Can I Get The Most EXPENSIVE 5th Tier Towers in ONE GAME? (Bloons TD Battles 2)

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today we'll be using the most expensive tier 5 upgrades in all of battles 2. first comes the Super Monkey and of course we have the true sun god costing a whopping 400 000 and we also have the legend of the night costing a whopping 240 thousand dollars and then comes the spike Factory in the spike Factory actually has the third most expensive upgrade in all of battles 2 being the super Minds costing a whopping 110 000 as for having Sentai Churchill as our hero and the Monkey Village these two are simply here to help us out oh and we're also going to be trying to pull this off in an actual ranked match making it much more difficult for us so can we actually go for all these upgrades let's find out and it looks like our opponent is gonna be starting off with science Gwen as his hero and also Druid whereas we instead we got Sentai Churchill holy crap we have been using Sentai Churchill so much recently here in the channel but he just absolutely carries us throughout these early to mid game rounds and that's exactly what we need in regards to the strategy that we're using because our strategy really is not good at all uh during the early to mid game rounds this is 100 a late game oriented strategy hence why we have the most expensive tier 5 upgrades within it and we already explained all of that in the intro but of course we're gonna be trying to go for a true Sun God not sure though if I'm gonna have Max sacrifice and not gonna lie we're also gonna be going for the legend of the night and then finally the super mines on the spike Factory and we could go for even more but I just want to get up the three most expensive tier 5 upgrades and that's going to be extremely extremely hard for us considering as well we are in a ranked match by the way round five is in fact here let's get to send the young man grouped greens and he did get his leaks in to get that increase of attack speed on both of those Druids there I'm just kind of surprised to see that he's using Druid without open but whatever I guess I mean he's making it work currently and we've got to get back to setting space black Kiko here oh he was ready to send the space black so we have to use our turbo damage laser bomb and then we're going to go for a Super Monkey here so let's go for that let's set that bad boy to strong so it pops off the black layer on all the black balloons because Sentai Churchill cannot pop blacks and I think we're gonna be good here it just sucks that we don't really have money to Eco with now and we just had so much money because we literally just had sent out on the map and that was quite literally it so it is what it is though I I knew this would be a struggle during these rounds and again we also do have the village within our strategy which the village is only here to help us out we're actually not going to be focusing really on going for any upgrades I mean I I would like to have a Homeland defense and stone because again our late game potential with the strategy is absolutely through the roof so why not throw going for a Homeland depends on top of all of it you know so that's pretty much why we have the village as our strategy which by the way what do I want to do here do I want to upgrade this Super Monkey or do I want to go for a spike Factory we actually have quite a bit of decisions I I guess we could go for a spike Factory more towards the back of the map thoughts about that oh I don't know if this is the play all right um I went for a long life Spike here that was on accident but I guess we're just gonna rock with it at this point okay we're we're in too freaking deep ladies and gentlemen so round 12 is here I wanted to go for a 302 spike ball Spike Factory with the bottom cross path because then the spike balls themselves stay on the map for a longer period of time but uh that again was just an accident and oh my God it's already eaten through the pile are you kidding me okay wait go for this too all right I guess we just can't equal here first I can which is fine we're we're chilling do we go for robo monkey I saw a lot of people said that I should try to use in the robo monkey during the mid game rounds instead of The Dark Knight the only reason why I really use the Dark Knight is because the Dark Knight is simply cheaper but dude we're not giving our Spike pile any time to pile up a ton of spikes which is of course not good but I mean oh camel rainbows what are we fine there are you kidding me look look at this white Factory go I mean we never crossed path for this to have camera detection but he just sold are you kidding me oh my God this guy's going for the kill bro I'm trying to go Lake him my friend come on I mean I probably should be equally right I bet he just rushed us he's so vulnerable oh no no no no no no no no no okay we'll take the win then we'll we'll take the win man but the gold next game is to go Lake game all right so we're in the next game and honestly we probably could win right here right now but that is not the goal right and by the way I also probably should go for the robo monkey here because tons and tons of people like I was talking about in the last game were telling me to use the Robot Monkey during the mid game round so I'll listen to y'all go for that it does not have any camera detection though so we could probably just go for a radar scanner Village so yeah we'll eventually do that okay and because this guy has the life Advantage then he's less likely to rush us and that will ultimately give us more time to go for all the most expensive tier V upgrades and honestly thin ice is the perfect map too for this video since it's a late game oriented map it happens to be a part of ranked and Sentai Church show is absolutely fantastic on this map as well oh he's using Dart ninja sniper by the way a strategy that happened to be pretty good but can it defend all the way up until round 40 I'm not exactly sure because we do want to go for these upgrades but at the same time we we might just have to rush him so to have enough money to go for these upgrades and then on top of that even more to rush him doesn't sound too realistic but we'll see what we can do when we get there we can probably transition into pinkiko oh is it since it's a fortified mob we're fine here we have Robo monkey right Robo monkey should shred that oh yeah oh absolutely straight there let's freaking go and I think what I'm gonna do is go for a bottom path Village somewhere in here okay I guess just right next uh to the supermarket right here again it does need the ability to hit camo balloons so you know what that means then we can actually probably cross path this with the top path which is the superior cross path because normally I would cross path with a bottom path so I have camera detection but again we can just go over the radar scanner upgrade uh but I guess for now I mean he still has yet to even send us a camo based rush so we're gonna try to finesse for a little bit longer and in hopes that we can go for this monkey town a little bit quicker and I'm gonna continue on equal with pinks until we go for both the monkey town and the monkey City upgrades and we're not even gonna waste our time with trying to send him a rush because that would be a waste of money in regards to this okay our Eco game is already pretty bad but that's because this strategy is very very hard to use I mean we literally have to go for a seven thousand dollar upgrade during the mid game rounds I probably could have gotten away with going for the Dark Knight but since you guys asked for in the comments the last time I used Super Monkey mid game again that's why I ended up using that but he never even ended up sending us a rush outside that fortifying lap so again we probably just did not need it but after one more income boost here we should be able to go for the monkey City good good good and then I'm gonna start ecoin with grouped zebras here as well and then once we're around 4 000 ishiko we're gonna have to start equal with constant purples okay so we could probably start equaling purples now I hope he doesn't die here right because it looks kind of bad but oh no he's chilling he's chilling he's chilling okay good good good let's also finally go for the radar scanner upgrade oh wait zebras okay at first somehow they were getting through but wait wait we have to also cross cut this with a top half use my Turbo damage laser bomb actually because of the Fortified leads I can't believe they're pushing that far that is actually crazy but we're good now does a robo monkey defend against ddts on round 26 I have no clue no clue whatsoever we could always use our level 10 ability on Sentai Churchill so I I might just do that just recently hit 5K Eco which honestly is still not enough guys we need more we need a lot more I'm gonna see if we can set in stone maybe this monkeyopolis I don't know it's a bit risky because we still don't have any viable DDT defenses we could always just go for attack Terror though but there we go for that that can make us a little bit of extra money this is not necessary but again it makes money so why not but what Eco amount do we stop at if we want to go for all these upgrades is truly the question of all time I am honestly not too sure and I really hope he doesn't rush to us because like in no way share performer are we ready to handle even just an unfortified bad here on round 30. so let's hope and pray that he does not do that although he did stop being okay maybe he's focusing on sniper Farms though so that that could be the case for round 30 is in fact here I'm gonna go for a Super Monkey right here this could be our future legend of the night oh no oh no oh no um guys that that is that is really really bad um I'm gonna have to go for a dark Champ here oh no I did not want him to rush me here I did not want him to rush me I'm gonna have to dark shift you up here and then we're gonna probably have to sell this yeah sell you go for maybe a call to Arms here and then Tower boost I don't know what else we can do then we have to go for attack Terror more towards the back of the map for cleanup purposes we could use our level 10 ability so I use that even though it affected the mob class balloons within the AI what the heck we could probably dark shift you again to down here more so let's do that let's micro U let's go for this Call to Arms we'll probably have to sell this oh my God this makes it so much harder bro it makes it so much harder I don't want to Tower boost again but I might have to is it called The Carter arms are already done jeez caught our arms out again go for this okay we're good here because we're going to attack Terror we can take care of the insides we should be good come on come on come on come on come on just pop that down pop it down bro I'm not using tower boost I'm waiting for the ddts okay Tower boosted pause down the BFE layers come on pop it down to bfbs oh my God I knew I would need one more Tech Terror oh okay and he's gonna be rushing us with a bad immediately I have to stop eating oh my goodness man okay I don't even have enough money to do anything here I'm gonna use my level 10 ability though that should do a decent amount of damage to it hopefully and I'm gonna have to go ultimately for a dark champ so sell you after one more income boost actually just sell you two okay then I gotta go for a call to Arms here clueless obstacle dark shift you just a little bit forward so it can hit this bad constantly Call to Arms Tower boost okay we gotta watch out for the ddts underneath I need a tech Tara in the back of the map ready because I think actually because it's unfortified we should be good bfbs wait what whoa wait oh my God we need one more I can boost oh my God bro I had to sell that Pop That oh my God okay I've got to go for a double one of these we're good we're good here okay we're good we are chilling we are not even close not even close at all definitely not running out of money here dark champ oh my goodness man I I I I can't catch a break with this challenge it is so hard to pull on I mean if you couldn't already tell we're currently in BFB Coliseum by the way that's how much I've been losing well it's not really losing it's just that I need a decent map right uh for Sentai Churchill and just for the strategy to overall work and so if I don't get the right map I just straight up surrender and just leave so that was most of my losses but we definitely took a few other L's but I'm thinking maybe we just Eco we don't have a bottom path Village at this point like it's even worth it for us to go back for it have no idea I think what we'll do is probably stop ecoin here at around 9000 Eco and then just try to save up all the money we can get again I don't know exactly like what's the most optimal number that we should stop at but it's currently around 35 so obviously he's got a rush us before round 40 once a freaking again and our current setup I mean he doesn't have that much money though I know he doesn't oh yikes um I don't think I defend against this there's really no way I defend against this unless I go for the legend of the night which by I definitely won't have enough money for that right 22 that I could sell this for 22 000. oh guys it's gonna be close it's actually probably not going to be close I can only sell that for a k yeah I'm I'm most likely dead here let's use a call to Arms just to make sure that we don't die are we good oh my God I wasn't sure if we were good or not yeah we can't we can't afford it we can't afford legend of the night we're just dead oh my God guys this challenge is so hard please tell me you defend bro oh my God this guy is literally like nearly dying to AI I mean the AI is definitely a lot more intense but holy crap we've had the most Eco that we've gotten thus far with attempting to go for all these tier five upgrades we're gonna stop echoing at a perfect 10 000 Eco then and I'm already starting to prepare this time around my super mines okay just to show our opponents that we will in fact be ready although just as super mines is not enough for a fortified bed right now so let's just hope the parade doesn't Rush us but we got the super mines on the map secured and we also hit 10 000 Eco so we still need to go for two more expensive very expensive tier fives I think what I'll do though is set in stone um the legend of the night if I can see I don't even know if this is possible okay we're just attempting to see if we can even pull this off uh but let's go for the dark champion because yeah we still need two hundred and forty thousand dollars to go for the legend of the night and on top of that we got to go for a sun Temple which that upgrade alone is 100k and then another 400 000 to go for the true Sun God so yeah this we're gonna be cutting it close here by the way our opponent would quite literally die to just one set of ddts right now probably even unfortified but that is not the goal their goal is to go over these upgrades all right we're gonna sell this uh robomonkey here because we no longer need that set in stone our next most expensive tier 5 upgrade or the second most actually in all battles to the good old legend of the night um it's already around 37 guys we need to generate over 500 000 uh in order to go for the true Sun God so I don't know if we're gonna be able to pull it off but what if we do this okay so we could sell this for eighty seven thousand dollars Legend at night for 217 000 that will give us around what three hundred thousand dollars so that would mean we would only need two hundred thousand dollars on hand to go for the true Sun Gods so I might have to sell these two towers to pull out the true Sun God but we won't have every single tier five upgrade then all on the map all that once but we still technically went for everything right as long as our opponent doesn't die look at this look at this Oh my he just had to First Strike that like three or four times yeah it's round 39 obviously there's just no way we can also go for a truce on God on top of these uh I would have to have it outside the range of both of them too because I wouldn't want to sacrifice them so this true Sun God is not gonna have any sacrificing what so freaking ever uh but again we could sell these all right should we just do it right now should we just set it in stone I think so guys but we could also wait we could send him an unfortified bad so that we still get the win thoughts I think yeah I think that's the play on fortified bad okay we can sell these probably like now but I I want the super mines to be on the screen in case he counters with ddts that's the only reason why so the super mine balls are still on the screen but I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting wait hopefully I did not map this wrong right okay oh wait he's he's gonna pop it go for it true Sun God got the truth on god let's freaking go baby let's freaking go is he dead of the ddts no he's not oh my god dude wait oh wait no he did die see I I figured I figured that he would die but we pulled up every single most expensive or the top three most expensive upgrades in all abouts two in one game but not the same time it's just so incredibly difficult but let me know if that counts down in the comment section below and if you haven't already make sure to check out this video where they added a new monkey Prestige yes battles 2 will be coming out with this in the next update and if you don't know anything about it then you definitely don't want to miss this video
Channel: Boltrix
Views: 42,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: btd battles 2, bloons td battles 2, btd battles, bloons td battles, bloons tower defense battles 2, ninja kiwi, bloons td 6 update, bloons update, ninja kiwi update, bloons td battles 2 update, btd battles 2 update, gaming, bloons td 6, bloons, update, battles 2, bloons td, btd, btd 6, battles, btdb2, new bloons game, best tower, btd battles 2 best strategy, best strategy, btd battles 2 out, boltrix, every 5th tier tower btdb2
Id: 4gUBaVbTvmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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