Hermann Göring's Train Still Exists!

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[Music] two years ago I published a video about re Marshall Herman ging's special leaders train all of the top wartime German leaders had their own armor trains from Hitler's America to ging's as n providing them with very secure and well-guarded moving residences that could also double as mobile headquarters enabling them to travel around the Reich in style comfort and security subsequent research has shown that a number of carriages originally part of guring special train still exist today I've identified at least three that are currently on public display in different German museums which is pretty astounding considering the fate of so much of the Nazi leaders possessions residences and vehicles let's look again at ging's train Carriage by Carriage to determine which of them still exists today the carriages were wood paneled carpeted and expensively decorated and furnished with Cherrywood tables cabinets and chairs ging's train normally consisted of 15 carriages due to the carries great weight Asia was hauled by a pair of powerful CS lock all war locomotives [Music] immediately behind the second engine was a flock vargon a special Carriage mounting two quad 20 mm Flack fing 38 anti-aircraft guns there was another Flack vargon at the other end of the Train the special carriages were designed by the lift buffer and were standed on all Nazi leaders trains the guns would be raised up on a special platform to standof a strafing or bombing attack by Allied aircraft each fluck fagon had five crew compartments for 17 Gunners drawn from the ninth regiment General guring behind the front flak vagen was a utility and service Carriage then a luggage Carriage this Carriage contained rooms to store ging's mini uniforms and civilian suits decorations and medals weapons and other accoutrements next was ging's personal Pullman Carriage which included two large bedrooms and a full bathroom with an outsized porcelain bathtub there was also a dressing room servants quarters and a sitting room the sitting room was often utilized as a cinema the next Carriage along was the guring family Carriage which would be used occasionally if his wife Emmy and daughter Eda were traveling with him plus space for servants and bodyguards this Carriage still exists Salon vagen 10205 though a total of 13 carriages were built for Nazi leaders trains in 1937 including three so-called Salon vargin each leader had some opportunity to personalize his own carriage ging's 10205 had a front and rear Salon with bookshelves installed between the two rooms ging's Salon vargon was the only one of the three to be built for Nazi leaders trains to have a desk a bathtub was built into a room in the middle of the carriage a special type called a sitting bathtub linked by a corridor to bedrooms 1 and two this car was originally to have been ging's personal Salon Carriage but he found its accommodations too cramped his bedroom was too small for his liking and his bathtub also too small for his girth so he had a different salon car designed and built but 10205 continued in use on his train Asia and after 1940 was downgraded for use by his wife and daughter towards the end of the war Carriage 10205 ended up used on him's special train until it's capture by the Allies on the 1st of June 1945 salon car 10205 was moved to Frankfurt for use by the Americans and in 1949 was handed over to the West German authorities and in 1953 it became part of the federal Chancellor's train including visiting Moscow in 1955 during which Conrad adenau negotiated the release of the last German prisoners of War held in the Soviet Union it continued to be used until 1974 when it was replaced by a brand new salon car up until 1990 ging's Old Carriage was rented out including being used by Rockstar Eric Clapton during his tour in Germany before being donated to the house of history in Bon where it is displayed today next along the train was the communications and Situation Room Carriage containing a Radio Room fitted with a 700 W shortwave radio transmitter Enigma encryption machines using the lift buffer code and a telephone exchange phones could be used when the train was sitting in a station as the train was simply plugged into the gerant landline telephone Network run by the post office in this Carriage there was a conference room dominated by a large portrait of Adolf Hitler guring used this room for meetings with generals and dignitaries and planning conferences guring loved his food and behind the communication Carriage was his special dining car all dining cars on Nazi leaders trains were provided by the metropa company using their own specially screen waiters and chefs this Carriage also exists today number 10241 built in 1937 it consisted of two dining compartments and two kitchens the outer dining room had seating for 10 people the Inner Room for 14 a dividing panel could be removed to create one very large dining room originally the kitchens had coal fired ovens but when parked inside tunnels as a precaution against Air Attack guring was bothered by the coal smoke that filtered down the tunnel and into the various compartments and in 1941 electric ovens were installed 10241 was handed to the British at the end of the war and in 1947 the British changed the internal layout and in 1964 it was changed Again by the Germans and upgraded as a support car for the German president and also fitted with a radio system it was part of several trains that carried important VIPs including president charl deal of France in 1962 and vly brunt in 1970 amas part of the special train that carried Queen Elizabeth II and Prince philli dur their state visit to West Germany in 1978 a train incidentally that was made up of carriages from several former Nazi leaders trains retired in 1978 today it is on display in coent behind the dining car was a sleeping carriage for close AIDS staff and more bodyguards one of ging's guest sleeping carriages also exist today it is one of a pair constructed in 1938 the other used on the Luft faffer High command train code named Robinson The Carriage contained eight sleeping cabins and a breakfast room a toilet also existed between the breakfast room and bedroom number one bathroom facilities were limited to open wash basins in each cabin in March 1941 all the bedrooms were upgraded to include desks and filing cabinets both of these sleeping carriages were captured intact by the US Army at beus Garden station where guring had ordered his trains evacuated full of his art treasures and personal effects from Karen how his huge estate outside Berlin that by April 1945 was threatened by the advancing Red Army Carriage 10223 was taken over by the American an while 10234 went directly into the Rolling Stock of the new German Railways 10234 was later converted into a so-called company car in 1953 for use by mobile tour groups in Germany with much of the original equipment removed and a transmission room a tour guide's cabin a pantry and a store room added plus a dance floor externally The Carriage was repainted burgundy red retired in 1980 it was transferred to the Newberg Transport Museum and since 2006 has been at the dees span Museum in coblence the next two cars were metropa sleeping carriages not quite as luxurious as the pman but housing more bodyguards staff and AIDS and Behind These another simpler metropa dining car for their use finally there was another utility and service wagon and the aforementioned flu fargon bringing up the rear in total ging's train had an operational staff including Bodyguards of 171 people thanks for watching please subscribe and share also visit my other YouTube channel War stories with Mark Felton you can also help support both of my channels at PayPal and patreon details in the description box below oh
Channel: Mark Felton Productions
Views: 960,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sonderzug, Mark Felton, Leaders train, Kriegslok, Göring's
Id: WkOFmgihonk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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