's jump in fire it up and go okay great at eight why is it not a seven anyway I didn't know we were signing up for an a rated Trail let's see how Mater does yeah this is the first big obstacle that last week that all the tow rigs really struggled with and it was the first one that they really had to put the vehicle they were Towing behind now it wasn't really true like we do off-road recoveries because those rodeos were stripped of engine transmission transfer case glass so they were only a quarter of their really actual weight so mark let's talk about your line what do you think you're going to do on this one the hardest line the hardest line I think so which one do you think is the hardest uh hang pretty far right go up and let's hang that crack on the right just absolutely the easy line is to come up on this Boulder make a couple of turns and go straight up the hard line with this is going to be right up here going up this right hand crack so fire that thing up and let's see what she does okay bye see what she goes right there back into that crack back into it yep right there so the next two they call me Mark the roller the reason why is this hole this is the only place that we've ever rolled the vehicle ever ever ever ever so we're up here on the Kevin Boyle Memorial Run and nobody was spotting we had some fairly soft uh oh x-rays with us yeah and Mark went and he turned too early and he dropped that right rear on that hole so what happened is I was in the Durango and I was coming up here I had the whole family with me I had uh some friends and their dog like it was full and I was coming had the doors on it so I couldn't see very well and I cut it too soon I couldn't see this hole and dropped the back right rear tire in the hole in it flopped right down and my dad is one wrong wheel placement and it's all over so so this is Mark's hole right here I came down there with my tire dropped it in and it just hello so quite an experience I almost dumped that one once too so okay well let's go down and see if we how Mater comes up that yeah let's do it foreign than I thought we got a little tipsy there yeah as you can tell we tried a different approach at first didn't quite work it slipped down didn't quite the right line and then we tried to come to crack and went right up yeah sometimes you got to readjust your lines and just see what the rig will do this is really heavy so once we hit the lockers we can't steer it just locks it up and you can't move it so we had to get off the lockers there race there but we made it let's keep going okay good job bud thanks you too yeah maybe you just need to put in a front dig and pull around first time running this Trail again since I've dumped it so when I roll it is my first time running it hadn't been back since so I'm a little bit nervous this is a longer rig too so it'll be even hard to make the turn but we'll see if I can avoid dumping it in the hole again [Music] I have a little PTS yes let's go out there we go hello that wasn't as bad as I thought I was a little bit nervous but we made it and went smooth now as you look at triple seven right here we're over on the standard Trail and they have a buggy wall on this side this is fun if we have the Durango or have some time to play uh they're just some bonus lines and obstacles you can do thank you foreign I got to give you some mad respect I hate that little corner even lined up perfectly as narrow as this is I was pretty sure I was going in yeah do you see me Feathering that old clutch yeah you gotta pull back a little bit that 4bt's got so much torque in it you just let out the clutch and it goes I wish I had a little bit of lower gears these are the five 62 gears and we do have some 684s I'm thinking about putting in there just get that next lower gear yeah that'd be way cool we got a first ledge here and then we're going to come up to a second ledge and then a third ledge and then a fourth ledge so this is a fun little section but you know you're so long I don't know if you're gonna make it you kind of walk and see what it feels like God I can't believe that you're just walking that I don't know my as you get Kelly here oh maybe not oh I'm on it that's a big hole that was 44 inches that's a lot bigger all right I'm impressed that was fun that doesn't do too bad does it and that's one reason we built the six door Jeeps we build them everybody says it's a mall crawler don't follow us we're hardcore and it just makes all of these hard Trails super easy oh yeah what's the number one complaint when we get when we go out with people I didn't get any except from the other G quarters yeah it has a secret we haven't shown you yet it's air ride suspension so that's quite a bit of travel how much is it oh we got about 15 inches each wheel is independently adjustable and Mark was actually trying to belly out yeah because we're way down low so we could bring it up and drive off of it but dude you just walked it the six door Jeep's got a wheelbase 153. so it's got a lot of wheelbase and it's got a lot of flex so we can go ahead and do wines with that that I'm not comfortable with in the old tow truck so we're talking we're gonna have to turn this into kind of a wedge come up the bottom one square come up here turn left get into this and then cut back right if you notice I just absolutely don't like being Tippy I mean it feels being that high in the seat and that narrow every time it feels like you're going on foreign [Applause] [Applause] over maybe half a foot and then you have to bump it it just went right up so so that's the end of the triple seven Trail right there and we're coming across what's called double Sammy I'm going to follow what the records did the records went through the main trail and Mark we're going to have you pull this bonus line right there awesome all right what we're doing on time what time is it so it's currently 4 48 so it's been about an hour we're doing good so far I'd say yeah if we weren't stopping to film or uh spotting we'd be through that in about 15 minutes 20 minutes so let's go run this this should be a fun one this is that bonus line that a lot of people have a tough time at the top in fact this is a whole reason this this hill right here and that one right there I built this tow truck you come in here with a YJ or CJ and Dana 30 rear end and you bounce once you pop the rear axle that axle's a c-clip axle and then it comes right out since it's broke and so we actually designed this hitch to go right into a two inch receiver and we'll show you we pulled out yj's that way it drops down we pin it in we pick them up from the hitch the back and drive them out so that's exactly why we put this together is I've had more people broken on this right here than probably anything else in the whole Sand Hollow foreign all right thank you it's like bath time huh that was quite a funnel [Applause] thank you that bath time was not good for our traction I've been slipping a little bit well the regular lines is not good enough for you here it's just too easy thank you after your wood chunks missing I saw something down there it's time to put some new blocks on it right yeah that's okay it happens so anyways this is the one that Matt tried to go straight up on the record games and he bellied out Morris has tried it several times but I think on the 41s and he's bellied out on this with you so why don't you pull up on it once see if it bellies out and then play at the suspension so you can find the line so you can get up this one okay we'll give it give it a shot this one right as you get on top you need to go right it goes up the backbone so [Music] you're valid again back off get 40 left and then start coming out the right you guys so you got to get the whole thing over the lap but right now we're completely maxed out on the air we have as much air as you can put in these bags trying to get as much height as possible so if it doesn't make it I think I'll sand it and see if you make it or go around so we'll give it a go and hope he makes it [Music] oh that was that was something else how to give her a little sand but that's how we do it I made it how's that married up that hill before the black Jeep or not uh-huh dang so I'm the first one to get that jeep up that hill how to give a little sand but it worked I don't why don't your airbag right here yeah what I love about these airbags there's a comb so it's kind of a triangle shape and it makes it a two-stage airbag so it changes the volume and pressure okay so when you're riding low there's it's plenty of firm and great ride on the road when you get it up like here it'll go through the sand like nobody's business that's right so that one is fully extended quite the Beast so we're just about to the shoot and we're going to pick our lines up here this is where they come up with the record games Matt and Rory and all of those guys so we're going to come up this Trail here oh that is a beautiful shot look at those rigs people we're gonna cut up this wall uh the records went left and will cut left there's a real steep buggy wall right there ahead of us that we'll probably put the black six door on well this is the steepest option right here that's a buggy shoot if we had better traction I think we'd go for it but the traction is kind of wet you've seen it and I think it's gonna be tough enough to get up this wall with your Jeep and you slide down yep that's gonna be in your pillar and going forward backwards going to drag your doors and fillers and we've done stuff like that but if you look you can see all the water in this rock and just how slippery it is today if you've been watching Mater Mater's just been struggling just because of traction so another couple of days it'll dry out out here and the traction will be amazing Andy's old he's an old truck so I think we need to put some stickies on them beautiful day beautiful day in paradise so this is the guy behind the camera hey he's Matthew Maxfield sometimes go by Matt but yeah I uh I'm mostly running the camera and uh the editing of the videos running the channel right now so and he grew up wheeling and behind the wheels when we take people out we have them uh he's a great driver as well sometimes I'm behind the wheel but more lately I'm usually behind the camera so and I would prefer to be behind the cameras I actually like driving I mean uh I've never taken that rig out and not had a smile on my face it's quite abusive to drive because we're running the original Factory Springs and they're heavy it's a great climbing rig if it's smooth it's great to run down the road but uh bumpy Trail it is rough so I'm gonna hand this off to you Matthew all right I'll take that and fire that up and let's go up Mark we're gonna go up to that wall straight up there [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] oh man you're throwing rocks at me hey lock it down in a second so it doesn't shift up one more time we're into the tires [Music] that's impressive if you can't tell this wall is probably 15 plus feet of elevation gain right here so it's it was a big that's a big wall [Music] I ain't doing that one way is down there isn't it yeah I can smell where you burn the tires [Applause] [Music] thank you however [Music] so basically we've had Monsoon for the last week since the record games there was so much moisture in the rocks and without being ease-facing without the Sun that is about as slippery as we've ever seen it sometimes you have to choose your battles as some days you can get the obstacle some days you can't and that's one we're going to bypass until next time we'll show you when it's good traction out here we'll bring Mater out uh the wonderful thing about Mater she probably has three to five hundred feet of cable on that spool so uh if anybody uh was was caught down in that we could winch him from the top from this side so we'll catch you next time so it's currently 5 56. so just over two hours so it's not too bad especially all the moisture in the rocks and the puddles and stuff I mean that really was not a bad time in getting up here so the rigs really did good uh besides it's just not having the traction if you've looked at Mater is it's got 5 000 pounds on the axles tires and wheels and it really had to work you notice we didn't have the traction we really had to work and work our way around those obstacles I mean we made them up uh but if I was going to do some buggy lines and some really harried stuff I'd want better traction day yeah so that was the shoot that they just did uh well at least the black six-door Jeep did today thanks for coming along and watching guys we'll catch you next time thank you
Channel: MX2
Views: 57,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tow Mator, Wrecker Games, Off-Road Recovery, 6 Door Jeep, Rock Crawling, Triple 7, Sand Hollow, MX2
Id: 5Ehl-hkjzvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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