Can the County shut down TALLY HO?! / Sheer Planks (Rebuilding Tally Ho / EP92)

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[Music] hi my name's leo and i'm a boat builder and a sailor and i'm on a mission to rebuild and restore this 111 year old classic sailing yacht tally ho now we had quite a snowstorm last night and i woke up this morning and the boat was full of snow this is hopefully one of the few times that this boat has or will have a lot of snow inside the hull but you never know i do have some pretty cool pictures of the boat from the 1950s with a lot of snow on the deck and a little girl peeping up the hatch snow isn't ideal because it's fresh water fresh water causes rock so uh there's not a lot i can do about it right now but perhaps on monday we will pour some sea water into the bilges to make sure there's not too much fresh water hanging around in little gaps anyway in the last video we had 70 planks on the boat um and we had 36 left to go so of course in the next week or two we're going to continue planking as much as we can i'm also going to be doing some preparations for putting the sheer planks on those are the top planks of the hull on either side and they're pretty important because they define a boat's shear line and that is the line of the top of the hull and it's a pretty important part of the whole shape and one of the first and most important things you see when you look at a boat [Music] so [Music] done [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so pete and the crew have been getting on with the planking they've been doing really well the crew has been getting involved with cutting the planks out and they've been hanging them filling up the space between the top side and the bottom planks now i've been spending days and days fairing the tops of the frames basically you just want to get that shape really nice it wants to be pretty much perfect because the sheer plank is going to go around the tops of the frames and define the shear of the boat when we fared most of the frames before we didn't really quite get the tops of the frames dialed in because we were leaving it until later now it's later of course so we have to do it now doing that fairing has taken quite a while of course there's very little to show for it unless you're really looking closely and have a baton up but hopefully it will be reflected in the sheer of the boat when i eventually get the plank on uh hopefully this coming week [Music] so one thing that i have to do before putting the very top planks on is think about what's going on in this area and the bow of the boat on the inside of the planks now there's going to be quite a lot of stuff going on here there's going to be the bow spit of course which is going to come out past the stem head on the starboard side here on the other side of the boat there's a sort of interesting arrangement um where the bulwark planks come into a sort of shaped block and then there's going to be a bow roller inside that now there's various different ways of sort of configuring this arrangement up here a lot of boats have what are called night heads um those are basically sort of large timbers which would go up inside the planking on either side of the stem a little bit further out this boat actually never had uh sort of traditional night heads uh because of the sort of the shape of the bow here and the way the bow spit comes in sort of beside the stem fairly close to the deck uh if you did have night heads they'd have to be really quite far back to actually clear the bow sprit in this space right up uh just behind the stem what i think they did originally and so what i'm going to do is put a sort of blocking in here a blocking that goes right up to the deck level and what that'll mean is that uh on the starboard side here there'll be something strong underneath the bowsprit if we ever need to fasten to it on the port side it's really important because it's gonna have uh this sort of block fastened above it which is actually going to be uh it's going to be taking the very front of the bullet planks and it's also going to be sort of supporting one side of the bow roller and the way that that block is shaped it has a funny sort of taper and an inverse curve to it it's really quite elegant but it means that it has to have its grain running fore and aft to be strong so it's not something that can come down below the deck through the covering board it's going to have to be bolted down to this block below deck [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] now this is going to be some pretty tricky holes because uh i just have a less than an inch of room on the back of this to come out between the breast hook and the top of the beam shelf or the bottom of the beam shelf um to get these four bolts in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so getting these blocks in went pretty well now it's interesting to note that when i actually first got the boat uh she did have traditional night heads that come down further go up through the deck on either side of the stem there but those night heads were really recent you could tell they were cedar they'd been put in down in in oregon and i'm almost certain that she didn't have that style of traditional night heads when she was originally built because there's no way for a start that you can actually fit the night heads on the starboard side with the original size and location of the bow sprit so after doing a bit of research talking to a few people who are really familiar with traditional boats from this era this was what we decided was the most likely thing that they would have done originally it may not have been this exactly but it would have been pretty close and this was a pretty common way of supporting the blocking at the front of the bulwark planks for boats that didn't have that sort of very traditional style of night heads harder again again again keep going keep going again again again one more uh like one okay wow just a major in discrepancy here rowan what what's going on oh no nothing major nothing major pretty simple nothing for me to worry about nothing for you to worry about no okay so uh just the way i'm making these planks is taking the overall measurement and and measuring their lengths at every station frame and there's just a somebody mismeasured somebody along the line mismeasured so it through it happened early on so it threw off all the measurements going aft frame two is one one foot one inch and a one and an eighth can you tell me that frame two is one foot three inches in an eight one foot three inches and an ace that's off by two inches yeah that's weird damn it oh that doesn't actually matter no that doesn't that might be my bad because i'm measuring to the you said to the front of the clinic or to the center you're gonna you're gonna love you're loving this leo ah to the front of the front of it okay that's my fault it's my fault yeah i said that yes i wasn't wrong well not not with that part you weren't wrong okay so you're at the front of it runs correct one foot one and an eighth okay thank you now frame three no you just hold your finger there matt [Music] [Music] so i'd always plan to make the sheer planks out of angelique because it's a more durable tough hardwood that wanna um and it's important to have a nice strong timber for your shear plank if you can because um it's gonna have various fastings through it and it's gonna have the cover board screwed down into it and it'll be one of the first places to get hit if the boat is in some kind of collision now we used up most of our angelique in the garbage planks and the broad planks down at the bottom of the boat and we left some boards aside to take care of the shear strikes now this morning when i started looking through the angelique that we have left over i realized that i hadn't planned as quite as well as i thought i had a couple of the boards down here have a lot of defects in them so there's actually only one clear board which is a little bit shorter than i was hoping and then the other boards have a lot of defects so it's going to be a big challenge basically to actually get the sheer planks out of angelique [Music] so [Music] [Music] so there you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so cutting out the shear strength i think went pretty well it's hard to tell i think i got one good long plank out of the board but i still got to get the shoe straight for the other side of the boat out of the same board and i'm not certain there's enough timber there left so it's a bit worrying but i got one plank out of it so that's a good start and i've also cut out the off plank for the starboard side so that's the two planks which make the shear straight for the starboard side ready to put on the boat now you'll notice that i did make patterns for the shear streak whereas i haven't been patterning a lot of the other planks that i've been making the reason for that is that throughout a lot of the boat the planks are so close to straight that you can just edge set them into place you can cut them out straight and then bend them in but as i've got further and further up the hull i have noticed that i'm having to edge set them more and more the shape of the sheer is becoming more apparent in the planks so they're getting more curved basically and so it's becoming harder to edge set them and so for the top planks i decided that i would make a pattern to actually get that shape as i cut them out of the timber however the sheer plank because i was so limited in my stock of android leak i actually had to get these two planks out of one fairly narrow fairly straight board and so i actually although i was able to use the pattern i'm having to cut up the plank pretty straight and away and i'm going to have to edge set it on the boat which is going to be a lot of clamps a lot of effort to bend it especially as it's angelique it's tougher than juana it's it's a little bit less bendy and it's also a wider plank than most of these again which is going to make it harder to edge set i'm sure some people will also wonder why i've skipped ahead to the shear planks rather than just continuing to work my way up the planking until i get to the sheer originally i wanted to make the shear plank a whole inch wider than the other planks but um i wasn't sure if i'd be able to do that with the stock i had so essentially i wasn't sure how wide i would be able to make the shear plank and so by making this shear plank first i'm just making it as wide as i possibly can with the stock i've got then at least i can split the difference of the remaining gap between the next two planks rather than planking up to my line and then cutting up my shear and finding out i actually haven't got enough stock to make it as wide as i wanted to [Music] so when we put the shear onto the boat we are of course going to be covering up a lot of these holes in the frames which contain either bolt heads or nuts depending on where they are and actually it's not just here all over the boat there's been various places where there's bean bolts through the frames um such as through the hanging knees to the stringers further down and i know some people have been wondering what we've been doing to uh stop those nuts loosening so what we do is uh just before we put the plank over a bolt or a nut we actually tighten up that bolt and then we stake it which means basically just disrupting the thread with a punch and a hammer and basically just mutilating the bronze a little bit so that it actually can't just come loose on its own and then once it's been staked then we just fill it with our bedding compound which is a mix of dolphinite and pine tar so we fill that up and then we're ready to put the plank on i don't know if you guys can hear but it's really picked up the wind's picked up a lot here and the rain the weather's been crazy this last week it's just been like sunny and calm and then the next minute gale force winds and pouring rain snow kale and then sunny again several times a day it's pretty crazy all right so i just received this rather large and heavy envelope from the local county they spoke my first name with a lowercase l which seems a little rude but anyway apart from that um i wouldn't normally film something as mundane as this of course but i have a feeling i might know what's inside this envelope and if i'm correct then it might be time for me to start talking about what's been going on for quite a while now and what might be happening because it might be quite important for this project and i feel like you guys are all part of this project and i feel like you deserve to know what's going on so it's time for me to talk about what's been going on with the county now if you are not interested in this and i would not blame you you can skip ahead to the rest of the boat building if you just go forward to this time and i wish i could do the same i'm going to try to stick to the facts here and not let my emotions or opinions get in the way too much but bear in mind that this is just my side of the story i'm sure there is of course always another side of the story and it's also possible that despite my best efforts i have misunderstood something and or gotten something wrong so this is the situation as i understand it now this whole thing has been going on for years now what i'm about to talk about and it has just caused me so much stress and anxiety and cost i decided not to talk about it because it just did not seem relevant but anyway now it is relevant because it's actually sort of threatening the project to some extent so this all started near the beginning of the project as you guys will remember i actually had a building inspector turn up here because a neighbor had complained about the shed that i was building over the boat much later the county did get back in touch again and they said that they had been receiving numerous complaints about various things related to my project now it turns out all those complaints were from one particular neighbor the same neighbor that complained about the boat shed now as far as i can tell and i have checked in with most of my neighbors i've been around a few times to all the houses where i could find someone and explain what i'm doing given my details and everything as far as i can tell everyone apart from this particular neighbor is very supportive of the project in fact many have even offered to help and people have brought me around cookies and things it's really it's a really nice neighborhood and i've helped a lot of my neighbors out with various things as well so it's generally it's a good situation this particular neighbor that doesn't like the project did have a sort of a historic disagreement with my host here before i was on the property about various things apparently it even complained about the noise that the parrot makes on occasion but anyway they are totally within their rights to complain about whatever they want and certainly i understand um why they might complain about me i know we make noise here and i'm sure that they probably have been annoyed by the noise that i make so although i don't necessarily agree with the way they try to solve the problem i don't have hard feelings necessarily against them i understand that they're probably going through whatever they're going through and you know for whatever reason what i'm doing is a problem for them and in fact i would like to apologize to them maybe they're watching a genuine apology for any disturbance that i've caused here and also apologize to all my other neighbors um for for any disturbance for the noise um and anything else that might have caused people problems um and and thank them all for being so uh supportive and understanding if anyone else is annoyed i would just encourage them to come and talk to me about it i'm very open to making changes or just being flexible to make things work i would like to point out that last year we had a house actually built in a property right next door so by far the closest neighbor and the lady that moved in tells me that she actually can't hear us um which is hard to believe but um she's been uh very neighborly and i've helped her out as well which is you know the way things should work of course anyway there were many many complaints from this one particular neighbor who of course i'm not going to identify there was the noise there was too much traffic there was air pollution every time we burnt yard waste there was a complaint in fact i actually witnessed a fire officer being sworn at but none of these things were really against the county code so noise for example you're allowed to make noise you're allowed to work on your own projects and i think it's between something like 6 a.m and 9 p.m you're allowed to make noise and we would only ever work from you know eight or nine to five occasionally six and so there was nothing really they could do except for the boat shed structure so i had to get a permit for the boat shed and i jumped through all the hoops i had a structural engineer do hours and hours and hours of work um they had to withstand a wind gust of 130 miles an hour or something um i had to do drainage and site plans and all this stuff and paid the fees and the fee i was paying was pretty high because it was proportionate to the value that they said the boat shed was which was i think about forty thousand dollars um those of you that watched my early videos know that it cost me less than one thousand but anyway those were the fees i was paying but of course they never gave me the permit right at the end they said uh we'll only give you it if you sign this voluntary compliance agreement which is you know a contract which allows the county in this case to do all sorts of things such as come onto the property anytime they want inspect what we're doing anytime they want fine us for any breach of health and safety and we had to you know agree to have the boat out of here it didn't seem reasonable to me and i sort of am denied about it for a long time eventually i spoke to a lawyer and and they said no way should you sign this ever so i didn't so i never actually got that building permit after doing all that work um now at this point or maybe beforehand they'd started watching my videos um to look for um code violations and they told me that themselves so they'll be watching this one hello and of course they found some code violations you know minor things which had been on the property for many years before i was here and then use those as sort of leverage to uh i don't know to get me out of here or get me to pay more money i'm not sure of course this put me in a really awkward situation with my hosts who you know wouldn't have had to deal with any of this if i hadn't been here um luckily they've just been amazing they're such kind generous people and you know i said right at the beginning i will deal with all of this any permits that we have to get i will deal with i'll pay for it i'll do all of it you guys just please don't worry because the last thing i want to do is be a burden on them thankfully they accepted that they let me deal with all and they haven't held it against me so i can't overstate my gratefulness to them i do want to really stress that although i don't necessarily agree with the way the county has dealt with everything here i don't have anything against anyone personally in the county everyone i've spoken to pretty much has been fairly understanding and friendly it's just bureaucracy and i've put myself in this situation i realized that so this all went on and on and on and did cause me a lot of stress for a long time um i never talked about it because it wasn't relevant but it was actually like i said probably the most stressful part of this project for a long time and looking back i wish i hadn't been so anxious about it but it did really affect me now this latest letter which i just received is sort of attacking at a new angle and that angle is that we are apparently now a home-based industry that is because i've received donations online and apparently because i also have equipment outdoors that makes this an industrial operation i wouldn't necessarily agree with that but it's not me i guess who makes that decision so i have a county hearing in march where my fate will be decided but i have been ordered to either apply for a conditional use permit which should cost i think about four thousand dollars but i know they won't give me one in fact i've actually been told by the director of community development that they won't give me one so there's no point applying so that's not an option but i've been ordered to either do that or take down my patreon account and promise not to collect any money relating to my boat building if i don't do either of those things it's been recommended that i am fined 250 dollars per day per person so three of us here that's 750 per day which of course i would be paying all of it which can be doubled if it's a repeat violation so 1500 a day plus other fines for the other minor code violations so up to 1700 per day um i could be fine now so i don't really know what to do i can't get a conditional use permit because i know the county won't give me one it'll be a waste of time and money i can't not do anything and just pay the fines because i can't afford those fines i can't move the boat yet because i've told the county that i would move the boat i will move the boat when it's structurally sound and i'm able to do so right now i don't feel comfortable moving the boat until it's got the deck laid the bulkheads in and the ballast keel on i can't shut down my patreon well i could but i don't think it would help anybody um because i wouldn't be able to get the materials i need i wouldn't be able to hire pete um i would have to go off and work and come back i would still work on the boat i would still have friends here we'd still be making noise and causing uh all this disruption but the project would take three times as long so i don't think that's going to be good for anybody so i think our only option really is just to hope that the hearing goes well and the hearing examiner has some sympathy for us and allows us a little more time to get the boat structurally sound um before we move it it's really just unfortunate that this is the way things are i also realize that i have put myself in this situation by doing something you know so unusual i've tried to navigate it in such a way that i don't you know piss anyone off too much and mostly i've been successful in that but obviously you can't win them all and you know in this one case it's gone the other way so i'm sorry for the rent that is the situation as i understand it um i hope it doesn't seem like i'm complaining or seeking sympathy i'm not i still feel so lucky and so grateful for being here for doing what i'm doing it's amazing but i want you guys to know what's going on and know that i'm going to be probably a bit preoccupied dealing with this as i have been in the past but possibly more so and it may mean some changes to the project but i don't know exactly how that's gonna pan out yet but i do know that it's gonna work out one way or the other um there'll be a way through and the project's gonna continue there's no way i'm gonna let something as ridiculous as this uh stop this boat being finished and launched and um selling it back to england and around the world so don't worry the answer is the county can't shut down tallyho um but they uh have done a pretty good job at trying and you know they're probably going to change how this project looks and works a little bit uh in the next few months i suppose [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well i'm really glad that i managed to get the shear stroke on one side of the boat at least i was kind of hoping to get both sides done uh but it's been a crazy couple of weeks and then also just uh fairing and stuff took longer than i thought not that i'm making excuses because we've all been working our asses off and i think the boat's looking really good and the rest of the planking crew are doing a fantastic job getting a lot of planks on so i'm really pleased with that now in terms of the county stuff i just want to reiterate that although it is stressful it is a little bit worrying i know that there will be a way through it um and i'm not going to let it get in my way one way or the other this boat is going to get finished you can get launched and it's going to get sailed so that's that i do want to thank you guys for watching and being part of this project part of the community and for supporting it this project is now completely funded by the generosity of people watching these videos on youtube which is just amazing to me so thank you so much and especially times like these just knowing how many people are out there and sort of behind us just is great for morale and keeps us going so i really really appreciate it so i'll see you guys next time [Music] cheers [Music] you
Channel: Sampson Boat Co
Views: 726,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: od8YXWpD-dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 55sec (2335 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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