Can I Make A Recipe That’s Been Translated 20 Times? • Tasty

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spray sugar with a towel i guess put the rest in here you feel good about that [Laughter] i don't know how i feel about it hey guys it's katie and today is going to be really really fun i have jasmine coming down to the studio and she thinks she's going to be making like just a super fun dessert recipe what she doesn't know is that i've taken the recipe i've put it through google translate i went from english to chinese to gaelic to romanian to greek and all the way back to english and we have got a hilariously translated recipe so i'm excited to see what jasmine does and it's going to be crazy jasmine this is what we're going to be making today okay strawberry king king let me know if you have any questions i've never heard this before well that's because jasmine this recipe has actually been put through google translate a bunch of times can you tell me what it is i can tell i'll tell you it's a dessert okay so it's sweet strawberry king king okay let's do this i guess it's gonna be great step one the oven temperature is 350 degrees fahrenheit telling me that it is but it's not yet so i guess i will go preheat the oven okay bake braided the oven's preheating let's go to the next step grease and form a round pie 9 inches and a rectangular pie 10 by 15 inches of skin what does that mean i have to try to figure it out yeah grease and form a round pie of skin of skin oh parchment paper maybe yeah i'm impressed scissors this is my least favorite part about making strawberry king cakes i learned this from kelly our culinary producer so i'm just going to line this up with the center and i'm gonna okay it's not perfect but i think it'll work i'll just grease more more grease more better i'm gonna grease this too so insect six eggs a sack i assume would be a bowl i hope that's correct six eggs one two three four five six one cup of sugar and two teaspoons of vanilla extract okay it doesn't even say to mix it just leave it until it's colorless and tender but i assume i have to mix it so i will whisk it until colorless and tender oh colorless and tender is light and fluffy i understand now well now i'm using the electric mixer and i'm gonna whisk it until it's light and fluffy this should take like three minutes ish this is like my least favorite part about baking using this because it's just so heavy i didn't sign up to exercise okay i think that's good let's move on to the next step separate one cup of flour two teaspoons of baking powder one teaspoon of salt i think separate means sift based on other baking recipes that i've done so let's go with that flour okay nice beautiful two teaspoons of baking powder one teaspoon of salt pour skip the step of mixing it so i assume we still have to mix it all right i'll do that first [Applause] next step pour the dough into one and a half cup of round cake is that saying pour a cup and a half of the batter into the round cake pan the next step is place all the dough in the other baking pan so it must mean that one okay i'll do a cup and a half in the round pan and the rest in the baking sheet i'm going with my heart yeah making sure it's even it doesn't say that but i assume i assume that this is needed i'm gonna put that to the side and then i'm gonna i guess put the rest in here you feel good about that i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i don't know how i feel about it anymore it's a pretty batter thank you the next step is bake for 10 to 12 minutes until the teeth are clean i think we're gonna bake it and then we'll test it with a fork and if it comes clean off the fork teeth it's ready i'm not getting any i'm not into confirmation but i feel like you're you should go with your heart your your heart seems strong okay are you able to kind of piece together what you're making right now well right now it kind of seems like we're gonna like bake it and i'll roll it or something because it makes me think that it's so thin and so if i'm making a like some sort of log cake i could roll it but like this really confuses me bake for 10 to 12 minutes until the teeth are clean let's go i'm just gonna put on the lower rack i always do that okay i guess i'll go on both i'll do 10 minutes now and i'll just check on it later i will just wait here until the teeth are clean all right let's open this up it's the 10 minute mark right now teeth are clean let's go back to the kitchen okay we have our cakes they look fine i'm not even sure if this is what it's supposed to look like so the next step is to spray sugar with a towel i'm thinking about synonyms for spray dust with sugar spray sugar with a towel so i guess i'm gonna put sugar on the towel i don't know if that's right but you know what life is about learning from your failures so we're gonna do that let's use the whole towel i'm so confused this feels very wrong this feels like i'm purposely making a mess my mom's gonna come in and yell at me i'm assuming this will just help it not stick then again i don't know what i'm doing i was spreading it but then katie furrowed her eyebrows so i changed my mind the air is sweet now have you done anything like this before no okay so next is turn the dough into a curved crust on a towel and lift the towel to wrap the cake into a stick so it must be this one if it's if it's rolling it into a log okay i'm going to remove the skin turn the dough into a curved crust on a towel i guess we're just gonna roll it i have no idea what i'm making i've never seen this technique but i i think i have a beautifully curved crust now so let's move on to the next step which is freeze the cake for 15 minutes okay i'm gonna put this here and uh freeze it for 15 minutes we have our cake out of the freezer the next step is remove the log and spread a three-quarter glass jar in a bowl on top of the cake you know what this feels like this feels like when you're on your phone and you do autofill and it's just words and then none of it makes sense that's how it feels there's one glass jar so it must be this in a bowl on top of the cake i have a bowl and i'm gonna put three quarter cups of strawberry preserves you know maybe there are some words that you don't need you know like maybe there are words in there that are just words so maybe i don't need this bowl the next step says to roll the cake so that means i can presume that i'm unrolling it now oh okay so three quarter cups on top of this and then roll it back up i haven't had to use my brain this much the entire panorama pandemic spread on top of cake roll the cake cover it with a plastic bag and let it freeze 10 minutes cover it with plastic wrap freeze for 10 minutes 10 hours now i need my plastic bag wrap it completely i assume i think that's good okay freeze 10 minutes brb again that was more straightforward than the earlier instructions so i'm happy i have my cake out from the freezer and the next step is to assemble a plastic cover for a bowl so in my head i'm just thinking i need to prepare some saran wrap to put on the bowl so that's what i'll do i feel like i'm doing something pretty useless right now it's probably wrong now cut the jelly ankle into inch inch slices in a bowl to cover bottom cut jelly ankle cut jelly ankle jelly ankle this looks kind of like a leg though not an ankle okay so maybe it's this let me okay inch inch slices in a bowl oh oh okay okay so the the plastic cover for the bowl i think actually we're gonna push it in and line the bowl i'm gonna go with the double layer just to be safe so i think i'm gonna need to take this cake and slice it into inch thick slices and then line the bowl what i think i don't think i've ever made anything like this so the process is very new for me put it in the center oh that's cute okay next step do the filling add one tablespoon of gelatin with a quarter cup of cold water bake for five minutes we wouldn't bake the my my heat heat dissolve dissolve the gelatin in the water i think it'll just i'm gonna let it bloom for five minutes i'm calling the shots gelatin i need a quarter cup of water tablespoon of gelatin i'm gonna read the next step make 16 ounces of cottage cheese one cup of powdered sugar one tablespoon vanilla extract fell into crater whisk until fluffy and fluffy let me just absorb that for a second 16 ounces of cottage cheese i feel like this is a dessert that should have cream cheese not cottage cheese there's cream cheese on the table bowl i'm grabbing the bowl because the directions said fell into crater and this is the only thing that resembles a crater so i think that it would be to put everything in a bowl so i'll need two of these now uh one cup of powdered sugar and then one tablespoon vanilla extract whisk until fluffy and fluffy i'm assuming light and fluffy awesome okay next step gently mix two heavy cans and whisk until tops are noticeable heavy cans heavy whipping cream cans evaporated milk condensed milk okay i think i'm gonna gently mix two cups of heavy whipping cream and whisk until their tops are noticeable and whisk until peaks form i'm gonna go with that two cups should i mix it while i pour it ah nah can't be bothered can't follow all the rules while you cook it's no fun that way this is a lot of filling you know i think that's good i don't even really know if i've needed peaks for frosting add gelatin and stir to mix let's get our gelatin i think maybe bake was heat and so maybe it was microwave for five minutes that's really long i feel like it would explode and make a mess okay they're laughing at me so definitely not i think i'm just gonna heat it until it dissolves again and becomes liquid and then i'll mix it in there okay brb so i have my gelatin it's in liquid form now so i'm just going to dump that in this kind of feels like i'm making a no-bake cheesecake all right next one follow the strawberry in i would say that means follow with strawberry in here or in there if the recipe is not referencing this i i assume that it would mean this one here are some strawberries diced slice no direction you know what i'm just gonna dice it and throw it in there i don't know how much how many strawberries to put in but i'm gonna do it until it's filled with strawberries because i feel like desserts don't give enough strawberries in the desserts fill the top of the cake with the cheesecake filling then place the round loaf on top so now i just learned what that round loaf is for okay so that's the bottom of the cake i think it means to throw the sliced strawberries in the filling though i don't want to do that can i reject that you can do whatever you would like hell yeah okay i brought this back i'm going to put a layer of the cheesecake filling found out it's cheesecake filling so i'm going to do like one layer of cheesecake filling and then i'm going to line it with strawberries and then do another layer of frosting and then another layer of strawberries i think that'll be good i think right now i got a whiff of cake filling and strawberries together so it tells me what it could possibly taste like i think i'm improving the recipe this is now strawberry kinking that's good let's go in with the second layer of cheesecake filling all right okay more strawberries we're getting there we're getting there i'm gonna go in with the rest of the cheesecake filling i almost feel like you were too good at this jasmine maybe i should have made these harder did i do it right i don't know i'm not telling you yes but you've been doing a nice job is that why you're so quiet yes that's why i don't want to give you any more help i feel like when i put the round cake on top the open spaces like right here are not going to look very nice and katie has high standards so i am going to cut a few more slices i think here is good i think it looks great i think i did great i'm excited about eating it this cake is beautiful i'm gonna do it this side so now we keep it in the refrigerator for an hour i'm packing it in right now they're laughing again i never know what that means let's just put this in the fridge for an hour we'll get to the next step when we get to it so the dessert is in the fridge and we have a few more steps cook in a small saucepan and add three slash cup sugar to two slash cup water yeah i'll do a third cup of sugar to half a cup of water i think we're making caramel i think the next step beat together the corn and two tablespoons of cold water and then beat in boiling sugar syrup corn oh corn starch how much how much how much it doesn't say well if i put too much it'll be too thick and if i don't put enough it can be too runny i'll put two tablespoons um you know what let's start with less half tablespoon to a teaspoon and a half so 1.5 i needed two oh times four one point five times four to sixty six six teaspoons is two tablespoons are you panicking right now can you hear my voice i feel like you're nervous again i'm all it's very nerve-wracking this seems like a pretty good color actually i put two full tablespoons wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i did the math completely wrong i just did a one-to-one ratio that's how i feel right now i can't do the math i give up let's just do one beat together the corn and two tablespoons of cold water it's a lot of pressure you're doing great i'm proud of you okay now i prepare the food and remove it from the heat and leave it for a while that's so casual just chill for all i know this is a whole separate dish the cake is never referenced again in the recipe so strawberry king king is missing quite a lot okay i got the cake back even though the recipe dropped the cake completely i didn't even do anything with put the glass in a pot i just have no idea the last step is to serve place a plate on a plate and slide carefully remove the bowl and the remaining air thighs okay so i think i'm just gonna unwrap this place the plate on the bowl on top of the bowl place the plate on top of the bowl and turn not slide okay suspense it is essential okay oh baby okay we got it and the remaining air thighs the remaining plastic wrap okay and just like it never referenced the cake again it it also doesn't reference the the syrup again so then i will i don't know anymore so i'm just gonna pour this on top i'm sorry if it's wrong i'm sorry if i messed up your favorite dessert that's not cute okay this is good now it's glazed it's so shiny yeah i'm not sure if it's supposed to look like this but i did the best that i can and right now that's all i can say are you done uh i think i need to serve it plate plate and slide strawberry king king there you go ah okay can i like oh wow okay do you want to know what this actual dessert is called yes what a strawberry king king sorry hanging is strawberry charlotte royale i think strawberry king king actually sounds better this is a lot better look at these holes look at the difference well this is really beautiful um i did my best and from what i can see it's not incredibly far off so i i think i did a pretty good job i think you did so good thanks katie i can't believe how well you did i was actually like it's not hard enough for mine i think all the elements are there it's the right shape although obviously we got some exposed filling the original one is a lot more precise in technique it just looks a little more refined than mine they look similar but let's see how they taste you ready for this oh i'm scared i think it looks pretty good wow actually it looks the same yeah i'm gonna try mine first and then i'll try the original afterwards cheers [Music] it's good tastes like a strawberry shortcake which i love so now i'll try the original one this tastes like it's from a store strawberry king king give it a try and let us know in the comments below if you want us to do this again bye oh yes [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 1,414,520
Rating: 4.9573264 out of 5
Keywords: Tasty, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, dessert, dessert recipe, dinner, dinner recipes, easy breakfast recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, foreign recipe, fun recipes, google translate, healthy breakfast recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, languages, lunch, lunch recipes, quarantine, quarantine recipes, social distancing, strawberry, strawberry dessert, tasty recipes
Id: pLJo7jWJQj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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