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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the workshop it is fantastic to have you here because we're going to be trying to make meteorite damascus first let's thank today's sponsor all right folks today's sponsor is squarespace online website building platform that allows you to control your online presence you can get started with a free trial at forward slash forward and you'll get 10 of your first purchase when you use code forge a checkout let's jump in it is now july of 2020 in 2017 back the second workshop that this channel has seen in the uk i attempted to forge a meteorite that a viewer gave me unfortunately it didn't go so well it has broken open and i don't know if there's gonna be any way to salvage this i am really sad the meteorite is gone to pieces and in those videos i said i would revisit the topic of working with meteorite but i never did until now these are bits of meteorite from our friend patrick adair of patrick adair designs he has a youtube channel which you should highly check out and check out down in the description below he makes rings out of all sorts of crazy cool materials and when they make meteorite rings they have a water jet machine cut them out and so they're left with these slugs that they can't do anything with but we just might based on the style of ring they made the meteorite they cut it from obviously we got a whole load of different thicknesses of stuff to work with some of it has the exterior part of the meteorite on it some have little funky corners so we need to do this in a way that we can essentially have random bits of material in our damascus and there is no better process for that i think than canister welding will you've made canister mask okay we won't distract the will let him do his thing so we'll learn to make canis damascus from steve schwarzer down in florida and in fact in the past i have done just a little bit of canister damascus in the uk a way old video and this is the key component in it it is a powdered 1080 steel this is a steel with 0.8 carbon it's the same steel we use in our regular damascus and we've got to be careful here because this stuff is literally powder it's finer than sand so it wouldn't be any fun to breathe that in or to spill it so here's the rundown on what canister damascus is gonna look like we're gonna have ourselves a box inside that box we're going to be putting our 1080 powder we will be pouring it in and holding the meteorite in suspension within it and why i feel semi-confident this is going to work compared to previous meteorite forging adventures and failures is that 1080 when it's all welded down together and it becomes solid because it will do it's going to help hold the meteorite together and give it some support so that we will have a slightly weaker part of this whole combination but the 1080 is going to hold it in one place what we need to do is we need to make ourselves the box that's going to contain this and we also need the secret missing component which is stainless steel foil that is oxidized and all credit for that trick is owed to steve schwarzer who taught will to use stainless foil more on that later [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty so this is what's gonna be our can we have our oxidized stainless foil inside it and this stops our mild steel can actually welding to our powder and meteorite and it means that we can break this off easily we used our 9-inch km pro heat-treating oven and stay tuned because we're actually becoming a paragon distributor so we're going to be selling those very exciting and have a look at this now that did not take much time at all couple hours in the rust away what's it called evapo rust a couple hours in the evapo rust is all it took holy mackerel these things look beautiful completely stripped of rust that is incredible [Music] [Music] all right so we got it all welded together it feels pretty solid the powder has consolidated into a solid thing which is mind-blowing frankly that powder can become solid without it actually becoming liquid power of forge world and something special indeed anyway you'll see as we're forging that the jacket of mild steel around it is kind of bubbling around as we go which shows the oxidized stainless foil is doing its job of keeping it separate from the powder we like that what we now want to do now that the insides are consolidated and solid we need to get rid of that jacket so what i'm going to go ahead and do is i'm going to go into the grinding room i'm going to take an hour grinder i'm going to cut the end cut into the end there just cut around the thing the aim is that hopefully simply cutting the end means that like steve schwarzer we can have it whoop drop out of the rest of the pipe so let's get into the grinding room [Music] [Music] right oh we're working it back and forth the aim is that the innards fall out this way falls out have a look at this you see it's flat on this side it looks like there's a bubble up here we then pop the bubble out to the other direction so it's definitely loose in there it's just not coming out yet this isn't as easy as i thought it was going to be we have cracked a little bit which is good good crack this is the tube that's cracked that's opened up so it's opening up it's just taking longer than i would have thought [Music] oh something happened have a look at that i'm gonna now do a reverse taper on it to make sure that it's thinner back here so it has the clearance to escape that thing is well and truly stuck in there it's not wanting to come out right isaiah behind the camera just gave me a really good idea we're gonna take an angle grinder and just zip down one of the faces or one of the diagonals so we fully make one cut down it and then we'll see if that helps open it up [Music] look at how cool that looks you can see that the two pieces are separate because the heat on the inside is so much more than the heat on the outside which means they're not conducting heat through as consistently as a single piece of metal when it's hot on the inside like that and cold on the outside we know these things are separate that meter i won't be hiding anymore oh look at that oh it's alive i mean it's open right this was isaiah's idea again how cool is that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're still working on just exposing those raw innards we peeled off a whole lot of the outside there were some bits that didn't peel off so i went to the grinding room we've been grinding on it i felt like i ground through all of the remaining mild steel and stainless foiled jacket but what i'm now going to do is prove this pudding by putting it in the forge and now i'm going to forget it again and in forging on it again we're going to see if stuff breaks off if it does we'll be able to grind through it and then keep forging for us to make anything from our meteorite canister damascus we need to make sure it is just meteorite canister damascus and there's none of that mild steel on there otherwise when we fold it and manipulate it we're not going to be having a good time [Music] [Music] do [Applause] [Music] do [Music] all righty folks we've done some grinding and that right there is a billet of meteorite damascus in all its glory is that not utterly spectacular hot diggity look at that grain in there that is incredible it's like a space cow pattern an incredibly it's space cow yes and incredibly the meteorite looks like it's staying together pretty well so it being supported yeah by the 1080s and you can see the areas there's the little crusty layer around the outside where it's gaining the carbon from the 1080 powder as well that's some crazy meteorite layering right there wowzer wowza indeed i'm a fan [Applause] [Music] all these years are from first failing at forging a meteorite here we are with meteorite damascus the meteorite encapsulated by that 1080 was able to stay together we're going to make this pattern a little bit more complex by forging on it stacking it and twisting it and we're going to send a piece to patrick adair of patrick adair designs who sent us the meteorite for him to make some rings out of himself please go check out his youtube channel but we're still going to have some of this meteorite damascus left and we would love to hear from you about what project you think we should feature it in and we want to hear from you on our squarespace website by building a page and building a form so here we go we're going to build a new page squarespace is sponsoring this video and the awesome thing about it is it's a completely all-in-one platform there's no plugins patches updates ever and it's super intuitive to use i'm gonna go heading one one of my favorite things about squarespace is actually the form building features i'm building this form because i want you guys to be able to let us know what you want us to make you can very easily add form fields such as names website links emails phone numbers time on this form in particular i'm not trying to gather email addresses i just want to hear your feedback so i'm going to get rid of the email the awesome thing about this however is the storage of the form you can have it save to a google sheets just like that we hit save we adjust this in our navigation we open up the website and just like that we were able to build a brand new page on the website with a custom form that is going to automatically populate into a google sheet have a look at that it's submitted with squarespace you've got 24 7 365 day customer support which means you ever run into an issue they're going to be able to help you it's flexible for any kind of website and it is so powerful and they're constantly increasing the capability of the platform so please go get started today at forward slash forward you're going to get a free trial and then if you like it you'll get 10 off your first purchase with them using code forge at checkout if you have built the squarespace website please drop us a link to it down below in the comments i'd love to see the things you guys make and the next time squarespace sponsors a video i'd love to be able to showcase your beautiful websites to all of our viewers thank you all so much for watching thank you squarespace for sponsoring this thank you guys for showing us the website links down below thank you to patrick adair for the meteorite damascus check out his youtube channel the link is also down below see you bye-bye soon wait
Channel: Alec Steele
Views: 827,888
Rating: 4.9317794 out of 5
Keywords: alec steele, alex steele, steel, alec, damascus, blacksmith, make, forge, anvil, mill, lathe, weld, tig, mig, engineering, blacksmithing, blade, bladesmithing, knife, knifemaking, sword, handmade, diy, craft, woodworking, forged in fire, axe, fabrication, art
Id: -JSZ8KdN9p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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