Can This $1,000 Putter Turn My Game Around?

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this is the lab golf df3 this is my golf bag and today we're going to find out if this is going to go in there my name is Ben had andolf welcome to the channel if you're new and consider subscribing I'm trying not to just immediately be like this is the answer this is the fix to my putting but it feels really good so far honestly I believe it is just just now 7:00 in the morning and I woke up excited and I got out to the golf course rather early because I have a putter to try out it's a putter that everybody's talking about this is the lab golf DF three I saw the directed force uh I think it's a 2.1 it's their big ones their big crazy model and I was intrigued by the technology but I just could get not get myself to hit putts with something that big I tried it a couple times didn't like the size of it and then I was at golf MD the other day and I saw this thing the smaller version of the directed Force 2.1 the df3 it looked a little bit less insane to me more of a normal head shape only slightly bigger than my previous putter the Phantom uh 7.5 I was intrigued when I picked it up I really like the look of it I like the feel I don't know about the technology I know that it's lie angle Balan which means that it's going to stay more Square to your Arc than like a regular Putter and before I was using a putter with some tow hang so when I picked this thing up and stroked it a couple times pause I really felt like there was some technology in there that was keeping the face a lot more square and keeping the putter itself a lot more stable than a putter that I've been used to using in the past so we're going to give this thing a couple rolls it's a little bit noisy but hopefully you guys enjoy this uh review of the lab golf df3 putter we got the the mirror down we're going to check the setup a little bit here but these are the first putts I've hit with this thing so I might fall in love it's definitely softer than my other putter that's uh that's pretty pure I'm concerned I might be a weird putter guy now that was way too easy this is uh this is a really good putter it's $1,000 putter is it worth $11,000 here's all I'm going to say a custom putter is going to cost you right around $11,000 if you go to like a good custom putter manufacturer and that putter is going to be fitted to you and it's probably going to feel really good this is just going to feel good no matter what okay so for this video we are going to just play golf until the camera runs out and talk about how it feels in the course because hitting putts on the putting green is significantly different from hitting putts on the course let's get into it this might be new putter syndrome but this thing feels unbelievably good just I mean first put on the course let's not get too dramatic but I feel like this thing can't [Music] miss it feels simple put my hands on the club and I just rock my shoulders back and forth and I know that face is stand Square it's it's nice I just wish it didn't look so horrible [Music] [Music] first Miss putt with the lab putter I hate it I hate it now it's bad putter just I'm kidding it's a good putter I I misread that Putt and if I hadn't misread that putt I think it would have probably gone in the hole there's your golf knowledge for the week okay so now that I now that miss a putt with it now that I know it's human I just you know it just feels easier they say it's like it's like an automatic putter it's like putting on automatic and I would agree with that you just put your hands on the putter you set up the face and you just rock your shoulders and you know that it's not going to face isn't going to move in relation to the ark yeah I mean it it simplifies it quite a bit I I'm trying not to just immediately be like this is the answer this is the fix to my putting but it feels really good so far honestly I was first introduced to this lab putter in like I want to say it was like 2018 2019 Kansas am I played with a guy who had like the original lab putter back when it was called directed force and it was a hideous putter it looked horrible it's the same one they still have out now their big crazy spaceship looking Putter and he swore up and down by it to the point where he actually I think he wded um I shot 68 in the first round uh missed a couple short putts but he told me in the car it was like Ricky Bobby when his dad told him if you aren't first you're last kind of thing he told me when I was dropping him off at his car you got to get one of these Putters I saw you miss a couple putts inside of 6 ft today you could be so much better just watch the Youtube video you have to get this putter I remember thinking like all right whatever dude like I missed a couple short putts but stop just not I'm not using that big ass crazy putter fast forward 5 years they came out with this model tried it a golf MD like the look of it sent him a DM said hey guys I'd like to try it out they sent it to me not paying me to make this video so if the putter sucks I'm going to tell you that it sucks and it doesn't suck it's a good putter I like it if you can get past the looks I think I recommend it probably is going to go in my back B until I decid I don't like it anymore the only thing I kind of don't like about it is I can't feel the face I can feel the face on a tow weighted putter or sorry tow hang putter a little bit better than I can on this directed Force One I can't feel the face at all but it's fine because it's you know it's it's L angle balance so I know the face isn't torquing I just it makes me a little uneasy Under Pressure I'm not sure how it's going to feel I think it's going to be fine it's just that's kind of the the thought that popped into my head when I first started using it is I can't feel the face at all well that was six holes and we were one bad bunker shot in about 3T of extra speed away from birding all six holes upon first attempt I I really really like it I think it's it's probably going to stick in the bag for a little bit it's definitely going to make it to the next tournament at the very least and from what I've seen like Phil starts using the lab putter he sticks with it uh Adam Scott starts using a lab putter he sticks with it I'm yet to see anybody start using a lab Putter and then go back to a traditional putter my prediction is that I continue to use it TBD I mean comment below what you guys think about it is it too much is is the appearance of it too much to get over or do you think that the performance is something that you would be willing to look past the appearance for but thank you to lab golf for sending it out again they didn't pay me to make this video I just wanted to cuz $1,000 putter looks good in a thumbnail and turned out that ,000 putter performs pretty darn well is it worth $1,000 I don't know you guys comment that down below is making a couple more putts around worth $1,000 to you for me it is cuz if I make one extra putt around that's four putts a tournament that's I mean four strokes will move quite a bit at the leader board so we need that and we're going to take it and always press hats are in the store if you guys want to support the channel also subscribe to the channel if you want to support the channel because uh pretty much all proceeds from this channel go back into the channel at the moment they probably will for a very long time YouTube is really expensive so if you guys want to keep seeing videos please subscribe please share this video with your friends if you enjoyed it and uh get an always press hat a couple models in the store we're really happy with how they turned out and uh hope you guys continue to press goodbye [Music]
Channel: Ben Hadden Golf
Views: 26,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf tips, golf advice, good good golf, good good
Id: TDwc_FhRG3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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