Game of Thrones 5x09 - Drogon rescues Daenerys
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Channel: Kristina R
Views: 68,730,349
Rating: 4.7817416 out of 5
Keywords: game of thrones, Daenerys Targaryen (Fictional Character)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2015
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I noticed that on the first watch, but it didn't really shock me. If anything, I think before the story is done, the "Mother of Dragons" will have a few more instances of her "children" proving that they recognize her and see her as a member of a pack, and less as a commander. They will do as they please in the heat of the moment.
It is a fucking dragon, ya know.
Friendly fire isn't 🔥🔥🔥
Collateral damage, it's a nice touch actually.
I'm not surprised
think it was more "any thing with pointy sticks that keep getting tossed into me get burnt" was drogons motivation ,hell it looked like he was gonna roast mommy at first until he recognized her. so pretty much anything with a spear that was not mom was gonna get roasted especially while he was still getting poked
Yep. I think some random spectators are also killed. Perfectly in line with what dragons are--they are weapons of mass destruction. There WILL be civilian casualties and friendly fire.
The Unsullied have worse luck than the Starks. It seems like every episode they were in they were getting killed by something.
he was a collaborator..