This is the Simplest Way to Improve Your Driving

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welcome to the channel welcome back if you're a subscriber and if you're not a subscriber my name is Ben Haden I played professional golf for four and a half years shot some good scores won a couple prams never really felt like I reached my full potential and got burned out about a year ago and decided to take a year off to do some content stuff which is what you're watching right now I decided I want to get back into professional golf and in that quest to get my game back in shape driving is one of those things that is so important so when the commiss came to me ask me to do a clinic for this charity scramble he was running driving has been on the Forefront of my mind so I decided I was going to talk about what makes people better drivers that you might not know intuitively these are just some general principles on how to improve your driving stats that I picked up from I worked with Scott faucet from decade Scott is legitimately maybe the smartest person I've ever met in my life the decade system is essentially just a brain dump of everything he has learned about golf through analyzing every shotlink statistic and putting together basically just all the information he's ever picked up about the game if you want to improve your game decad is guaranteed to lower your scores I have a promo code uh with in the description as long as a link to where you can buy I'd highly recommend it honestly like even if I wasn't getting paid as a matter of fact I haven't been getting paid to promote this program for years but I've still been promoting it because it's that good go check it out and without further delay let's get into this little clinic on how to improve your driving [Music] statistics I'm sure you've all heard drive for show putt for dough has anybody heard that can anybody here name the number one PGA T player Strokes game putting if anybody can name the number one PGA T player Strokes game putting Sheffer yeah I guarantee you nobody's going to get it his name is Taylor Montgomery the reason I bring that up is because putting actually doesn't matter that much it's mostly about driving when it comes to gaining Strokes especially at the highest level before we get too far into the video I want to give a quick definition of what Strokes gain is from any position on the golf course there is an average number of Strokes that a PGA Tour player will take to get into the hole from that position after you hit a shot your stroke value changes if it changes more than one stroke then you have gain Strokes in the field if it changes less than one stroke you have lost Strokes in the field usually it's tracked in decimals and what we're talking about today is off the te which means that we want to hit the ball farther straighter and in the Fairway more often and if you want to be better consistently over a long period of time being able to drive the ball more consistently better longer straighter is what's going to lower your scores in the long run obviously making a bunch of 30-footers is great the reality is nobody can do that every day not even PGA Tour players 30f footer is what a 3% putt so the best players in the world are making one less than one out of 20 30-footers that's less than one around you're much better off being able to drive it better and it might not be as simple as you think to drive it better so we're going to talk about a few ways to do that first thing we need to consider is that hitting it in play with the driver if you can do it every single time I know everybody here if they could hit it in play every time with a driver would hit driver every time no except if there's like a let's say number 10 right here there's a creek to lay short of that's 10 no yeah yeah if there's a creek to lay short of on 10 probably don't want to hit driver or if you're a cutter of the ball and you want to draw it you probably don't want to hit driver cuz as we're going to talk about in a second you want to focus on one shot shape okay so first thing is going to be hit driver more often and if you're somebody who pulls out driver and you know you're going to have the 90° or the 45s let's work on that and then get back to hitting more drives hitting more drivers is the simplest way to improve your driving stats cuz you're just going to get the ball further down there I know I see a lot of people grabbing Three Wood fivewood four iron so they can put it in the Fairway if you're in the Fairway 50 yards back it's actually not as beneficial as you might think especially because you're probably going to hit it in the rough with that 4 iron anyway you might as well be a little bit farther down there with the driver so if you're somebody who struggles with putting the ball in play more consistently second thing I'd say is let's work on one shot shape see too many people trying to hit draws and Fades with the driver the driver is a really hard club to work both ways especially because you can't really manipulate ball position so if you're able to hit a draw with the driver consistently do that every time pretty much every single time I hit a driver I'm going to be starting it left and working it right and if I need to hit a fade or if I need to hit a draw this is not the club for me the way to make sure that your shot shape is consistent is with a consistent path and Club face angle so just a really easy way to visualize that is stand behind the ball pick a point between you and the target if you want to hit a cut pick a point 1 in to the left of that intermediate Target if you want to hit a draw pick a point one in to the right attempt to swing down that line that's just a really quick feel that will help you consistently hit the same flight over and over again not going to talk too much about swing mechanics especially because you guys are getting ready to go and assume break the course record out here at Falcon Ridge so we want to keep you sharp but if you feel a consistent path meaning like it doesn't even have to be consistent in terms of degrees just consistently out to in or consistently in out whatever you're comfortable with with a uh manageable face just try to be an athlete I guess would be the number one thing I'd suggest so we call that Miss hit little necky a little low in the face but that's cutting every time if I'm dead middling it every time but I don't know if it's going left or right I'm not going to score halfway as well as if I'm hitting it all over the face but I know where it's going so consistent shot shape with the driver let's say you're a cutter with the driver and you step up to a hole where there's absolutely no way you can hit a cut instead of hitting a draw with the driver we're going to drop back one Club really easy way to hit a draw move your ball position back about one ball okay so let's say this is a fake shot shape if you move your ball position back about that far and keep your face Square to the Target line it's going to naturally shift your path a little bit from in to out and you're going to hit a draw more consistently that way so don't try to change your swing we're just trying to make the same swing over and over again we already know you can't do that when you're trying to do it so don't try to change your swing every time you're just going to be it's a Fool's errand essentially so make the same swing but move that ball just a little bit back in your stance same swing slightly shut face with a path is naturally moved more into to out and see that Drew we're going to try to get one off the ground this time it's windy I'm just naturally trying to hit Stingers right now so if I need to hit a draw that club staying in the bag 100% strategically hit driver as much as you can work it one way if you need to work it the other way grab a one Club less probably a three-wood if you have a mini driver that's actually the best possible option I know you have that mini driver and as far as driving goes I think that's what's that so if you want to hit a fade like say your normal draw of a ball forward uh yeah if you want to hit a fade you move it forward in your stance most people with modern equipment are hitting Fades just about every time with a driver at least at at the at higher levels and if you are a drawer of the ball and you want to hit a fade yes move it forward a little bit in your stance your path will be naturally shifted into out you're going to hit a little bit more of a fade it's also probably going to go a little bit higher since it's farther up in your stance I don't know I I feel like that pretty much covers it thank you yeah thank you guys thank you very much thank you guys again for watching that video and thank you the commiss for having me out to this tournament to do a little clinic that didn't really feel like I was teaching people how to play golf it doesn't feel like I'm teaching you how to play golf it feels like I'm just reminding myself of all the things that I learned back when I was trying to be the best player I could be and trying to relearn what it's like to be a high level player so if you guys want to continue seeing content like that I'm going to continue to learn stuff about golf I'm going to continue to remember stuff about golf it's honestly beneficial for me to make this type of content because it solidifies all that stuff in my brain so if you want to continue seeing stuff like that make sure to subscribe to the channel it helps us out a lot also if you want one of these hats it's going to be on the website link is down below decades where I get most of this info from link and uh promo code is down below for that as well we're also going to have it on the screen right here I'll see you the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: Ben Hadden Golf
Views: 20,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf tips, golf advice, good good golf, good good
Id: NHIU4pg97uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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