Questionable HAZMAT handling choices in DERAIL VALLEY! | Career Ep. 5

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ah yes as the fog rolls in on the sdns look at those God rays that's beautiful you love to see it what's up guys this is Heiss and we're continuing at the d-roll valley simulator playthrough today uh career playthrough that is not uh not Shenanigans although you know me we uh we tend to uh get a little silly from time to time with the comments on the last video was I thought this was a serious career play through and here you are blowing up the Oil Well hey man sometimes the Oil Well needs blown up okay let's get this so60 lit off and I think we're gonna deadhead to the Oil Well speaking of we're here at the goods Factory Oil North is just next to us so we're uh yeah we're here at the goods Factory oh well North is just there so we're gonna deadhead light engine stay oil well and see what jobs we can take because we do have an explodey boy's license and you know it'd be nice to get uh some cash so that'll be an easy way to raise some cash and of course because we got out of debt uh that's probably the easiest way to accidentally get into more debt so that seems entertaining why don't we do that it's got all of our appliances fired up here we are lubricator air pump everything and probably need more coal because this thing just slurps it up pretty quick when it fires up oh we're already up up to pressure though oh it probably had pressure on it still from when we were sitting all right well let's uh we got places to be oh God I keep forgetting that I can't touch that that's awful oh there's also a handbrake right nope the other the other way I guess we could just run right around the reverse Loop we should probably be lined all the way through right right perhaps we're set to switch set to stun on the comms radio so we'll just uh Bounce Around The Loop here and see what happens close the damper for now because we do not need any heat and why are you making things why you do this sorry for anyone who just got a notification I'm on set to do not disturb but yet it's still pushed a notification at me a single tier all right I love the little jet of steam coming out of the cylinder before it goes into a big plume it's a lovely detail probably good enough on the cylinder there and we'll just not signal for that Crossing so you don't want to hear the whistle I guess we could turn on the ding ding it's very strange sounding though all right we got places to be I think we can do 60 down this track maybe probably we've gave some warning at that Crossing oh good God okay maybe we'll just shut it down for a second and just Coast what's the visibility zero literally zero I think it's 50 through the no 70. all right well we're doing 60 plus so we might as well just uh go for it [Music] okay those are some spicy deer all sounds bar in the corner while we Coast here okay let's squeeze on a little air we're a little scared it's fine oh my God that Junction's gonna come up and and it's 50 through the junction I think but I don't know how far away it is gently squeeze on a little break and let it Coast now sweet Bob around do the 060 dance flying down the rails here okay where is it where is the switch where's the switch there's a switch somewhere in the distance Malaysia can't find it where is it where is the switch uh KF well um I guess we die like men it's fine I really need to put that on a t-shirt you can keep telling me to put that on the t-shirt it's become one of my sayings apparently where you can't see anything the trains are old and can explode and we die like men all right a little more independent that's great we got the yard limit sign or the junction limit sign looks like a y so I keep thinking it's the yard limit sign but it's not yard limit uh there it is and it is lined to the right okay and presumably we can Blitz through that oh we can Blitz through that at 60. okay well we got places to be man [Music] watch the steam just disappear oh God it didn't like uh I didn't like getting on that tangent did it or on the curve there it just yanked hard over that was great okay dunk oh we'll probably we should line that back for when we go presumably that way I don't know where all the jobs go from the oil well but they'll probably end up heading that way vaguely all right that's a 50 so we can get the throttle off the ceiling and slam on the brakes here [Music] okay cool things down a little bit get a little water in this thing we are an explodey boy ourselves a rolling one here oh it's beautiful all right we should probably just sit at the throw to the yard anyway because we don't know what cars we're gonna take so we'll just uh tie it down here and there's our destroyed de2 so hopefully we don't have to take cars that are on that track otherwise we're gonna have to get creative here all right pull up and stop the water off we've stopped there we go air is on uh we're gonna leave that come back to you in a minute sweetheart okay uh yes now the spacebar the F theft button game okay that's that's a ruined D oh that one's not ruined it's 100 oh that's right because we um got all the headlights are on fire all the headlights on um and we we paid off our insurance we paid off our man so all those engines are fixed I love these we can't play with that choo choo yet though we don't have that license and uh uh Siri can't park like that but it's it's at 100 that what what what I need to know we need to know what happens okay can can it run come on no it no it can't spoilers he's a wheel really I think it's all wheel slip single tier oh we had the handbrake on sorry now incomplete test no I don't think it's moving okay fun fact you cannot actually get uh propulsion with your wheels off the rail okay where is the fuel cut off on this there we go just wasted money all there that's all we've done put the shovel down Heist jeez where's the station it's over here somewhere there it is let's see what jobs we have today how may we accidentally ruin our career shunt Hazmat one has Matt won long one okay uh I mean that seems to be the ticket right there oh that's more money well that's also a longer distance well is it more is it more distance Harper's not Harper's not that bad Machine Factory would be more more pulling though because this is all like downhill from there it'd be neat to end up at the harbor so let's do that let's uh let's do this job the FH 87 gonna figure out where that is and we also need to figure out what to do with our choo choo there so we are uh we're aimed the wrong way [Music] is there a reverse Loop here there might be a reverse Loop here that's I think there there is a loop around that way or we could just wire it let's figure out what the cards are FH 87 it's gonna be this isn't it in the foul no that's 79 okay I sell 66 let me hop on top of the tank car um so maybe it's that one [Music] uh I guess it is that one oh it's crude oil they're not explodey boys they're just they're just flammal flammablely boys put that on the side of your town oh piss [Laughter] there are enough room on that you're there's room on the yard no there's there's is there there's oh there's no way there's no okay no this is making this so hard we could uh uh okay so either we can commit bad decisions and try and move this de2 somehow I need a pole can we pull oh I didn't want to get in the cab couple to it that would be hilarious maybe we can let's try that first I'll take bad ideas for 100 Alex Let's uh let's try that is the fog going away fog's going look we're even lined to that track I wonder why okay Choo Choo's still sitting here you know we can open the damper oh my we forgot about that put that there oh and while we're here actually can can we change skins in yes because we've got we've got all these options and we've and we've only seen the sdns is that it's the esnd okay fly Junior really knocked it out of the park with these it's very plain lettering but it's a little play no 6-0 this permission don't [Music] okay don't mind me just dying uh es and DT okay we got the fireball esndt logo um let's see what what else do you have for us fly Junior you genius what what's this what what is this hey no no closing no closing metal black yes metal metal this makes me think of Tenacious D grunge tried to destroy the metal but they failed okay let's do the e s and D because that one made me cry laughing this is permission uh no no it's not okay uh we're lined into that right we're playing a train game we're lined into that other engine sat for a sec we'll kick the kick the uh cylinder open why not I don't know if they wouldn't in real life probably wouldn't need to but don't need to uh attempt to eat a cylinder head off so I don't know if like I'm hoping that this is gonna line up and I'll be able to couple to this thing and then drag it away which I think is just absolutely futile like this is a stupid idea but we're gonna try it anyway and make sure our fire doesn't go out gently now gently now gently gently friendly Craftsman okay so yeah just can we let that just roll just gonna keep rolling very slowly that's that's too gentle there we go we want some amount of danger [Music] okay and dunk oh there's no way in hell this is gonna be anywhere close uh do we try and push it well that's not doing much just give it a little love tap oh oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah okay close the throttle close the door that we're surprisingly well did we break anything nope did we break the engine no look at that okay uh so we'll yank these cars out and then and then and then we'll we'll do a stupid at the main line and then we'll we'll be end up at the right direction [Music] okay I need to get along across there's like banged the cars into Oblivion here just leave that trying to compress that joint which is a horrible example of safety but it's fine okay tie that in tie the air in bootiful all right and handbrake that one's off so it's gonna be the other end there it is okay and we've got all of the time in the worlds to make this trip so we'll just shut the throttle uh let the train pump up kick that that way let's go accept the job because yeah it's like we we haven't decreased our uh our uh bonus time like near enough to actually where it is gets hard yet which I think happens every time you get a new license the bonus time okay we're going to e9i so this is gonna be pretty straight forward move here this is I've just that what I'm planning to do here is just really not smart we want the so60 to go one way through the junction and we want the cars to go the other way but then they're not gonna stop because we won't be able to teleport to them we want the cars rolling really slowly vaguely that way and then and then we just need to high ball around them and then beat them the other side yeah so we want our comms radio this is just going to be this is a serious playthrough why are you Dutch dropping Hazmat well you know we do a little trolling okay that's lined over got plenty of pressure all right let's let's get this this shenanigan on the road here we're almost out of fire again and the safety's popping everyone's favorite situation to be in okay speed and Power God it sounds awesome Let's uh drop some Cinders into the open hatches on these things right that's uh that's good safe practice okay so that's probably good speed yeah we want the cars need to be rolling just enough all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna bottle the air like bad kids I'm Gonna Pop That Joint uncouple and and now we have rolling Hazmat that we're not in control of and we're just gonna absolutely send it bye boys see in a second oh I gotta be I gotta be I gotta hit Junction speed to get ahead of these things switch we need to throw and we can do 60 through this Junction awesome okay and then re-line it for the boys did that line that line okay and now we gotta get ahead of them it's the dumbest idea that we call this see I was on the wrong end if you haven't figured out why I'm doing this I was on the wrong end facing the wrong way so we're winding the engine while the train runs through the the other way so that we can get ahead of it maybe okay just murder everything about this steam engine go go we gotta beat those cars okay this is the dumbest idea this is the dumbest idea this is just just um where the cars where the cars were the cars were the cars see them okay they haven't rolled out ahead of me I guess we I'm hyping this up so much because I thought it was going to be really dangerous and epic but apparently letting the cars roll at a responsible 15 kilometers an hour was fine yeah there they are okay oh no no no no no no please train train come on okay talking two sounds okay that was that was genuine mild panic okay I wouldn't even call it mild panic that was genuine Terror uh The Hop distance that's just that's that's the heart that's the difficulty none of the other stuff isn't difficulty setting the true difficulty is making it so you can't teleport back into the train okay well then let's go say out of the boys shall we now that we've made it halfway to the goods Factory oh God okay we want more fire more fire please yep good where are the boys we need to reline that switch because we're gonna I thought they were Gonna Roll so much easier than this oh they're they're like they're back there but they're not they're hardly moving that was the safest stupid dangerous thing I've done in a while you can quote me on that [Laughter] little blower going okay yeah we don't want to have a combined super high coupling speed here so we'll just how fast are those cars rolling oh God they're actually still rolling at a decent clip so we probably don't want to be stationary we want them to kind of bang into us while we're moving make it a gentle couple oh slosh slosh slosh wine wine you would not develop condensate after this sitting that long it's fine I understand game mechanics wise why they did that but anyway Come to Papa come on it's uh it's fine this is uh this is switching with Hazmat right and dunk all right plenty of weight there oh please please behave couplers lace it back up um screw the screw the screw well get run over by the train that wasn't on the menu looks like me it's back on the menu boys all right tight in unbottled Deer hot ball we got places to be more more coal more wood a boogie sniggle sniggle make big fire I am chief what's Ice's YouTube channel well it's actually just a lot of Pirates of Caribbean references all right we got places to be we got the boys The Boys Are Back in Town I did see someone actually made uh new skins that actually make them the boys again so I will have to acquire that but uh you know you know me and remember to tell about things before I start playing games that uh it doesn't happen all right come on speed and power we're probably okay uh Logistics you see you see that that stuff's important we learned that the other the other day that stuff's very important uh so we want to have some more of it oh God that's just murdered or pressure we still got the blower on we don't need to blow it out because we've got plenty of exhaust pressure let's hook it up a little bit more and see if we can fire against the the gun here um we're probably gonna have to stop and get more water at The Sawmill or Not The Sawmill the steel mill the other Mill I don't know where the water tower is maybe I should look at my station map do they do they list that steel Mill's the first one okay let's see steel mill yes at the 7l I've seen it that's right so we're gonna have to line ourselves in uh to the left there and then we can fill up with some more water there now we've murdered oh we dropped our lamp again sorry buddy and Mrs O'Leary's cow the YouTuber why'd you burn down the whole city of Chicago uh because I kicked I dropped my Lantern that's why I would like more pressure than that friend come on I stopped putting water in I guess this is what we get we get uh some amount of pressure and some amount of speed we're doing 55. but it's the steam engine we have so you know we're gonna we're gonna rock it don't do it open the hatch before he died okay fine fine if you say so fly Junior I shall it's not a very long train this uh this engine really doesn't put up with tonnage too uh too well how many tons is this 270 tons okay and it's worth half a million well that's really tempting so yeah here here's hoping that we don't uh blow everything up it smells like Kenosha just started playing uh well you know you'll hear I don't play with sound nickly adds the uh the music in in post that way if there's any Cuts if I'm naughty or something you can just have fun and do all that and then you can sink the Kenosha to the derailment otherwise I have to sink my derailment to the Kenosha and that's like a self-fulfilling prophecy and we uh we don't like that we don't like to purposefully do well I mean yes we do but not in the career safe this is uh responsible yes all right the pressure's come back up so I'm gonna Notch the bar down a little bit more and see if I can't get a little more speed out of this thing I got a little bit more chuffs out of this thing okay can't see the tracks through the smoke man how's how's the how's the No No explodey juice doing it's doing okay we'll start bringing that back up yeah we're really really generated in Steam now you love to see it more coal keep that thing absolutely pegged plenty of heat in the fire uh We've we've gotten we found the edge we found the edge of the speedo you love to see it because we got places to be man and um yeah pressure fresh we're firing against the gun now so that's that's good this is clean living right now everything's just kind of set and now we now we watch the scenery hi scenery pie scenery hello look at the bridge it's pretty the trees in the gauge get mow Flack why is your face all scratched well mow doesn't do their job like day shift wait a minute what shift is it right now it's daytime that's fine maybe swing shift you never know so through that cut I mean you can see the big burning stack up there so that must be steel milk presumably you can see it from as far away go through the cut and there's like a little tutorial offshoot land that exists and then uh you pass that and you enter into the steel mill a little bit of spicy derail sounds 70s the limit we're presumably doing at least 16. the number on the gauge says we're doing 60 mile an hour but I don't actually know how fast we're going it's fine tips so oh God we're still we still have plenty of uh steam pressure so I'm gonna keep that water going I guess although we need to start feeding it more bars so I'm going to shut it off so we keep keep the speed up up the hill here that's the tutorial switch off that I was talking about okay and yeah we need to we want to stop and top off with water we might not need it but uh we're we're gonna just play it safe lined in there and we'll just ease it back now shut her down I don't know what the speed limit apparently you can do 50 into the entrance the yard we are in fact doing 50 but let's set up a little air shall we find that switch coming into the standpipe here I've never used one of these yet so I guess we'll figure that out walk up to the spout here working against the brakes making quite the commotion yes popping the safety like a bad kid let's not waste that shall we slam on the brakes overshoot it okay bye bye um [Music] what's that that open the oh no okay we can reposition it with this this valve man I thought we were gonna walk right up to that stop and then the independent breakdown sucks [Music] all right back it up charge up the steam chest come on this is where someone on the ground telling you where to stop is very helpful somewhere there'sville it went ding so yes water misaligned look at that we've got a reading for it did we spot correctly oh look and we actually can see where we still have look we have two thirds of tank we didn't need to stop we could have made it he said then probably blowing up the mouth of the harbor foreign well I guess we need to be further ahead to get into that tank hatch yeah okay well let's let's get it lined up and then we can spot the engine okay all right all right and kick the bar over [Music] come on oh dunk look at that we have a we have we had a sound and everything but we were going too fast and I hear the water sloshing in the cylinders and and we wouldn't condensate that that's okay [Music] somewhere in there maybe ready yes just just shower the the whole thing with water see those particle effects but you can't look at it and do the thing okay well we did that uh okay we added our water it was a hundred sixty dollars that's uh that's actually not bad all right dunk look at that we took we took on 1800 liters-ish of water okay okay bye we got a place to be now thank you how's our how's our Fuego doing more more cool more cool because we're gonna we gotta climb like right out of the steel mill here it's probably plenty of speed that way of course the bar over here set them up set them up where's my brake pipe Gage oh it's on that gauge oh come on you keep rolling hey you replied the break well you know life's hard and the safety's popping again good heavens all right we're lined high ball we got places to be slide him flat here we go [Music] boom Oh I guess like we don't want Cinders in the water let me close the hatch there [Music] yeah speaking of cinders good God that's uh that's significant all right let's get on the water bring the bar back throttles on the ceiling we are lined through the main give them a little ding ding there you go that's all you get it's a quiet Zone Crossing trust me so that you can see start of the hill over there we need to be going pretty quick by then so there we go this is a neat little thing a little mini game fill the choo choo with more water yes we're actually generating steam now so start firing against the gun again and gun is our slang term for injector because uh reasons because railroading is all just a collection of slang terms all right we're gonna hit the hill maybe doing 50. it should be good for it's 270 tons it should be good for that of this little Hill one would think it's probably good on the water because it's gonna slosh pretty far back as soon as we hit the oh no we're not lying we're not lying ah no pay attention ice plug it plug it plug it plug it plug it plug it plug it you guys have gotten a lot of cockatoo sounds this episode [Music] good God okay please stop stop moving break and work against it it's fine I guess this thing's got adhesion for days I think I put more water in it since the air pump's all mad at me I wonder why okay now start go back up you can do it Bang there you go it's very dark big large object all right because we put water in it that the crown exposed probably otherwise come on come on sweetheart back it up give us everything all of the speeds all of the speeds and all the steams it's a good thing this is a fast fast turnout because good God we would have been all over the place that would have been bad how many mishaps can one man get into and one deer all that he played through and the funny thing is like I saw the switch and just went ah and did not try to get the comms radio out so it's fine all right left now are we talking about hitting the hill doing 50. no how about let's start on the hill shall we come on [Music] GO train go show me what you got [Music] it's not the injector just the cylinders okay so okay [Music] go trade and go [Music] don't do it [Music] it's prob probably keep that fly Junior's reminding me to keep it open so oh yeah we're Waltzing up so we're still getting speed although the big Hills up there so I guess we're hitting the hill doing you know almost 50. that'll be fine that'll work more coal or coal where did the water go I'd like some more please okay throttle on the ceiling we hooked it up a little bit we are aggressively slowing down though so I don't want to hook it up too far but I'm also firing against again now and I need more heat more 80 to go well 80 kilometer an hour still got more of a hill to climb but we're kind of holding speeds so that's good and the pressure is kind of hanging out around a little bit less than 13 bars so this is a solid choo choo you're not gonna haul huge trains with it but 270 tons up the like two and a half percent grade I think is the steepest on this just working it let's just making it happen well we are losing a little pressure now check the fire more call at a bye and we're coming up on another switch so we'll have to check that we haven't run it out of water yet but the water level is decreasing still we're using quite a lot working the engine this hard so feed a little less bar and a little bit more gun which way is that lines okay we're lying to the left look at that how about that we checked the switch you know 100 yards in advance instead of watching the switch dance sail pass as we go down the wrong leg of the turnout hahaha oops okay just keep that barely working now more coal certainly worked through it we could do 70 through this apparently but it's still going to feel like yoink [Music] come on come on train we're getting more water in the glass now so we'll back that off because we're really losing a lot of steam well the fire is also not burning too hot it's just not drafting it really okay come on keep it going next Junction there because we are right here coming up on this guy now almost there almost there look you turned off your targeting computer all right looks like a slime left remote here in the distance yep line to the left beautiful the pressure might be on its way back the water back a little bit more dump the bar in the corner keep the fire up a little bit shall we a little speed would be awful for locomotives speech dumping the bar all the way forward yoink okay we're not gonna win any speed records here but let's see how fast we can get this thing cooking because this uh this section here is bloody quick I think it's one of the places on the map where you can do like 120 I want to say is the speed it gives you so how fast can the little so60 go we don't know because the speedo only goes to 60. but we're gonna we're gonna try and see just how fast can we get this thing going come on all the coal in the hole still got a little water going pressure's on the rise really like to try and keep it consistent it's a digital train it doesn't really matter anytime you change pressure you change temperature as well and fast temperature cycling in the in the boiler is far from ideal we'll try and Fire Within about a 5 PSI window so that's a a third of a bar so it's like that one tick or two ticks on this gauge basically on the real thing and if if you have five five is pretty ideal the coal burner sometimes there are things you can't really plan for and you can't keep it within you know within that tide of a range but oh yeah there's the 120 oil burners you can pretty much try and keep exactly pegged at one spot Dynamic control the fire but if you have a variance of 10 pounds over a little bit it's not the end of the world and goodness everyone learning to fire I mean it's pretty pretty uh pretty constant that they they end up losing something like 15 or 20 pounds maybe even more than that 25 uh just one time up the hill at our Museum so so that's a learning process it's challenging to know exactly what the fire needs to do to make it up the hill we're worse on the railroad I'm sure firing up from cold and doing it quick because they had to for whatever reason but again these are pixels pixelated choo choos it doesn't really matter just means that we can't go as zoomy speedy pressure's still on the rise and we are adding a little water so although uh the the faster we run the more water we use the less likely that we'll make it to the harbor before running out but yeah you know that's a problem for uh 10 minutes from now us isn't it I blow up the engine at the harbor make you better you better put a flashback to me saying that are we doing 80 probably not probably just doing uh 60. we're doing 60. hey just telling me I'll believe it more coal are we doing 70. now we're doing 60. I'm gonna trust the gauge pretty sure this thing's rods would fall off if we were doing like 90 so okay those are those are the lights the light spice they're not uh it's not the ghost pepper uh derail sound that's the uh that was just a little bit of uh you know Cayenne or something not not this Picante yet so we're just gonna keep the throttle on the ceiling just uh let it do the thing and now we play a stare at digital scenery simulator 2023 it's quite pretty out there on the lake what is that it's like a Str there's like a castle or something up there what is that that is directly west of and we're like in hearsville so that's that's like over there somewhere that's not any we gotta we're gonna have to go explore derail Valley without a train I can't teleport there have to look at that in sandbox okay we can do 60 to the right and we are doing uh well actually we're doing 59. so dunk God that you would just not want to go through that switch like that you just wouldn't 60 and we're doing 60. so there's that although I hear the uh speeding we're gonna we're gonna start setting them up a little bit nice set on the on the train there almost a bar oh boy yeah we want more we want more of a set than that please and thanks kick it off let the curve bite us we don't really need to deal with that anymore we've got plenty of water so we'll just let it ride and that it's getting a little late the sun's descended behind the mountains so we're just gonna run through in the dark here now we're just gonna manage air and Coast the way down okay bar all the way in the corner be a good kid give us even valve wear we're not going that fast apparently the uh the British engines will have uh on their screw reverse they'll have a d position that's for drive when they're drifting and then you hook it up to there so not all the way in the corner but kind of mid mid position in between mid gear which is right up and down on the Johnson barn and all the way in the corner so they'll Coast with the bar about there this has no bearing on the simulation but you know we try and do uh realistic practices you know that should decrease our maintenance fee Implement that all future why not all the trivial details to implement water going just pop safety close the damper I think yeah fire cool off a little bit we're doing 50. that's fine can't see the band through the smoke mine just uh we'll just let it ride and perhaps don't forget and we'll uh just keep it doing it doing the thing we run down this Dark Canyon that's a fork set him up okay it's thinking about slowing down take that set nice and early and we'll release it and as the release propagates will still slow down a little bit kiss that curve doing a Scenic 43 kilometers an hour yeah the the light the light Cayenne spice on the on the Curve you know the boys they like it spicy and that's an 80 so we got places to be slight glass is full of water you love to see it 70 but we're not even doing 60 yet so power on and a 60 but then it slows down again up there so athletic Coast I don't like how fast we're done set them up one bar set that'll be enough maybe oh God I don't like that don't like that don't like this don't like this don't like this it's fine it's fine don't worry about it don't worry about it it's fine let's just pull through it okay he's the bar in the corner going 40. it's fine okay and we'll release it 60 again got down to about 35 there that was uh I'd love to see what the HUD would have said about the d-roll numbers in that moment what were they okay where are we going again e something E9 I think E9 inbound this shouldn't be too hard to get to 40 coming up again we'll take a nice little set on the air there a bar it's about seven and a half pounds something like that oh grab the independent out of fear it's fine okay we we didn't get the ghost pepper deer all sound but uh there was a there was a spicy boy in there for a second for a brief second it wasn't Cayenne what's hotter than Cayenne I don't know something it's fine it's fine we got a four still man we're doing okay we're doing 45. still going downhill gravity is still doing the thing quit your quit your whining all right we should be lying through to the normal yard there and now we should be able to just Coast just let it do the thing we didn't leave ourselves any surprises at the harbor did we it's been a minute since we've been here okay well it looks like we're not lined Into The Roundhouse or anything silly safety valve popping bad kid uh we're gonna we're gonna be in the harbor for in time for dinner you love to see it what do we have at the shop here oh a big s282 dh4s a de6 nothing nothing we can play with uh maybe someday I'll have to get some of those other licenses and then maybe maybe our friend the de2 there oh yeah okay so we do have a de2 so if we feel silly next time we could double head out the harbor up the grade that sounds annoying so we should try that okay E9 is going to be to the right in the ER to think and we're lying to the right right there ah okay saved it checked checked early enough that time uh so we want to be lined to the right there line to the right there it's probably that clear track um how fast are we going does it matter Maybe seven eight oh boy and then Ina okay we are in fact lined it into E9 we're doing 45 that's plenty yoink and uh you plug it slam on all the air it's fine [Music] I'll shake the fire dead no blowing up while I'm away please [Music] tie down the brake jump out shut down our choo choo here we definitely have not hit the 83 minutes shut down all the things and we'll zero out the brake pipe give an emergency set Tire handbrake on there we are okay dunk and uh throw the keys down uh night shift night shift starting throw the keys on the floor jump the fence parkour ready ready ready ready parkour okay uh we're aimed at the station vaguely right no we're not it's over here uh yeah so how many there it is okay we we got too excited about jumping over the fences there's the Station dump fire Choo Choo's not gonna blow up guys we we've run the so-60 for two episodes and we haven't blown up and we didn't even crash into anything this episode what the heck oh my god there it is kapow 36 minutes look at that 50 Grand yeah yeah look at that look at all those dalary dues yes uh okay we could service it for uh oh we used sixty eight hundred dollars or sixty six hundred eighty dollars of fuel in that thing okay but can we buy licenses while we have this mu would be helpful logistical hauls are boring de6 is very expensive the dm3 is a silly thing that'd be fun we could get the diesel hydraulic uh we can't get us to it too because you need the concurrent jobs apparently uh you know what that sounds yeah can we oh you have to oh clear all the fees to blowing nonsense all right you know what we could not we've got the cash we're just gonna pay we're just gonna pay him just doing the thing yes yes you could pay the be cheap or whatever who cares I don't want to go to The Roundhouse that sounds like work all right licenses okay so I think concurrent jobs one so we can have two jobs at the same time adding that copay it's fine uh-huh and then we can't get the s282 this go around and and we should probably like save it for later so we can savor it when we get to it we've got 40 Grand still though so I think we're gonna get uh mu capabilities multiple unit I think that's that's the smart choice yep there you go okay so now now we can start getting silly we can get uh we can have many concurrent job well not many we can have oh we threw it away two orders at the same time okay versus concurrent orders three just lets you do as men or many as you want I guess presumably yeah okay well we've got 11 Grand uh we're not we're not in debt it's night time I'm gonna throw the keys at the floor and walk out of this place see you later dudes thanks for watching guys oh whoa dude tubular hell this is the next mini game wait how high in the harbor can you jump up as uh as realistic mode man I jump onto your house maybe maybe no I don't know if I can get there try okay oh [Music] I am on a man yeah make do whatever you want with this footage I don't know [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Hyce
Views: 67,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trains, railroad, how trains work, steam trains, train game, train crash, train wreck
Id: E7v4ATvjb0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 39sec (3399 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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