Sneha Anne Philip Disappearance Analysis | 9/11 Victim?

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I agree...his analysis was pretty good. He was so deadpan that it was hard to pick up on when he was joking. I'm pretty sure the idea he floated about the Tooth Fairy being the culprit was a joke, though!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Shanghai104 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I was a little skeptical of this guy but his analysis was actually pretty good. I like how he said that no theory is likely yet one must be true.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

He believes that foul play from a stranger is the most likely answer.

However, he does say that all theories have holes in them, and are unlikely, but one has to be true.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/RedRabbit18 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the case of sneha and phillip just a reminder i'm not diagnosing you by this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel consider supporting me on patreon and check out my podcast on youtube bella grande media i will put the relevant links for those items in the description for this video so first i'll look at the background this case i'll move to the timeline of the disappearance then offer my analysis snehan phillip was born in india on october 7 1969 she grew up in albany new york because her family moved there when she was young in 1995 she went to medical school in chicago where she would meet a man named ron lieberman she was one year ahead of him and her studies when it was clear they wanted to be together romantically philip allowed lieberman to catch up to her by taking a year off and traveling around italy they both graduated in 1999 and were offered internships in new york city phillip in manhattan and lieberman in the bronx philip was happy with the arrangement the couple worked long hours but had a lot of fun phillip's parents were only about an hour away by train from where she lived and her brother lived nearby philp and lieberman would marry in may of 2000. not long after this they move to an apartment in battery park city just a few blocks away from the world trade center this takes me to the timeline of the disappearance on september 10 2001 ron lieberman left for work at about 11 a.m 31 year old philip had the day off from work she planned on spending the day cleaning the apartment because her cousin was coming over for dinner in a few days she sent her mother an instant message at about 2 pm and continued chatting with her for about 2 hours philip changed into a brown short sleeve dress and sandals and headed out to complete some errands she dropped off some dry cleaning she walked to a discount department store not far from her apartment not long after 6 pm she used her husband's credit card to buy a dress pantyhose bed sheets and lingerie after this she went to another store and bought three pairs of shoes when lieberman came home from work no one was in the apartment he wasn't particularly surprised but philip was supposed to call when she was going to stay out late lieberman went to bed the next day was september 11 2001. when lieberman woke up he realized that philip had not come home he really wasn't that worried but he was somewhat irritated he thought that perhaps she had spent the night with her cousin or with her brother both of them lived nearby and she would do this from time to time lieberman went to work and attended a meeting at 8 am when the meeting was over he noticed co-workers gathered around a television set the attack on the world trade center had begun lieberman called the phone in his apartment there was no answer philip did not have a cell phone so he could not call that manhattan was in chaos lieberman was worried that something bad had happened to philip he was able to get a ride in an ambulance that was headed downtown the ambulance departed at 3 pm it didn't get into manhattan until 9pm dressed in scrubs lieberman was able to talk his way past a police barricade and make his way to his apartment he wasn't able to get in the front door because the electricity was off so he walked to a friend's residence and spent the night on their couch the next morning he returned to his apartment and was able to enter but no one was there one of the windows in the apartment had been left open dust from the attack covered everything it was not disturbed except from cats that he owned so there were no human footprints philip left behind her eyeglasses driver's license passport and all of her credit cards except the one that her husband owned the one she used for those purchases on september 10. phillip was never seen again lieberman was running around manhattan with a picture of his wife reporters were not interested after they heard that she went missing on the 10th at that time stories about 911 were the priority lieberman called philip's brother john and asked him to talk to reporters on camera john said that he had been on the phone with his sister during the attack she told him that she couldn't leave because people were hurt the last thing that she said to him was i have to help this person in reality john had not spoken to philip for two weeks but of course the media did not know that the hero story is what they went with lieberman attempted to figure out the timeline for the 10th he discovered that a store clerk in the shoe department at that discount department store had seen phillip shopping with a friend it was another woman who the clerk described as in her early 30s dark-skinned small and possibly indian surveillance cameras from another department captured phil an hour earlier looking at merchandise alone lieberman filed two missing persons reports the police appeared content to go with the story that philip had died in the 9 11 attack lieberman hired a private investigator who interviewed a number of people and visited places where philip had been the investigator recommended a psychic from pennsylvania who the family flew in here's what the investigation turned up a call was placed from lieberman's home phone to his cell phone at 4 am on september 11. again he would have been home at that time and in theory philip was not there lieberman doesn't remember making the call but he said he may have been trying to check his messages while half asleep security footage from the apartment building captured a woman who resembled philip in the lobby three minutes before the first plane struck the trade center the woman entered the building stood near the elevator waited for one or two minutes then turned around and walked out of the building the woman was not carrying any bags which of course philip should have been as she had been shopping the day before it was really not clear from the footage who the person was only a silhouette was visible it could have been any number of people lieberman and other family members started believing in the hero's story whatever bad happened to philip it must have occurred on the 11th and not the 10th in october of 2001 lieberman filed a claim with the victim compensation fund because the payout is dependent on potential earnings and age a successful claim would have been worth between three and four million dollars the police conducted their own investigation and now they weren't really sure about the whole hero's story here's what they found phillip had been told by the hospital in manhattan where she interned that her contract was not going to be renewed essentially she had been fired the hospital said that she had been late to work several times and had alcohol related issues the police found that philip had been depressed as well not long after being fired philip ran into some problems with law enforcement phillip claimed that while at a bar another intern grabbed her inappropriately she filed a complaint the police charged the intern but after investigating dropped the charges and filed charges against phillip third degree falsely reporting an incident which is a misdemeanor they told philip that if she recanted her false complaint they would drop the charges she refused was arrested and spent a night in jail something else changed after philip was fired she started staying out all night with various people she met at lesbian bars her husband did not know about this activity the police report indicated phillips brother john walked in on philip with his girlfriend the two were having sex phillip had found a new job at a medical center in staten island they suspended her because she missed a meeting with a substance use counselor on the morning of september 10 philip appeared in court and pleaded not guilty to that charge of falsely reporting an incident lieberman accompanied philip to the courthouse the two would get into an argument lieberman was upset because philip was engaging in bisexual acts and using drugs and alcohol philip stormed out a courthouse leaving her husband behind given all these findings in january 2004 phillips name was removed from the official list of 9 11 victims the logic was that she was known to be missing the day before no evidence demonstrated she was alive on september 11. later the official date of her death was set at september 10 2001. the victim's compensation fund denied lieberman's claim the family disputed just about everything in the police report they said that philip was fired because she was a whistleblower she reported racial and sexual discrimination the hospital denied that philip made any such claims lieberman said that even though philip had gone home with women she met at bars no sex occurred she spent nights with the women but they would work on art projects listen to music and sleep instead of having sex he recalled a specific incident where she met an artist at a bar and came home covered in paint lieberman would say quote these allegations of her being bisexual are ridiculous unquote if lieberman was correct about philip's activities it would also stand to reason that she took taxi cabs for the ambiance not to get anywhere she went to the hairdresser to smell the chemicals and visited the laundromat to watch other people's clothes dry it's like he's saying she didn't understand the purpose behind various establishments and services lieberman claimed that the fight at the courthouse never occurred he made it seem as though the police were making up stories to cover a poor investigation phillips brother john tried to walk back his story about catching philip and his girlfriend together he implied the detective who took the report must have been lying lieberman filed an appeal to try to get phillip back on the list of victims of the 9 11 attack a panel of five judges found that the simplest explanation was that philip died trying to help people at the world trade center it was a three to two vote in favor philip was officially declared to be a victim of the attack one dissenting judge noted that philip was missing on the night of september 10. there was no reason to believe that she was the world trade center when the attacks began at 8 46 a.m on september 11. because the compensation fund was closed in 2003 lieberman did not receive any payment now moving to my analysis this case is quite mysterious there are many strong feelings on both sides some people say it's obvious that philip must have died in the attacks there are over 1 000 victims whose physical remains have never been found so it's not unthinkable that phillips remains would not have been recovered other people say that she was clearly missing on september 10 and there is no evidence suggesting she was the scene of the attack so what do i think happened i will go through the theories and then i'll rank them from most to least probable theory number one philip brought an end to her own life in some manner where her remains were not discovered looking at the evidence in favor of this theory we see that philip's life was in a downward spiral she was depressed she was using excessive quantities of alcohol she was meeting up with random strangers for sex or to work on art projects and listen to music but either way she was exposed to strangers she had been fired from one job and suspended from another suspensions are often just a prelude to termination functionally she had been fired from two jobs one could argue that her career was on the brink of destruction she had allegedly falsely accused somebody of a crime and was facing trial her court appearance where she pleaded not guilty was on the very day she went missing we see a lot of stressors are coming together at the same time it's a confluence of negativity pain and consequences for poor decisions it may not have been particularly unusual for philip to be missing for a night but no one saw her there was no record of her being anywhere after her shopping trip one other version of this theory would be that philip viewed the trade center attacks as an opportunity to die she ran into one of the buildings to achieve that goal now looking at the other side of this theory evidence against it just after 6 pm on the 10th she bought a number of items that would not be needed if she was no longer going to be alive like pantyhose lingerie and shoes if this theory is true where is her body how did she do this in such a way where her body would never be recovered moving to theory number two philip was attacked by one or more unknown assailants they murdered her and disposed of her body perhaps they used the chaos of the trade center attacks as cover at any given time there are 3 000 active missing adult cases in new york state it's not unreasonable to believe that phillip ran into a bad actor her lifestyle put her in contact with a number of unfamiliar people some of those people may have had ill intent this theory explains why nobody reported seeing philip on the night of the 10th and explains why her shopping bags are missing moving to theory number three philip decided to run away and start a new life this is difficult to do under the best of circumstances why would she leave behind her eyeglasses passport driver's license and credit cards although one could argue that the eyeglasses would be the only object of benefit as using the other items would lead to people thinking she was alive and therefore defeat the purpose of running away theory number four philip spent the night of the tenth with a stranger who for whatever reason never reported being with her on the morning of the 11th philip walked near the world trade center after the attack started she ran into one of the towers perhaps in an effort to render first aid like cpr or to help carry people from the building when the south tower collapsed at 9 59 a.m or when the north tower collapsed at 10 28 am philip was killed let's take a look at the evidence working against this theory ninety percent of people who died in the towers were either at or above the point of impact with this theory philip entered at ground level so she would have been at a lower risk than the people who were higher up in the building there's no reason to believe that philip was at the trade center that morning no one saw her there she wasn't supposed to be there furthermore when the attack started the police blocked off that area they weren't just letting people run into the towers they were trying to get people away from that area philip was not wearing her scrubs and there's no reason to believe that she had them with her therefore the idea that she talked her way past a barricade seems unlikely even if she was somehow wearing them they would not have let her through moving to theory number five phillip died at the world trade center because she just happened to be there visiting on the morning of the 11th during that two-hour chat with her mother on september 10 her mother claimed that philip said she was planning on visiting a restaurant located at the top of the north tower under this theory phillip did not run into the tower as a hero she walked in prior to the attack and was killed perhaps she was at or above the point of impact this theory better explains how she would have actually died in the attack it puts her in the higher risk category when considering all the facts and these theories what are my thoughts it occurs to me that phillips family would be highly motivated to have her remembered as a hero i think this is a natural tendency and i can appreciate that perspective but this would create a bias in any investigation that was funded or authorized by them furthermore the private investigator that lieberman hired recommended a psychic the only prediction a psychic is bound to get right is when they say i sensed you're getting ripped off by a psychic a private investigator who believes in psychics could literally find any explanation for anything maybe the tooth fairy did it something else that is worrisome is how phillips brother made up the story about philip being a hero but he had not talked to her he was lying yet somehow this becomes the narrative that many people believe the police working on phillips case were not biased it didn't matter to them one way or the other i don't have the answers to what happened but here are the theories ranked from the most to least probable based on my opinion the most probable theory was that philip was murdered by unknown assailants this was theory number two she was frequently impaired by alcohol living a dangerous lifestyle and went missing on september 10. for the theory that phillip died in the trade center to be true philip would have had to spend the night with somebody yet nobody came forward where was she why wouldn't somebody just say hey she was with me we were talking and painting and then went to bed without doing anything else the next most probable theory would be theory number five she went to visit the world trade center perhaps to that restaurant she talked about and died during the attack after this i would go with theory number four she died trying to render aid to the victims of the attack this is the hero story that is now the official version it's one that makes a lot of people feel better but i find it difficult to rank as the most likely i certainly don't see clear and convincing evidence to support it it's worth noting that with theory number five or number four phillip died in the world trade center she was a victim under either theory she did not need to be a hero to be a victim after this i would go with theory number one she brought an end to her life i don't see this as likely but wherever there's depression and alcohol together this outcome cannot be discounted the least probable theory would be theory number three she ran away and start a new life she really didn't seem organized enough to do this and of course she left behind items that may have assisted in getting away with that like her eyeglasses and passport the truth of this case is that nobody knows what happened i find it interesting how poorly uncertainty is tolerated people must have an answer they have to know that she was a hero or that she wasn't there is a value in simply believing that we don't know the truth there's something to be said for just accepting that there is no definitive answer in this case there's not even one theory that's really dominant i could understand if it could be determined that there was a 90 chance that she died in the trade center okay if there's a 90 percent chance i think one is justified in saying that's what i believe i'm going to assume that's what happened this is not the case here this is a case where every theory is unlikely but something had to happen no matter how unlikely one of these theories has to be true this is a question of what was more dangerous to philip what was the most likely explanation for her disappearance a lifestyle full of encounters with strangers wanting sex or phillip running into one of the towers and dying as a result perhaps someday jewelry found at the trade center will be identified as belonging to philip perhaps her remains will be found but unless and until that happens this case will remain a mystery those are my thoughts in the case of sneha and phillips please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 133,351
Rating: 4.9158139 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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