Can The French Speaking Countires Understand Each Other? (France, Quebec, Belgium)

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perfect yeah of course yeah just see it's downtown communication a um [Music] hello hi my name is Lucy and I'm from France hi my name is Megan and I'm from Canada hi I'm Naya and I'm from Belgium with Belgium yes mostly with Canada we do have similarities but it's hard but I think it might be easier for me because of the dialect because we have similarities in my dialect and with Quebec so I do agree with Lucy however I have difficulty understanding some French Expressions sometimes but as for the accent I understand pretty much everything they say I think same thing like I understand Lucy but maybe her dialect I won't understand as much is the north the northern like dialect which is the sexiest um perfectly yeah of course yeah yeah so she said I'm Lucy I'm 21 I'm a model and I'm from the north 20 minutes away from the island yeah so but you said the island so you said Lil and my like the biggest city where I'm from name is an island in Europe I was like for a second I I forgot about the like the the city yeah I forgot about it yes but I knew about it before but I just kind of forgot okay yeah that's funny you said model you said model right yeah we say okay yeah we do have it yeah I actually she's right the right way in French but I'm guessing I took it from English we also but yeah usually we say America oh amazing communication um myself that's how I would kind of introduce myself but if I but if I really speak with my friends maybe I would speak a bit more like yeah do it like uh casual would be like uh uh [Music] when you hear someone saying a sentence and you don't understand one word you just take it off yeah like you understand but when right now we asked her and we're like why and we are trying to understand why she said it that way but there is one that doesn't make sense I did not understand it couldn't make sense because when you know when you're young and everything you you don't say like I am you say I'm right yeah yeah same kind of thing but there is I don't know either why that is I am at studies yeah it's that way I am at studies and then there is relationship and studies I'm studies [Laughter] so she said like my name is Megan I'm 26 and I studying communication and then she said that she was from Quebec but then she moved tomorrow right you yeah so makes sense but still does not make sense it doesn't make sense okay yeah yeah it's like Russian yeah but in quebecois French we like to shorten everything so the sentence is that long and then we cut it the sugar tea come in yeah foreign she said I'm from I don't know the name in English so she said I'm from an enter like sorry and I'm a model so so she said I'm 24 year old I would say and she said it like like oh yes yeah it's just the accent is like at home I feel like you don't pronounce the tea because I say she went cat Tilly okay okay yeah okay cool um Netflix yeah [Music] [Music] listening to the TV I'm not watching I'm listening to the TV and then she said well I'm going shopping but she said in a weird way yeah like and then she's like I also like to hang out with my friends like chilling with my friends so because listening to TV yeah that's why I was like oh you don't watch it like you just listen to it and we listen to the radio yeah yeah yeah we don't listen to TV we watch TV the same as she was like I'm listening to Netflix so shopping yeah shopping she said I like to magazine like I like to do magic yeah yeah but for us in Magazine see it's um no but I I understand why like like shop we see magazines so it makes sense okay but at the same time when we say that we are looking at the magazine yeah this is magazine but before them is shopping I I didn't know shopping is English speak English a bunch dance um yes I understood everything she said I like dance yeah I like to dance I like to read sing the other hand was the whole half was like oh and uh oh no but it's uh um this is yes I understood everything perfectly she said I like to go to karaoke I like to uh cook like baking like little cakes yeah um so she said she like spend time with her family and then she was gonna like talk about eating and she was like is that really a hobby eating because like it's very necessary she's like maybe not eating she asked if like they had cafes in France she was like other than shopping yeah it was really fun interesting yeah it was interesting yeah it is for sure so today we tried to compare French accents so if you like that video please give a like a comment or subscribe we will see you soon bye foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: World Friends
Views: 652,215
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Id: 2D3fpFDmzoU
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Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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