Can I Survive A NUCLEAR WINTER In Project Zomboid

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with it finally being winter I decided that a cold project zomboid challenge is in order and this time instead of your usual cryogenic winter I wanted to create a scenario where the weather itself becomes a looming threat that will kill the unprepared in minutes anyways welcome to my nuclear winter challenge where we will have to deal with the bitter cold and if that wasn't bad enough also battle with radiation toxic fog a lack of resources and anomalous storms not only that but it seems like the radiation itself has been affecting the zombies in a not so fun way evolving them to be stronger and smarter as the days go on and even if we do Kill the Zombies they will get back up once more after a day or so making proper disposal and burning critical to our survival so let's huddle up start a nice warm fire and prepare for the storms ahead without stacked the cards are we're gonna need every bit of hope we can get hello there I would love to talk and introduce you to our situation but right now I am freezing to death fast all you need to know is that it's very very bad outside and I need to move quickly we're starting with a bandana a single geiger counter and a hand torch and that is all that we're gonna have and priority number one right now is to get some layers quick so um yeah today we are joined by Coleman Brooks a normal guy doing normal things in a not so normal circumstance I'm gonna wear as many layers as possible and hopefully we're gonna be able to get enough clothing in this building here to uh to not die and I think that's all the zombies indoors so let's go wear this jacket and I can actually introduce you a little bit better to our circumstances there we go we're no longer freezing to death indoors Outdoors it's a different story but um somehow someway a nuke has dropped and uh plunged the world into a very very cold and not fun area there's toxic fog radiation and zombies that will constantly evolve and uh revive themselves as a matter of fact what I'm gonna do right now is just take a couple of preemptive measures and you know shove these random corpses inside trash and bags alike it does take a day or two for them to revive but being proactive on that doesn't hurt at all this is a pretty terrible spotting location absolutely no food in the kitchen and lastly there's a laundry room that doesn't have anything okay we don't have much at all but the one thing we do have is human spirit good old Coleman brugs here is strong athletic a hunter a fast learner and a runner which should hopefully help us out once the zombies start to run after a certain day they're not gonna run right now they're all gonna be relatively weak so I could easily bully them but after a certain point it is gonna get very bad and uh the one notable negative trait is that we have radio phobia so if I get irradiated that means I'm gonna get extremely panicked for good reason and a matter of fact let's go attach our geiger counter to our belt right now overall not that bad but it does seem like we've uh eaten up a couple of rats which is not good oh it is extremely cold out there I'm gonna need to plan this out I am barely warm enough to continue any further so I think the way we're gonna have to do this is just hopping from house to house before the cold can catch up with me so let's see if we can make it over to that Shack to try to grab a weapon oh you got it buddy that horrific wind chill is nothing on you okay we're in we got nothing inside here I don't know a lot of things but the one thing that I do know right now is that we have spawned in Riverside and I think that building right up there is gonna be the school which is not a bad Target for one we could get bags two there's books and three there might be a nurse's office with medical supplies so I think it's uh Coleman's best chance right now I don't need to be too scared of the zombies as uh you know they're slow stupid and weak at least for another seven days until they figure out how to use your leg muscles so these two no problem see no problems at all and now that we finally made it to the school I can look around and cross my fingers we get lucky I'm gonna mainly be looking out for batteries and extra layers to put on our person we are only chilly with it being a solid 23 degrees inside which is not the worst that's actually really good especially when you compare it to the outdoors with it being negative 32 degrees uh at least we're not gonna die from hypothermia and not only will we not die but it looks like we're about to thrive that's a nice little duffel bag don't mind if I do it kind of goes with our jacket as well yeah we are really rocking green today and it looks like we do have a couple weapons in the gym a nice baseball bat not bad at all what else we got here uh yeah I mean yeah of course I'm gonna take that all in one little spot really nice uh is the rest of this building cleared out looks pretty safe on my end I'm gonna worry about that later for now let's go check out these lockers and I'll let you know if I find anything nice books and a beanie and is that a spiff of flashlight oh hell yeah it's probably not as good as my handed torch but I mean you gotta rep the merchandise when you see it right and that also gives us another battery it does the same job if not better and to while I'm at it I will be taking that beanie as much as I did like the bucket hat the beanie has a lot better insulation for it so it'll be worth it in the long run we even got the nice sneakers as well and here we got an empty classroom filled with a dead corpse and a couple of bags on the floor and is that what I think it is now that that is a nice backpack and even though the duffel bag is better I think we rock the drip I mean if Coleman is gonna die we're gonna die with a nice backpack all right so the main thing for me right now is to try and find any food and or water I need it bad so far we have not found any at all just random flashlights for more batteries we got a couple pens I'll take one a zombie horde that definitely sees me now all right bring it on as I've been saying these zombies are no threat to us yet um it is only day one so expect the difficulty to get a lot worse when they start developing superhuman senses and to start running at me like crazed freaks but before that happens we're gonna be uh we're gonna be we're gonna be chilling very nicely get out of here now boom that's all of them and it looks like the storm has also subsided zombie group aside I did spot a nice police officer zombie with a night stick and a revolver with around four bullets that's actually really nice for us and I am going to take that if you can't tell from the cross here I decided to add in another little mod that makes guns a little bit more useful in order to balance out how rare I made the weapons and ammo and all it does is add in an actual physical representation for a bullet so I can manually aim and hit zombies in the head without having to rely on RNG I'm not going to Showcase it right now because shooting a gun would be ringing the dinner bell for for me for now we just gotta focus on the Looting so far though it's kind of looking like a bust foreign I spent most of the day looking around the area and what I found is kind of pitiful we founded 10 garbage bags a single battery pop and some dirty rags what I mean the loot is extremely rare I mean it uh and usually I wouldn't be this worried but our character is hungry and thirsty thankfully we can cover the thirst for today with our pop but the bad thing that I am gonna need to figure out soon is that uh most of the water in sinks and in these uh water dispensers are tainted so I'm gonna have to boil and sterilize the water myself if I want to drink anything two it's getting extremely light which means I'm gonna need to sleep and there are a lot of corpses littering this place so I'm gonna go loot the rest of the first story grab as many garbage bags as possible and shove the zombies inside said garbage bags so we can prevent them from resurrecting the more we do that the better things are gonna be and I think we could probably spend the rest of the night inside the break room yeah yeah it's nice and comfy in here and then I can figure out how to deal with my other basic needs in the morning for now I I need to start disposing these damn things they're all over the place just pick up the corpse and shove them right into these uh garbage bags we can find out a better way to dispose of them later you know this is kind of like a very impromptu bandage fix so I don't get jumped in the middle of the night while I sleep man it works so let's do it to the rest of the zombies in the area we have a bunch of bags so I'm not really worried about that and finally I can rest for a little bit and pop open the single pop I'm gonna drink half of it right now I'll drink the other half in the morning oh this rationing is gonna get really bad but despite that we have survived yet another day Welcome to Hell we've killed 39 zombies so far and I still need to secure this damn place we secured this upper half pretty well but down near the cafeteria and near those entrances I was a little bit more sloppy and instead of putting them inside garbage bags I mean they it does look very nice to see like all the zombies all wrapped up like a little Christmas gift I think it'd be better just to shove them inside lockers for now and then I can you know figure out the rest there's so many zombies though and I still need to like look after a lot of this area like this spot here the nice nurse's office which has a lot of supplies antidepressants sleeping tabs and more importantly potassium iodide which lowers my radiation matter of fact I should probably go check my radiation levels it's still sitting at a solid 8.1 so I am not worried I'm gonna mainly turn those on whenever we come across uh storms as a like because they could be irradiated really good to have medicine necessarily though which means I don't have to really worry about uh clearing out the pharmacy just yet which means all we gotta focus on are these zombies which keep on finding their way inside it is exhausting but I'm sure it'll be worth it for a secure School so what I'm thinking we do right now is just go clear out most of the zombies and then we'll find out ways to dispose of them after oh there's so many matter of fact it's the same ones I killed entering this damn school yeah that you really can't give them a lot of time to just stay or they will just come back and be another problem for you later but all that matters is that we are slowly clearing it out bit by bit step by step that is really gross ma'am there we go and there's another police officer and now I just gotta go shove their corpses and lockers do any of you have uh any way to start fires no not yet that's fine into the locker you go then and don't mind if I do grab that key off you ma'am thank you very much you can keep your night stick on you I got a a bunch of baseball bats still and all I'm doing is just filling up each and every one of these lockers it's a good thing they got too per tile which means two bodies per uh per Locker at the very least when we're done here I won't have to do it again as I did disable respawn so it does kind of uh help out that we do clear out the zombies early while they're weak and establish a safe area as that means we have a general safe Zone that won't be filled with super zombies later I really wanted to create a challenge where time and uh setup really does matter so it does feel nice knowing that our little uh little contributions now will probably save my life later after we're done here I am gonna go check out the uh the upstairs and then finally we can take a look at the library okay I think that's most of them I think there are a couple in the area that are you know lingering around but we can find them later I really don't want to waste any more time as are our basic human needs are kind of kicking our butt right now so let's see uh really hoping we get some kind of like junk food inside these desks and or soda preferably soda oh we got chips okay okay okay that is the kind of stuff I'm looking for just in time as well as our character is uh currently very hungry we also have foraging volume one and a metal working volume one at least we won't be uh out of reading material for a while I'm gonna eat those chips right now I we can't be afforded it and I'm also gonna drink the rest of our pop there we go it's the little things that count screw you ma'am where did you even come from oh it's a good thing I kept my eyes peeled now we are out of uh water so that is another thing we're gonna need to worry about caressing my fingers we get some soda and even if we don't my next uh goal is gonna be reaching the um the Giga Mart which should have some basic supplies for us oh we also have some cookies okay good thing those don't ever degrade hell yeah and all these flashlights are gonna be extremely nice this is a very battery based run so finding those super early is really really really good almost as good as finding chocolate in that previous desk that I almost forgot to mention uh any soda though I would really like some nope oh and it sounds like we're interrupting something hello that that I think that's I think that's right across oh that person is really going to town whatever they're doing in here hey wait there's nothing down here is it downstairs then hey cut that out wait I think they actually did hello where the hell are these things are they in between the bookshelves I think they are hey over here buddy get out of there I can't see you what the hell oh okay there's there's a zombie down here that is really wicking me out like I know there are corpses in here but what the hell well I guess I did shut up so that's all that that's all you can ask for and it seems like reading material in here is gonna be good I'll go sift through like the important stuff later I really don't have a lot of reading on my mind I'm mostly concerned about food and starving to death but it would be nice to you know get like a nice generator magazine no no gen Max of course one could wish anyways don't mind me as I go ahead and finish what I started by looting the Upper Floor ah it's a nice day out though uh how's our radiation looking still 8.1 beautiful I don't think we need to worry until it gets like to the thousands and is that all the zombies out here I'm gonna go check out the vehicles real quick why not and also these two zombies uh they're gonna be shoved inside this trunk because I really don't want to bring any trash cans over these baseball bats are putting in a lot of work I will say that anyways into the pits you go there we are do we have any food inside these glove boxes now that's that's something oh oh a key with a little bit of gas okay even better maybe I won't shove random zombie corpses in here I don't have much feel to it and it looks really banged up but that is a nice Boon for the future I may have to whip this baby around as a gigamart later wow this thing really sucks huh but it but it sucks in a good way I guess oh and we have ourselves a lighter okay that's awesome that that's another thing that I really needed wow we are and this one has a key as well oh what the hell oh why didn't why don't I get lucky in any other my runs uh it matches too I'm really glad I decided to check that out hell yeah and a first aid kit with a suture needle and bandage yoink those two and then we can finally finish what we started while munching on some chips delicious okay I accidentally went through a window trying to dispose of the corpses out in the front you hate to see it but it was a good thing we decided to go loot the uh loot the nurse's office it shouldn't take that long to heal because if we can disinfect it that is a little bit of a bummer though at least we didn't have gloves so nothing got scratched up you know and you know what give me that varsity jacket I want it it has a little bit more insulation and it's also in bettering condition so thank you uh your prize uh the same fat as the others right into a bag tagged and bagged boom finally I can breathe without the fear that zombies will resurrect and Hunt me down in the middle of the night and look at that we got another free granola bar oh this random assortment of junk food should keep me well fed actually not well fed alive until I can make an expedition out to somewhere that's a little bit more promising um anything in here soap sponge tailoring Clips nope another bar of chocolate a red and blue pen for a map marking capabilities and finally looting this room marks the end of us searching the school but so I think it's safe to say that this area here is now our home until further notice it's nice spacious the only thing I really need to work on is a sealing it especially if toxic fog comes around I'm gonna need a you know an air sealed place that I can set up a nice campfire for warmth to boil water other than that though oh this door's actually barricaded I'm probably gonna need to break that down because having rooftop access would be nice but I think this would be a good spot to end the episode we killed let's see how many 69 zombies surviving our first today and 11 hours we still have a lot of problems so I think what I'm gonna do next episode is try to reach the gigamart In Search of food and or pop other than that I would really like an ax a hammer basic tools and supplies like that so I can start to make my own campfires anyways if you guys have liked this episode so far be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more I'm pretty hopeful for this series and it's only gonna get harder as the days go on by the zombies are gonna get stronger they're gonna get smarter and they're gonna get a hell of a lot more scary anyways this is private line out
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 421,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid first day, project zomboid 1 day, project zomboid 1 day challenge, project zomboid broken bones, project zomboid broken leg, project zomboid impossible, project zomboid impossible challenge
Id: 4BTpJgjrrpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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