"Can I take a wig!?" Emilia Clarke on Game Of Thrones mementos, her 'Story So Far' & Last Christmas

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BBC Radio 1 ok so it's the day after your birthday it is the day after my birthday caused by Oh a soccer okay a birthday cake thank you so much it's more of a birthday cupcake oh my god edible fence also Theresa I know you know I physically can't be yes thank you so much I make what you're doing for the sake of the editor yes I'm gonna ask you to put them on the floor I think you should I think we can look there we are got my otherwise I will try to lean over eat oh right okay out of sight you can still smell em okay so you have been not to scare you here yes in the biggest TV show of all time must have been in a Terminator movie yes a Star Wars film and now you're in a rom-com a Christmas rom-com directed by Paul I want to say Feig correct yeah so how's it going yeah good good brilliant it's a good life so far yeah things are going great excellent now you've been in so many genres and big things and I just feel like the worlds at your feet if you don't mind me so thanks could you tell me whether any of these following genres appeal to you could you be in a Western no no I couldn't not be in a western but westerns are not my thing that I would watch lots of got it I read books that are read like three or four books that are set in the wild wild west but I with the wiki wiki what a wild west Jim worse no I'm going to but I but I don't tend to watch the Wild West movies and this is why it's causes mainly just boys he's just boy when I was a kid my brother and my dad were watch westerns and I'd be like well good for you I can't do any of that apparently where's me Calamity Jane exactly clutching like a handkerchief to my breast yes so I just never really got over them after this I'm thinking musical well here's the thing I love singing Oh have always will but the actual musical things I get I mean readily picky about Boise do you not I mean so is its on time or bust they they they they make no rhyme or reason I mean my favorite musical of all time is West Side Story 100% so I do like the more kind of you know the old-school got it because this young whippersnapper Steven Spielberg can do it justice I know I think he's gonna name it I reckon absolutely he's finally gonna excel yeah what could he just try harder do this can I also suggest one of the best things about being you right now is that in this film yes there are many great moments but you sharing a cocktail sausage on a stick with Emma Thompson yeah I just went I want to be you yeah no I mean emma is my agent told me about this project and they said Emma's written a script - no yes I've admired loved and adored Emma from afar for my entire life and getting to be in a movie that she wrote she was there every single day and then she played my mum exercise alcohol oh she's like the pirate okay fine thank you doctor thank you so much people I'm let's go man and now we're pals and it's excellent and yeah I just we just I just love her I just absolutely love her it gets better and better as if chumming up with et my term wasn't good enough you're also hanging out with Michelle Yeoh who's throwing your balls at you yes and there's a genuine sense of best friendship there as well yes she is hilarious and when they told me she was casting it this is before crazy rich Asians came out rather before I'd seen it and and you're like what she's like the most sublime but very serious actress that I know so and then she just comes out with it females it yeah of course he does what was it like getting direction doing your thing whilst Emma Thompson is essentially dressed as a giant avvocato pair yeah I look like a huge ambach are those there in a big puffer jacket with the big headphones she does like the big headphones and a big florescent beanie is normally it normally being like do you want some old one can give you some more chocolate we're just gonna grab pine wood you know I yeah yes yes I do whatever you're saying I'm doing it yeah exactly what's harder to speak and I'm guessing the language here was it serbo-croat yeah oh Dothraki does rock you definitely does ricky is you know someone made it up pretty recently it's real hard there's no with me at all largely speaking with all european languages they're like there's a rhyme and reason that's through your other that sounds a bit like the French or the Italian with a Latin or that it makes you know with does racket it I that's pretty good benefit there we go yeah back [ __ ] up on my Dothraki Emilia Clarke star of lost Christmas yes which is a movie inspired by the music of George Michael and Wham what is your favorite Christmas song you're not gonna believe me genuinely lost Christmas genuinely lost Christmas is my favorite because I started doing the price of this I've started to be like just make up another one just like make up one that doesn't sound as ridiculous as you do it being this but no I just I just love it it's got like the the bells it's got the snow stuff although stay now yes those poison that's no he's smelly outfit there's no song bonus all of that I always think the music video yeah always snowing I'm there but my parka role yes I've got my hat that is nowhere near my head it's just resting atop of my head me my brother you see dressed like that for a very long time we had these 17 posters everywhere yeah I remember wearing a carpenter jeans oh you know when you got room to hang your gamma yeah definitely and and that they probably started around your knees and your boxes were like obviously long johns yeah yeah there are some funny audition moments in Lost Christmas what's your best audition story well this is the more that I say at the sketch here it sounds but when I was in the dark days of pre Game of Thrones no other job fresh outta drama school doing six jobs that were nothing to do with acting I went to an audition and was for an advert I shan't say what the company was because I'll get in trouble I'm sure but it was I was there and they were basically saying we just need you to react to what we're saying I swear to god this was a setup so the cameras stand there like okay cool so you you just come out the shower and obviously I was wearing pyjamas of some description and you're there's a guy there and then you start to see there's something coming out of his bellybutton and it's a weird little man and the little man starts dancing to some crazy music here's the music and you just you just you just can't help but wonder dance with him so we need you to dance and we need and they just started talking me through it and obviously you do it at those tapes might be somewhere I have no idea that is probably the worst audition story it's later man that's exactly it but it came out of his belly button and I was meant to be like oh this guy these tunes this is amazing I'm having the time of my life clearly didn't get the part yeah I mean laughter I never saw the audition I'd also say the worst thing you didn't get the part no no probably good probably good yes so just to rewind back to a Tony under scene TV program yeah like yeah that's its name I only remember it that's right yeah what mementos did you end up actually taking home off to eight seasons so I this is where I need to learn my lesson I'm too much of a goody two-shoes everybody took something and I was like Papa please sir can I take a wig seeing as there's eight and I played the character for 10 years could I take one they're like yeah maybe could I take one of the coats because we've got eight there's this coat in double please can I have something and they were like we will we will we'll send it to you so I was like okay I won't take anything is they're gonna send it to you nothing nothing are there any lines of dialogue from that that you'll never ever forget I'm a Khaleesi not a queen I mean that's pretty that's pretty badass or we'll break the wheel to get people who regular watch this show will know that I'm slightly obsessed with blooper reels okay and the review yeah gorgeous moments with you guys yeah the way you guys swear when you get a line wrong yeah it's very good yeah who would you say is the best swear Oh Oh Peter tell me [ __ ] me benevolent high it sucks [Music] [ __ ] Peters pretty great because he just he's so serious obviously with a lot of his lines is when he's really and when he just any dinner it's like darling just kind of comes out okay it gets a little bit more despondent these ones are like oh it's so rocky you're gonna be okay with both Game of Thrones and Terminator and little Star Wars film as well what's been the most surreal CGI moment of your career we've Game of Thrones it was just a lot of green like a Laura Laura green and so when I first when the dragon got like pimp my dragon season eight it was net it had the cameras on the wires and they're like zooming and you're like it's gonna take my head off and I have to not avoid it and all that stuff is amazing but in Star Wars we had Millennium Falcon and we were in it and we it was on hydraulics and then we had like the kind of surround it all off screen and it was a hyperdrive and we could see it so they actually had the real graphics faster than I went and it literally so you're there and and all you can see through the Millennium Falcon window is one and it was the first little while we were like do it again punch it okay again and then there's like the I that comes up and yeah that was kind of mental yeah would you agree with me that Phoebe water bridge is too talented too talented well we need it we need too much talent I just kind of resent the fact that somebody can play a droid in a Star Wars film and people forget about that I know I know I know too talented no because I can't do any slant on Pheebs of course not at all but I'm very pleased that there is one person who has you know 20 people's worth of talent in she's fitting into her frame anyway uh when did you know or realize you might be famous oh well I think this is a very difficult question to answer because whatever I said want to sound like an idiot oh yeah what what I mean it wasn't been that way no I'll put it to you like this okay tell me I know it do you ever get friends sending you on what's up or whatever a gif yeah and they can use your face to reflect that emotion uh-huh is there ever a bit like guys could we just well it first of all it was my mum so I was like that doesn't count you probably scoured the internet for 16 weeks trying to find it a jiff of your daughter and you found one it's not a commonplace one sure I get on get very British about the whole thing I absolutely hell-bent on living as much a normal life as possible and there's something to do with the show and I don't know what it is I can't I can't Emilia identify with as in so Simpsons Wow Wow I mean my brother rinsed it like we love The Simpsons and obviously their opening credits will reflect some kind of pop culture vibe and when my brother was like three and it was quite early doors if it goes around season three that like the cow yeah yes exactly that was and then he got to be a Futurama and then wait what I'm smellier than our house this outhouse that's terribly vivid doesn't matter to me though I was born with no sense of smell [Music] no I did I was in I said yeah I was in Amelia did I did a voiceover of Futurama yeah that was amazing that was amazing again another thing that I watched a lot so yeah that was pretty cool yeah I get to envious of people anyway how many of the friends yes oh yes have you met yet oh just Joey and I want to meet them all I love friends so much Emilia Clarke did you get to chat with everyone backstage yeah kind of did you get to talk to him [Music] mostly blushing yeah I just think you're wicked this is mentally you're saying this because I didn't Instagram post my birthday and I was with my best mate Lola and and I uh I I genuinely almost fainted at the person who commented on my post probably it's probably the greatest ghost I've ever reached a comment I've received Courtney Cox Monica from friends I couldn't handle it me and Lola just like milk we had a melt going we had a completely nutter oh my god meltdown that's a jump up and down that's that's pretty yeah that's bigger than anything because those those are the only Jeff's I use Monica would like when she gets her dreads when she goes away you know she has like the humidity hair and she puts the dreads on it that's like mm-hmm I realized that they all have massive careers outside of friends but friends it was a big deal mo whatever we're gonna jump back to lost Christmas before we get there I like to ask a couple of kind of quickfire questions yes and one of them is what our fans on the street currently saying to you when they bump into you it's a mixture sometimes which I do love is when I mean I don't love for them but if they've had a brain injury or if they've had something like that then I get that which I love which is wonderful occasionally quite a lot I get their theories on how the last season should go there was one rise waiting for a cab and I was like mmhmm oh oh there's another one okay it's good it's good it's good but largely speaking it is yeah it's that or I do get quite a lot of me before you as well which is lovely occasionally I mean the worst one I got recently and it really hurt like it genuinely cut me off a little bit I was in a supermarket the day after episode five had aired okay last season when Daenerys had just gone out yeah all out had a moment had a moment um and I was in the supermarket and this woman turned to me and when I don't know how you can show your face around here I literally went I'd milk it was a heartbreaking so yeah it's funny now I know but it was real sad then I was like that sucks okay I'll go I'll get my milk somewhere else yes goodbye yes could you leave please could you burn anything I'd also like to ask you when you all kind of shooting anywhere and everywhere across the globe wherever it might be what British artifacts bit food or a book or whatever it is do you take with you see so predictable hate to be so Jerusalem bit tea and then once when I was in LA for a little bit too long I actually one Sunday managed this is ridiculous and please forgive me and what I how I did this but I got my Sunday papers it's like it's just me being sofa meet the baby Maha just copy that gorgeous feeling you've got like I've got a kitchen table you chuck the defense every search yeah just and that's what you do you get the papers and you get rid of all you recycle all of the adverts oh I have to go through goodbye sports sometimes goodbye news just for a minute because I'm just gonna focus on the supplements Akers I'm fed up with the news yeah and then you just scatter them around your house image then you can just lie with your teeth I feel like an emperor like not yet exactly I'll get to you later self care in the back of the observer I'm coming to you at the end of the day here we go film review obviously top of the pole with lost Christmas it is a film that does make you kind of maybe sort of cry bit yeah the sad bits how does that make you feel knowing that there will be audiences to people I know just having a bit of her well it's good it's good that's what the movies are therefore they are there to make you laugh more than you would do normally cry about things that you know you watch something that makes you cry and you're not crying for the actor you're not largely crying for the story the story's gone remember that thing that you sort of not cried about in a while and maybe a bit good to just let it go get angry get excited that's what cinema should do because this movie got me because a lot of the film is centered around a small garden in central London it's next to st. Charles and that is where I first asked my wife out on a date no and you're not gonna believe me but it was on the bench where you sit sighs absolutely rental with him I just do this point that is amazing when the fairy lights dead Oh everyone I came back after as I was like this looks real different so how we made it well I hate to say this but I was actually we wanted to go into that garden Oh but annoyingly Phoenix garden people were filming there no and was it your anniversary and we just ruined it we would have accepted you with open arms babe we would have got you guys in and been like do you want some craft services can we get these guys some cake but no it was it's just a gorgeous little spot and you really show off London as well yeah must be so much fun to just be able to go it's Christmas it is I love it I love living here I love filming here I love when people are like oh my god London's great yes all right I'm gonna leave you with this very silly question okay what those two actually what's the most memorable bit of Direction you've ever gone there there are a couple of directors that should not be named on the show and early doors who were just like what you have dragons and I'm like oh mate you need to respect its my Lea I get sometimes or don't smile or this is gonna sound weird but could you do the Khaleesi posture yeah every season I used to come back and I'd have done something I'd done a movie in the interim right and so I'm there and I'd screwed myself over really cuz Khaleesi it sits like this and she has perfect posture and I had it from Season one and it's like brought up your ass nothing moves you are just still and have an ability to be really really still and go off and do these other movies and I come back and be like what if I want to mess with it what if police he's like Ajit you know I mean well police he's like such a badass now she doesn't need to sit up straight and God loved him they give me three or four takes we'd call it the strawberry filter as in like then when an actor Oz for the for a take that is never gonna be in the car they go put on this robbery filter I said don't start recording and then David in town or someone will come over and be like that's great because you just you know just do the Khaleesi postures just what's doesn't like fine for safety yes exactly could we just for fun go back to you know just do it as you always do every year all right I'm getting the looks I need to tell you sorry my final question is this could you show me your best photo ruining face photo ruining face yeah but I can't I can't figure out what lipstick I'm working if that's gonna leave it there my brother has this face on his phone in so many different situations sometimes of the Senate to me and be like remember this remember that your face can do this this is you yeah we used to do that laws what an absolute pleasure thank you so much familiar thank you very much thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio on movies and TV podcasts screentime on BBC sounds and you can find these interviews in full on BBC iplayer by searching movies with Ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 1,123,180
Rating: 4.9684162 out of 5
Keywords: emilia clarke, last christmas, emma thompson, game of thrones, khaleesi, rom com, henry golding, friends, matt leblanc, me before you, solo a star wars story, solo, star wars, emilia, Daenerys Targaryen, daenerys, targaryen, london, christmas, interview, film interview, funny, charming, ali plumb, plumb, bbc radio 1, radio 1, radio 1 interview, ali plumb interview, Dothraki, thrones
Id: HY_gziQ8p-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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