Can These Chefs Create This Kid's Unicorn Dish?

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hi my name is lania i'm nine years old and today i will have two chefs competing to make my dream dish hi linea hi i'm alex i'm maria nice to meet you nice to meet you too so what would unicorn eat for dinner she would eat maybe like potato skins but it wouldn't be a potato okay it would be a tiger fur it may not sound that good but unicorns like that she started off with potato skins and i was feeling pretty good and then she threw in that tiger fur so inside will be cheese and then we'll have like sweet lollipop flavored bacon on top it's sweet but it has bacon on top and it's all over the place now i love bacon okay especially when it's nice and crispy um to drink they would have leprechaun tears why are they crying the leprechaun is crying because while the unicorns are going to drink their tears oh no nothing goes to waste in unicorn land leprechaun tears super straightforward the unicorn that i met she actually lives with me now and her name is pinkie pie pinkie pie compared to a dog or a cat it's a lot of work to have a unicorn they would have this pink steak uh-huh that is sweet it wouldn't be like a steak that we eat why it's a flavor pink strawberry is that your favorite fruit yes me too i'm trying to keep calm but i am freaking out inside i do not know what i'm going to make this meal is served on a bed of lettuce lettuce it's also sweet oh let us see it's just a lettuce lettuce is just a lettuce okay i always tell her she needs to eat her vegetables she can't just have sweet stuff all day oh wow you're such a great friend so lynette do you think we can make you this unicorn meal yes high five [Music] all right so here's what i'm gonna do for the pink steak i'm gonna make a blondie that's strawberry flavored for the potato skin i'm going to try to shape a rice krispie treat and then use orange colored white chocolate for the tiger fur for the leprechaun tiers i'm going to make a vanilla milkshake and diet green for pink steak i'm going to make pancakes stack them up with cream cheese frosting and strawberries for potato skin i'm going to use root vegetable chips and marshmallow how about with frosting and chocolate for leprechaun tears i'm thinking about some green matcha milkshake i'm going to top with cookie shaped like four-leaf clover because that's likely called lucky charm well i hope this meal isn't too unicorny all right then i have another idea for cookie i got this flower hot shape and i can just decorate so it kind of looks like clover i love a good blondie linea mentioned that she really likes strawberries and that she also wanted a pink steak i felt like a strawberry blondie would be perfect because it will have that pink color but it will also taste like strawberries which is something she really likes this is definitely something i would have requested when i was nine years old i like having kale smoothies chicken alfredo strawberries anything with strawberries just not sushi or like pizza that's disgusting i'm gonna start with candied bacon i'm making this mixture brown sugar and maple syrup together i'm going to brush onto the bacon i'm gonna just use all the method so i don't need to you know worry about it i'm gonna start on my rice krispie treats rice krispies are great because not only do kids love them but they're super malleable my hope is that i'm going to be able to shape my rice krispies into like a potato skin shape the only thing that i'm really going to have to think about doing is this tiger fur i feel like something is off in these i might have messed up the ratio i can't believe i'm messing up rice krispie treats it's like the easiest thing to make i added in more of the rice krispies cereal this feels a little bit better to me already hopefully i'm able to shape it looks like potato thanks i'm making pancake butter right now because you want to rest the butter at least 30 minutes i was talking and i forgot how many how many flowers i added so i'm gonna just do it again i don't want that don't do it again just go with it just go with it i'm adding pink photo coloring i like this color it's like a dreamy unicorn color so now i'm gonna make my candied bacon i think mine is a little bit simpler than hers i'm just going to do brown sugar and cinnamon and coat that in the bacon and bake it it'll taste good either way my bacon is done in the oven it's still a little bit not crispy as i want it and i just taste it it's not as sweet i want it so i'm gonna just chop it up and coat with more brown sugar so my cookie is in the oven while i'm waiting i'm going to make royal icing so i can decorate the cookie i want to dye it with green because that is going to be on peppercorn tears drink all right so my cookie spread it completely i'm gonna just cool it and think of something else my bacon was baking for a long time and it still didn't really get that crispy but i don't want it to burn so i might just have to go with it i hope she forgot that she likes crispy i also pulled out my blondies definitely got a little brownie i'm just gonna have to try to trim the edges into the shape of a steak which is something i have never done before it's a little bit trickier than i thought it was going to be cutting this blondie into the steak shape it's a little crumbly in texture but i'm just trying to go with it looking at the inside that's pink i'm happy with that [Music] so now for my grill marks we did it i think that looks pretty good i still didn't know what i was doing and um i just wanted to make look like something like a tiger for her so i came up with skewers three marshmallows together and stick the pretzel this is gonna be my tiger [Music] can you show it what's orange i thought it was yellow oh that's orange i don't like using food color but tons of kids love color so my heart's a little aches but you know i have to do but to win it's kind of look like tiger tygono skewers i think the pink steak is gonna be the hardest and also the tiger for potato skins i don't know how they're gonna do that but hopefully it'll be good i've basically made all the components now i just need to decorate so i've melted down my chocolates i am going to be dyeing my white chocolate orange i'm going to try to dip my baked potato i'm just kind of playing around trying to get some kind of fur texture i hope i earned my tiger stripes does that look like a tiger yeah it's like a tiger and a pork pines child well that's all right i guess i've never done pancake before but what i'm trying to do is make a steak shaped pancake i'm just hoping my hand won't be shaky that's like hoping the sky won't be blue really i'm cooking lower temperature and hoping the color doesn't turn brown yes pink so i picked out this glass to use for my leprechaun tier milkshake because i feel it was like kind of cute and leprechauny i don't know what that means but what i'm gonna try to do is pipe around the edge of a glass with this green white chocolate to make a sort of like a teardrop shape i have some edible gold glitter and i'm going to try to get this on here because every leprechaun needs its pot of gold that worked i got some stuff in your pancake what you sabotage me okay so my pancake is almost done i'm going to start decorating i'm going to top with the cream cheese frosting and layer the pancake she also asked for a bed of lettuce but i don't think it's gonna taste good if i put lettuce underneath of the cake so i will try to incorporate that idea but still figuring out that reminds me she asked for lettuce i'm gonna give her lettuce my interpretation of potato skin is the potato chips i'm going to put underneath and sprinkle on top and don't forget the bacon bits milkshakes are super simple so i'm just gonna put in some ice cream some milk and then a little bit of green food dye and that should do it so i'm gonna put a little bit more of that gold dust on top so good luck i'm going to make a replica tears milkshake with matcha ice cream and i think i'm going to add some white chocolate so it doesn't taste like a lot of matcha flavor all right once again yeah nice job i guess it's time to trot on over to unicorn land okay i'm actually super happy with how my dish turned out everything looks pretty accurate to the picture and i also think it's gonna taste pretty great overall my dish looks pretty cool my tiger file looks pretty awesome and in my mind that's what unicorns eat [Music] looks pretty much exactly the same it looks amazing [Music] this is delicious it's very sweet like i said i love the chocolate syrup what did they put on here to make this sweet this tastes really good tastes like syrup yes looks beautiful tastes just like leprechaun tears i mean if you look at the drawing and then you look at this you can't tell the difference she likes it she likes it what are your impressions here just looking at this one speechless this looks amazing i love how it tastes it's just that this doesn't really look like the potato skin that i drew this pink steak kind of looks like um pancakes instead of a steak let me go ahead and try this delicious i love it i love how the strawberries taste just everything on this is just delicious it's very tasty but again i don't see a cookie in my drawing leprechaun tiers with no cookie [Music] that's i'm getting like a tea and a milkshake in one drink it's really delicious everything on this plate is just amazing i did not see this coming [Music] so it's time to decide yeah which meal do you think a unicorn would eat for dinner first of all i would like to know whose dish was who we aren't going to tell you the lucky winner is the one with the chocolate syrup and [Music] i can't believe i pulled this off i'm shook i think alex won because mine's a little bit abstract i think chef alex congratulations thank you i love it i'm gonna hang it up on my wall just like a unicorn only has one horn there can only be one winner in this competition and i'm glad it's me [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 29,951,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8rQn, BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Tasty, I Draw You Cook, PL-IDYC, Tasty, alix traeger, buzzfeed alix, buzzfeed alix and rie, buzzfeed rie, can these chefs create a kid's unicorn dish, can this chef, chef, chefs, compete, competition, cooking, dessert, drawing, food, idyc, illustration, kid, kids, magic, milkshake, recipe, rice crispy treat, rie mcclenny, show, steak, unicorn, unicorns
Id: o2RGudbzHLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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