Can I even fix this? Rebuilding a Viewer's Destroyed PC

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oh that's not gonna buff out oh no that survived imagine unboxing your brand new gaming PC and seeing this now imagine that you are Swedish redditor supersnova and you didn't imagine it that's right he ordered a new system from Shark gaming a Danish custom PC Builder who shipped it via post Nord to his local post office when he picked it up he noticed some damage to the outer box so he snapped a couple of pictures but he couldn't possibly have imagined the shocking state of the PC inside now at this point it would be easy to blame the carrier and there were plenty of negative anecdotes about post-nord in the comments but that's true of every Courier and postal service out there so we wanted to dig deeper and find out who is to blame for this awful State of Affairs and what can we do to make it right with a little bit of help from our sponsor MSI get the ultimate gaming experience with the RTX 47 any gaming X Trio we're talking try Frozen 3 thermal design Torx fan 5.0 copper base plate core pipe airflow control metal backplate and double ball bearing technology this thing's locked and loaded and ready to launch on a one-way mission to the planet gamelon 5. check out the RTX 4070 gaming X Trio down below no no it's fine come on I can't make things any worse [Laughter] to keep it dry Super's Nova oh re-boxed it up for us to try and get it here in one piece this time oh we've got a little hello LTT and Jake I hope this leaning tower of PC brings you much joy and content all my best slash you slash supersnova it will this appears to be a piece of the original case packing foam that explains a lot couriers provide guidance for how thick the packing material should be depending on the weight of the object inside and this was clearly designed for an empty case not for a fully built out system with a modern GPU in it they used the cheap stiff kind of foam that is good for one and exactly one impact any further impacts and it's completely destroyed fun fact that's exactly why you should replace your bike helmet after an accident even if there's no visible damage I mean realistically what more could I do to it at this point with that said all of these replacement parts are coming out of pocket for me so the more things I can salvage from this the better oh my goodness oh oh that's hard to look at according to supersnova this is exactly how he received it he didn't even take the plastic off it which is good because if he had it might have fallen apart even more now working at NCIX I have seen some stuff I've seen coolers torn off their sockets and gpus ripped out of pcie slots this system though is unlike anything I've ever seen it looks like it was driven over I was all ready to go to the defense of the Courier here and say you know what shark gaming didn't pack this case adequately and they may not have but this should not happen under any circumstances oh wow the radiator's not even attached to the front anymore the tempered glass side panel survived shout out tempered glass to shark Gaming's credit while I don't approve of the lack of outer box on the system this is probably how I would pack the inside of a PC to keep the GPU safe in transit other strategies include the acrylic braces that Puget Cuts or supports that are built into the case like you'll see with the tier ones but this is not an invalid solution to its credit too think this GPU may have oh slot is chewed up oh look at the power pins here not good maybe the motherboard survived oh it didn't why did I volunteer to fix this without even looking at the pictures you know what you might actually be right those pins are still in place I'm willing to bet that the RAM and the SSD are both fine and this radiator might be why are these pins bent what was banging around inside this case at least they used a water cooler if this had a big heatsink on it let me tell you I've seen what happens when those come loose and bang around inside I feel like the rigidity of the motherboard is what kept this piece from getting bent to shark Gaming's credit they did a pretty okay job of the cable management never seen one of their systems before so this is quite the first impression show me how bad you are okay all right scale of one to ten how happy is this motherboard gonna be not that bent this this side's oh okay the other side no not so much while the CPU might be okay I'm not really sure about this SSD anymore something whacked it hard and might have even knocked some components off that's the thing right seeing crazy stuff happened where the outer carton looks totally fine and then you open it up and it's like how did anything hit that okay you ever watch slow-mo guys just because something looks like that to the naked eye doesn't mean that this plastic didn't go look right some hit that somehow oh that's that system fan though no I have a fix for this oh I mean these are kind of optional anyway what are my Vegas odds that this thing posts okay I will bet you one dollar that it works walked into that one I'm trying the motherboard first a 12 year old AMD engineering sample with a heatsink as bent as that motherboard let's go we're going very basic here uh oh actually yeah we should definitely have a fire extinguisher handy for when I try the power supply I've made it very clear I expect my death to be monetized if we catch it on camera ah okay so that um is a thing that is happening right now oh yeah fire extinguisher good like for real this thing could be on fire very shortly yeah yeah yeah you got a long lens right okay we ready no indicator lights uh yeah eight pin the four pin they're plugged in I don't think anything's gonna happen here guys holy crap you have got to be kidding me holy crap the CPU has power I need something hold on I just I just need to see if it posts yeah holy [ __ ] not only did the motherboard survive that mangled pcie slot survived are you kidding me right now let's check the SSD check this out before we do that though we need a way to cool the CPU so why not see if the original cooler survived I mean the fan didn't oh I mean it might spin most of these screws are salvatable that's the goal I want to reuse as many of the components as we can I'm gonna bet this cooler is still good what are my odds no no you're the you're the Vegas odds man yeah you're the odds guy to one yeah they're cooler they're cooler I wouldn't expect man I wish I'd bet someone on that motherboard okay well there's a big difference between still working and possible to attach to anything CPU fan one ah pump fan here we go unreal CPU Ram motherboard I don't know about this cooler though holy crap 32 gigs Ram let's get that SSD pretty sure you lost a capacitor or two off the SSD I think you're right even though there are blank pads on the other side this one here and this one here looked like something was ripped off them oh now I'm almost afraid to plug this in in case we end up ruining a perfectly good motherboard I am so stoked that this works freaking amazing and that is one dead SSD hey we're still doing pretty well that's fine we've got a new SSD right oh right [Music] I don't want to be killing this motherboard now in the meantime we've got a nice little upgrade for you A two terabyte rocket nvme4 this is not only faster than the drive you had but it's double the capacity man this is the most fun I've had troubleshooting something in quite a while you never know what's gonna happen anything is possible right now this motherboard worked next you're going to tell me the GPU works interesting unbelievable I'm gonna go get the GPU or should we do the power supply first you guys want to see some fireworks I've never heard of this power supply brand before but they've got a great slogan yours did Buddy oh wait this is fsp I know fsp I've just never seen that slogan from them before go ahead work at an angle here the kind of force required to do this to this power supply like this isn't human you couldn't drop kick this kind of damage into it anyone got any jaws of life handy okay sorry I probably should be wearing gloves here next best thing 10 Snips let's go that's kind of like gloves yeah yeah all right well I meant for draw some life not gloves oh do we have a hammer we do [Music] okay yeah [Music] hey look at that can't get this eight pin out of the cable management hole she sealed up tight [Music] this is why they call me the PC saw bones hey I just realized how much I'm smiling that may not be as bad as it sounds I think it's just plastic from the fan because if you look the PCB for this power supply is all along the bottom which is still Square now it's possible that just from the sheer vibration of whatever this went through there were Parts shaken free from the PCB and that could be what we're hearing for the term eccentric I think the plastic came from here oh yeah look I knocked another piece off thanks so nice that you guys care about still having somewhere to work on Monday can you claim EI if like your boss dies like yeah I work for a YouTuber and he did look at this this screw got driven right through the shroud of the power supply I'm about to do something I would never recommend for the first time yes for the everything else I did safe all right it's nice isn't this nice oh it's not so nice however this supports my theory that the things clanking around inside the power supply were just plastic things even this heat sink here I thought it was bent but I just didn't look closely and it's one of those offset ones that's bent like that I don't think the actual working components of this power supply took any bruises this is unbelievable I think I might have been better off I'm fine you know what it might be loosened enough that I can give her with this guy now oh yeah yeah it's a Bend and stuff here yeah we do now I can hear what you guys are thinking really Linus you're gonna stick him with this power supply of course not I'm gonna upgrade it first now it has an RGB fan for good measure I'm just going to give them a little bit of electrical tape that's on there oh this uses Alpha cool stupid RGB connector you're getting upgraded to a clear plastic fan Moment of Truth she spins that was a fairly small Moment of Truth the moment of big truth is still coming still lines up no don't look too closely at that but all four screws are in the unit is self-contained and the fan spins well it's capable of spinning there's nothing jammed in it I don't know that it will spin we still have that fire extinguisher hey yep if this works you have to buy the new windbreaker from okay I deserve it so now you don't have to buy the windbreaker you get to wait is it turn on all right it didn't make noise that makes sense oh yeah yeah dpu I'm shaking I'm like so excited right now oh that doesn't mean anything yet not getting too excited yet but the RGB did illuminate oh no the screen did something oh no no no way quiet are you kidding me are you kidding me all we lost was the SSD the SSD how did the GPU survive and not the flipping SSD how did anything working emerge from this now we gotta figure out what to do the whole stick for this video was going to be hey we replaced your computer but it's fine do we use the original glass panel absolutely this is a brand new H5 flow from NZXT but other than that the goal is to use as many of the original components as we possibly can I mean this has got fingerprints on it that sucks this tells a story after visually inspecting the motherboard and giving it a little Bend back I see no reason whatsoever why we couldn't still use this what a mind-blowing experience you know what I'm not going to commit to using this cooler until I see if the radiator mounts we're going to need new fans though do we have replacement fans something really nice oh no way we can salvage fans put them onto theirs souvenir I don't think these are particularly pressure optimized fans though well no they're not great yeah I'd really rather use something better wait hold on a second this uses different fans than that one that may be a problem I'm gonna see if we can use the squareness and rigidity of the fan to force the radiator back into a proper shape I have my doubts thank you now okay um yeah where'd that hammer go the problem is not what an evil man like me is doing is that you're all standing here and doing nothing about it um because you need that like you need to deform it past in order to get it into position I tried I tried like pressing on it and stuff it's also I can't hit it harder I can't push hard enough on it with all my weight it's not it's just not enough the water tubes are made out of copper which is a very malleable metal and then the tanks are made of brass which is a little less malleable that's good because it means that we can whack the brass tanks and they shouldn't deform too much and then the copper should deform and we should be able to reshape it I think I mean I'm obviously making all this up as I go what here's what we're gonna do to replace the fan I accidentally broke I'm going to pull this one out of here oh how the devil does this come out came out so easily from the other case ah gorgeous replacement fan then we'll replace this with something a little better limited edition LTT knock to a fan it won't match but boy will there'll ever be a story there this is still quite not flat most of these are going in okay but we've definitely got a problem in the bottom right down here oh oh actually oh I've got it okay give it the old put the thing in the thing if you get it don't forget it has a ratchet would you ever know that that wasn't perfect from the factory now that I have covered it up yes yes my bigger concern here is that these aren't particularly static pressure optimized fans but it's a 5800x we're not going to be limited by how much heat we can move away from the radiator and to maintain the Integrity of the build I wanted to use as many original components as possible other than that fan uh-huh oh it's not that bad I mean these are uh these are a cutting yourself Hazard at the best of times and because of the Shroud in the bottom of the case you would never know that the power supply looks like this is what I would say if I didn't consider it hazardous to ship this back to him so instead supersnova is getting a little power supply upgrade with an Asus Rog strix 850 watt it's modular it's more efficient and it's white matches the case oh I see the problem I'm not a huge fan of the way these pcie cables come over here but honestly I don't have a better solution right now and the more important thing is that it works we only had to replace two parts three counting that fan that I broke SSD power supply which we didn't even need to replace and one fan which means that given Super's Nova was expecting some upgraded components I guess it'll just be a cash reward I'm not taking off the outer peel just the inner one now obviously after what this thing's been through it's not enough for us to run do maternal for a couple minutes and say oh yeah I don't know I guess that seems fine we're going to be putting this through a full stress test running it for at least a couple of days in the environmental chamber to make sure that it's good to go but I see no reason right now why it wouldn't be people's segue to our sponsor I can't think of anything better so just leave yeah just just use it grounds news ground news is a platform that consolidates news sources from all around the world into one easy place but they're more than just another news Hub the latest stories can often be polluted with the biases of the writers and organizations behind them and ground news shows the personal leanings of each outlet and even lets you check to see who owns those Publications for example in a recent interview the CEO of Google expressed their concerns with the future of AI ground news breaks down how different sites are 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at shark gaming especially could probably stand to do that
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 3,123,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LTT, Gaming PC, PC Repair, Computer Repair, HammerTime, SharkGaming, PostNord, u/superznova, Broken Computer, Shipping Damage, Damaged PC, Physical Damage
Id: MoGKwig8dwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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