Can Partying be a Motive for Parricide? | Tyler Hadley Case Analysis

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hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the case of tyler hadley just a reminder i'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i will put the link to patreon in the description for this video first i'll look at the background this case move to the timeline of crime then offer my analysis blake and mary jo hadley or a married couple that lived in port st lucie florida they moved there in the mid-1980s to be closer to blake's parents blake was a watch engineer at a nuclear power plant mary jo was an elementary school teacher the couple had a son ryan in 1987 and another son tyler in 1993. tyler started receiving mental health counseling at age six after showing symptoms of depression evidently his mother had suffered from depression as well at age 10 he was prescribed antidepressant medication by age 15 he was also prescribed the stimulant adderall as well as many other drugs he continued to have symptoms of depression and he developed low self-esteem in high school tyler really didn't fit in his behavior became unpredictable and he was seeking attention in 2010 tyler and a few of his friends were arrested after setting fire to a couch they only received a warning so apparently they took this couch out into a wooded area and set it on fire causing a significant sized fire in the area so this was exceedingly dangerous but somehow again they only ended up with a warning when a conviction probably would have been much more appropriate tyler was prescribed more medication he started drinking using marijuana and using ecstasy in april of 2011 tyler was arrested for aggravated battery he had attacked another individual he was sentenced to one week in jail then two weeks of house arrest his mother took away his cell phone as part of his punishment in june of 2011 tyler's mother forced him to receive mental health counseling daily at a nearby agency so as we move into 2011 his mother is very concerned with his condition even more so than she was when he was younger so there's a sense of urgency like he really needs treatment because he's not able to regulate his mood in early july 2011 tyler started telling his friends that he was going to have a party at his house his friends did not believe him because he had never thrown a party before and tyler's parents were known for being quite strict especially considering the trouble that tyler had been in recently not long after this tyler clarified his position he said that he wanted to kill his parents and have a big party afterward he thought this was novel because no one had ever done that before throwing a party with the bodies of their parents still in the house several of his friends heard the statement but nobody took him seriously tyler specifically mentioned killing his mother because she took away his cell phone around the same time again in early july tyler's mother was telling friends that tyler was over the hurdle it was back to himself and she was so happy so before we had seen the sense of urgency with the daily counseling and now we see tyler's mother seemingly unaware that his mood really has not improved he has adopted an anti-social attitude a very dangerous point of view and his mother seems unaware on july 16 2011 at 11 25 am 17 year old tyler communicated via facebook to one of his friends he wrote that he was trying to have a party at his house the friend replied by asking if his parents were home tyler indicated they would be leaving soon at 1 15 pm tyler posted a message indicating that there might be a party at his house tonight just before 5 pm tyler grabbed his parents cell phones and took three ecstasy pills he walked into the garage and retrieved a claw hammer as his mother was working on a computer he stood behind her for about five minutes contemplating his next move he then attacked her from behind with the hammer killing her blake came out of the bedroom after hearing mary jo scream the word why blake stood there staring at tyler he also asked tyler why tyler replied why the blank knot tyler then attacked his father with the hammer killing him tyler hid the bodies of blake and mary jo in the master bedroom of the house and worked for three hours to clean up the crime scene he put all the evidence in the master bedroom along with the bodies after he was done cleaning he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror and laughed at 8 15 pm tyler posted another message on facebook indicating there was a party at his house one of his friends replied asking what if his parents were to come home tyler said they won't trust me over the next few hours over 60 people arrived at tyler's residence many were teenagers another large group would be those in their early twenties most of them did not know who tyler was eventually there were about a hundred people there the individuals engaged in a number of activities at the party they searched the kitchen cupboards for food they threw empty cans on a lawn they shattered bottles on the floor they smoked cigarettes and put them out on the kitchen counter the walls and the carpet and they played beer pong on the dining room table some of the guests asked tyler where his parents were tyler had a few different stories depending on who he was talking to he said they were in georgia orlando he told one friend they didn't live there he owned the house at 12 30 a.m tyler his friend mark andrews and mark's girlfriend went to a nearby gas station to buy beer mark andrews was 21 years old so he was able to do this as mark went in to purchase the beer tyler told mark's girlfriend that his father had died she assumed that tyler meant this had happened some time ago not just recently after tyler returned to the party he encountered another teenager who had stolen the mailbox from a neighbor's house the young man was running around the living room with the mailbox in his hands tyler yelled at him and said that stealing a mailbox was a felony and the police were going to show up so he was ok with murder but not with someone stealing a mailbox that was really offensive to him another guest took the mailbox and put it back outside when mark andrews was getting ready to leave the party tyler asked him for a word they went outside and told the other guests to get back in the house here's how the conversation went between tyler and mark tyler said i did some things i might go to prison i might go away for life i don't know i'm freaking out right now mark asked what he was talking about tyler answered i know you're not going to believe me no one will believe me i killed somebody mark replied you killing somebody is your own business don't be telling me that sort of thing i don't need to know tyler went back into the house and the party continued he told someone else that he was going to bring an end to his life because he did something really bad he noted that if he got caught he would be in jail for a long time tyler told a 20 year old woman that he found in his bedroom that he would be going away for 60 years at about 1am tyler asked to speak privately to another one of his friends named michael mandel he told michael that he killed his parents michael did not believe him tyler pointed out that his father's toyota tacoma and his mother's ford expedition were parked at the house how could they be away from the house if their vehicles were still there michael still did not believe him tyler invited michael to the master bedroom and showed him the bodies of his parents at this point michael believed him tyler proceeded to explain the entire story to michael how he killed his parents with a claw hammer dragged their bodies into the master bedroom and laughed while looking in the bathroom mirror michael decided to stay at the party for another 45 minutes he took a number of selfies with tyler at around 2am one of the partygoers announced there was another party being thrown at another house people started leaving tyler's house and climbing in their cars about 14 cars pulled away from tyler's house around the same time when they arrived at the other house they noticed it was dark there was no party it was just a rumor all the cars pulling out of tyler's neighborhood prompted a neighbor to call the police when the police arrived at tyler's house fewer than 20 people remained at the party the police told tyler about the noise complaint and left the party resumed with some of the people who had left earlier returning tyler once again mentioned to people that he may bring an end to his life at 4 40 p.m tyler posted another message indicating there was a party at his house so i guess he wanted the party to continue into the morning at around that same time the police had arrived because michael mandel called them tyler opened the door and the officers arrested him the officers entered the house it was practically destroyed there was trash everywhere furniture was overturned the police forced their way into the master bedroom and found the bodies of blake and mary jo tyler was arrested and eventually convicted of two murders and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole on appeal his sentence was modified to life in prison with the possibility of parole now moving to my analysis what happened to tyler hadley like what motivated him to kill here's my theory i don't know of course this is just my opinion even though tyler started exhibiting symptoms of depression at age six people described him as respectful and polite he was suffering but it wasn't leading to any type of antisocial behavior he had a number of physical illnesses when he was young like hypothyroidism which affected his self-esteem his brother did not have physical illnesses so tyler felt as though he was at a disadvantage compared to his brother he was on a number of medications for both mental and physical health conditions at one point he was put on human growth hormone it appears as though his mother was very concerned about the low self-esteem in particular she did not want him to be short or overweight when he started high school his behavior changed quite a bit people described him as bizarre hyper they said he would laugh inappropriately on one occasion in a biology class he moved like a cow out of nowhere i guess as opposed to some type of cow mooing classroom exercise it appears as though tyler really wanted to fit in with a larger crowd in high school not just his small circle of friends but every time he tried he appeared strange aloof and awkward he started resorting to criminality to get attention he was successful but the strategy wasn't without its drawbacks he became mad at his mother after she imposed sanctions on him but at the same time he was ashamed of his behavior so he felt ambivalent he had strong feelings in two directions perhaps tyler started thinking that either he could please his peers or please his parents but he could not have it both ways he was motivated to choose one route or the other and he really wanted the approval of his peers the intense feelings of depression and hopelessness made a desperate big move more attractive like he could do something significant and attract a lot of attention all at once he could pull himself out of the pain out of the depression as he was standing behind his mother holding a claw hammer the moment of decision was at hand he had taken drugs beforehand to elevate his confidence and lower his inhibition he wanted to make a bad decision tyler decided to remove the obstacles to his big party namely his parents he wanted his one moment of massive popularity this opportunity to be well liked to have france to be thought of as cool it was his moment of glory but immediately he realized there would be no great payoff he confessed to several people he was nervous about the consequences of his behavior specifically spending his life in prison the last part i want to cover is the behavior of the hundred or so young people who came to the party at the hadley residence the town of port st lucie is two hours north of miami florida it is home to a disproportionately high number of teenagers has an expansive illegal marijuana production industry and not a lot of activities available for young people this is a recipe for misbehavior there are a few really surprising behaviors from these party goers just a few examples some of them smelled a stench when they were in the house like perhaps a dead body but nobody said anything the partygoers destroyed the residents tore up the furniture spilled alcohol everywhere broke beer bottles it was like a bomb went off in the house i can't imagine this is a routine behavior as most people would be mad if their homes were destroyed but perhaps this was somewhat common it was almost like when they were given the freedom to do whatever they wanted they really let loose their true impulsivity and destructiveness were unleashed even though many of the guests at the party were too young to drink it appears as though just about everybody did i think the lesson learned from the situation with the partygoers is that young people require supervision i think it's tempting for parents and guardians to let their children do whatever they want they want to appear easygoing so they can facilitate a good relationship they don't want to seem to be heavy-handed or strict in reality these young people spent the evening and the early morning with a person who had just beat two people to death with a hammer only a few hours before i guess another lesson here would be the communities should have activities available for young people which involve less alcohol property destruction and murder less murder is almost always a good idea if one wants to build a healthy and productive community those are my thoughts in the case of tyler hadley please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis to be as exciting as an out of control party thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 41,118
Rating: 4.9617367 out of 5
Id: 7Qb36b4MpzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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