People from 6 Country Try Each Country's Bread! Which Country's Bread is BEST?

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M good good you [Music] will hi today we're going to try six different countries breads so usually in Italy we eat bread every meal we have and we used to eat it with sauces like tomato sauce or ham especially H I think France is a little bit similar we have bread for breakfast we have bread at lunch and at dinner in the morning it's probably more like with something sweet that you will put on I don't know what to really expect because I don't really think about bread a lot I don't yeah and in America like bread I don't know unless you like going to the bakery when you think of bread I just think of sandwich bread but then once I traveled more I realized like wow there's so many different different types of bread yeah there's a lot my dad actually owns a bakery so oh my God I grew up with bread I feel like how know some of them French and Italian to be the best bread so I don't expect too much I expect the Japanese bread to be very sweet person and the Korean one I don't know about Brazilian bread so let's see how it will turn out o this is called poniu honestly we eat it for breakfast but also for like an afternoon snack and it varies in size you can have like a big one like this or you can have a in a smaller size oh smells Ells strong yeah like cheesy yeah right even on the crust you can see like a little bit of cheese like that's been crisped or for what is that is that a raisin no no no it's like a FIA means cheese bread oh yeah the dark part is cheese yeah like burn cheese and it has a really interesting texture cuz it's made of tapioca starch so it's very chewy and not really what you would expect from a bread and a bit Tangy too it looks like I don't know if you beign beign beign oh the shape yeah the shape looks like that oh my God you know what it looks like like Japanese Mochi a little bit a little bit okay I'm ready slightly it's kind of hot oh my gosh I haven't eaten this in so long so do you just mhm M oh wow I like it yes M this feels like home honestly it's very similar to a Japanese Moji have a texture the way it's a bit but it's very very cheesy even the consistency I feel like there's almost more cheese than there is bread the way no it's very wet inside yeah it's interesting cuz it's a little bit like shiny mhm because of the fattiness of the cheese no texture from traditional bre very different from like the bread that we are used to I'm so pleasantly surprised because I don't actually like cheese that much but this is like it feels like the cheese is integrated with the bread mhm so it's not like giant Globs of cheese in there which I don't really like this is so nice and it's so chewy I love chewy things and rice cake I love that it has a similar texture to to that right we can also eat eat it with like hio which is like a cheese bread that we have in Brazil or even like you can even go for sweets you can go eat it with Nutella it's great it's delicious that sounds so dangerous good [Music] like if there was a bakery selling this year I think I would buy a lot I I like this I don't know what country this bread is from but I feel it's from Korea yeah me too it's very cute yeah it's very cute it's full of stuff I can see a lot of saes on top I can see corn so definitely this is Korean cuz they put corn everywhere but it also the smell it smells smells kind of sweet it's it's not like a pizza smell or it's not like this kind of savory smell it's a bit more of a sweet kind of deserty smell this is a very decorated bread looks very Korean to me yeah it's not a hot dog but it has the same flavors I think yeah like cheese ketchup I don't know if this is ketchup but it kind of I I would say it's ketchup and mayo and then corn and sausages little like the bread itself it looks a little bit like Brios like a French Brios which it's a bit more deserty it's sweet definitely very sweet it's a bit like a hot dog mhm or but I would eat this as a snack like afternoon snack or that's right before lunch it smells like a hot dog it does it really does okay yeah it just to me it just tastes like a hot dog if I close my eyes I'm going I eat this isn't it sweeter than a hot dog though cuz I feel like the bread dough is kind of sweet honestly I feel like it tastes exactly like an American hot top one oh really yeah it it it tastes good but it's not bad but I personally prefer like simpler yeah breads this reminds me a little bit of hot dogs in Brazil cuz we do put a lot of stuff in really corn ketchup Mayo all of that you put corn in hot sauce oh we put a lot more than that even mashed potatoes I would probably buy this again so I think we got croissant so croissant is actually a shape it's a Cresent so that's why it's called croissant if it came in another shape it wouldn't be a croissant it's a lot of but in it and that's what makes it like a crunchy and all the layers that you can see and usually we have this in the morning same but just like this even in America like we have croissants at the local grocery stores Bakery and everything but I never buy them like I know they're good but to me they're just like nothing special that makes me buy them I like how versatile they are that like you can eat it by itself it's already so tasty cuz you know you got a lot of butter there so you got a lot of taste from a lot of flavor from those and but you can also go Savory with it you can also go sweet and I do think it matches really well with coffe coffee yeah my favorite so sometimes but usually the typical way to have this is for breakfast or in the afternoon as a snack and you will just have it like this so usually it's a good sign when there's like bits and pieces that fall the mostly my experience with croissant is do you know pillsberry the canned croissants and then you you peel it off and it pops open and you roll it I did that so much like in my childhood and I really enjoyed it like like rolling up croissants with my mom and you can even put things inside like sometimes we would put pieces of chocolate and I liked to put lemon a lot lemon yeah like lemon zest or lemon oil rub it on there and it tastes so good to me when it finally cooks and you take it out the oven it smells like lemon it's so [Music] nice does it taste like French ones it's not bad it's not bad what does make a cross sound good so it has to be like a rich flavor a little bit buttery but not overpowering and usually all those like the top layer has to be like really crispy and the inside really moist and buttery so when you pull it like this usually you've got all this that comes out I agree I also like it a lot I could eat this full and another one I'll go for this one it looks so pretty so white look at that I know ASMR that's so nice it's really good oh yeah m is long yeah that's super good the person who made croissant like I don't know who you are but thank you so much yeah let's just put butter and butter and butter and make it really thin and then roll it in [Music] [Music] this looks like Japanese it's funny cuz it a little bit has the same shape as croissant that's true but it's definitely more of a bread bread type than a bread pastry type I actually thought this was a croissant the first time I bought it to me this shap is similar so I was like crant I I think I've had them like only once and I don't know if it was a good quality I wasn't very impressed by it gladly I will try see I love how in the middle it has this like tunnel of butter oh yeah the butter tunnel salt uhhuh this ring mhm I'm going to try the middle of it yeah this one is not the best I've ever had but it it's so good one two oh this is harder than I expect yeah me too right it's a bit more like a rubbery mhm like a very gummy elastic is there something inside usually soang it's like the inside is a there should be like a butter piece inside melts it's a bit shiny very sweet even though it's salt bread it's very sweet I like the the the center part of it the center is really good it's so good and so buttery although I feel like this would be great for like sandwiches it has like it has the right texture for it like a an Italian kind of sandwich you know like pan that would be so [Laughter] [Music] good like bri is usually a bit more fluffy mhm it's not bad but it's very I like the consist like just normal I would say the Asian breads were sweet yeah even though they're supposed to be salty they're actually sweet as we said over all the bread itself is pretty sweet sweet very sweet yeah if they had a kid it would be this yeah that's true cuz it's very like buttery like C on it's super buttery but then it tastes like bread so good so this time we've got Bagel love bagel I guess that's the American bread I love Bagel me too I love the blueberry ones oh my God I like Edition plain bag blueberry Bagel onion bagel I love Bagels really I do I really do Bagels were so popularized I think by New York like New York Bagels by this time I think they have their own brand and name for themselves I mean of course plain bagels are good but I like everything bagels with all the seeds on top I like to put hummus butter it's so good like make a sandwich with the bagel oh delicious it's so good let's try yes so traditionally with cream cheese let me let me put the cheese on your B thank you wow like a professional Italian style let's [Music] [Music] go here I will put the cream cheese for you oh thank you do you eat the bagel like a sand wish or one piece at a time um cuz I think the traditional way of eating a bagel famous way is just to have one slice at a time yeah but usually we toast it before we put cream cheese well I I think I only eat it as a sandwich when it's actually a sandwich you know when you have like a lot of feelings but otherwise yes I do like this this Bagel is so chewy it's a bit rubbery too like kind of bread very chewy it's a bit more light I would say but still very dense yeah it's chewy but at the same time I feel that since it's not too sweet you enjoy eating this with like some cream cheese or some other sauces yeah good [Music] good I love but you know even the bagels with like melted cheese on top I like it I love it actually it's very soft this babal is really like squishy yeah I don't know if they usually like this but it's so good really nice your baby chabata my Italian bread what is chabata chabata in Italian means slipper like one single slipper I guess it's because of the shape of this bread it kind of looks like a slipper oh my gosh is this like vinegarette I think I think it's olive oil with a um balsamic vinegar oh my gosh I love Italian same I love chabas yeah and I feel like especially for chabat it's one of those breads where in America I've only seen it as an option for your sandwich bread I never buy chabata and eat it interesting so would you have this like with lunch with dinner like on the table so bread is very important for Italians personally in my family even though we a lot of bread we don't always have it on the table but if you go to a restaurant you definitely find it every time cuz I feel like in France you go to a restaurant bread is always on the table but also traditionally in families like my grandmother always there's always bread she always goes to the Bak the morning she always bakes some bread even between lunch and dinner they probably leave it on the table it should be tasty cuz um chabata has a lot of olive oil in the dop oh yeah and this one seems kind of nice how is it pretty to me it would definitely need something like this yeah I think you need something to eat with it it feels like something is missing but it's still good it's like a perfect base for all the things you can put on top I think this works for me feels very legit but I feel like I definitely need to eat this with some vegetables like I hate Tomatoes but tomato with this it it seems like it would be good especially like a sun dried tomato oh yeah I like sun dried tomatoes to me it's the best of one it's it tastes like my country that's why obviously eating it like this it's good yeah but it's not yeah you you don't eat this bread yeah you eat a piece and you're like oh it tastes good but then you eat a big piece and you're like oh I'm going to die you want something on it to make the flavor stand out yeah it's more something that helps uh another ingredient but uh it has some flavor on its own that also changes the flavor of what you put on so it was definitely a nice experience with a lot of different breads very full personally I my least favorite ones were the ones from the Asian countries Japan and Korea sorry but I would say that for me the Korean one was not the worst but my least favorite for me my least favorite was maybe the so Pang but I know that I've had other kinds of of this bread and I really liked it the Korean one would come second like least favorite and my favorite would definitely be the croissant I really didn't expect it but I think my favorite was the Brazilian yay when I kept hearing cheese bread I was like oh no I don't like cheese bread but that was so good it compliments well it does like it's the perfect it's just like very nostalgic and brings a lot of good memories and I'm personally very surprised by the Brazilian bread I really really like it very cheesy I like their consistency I like chewy stuff yeah for me it was very interesting like I'm I think the ones that I'm least familiar with would have been the Japanese and the Korean ones cuz that's not really something we get back in Brazil honestly me too except the Korean one it's a bit more similar to some breads I do see in America kind of these flattened sausage type breads we we sometimes have those at bakeries cuz it's popular like Americans also love hot dog tasting things but for me my favorite was the Brazilian bread then I think the Japanese bread the salt bread I think I really like it cuz it reminds me of American butter rolls [Music] wow so today we tried six different countries bread so if you like the video please like comment and subscribe bye [Music] bye
Channel: World Friends
Views: 754,378
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Id: vXnweFaKBoQ
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Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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