Can the Team Find a Diamond?

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well hello everyone dan here with dan here prospecting here i am here at the crater of diamonds state park we got pioneer polly here that camping couple we're using a little bit of this [Music] beautiful i'll prove myself it is a great day to dig diamonds did i just find a diamond did you play a diamond did i find a diamond did you find a diamond i hope to earn your subscription today [Music] uh babe do you have like a card or something we can use a lot of spoons do you guys need a spoon do you have a spoon yeah but they're in my car oh my goodness um i'll get a card yeah just one that doesn't have important numbers i can try but i don't think it will everyone's getting up the cameras in case it is [Laughter] well it was a false alarm no diamond yet dan's fault all my fault apparently so i moved from our pit up up river upriver sure up the wash just a little bit and the gravels don't look great here but frank says when they flip there was a lot of stuff in them so i'm gonna dig some more from not so good looking ground and maybe that's what we need it's a cake it's a pie yum yum yum nice center dan so when you're flipping these centers the heaviest stuff definitely goes to the center and on top and you can see a chunk of iron there just some random nail or something a chunk of iron stone hematite something like that here another one over there the heaviest stuff definitely ends up top and center and that's where the diamonds should be but diamonds aren't quite as heavy as some of this iron and whatnot and sometimes can migrate out to the edge of the centers so we make sure that we look all the way around really carefully frank just got excited about something i was pointing out a nice piece piece of clear quartz to him he poked the clear quartz out of the way and then you know flipped out because he saw something let's go see what he saw i think he's lost it though i did lose it a little bit you're the close-up cam here yep no good oh another false alarm [Music] we'll get one we will get one dang i'm sorry folks what you see paulie uh a bird just flew over and just left this thing here so i'm having a closer look splat seafood suspicious look real close look real close oh damn hard enough i think this is it guys come on over we may have a yellow diamond sitting right there you see what i'm looking at i don't you don't i see a yellow gemstone and i haven't seen a yellow gemstone here yet and i know there are yellow diamonds at the crater so is this a yellow diamond i don't think so nope take that out of the video okay they're saying no they're saying i'm overreacting for nothing losers but this is the first yellow gemstone i've seen here so far yellow gemstone of some sort well another false alarm we will get one we will fly frank that's exactly right or two well i just had a flip and something off on the edge of the center really sean bright it was brighter than anything i've seen yet i've called frank over to see what he thinks and he's kind of humming and haunt right now thinking it might be there we go it's right let me get out of this right there but i'm gonna get my close-up camera to take a shot of it it could just be a very polished piece of quartz but it is bright and so is polly it definitely looks like a diamond that's for sure we are so excited here this might be our first diamond frank is just going in there with his camera right now to get a really close up of it to see if he can see the shape of it the shape will tell us for sure because the quartz here will have very sharp edges where the diamonds have quite rounded edges because of the way that they were formed originally and brought up from the earth's core they end up with quite rounded edges where the quartz here is all shattered it's fragments it's sharp edges so we're trying to get a close look at it yeah put your finger right back right here there it is oh that's looking quartz isn't it it's so hard to say yeah this isn't showing up as good as i thought oh what i saw there looked like a quartz crystal we did yep still exciting still still exciting and we're not gonna just leave it because we're gonna pull it out of there and to make sure but so there it is right there in the very center of your screen that one point off on the left hand side really is telling me it's just a point of a quartz crystal unfortunately we still don't know fully though nope we won't know for sure until we pull it out there and have a good look at it a good taste is brighter than everything else though that might be i don't know look at it there and get it out real slow feel slow and careful look at that right on the end of your knife so we're pretty sure now that's just a piece of quartz unfortunately we'll get it tested all the same but we're thinking that's quartz let's get back to finding the diamond there we go and right in the middle see this is what a diamond would really look like if you can does it shine oh yeah right there yeah that's a piece of mica though isn't it yeah but that's like kind of a um similar effect they'll look like that you can't actually see through them but they just really reflect nothing all right honey unfortunately it is what it is you're steaming dan i can see you steaming my butt up in the air like that shirt steam yeah i like the way these centers look because if you get those heavies that's like heavy heavies you know what i mean instead of just like tinies that's still better but this is like really good all right get back to digging get back to digging i thought you were digging i am but i don't have to right this second they're not caught up i can feel them faster than they can screen them and he got from collecting gravel after a rain and then we ended our trip in the east train oh that was a terrible flip [Music] so they're letting the guy with the absolute worst eyesight look for the diamonds no we go through all this again and have the people that i can actually see look for the diamonds i'm just hoping i see one right on top that even my poor eyes can tell as a diamond i have good vision i have crappy vision i have bifocals so i have to look through the bottom of my glasses dan showed me a trick how to get it even more to the center either i'm going to do this right or you explained it wrong it's all your fault it's still your fault much better flip wow much better dad knows what he's talking about uh something i've seen you doing on a lot of your flip so far not that one that was awesome is when you flipped the back edge hit just slightly before the front oh so then it falls rather yeah okay but that was a perfect flip let's get the camera in on this because you can see it's a perfect center and everything is a nice perfect cake this isn't completely centered but it is a nice tighter thing so yeah dan's jam sieving for his garnets definitely makes a difference thank you dan you're welcome beautiful flip not the great center though could have done better on that center it don't matter if there's a diamond there's a diamond right yep kind of like a hoe down but uh well you better get back i will i just saw something in here that's what i'm wanting to watch back isn't it yeah i pretend i'm looking but i'm really just um and for actually all of them oh denied let's do it again that's not that's there though it landed okay it wasn't it landed on good flip [Applause] so this is the last gem civ of the day and then we have to go and reconcentrate all of our concentrates to make them ultra concentrates and that's where we're gonna find the diamond here we go unless i'm lucky enough to find one on top oh look at that center that is huge okay and now are we lucky enough to find one on top of the last one today um it happens it happens but really where we're really gonna find those diamonds is when we go through that bucket right there that has all of our concentrates in it that's gonna be the whoo-hoo of the day okay don't see anything on top frank wants to check out that my bad eyes didn't miss something because you know i'm old i can't see nothing my eyes are so bad that i think frank looks good that's pretty bad all right that's good oh yeah that is one full bucket awesome that's not gonna look now unfortunately it's too deep in there but frank thinks he sees oh maybe right there that's what he's looking at it might be a spinel it might be a garnet it might be a brown diamond you can't quite tell until it dries out a bit more but see how shiny it is compared to everything around it and that other thing you see there is an earring back here comes frank for the first of three concentrates the recons the recons i think we should be able to fit them all and let them dry these will just literally let dry and then look at them after they dry so we're not distracted oh yeah the centers will be a lot bigger in these just because they're already concentrated material frank is an expert that's for sure getting perfect centers every time even with that highly concentrated material there may be a diamond staring back at us right now now frank and kendall say that once everything's dried like this you'll really be able to see the diamonds because they reflect even after they have dried out they're shiny i see one thing in here that's shiny where'd it go right over here i see one thing but it sure still looks like a piece of quartz not a diamond it seems shinier than the rest but it still just looks like a piece of quartz did you turn the lav off yeah so here inside the main office they do have quite a nice display this diamond ring was made from a diamond that was found here at the crater of diamonds state park beautiful and the main office pavilion here also has a great display explaining all about diamonds all about the history of this place everything you might want to know it's kind of like a little bit of a diamond museum here very interesting and there's a great display here showing the diamonds that are actually found in the state park here the yellow white and brown and these just compare them to what industrial diamonds look like but these three are what are actually found in the park [Music] we are back here at the miners camp uh to do our final cleanup to see if we found a diamond or not but jim here has one that he has found at the crater of diamonds state park and he's showing it to us it's a big one let's have a look now this is not one we found today this is jim's he's showing us what we're looking for and this one i get the close-up of unlike the ones i saw in the shop there now this is a 38-point yellow diamond from the crater we're hoping that we find something at least that big you know like a tenth of that size would be fantastic so frank now is classifying our ultra concentrated cons here down to eight plus and eighth minus because for the final flip to really find those diamonds it really helps if all the material is roughly the same size so we'll have the bigs and the smalls and hopefully well hopefully we find one in the bigs of course we would like that but most likely in the eighth minus the small stuff is where we will find that diamond let's hope [Music] we have the eighth inch plus in two ceruka piles with really nice centers frank is making the eighth inch minus right now and we are keeping our fingers crossed whoa that's a lot of oh what a center look at that quartz look at that diamond that's what you're supposed to say look at the cheese look at that face i think it's talking to me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now before i get on to showing you the treasures from the crater of diamonds i'm back home here in canada as you can see it is the middle of winter out here if you're wondering where all the gold videos are i can't find gold in that there are more gold videos coming very soon though i had the most amazing trip down to arkansas the crystals the treasures i found down there were out of this world but the best part of that whole trip were those amazing amazing people i got to hang out with all those other youtubers out there paulie the camping couple the crystal collector rocks for the spirit crystals of arkansas and don't forget jake from d almighty we had so many great adventures i had so much fun and i made so many new friends the people at avant mining who hosted us the miners there the people in the office everyone from avant mining was so gracious to all of us and you know i have to send out a huge thanks to brian the crystal collector for getting us all together and our host for this trip who doesn't like being on camera but james egress from avant mining was so gracious to us he was the best host possible thanks everyone i love meeting you let's do it again now on to the treasures from the crater of diamonds well unfortunately my plane trip was scheduled and before the treasures were discovered i had to head home as i was flying home on the plane that camping couple and joined by the crystal collector went back for another couple days digging and they found three diamonds as i was heading home c'est la vie that's life you know i didn't get to find the diamonds myself but my friends did just after i left and of course they were excited i'm excited for them but that's you know the reality of mining and prospecting you don't always come up with it yourself but in this case my friends did and i'm sure they were very happy with their fines they found three that campy couple found two brian the crystal collector found one it was amazing but i wasn't there for it anyhow one quick last time warp back to the crater of diamonds to say goodbye what an epic day at the creator of diamonds state park we had so much fun here these people are the freaking best to hang out with i absolutely love the camping couple they are awesome if you haven't checked out their channel you have to check out the camping couple's channel i am demanding it right now because they are amazing i hope you enjoyed our adventure out here i had the best day ever if you did enjoy the video please leave me that thumbs up if you haven't subscribed to my channel already i'll hope i've earned your subscription and a big thanks to everyone for watching especially my patrons because of the support of my patrons i get to make these weekly episodes of damn heard prospecting hope you all have an amazing day and until the next adventure bye see y'all later bye guys thanks for hanging out with us see you later say bye back see ya [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 244,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mining, rock hunting, rock hound, rock collecting, video, canada, gemstones, gem stone, gems, treasure hunting, diamonds, arkansas, crater of diamonds, carat, raw diamonds, rough diamonds, finding diamonds, how to find diamonds, where to find diamonds
Id: UgW-9BHybSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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